Sale of NMA objects on the side. Accounting info 1s 8.3 depreciation is not calculated on intangible assets

Intangible assets in 1C 8.3 are located in the directory Intangible assets - section Directories. Used to reflect objects that do not have a material form that will bring benefits in the future:

When filling out the directory, you must indicate:

  • Name;
  • Type of object – select between Intangible asset and R&D expenses;
  • Fill in the type of intangible asset and its depreciation group.

How to capitalize intangible assets in 1C 8.3

The receipt (purchase) of intangible assets in 1C 8.3 is registered with the document Receipt of intangible assets, item OS and intangible assets - select Receipt of intangible assets next Create:

The document specifies the agreement with the supplier.

Important! Due to the fact that transactions related to the transfer of exclusive rights are not subject to VAT, it is necessary to uncheck the “Supplier under the contract submits VAT” checkbox in the counterparty agreement. And also remove the VAT rate from the tabular part and not register the invoice:

Accounting for intangible assets

All actual expenses when creating intangible assets form the initial cost.

Separate subaccount for construction in the chart of accounts

Important! In 1C 8.3 Accounting 3.0, there is no subaccount in the chart of accounts to reflect the creation of intangible assets on your own, but you can add it to the chart of accounts yourself.

The chart of accounts in 1C 8.3 is located in the Main section - Chart of accounts - Create:

In the new sub-account you must indicate:

  • Account code;
  • Account type – active;
  • Check the “Tax” box;
  • Specify the types of subconto - Intangible assets, Cost items, Construction methods.

Important! In 1C 8.3, the created sub-account will not be automatically filled in in the reporting; data on the sub-account must be entered manually.

To include wage costs in the initial cost of the asset, it is necessary to assign the costs to a new subaccount. To do this, you need to specify a subaccount in the salary accounting methods and fill out its analytics. Salary and personnel – Salary settings – Salary accounting methods:

When calculating salaries, the necessary entries to account 08.13 will be generated automatically:

Accounting for additional expenses

To reflect in the initial cost of all, for example, services rendered and the like, it is necessary to enter the document Receipt (act, invoice) - Purchases:

  • To assign costs to the initial cost of an asset, in the created Receipt document you must indicate the cost account and its analytics;
  • To enter an invoice, you must fill in the details of the incoming invoice and use the Register button.

After receipt or creation of intangible assets, we accept it for accounting in 1C 8.3 - document clause OS and intangible assets.

Non-current asset section:

  • Select the type of object – Intangible asset or R&D expenses;
  • We indicate the method of reflecting depreciation expenses:

Accounting section:

  • To fill in the initial cost, click Calculate:

  • Depreciation parameters are indicated according to accounting data;
  • The method of admission to an organization is set from the pop-up list:

Tax accounting section - as in accounting, the initial cost is automatically set when you click the Calculate button:

Important! It is necessary to calculate depreciation only if the initial amount is more than 100,000 rubles and the useful life is more than 12 months. Once accepted for accounting, the initial cost does not increase even after modification. Rework costs are included in costs.

Amortization of intangible assets

Data for calculating depreciation are established upon acceptance for accounting in 1C 8.3. Calculation of depreciation amounts occurs at the end of the month using a routine operation Depreciation of intangible assets and write-off of R&D expenses: Operations – Month Closing:

In 1C 8.3, you can view transactions or a report on the calculation of depreciation amounts for intangible assets by using the menu by clicking on the link to the routine operation:

To change parameters in 1C 8.3, create a document Depreciation parameters for intangible assets using the Create button, item OS and intangible assets:

  • Development of intangible assets – the document registers the amount of work to calculate depreciation for intangible assets;
  • Changing the depreciation rate - to register a reduction factor;
  • Changing depreciation reflection – allows you to change depreciation accounting accounts. For example, when exercising use rights:

When using this document in 1C 8.3, the following nuances must be taken into account:

  • Calculate depreciation according to old data, before creating a changing document;
  • The changes come into effect from next month:

Filling out the document Changing the reflection of depreciation of intangible assets:

  • Date – set the last day of the month;
  • Method – a new depreciation account and its analytics are indicated;
  • The table indicates a list of assets for which changes are made. To enter intangible assets, you can use the selection button.

