Research work “Tourist attractiveness of Russia. Features of the formation of the tourist attractiveness of the territory Factors ensuring the attractiveness of tourism industry objects

Municipal educational institution

"Secondary school No. 6"

Geography section


"Tourist attractiveness of Russia"

Rossikhina Anna

Student of grade 11B

Municipal educational institution secondary school No. 6


Skotynyanskaya V.E.

Geography teacher

Municipal educational institution secondary school No. 6


Kanova L.A.

Lysva 2008.


1. Tourism in Russia……………………………………………………………………………….5

2. Tourist attractiveness of Russia from the point of view of Lysven residents…..10





In one of the messages to the Federal Assembly V.V. Putin (Russian President) set the task of finding opportunities to double GDP.

Having studied the peculiarities of the economies of the countries of the world in the lessons of social and economic geography in the 10th grade, I learned that there is a group of countries, mainly islands and archipelagos, whose economy is based on the tourism business. These are the states of Oceania: Fiji ($300 million per year), Western Samoa (40 million), Vanuatu (50 million), Marshall Islands (2.0 million), Tonga (10 million) and others. I wondered if the tourism business, or rather its development, could make a significant contribution to doubling GDP?

I'm pushing hypothesis, that tourists of different age categories will be interested in different tourist sites in Russia.

Purpose My project is to study the tourist attractiveness of Russian sites among Lysven residents as potential tourists.

Subject of study - valuable natural objects, historical, cultural and historical and architectural attractions.

Object of study - tourist sites.

Research objectives:

Identify the objects of greatest attraction for tourists.

Conduct research on the preferences of people of different ages.

Draw up a map “Tourist attractiveness of Russia”.

Release a brochure.

Working methods:

    Search for information on tourist sites

    Questionnaire on the problem

    Analysis of questionnaires

    Making a presentation for a more visual representation of the work


    Systematization of material for the release of the brochure “Tourist sites of Russia”

The work consists of an introduction, chapters on Russian tourism and the selection of Lysvens of different age categories, a conclusion, a list of references and an appendix in the form of a brochure, map, diagrams with a selection of Lysvens.

Tourism in Russia

Everyone knows about the hospitality of Russia - it is ready to open up, charm you, teach you and tie you to itself forever. But don’t think that if you live in Russia, you will always have time to look into any corner of your vast homeland. It’s better to take advantage of the time allotted to you now, because the most interesting thing is right under your nose. And while some in search of new sensations strive to distant lands, know that you can have a good rest not only, for example, in the Dominican Republic or Antigua, but also somewhere closer to home, without leaving our country.

And indeed it is. Traveling through Russian cities can compete with many currently popular foreign resorts and tourist centers. And first of all, through familiarization with the rich Russian culture, which, unfortunately, is so little known to us. You can begin to discover the national heritage of Russia from any of its geographical locations. The starting point can be either the pearls of tourism already known in the world - royal St. Petersburg, or the mysterious snowy Altai, as well as modest, but no less remarkable places that have preserved their uniqueness to this day.
When calling Russia a country of contrasts, they mean the endless diversity inherent in it. This can also be applied to tourism within the country. In Russia, you can choose a holiday for every taste, no matter how demanding these same tastes may be: from the hot Black Sea coast with golden sandy beaches and comfortable hotels to extreme safaris along the routes of winter Karelia.

There are many directions of Russian tourism, and this becomes fundamental when choosing a holiday destination for Russians, and recently for foreign tourists. Here everyone can find something they like. Thus, active recreation in Russia is not inferior in its level to foreign offers, and in some ways even surpasses it. Rafting, safaris on snowmobiles and ATVs, jeep tours, kayaking, ski resorts, fishing on picturesque lakes - all this and much more will delight lovers of extreme pastimes.
As for cultural recreation, Russia also provides the widest range of opportunities. The abundance of attractions - architectural ensembles, museums, palaces, memorial complexes - will allow everyone to join the great and beautiful, lift the veil of the past and touch the present, immerse themselves in the atmosphere of Russian culture. Every Russian city keeps a page of our rich history, and therefore even the smallest, provincial town in Russia has invaluable significance.

Another plus to the benefits of holidaying in Russia is the limitless diversity and undeniable splendor of Russian nature. Glorified by the great Russian poets, the nature of Russia amazes with its unpredictability and picturesqueness. The sultry Caspian semi-deserts give way to endless steppe expanses and lush water meadows. Majestic mountains crowned with snow crowns rise on the plains, and quiet rivers turn into stormy mountain streams. Behind the forests, a mysterious taiga interspersed with sky-blue lakes opens up.

Russia is a huge country with enormous tourism potential, which is now being revealed in all its diversity. She is generous and hospitable, original and at the same time modern, majestic and at the same time elegant, simple, but with her own mystery that everyone can solve. You just have to take the first step towards it!

Russia has enormous potential both for the development of domestic tourism and for receiving foreign travelers. It has everything you need - a huge territory, a rich historical and cultural heritage, and in some regions - untouched, wild nature.

The territory of Russia extends from west to east for 10 thousand km and almost 3 thousand km from the northern Arctic latitudes to the southern subtropical ones. The diversity of landscapes allows for the development of many types of tourism. Russia has resorts on the southern Black and northern Baltic seas, which makes it suitable for beach holidays, treatment and wellness at sea. The Far North offers the chance to observe the northern lights and go on ethnic tours to the northern peoples, as well as participate in reindeer safaris across the tundra.

N The presence of mountains opens up opportunities for all types of mountain tourism (mountain climbing, speleotourism, hiking, rafting on “boiling” mountain rivers and ski tourism, mountain biking, hang gliding), as well as spa treatment in places where there are sources of mineral waters.

P The deep, wide and long rivers Volga, Yenisei, Lena are literally created for cruises, fishing, rafting, catamarans and boats. The seas of the north-west of the country are one of the destinations of cruise tourism. The numerous lakes are usually picturesque and clean. Moreover, the water in them is clean not only in appearance: in Karelia and Lake Baikal it is quite drinkable.

The forests of central Russia, the foothills of the Caucasus, the taiga of Siberia and the Far East are full of animals and birds, which attracts lovers of hunting tours. There are enough places in Russia with untouched, wild nature, which creates ideal conditions for conducting ecological tours. Unlike many European countries, when traveling across the expanses of Russia, a tourist may not meet people for a long time. In Siberia, for several hours driving along a highway laid right in the forest, you may not see a single car! But it is possible that you will be able to spot a brown bear among the trees a couple of times. In the Astrakhan region, during a transfer to a fishing spot in the Volga delta, the huntsman will show flamingos, pelicans and other rare birds. Horseback riding through a fairytale land.

TO In addition to natural and historical and cultural prerequisites, the development of inbound tourism is facilitated by some social factors. This is a high purchasing power of foreign currencies, ensuring freedom of movement in most of the country, including such promising tourist areas as the Far East, Sakhalin, the Kuril Islands, the Urals, the North of Russia, as well as Nizhny Novgorod and Samara, cities that were previously closed for foreign tourists.

IN outbound and domestic tourism in Russia is represented by a wide variety of its types. The most actively developing are environmental, sports, extreme, skiing, educational, business, medical and recreational, cruise, fishing and hunting, event and gastronomic types of tourism. Individual and children's and youth recreation is also popular.

