Is it possible to cook pilaf in a slow cooker? Pilaf in a slow cooker – Uzbek cuisine with a modern twist

Pilaf is a traditional oriental dish that very often appears on the tables of many families. Of course, every housewife prepares it in her own way, but the general principles of the recipe remain the same. Novice cooks should try cooking pilaf in a slow cooker. This device greatly simplifies the cook’s task, while making the dish satisfying and tasty.

For this type of treat, it is preferable to use lamb, but chicken or pork is also suitable. In addition to meat (550 g), you also need to take: 350 g of carrots and white onions, a whole head of garlic, 750 ml of water, 270 g of rice (long grain), a pinch of ground black pepper and cumin, salt, oil.

  1. The meat is thoroughly washed and cut into medium-sized pieces. It is immediately salted and sprinkled with seasonings to taste.
  2. In the “Frying” mode of the multicooker, meat pieces are fried in well-heated oil for 12 minutes.
  3. The carrots are cut into thin strips, the onions into half rings. The vegetables are sent to the meat, and together the ingredients are cooked for another 8 minutes.
  4. All that remains is to add water, salt, the remaining seasonings and leave the products in the same mode for a couple of minutes.
  5. The rice is washed well and poured into the multicooker container. Its surface needs to be leveled, and a washed but not peeled garlic head should be inserted in the middle.
  6. It is prepared in the “Pilaf” mode for the time specified by the program.

Serve a flavorful dish with assorted fresh or pickled vegetables.

With chicken

A very tender dish is obtained if you cook pilaf in a slow cooker with chicken (breast), and do not fry the vegetables in oil. This option is suitable for the youngest family members, as well as people who watch their figure. For it you will need to use: 1 breast, 220 g of rice, 1 pc. onions and carrots, a pinch of barberry and any other seasonings, salt, 280 ml of water.

  1. Pieces of breast, cut from the bone, along with vegetables chopped in any way, are cooked in the “Frying” mode for 15-17 minutes without adding oil. You can replace it with chicken broth or a small amount of water.
  2. Using the same program, add washed rice to the ingredients, and together they “Fry” for another 7 minutes.
  3. All that remains is to add water, selected spices, salt, barberry, mix all the ingredients and start the “Pilaf” mode.

If the multicooker does not have the “Frying” program, it will be replaced by the “Baking” option.

Original recipe for a slow cooker with raisins

The dish with the addition of raisins has a special, unique piquant taste. In this case, the pilaf will not turn out sweet. In addition to dried fruit (120 g), you also need to take: 450 g chicken fillet, 2 pcs. carrots and white onions, 350 g of rice, 700 ml of water, 1 bay leaf, 4 black peppercorns, any seasonings for pilaf and oil.

  1. In the “Frying” mode, small pieces of fillet are fried for 12 minutes with the addition of any vegetable oil.
  2. Chopped onions and carrots are sent to the meat and cooked together for the same amount of time. Both the vegetables and the chicken should be golden.
  3. Raisins and rice are thoroughly washed and then added to the bowl of the device.
  4. Spices and salt are poured into the multicooker.
  5. The ingredients are poured with water so that it completely covers the cereal.
  6. The dish is prepared in the “Pilaf” mode (you can replace it with the “Porridge” program).

The treat is served to the table after thorough mixing.

Beef pilaf recipe

If you decide to cook pilaf with beef, it is better to marinate the meat in a mixture of vegetable oil and seasonings for a couple of hours in advance. This will reduce cooking time. You also need to cut the beef (550 g) into small pieces, clearing them of veins and films. In addition to meat, you will need to use: 3 pcs. white onions and carrots, 4-5 cloves of garlic, 370 g rice (long grain), oil, salt.

  1. Any vegetable oil is poured into the multicooker bowl and the “Frying” mode is turned on for 40 minutes. You need to cook pieces of pre-prepared meat in it for about 20 minutes, stirring them constantly.
  2. After the specified time has passed, miniature cubes of white onions and thin sticks of sweet carrots are sent into the container. Together they are fried until the end of the specified program. The roof does not close.
  3. After 40 minutes, add a cup of hot water, any spices, salt, chopped garlic to the bowl, and in the “Stew” mode they simmer for another 50 minutes.
  4. Lastly, add washed rice to the meat and vegetables and pour in 450 ml of hot water. The contents are not mixed.
  5. The pilaf is stewed for another 40 minutes.

After 20 minutes, you can taste the treat and add salt if necessary.

How to cook Uzbek pilaf with lamb?

The traditional Uzbek version of the dish under discussion is always prepared with lamb. You need to use 450 g of meat, and, in addition to it: 420 g of rice, 1 pc. onions and carrots, 0.5 sticks of butter, a couple of cloves of garlic, 1 tsp. special seasoning for pilaf, salt.

