The demon confused the meaning. The demon has confused me - this is

When people come to see me with complaints about this or that symptom, I enter their inner world, which is not visible to the human eye, but is perceptible at the level of feelings and ecral vision, and I see a picture of the true causes of these symptoms. A person often complains about his illness (and it doesn’t matter in what area of ​​life this illness is, be it physical or the inability to pay off loans) and says approximately the following words:

I feel here (points to the chest area) it’s bad, I feel so bad, but I can’t say how bad it is.

Human feels it is “bad,” but he cannot express what it is. At the same time, doctors may not detect “this” either. A person could take dozens of treatments from various traditional specialists, and pay tens of thousands, but still continue to live in pain. And those close to him cannot understand why he feels “bad.” After all, there are no obvious signs of this being “bad.” But I, as someone who sees spiritual structures that are in the mystery of the human worldview, understand well what this “bad” is. According to the Bible, everything secret becomes clear. Therefore, the spiritual world of the person himself, which is secret, under certain circumstances reveals itself clearly.

1. The demon got me wrong

What did folk wisdom mean when it said about a man that he was confused by a Demon?

In Christianity, demons and demons are attributed the qualities of human passions, such as greed, gluttony, flattery, voluptuousness, deception and others. In the esoteric understanding, demons are multidimensional entities that exist outside the perception of our ordinary world and have their own consciousness.

Falling into one of the states described above, a person tunes in frequency with the corresponding “demon” and captivates him into his cocoon.

Moreover, the capture usually occurs unconsciously.

The vibrations that catch the essence are usually low-frequency.

The way to deliver such a person from the demon that has beguiled him is “diversity” - separation of the frequencies of their consciousnesses. Effective are procedures for increasing the frequency of human consciousness through conscious prayer to God and repentance. In this case, spatial decoupling of consciousnesses and liberation of the essence occurs.


Energy structures can often be identified in a person’s aura.

Elementaries are the subtle bodies of deceased people that were associated with a person during life. Usually after death there is a gradual destruction of the subtle bodies of a person - etheric and astral, only the mental remains, which ends up in Limbo. The Elementaries experience incomplete destruction of their astral bodies, which does not allow them to go to Limbo, but allows them to remain in our World. For some reason, the deceased do not want to leave their loved ones, and a person is a clue for the elementaire on the physical plane.

One can trace a double influence on a person from the elementer. On the one hand, to maintain its existence, energy is required, which is taken from a person, and accordingly it becomes less. On the other hand, as a being of a subtle plane, the elementer protects a person from various dangers and situations that are not visible in the three-dimensional world. While hanging on a loved one, the elementer does not go into Limbo and cannot incarnate again. It turns out a powerful spiritual connection between an incarnate person and a disembodied one. This connection is dangerous especially for an embodied person. He loses his psychic powers, carrying another essence within himself, and many people are proud of this, but if they knew that this is expressed in many of their troubles in the material world. I recently saw a program on TV where one young woman boasted in front of the TV screen that her deceased mother had become her guardian angel, she guides and helps her in difficult situations to solve her problems. And everything would be so wonderful if not for one small detail in this full cup of happiness - this young woman cannot find a life partner. And every man who appears in her life, under unknown circumstances, before appearing in the life of this young woman, immediately disappears. What is this? The elementer wants to own his property and has unlimited power over his property. Therefore, this Elementer will do everything to ensure that his “home” is free. And it is her disembodied mother who does everything to ward off suitors from her daughter. Elementaries usually sit on the channel of the first and second chakras and block them. How could this be dangerous for living people? The first and second chakras are responsible for life and structure in this world - this also includes the life of the physical body, the structure of a person in this world. If the elementer sits on the chakras, a person may look for a job and not find it, he may want to pay off debts, but there will be no opportunity. May want to have a partner to live with and not find one. Therefore, think for yourself, is it worth it for you to have an elementer in your auric field, and rejoice in what the people call a guardian angel? And at the same time lose other benefits of life. Every person has a Guardian Angel from God. This Angel was never human. In the Bible they are called messengers of God; they carry the will of the Creator to the human lifestream.

3. Thought forms

They are the most common form of entities.

The statement that thought is material today no longer surprises anyone.

And indeed, if a person constantly thinks about something, while still colorfully drawing a picture in his imagination, he creates an energy structure surrounded by a shell. This is a kind of simple organism that can live independently and has a basic instinct of self-preservation. To survive, he needs food, and food for him is energy. The most productive source of energy is man. And the feeding mechanism is as follows: having thought this thought, we put energy there (remember - where consciousness goes, there comes energy), and the “larva” is fed and becomes even more material. Often a well-read thought form can touch the consciousness of other people, and thus it already receives energy from multiple sources and continues to intensify.

Someone else's thought form can be perceived as an intrusive thought or inner voice, which can lead some people to see a psychiatrist. An untrained person cannot distinguish where this or that idea came from - from his own consciousness or the external world.

An example of this from practice.

An elderly man, 82 years old. In the past, he worked as a hospital attendant for 40 years. He suffers from the usual diseases for his age: Diabetes, High Blood Pressure. He is receiving medication and feels well physically.