Choice of Lysvenites of different ages

To conduct the survey, using materials from the website of the newspaper “Arguments and Facts”, I compiled a shortlist. It included 28 objects that, in my opinion, most clearly reflect the geographical specifics of our country.

Insert list of objects

While working on the project, I tried to involve residents of the city of Lysva, as potential tourists, in determining the tourist attractiveness of Russia, and in order to see an objective picture, I involved 3 age categories of people in the survey:

10-18 years

18-55 years old

55 years and older.

During the survey, students, their parents and older people had to mark the 5 most attractive tourist sites in Russia, in their opinion.

According to 11th grade students of Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School No. 6, the most attractive are:

Lake Baikal 55%

Geysers (Kamchatka) 50%

Mamayev Kurgan, Motherland (Volgograd) 45%

Red Square, Kremlin (Moscow) 40%

Lakes and waterfalls of Karelia 40%

Hermitage (St. Petersburg) 35%

Arbat (Moscow) 25%

Black Sea coast 30%

Kungur Ice Cave 30%

Bolshoi Theater (Moscow) 30%

According to parents of students of Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School No. 6, the most attractive are:

Hermitage (St. Petersburg) 55%

Peterhof (St. Petersburg) 50%

Lakes and waterfalls of Karelia 40%

City of Pushkin, Tsarskoe Selo (St. Petersburg) 35%

Geysers (Kamchatka) 35%

Solovetsky Monastery (Solovki) 25%

Red Square, Kremlin (Moscow) 20%

Ural gems (Ekaterinburg) 20%

Mamayev Kurgan, Motherland (Volgograd) 20%

Black Sea coast 20%

Mineral waters 20%

Lake Baikal 30%

Krasnaya Polyana (Krasnodar region) 25%

According to older Lysven residents, the most attractive may be:

Lake Baikal 70%

Hermitage (St. Petersburg) 60%

Peterhof (St. Petersburg) 55%

City of Pushkin, Tsarskoe Selo (St. Petersburg) 40%

Mamayev Kurgan, Motherland (Volgograd) 40%

Volga River 35%

Geysers (Kamchatka) 25%

Solovetsky Monastery (Solovki) 20%

Red Square, Kremlin (Moscow) 25%

Golden Ring of Russia (Suzdal) 25%

Kungur Ice Cave 35%

Lakes and waterfalls of Karelia 25%

Thus, as a result of the survey, respondents of different age categories made a choice in favor of

    Lake Baikal

    Hermitage (St. Petersburg)

    Valley of Geysers (Kamchatka)

    Red Square and the Kremlin (Moscow)

    Mamayev Kurgan and Motherland (Volgograd)

    lakes and waterfalls of Karelia.

Parents and older people consider the following attractive for tourists:

Peterhof (St. Petersburg)

City of Pushkin, Tsarskoe Selo (St. Petersburg)

Solovetsky Monastery (Solovki)

Golden Ring of Russia (Suzdal)

Students and seniors:

Kungur Ice Cave

Students and parents:

Black Sea coast

Based on this, I concluded that Russian tourist sites will be of interest to tourists from different countries of the world, of different age categories, and if due attention is paid to the development of the tourism business and the improvement of tourism infrastructure, this will help double Russia’s GDP.


While working on the project, I was able to study some interesting objects in Russia that could become a source of income for Russia. All my tasks have been completed:

I have identified 28 of the most attractive objects from the entire variety:

Conducted a study of the tourist attractiveness of Russia

Compiled a map “Tourist sites of Russia”

Released a brochure

    Unique natural objects

    Historical and cultural objects

    Historical and architectural objects

In the course of my work, I systematized material about tourist sites in Russia and published a brochure. In my opinion, its materials may be of interest to teachers of geography, history, social studies, class teachers when preparing class hours, teachers preparing children for intellectual games, and employees of travel companies.

I managed to interest students, their parents and older people in choosing the most attractive tourist sites and revealed their opinion on this issue.

I refuted the hypothesis that the opinions of people of different age categories will not coincide.

Attractiveness is the ability to cause admiration, to attract oneself to oneself with special qualities and properties. In the scientific literature devoted to tourism activities, it is noted that the concept of attractiveness is the main and determining one in the study of people flows 47 . In our understanding, a territory is then attractive if it has tourist resources - natural (primarily environmentally friendly), historical, cultural and socio-economic, a developed material and technical base, rich in infrastructure, convenient transport and geographical routes and accessible information about it.

The tourist attractiveness of a territory is formed primarily by the presence of natural or historical and cultural tourist resources, and even better - their combination. At the same time, such resources do not yet determine the level of attractiveness of a particular territory. Tourist attractiveness is often variable and may change depending on many factors that influence the attractiveness of a tourist area. These include the presence of a modern material and technical base for tourism, in particular the latest hotel complexes, specialized establishments with a corresponding range of services that they produce, etc.

A very important component of attractiveness in modern conditions is the quality of the environment. In market economic conditions, the use of marketing becomes important in organizing the environment, which will help strengthen the competitiveness of a certain territory and can decisively influence its attractiveness.

In general, a territory that is popular with tourists and turns into a corresponding territorial excursion combination in the form of a tourist destination, center, hub, district, region is considered tourist attractive.

Natural tourism resources are important elements of the tourist attractiveness of the territory. It includes: climate, water resources, coastal zones of reservoirs, mineral springs, therapeutic mud, relief, flora and fauna, national parks and reserves, hunting and fishing grounds, picturesque landscapes, unique natural objects and the like. The natural attractiveness of a given territory for tourists is determined by the presence of the following factors 48:

The beauty of the landscape and natural objects;

Mild climate and comfortable weather conditions;

The purity of natural reservoirs;

Favorable environmental situation.

Under such conditions, the more saturated the territory is with the constituent elements of natural resources, the higher the satisfaction of certain needs of tourists and the wider range of organization of various types of tourism.

The development of certain types of tourism is impossible without identifying, studying and evaluating tourism resources. If the identification and description of tourism resources is the primary stage of research, then the assessment of natural tourism resources is its final stage.

There are several approaches to assessing natural tourism resources (their detailed description is given in sections 4.2; 4.3).

In addition to traditional assessment methods (cost and point), biomedical methods are also used. Thus, based on the results of such an assessment, it is possible to establish the dependence of a person’s physiological state on the influence of meteorological factors, to identify the presence of favorable medical and biological conditions for organizing recreation, tourism, and health improvement.

The attractiveness of the natural tourism resources of a certain territory increases in the presence of exotic, inimitable and unique forms of the landscape, which has a special effect on the psychological state of a person. Therefore, identifying the psycho-aesthetic attractiveness of such territories is an important means of determining the emotional impact of the natural landscape on the spiritual sphere of human life (see 4.2).

