What are the benefits of pineapple, the composition and use of the plant. Is pineapple a berry or a fruit? Description and beneficial properties of pineapple

It is impossible to imagine our diet without vegetables and fruits, because they contain a huge amount of vitamins and nutrients. One of the favorite fruits of many people is pineapple, but the question still arises: is pineapple a fruit or a berry? http://columbusprco.ru/

Fetal history

Pineapple is a tropical herbaceous plant native to South America. Pineapples were first planted by the Portuguese in 1502 on the island of St. Helena in the Mediterranean Sea. Then the fruit appeared in Africa and India and only in the 17th century it appeared in Europe.

Pineapple controversy

The debate about the fruits of this plant went on for a long time, some wondered: is pineapple a vegetable or a fruit? The question of whether pineapple belongs to vegetables, fruits or berries is a common thing.

Many people still do not know that pineapple is a herb that is surrounded by rosettes of thick and dense leaves; in the center of these leaves there is a small inflorescence, which, after fertilization, turns into a fruit that we all love so much for its sweet and juicy taste. This may seem strange, but pineapple is close in origin to wheat and rye. Despite this, every third person, without much thought, when asked whether pineapple is a fruit or a berry, will answer that it is a fruit. http://clickunit.ru/

Where do pineapples grow?

The leader in the production of this beloved fruit is Hawaii. Pineapples are also grown in Southeast Asia, South America and tropical islands. Growing pineapples requires enormous effort and time, so manual labor is predominantly used on any plantation. The hardest part about growing pineapples is the harvesting process. Pineapples that are sent for sale are harvested unripe; along the way they ripen and become juicy and sweet.

Types of pineapples

There are many types of pineapples in nature: http://spiridonprof.ru/

  1. large-tufted pineapple, also called pineapple pineapple; this type of pineapple is distinguished by white stripes on the leaves; this fruit appeared in Europe in 1650;
  2. pineapple bract; this species is considered the most beautiful, bright green leaves with yellow and white stripes have a curved shape;
  3. dwarf pineapple;
  4. pineapple;
  5. cayenne. This type of pineapple is considered the oldest; it is widespread in Hawaii, Cuba, Australia and India. The fruit is cylindrical in shape and has many beneficial properties;
  6. red Spanish; this type of pineapple is very common in the South, the fruit is spherical in shape and does not have a particularly sweet taste, the leaves are covered with spines;
  7. queen; the fruits of this species ripen earlier than others, the leaves are quite hard and, like the leaves of the red Spanish pineapple, covered with thorns, this variety is widespread in South Africa and Australia. http://kreditbanks.pp.ua/

Useful properties of pineapple

“Pineapple fruits have a large number of useful elements. It contains fiber, pectin, provitamins B1, B12, B2, A, PP, minerals, bromelain.”

Thanks to such a large number of beneficial properties, pineapple has found wide application:

  1. pineapple is used to improve digestion and speed up metabolism;
  2. for weight loss, as pineapple helps remove fluid from the body and eliminates digestive disorders;
  3. pineapple improves blood circulation, so it is often used for thrombosis and swelling;
  4. pineapple helps get rid of swelling, so it is used for heart and kidney disease;
  5. Since pineapple is rich in vitamins, it is recommended to use it for colds. http://tvoybryansk.ru/

Today, pineapple is considered one of the favorite fruits of many people. This is due to its unique taste and high content of nutrients. Pineapples are eaten both as a dessert and in the preparation of various salads and hot dishes.

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Video: Pineapple: beneficial properties

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Pineapple is a herbaceous tropical plant whose fruit is both an apple and a pine cone. The homeland of this exotic fruit is Brazil.

According to legend, pineapples were brought to Europe by the Spanish navigator Christopher Columbus along with tobacco and potatoes.

The term "pineapple" is still used in English today, meaning "pineapple".

General information

Is pineapple a fruit or a vegetable, a berry or a fruit?

This plant is a grass. Some breeders claim that it is a fruit, but they agree that the compound fruit is not a berry, vegetable or grain.

When mature, the pineapple has a short, mundane stem with tough, toothed leaves that reach 80 centimeters in length and 150 centimeters in height.

The fruit of a tropical perennial is golden yellow. Depending on the variety, it weighs 2–15 kilograms and reaches 10–30 centimeters in height. Visually, the inflorescence resembles an oblong cone and consists of many ovaries. The top of the fruit is decorated with a green top.

The exotic fruit tastes sweet and sour, which is why it is used in cooking: it is the basis for making salads, pizza, desserts, sweets and jam.

What are the benefits of the fruit?

Pineapple contains a unique enzyme complex - bromelain, which accelerates the breakdown of fats and proteins. In addition, the pulp of the exotic fruit is a storehouse of vitamins, minerals, beneficial aromatic substances and organic acids.

The fruit has an anti-edematous effect and has an antibacterial effect. It reduces blood viscosity, prevents the formation of thrombophlebitis and thrombosis, eliminates deposits on the walls of blood vessels, and reduces pain in muscles and joints.