Over the past 5 years, he has practically not left the house, explaining that he is afraid of falling and then he will probably break an arm or leg and be “bedridden.” When asked where he got such thoughts, he says that he worked for many years in the orthopedic department, he saw enough and heard a lot of stories there. Since then, he has always had a fear of breaking something. And in recent years, when he spends most of his time alone, this thought never leaves him.

When attuned to his Etheric Body, an energy density the size of a football is felt. And suddenly the thought flashes: “Isn’t the floor in his house slippery?”

Can you imagine what kind of “larva” he has fattened with his energy over the years?!

One more example. Woman, 40 years old. All day long she lives with one thought, which rings like a bell alarm in her inner world: “Where can I get the money?” She wakes up with this thought and falls asleep with it. This thought has lived in her for more than 20 years.

In her youth, she worked in a store, and slowly took money from the cash register, hoping that somehow she would come to her senses, and that the director of this store was richer than her, and therefore she deserved the stolen money from the cash register. She was caught red-handed and forced to take out a bank loan to pay off her debt to the store. And since then she has constantly lived with this larva: “Where can I get the money?” To close a loan, she opens a new one, then she cannot pay because she cannot find work, she takes out the next one, and for 20 years she has been living with the fact that she closes one “hole” by opening another.

Thought forms, interacting with which people can achieve sexual experiences. Incubi are “male” thought forms that interact with ladies, and seductress Succubi, who visit and feed on the energy of sexually anxious men.

Separately, it is worth noting the energy structures of Prayer-proclamations (for example, Psalm 90), which are read with all confidence and consciousness of their work. Spells built into the cocoon, which are also Thought Forms. Spells can only be cast by individuals who have the ability to expand consciousness and influence the world around them.

Spells can be both protective, enhancing, and destroying human energy.

4.Ether beings

5. “Elementals” - creatures with their own consciousness and intelligence, usually living in other worlds of the Elements (Fire, Water, Air, Earth) and who came to our world through unconscious “captivity” of them by people at the time of strong emotional outbursts. As described above, strong emotions create energetic vibrations in the form of funnels that suck in entities that resonate with these vibrations. Thus, the entity, against its will, finds itself imprisoned in a human cocoon and cannot get out on its own.

The second way elementals penetrate our world is through the ritual actions of people who have the ability to expand consciousness and consciously evoke these entities.

6. Brownies.

Despite the fact that Brownies are not entities that live directly inside the human cocoon, we will briefly highlight this phenomenon in the light of the Esoteric picture of the world. Brownies are a kind of materialization of the collective energy field of a family or clan, a superhuman structure, an Egregor. The Brownie egregor is usually created over many generations and is tied to an old house. Sometimes they appear in new buildings, but only if there was an old house in this place. When a new member appears in the family, the Brownie’s energy field tests the person’s energy and, if a resonance occurs, “accepts” him. If the newcomer is not suitable for some energy parameters, Domovoy begins to “drive” him away. This means that a person, due to some of his qualities, does not fit into a given egregor of the clan, and he throws it out.

7.Larva - astral formations, forces of the lowest plane.

Larvae are caused by constantly recurring emotions and desires, to which a person attaches special significance. Having arisen, it will demand food for itself, and they feed on the energy from which they are woven, the desires with which it grew.

is thrown into the blood and the person finds any excuse to get angry. Lyarva feeds on this, the person feels better, he thinks that he did the right thing.

The larva of melancholy is under the heart, the larva of duty is on the shoulders (this is why humanity “invented” shoulder straps - because it is mental, the sense of self-preservation is turned off, the person goes into the embrasure). The larva of sensitivity is at the lower outpost, and is transmitted, for example, through watching sex films, telling indecent jokes - these things must be treated more critically.

Lyarva is also transmitted when descending on the same emotion. Reproduces by budding. If you are provoked into a scandal, if you have already been drawn into it, you need to “play” into the scandal, assessing your acting skills from the outside: “Here I said something well... But here I didn’t shout something enough.” For someone who started a scandal, a situation will arise where there seems to be a scandal, but there is no result.

8. Demon.

Possession is the introduction of a demon or unclean spirit into a person’s field or soul. It is necessary to have the karmic right to expulsion. When possessed, it is impossible to admonish a person, there is no sanity, you cannot feel sorry, the demon can strike. The main sign of obsession is the contradiction of words, emotions and actions.

Demons manifest themselves at different levels - above the head, from the lower world, etc. Demons are creatures of the lower parallel world. The Bible says demons are fallen angels. Angels were the builders of the Universe, and some of them were caught in the fall and fell into the lower world, the connection with God and the good was lost, and, consequently, the image was lost. Thus, “ugliness” was born (i.e. “without an image”), in contrast to man, created in the image of God. By introducing sinful thoughts, a person creates a breeding ground for the demon, the demon excites these thoughts, and the unspiritual person accepts them as his own and becomes a conductor of this evil will.