Depreciation report

The amount of accumulated depreciation is reflected in the account balance sheet report - when you select account 05, and for a more detailed report you can use the Depreciation Calculation Help.

Entering acquisition costs

Expenses for the granted right to use intangible assets are included in the accounting system and are subject to write-off during the term of the agreement. In 1C 8.3, the type of Service is documented with the document Receipt (act, invoice). The documents are located on the Purchases tab:

In the document it is necessary to correct the accounting accounts:

Postings are generated:

Reflection of expenses in the current period

In 1C 8.3, to include part of the expenses in the current period, you must use the regulatory operation Write-off of deferred expenses when closing the month: item Operations - Closing the month:

This document writes off part of the costs of acquiring rights to current costs:

You can perform a reconciliation in 1C 8.3 using the report from the Operations section – Certificates and calculations – select Write-off of deferred expenses:

If an intangible asset was previously used in the main type of activity, then it is necessary to change the depreciation parameters when transferring rights to it. Depreciation after disposal should be reflected in other expenses, if these are not expenses for the main activity.

The sale of rights to use intangible assets in 1C 8.3 is reflected in the document Sales (act, invoice). In 1C 8.3, a document can be created from the Sales section - then Sales (acts, invoices) select Services (act):

In the Sales document, by default, income is reflected in account 90.01, expenses in 90.02. If necessary, you can correct them in the account field.

If sales are made with VAT, then you need to issue an invoice using the Issue invoice command.

Disposal of intangible assets

At the end of the period of use

In 1C 8.3, at the end of the period of use, intangible assets are written off using the document Write-off of intangible assets - item OS and intangible assets. Filling out the document:

  • Date – date of write-off of intangible assets;
  • Intangible asset – write-off intangible assets;
  • Write-off account and Expense item – cost accounting account and its analytics for write-off:

Receipt of NMA.

Before as add a new intangible asset to the receipt, create a new element in the directory “Intangible assets” (Directories Non-current assets Intangible assets).

Press the Insert key or the “Add” button. In the “Intangible Assets” window that appears, write the name of the intangible asset; the full name is filled in automatically as a name, and if necessary, it can be supplemented. Using the “…” button or the F4 key, fill in the tax assignment from the “Tax assignments of assets and expenses” directory. If necessary, fill in other information. Click the “Record” button and the “OK” button.

To reflect transactions involving the receipt of intangible assets into an organization, the document “Receipt of intangible assets” (Documents of intangible assets Receipt of intangible assets) is intended.

Create a new document (Insert key or “Add” button).

In the title of the document, enter the required date (type manually or press the F4 key (a calendar will appear - select the required date and press the Enter key). The “Organization” field will be filled in automatically. If there are several companies in the program, then use the “…” button or the F4 key to select the required organization. Next, select a counterparty from the “Counterparties” directory using the “…” button or the F4 key (you don’t have to go into the directory, to do this, type the first letters of the counterparty’s name, press Enter and select the required counterparty). The “Agreement” field, which is created when a new counterparty is entered, will be automatically filled in. If necessary, you can change the counterparty agreement.

On the “Intangible assets” tab, use the Insert key or the “Add” button to create a new line. Using the “…” button or the F4 key, select the required intangible asset from the “Intangible Assets” directory. When creating a new line, the supply of fixed assets checkbox is automatically checked. If, for example, there are 10 pieces of software, then we divide it into 10 lines and number the elements in the name.

The document provides the ability to select positions in the tabular part of the document using the “Selection” button. When you click the “Selection” button, the “Intangible Assets” directory opens. After selecting the desired position, double-click or press the “Enter” key to move the selected element to the tabular part of the document.

Next, enter the amount. If necessary, using the “…” button or the F4 key, we re-select the accounting account from the “Chart of Accounts”, the account “1541 – Acquisition of intangible assets” will be automatically filled in. The “Tax Purpose” column is filled in automatically from the “Intangible Assets” directory.

On the “Settlements Accounts” tab, if necessary, use the “…” button or the F4 key to change the account for settlements with the counterparty, and the data is filled in automatically from the “Counterparties” directory.

On the “Additional” tab, enter the number and date of the supplier’s invoice; if necessary, select the division using the “…” button or the F4 key from the “Divisions” directory for which the intangible asset is purchased.

We post the document (button “OK”).