Pineapple plantations are concentrated in countries with subtropical and tropical climates. World leaders in growing herbaceous plants: Brazil (12.3%), Thailand (11.4%), Philippines (10.9%).

Beneficial features

The nutritional value of ripe fruit is unique. No other fruit has such an interesting composition. Pineapple is a symbiosis of vitamins and microelements vital for the body (see paragraph “Chemical composition”), so it is rightfully considered a “tropical pharmacy”.

Beneficial features:

  1. Lowers blood pressure, thins the blood, dissolves cholesterol plaques. Improves the condition of patients with atherosclerosis and hypertension.
  2. Increases immunity, reduces inflammation of the nasopharynx, eases the course of the disease, suppresses cough, and removes phlegm.
  3. Improves metabolic processes in the body and improves digestion.
  4. Relieves calluses.
  5. Binds free radicals in the body, prevents the spread of metastases.
  6. For varicose veins, it dissolves fibrin plugs.
  7. Restores psycho-emotional balance, improves mood, fights stress, energizes.
  8. Removes excess fluid from the body, promoting weight loss.
  9. Eliminates increased oiliness of the skin, age spots, prevents inflammation, therefore it is used to care for the neck and face area. Masks and scrubs are prepared using pineapple juice, which smooth, refresh the dermis, restore its elasticity, and cleanse the pores of the stratum corneum.
  10. Moisturizes dry damaged hair and nourishes the scalp.

In addition, the exotic fruit has an anti-cellulite effect, so it is often included in body creams: it removes toxins, improves microcirculation in tissues, and destroys fat deposits.

Pineapple helps in treating:

  • arthritis;
  • bronchitis;
  • pneumonia;
  • pancreas;
  • liver;
  • kidney;
  • myocardial infarction;
  • hypertension;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • hearts;
  • vessels;
  • stomach;
  • neurological disorders;
  • ARVI;
  • painful menstruation, complicated menopause in women;
  • The exotic fruit has a rejuvenating effect on the human body, inhibits age-related changes, and therefore provides special value for older people.

Chemical composition

85% of pineapple pulp consists of water and 15% of organic acids (citric, tartaric, malic) and monosaccharides (sucrose, fructose, glucose).

In addition, the fruit contains vitamins, macro and microelements, beta-carotene, fiber, bromelain. Despite the high percentage of simple sugars (up to 18%), pineapple is a dietary product. 100 grams of the edible part of a fresh fruit contains 50 kcal, canned – 60 kcal, dried – 357 kcal.

Due to its low energy value, the fresh exotic fruit is filling due to its fiber, which instantly suppresses hunger. Therefore, the fruit is often used in weight loss diets. The ratio of BJU in pineapple pulp is 0.4: 0.2: 10.6 grams per 100 grams of product.

After preservation, “cone-shaped apples” lose the beneficial enzyme bromelain, which leads to a loss of nutritional value of the product.

Table No. 1 “Chemical composition of pineapple”
Nutrient name Amount of nutrients in 100 grams of product pulp, milligrams
Rubidium 63

Interestingly, 100 grams of pineapple fruit contains 49% of the daily requirement of vitamin C, 310% silicon, 70% magnesium, 6.7% purine bases, 20.6% mono- and disaccharides, 10.9% phytosterols .

The harm of exotics

Considering the fact that pineapple is a tropical fruit unusual for the human body, treat it with caution.

It is dangerous to consume it in the following cases:

  • with gastritis with high acidity;
  • peptic ulcer;
  • during the period of bearing a baby;
  • people with increased sensitivity of tooth enamel;
  • persons prone to allergic reactions.

Remember, a high amount of free organic acids (1.4%) has an irritating effect on the mucous membrane of the digestive tract and tooth enamel. To avoid caries after eating an exotic fruit, rinse your mouth thoroughly. This will help neutralize the aggressive effect of acids on teeth.

The tropical herbaceous plant is a strong allergen, so children from 6 to 12 years old should be given it in small quantities (up to 30–50 grams per day).

What are the benefits and harms of pineapple for pregnant women?

If you eat the exotic fruit with caution, it has a beneficial effect on the body of the expectant mother: it saturates it with potassium, magnesium, iron, and organic acids. In addition, it is able to overcome nausea and vomiting during toxicosis. The fruit raises hemoglobin, fights the dilation of the veins of the lower extremities, improves mood, and relieves heaviness in the stomach.

In the third trimester of pregnancy, you should be especially careful when eating pineapple, since during this period a woman experiences swelling. If consumed frequently, the fruit can provoke uterine contractions. Unripe cone-shaped fruits have an abortifacient effect.

A safe dose of pineapple for pregnant women is 200 milliliters of juice or 150 grams of pulp.

Choose only a high-quality product (see p. Criteria for choosing a pineapple) and monitor the amount you eat, then the beneficial properties of the tropical fruit will be fully revealed.