If a person has some bad thought, he must say: “I take this thought captive into the obedience of Christ” or “in the name of Jesus Christ, get out of my consciousness.” The demon, as it were, tests a person's strength. An obsessed person does not notice bad thoughts, because... the astral is occupied, his body is rebuilt as a demon, it becomes his kitchen, the soul is, as it were, cut off and forgotten, there is no light in it. And if there is no light in the soul, then the movement of dark forces in the darkness is not noticeable. If the soul is clogged, it does not feel the difference between itself and the matter of the demon; they enter into competition with each other, trying to survive each other. The demons have no power from God; they feed, causing a scandal. For a normal person, every thrown bad thought causes confusion in the soul, the soul “cries”, it cannot allow such a thought.

A woman is by nature the bearer of life, but if she allows the devil into herself, she will nurture him.

Demons fight in the ring; one has a “monkey” style, the other has a “snake” style. As a result of such a battle, the souls of people who give them their life force suffer, so that the demons play their games.

If the spiritual and prayer fields are normal, no demon will approach, but if the fields are depressed and are in low vibrations, this is the place of the demon and he occupies it.

Diseases during obsession - weakness, depression, metabolic disorders, loss of spinal mobility.

9. Fields of magic.

There are Forces without form, manifesting themselves as some kind of force field that has captured a person - this is how the development of black magic in the family is manifested. It covers a person like a blanket that has no thickness.

Where do unclean spirits come from?

There are many explanations for this question. Many answers are found in the Bible. I will devote an entire article to this someday.


Thought is the most powerful and fundamental force, although it is located in the recesses of our world, it may be obvious. The thought goes back to the planes of causes. A thought is a word, and it forms a spiritual event. Wisdom of Jesus: “And for your words make a weight and a measure, and for your words a door and a bar.” Proverbs of Solomon: “Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruit.”

Desire, passions - they connect us with other people by bonds of love and hate.

Actions have little effect on Karma, because they are only the external expression of desires and thoughts.

In order to live today, we must abandon the idea of ​​death as a way of rebirth. “And it was given to them to be born again” does not necessarily mean “to die.” If you think that I will live a long time - 250 years - the process of rejuvenation will begin in physics.

Theft. Only after many incarnations did a person learn not to do this. Each of us has stolen at some point. Now we have moved away from this, we can only remember, regret and refuse: “That’s it, that’s enough.”

Good and evil. The more good a person does, the more evil there is in the world. Everything is in balance. There is only one way to do a good deed without adding more evil - to do it secretly, " so that your left hand does not know what your right hand is doing", evil does not seem to know about it. Good must be silent. “So that your alms may be kept in secret. And your Father, who sees in secret, will reward you openly” (Gospel).

The means that the church uses to combat possession:

  1. Faith in the Living God and worship only Him (may you have other gods)
  2. Seeking His Face and a Life-Changing Encounter with Him.
  3. The recognition of one's human helplessness, and the recognition of the Omnipotence of God that God is strong, will bring every demon to his knees.
  4. Studying God's Word
  5. Knowing the names of Lord
  6. Humility before God (the demon wants to fight!);
  7. Sobriety;
  8. Being in a community of like-minded people (one for all, and all for one)
  9. Prayer is permission for Jesus and His army of Angels to come into this situation. This is what I'm talking about here
  10. Sign of the Cross;
  11. Smoking incense.


Goch: “Every person has all the forces of the Universe, their manifestation is carried out by the internal movement of the soul.”

“I know for sure, I can” - this is strength.

It is necessary to assume the best in any situation - to believe in the best ending, and to mentally play out in yourself as often as possible. Remember that God is a living God and always overcomes any level of demons. We must always remember that demons and demons are fallen ministering spirits, and God is stronger than all of them combined. When you call on the names of God and know each of them, you will be able to be on a different wavelength with the demons, and they will not be able to get you. The power of Psalm 90 says just that. Under the wings of the Almighty I rest. Why am I at rest? Psalm 90 provides the answer. Because I chose the Lord as my refuge. I will tread on the asp and the basilisk, and nothing will harm me.

The light of God rises from behind, like a force and like a spotlight, it will illuminate what is bothering us. What is now, if we assume the best, is already in the future, this moment is “only a moment between the past and the future.” If we suspect the worst, darkness appears behind us, and ahead we will see only struggle. In the spiritual world, fighting is prohibited. Everything around us will irritate us - both the person we are talking to and everything in ourselves (“I can’t, I won’t succeed”). Man is the place where all the forces of the Universe can manifest themselves, from being hidden to becoming apparent.

A person who believes in the Living God has the Holy Spirit, who is the Comforter, the Guide to all wisdom, the Advocate, and the Guide in the world of the Spirit. The Holy Spirit covers us with his wings when we allow him to, and then Psalm 91 becomes flesh in our lives. “For God Himself commands the Angels to carry us on His wings, and God gives length of days, because we have known His names.”

If we feel uncomfortable, first of all we ask a question to Our Mentor, the Holy Spirit: “why?”, and then tune in to the answer. We need to hear how the power of the soul colors our interactions; Do we strain our voice, are we tormented, treated with suspicion, pain, a desire to run away and hide from the pressure. You need to admit to the Holy Spirit that there is a presence of fear or feelings of guilt, and in this dialogue you can cry, scream, releasing the steam of pain from yourself, you cannot keep the pain inside, otherwise it will tear your soul, and it will hurt more later. If we do not feel anything, it means that the soul is already loaded with something, the soul becomes blind and deaf, and it is not the person who speaks to us, but the force that stands behind him (or behind us).