To determine the attractiveness of a particular territory, it is very important to study the possibility of developing certain types of tourism and the state of their engineering and construction development. This is achieved through a technical assessment of the natural tourism resources of the territory. For example, to assess the attractiveness of the terrain, the possibility of building a ski resort "Bukovel" (Ivano-Frankivsk region) and organizing ski holidays, sports, tourism, it was necessary to study such terrain parameters as the height of the route, the distance to tourist accommodation facilities (hotels), the length of the route (m), slope steepness (in degrees), nature of the slope surface, avalanche danger, etc. Moreover, the most attractive parameters for organizing ski activities, sports, and recreation were taken into account: the height of the route is 1-2.5 thousand m; the distance from the highway to the hotel is within 1 km, the length of the highway is more than 1 thousand m; slope steepness - 12-18 °. In addition, rocky areas should not protrude onto the surface of the ski fields; the area should not be avalanche-proof or even predictable, which can happen in the mountains after heavy snowfalls. Consequently, the attractiveness of a ski site increases significantly if the tourist season lasts more than three months due to comfortable temperatures (-5-15 ° C), snow cover thickness of at least 20 cm and wind speed of up to 5 m/sec. After a technological assessment of the natural capabilities of the northern slopes of the Yablunetsky Pass, this territory turned out to be quite suitable for the construction of a ski resort.

Historical and cultural tourist resources, including unique monuments, can be decisive in organizing a tourist trip. In Europe, thanks to the presence of such objects, the greatest income from visiting them is received by Spain, France, Italy, Great Britain and Austria, in other countries of the world - Egypt, China, Mexico and the like. According to international statistics, their size is about $50 billion per year.

Ukraine has a significant historical and cultural heritage. There are 130 thousand attractions in the state register, there are 61 historical and cultural reserves, 13 have national status. According to the share of the most famous architectural and historical tourist resources from the total number of monuments in Ukraine, Volyn - 17.3%, Transcarpathian - 13.4, Lviv - 12.9, Ternopil - 10.4 and Chernivtsi - 8.9% 4. The attractiveness of historical and cultural tourist resources is determined by the level of artistic and historical and cultural value, even by fashion. The most popular criterion for assessing historical and cultural objects, which was used by the author of the textbook, is their attractiveness and the amount of time for excursion inspection.

Most methods for assessing tourist attractiveness are based on expert scoring, although there are also economic assessments of the historical and cultural heritage of the territory. The basis for such assessments is the direct effect of the operation of objects in the form of entrance fees, excursion services, as well as differential rent for the land where historical and cultural monuments are located. Here it is also important to identify the state of readiness of the material and technical base of the industry, in particular hotels for receiving tourists, historical and cultural sites (architectural ensembles, castles, fortifications) for inspection by tourists and their inclusion in educational and tourist routes.

An important means of increasing the attractiveness of a territory is the creation of a tourism cluster as a progressive form of territorial production association. According to the English researcher M. Porter, a cluster is a geographically united group of interconnected companies, specialized service providers, firms in relevant industries that do not compete with each other, are characterized by joint activities and complement each other 50 . Consequently, a tourism cluster is a voluntary territorial association of interconnected tourism enterprises and institutions, and they have the right to independent economic activity. “Such integrated territorial-industry associations,” notes A. Muzychenko-Kozlovskaya, “have the opportunity to better disseminate technologies, information, and contribute to the coordination of actions between the customer and the supplier. With the help of a tourism cluster, it is possible to increase labor productivity, reduce the cost of marketing research when determining directions and places for organizing new types of tourism, as well as promoting the introduction of innovations. Most cluster participants do not compete with each other, having common interests and opportunities" 61 .

Note that a tourism cluster can also integrate related industries, which, together with the main industry, are united by a common goal - meeting the needs of the population for tourism services. All this will improve the use of tourist and recreational resources, improve the organizational structure of management of enterprises and institutions, increase the efficiency of services, which will have a positive effect on increasing the attractiveness of the corresponding tourist combination.

A significant factor in the attractiveness of a territory in modern living conditions is the state of the environment (level of environmental pollution, sanitary and hygienic condition of water bodies, air, soils). Failure to take this circumstance into account may lead to significant economic losses and a decrease in the competitiveness of the territory in the tourism services market.

Tourism, when compared with other sectors of the economy, has a significant advantage: it can become an alternative to enterprises with environmentally hazardous emissions. In this case, the priority development of tourism will ensure the sustainable development of territories, preserving their natural and cultural environment, and therefore the ecological balance, which is also an important factor in increasing its attractiveness.

Current measures aimed at protecting the environment and increasing the attractiveness of tourist areas include the creation of a network of nature reserves and national parks, where production activities are either limited or prohibited. An example of environmentally safe use of a territory and increasing its attractiveness is the development of rural green tourism, where a city dweller, relaxing among untouched nature, becomes a fan of it and a direct participant in traditional holidays, rituals, and the like. This type of tourism is especially desirable for remote mountain areas because it will contribute to their development and increase in popularity.

The quality of the environment is influenced by a variety of factors. To take them into account and determine the level of influence of each of them, scientists use many indicators. A. Muzychenko-Kozlovskaya 52, for example, uses the following system of indicators (xi):

Area of ​​natural tourism resources

Number of man-made tourism resources (x 2);

Number of tourist accommodation facilities (x a);

Investments in fixed capital of hotels and restaurants (x.);

Average price level for services in tourism enterprises (x 5);

Attractiveness of historical and cultural monuments of the region

Environmental quality (x in);

Economic attractiveness of the region (x 9);

Political stability of the region (x 0).

Indicators (x x -x 6) quantitatively measured, and indicators (x e -x І0) are established by expert method. Statistical indicators by which each factor of the integral indicator of the level of tourist attractiveness is assessed have different units of measurement. In order for them to be used in one integral indicator, it is necessary to convert each statistical indicator into a standardization (relative) indicator, which levels out the difference in units of measurement. The average value of each indicator is taken as an element of comparison, where standardized indicators are defined as the ratio of the actual value of the indicator to its average value.

The integral indicator of the level of tourist attractiveness of the region is determined as an arithmetic weighted 53:

1 X

Where NTR. - level of tourist attractiveness of the region; Hts - standardized indicators of the level of tourist attractiveness of the territory; X - average value of standardized indicators; P - the number of analyzed indicators of the region’s tourist attractiveness; Ш - weight of indicators; AND STR - partial indexes of indicators.

So, the integral indicator of the level of tourist attractiveness of a territory is defined as the ratio of the sum of all partial indices to the total sum of these indicators for the regions under study.

A. Muzychenko-Kozlovskaya proposes to carry out an integral assessment of the level of tourist attractiveness on the scale:

< 0,4 - неудовлетворительный уровень;

0.4-0.6 - satisfactory level;

0.6-0.8 - high level;

0.8-1.0 is a very high level.

Territorial marketing should serve to increase the level of attractiveness of a territory and stimulate the development of tourism in the region. Territory marketing should be understood as activities in the region that are carried out with the aim of attracting investment, focusing on consumer needs and creating competitive advantages in favor of vacationers.

Territorial tourism marketing has certain features. It is associated with the development of solutions that would contribute to

only the development of the tourism business, but also attracting tourists to the region and regulating their flows, taking into account the tourist and recreational load and relations with the local population in order to achieve such a level of tourist attractiveness of the territory that will ensure an increase in the influx of tourists and the necessary investments.

Tourist and recreational load is the permissible number of tourists and vacationers per unit area, who can simultaneously be in a particular territory and not adversely affect the natural environment. The norms of tourist and recreational loads most significantly depend on the type of natural complexes and the season of their operation. Coastal natural complexes are characterized by the greatest stability, and lowland ones by the least (Table 1.3) 64 .