Fresh exotic fruit is of greatest value to the human body. The canned fruit is deprived of all vitamins and microelements, and the dried fruit contains a colossal amount of sugar, which interrupts reasonable arguments about the benefits of such a product. Don’t be tempted by candied fruits either, since they are colored, the number of calories in them is off the charts, and the benefits are zero. As a result, products made from dried pineapple are veiled food waste that clogs the body.

How to clean the fruit?

Some people find it easier to cut the fruit into rings and remove the skin from each round. At the same time, the middle also needs to be removed. Others argue that this cutting method leads to loss of beneficial juice. Therefore, they insist that you first need to remove the spiky shell, take out the middle with a green cap, then cut the fruit into pieces of the required size.

Consider an effective method of peeling a pineapple (Thai):

  1. Trim the bottom of the fruit and place the fruit flat on a plate.
  2. Using a narrow and long knife, remove the skin into thin slices using smooth movements from top to bottom. As a result, there will be dark eyes on the “body” of the pineapple, don’t worry about it.
  3. At an angle to the continuous curved lines (diagonally), use a sharp knife to make cuts on both sides.
  4. Remove the triangular strip and remove the remaining dark spines, exposing the flesh of the fruit. Repeat this procedure with the remaining rows of growths.
  5. Place the slices on a plate and serve.

How to eat pineapple?

You should not combine the fruit with dairy products, as this will lead to indigestion. Nutritionists recommend eating fruits separately from other foods, but you should eat pineapple on an empty stomach with caution. It is best to eat the fruit between breakfast and lunch or as an afternoon snack.

Pineapple is added to minced meat, salads, and fried vegetables. It is used to make compote, cocktails, smoothies, jam, and fruit ice.

Pineapple diet for weight loss

The fruit contains the natural proteolytic enzyme bromelain, which promotes the breakdown of proteins into proteins, has a mild laxative effect, and improves digestion. This compound is similar in its effect to pepsin and trypsin, the lack of which disrupts the process of processing and assimilation of proteins, which can lead to the accumulation of extra pounds.

Bromelain compensates for the deficiency of essential enzymes in the human body, preventing the development of obesity. In addition, pineapples have a diuretic effect and block the hunger center. As a result, it becomes easier to control your appetite.

To cleanse the body, nutritionists recommend pineapple fasting days once a week. During the day, you should limit yourself to eating exotic fruits and herbal teas. To do this, peel the pineapple, cut it into four equal parts, which you eat throughout the day. In between taking the fruit, drink clean water, fruit infusions (from apples, plums), herbal teas (from corn silk, hellebore, bardakosh, senna, chicory).

A pineapple fasting day will help you get rid of 0.5 to 1 kilogram of excess weight. If you need to eliminate 2 kilograms, extend the diet for 2 – 3 days. This method of losing weight is contraindicated for people with high acidity of gastric juice or peptic ulcers.

After each use of a tropical plant, the oral cavity must be rinsed with water, otherwise the juice of the fruit will corrode the enamel of the teeth.

Pineapple with vodka for weight loss - is it a super effective remedy or a waste of money?

A tincture based on a tropical fruit is an economical way to quickly lose weight, which does not require significant effort or investment. The product activates the digestion of food and removes excess fluid from the body.

Recipe for the slimming elixir:

  1. Take a quality ripe pineapple, wash it, cut off the bottom and top with leaves.
  2. Cut into 4 – 6 pieces without peeling, place in a blender bowl and grind.
  3. Transfer the resulting mass into a glass jar, pour half a liter of vodka, cover with a lid, and place in a cool, dark place (refrigerator, cellar) for seven days.
  4. After a week, strain the mixture. Throw away the cake, it has already given up all the nutrients.

Take pineapple tincture twice a day, half an hour before meals, a tablespoon (15 milliliters). The weight loss course lasts three weeks. During this period, you can get rid of 8 to 10 extra pounds. This course is allowed to be conducted no more than three times a year.

Contraindications to using pineapple tincture for weight loss:

  • pregnancy;
  • lactation period;
  • having an allergy to fruit;
  • gastritis, stomach ulcer;
  • cardiovascular problems;
  • nervous disorders;
  • cirrhosis of the liver;
  • alcoholism;
  • diabetes;
  • hypotension.

Pineapple selection criteria

Before purchasing an exotic fruit, pay attention to the following parameters:

  • ripeness (the color of the skin on the spherical sections and at the base should be light golden yellow).
  • freshness (the surface of a high-quality fruit is hard, pressed slightly when pressed moderately hard).

There is an opinion that an indicator of the ripeness of a pineapple is the ease of pulling the leaf from the top. This is actually a myth. The easier the leaf is pulled out, the longer the fruit lies on store shelves, which indicates that the product is stale.

Remember, pineapple, unlike mangoes and bananas, does not become ripe over time.