Each person has a bright individuality, which must be protected in all circumstances. “There has never been a person like me, I will create something that doesn’t exist.” You don’t have to live for someone else, you can’t bury your talent. There is a certain mystery: we came into the world to show our individuality, to reveal ourselves creatively.

Attitude towards various kinds of groups preaching the “march to God”?

God is in Heaven, according to the Father's prayer.

What does it mean?

The Earth is a small planet in the vast Universe of the Milky Way. Besides this Universe, there are many other universes. We, people, do not even suspect what the greatness of God's Power actually is, which keeps everything in order; it holds the planets together like glue. We clearly see the planet Earth and everything that is on it, but all this once originated in the secret thoughts of God. Have you ever thought that the rose that we clearly see was created by someone once upon a time? And from the secret and dark place of the earth and soil, this flower rises to bloom and show its beauty to the world?

The power of God (grace), with which we open, passes through our seventh chakra, and is grounded, passing through the first, on Earth, as we see in a tree in the form of roots. And the same power that creates new worlds, and makes each the planet moving only in its orbit is the Force that makes your organs do their job. People called this Invisible force God; the Bible says that our God is the God of order. So why is there so much disorder and ugliness, supposedly lawlessness, on our planet? Because a person decided that he could live his own independent life according to his arrogance and pride, and do whatever he wanted. Since man is created in the image and likeness of God, he is endowed with creative power, which everyone directs to what he thinks about. Energy follows thought. If you observe your thoughts, you will find that in your head there is a factory of good or evil. Thoughts, like restless monkeys, cannot concentrate. And that nonsense in the head creates chaos in the life of its creator. A person invests his life energy in creating various realities that he encounters as a creator and creator, lives them, and thus learns to separate good and evil. A person learns good and evil, because through such swings he learns wisdom. The more swings in his life, the more life becomes unmanageable and disordered. And this is exactly why we need Someone who will take our life and put it in order. The Jews, when they were 400 years in slavery in Egypt, which is a prototype of the tormentor, sought the face of their Savior, and thereby attracted into the space of the Earth the SUPERPERSONALITY, which came into the man whom we all know as Jesus of Nazareth. He brought teaching that helps people bring their lives into harmony with God's grace. Jesus became the Avatar. His mission was to show people what they were really capable of. He showed them that even death is not their enemy. He himself demonstrated this. He died, and immediately gave the body the strength to come back together and come to life. Now Jesus is in another dimension, in the fourth. He has many assistants here in the three-dimensional dimension. Those who cry to Jesus must understand that He alone cannot immediately be near millions of suffering ones. And He does not have arms and legs, money, to come into the physical world and open your eyes so that you see the spiritual war, to bring money to solve certain financial problems. God is one, but human consciousness is not enough to understand what God is; for the human psyche it is beyond the realm of possibility. Therefore, God encourages certain people (as in the Bible, the first disciples of Jesus gathered in their homes and prayed for each other) to create such groups. Each “messenger” of God creates such a group in accordance with his personal spiritual experience of communication with Jesus Christ. We must not forget that every disciple in Christ grows in trust in God, the Holy Spirit, and teaches this to those who follow him. If you feel that you yourself are not able to cope with the tormentor, don’t even doubt it, find a “home” group that suits you, your intelligence, your level, and be there as long as you have something to learn there. And there will be something to learn there. Because the leader of this group is learning from Jesus Christ himself, which means he is growing spiritually, and this means that he has something to pass on to his disciples. If you came to such a group and did not find a match with your inner worldview, search until you find it. Seek the face of God, and God, who will reward you openly in secret, He Himself will bring you into communication with like-minded people who correspond specifically to you. It is extremely difficult for one person to win battle after battle; in a community you get the power of everyone. And it turns out that one for all, and all for one. The power of many is concentrated into a single powerful ray of Heaven, and breaks through any traffic jam that demons could have built for more than one generation in your family.

There are communities that mislead you into thinking that as soon as you repent, heaven and happiness will immediately come. This is an illusion, we came to Earth to study at the School of Life. All the heroes from the Bible, like archetypes, are shown to us in order to calmly endure hardships and suffering, understanding, using the example of Abraham and Solomon, Isaac and Job, Moses and other people, how this or that scenario will end. For example, a person goes through a typical Job path in his life. What happened to Job? At the end of all the trials, he did not betray God, and in the end received all the attributes of success that people dream of. Even if we take such a hero as Noah, we can learn that even today we can build a “Noah’s Ark”, which is an image of something completely new in our lives, be it in business or in relationships, and firmly trusting in mercy and the grace to know that when the time comes, God will bring each “creature in pairs” and fill this ark (business, family, relationships).