  1. Meat, cut into small pieces, is cooked in butter in the “Frying” mode until an appetizing crust forms. After that, chopped onions and carrots are sent to it, and together the products are fried until the vegetables are transparent.
  2. Well-washed rice, chopped garlic, salt and seasoning are laid out on top of the prepared ingredients.
  3. Water is poured into the container of the device (just above the level of the cereal) and the remaining butter is added.
  4. The dish is prepared in the “Pilaf” mode until the end of the program.

If desired, finely chopped greens and barberries are added to the rice during cooking.

Lenten pilaf with mushrooms in a slow cooker

Even during fasting, it is quite acceptable to treat yourself to delicious, hearty pilaf. Champignons (350 g) will replace meat in this recipe. In addition to mushrooms, you need to use: 1 pc. carrots, onions and sweet red peppers, 350 g unparboiled long-grain rice, 1 tbsp. barberry and spices for pilaf, 5 cloves of garlic, salt, oil.

  1. To prepare the dressing, carrots and bell peppers are cut into large strips, onions into half rings, and garlic into thin slices. Together, the vegetables are sauteed in the “Frying” mode in vegetable oil until transparent.
  2. As soon as the listed ingredients become soft, you can add coarsely chopped mushrooms to them, and fry all the products together until the champignons are completely cooked.
  3. Among the spices, it is best to choose cilantro, cumin, saffron and barberry. They are mixed with washed rice, after which the cereal is sent to the slow cooker.
  4. All that remains is to add water to the ingredients and cook them in the “Stew” mode for 20 minutes.

It is thanks to the multicooker that lean pilaf turns out tender and crumbly.

Cooking method with chicken hearts

Chicken hearts are not only very tender meat, but also budget-friendly. It will allow you to prepare not only tasty, but also very economical pilaf. In addition to hearts (500 g), you should use: 2 multi-cups of rice, 2 pieces each. onions and carrots, a whole head of garlic, salt, any aromatic herbs, oil.

  1. Each heart is cut in half, washed from blood and rid of veins.
  2. Onions and carrots are chopped in any convenient way and fried in vegetable oil in the “Frying” mode until cooked.
  3. As soon as the vegetables begin to turn golden, you can add the hearts to them and cook the ingredients together for another 7-10 minutes.
  4. Afterwards, pre-washed rice, salt, spices are placed in the bowl, and water is also poured in (about a finger above the cereal).
  5. In the “Stew” mode, the dish cooks for 60 minutes.
  6. After 45 minutes, the multicooker lid is opened slightly for a few seconds, and peeled garlic cloves are added to the pilaf.

You can stir the treat only after the device beeps that it is ready. Next, it is better to leave the dish “heated” for another half hour.

With pork and prunes

Pilaf in a slow cooker with pork is prepared no less simply and quickly than the options listed above. Adding pitted prunes (160 g) will help make the dish more piquant. You also need to use the following products: 350 g of steamed long rice, 450 g of pork pulp, 2 pcs. onions and carrots, a pinch of cumin, dried barberry and ground turmeric, a head of garlic, salt, oil.

  1. In the “Frying” mode, small pieces of pork are fried in vegetable oil for 15 minutes. After the specified time has elapsed, carrots cut into cubes and large cubes of onions are laid out on top of them.
  2. All the spices are poured into the multicooker bowl, and prunes are placed on top of the listed ingredients. There is no need to cut the latter.
  3. All that remains is to pour the rice into the container and fill the food with water to the 2 liter mark.
  4. Under the lid, the dish is cooked in the “Stew” mode for 1 hour.
  5. About halfway through the process, a washed but not peeled head of garlic is stuck into the middle of the bowl.

Before serving, the finished treat can be sprinkled with chopped herbs.

Crumbly pilaf in a slow cooker

To make the dish crumbly, you need to choose polished long steamed rice (280 g). It should also be rinsed in several waters before adding it to the slow cooker. In addition to rice, you need to take: 450 g of any meat, 1 pc. onions and carrots, 4 garlic cloves, any spices, salt, oil.

  1. The pieces of meat are washed and dried with a paper towel, after which they are lightly fried in oil in the “Frying” mode.
  2. Vegetables chopped in any convenient way are added to the meat pieces covered with an appetizing crust, and together the ingredients are cooked in the same program for another 7 minutes.
  3. Lastly, pre-washed rice, spices, garlic, salt are sent into the multicooker bowl and water is added. The liquid should be 2 cm above the cereal.
  4. In the “Pilaf” mode, the dish is cooked for 60 minutes.

Garlic can be added either whole or chopped cloves. In the first case, it will affect the aroma, and in the second - on the taste.