The fruit must ripen naturally, only in this case it has a sweetish taste, orange-yellow color, without green veins, a flat surface of the “eyes” of the cone, a dark skin and emits a pleasant aroma. The tail of a ripe pineapple comes in one tuft, has smooth green edges, and is no more than twice the length of the fruit (usually 10 centimeters).

If there are soft areas on the spheres where the skin is discolored, wrinkled, juice leaks, a vinegary smell has formed at the base, the leaves at the top have dried out and turned brown, the fruit is spoiled and cannot be eaten.


Pineapple is a healthy and nutritious exotic fruit that burns accumulated fats and improves the absorption of dairy products, fish, meat and legumes.

The fruit satisfies hunger, promotes weight loss, and saturates the body with vitamins and minerals. To keep the pineapple fresh, it is recommended to buy it on the planned day of consumption.

The fruit can only be stored at seven degrees Celsius. If the temperature is higher, fermentation will begin; lower, the pulp will become extremely watery and the color will fade. When buying a pineapple, make sure that the integrity of the skin is not damaged, the fruit is golden-yellow in color, and the leaves are green.

Pineapple is a tropical plant, whose membership in one group or another is still debated. But no one can argue with the fact that it contains a large amount of vitamins and nutrients. And people’s love for pineapple is simply limitless, which can be judged by the amount of product imported from abroad.

Where does pineapple come from?

It is believed that pineapple comes from sunny Brazil, since wild thickets of it still grow in its vast expanses. They became widely known after the voyage of Christopher Columbus, who discovered them in Central America on the island of Guadeloupe. This happened in 1493. Since then, the pineapple has continued its solemn procession throughout all European countries.

The rare fruit was brought to unusually cold conditions and, oddly enough, bred in greenhouses. Pineapple was grown indoors to serve royal and imperial tables. There is information that in the 18th - 19th centuries, plants were grown in cold, snowy Russia to meet the needs of the courtyard. Each fruit was worth its weight in gold.

Nowadays, pineapples are bred and cultivated in tropical regions such as Australia, North Africa, Hawaii and many others. Thanks to excellent transport links, fruits reach customers' tables in abundance.

What does a pineapple look like?

Not everyone knows that pineapple is a perennial herbaceous plant. Its growth reaches one meter, while the leaves are 80-90 centimeters long. They have thorns along the edges, which is an obstacle when harvesting, which is done manually.

The fruit is an inflorescence of a large number of small berries. The color of pineapple is yellow or slightly brownish, at the time of flowering and depending on the variety it can reach purple. The weight of the fetus can reach fifteen kilograms, and the smallest has only eight hundred grams. The five most common and productive varieties are grown on plantations.

Breeders have developed a type of pineapple with a smooth rind that is very easy to peel. The size of the fruits of this variety is not very large, and the weight is 800 grams.

Pineapple - vegetable, fruit or berry?

Until now, since the discovery of the plant by Columbus, people have not stopped arguing about what a pineapple is. There are versions that this plant is a cereal plant, as it resembles the usual crops of this species. A group of people claim that pineapple is a vegetable. The argument given as evidence is that it grows on the ground.

Indeed, it is interesting to know whether pineapple is a berry or a fruit? There is reasonable evidence for each version. At the time of growth and ripening, the pineapple consists of many small berries collected in one inflorescence. When the plant ripens, they turn into one large fruit, reaching five kilograms. However, the question of whether pineapple is a berry or a fruit does not disappear. After all, he has no bones. From this many people conclude that the fruit may be a fruit.

In all the debates on the topic of whether a pineapple is a berry or a fruit, one thing remains unchanged, the plant is truly unique. It never ceases to amaze with new properties discovered by scientists.

What does a pineapple consist of?

Pineapple is not just a tasty treat for children and adults. It has many useful properties that are hidden in its composition. The juicy fruit consists of 86 percent water and 15 percent sucrose. It contains 0.7 percent citric and 50 percent ascorbic acids. All the most valuable vitamins, such as B1, B2, 12, PP and provitamin A, are present in abundance in every fruit.

In addition to the components presented above, pineapple contains many useful chemical elements. The pulp of the fruit is rich in iron and potassium, which are necessary for the quality of the heart. And copper, zinc, calcium, manganese and iodine contribute to the overall strengthening and healing of the body. This plant is a storehouse of vigor and health.

Pineapple treatment

All components of the pineapple fruit are necessary for the organic functioning of the human body, so it should be included in the regular diet of both children and adults. In addition, by using it in certain cases, you can avoid unpleasant pain.

For proper functioning of the digestive system, you need to drink one glass of pineapple juice with meals. This effective remedy is especially useful in case of heavy consumption of meat and fatty foods, which, under the influence of the enzymes that make up the fruit, are digested faster. This helps avoid indigestion.

Pineapple in dietetics

Pineapple is an excellent dietary dish. It can be used without restrictions by anyone who wants to lose weight. fresh is only 48 kilocalories per hundred grams of product. Calcium contained in the pulp of the fruit helps remove excess fluid and get rid of extra pounds. By eating a pineapple dessert, you can continue to lose weight, since consuming it improves digestion. The calorie content of fresh pineapple is a godsend for modern dietetics.