When we studied in a regular school, we studied different subjects, and we were not always comfortable with learning, memorizing, and comprehending new things. Therefore, while on Earth, you will constantly study at the School of the Spirit. And this is the responsibility for personal evolution and knowledge of every name of God from my life experience. “The righteous will fall seven times and rise seven times.”

There will be life's storms and thunderstorms along your path, and as you go through each of them, you will discover and understand from your own experience that God is Living and every time you will recognize His names. One day it will be revealed to you that he is your savior, then it will be revealed that he is your world, then there will be situations in which you will personally encounter and know that he is your Provider, Shepherd, Healer, Psychologist, etc.

The earth is sick. Just think about how many fears you send into the astral world, how much doubt, jealousy, profit. But this is not going anywhere. All these are energies that are deposited on the Earth, in the astral and mental, karmic field of the Earth. In addition to personal karma, each of us has our own debts to the karma of our family and to the karma of the city in which we live. Before the karma of the country in which he lives. There is a lot of spiritual work. Therefore, you will be able to rest only when you are given a temporary vacation, this is the time between incarnations.

It is important to take responsibility for personal vertical evolution. And I already talked about this.

Many people, due to their misunderstanding, gossip about various kinds of churches of a new format that have emerged. We are accustomed to the fact that the church is a place where there are icons, and where a person runs in the event of some inexplicable phenomena happening to him. Everything in this world is changing, just as today it is no longer a secret for us to have a conversation between people on different continents via mobile communications, so the connection with God is becoming clearer and clearer without confusion and all sorts of misunderstandings. Therefore, churches of a new format are a challenge to our new perception of God and our spiritual essence. These are churches where like-minded people gather and glorify God in the form they understand, or rather, in the way the first disciples of Jesus Christ gathered. Norway, a country that has reached incredible prosperity, began its march with churches of this new format beginning to appear in all clubs. People who believed in the power of grace began to build a new society built on caring for each other, which is the basis of Christian life. For us Slavs, these are churches of a new format, but for the other world - not. Therefore, do not judge strictly what has not yet been revealed to you. The Bible says that we should explore new things and hold on to good things. What's wrong with people coming together to solve their problems? What's wrong with these people being freed from alcohol, drugs and other forms of various phobias?

People, again due to ignorance, judge that these churches take money from their parishioners.

How can the pastor of such a church live?

Have you ever thought about the fact that he remains a man, and he still lives on Earth, where gold and silver are responsible for everything. And this is the same profession as, for example, a driver or a baker.

There is such a profession as a counselor, a healer. And this means that such a person is a conductor of God’s grace into the lives of those who need freedom. When such a person spends time with a patient, he experiences no fewer energy problems than the person with whom he works.

The unclean spirit affects both the patient and the healer. The doctor sometimes receives a blow that he has to deal with. In the Bible, such people are called intercessors, and according to the Bible, God places such people very highly. This is the same job as other people's work, and for any work people receive a salary. It is natural to receive payment for your work. The Bible says that he who labors in the word is worthy of his food. Therefore, do not judge people who are working to cleanse the karma of people and the karma of the country. There are karmas of money, this is when people in the family did not correctly use the power of money, when they made a god and an idol out of money, and now this idol destroys souls. Therefore, do not rush to judge and criticize what has not yet been revealed to you. Help those who today stand at the head of the liberation of people and the country from all pressure and enslavement. With your kind words and gratitude, and with your money as well. Our project, which we are doing, and in which we invest all our time, also needs your support, including financial. And we do not hesitate to ask for help, because God says: ask and it will be given to you! Only together can we accomplish much for the benefit of the entire Earth, our country and our human race.

Those people who still think that they will achieve much in themselves are deeply mistaken. Selfishness is the same sin as greed and fear, which is driven by demons, usually transmitted along the hereditary line.

And prayer in this case is just as important as in others, be it phobias, alcoholism, fornication. It is demons and demons that push a person to arrogance and pride; the ego will always lead to selfishness.

There is powerful spiritual support in communities, and you learn, most importantly, the word of God. If you come to a community where they do not give the Word of God, but only talk about energy (for example, Reiki), then you have come to the wrong place. Because, having been pumped up with energy, but without establishing peace with God, the Holy Spirit, without knowing the names of God, you will one day discover a fall. The more a person is pumped with energy, the brighter he shines in the spiritual world, which means that he becomes a powerful energy lamp, to which all the inhabitants of the spiritual world, including demons, come, as if to a watering hole. And you can learn spiritual warfare only by discerning what is God’s will for your life. If you do not discover God's will in the Bible for yourself, you will always be questioning some area of ​​your life.

If it is God's will that I get married? - such a person will think. -Or maybe it’s not His will that I get married.

Is it God's will to have children, or is it not His will? If it is God’s will that I go to work or not, many people ask thousands and millions of such questions in the spiritual world. The questions they ask in secret become apparent as doubts and frustrations. GOD KEEPS THE STRONG SPIRIT IN PERFECT PEACE.

In such contradictions, the soul becomes burdened and loses contact with God's Spirit. I will talk a lot more about this.

I realize that today the world, at least the Western part of it, is ruled by the philosophy of individualism, which puts the rights and needs of man above all else. There is no doubt that God cares endlessly about the individual, but what is even more important to Him is the unity of people who become a big family, where the elders in God take care of the younger ones, and the younger ones take care of the elders, thus comes respect and importance for each individual person.