What refers to intangible assets and how are these transactions displayed in the 1C 8.3 Accounting program?

Intangible assets include: scientific developments, trademarks, research costs, software, works of art, know-how, and so on.

1C 8.3 has full functionality for working with intangible assets. In this article, we will consider step by step all the operations that can be performed in the program. These include receipt, acceptance for accounting, write-off and transfer (sale) of intangible assets.

Unlike fixed assets, such assets cannot be “touched” and placed in a warehouse.

Receipt of intangible assets in 1C 3.0

The first step for accounting for intangible assets is to create the document “Receipt of intangible assets”. Let's go to the "OS and intangible assets" menu, follow the link "Admission of intangible assets" to the list of admission documents:

To create a new document, you need to click the “Create” button (you can press the “Insert” key on your keyboard).

Let's move on to filling out the document. First, fill in the header details, namely the required fields – Organization, Counterparty and Counterparty Agreement. If the counterparty already has an agreement with the supplier and there is only one, the field will be filled in automatically when selecting the counterparty.

Next we move on to the tabular part. By clicking the “Add” or “Insert” button on the keyboard, we add a new line. Selecting an intangible asset. It is worth noting that intangible asset cards are stored not in the usual “Nomenclature” directory, but in a special “Intangible Assets” directory. You can find it in the “Directory” menu, section “OS and intangible assets”.

Then enter the purchase amount of the intangible asset. If the organization is a VAT payer, indicate the VAT rate. In the header of the document you need to indicate whether VAT is included in the amount or should be added on top.

The details “Account” and “VAT Account”, if the program is configured correctly, will be assigned automatically, in accordance with the settings.

At the bottom of the document, enter the number and date of the incoming invoice and click the “Register” button.

Filling out the document is complete. Click the “Proceed” button. Here's what happened:

After execution, 1C will generate the following transactions for intangible assets:

As you can see, upon receipt, an intangible asset goes to account 08.05 - “Acquisition of intangible assets.”

Acceptance of intangible assets for accounting

After completing the purchase of an intangible asset, it should be registered for further operations on it. To accept intangible assets for accounting, use the document of the same name “Acceptance for accounting of intangible assets.” To enter it, go to the “OS and intangible assets” menu, then “Accepting intangible assets for accounting”, then the “Create” button.

In the header of the document we fill in the only details – “Organization”.

At the bottom of the document, we select an intangible asset and how depreciation will be reflected. The choice is made from the directory “Methods of reflecting expenses”. Let’s make an entry in it with the name “Intangible assets” and indicate that the costs will be charged to account 26:

This is what the “Non-current asset” tab looks like after filling it out:

Go to the “Accounting” tab.

We indicate the accounting account – 04.01. The initial cost in 1C 8.3 can be entered manually, or you can use the “Calculate” button. We will indicate the method of receipt as “Purchase for a fee.”

By checking the “Calculate depreciation” checkbox, a section with depreciation parameters becomes available to us.

Let us indicate that the useful life is 120 months, the method of calculating depreciation is linear, the accrual account is 05:

After posting the document, the details of the completed details in the document will be transferred to the “Intangible Assets” directory. Whenever the data changes, it will also change in the directory.

The “Tax Accounting” tab is practically the same as the “Accounting” tab. The required amounts are also filled in using the “Calculate” button.

The document is ready, we run it and look at the postings:

The intangible asset is accepted for accounting.

Write-off of an intangible asset in 1C 8.3

Briefly about documents for writing off and transferring intangible assets. They are located in the same menu section as the previous documents. Filling out the documents is the same as filling out the previous ones:

The write-off document removes (writes off) intangible assets from accounting for, as a rule, other expenses (91.02 account).

Transfer of intangible assets

The document “Transfer of intangible assets” implies the sale of an asset to a third party. It indicates the Counterparty, the Intangible Asset and the income and expense accounts:

In this case, the following transactions should be generated in 1C:

In conclusion, it should be noted that depreciation is accrued through the routine operation “Closing the month”.

Based on materials from:

Intangible assets include: scientific developments, trademarks, research costs, software, works of art, know-how, and so on.

1C 8.3 has full functionality for working with intangible assets. In this article, I want to consider step by step all the operations that can be performed in the program. These include receipt, acceptance for accounting, write-off and transfer (sale) of intangible assets.