In Russia, since the 18th century, the exotic overseas fruit was eaten not only fresh, but also fermented for the winter in tubs, like cabbage. At the same time, the dish was considered delicacy and piquant.

at home?

Producers and planters in southern countries can grow pineapples in open ground, which they have been doing for many centuries to the delight of consumers. In a temperate climate, this is much more difficult to do, but nothing is unrealistic if you have the desire.

You can grow a pineapple in a city apartment by creating suitable conditions for it. Since the fruit does not have seeds, it is planted in the form of a rosette or a cut of the top without pulp. This part of the fruit is placed in a pot filled with soil and charcoal. Humus mixed with sand can be used as the top layer.

In order for the plant to take root, it must be kept warm at a temperature of 27 degrees, while covered with polyethylene. So, the sprout should remain in a moist, warm environment for two months. After this, it is permissible to open it. The first lower shoots that appear must be buried.

Pour an acidic aqueous solution with lemon juice over the pineapple. The plant must be replanted annually in large pots, and do not forget to apply fertilizer. With proper care, fruits can be obtained four years after planting.

How to determine the ripeness of a fruit?

Ripe pineapple is very tasty, juicy and aromatic, with various beneficial properties. But it is necessary to purchase and eat ripened fruits. Green fruit does not have the qualities that are needed.

First of all, unripe pineapple is very sour, it will be difficult to eat, and subsequently cracks may form in the corners of the lips and in the mouth. This causes unpleasant pain.

Secondly, eating unripe pineapple can cause diarrhea, which will lead to dehydration.

To the question of how to choose a delicious pineapple, you can answer the following: you need to pay attention to the top feathers. If they come out easily, it means the fruit is ready to eat.

Buying a pineapple

In order to purchase a truly high-quality tropical fruit, you need to know how to choose a pineapple in a store. The following rules will help with this:

  • An intact pineapple has no characteristic odor when held at arm's length from the nose. Otherwise, the sellers clearly used flavorings. And if you smell the fruit, bringing it to your face, and do not feel the subtle aroma, it means that this is a stale product that has been subjected to “water procedures.” It was simply washed to remove mold and unpleasant odors.
  • When purchasing, you need to carefully inspect the pineapple so as not to purchase a moldy product. It is dangerous to eat.
  • The color of a ripe and tasty fruit should be yellow with a grayish tint without any green inclusions. Green indicates an unripe fruit, and it is best to avoid eating it.
  • The scales should be elastic. A soft fruit may be rotten from the inside, which will spoil the buyer's mood, given the high cost of the product.
  • The tips of the scales of a ripe pineapple are usually dry, otherwise we can conclude that the storage conditions were not met, and this leads to spoilage of the fruit.
  • The tail of a ripened pineapple should sit loosely and curl. In this case, you can be sure of the ripeness of the product.

Knowing these subtleties, you can remove the question of how to choose a pineapple in a store from the agenda and feel free to go shopping. But it is necessary to take into account that it is very unprofitable to throw away this exotic product, so sellers often resort to various tricks.

Canned pineapple

Exotic fruit compote is considered a very popular delicacy among children. Canned pineapples are sold in cans of various sizes.

When purchasing such a product, you must first pay attention to the shelf life of the product; it should not exceed acceptable standards. Usually this kind of information can be found on the cover.

You won’t be able to look inside, so you need to inspect the jar from the outside. Dents and damage indicate poor quality transportation. In this case, the product contained in the package could become depressurized and become hazardous to health.

Swollen jars indicate a violation during the preparation and storage process. Most likely, the contents will be sour and fermented, that is, unsuitable for food. When buying canned pineapples, you need to be very careful not to harm your health.

Pineapple cooking

Since pineapple is a very healthy and tasty product, it is an ingredient in many savory and unusual dishes. Culinary delights based on the fruit are quite varied. It is included in salads, desserts and main courses.

Recipes with pineapple can be found in cookbooks. Housewives are offered a tasty and aromatic hot dish. It's called Chicken Stuffed Pineapple.

To prepare it you will need one large fruit, chicken fillet, cheese and seasonings.

The pineapple must be cut lengthwise and the pulp removed. Sliced ​​chicken meat is fried in vegetable oil with the addition of salt and curry. Before removing from heat, add pineapple pieces to the pan and simmer for another three minutes. Grate hard cheese on a coarse grater.

The filling is placed in pineapple baskets and sprinkled with cheese. Then this culinary preparation is placed on a baking sheet and baked for 15 minutes at a temperature of 200 degrees. It is better to eat the dish hot.

Recipes with pineapple are very popular among children. For little delicacies you can prepare a fruit salad. You can put banana, kiwi, apple, seedless grapes and tangerine in it. All fruits and berries are crushed, including pineapple, and mixed. It is better to take products in equal proportions. The resulting mixture is poured with yogurt, mixed and divided into portions. The dish is prepared quickly and children really like it.