God's design is that His influence is most felt in a community where people treat each other as God treats them. And people, not only through vertical, but also through horizontal connections, can feel and accept God’s grace. It is in the community where it is possible to clearly demonstrate love for God and for others as for oneself, thereby demonstrating the commandments left by Jesus of Nazareth.

We have lost the concept that the church is the place where God's power should be most visible and God's love should be felt most powerfully. Having become a nation of “individuals with their own problems,” we have missed the opportunity to become a people-community. And many today individual people sit in their separate apartments and alone fight, fight and fight for a place in the sun. This struggle exhausts and dries up the soul, depriving it of the true power of grace, living water.

See you again! Galina Mikhailova

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confuse a few times and cum. I didn't unwind anything, I just tangled it up.

| - whom, confuse, connect;

| confuse, entangle;

| * seduce, seduce, seduce with temptations. Confuse the horses and let them graze. Everyone was caught up in this matter. The demon misled me! guilty, sinned. Confused by sins, unkind people. God will confuse (or: punish) the wrongdoer. The threads are tangled, the net is tangled, tangled. To confuse a person, the devil manages.

Dahl. Dahl's Dictionary. 2012

See also interpretations, synonyms, meanings of the word and what is CONFUSE in Russian in dictionaries, encyclopedias and reference books:

  • CONFUSE in the Dictionary of Thieves' Slang:
    - detain, expose...
  • CONFUSE in the Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    (-ay, -yeah, 1 and 2 liters are not used.), -yeah; Sov., whom (what), usually with undef. (simple). With the words "sin", "damn", ...
  • CONFUSE in the Complete Accented Paradigm according to Zaliznyak:
    pop, pop, pop, pop, pop, pop, pop, pop, pop, pop, pop, pop, pop, pop, pop, pop, pop thay, pop up, pop up, pop up, pop up, pop up, pop up, pop up, pop up, ...
  • CONFUSE in Abramov's Dictionary of Synonyms:
    cm. …
  • CONFUSE in the New Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language by Efremova:
    owls trans. decomposition 1) Confuse. 2) transfer To seduce, to incline to something. bad. 3) For some time, perform an action called ...
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    pop`utat, -ay, ...
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    confuse, I...
  • CONFUSE in the Spelling Dictionary:
    pop`utat, -ay, ...
  • CONFUSE in Ozhegov’s Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    With the words “sin”, “devil”, “enemy”, “evil”, “unclean” and the like: to seduce, seduce (about a reprehensible, unsuccessful or incomprehensible action or deed) Damn you...
  • CONFUSE in Ushakov’s Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    I'll confuse, you'll confuse, owl, someone (colloquial). 1. Tangle, wrap, tie. 2. transfer Seduce, lead into something. trouble, get involved in an unpleasant matter. ...
  • CONFUSE in Ephraim's Explanatory Dictionary:
    confuse owls trans. decomposition 1) Confuse. 2) transfer To seduce, to incline to something. bad. 3) For some time, perform an action...

→ → → The demon got me wrong in the Phraseological Dictionary of the Russian Literary Language

The demon has confused me - this is

The demon got me wrong

whom. Razg. Someone was tempted, inclined towards something bad, reprehensible. [Vakula:] Have mercy, sir! Hey, I won’t go forward, the demon has confused me (Krylov. Podshchipa). The working day ended, the taxi headed to the park. It was then that the demon got confused: he turned to the airport terminal to pick up a fellow traveler. At first there was no thought of taking extra money from the passenger: but the demon was nearby again, he was whispering (N. Tolstova. The demon was confused). No, Arseny was definitely confused by the demon. And this Zinochka surrendered to him. And in general, if he knew that everything would turn out like this, he would have walked around this Zinochka-Zinulya three kilometers away (V. Mussalitin. Help me get up).

Phraseological dictionary of the Russian literary language. - M.: Astrel, AST.

A. I. Fedorov.

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Maria Gorodova’s book “The Cradle of Fire” is structured as Maria’s correspondence with the readers of the Rossiyskaya Gazeta. We bring to your attention one of the chapters of the book.

"Hello Maria! I'm in trouble. My three-year-old beautiful daughter Polechka was beaten by my wife, her mother, Marina. There is no doubt that Marina did this. When I returned from a business trip that evening (only five days!), I immediately felt that something was wrong in the house. I wanted to give Polechka a bath before going to bed, but Marinka started telling me in my teeth: I don’t need to today, otherwise the nanny got the flu, God forbid, Polechka will catch a cold after bathing. But, firstly, I was sure that nothing would happen: it’s warm here, the floors in the bathroom and nursery are heated, Polechka adores splashing since birth, and, secondly, I was hooked that Marinka really insists on her own. And kind of tense. I’m seventeen years older than her; if she’s trying to lie, I can tell right away.