Agreeing with the research results, we believe that in the process of calculating tourist and recreational linearity, it is advisable to take into account the norm of psychological stress, the violation of which causes a decrease in the health-improving effect and attractiveness of the territory.

Political stability remains a significant factor that influences the attractiveness of a territory. It can strengthen or weaken the overall image of the region and, as a result, affect economic stability, or, say, the economic attractiveness of a particular territory.

So, tourist attraction - the presence of such a tourist potential of the territory, the exploitation of which ensures optimal tourist and recreational load and complete conservation of tourist resources and the possibility of obtaining an appropriate socio-economic effect without disturbing the ecological balance of the environment.

Tourism can be defined as “the temporary movement of people from their place of permanent residence to another country or locality within their country in their free time for the purpose of pleasure and recreation, health, guest, educational or professional and business purposes, but without engaging in paid work in visited place." Tourism is usually divided into domestic (national) and international.

The history of tourism goes back thousands of years. Today it is one of the largest spheres of human activity and a very profitable business, and travel has long become an urgent necessity for many people in different parts of the world.

In countries such as France, Spain, Switzerland, Italy and many others, tourism provides up to a quarter or more of all treasury revenues, while having a stimulating effect on many other sectors of the economy (transport, trade, agriculture, construction, communication, etc.).

Case studies

One of the first examples of the application of the principles of place marketing and geo-branding in practice is considered to be the campaign to create the tourist attractiveness of Puerto Rico for tourists from the United States in the 1950s. The campaign aimed to change the perception of this former pirate island as a place controlled by gangs and street criminals. The campaign was based on the promotion of the island's wonderful beaches, Spanish colonial architecture, and classic American cars. The results of the campaign were considered successful: Puerto Rico became one of the favorite holiday destinations for American tourists.

Some experts, when studying place marketing and geo-branding in the tourism industry, use a special term - “marketing and branding of destinations.”

In recent years, tourism as a promising sector of the economy has been discussed at all levels of Russian government.

Of great importance for the successful development of the tourism industry in a particular country is its attractive tourist image, so many states are purposefully engaged in its formation (for example, Spain, the Netherlands, France, etc.). Our country is no exception. One of the goals of the State Program of the Russian Federation “Development of Culture and Tourism for 2013-2020” approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated April 15, 2014 No. 317. - “strengthening the international image of Russia as a country with a high level of culture and favorable for tourism.”

Russia's modern tourism image is largely influenced by its Soviet past. Unfortunately, there are still certain negative stereotypes in the mass consciousness, such as, for example, the image of Russia as an unsafe country. In addition, most foreigners do not have adequate and reliable information about the rich tourism potential of our country and its individual regions. At the same time, until recently, foreign tourists were offered a fairly limited number of full-fledged routes in our country, the main of which were Moscow, St. Petersburg, and the Golden Ring.

Today, the development and implementation of new branded tourist routes in Russia has begun in full swing, for example, “The Great Volga Route”, “Silver Necklace of Russia”, “Red Route”, “Russian Estates”, “The Great Tea Route” and some others.

It is also important to note that in recent years, in order to improve the image of Russia in the countries that form the main tourist flows, various image projects have begun to be carried out (publishing project Just Russia, TV channel Russia Today etc.), which represent our country as a comfortable, interesting and fashionable tourist destination.

The project of the National Tourism Marketing Center deserves special attention Visit Russia, associated with the opening of tourist offices of the same name abroad, which was discussed in paragraph 3.4.

Not so long ago, the promotion of Russia as a tourist destination began in foreign social networks, in particular in Chinese - Weibo, WeChat.(Over the past few years, China has been one of the undisputed leaders of the inbound tourism market in Russia. For example, in 2015, every fifth foreign tourist in our country was a Chinese citizen.)

Such efforts did not go unnoticed. According to the company GfK, who developed the “Index of National Brands Anholt-GfK", the attractiveness of Russia as a tourist destination is increasing: in 2016, our country took 23rd place in the ranking (for comparison: in 2015 - 26th place). In 2015, according to the World Economic Forum, Russia immediately rose by 18 points and took 45th place. A total of 141 states participated in the rating. That same year, according to the World Tourism Organization, Russia entered the top ten most visited countries in the world. Based on the results of a prestigious global competition from the tourism industry World Travel Awards in 2016, St. Petersburg was recognized as the best tourist destination in Europe, and the Crimean Mriya Resort & Spa-"Best resort complex" in Europe.

It is also important to emphasize that, despite the high indicator of tourism potential, Russia earns many times less from tourism than most developed countries of the world. The share of tourism in our country's GDP is only 1.6%.

Currently, the Federal Target Program “Development of Domestic and Inbound Tourism in the Russian Federation (2011-2018)”, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 08/02/2011 No. 644, is in force, implying intensive growth and development of various types of tourism in Russia. According to this program, tourism clusters should be created in different regions of our country, where all the necessary infrastructure will be developed and where huge amounts of money will be invested.

A tourism cluster is an association of various and interconnected organizations located in the same territory and engaged in activities in the field of tourism and recreation. The goal of creating a tourism cluster is to increase the competitiveness of the territory in the domestic and foreign tourism markets.

In recent years, our country has found itself under sanctions and a difficult economic and political situation. The cessation of air traffic with Egypt and the ban on the sale of tours to Turkey, the weakening of the ruble, the inability of government officials and intelligence officers to travel abroad, as well as security problems abroad have led to a decline in outbound tourism. All this gave a powerful incentive for the development of domestic tourism.

When discussing the tourism potential of Russian regions, we note that the wealth of natural resources and a large number of cultural and historical sites do not automatically form the tourist attractiveness of a particular territory if it is not considered as a special product with consumer value. Successful promotion of such a tourism product should be based on a certain positioning that determines the region’s place among other tourist destinations.

Case studies

For example, St. Petersburg is positioned as the cultural capital of Russia, Kazan - as the third capital.

If we turn to the experience of the United States, here in almost every state every place has its own tourist positioning (Tennessee is the birthplace of country music, Texas is the land of cowboys, Georgia is the heart of the American South, etc.).

Turning to the experience of the Soviet Union, in which such terms as, for example, “positioning” and “brands” were not yet used, the entire population of the country knew that:

  • for a sea holiday you need to go to the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus or to the Crimea. With small children - to Anapa or Evpatoria;
  • if there are no vouchers to the Black Sea, then to the Azov Sea, to Yeisk;
  • the intelligentsia prefers the Baltics;
  • for treatment you need to go to the sanatorium of the Caucasian Mineral Waters;
  • for lovers of excursions and cultural and historical values ​​- Moscow, Leningrad, the cities of the Golden Ring, Pskov and Novgorod;
  • for military-patriotic education - Volgograd with its Mamayev Kurgan.

It is obvious that each tourist region of modern Russia needs to create its own tourism brand.

Destination brand strategy is formed from answers to the following key questions:

  • What is the region’s place in the market of tourist destinations today?
  • How will the region be known outside its borders?
  • What will be the relationship between the region's brand and its target audiences?
  • How will the destination brand be represented verbally and visually?
  • How will the brand be promoted?
  • How will the destination brand remain relevant to target audiences?