At the bottom of the document, enter the number and date of the incoming invoice and click the “Register” button.

Filling out the document is complete. Click the “Proceed” button. Here's what I got:

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After execution, 1C will generate the following transactions for intangible assets:

As you can see, upon receipt, an intangible asset goes to account 08.05 - “Acquisition of intangible assets.”

Acceptance of intangible assets for accounting

After completing the purchase of an intangible asset, it should be registered for further operations on it. To accept intangible assets for accounting, use the document of the same name “Acceptance for accounting of intangible assets.” To enter it, go to the “OS and intangible assets” menu, then “Accepting intangible assets for accounting”, then the “Create” button.

In the header of the document, fill in the only detail – “Organization”.

At the bottom of the document, we select an intangible asset and how depreciation will be reflected. The choice is made from the directory “Methods of reflecting expenses”. I made an entry in it with the name “Intangible assets” and indicated that the costs would be charged to account 26:

This is what the “Non-current asset” tab looks like after filling it out:

Go to the “Accounting” tab.

We indicate the accounting account – 04.01. The initial cost in 1C 8.3 can be entered manually, or you can use the “Calculate” button. We will indicate the method of receipt as “Purchase for a fee.”

After checking the “Calculate depreciation” checkbox, a section with depreciation parameters becomes available to us.

Let us indicate that the useful life is 120 months, the method of calculating depreciation is linear, the accrual account is 05:

After posting the document, the details of the completed details in the document will be transferred to the “Intangible Assets” directory. Whenever the data changes, it will also change in the directory.

The “Tax Accounting” tab is practically the same as the “Accounting” tab. The required amounts are also filled in using the “Calculate” button.

The document is ready, we run it and look at the postings:

The intangible asset is accepted for accounting.

Write-off of an intangible asset in 1C 8.3

Let me briefly talk about documents for writing off and transferring intangible assets. They are located in the same menu section as the previous documents. Filling out documents is also similar to filling out the previous ones:

To account for intangible assets in 1C: Enterprise Accounting, there is a special subsystem located in the main menu of the program.

To view a larger picture, click on it

Receipt of intangible assets

The receipt of intangible assets is reflected in the document “Receipt of intangible assets”.
To correctly carry out this document, you should select, i.e., the supplier of intangible assets, and also indicate the agreement with him.
In the tabular part of the document, intangible assets coming to the organization should be noted. Intangible assets are selected from the corresponding reference book “Intangible assets and R&D expenses”. Opposite each item of intangible assets, you must indicate the amount, VAT rate and account.
On the settlement accounts tab, information about settlement accounts with the supplier is indicated. Invoice details are indicated if necessary.
After this document is completed, the receipt of intangible assets is reflected, and the debt to the supplier is also reflected.

Acceptance of intangible assets for registration

After the fact of receipt of intangible assets by the organization has been reflected, you can begin to accept it for accounting. For these purposes, the document “Acceptance for accounting of intangible assets” is used.
To process the document correctly, you must fill in the information on each tab.
On the “Intangible Asset” tab, you must select the intangible asset that is accepted for accounting from the corresponding directory, and also indicate the method for reflecting depreciation expenses. The method of recording depreciation expenses includes a cost account, as well as analytical information that is necessary for calculating depreciation.
On the “Accounting” tab, you must indicate the following details:
  1. Initial cost. This indicator is calculated automatically when you click on the “Calculate amount” button;
  2. Method of entry into organizations. This indicator should be selected from a drop-down fact;
  3. Depreciation calculation;
  4. Useful life. This indicator is set manually by the user in months;
  5. Method of calculating depreciation. This indicator is selected from the drop-down list.
The program offers accounting and depreciation accounts by default, but it is possible to change them.
On the “Tax Accounting” tab, you need to fill in the required information and depreciation parameters in the same way.
After posting the document, the program makes the following entries:

Depreciation calculation

Depreciation is calculated using the routine operation “Depreciation of intangible assets and write-off of R&D expenses” of the “Month Closing” document based on the parameters and information specified when accepting intangible assets for accounting. Depreciation is calculated starting from the month following the month in which intangible assets were taken into account. So, for example, an intangible asset accepted for accounting in May (as in the above example) will begin to be amortized in June.