Features of cooking in multicookers: Polaris, Redmont

The process of preparing delicious pilaf in a multicooker will primarily depend on the selected device. For example, most Polaris models have a “Frying” mode (including “Frying in Oil”), but there is no “Pilaf” program. Therefore, the latter can be replaced with the “Extinguishing” option only by resetting the automatic set time.

Redmont devices have all the necessary modes. The Stew/Pilaf program for many models is indicated by one button.

If you decide to cook pilaf in a multicooker, which does not have either the “Pilaf” or “Stew” options, then you can replace it with the “Buckwheat” program.

True, in this case you need to monitor the cooking time, since there is a possibility that you will end up with a rather dry dish.

Pilaf has long been transformed from a traditionally oriental dish into our Russian dish, beloved by everyone, but unfortunately not prepared correctly by everyone. Even in the era of ordinary pots and pans, some cooks managed to turn crumbly, aromatic pilaf into ordinary rice porridge with meat. With the advent of multicookers in our kitchens, cooking pilaf has become easier, but ignorance of the most important rules for preparing pilaf still allows you to end up with the same rice porridge with meat...

Pilaf in a slow cooker is cooked according to the same rules as in a cauldron. The “Pilaf” mode in a multicooker only means additional frying of food after cooking, and that’s all. You still have to cut the carrots correctly, cook the zirvak correctly and add the rice correctly. Therefore, before we start preparing pilaf with you in a slow cooker according to the recipes below, we will highlight the main points that in no case should be ignored.

  • You can use any rice for pilaf, as long as it is not brittle. Pay attention to the grains of rice in the bag when purchasing: there should not be a lot of dust and fragments of grains in the bag;
  • Each variety of rice adds its own taste and aroma to pilaf. For example, “Health” rice gives a distinct nutty flavor, and steamed polished “Basmati”, which almost doubles in size when cooked, is almost neutral. Turkmens and Uzbeks generally do not accept long-grain varieties, being content with the most ordinary Krasnodar round rice, saying that only with it the pilaf turns out to be as similar as possible to the real thing;
  • Some cooks are strongly against steamed rice, while others, on the contrary, strongly recommend it, since it does not stick together when cooked, and the pilaf turns out crumbly. It's up to you;
  • About cutting vegetables. Onions can be cut as you please, but carrots should be cut strictly into cubes or strips and preferably lengthwise and not across (I know gourmets who generally throw away the core of carrots, and you know, there’s something in that! The taste of the dish changes quite noticeably) . Under no circumstances grate carrots, even the largest ones - when cooked, they very quickly release their juice, become limp and turn the pilaf into that same porridge with meat;
  • You can use almost any spices for pilaf, but there is a minimum that simply must be present in any pilaf. This is cumin (cumin seeds, it is advisable to take black cumin), dried barberry, saffron or its cheaper analogue turmeric (be careful with these spices, it’s easy to overdo it), a mixture of peppers (black, white, pink, green, allspice), garlic (whole heads or cloves, do not peel). In addition to these spices, you can add ground paprika, sun-dried or dried tomatoes, a whole pod of hot pepper to the pilaf (the pepper must be intact, otherwise you will get a fire-breathing dish!), ground coriander seeds, and ground nutmeg. Greens are not put into pilaf; they are served separately;

  • Zirvak is cooked in boiling oil. Each cook has his own order of adding products, but one thing is unchanged: each product should be added to the bowl only after the oil has boiled and clarified. That is, if you first put onions in a bowl, wait until the oil boils, put in the onions and simmer them until the oil is transparent and boils, then lay out the carrots, simmer again until the oil is transparent and boils, then carefully, along the side, lay out the meat so as not to sharply reduce the boiling point of the oil. The meat is considered ready when it has acquired a grayish color and the oil has lightened and become transparent again. The reverse order of adding food follows the same principle: meat, wait for the oil to lighten and boil, onions, carrots. The main thing is not to throw everything in at once, it won’t be pilaf;
  • When the meat and vegetables are ready, add spices, except garlic and capsicum, heat them so that they reveal their aroma and taste more fully, and add rice;
  • Rice should be spread over the meat in an even layer, never mixing with zirvak. Pour boiling water over the rice, spoonful at a time, so that the water does not mix the food. And only after all the manipulations, stick a whole head of garlic, peeled from the top scales, and a pepper pod (if you like spicier dishes) into the center. All! Close the lid and press the treasured “Pilaf” button.

Our site offers you several recipes according to which you can cook pilaf in a slow cooker, however, you have the power to make your own changes to each recipe. Change the quantity of products, add your favorite spices - cook your own, the best pilaf!