Considering the rich variety of tourism resources in Russia, experts note that in our country today it is possible to develop almost all types of tourism (cultural, educational, business, active, recreational, ecological, rural tourism, sea and river cruises, etc.).

Let us take a closer look at such a promising type of tourism as rural tourism, which has become actively supported in Russia in recent years. This is a type of tourism that involves the temporary stay of tourists in rural areas for the purpose of recreation and their accommodation in rural and farm houses.

According to the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), rural tourism is one of the five most promising segments of the global tourism market, along with eco-tourism, cultural and educational, thematic and cruise types of tourism.

Its competitive advantages are: a homely atmosphere for tourists on vacation, personal attention to guests from the owners of rural houses, a relatively low price of accommodation, natural food, clean air.

Today, many countries are actively developing rural tourism. In Europe since the 1970s. A whole infrastructure of rural tourism has developed, which employs not only those rural residents who directly receive tourists, but also those who provide them with various services (excursions, entertainment, trips, rental of sports equipment, meals, etc.). Among the leading countries in terms of development of rural tourism among European countries are Italy, France, Germany, and Ireland.

A number of regions of Russia also already have practical experience in organizing rural tourism (Kaliningrad region, Karelia, Novgorod region, Yaroslavl region, Moscow and Leningrad regions, etc.).

Today, agriculture in Russia is going through hard times. Rural areas experience high unemployment and poor infrastructure. The development of rural tourism in Russia could become a source of developing the necessary investments and increasing the income of the population. It can also help improve the appearance of villages and establish constructive interaction between local residents and local authorities.

In 2004, within the framework of the Russian-German project “Promotion of regional economy in the Yaroslavl region”, a practical guide “Guide to territorial development issues” was developed (module “Rural hospitality. Recommendations for organization and work”). The project experts proposed an algorithm for creating a tourism product “Rural Hospitality”, presented in Fig. 4.1.

Drawing up your own marketing concept is carried out in five stages:

  • 1) conducting a situational analysis;
  • 2) setting goals for the guest house;
  • 3) determining one’s own position;
  • 4) use of the marketing mix (product, place, price, promotion);
  • 5) implementation and control.

Foreign experience in the development of rural tourism shows that holidays in rural areas can be a high quality product, despite the fact that it is created by non-professionals of the tourism business.

Today, various forms of cooperation in the field of rural tourism have already appeared in our country: among them, for example, the Unified All-Russian Network of Agrotourism (rural tourism), the National Association of Rural Tourism Organizations, the Association of the Most Beautiful Villages of Russia, etc.

Another important factor that can form a territory’s competitive advantage and its tourist attractiveness is gastronomy. It seems fair to say that even if gastronomy does not act as the main motivating factor for travel, it, as a rule, still influences the overall assessment of the quality of the trip by tourists.

Rice. 4.1.

Russian researchers V. E. Gordin and Yu. G. Trabskaya correctly note that “gastronomy is not just a collection of products and dishes, but a reflection of economic, social, religious, cultural characteristics.”

"benefits of the territory." Gastronomy is part of the intangible cultural heritage along with myths, anecdotes, fairy tales, and literature. Some cuisines are included in the list of intangible cultural heritage of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), for example French, Mexican, Japanese.

In addition, the development of the gastronomy component in geobranding helps to support and attract investment in various sectors of the local economy: agriculture, food production, hotel and restaurant business in the region.

To promote gastronomic brands, the practice of organizing gastronomic events is widely used.

Case studies

Examples of gastronomic events abroad: Beer festival "Oktoberfest" (Munich, Germany), Oyster Festival (Galway, Ireland), Plum and Plum Brandy Festival (Troyan, Bulgaria), Pepper Festival (Esplet , France).

Examples of gastronomic events in Russia: World Dumpling Day (Izhevsk, Udmurtia), Porridge Festival (Kashin, Tver Region), Russian Jellied Festival (Moscow Region).

In table 4.3 shows the classification of gastronomic brands.

Table 4.3

Classification of gastronomic brands 2

Case studies

Since the 2000s In Spain, the project “Promotion of Spanish gastronomic culture and high-quality tourism” is being implemented under the slogan “Spain - gastronomic advantage”. Local restaurants and chefs are supported as forward promoters of the destination; a gastronomic development program has been developed.

skogo tourism. Individual Spanish regions are promoting their geobrands (“Bilbao, the gastronomic capital of the Basque Country”, “Cuisine is geography, history and culture” (Catalonia)).

Note that branding of a tourist destination places the highest demands on visualization. As P. E. Rodkin rightly notes, “the most frequent and repeated visual elements in tourism brands are:

  • sun (Spain, Greece, Malta, Cyprus, Bulgaria, Brazil);
  • sea, water (Greece, Cyprus, Malta, Brazil);
  • plants (Ireland, Scotland, Holland, Turkey, Romania, Colombia, Sri Lanka, Malaysia, Bulgaria, Newfoundland and Labrador, Belarus);
  • animals (Maldives, Australia)".

At the time of writing this textbook, Russia as a tourist destination does not have an officially assigned corresponding brand (visual identification system). Moreover, out of 195 modern countries in the world, 146 countries have their own tourism brands.

In recent years, the need to create a unified, memorable image of our country to increase its tourist attractiveness in the global and domestic tourism services market has been recognized at a high government level.

In 2015, Rostourism, with the support of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation and the Association of Branding Companies of Russia, initiated the “Russian Tourism Brand” project. Currently, work on this project continues. Russia's tourism brand is created collectively. The general public takes part in the announced competition, but the main role in this process is given to professionals. The announcement of the project results was scheduled for 2017.

The Russian tourism brand created within the framework of the project will be used to promote domestic tourism services, both in Russia and abroad, including outdoor advertising, souvenirs, printing, photo and video products. The use of the Russian tourism brand will have to actively attract tourists on vacation to Russian regions.

  • Mozhaeva II. G., Rybachek G.V. Organization of the tourism industry and geography of tourism. M.: Forum; SIC IIFRA-M, 2014. P. 8.
  • Namely, according to the rating of the competitiveness of countries in the field of travel and tourism (The Travel and Tourism Competitiveness Report), which is compiled every two years.
  • Rodkin P. E. Brand identification of territories. Territorial branding: a new pragmatic identity. P. 89.

Elena Yuvanen, Yuri Shmidt Pacific State Economic University, Vladivostok

The works of such well-known domestic authors as V.I. are devoted to the analysis of consumer behavior in the tourism services market. Azar, M.B. Birzhakov, I.T. Balabanov, A.I. Balabanov, V.A. Kvartalnov, G.A. Papiryan, D.K. Ismayev, and many others. Such attention to this issue is understandable, since the tourism industry is currently one of the largest, most profitable and most dynamically developing sectors of the world economy, creating about 10% of the world's gross national product, and, according to forecasts of the World Tourism Organization, by 2020 Russia will be among the top ten most popular tourist destinations in the world.

Tourism has an impact on all aspects of regional development, helping to replenish the regional budget, improve social and market infrastructure, solve the problem of employment by creating new jobs, and strengthen interstate and interregional ties. For the Primorsky Territory, which has a high tourist and recreational potential, unique natural, cultural and historical resources, the problem of developing inbound and domestic tourism is of particular importance.