I began to undress Polechka and - dear mother! - she has two abrasions with bruises on her left arm and on her shoulder, and on her chest, closer to the collarbone, there is such a bruise! Polechka’s body is tanned, it’s not even been a month since we arrived from Thailand, and this bruise on her chest, even through the tan, shines like a poured plum. I'm going to Marinka. At first she tried to deny it, began babbling something about the stairs: “There was no nanny, Polya got naughty, ran and hurt herself!” But such things don’t happen to me, you can’t take me for a fool! And she broke down: she began to lie at her feet, sob, beg, ask for forgiveness, say that she herself did not understand how it happened and what came over her. “The demon got me wrong.”

You know, Maria, I would understand and maybe even forgive - although there is no forgiveness for such a person! - if she really hadn’t noticed: she was chattering on the phone, or hung up on the Internet, and the child fell. Children are children, although if you are a mother and sit at home, do not work, and all the conditions have been created for you, you must not take your eyes off the child! But I’m not an animal, if chance hadn’t kept track, I would have understood! No! She hit the child herself, her own child! She says she doesn’t know what came over her: the nanny was gone for two days, the whole house was on her, Polya was capricious, didn’t want to eat, and drove her crazy: she doesn’t remember how she hit her - with the same plate of mashed potatoes! Repeatedly!

And now you, Maria, explain to me how it can be that behind the appearance of an angel there is a devil hidden? Both of them, Marinka and her mother, to whom I sent Marinka that same evening, roar with one voice, call the phone, at least change the number, beg to forgive everything, say that this will not happen again. How can I believe this? I didn’t spare anything for Marinka, everything for her – a housekeeper, a nanny, and Phuket and Egypt! After Polechka’s birth, he bought her all the jewelry, even if he opened his own store, he already replaced her second Audi... By the way, just with Marinka’s car, at the very beginning, an incident happened, which proves that everything is not a coincidence. Although I didn’t attach any serious importance to it at the time. And it turns out that this was the first call!

When Marinka and I met, she was studying at the Institute of Television, in economics: she was already in her 3rd year, but she always drove a Daewoo Matiz, so I changed her Matizka to an Audi - let the girl understand who is in front of her. She had already been driving an Audi for three months, and then just before the New Year it happened. I arrived home early that evening, and she was getting ready to go shopping - shopping for the New Year. I’m waiting for her, waiting, it’s already getting dark, the snowstorm has started, but she’s still not there. I dialed it, everything seemed fine - I bought everything, stocked up, and now I’m standing in a traffic jam, at the entrance.

And suddenly, literally twenty minutes later, a call. She’s sobbing, I can’t understand anything through her sobs, I can only make out one thing: “Zaya, save me! They are killing! Here, below! It just threw me off! He grabbed whatever came to hand and down: he flew, not making out the steps, what kind of elevator there was. Then I laughed for a long time, remembering how I showed up in the yard in slippers and a sheepskin coat over my underpants: in one hand I was holding a traumatic gun - “Wasp”, with the other I was calling the boys through the pipe! Laughter, and that's all!

It turned out that Marinka had been shopping all day, was stuck in a traffic jam in the evening, drove up to the house, hurried to me, and there we had one goat who was always blocking the passage with his car. In general, Marinka honked at him, but this idiot paid zero attention, chattering away on his cell phone.

Well, my Marinka is a hot-tempered, temperamental girl, she didn’t wait for this horse to finish: she came out of the car beautifully, took a baseball bat from the trunk, and smashed him right into the front of his car. He says that at first the man had this expression... Jim Carrey is resting! Well, then, when this moose’s eyes returned to their orbits, he, of course, twisted Marishka - and what, you don’t need much intelligence: the girl is twenty, she’s thin, like a ballerina.

In general, I replaced his lobeshnik, we drank peace with him - the guy, as it turned out, was sitting at customs clearance, normal, in general. And then Marishka and I, when we see Jim Carrey on the box, we start laughing - we remember our neighbor. And Marishka is standing before my eyes right now! In ankle boots with stiletto heels - and the snow was almost knee-deep! - the wind is blowing across the little girl’s skirt, her little hole is open, there is no scarf or hat on her head, and there are tears in her huge blue eyes - well, not a girl, a “scarlet flower”! And a baseball bat at the ready!

We laughed at this story for a long time, but it turns out we should have thought about it.”


Hello, Kirill! Kirill, the phrase “the devil has confused me,” no matter how strange it may seem in our age, the age of mixing orthodox materialism with medieval magic, is not a metaphorical expression at all. Just as demonic possession is not an invention of Hollywood filmmakers, but a concrete manifestation of spiritual reality, which, unfortunately, we take too lightly.

I will say more: when you read meticulous descriptions of cases of demonic possession and possession made by priests at the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th centuries, you understand that it is naive, to say the least, to think that all these episodes are a thing of the past. The triumphant march across the planet of internal combustion engines and television did not make man any more protected from the attacks of the entity called “the enemy of the human race.” And completely dense ignorance in matters of how exactly the devil enters a person, and a destructive inattention to one’s own soul leads to the fact that possession and demonic possession are not at all as exotic as we would like them to be.

Confrontation with the enemy of the human race is one of the main themes in the works of the Holy Fathers, and the experience gained by asceticism is priceless. So, according to the Fathers of the Church, there are two types of obsession.