Pineapple is a wonderful product that not only evokes pleasant emotions when consumed, but also produces a healing effect. This exotic fruit should be included in every person’s diet, as it will help avoid many health problems.

Pineapple is a tropical herbaceous plant that belongs to the bromeliad family. It is a terrestrial plant with a spiny stem and leaves. The leaves grow up to 80 cm in length, broadly linear, spiny-toothed, covered with a thick epidermal layer. After the leaf rosette is fully formed, a long peduncle is formed from it, abundantly covered with flowers. Flowering lasts two weeks, after which a powerful fruit appears, shaped like a cone.

As the pineapples ripen, they are harvested. They can be consumed fresh, in the form of juices. Pineapple fruits are dried and preserved. Due to the many beneficial substances contained in pineapple, this fruit is popular all over the world. There are many culinary recipes with this fruit, and it is also used in cosmetology, dietetics and as a means to improve digestion. What is contained in pineapple, how it affects the body - all this will be discussed further.

Did you know? Pineapples do not grow on palm trees, as many people believe. In fact, it is a perennial herb, the leaves of which stick out from the ground, and in the center of them there is a wonderful fruit - pineapple.

Chemical composition: what does pineapple contain?

Pineapple pulp contains many different substances. This tropical fruit is 85% water, and 15% monosaccharides (glucose, sucrose, fructose). There are also citric, tartaric and malic acids in pineapple and a number of organic acids.

The pineapple fruit is rich in microelements such as calcium, potassium, iodine, zinc, copper, magnesium, manganese and iron. Of all the microelements presented, the fruit contains potassium and manganese - up to 321 mg.

Did you know? Drinking a cup of pineapple juice daily provides the human body with 75% of the manganese it needs, which is very good for bone health.

The benefits of the fruit are also ensured by the presence of vitamins. Here are the vitamins pineapple contains: A, B, B2, B12, E, C, PP, beta-carotene. The plant also contains some plant enzymes. Pineapple also contains dietary fiber.

Nutritional value of the product

Pineapple is a low-calorie fruit. Per 100 grams of product there are:

  • 13.12 g carbohydrates;
  • 0.54 g protein;
  • 0.12 g fat.
The calorie content of pineapple is only 50 kcal per 100 grams.

Useful properties of pineapple

The beneficial properties of pineapple for the body are provided by its microelements. It has already been mentioned that manganese has a beneficial effect on the human bone skeleton. Potassium contributes to the normal functioning of the nervous and cardiovascular systems.

Pineapple is useful for consumption by people suffering from thrombosis and thrombophlebitis, as it can thin the blood. It is also necessary for kidney and vascular diseases. Pineapple helps relieve swelling and cleanses the walls of blood vessels from fatty deposits. Therefore, it can be considered a prophylactic against heart attacks and strokes.

What is beneficial about pineapple is its ability to reduce joint and muscle pain. It stops the development of atherosclerosis and disorders of the pancreas. Inflammatory diseases such as tonsillitis, sinusitis, pneumonia, pleurisy, pyelonephritis and some others recede when eating pineapple.

Research by some scientists shows that highly concentrated pineapple extract helps in the treatment of cancer. Substances contained in pineapple tend to bind free radicals, thereby ensuring the prevention of cancer.

How is pineapple used?

It is believed that it is most effective to consume pineapple on an empty stomach. Bromelain contained in the fruit does not exhibit its beneficial properties when combined with food. In combination with food, it only improves the fermentation of the body.

Among the peoples of India, it is customary to use not only pineapple fruits, but also leaves. Juice is extracted from the leaves and is used as an anthelmintic.

Use for improved digestion

Many people are not aware of all the aspects of how pineapple is beneficial for the body and how it is used to improve well-being. This wonderful, tasty fruit benefits the body, in particular, it is consumed to improve digestion.

Pineapples are rich in fiber, which effectively cleanses the body and promotes digestion.

How is pineapple used in dietetics?

Pineapple is a low-calorie and nutritious product and is used in dietetics to combat excess weight. Pineapple has beneficial properties due to the presence of the plant enzyme bromelain, which breaks down complex proteins - in fish, meat, and legumes.

In dietetics, pineapple fasting days are practiced. During diets, in order to speed up metabolic processes, it is recommended to consume pineapples. They are also a good source of vitamins B and C.

Important! Excessive consumption of fresh pineapple can cause stomach upset and damage to the oral mucosa.

Pineapple and cosmetology

Due to the vitamins, minerals and trace elements contained in pineapple, it can also be used in cosmetology. It is included in tonics, lotions, scrubs, nourishing creams, and anti-aging cosmetics. Pineapple extract is also often used in the creation of anti-cellulite cosmetics.