However, the development of tourism in the Primorsky Territory is hampered by a number of negative factors, the main of which include the insufficient development of tourism infrastructure; lack of a comprehensive view of the region as a tourist destination; a narrow range of tourist and related services offered; low solvency of the population; lack of effective mechanisms for regulating and supporting tourism development in the regions. In these conditions, assessing the recreational and tourist attractiveness of individual territories of the region is of great theoretical and practical importance for making economically sound and territorially differentiated recommendations and management decisions for the development of the tourism industry.

There are serious methodological difficulties in assessing the attractiveness of recreational areas, since the elements of the natural environment do not have unambiguous quantitative estimates and the recreational value of the territory is significantly influenced by tourist preferences (traditions, fashion, etc.), which are subjective in nature. Assessments of natural tourism resources based on their reserves, depletion and restoration of natural complexes can be used when planning the recreational development of territories, but their socio-economic significance does not end there. Thus, using the resource approach, it is impossible to evaluate the health-improving effect of a natural complex, its attractiveness, environmental friendliness, etc.

To overcome these difficulties, a methodology for an integral assessment of the recreational and tourist attractiveness of the territory is proposed, based on an integrated approach using expert assessments and statistical analysis, taking into account transport accessibility, natural, environmental and socio-economic conditions, the level of development of recreational and tourist infrastructure according to the proposed set of grouped indicators with calculated weighting coefficients.

At the first stage, respondents, who were directors of travel agencies and tourist centers, as well as researchers related by the nature of their activities to the study of natural and socio-cultural resources of the Primorsky Territory, were asked to rank the attractiveness factors of the recreational area by level of importance, assigning points from 1 to 20 (the lowest score was assigned to the most significant factor). The total score of all experts (12 people) made it possible to assess the significance of the attractiveness factors of a recreational area and assign the appropriate rank (Table 1).

Table 1.

The factors that received the greatest weight (natural attractions, climate, accommodation options, transport accessibility, trade services, in particular, public catering turnover, environmental friendliness, as well as general safety) were taken as the basis for further in-depth analysis of natural resource and socio-cultural potential of the territories of Primorsky Krai.

The parameters characterizing the state of the recreational and tourism sector in certain areas of the Primorsky Territory were considered in 4 areas:

  1. transport accessibility;
  2. recreational and tourism infrastructure;
  3. natural and ecological attractiveness;
  4. level of socio-economic development of the territory.

For each direction, four indicators were identified, the most significant from the point of view of experts and quite fully characterizing the corresponding area of ​​​​domestic tourism.

The assessment of transport accessibility includes characteristics of the regions of Primorsky Krai according to four indicators: distance from the regional center, density of roads, average travel time to the territory from the regional center, number of modes of transport available to visit the territory.

The state of recreational and tourism infrastructure was assessed according to the following indicators:

  1. one-time capacity of accommodation facilities;
  2. public catering turnover per capita;
  3. number of entertainment facilities (excluding sports facilities);
  4. retail trade turnover per capita.

To assess the natural and ecological attractiveness, indicators were selected that characterize the presence of natural attractions, the ecological situation and climate of a given territory:

  1. number of natural monuments;
  2. the opportunity to relax by the sea (the assessment was carried out in points from 1 to 10);
  3. average annual precipitation;
  4. emissions of harmful substances into the atmospheric air.

The level of socio-economic development of the area was assessed from the point of view of the attractiveness of the territory for tourists in terms of general safety, development of market and social infrastructure, and the possibility of receiving medical care. For the analysis, indicators were selected that directly or indirectly characterize the relevant aspects of the territory’s development:

  1. average monthly cash income per capita;
  2. number of registered crimes per 10,000 people. population;
  3. Population;
  4. number of hospital beds per 10,000 people. population.

For each value of the indicator under consideration for a separate territory, the corresponding rank is calculated from 0 to 1 using the formula:

where r is the rank of indicator k;
max k - the highest value of the k indicator for all territories under consideration.

If an indicator has a negative impact on the final indicator (for example, the number of registered crimes), then the rank of the indicator is calculated using the following formula:

To calculate the index for assessing recreational and tourist conditions (IORTU) of a separate territory, the following formula was used:

IORTU = K t T + K and I + K p P + K s C, (1)

where: T - assessment of transport accessibility;
I - assessment of the state of recreational and tourism infrastructure;
P - assessment of natural and environmental attractiveness;
C - assessment of the level of socio-economic development of the territory;
K t, K i, K p, K s are the weighting coefficients of the corresponding parameters.

Due to the differences in the level of influence of the directions we have identified on the recreational and tourist attractiveness of the territory, the assessments for the directions correspond to different weighting coefficients in the integral indicator. To calculate them, the hierarchy analysis method was used.

To calculate the weighting coefficients, it is necessary to create a hierarchy. The top of the hierarchy is the main goal or characteristic of the object, in this case the recreational and tourist attractiveness of the regions of Primorsky Krai. The main goal is influenced by intermediate criteria, in this case these are various aspects of tourist attractiveness (economic, aesthetic and recreational). At the lowest level of the hierarchy there are the main blocks of indicators that characterize the state of the recreational and tourism sector of individual regions of the Primorsky Territory. The diagram of the constructed hierarchy is presented in the figure.

After hierarchical reproduction of the problem, criteria priorities are established. In this case, a pairwise comparison of elements is made with respect to their impact on any element of a higher level. The results of pairwise comparisons are usually presented as an inversely symmetric matrix. An element of the matrix a(i,j) is the intensity of manifestation of hierarchy element i relative to hierarchy element j, assessed on a scale of relative importance of criteria from 1 to 9 (1 - equal importance of criteria, 9 - absolute superiority of one over the other). If, when comparing element i with element j, a (i,j) = b is obtained, then when comparing element j with element i, we obtain a (j,i) = 1/b.

The number of matrices at each level is equal to the number of criteria at a higher level. For each matrix, an eigenvector and a consistency index are calculated (providing information about the degree of consistency violation).

IS = (l max - n)/(n - 1),

where IS is the consistency index;
l max - maximum eigenvalue of the pairwise comparison matrix;
n is the order of this matrix.

Rice. Hierarchy of elements influencing the recreational>tourist attractiveness of the territory

If we divide the value of the consistency index by the number corresponding to the random consistency of a matrix of the same order, we obtain the consistency ratio (CR). The OC value must be on the order of 10% or less to be acceptable.

The main goal of the analysis is to study the influence of each block of indicators on the recreational and tourist attractiveness as a whole through an intermediate level - the main aspects of the tourist attractiveness of the territory, that is, the implementation of a hierarchical synthesis. Ultimately, we will receive a vector of priorities, the elements of which will be the weighting coefficients we need.

Let us determine in numerical form the degree of influence of one level on another. Calculations start from the top point. First, let's calculate how elements of level 2 affect level 1. For this, a matrix of paired comparisons is compiled (Table 2). Its elements are paired comparisons made on a scale from 1 to 9, and, accordingly, their reciprocals. Paired comparisons were made based on expert data.

Table 2. Assessment of factors of attractiveness of recreational areas

Then a priority vector, or eigenvector, is calculated for this matrix. (A non-zero vector X is called an eigenvector of the matrix A if the equality AX = λX is satisfied, where λ is a certain number. A vector X is called normalized if its length is 1.)