The first is possession in its extreme manifestation, when a demon dwells in a person as a second personality, while the personality of the possessed person remains in a depressed state - such examples are very vividly described in the Gospel, and in detail, with scientific pedantry, in the works of priests of different generations.

The second type of obsession, perhaps outwardly not so frightening and spectacular, but no less disastrous, is obsession caused by the enslavement of a person’s soul to passions. By the way, one should not assume that these passions should be somehow unusual. Not at all. As the saints note, most often one has to deal with the possession of the devil when the most ordinary person ossifies in the most banal vices - envy, malice, anger, condemnation, irritability, slander, self-interest, “in the darkness of heartfelt laziness” - that is, indifference, inability and unwillingness to sympathize and help those in need... The moment of being rooted in sin, staying in it for a long time, turning sin into a passion that scorches a person is very important here.

But in both the first and second cases of possession, the soul of the possessed is literally subordinated to an evil, destructive force, and it cannot cope with it on its own. Because, as Saint Ignatius Brianchaninov teaches: “Feat is necessary for a Christian, but it is not feat that frees a Christian from passions: it is the right hand of the Most High that frees him, it is the grace of the Holy Spirit that frees him.”

But how does a demon penetrate a person’s soul? What are the mechanisms for introducing enemy force into a person, and does the soul have immunity against such spiritual aggression? What can protect us from demonic influence? What makes you more vulnerable?

The answers to these questions are in the next material, but for now I will quote the words spoken about people who do not understand that the source of evil in their soul is the devil: “That is why this disease is both disastrous and destructive, because when my enemy drags there and here is my own mind, I think that all these whirlings of my mind are my own.”

Thank you for your letter, Maria Gorodova.

Prayer to the Honest Cross,
from prayers for bedtime

May God rise again, and may His enemies be scattered, and may those who hate Him flee from His presence. As smoke disappears, let them disappear; as wax melts in the presence of fire, so let demons perish from the face of those who love God and signify themselves with the sign of the cross, and who say in joy: Rejoice, Most Honorable and Life-Giving Cross of the Lord, drive away the demons by force on you of our Lord Jesus Christ, who descended into hell and trampled upon the power the devil, and who gave us His Honest Cross to drive away every adversary. O Most Honest and Life-Giving Cross of the Lord! Help me with the Holy Virgin Mary and with all the saints forever. Amen.

Or briefly: Protect me, Lord, by the power of Your Honest and Life-giving Cross, and save me from all evil.

You read an excerpt from Maria Gorodova’s book “ Cradle of Fire". Read also.

The demon got me wrong whom. Razg. Someone was tempted, inclined towards something bad, reprehensible. [ Vakula:] Have mercy, sir! Listen, I won’t go forward, the demon has confused me(Krylov. Podschipa) . The working day ended, the taxi headed to the park. It was then that the demon got confused: he turned to the airport terminal to pick up a fellow traveler. At first there was no thought of taking extra money from the passenger: but the demon was nearby again, he whispered(N. Tolstova. The demon misled) . No, Arseny was definitely confused by the demon. And this Zinochka surrendered to him. And in general, if he knew that everything would turn out like this, he would have walked around this Zinochka-Zinulya three kilometers away(V. Mussalitin. Help me get up).

Phraseological dictionary of the Russian literary language. - M.: Astrel, AST. A. I. Fedorov. 2008.


See what “The demon confused” is in other dictionaries:

    the devil confused- to sin, the evil one has beguiled, sin has beguiled, the evil one has beguiled, the enemy has beguiled Dictionary of Russian synonyms. demon confused adj., number of synonyms: 5 enemy confused (5) ... Synonym dictionary

    The demon got me wrong- whom. Simple Who l. gave in to the temptation to do something. reprehensible. FSRY, 521 522; Mokienko 1986, 182; F 1, 21...

    BES- good. Psk. Bran. About a person who made a mistake. SPP 2001, 16. The demon is good. Psk. Bran. Scoundrel, dishonest person. SPP 2001, 16. The demon knows (knows). 1. who, what. Razg., Psk. What's l. about? unknown, incomprehensible. FSRY, 39; POS 1, 186. 2.… … Large dictionary of Russian sayings

    demon- noun, m., used. compare often Morphology: (no) whom? demon, to whom? demon, (see) who? demon, by whom? demon, about whom? about the demon; pl. Who? demons, (no) who? demons, who? demons, (see) whom? demons, by whom? demons, about whom? about demons 1. In Judaism, Christianity and... ... Dmitriev's Explanatory Dictionary

    BES- “BES (“The Demon Confused”)”, USSR, Artel F (Minsk), 1991, color, 84 min. Phantasmagoric comedy. A modern fairy tale in which a demon loses a competition with a person in small and large dirty tricks and leaves the Earth in shame (not for himself).... ... Encyclopedia of Cinema

    demon- A; m. 1. According to religious beliefs: an evil spirit tempting a person; evil spirits, devil, devil (depicted as a humanoid creature with horns, hooves and a tail). Cast out demons. * Spinning, fussing, rushing about like a demon in front of... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

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