Cosmetics containing pineapple have the following properties:

  • hydration;
  • nutrition;
  • toning and vitaminizing the skin;
  • anti-edema effect;
  • anti-inflammatory effect;
  • cell renewal and regeneration;
  • exfoliating effect;
  • skin color whitening;
  • wrinkle smoothing, rejuvenation;
  • combating the appearance of cellulite, smoothing skin texture;
  • stimulation of the breakdown of subcutaneous fat.

How to choose pineapple for consumption, product storage

The ability to choose the right pineapples is very valuable, because an overripe or underripe specimen has completely different taste qualities. Unripe pineapples are also harmful to health.

The quality of pineapple depends largely on how it was delivered. Ripe fruits are delivered by plane, they are tasty, but they also cost a lot. Those pineapples that are delivered by land are loaded green for transportation, and they undergo a ripening process along the way. Such pineapples are not so fragrant and lack unique sweetness. There are several criteria by which the quality of pineapple is assessed:

  • tops;
  • crust;
  • pulp;
  • aroma.
Tops. Fresh pineapple has thick green tops. Stale fruit has leaves that are yellow and unattractive in appearance. To select a pineapple, you can pull a leaf of the plant. If it easily pulls out of the stem, then the pineapple is ripe.

Crust. A delicious ripe pineapple has a slightly soft yet elastic rind. If a dent remains when pressed, this indicates that the fruit is overripe. Overripe pineapple may be tasty, but it must be eaten quickly as it will not store. If dark spots are visible on the peel, then this is a sign of overripe fruit that has begun to deteriorate. Unripe pineapples are very hard to the touch.

Pulp. Choosing a pineapple is different from choosing watermelons, and it is not customary to cut it. But if the seller is ready to do this, you need to pay attention to the color of the pulp. A ripe pineapple has a rich yellow-golden color. The unripe fruit has pale, almost white flesh.

Did you know? You can try to find out the ripeness of the fruit by tapping. A dull sound is an indicator of ripeness and juiciness. An empty sound means the fruit is dry. Also, if the pineapple seems heavy in comparison with its volume, this is a sign of its juiciness..

Aroma. When buying a pineapple, it is advisable to smell it. A good pineapple has a delicate, sweetish aroma. If the aroma is too intense, it means the fruit is overripe and possibly rotten.

After purchase, it is important how this sweet fruit will be stored. Pineapples are usually stored at room temperature for no more than 10 days. A slightly greenish pineapple will ripen under such conditions and become softer, sweeter and juicier. If you store pineapple at temperatures below 7 degrees, it will lose its flavor. Therefore, only fruit cut into pieces is put in the refrigerator.

A ripe, juicy pineapple will begin to rot at room temperature. It is better to store such specimens in the refrigerator for 2-3 days, no more than a week.

Side effects and contraindications

Despite the fact that pineapples are so beneficial for the body, they can also be harmful to health. First of all, you should monitor the amount of consumption of this fruit. Eating too much pineapple can cause stomach upset.

Important! The acids contained in pineapple juice are bad for tooth enamel. Therefore, you should not abuse this drink.

People who experience exacerbations of gastritis, stomach ulcers, or increased secretory activity of gastric juice should refrain from eating pineapple.

Pregnant women should not eat pineapple, as it can, if consumed frequently, stimulate muscle tissue and keep them toned. And this can lead to early termination of pregnancy.

It is also undesirable for children under 6 years of age to eat pineapples in large quantities, as irritation of the intestinal mucosa may occur.

Pineapple is a powerful allergen. Before use, it is better to find out if there is any intolerance to this product.

As with many other things, when eating pineapple you need to know when to stop. In the right proportions, this tasty fruit will benefit the body, but in excess it can cause harm. It is also important to choose a quality product in order to avoid unpleasant consequences and not be disappointed in its taste.

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34 times already

Pineapple is a very tasty and healthy exotic fruit. There is a stereotype that pineapples grow on a pineapple tree or palm tree, like bananas, but in reality this is not the case at all.

Pineapple is native to the hot and arid regions of South America. It was from there that the spread of pineapple to other countries began.

It has a large number of varieties not only in South America, but throughout tropical countries around the world. Countries where pineapples grow are Brazil, Thailand, Philippines, Australia, India and others . Every year the world is increasing number of pineapple plantations, which indicates its growing popularity.

Pineapples don't actually grow on trees. This is a herbaceous fruiting perennial plant that belongs to the bromeliad family. In science, the debate about the classification of pineapple continues to this day, since it is similar to cabbage in the way it bears fruit. Like cabbage, pineapples grow on the ground. This plant most often grows in height up to sixty centimeters and has a rosette of sharp and long serrated leaves along the edge. The fruits of this plant grow on a stalk from the central part.

The root system of this plant is rather poorly developed. Most often, its roots are buried in the soil no more than thirty centimeters maximum, and at the same time cover a very small volume of soil.

The fruit of this plant looks like a large golden-brown cone, decorated with a tuft of short green leaves. The average weight of the fetus is about two kilograms V. The fruit has its own unique sweet and slightly tart taste. These fruits are harvested up to three times a year from one plantation.