We calculate the eigenvector of the matrix reflected in Table 2. The elements of this vector are normalized, that is, they show the weight of each element of the second level relative to the criterion specified at the 1st level. The priority vector has the following form: (0.09; 0.31; 0.60). Thus, the tourist attractiveness of the territory is most influenced by recreational attractiveness (value 0.60).

Next, it is necessary to determine how the elements of the third level (blocks of indicators characterizing the state of the recreational and tourism sector) influence each element of the 2nd level (the main aspects of tourist attractiveness). For this purpose, pairwise comparison matrices are compiled. In total, 3 matrices are obtained (according to the number of elements of the second level) and the eigenvectors for these matrices are calculated. From these three eigenvectors we create a priority matrix.

The priority vectors in the matrix are arranged in columns. The resulting matrix must be multiplied by the second-level priority vector on the right.

As a result, we obtain a priority vector of dimension 4. This vector shows how elements of level 3 influence level 1 through elements of level 2.

Calculations show that the greatest influence on the tourist attractiveness of the regions of the Primorsky Territory is exerted by factors such as the state of the tourist and recreational infrastructure (value 0.443) and natural and environmental attractiveness (value 0.325). At the same time, factors such as transport accessibility of the area and the level of socio-economic development of the territory, according to experts, are not particularly significant when choosing a place to relax.

The results of calculating the integral assessment of recreational and tourist conditions in the regions of Primorsky Krai using formula (1) are presented in Table 3.

Table 3. Integral assessment of the recreational and tourist attractiveness of the territories of Primorsky Krai

The overall level of transport accessibility was minimal in the northern and northeastern regions of Primorsky Krai. The remaining territories of the region are characterized by medium and high transport accessibility.

The highest rank for indicators of the state of recreational and tourist infrastructure was in the cities. Vladivostok, Nakhodka, Ussuriysk, Khasansky and Kirovsky districts, the lowest in Anuchinsky, Ussuriysky and Lesozavodsky districts.

In terms of natural and ecological attractiveness, the Partizansky and Khasansky districts received the highest ratings. Vladivostok took eleventh place in the ranking, which is explained by the high level of air pollution both in the city itself and in its surroundings. Low natural attractiveness was determined in the remaining cities of the Primorsky Territory, as well as in 16 of the 24 administrative districts. The most favorable territories, from an environmental point of view, are located in remote areas of the region and in areas where specially protected areas are located (Lazovsky district with the reserve of the same name, etc.).

Vladivostok is the leader in terms of socio-economic development (3,134 points). The remaining cities of the Primorsky Territory, except for Nakhodka, did not even score 2 points in the final ranking. The level of socio-economic development in the regions of the region is also very low, with the exception of the Lazovsky, Terneysky and Ussuriysky districts. This is explained, first of all, by the low level of income of the population in these territories, the lack of jobs with stable income, which, in turn, forces the working population to leave remote areas of the region and leads to a decrease in the population and an increase in the crime rate. All these factors have a negative impact on the tourist attractiveness of the region’s regions, forcing tourists to once again think about their safety.

However, even the high tourism potential of individual territories identified during the analysis can be effectively realized only if there are appropriate socio-economic prerequisites. In the Primorsky Territory there are such prerequisites for the development of domestic tourism. The results of the analysis showed that domestic tourism in the Primorsky Territory has favorable prospects. The presence of unique, diverse and reproducible recreational resources maintains the capacity of the domestic tourism market at a level sufficient to meet the needs for recreation and health improvement of both residents of the Far East and visitors from other regions of Russia.

Azar V.I. Methodological introduction to regional tourism development programs // Proceedings of the Academy of Tourism. Vol. 1. St. Petersburg, 1995. P. 14 22; Balabanov I.T., Balabanov A.I. Economics of tourism. M.: Finance and Statistics, 1999, 176 pp.; Birzhakov M.B. Introduction to tourism. St. Petersburg: Gerda, 2000, 192 pp.; Ismayev D.K. Fundamentals of strategy and marketing planning in foreign tourism. M.: LUCH, 1994, 224 pp.; Kvartalnov V.A. Strategic management in tourism: modern management experience. M.: Finance and Statistics, 1999. - 496 pp.; Papiryan G.A. International economic relations: marketing in tourism. M.: Finance and Statistics, 2000, 160 p.

World Tourism Organization. Yearbook of Tourism Statistics. Madrid: WTO, 2005. 312 p.

Saati T.A. Decision making: a method for analyzing hierarchies. – M.: Radio and Communications, 1993. – 314 p.

Kemerovo State University


tourism, tourist attraction, brand, region, sustainable development

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Abstract to the article

The purpose of the article is to analyze tourist attractiveness as a factor in the sustainable development of the region (using the example of the Kemerovo region), based on territorial analysis and a survey of respondents. Particular attention is paid to the study of regional brands as an important component of the tourist image of the territory. Tourism for an industrial region is considered as an alternative source of additional revenues to the economy, contributing to long-term sustainable development.

Text of a scientific article

Currently, the importance of tourism is increasing not only in the economy of various regions of Russia, but also in overall regional development. The administrations of most constituent entities of the Russian Federation are interested in the development of tourism, especially if the territory initially has valuable recreational resources. Tourism, developing on the basis of already existing natural, historical and cultural recreational resources, is more profitable compared to the situation when these resources need to be created. In this case, tourism can be considered as a catalyst for the regional economy, allowing not only to use the entire complex of recreational resources existing in the region, but also to use the total potential of the territory in the most effective way. Not every region is capable of ensuring long-term sustainable development of tourism on its territory. This is due not only to the lack of valuable recreational resources, but also, for example, to the narrow industrial specialization of a number of regions. It would seem, why develop tourism in regions that are already developed at the expense of industry. But, if an industrial region has rich natural, historical and cultural potential, then why not use it as an alternative source of additional financial injections into the economy. Thus, the Kemerovo region is known in Russia as the land of coal, metallurgy and chemistry, while the coal industry, of course, comes first in importance for the region, since even the second name of the region - Kuzbass (Kuznetsk coal basin) - is associated precisely with coal. But, in recent years, Kuzbass has begun to position itself not only as an industrial region, but also as a tourism center for residents of Siberia and other territories of the country. For any region that has even the richest natural, historical and cultural resources and high recreational potential, the development of tourism requires increasing its attractiveness in the eyes of potential consumers of tourism products. This helps to increase the flow of tourists and investors and, as a result, create an active regional consumer market and investment growth. To increase the tourist attractiveness of the territory, a comprehensive analysis of the existing situation in the tourism market of the region is necessary, taking into account attractive and unattractive factors, and the development of a program of measures to enhance the positive impact of tourism on the economy of the region, to ensure its sustainable development. In order to study the tourist attractiveness of the Kemerovo region as a factor in the sustainable development of the region, we conducted a survey of respondents living in Kuzbass, neighboring and remote regions. An analysis of the responses showed that the most attractive factors for holidays in Kuzbass are: the development of ski tourism, rich nature, a variety of historical, cultural and natural monuments, good quality roads. Unattractive aspects for recreation are the harsh climate, insufficiently developed infrastructure, remoteness from warm seas and the European part of Russia, and little information about the region. Of the main attractions that make the Kemerovo region attractive, respondents most often named: the Sheregesh ski resort, the Tomsk Pisanitsa museum-reserve, the Kuznetsk Fortress historical and architectural museum, the Kuznetsky Alatau nature reserve, the Red Hill museum-reserve. , tourist and recreational center “Tanay”, etc. One of the factors in shaping the tourist attractiveness of the region is its branding. The mechanism for creating and promoting a brand and the development of tourism in the territory as a whole contribute to attracting tourists, and, as a result, additional financial flows into the economy of the region. The development of tourism is a modern tool for attracting the attention of external and internal consumers of tourism services to the region, developing tourism infrastructure, increasing income from the tourism industry and tourism-related industries, improving the quality of life and reducing the unemployment rate of the population, realizing the tourist and recreational potential of the territory, and increasing the rating of the region etc. In turn, the diversification of the region’s economy through the development of tourism and related industries (hotels, catering establishments, transport enterprises, the entertainment and leisure industry, educational institutions of professional tourism education) corresponds to the concept of sustainable development, which will allow the region’s economy to remain stable, despite a crisis. As part of the study of this problem, we conducted a study to identify existing brands in the Kemerovo region, which allowed us to identify the presence of tourism, industrial and geographic brands in the region. As for the tourism brand, for the last few years Kuzbass has been positioning itself as the habitat of the “Bigfoot”. An active PR campaign is underway to promote this symbol, aimed at ensuring that “Yeti” becomes a kind of calling card of the Kemerovo region. Currently, with the support of the Regional Administration and funding from investors, a number of activities have been developed and are actively being implemented to promote the new brand of Kuzbass - “Yeti”. Thus, as a Russian experience in the matter of branding, we can highlight the quite successfully developing and increasingly popular brand “Veliky Ustyug - the Homeland of Father Frost.” Every year, the Vologda region is visited by about 200 thousand tourists, not only Russian, but also foreign. The targeted policy of promoting the tourism brand of the Vologda region is being implemented within the framework of the concept of sustainable development. By analogy with “Father Frost” - the brand of the Vologda region, “Yeti” should become a distinctive symbol, a brand of Kuzbass, which would allow identifying the region in the country’s tourism market. However, the results of the research showed that despite the active promotion of “Yeti” as a tourist symbol of the region, the population of the region does not clearly perceive this brand. So, only 22.8% of respondents called “Yeti” a brand of Kuzbass, half of them noted that this brand is unsuccessful due to the fact that it does not reflect the specific characteristics of the region, and not everyone understands what exactly it symbolizes, and some respondents noted , that such a brand is even repulsive. The second half of respondents who noted “Yeti” as a brand consider it successful, since it symbolizes a healthy lifestyle, active recreation, good mood, and besides this, everything unknown and mysterious attracts. It should also be noted that Kuzbass is associated with “Yeti” mainly by residents of the region itself (22.8%) and its closest neighbors (46.6%), while neighbors associate Kuzbass with “Yeti” twice as often as Kuzbass residents. In our opinion, this is explained by the fact that the residents of Kuzbass know much more about their region and their associative range, in connection with this, is much wider. We combined the remaining options for the proposed brands into the response category - “other” (37.1%), this included such symbols as: Sheregesh, Tanay, Tyazhinskaya condensed milk, Bendi, etc. It should be noted that during the survey, residents of the region often identified “Yeti” with Sheregesh, considering it at the same time a symbol of this territory and Kuzbass as a whole. Or they named these two symbols of tourist Kuzbass, which in their opinion are equivalent, in separate answer options. The research results also showed that respondents from remote regions most often do not associate the Kemerovo region with “Yeti”, and generally know little about the region, except that coal is mined here and some other facts (Fig. 1). Fig.1. Comparative analysis of the opinions of respondents from different regions about brands in the Kemerovo region The diagram shows that the main association with Kuzbass for the majority of respondents is coal, as a symbol of the industrial region and its industrial brand (Kuzbass residents - 28.5%, the region’s closest neighbors - 73.3% , respondents from remote regions - 20.7-36.4%). I would like to emphasize that an industrial brand can, in part, also be a tourism brand. The long-established symbol of Kuzbass - coal, and the image of the industrial region can be turned favorably towards the development of industrial tourism. The unique flavor of the mining towns of Kuzbass can become an interesting object for tourists, especially foreign ones. With the correct investment of additional funds in the development of the coal cities of Kuzbass, it is possible to create an image of the region of coal and culture, because the Kemerovo region is characterized by a large number of art, cultural and educational institutions. Now in the Kemerovo region, attempts are being made to combine two brands of tourism and industrial, and souvenirs and images of Yeti with a jackhammer, in a miner’s helmet, against the background of coal, etc. appear. But, it must be remembered that any brand of the territory consists of two components: emotional and rational. “Yeti” as a tourist brand was initially created precisely as an emotional component of the image (traditions, customs, atmosphere, etc.) of the region, with the aim of attracting tourists to Mountain Shoria, or more precisely to Sheregesh, but this territory is already considered the most developed tourist area of ​​the Kemerovo region. And analysis of statistical data for 2012-2014. confirms this and shows an increase in tourist flow, primarily to Sheregesh. Therefore, the main task of tourism branding of Kuzbass in the context of sustainable development today should be the transition to a rational component of the image (nature, infrastructure, recreational needs of the population, labor resources, etc.), and therefore - attracting tourists to the region as a whole, and not only on its separate territory. Moreover, as research shows, despite a successful PR campaign, “Yeti” did not become a symbol of Kuzbass as a whole, but became the calling card of the Sheregesh ski resort, which has been actively developing over the past few years and strives for world standards of service quality. It should be noted that in 2014, the Sheregesh ski resort entered the TOP 5 best resorts in Russia and the CIS countries according to the website rating. The rating was based on the popularity of the resorts among fans of skiing and snowboarding, as well as on the transport and price accessibility of the resorts. In addition, Sheregesh is also associated with Kuzbass territorially, that is, geographically. If we talk about a geographic brand, then by it we mean a system of ordered interconnected ideas about space and the spatial structure of a territory, its geographical characteristics, objects, as well as a system of symbols and associations that most clearly characterize this territory. In this regard, not only “Sheregesh”, as the most “advanced” tourist attraction in the region, can be its tourist and at the same time geographical brand, but also the second name of the Kemerovo region - Kuzbass can rightfully be considered a geographical symbol of this territory. Since the word “Kuzbass” itself is the most popular among residents of Russia and more recognizable than the official name - Kemerovo region. Despite the fact that Kuzbass (Kuznetsk coal basin) is geographically much smaller in area than the territory of the Kemerovo region, the two names have long been identified not only by residents of the region, but also of the entire country. All attractive factors for the development of tourism in Kuzbass and its brands together strengthen the image of the region, making it recognizable and unique. The proper face of a region allows it to be identified among the many regions of Russia, reflecting the specifics and nature of its economic and social development. The more diverse the structure of the economy, the greater the chances of attracting Russian and foreign investors, and this, in turn, can contribute to the development of traditional and expansion of new types of economic activity, which will ensure effective and long-term sustainable development of the territory.