How does a pineapple grow?

The plantations where they grow look like an ordinary, unremarkable field with small bushes. Only if you look closely can you see the fruit on each plant. On plantations, these plants are planted in two rows with a distance of one and a half meters between each plant. Pineapple comes in a wide variety of varieties.

Due to the fact that pineapple is a perennial plant, it needs the first months after planting to create a leaf rosette. During this time, the trunk grows and becomes thicker, from which curved, pointed leaves closely adjacent to each other extend, forming a rosette. An adult plant has up to eighty leaves, which have many fibers to provide strength. The rosette accumulates the moisture needed by the plant.

Further, after the completion of the formation of the rosette, small flowers open on an elongated extension of the stem without leaves, united into a spike-shaped inflorescence e, having a purple color. First, the bisexual flowers open at the bottom, then flowering begins on the upper buds. The ovaries turn into berries, which later begin to merge with each other, forming a fruit under a single peel. It will take up to six months to ripen, then the fruit is cut off. This is how pineapple grows.

It reproduces in several ways:

  • 1.Seeds that are located immediately under the skin.
  • 2. Lateral basal shoots, which are cut off as soon as roots grow from them.
  • 3. Vegetative method. Growing from the top of a pineapple.

How to make pineapple grow at home

First of all, you need to choose the right fruit. For planting, only a ripe fruit is needed, the top of which should be bright green without any spots, and the fruit itself should be yellow or brownish in color.

From the selected fruit, first of all, you need to have a green tuft and dry it in the air for several days. Then it needs to be placed in a container with water, which must be changed daily until the roots appear. . For fifteen days many roots appear. You can plant pineapple after the roots reach two centimeters in length.

These plants naturally have a shallow root system, for this reason, for planting, you will need a wide, low container with drainage placed at the bottom. It is best to use a flower mixture for orchids as soil. But a universal primer will also work.

The first flowering of this plant occurs after about three years.

The Indians of Latin America discovered in ancient times that pineapple leaves contain a large amount of strong fibers, so they began to use it as a spinning crop.

In Europe, the fashion for fabric made from pineapple leaf fibers gained enormous popularity in the nineteenth century. The fabric made from pineapple fibers was light, transparent, breathable, and also had a wonderful cooling effect. Interestingly, this plant is still used as a spinning crop. Rope is made from its fibers, twine and paper. Nowadays, there are some clothing designers who specialize in creating exclusive clothing exclusively from pineapple fabrics.

This fruit is very useful as it has many beneficial properties. Regular consumption of this fruit is a good prevention of diseases such as hypertension, varicose veins, thrombosis and thrombophlebitis, atherosclerosis, arthritis. It is also recommended to be used for the prevention of stroke and heart attack. It helps reduce swelling, cleanses blood vessels well of cholesterol and helps thin the blood.

It has been scientifically proven that this delicious fruit helps in the fight against excess weight, as it has the ability to speed up metabolism.. The nature of this fruit is as follows: that it contains a unique enzyme– bromelain, which breaks down fats. This fruit dulls the feeling of hunger well and removes excess fluid from the body.

Pineapple juice improves digestion, and also helps in the fight against seasickness and nausea from air travel.

Pineapple also helps get rid of calluses. To do this, you need to apply a compress from the pulp of this fruit to the calluses at night. In the morning you need to soak your skin in hot water to steam it. After this, the callus can be easily removed.

Pineapple contains the following vitamins:

Pineapple contains the following minerals:

Pineapple oil is also widely used in medicine and cosmetology, which has a large number of beneficial qualities. It perfectly cleanses the skin and improves its tone, has antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties, it helps to moisturize, whiten the skin and relieve irritation. Also this oil helps stimulate the immune system and has a beneficial effect on blood circulation processes. This oil also has an antibacterial and antifungal effect.

The oil of this plant is a powerful remedy in the fight against infectious diseases; it is considered very effective against the herpes virus. The oil is also used for diseases of the digestive tract, and it also helps normalize blood sugar levels.

Contraindications and harms of pineapple

This fruit should be used with caution by people prone to allergies, nursing mothers and children under three years of age. Also be careful with these fruits should be consumed by people with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, such as ulcers, gastritis and high stomach acidity. It is also worth noting that pregnant women should not eat its unripe fruits, as this can cause uterine contractions.

How to store pineapple

It’s worth noting right away that this fruit cannot be stored in a plastic bag. It is better to store it in a paper bag or simply in thick paper, after making holes in it for ventilation. The packaged fruit should be stored in the refrigerator, turning it over periodically to ensure ventilation on all sides.

Pineapple is a very healthy exotic fruit, which has a lot of useful substances and has a large number of beneficial properties. Its fruits in nature grow not on a tree, but on the ground. This fruit is eaten, used in medicine and cosmetology, and is also used to make clothes, rope and paper.