Pilaf in a slow cooker with chicken fillet

1 chicken fillet without skin and bones,
2 multi cups long grain rice (or any you like)
1-2 onions,
2-3 carrots,
1 small head of garlic,
½ multi-cup vegetable oil,
4 multi-cups of hot water,
salt, spices - to taste.

Set the “Baking” mode and pour vegetable oil into the bowl. When it is well heated, pour the chopped onion into the bowl, then, after the oil boils, add the carrots cut into cubes or strips, and then, when the oil lightens and boils vigorously, add the diced fillet. You can add half a peeled tomato, cut into pieces, to the zirvak. Stir and fry for 5-7 minutes. Add spices to taste. Level the vegetables and meat in the bowl, pour in the rice, washed in several waters, pour in hot water, pouring the water over a spoon or spatula so that the food in the bowl does not mix, and stick a head of garlic, peeled from the top scales, into the middle. Close the lid and set the mode to “Pilaf”, “Grains” or “Buckwheat”. After the signal about the end of the mode, do not open the lid, but let it stand for 15-20 minutes in the heating mode.

Pilaf with chicken hearts

1 kg of chicken hearts (you can take duck, turkey),
2-3 onions,
2-3 carrots,
2 multi cups rice,
4 multi glasses of water,
100 g butter,
1 head of garlic,
salt, spices.

First, prepare the hearts. Clean them of any excess and cut them in half. In a multicooker bowl, melt and heat the butter in the “Baking”, “Frying” or “Cake” mode and prepare the zirvak, alternately frying the onions, carrots and hearts, each time waiting until the oil becomes transparent and begins to boil. Add spices to taste and salt. Rinse the rice in several waters, drain the water and place the rice on top of the zirvak and smooth it out. Insert a head of garlic into the center or, if the head seems too much, divide it into cloves and insert them into the rice in a circle. Pour in hot water, close the lid and set the mode to “Pilaf”, “Porridge”, “Buckwheat” or “Stew” (in this case, add a little less water so that the rice does not boil into porridge, but remains crumbly). After the end of the mode, you can stir the pilaf and let it stand in the “Warming” mode for 20 minutes to an hour.

Pilaf in a slow cooker with beef

500 g beef or veal,
500 g rice,
500 g onions,
500 g carrots,
100 ml vegetable oil,
1 head of garlic,
1 pod hot pepper (optional)

Prepare the products: cut the meat into 2×2 cm cubes, chop the onion into large cubes, cut the carrots lengthwise into strips or cubes 4-5 cm long. Set the “Baking” or “Frying” mode, heat the oil in the multicooker bowl, fry the pieces of meat in it first until the oil becomes transparent, then the onions and lastly the carrots (at this point you can add a teaspoon of sugar to the bowl, it will give the carrots a golden color). Salt, add all the seasonings (cumin, barberry, turmeric, a mixture of peppers, ground tomatoes and paprika - to taste and desire), mix again and smooth out. Carefully place the rice, washed in several waters, into the bowl, level it without mixing with the zirvak, insert a head of garlic and a pepper pod deep into the center, pour boiling water so that it covers the layer of rice by no more than a centimeter, and close the lid. Set the “Pilaf” mode (“Porridge”, “Grains”, “Buckwheat”). After the mode ends, let the finished dish stand in the heating mode for 20 minutes or more. Then remove the garlic and pepper, peel the garlic cloves. Place a heap of rice on a wide dish, and fried meat and vegetables around it. Decorate with greens.

Pilaf with pork and prunes

400 g rice,
400-500 g pork (ribs can be used),
75-100 ml vegetable oil,
2-3 carrots,
1-2 onions,
1 head of garlic,
1 pod of hot pepper,
a handful of prunes,
spices for pilaf (cumin, barberry are a must!), salt to taste.

Rinse the rice in several waters until completely transparent and soak in boiled cold water for a couple of hours. Cut the pork into pieces (chop the ribs). Cut the onion into cubes, carrots into cubes. In a multicooker bowl, heat the vegetable oil in the “Baking” or “Frying” mode, add the meat or ribs, add a teaspoon of sugar and fry, stirring constantly, until the oil is transparent and the meat has a light golden crust. Add onion to the meat and fry it until golden brown. Add carrots to the meat and onions, fry until the oil is transparent and add spices and salt. Level the finished zirvak with a spoon, place the washed prunes, pour the rice on top in an even layer (drain the water), stick the garlic cloves in the husk into the rice, put the pepper on top and pour boiling water to a height of 1-1.5 cm, pouring it over the spoon so that the rice was not mixed with the vegetables. Close the lid, set the “Pilaf” mode (or another suitable time and temperature). After the mode ends, remove the pepper, peel the garlic cloves, stir the pilaf in a bowl and let it stand in the “Warming” mode longer, if possible, up to two hours.

When choosing lamb, pay attention to its color: the meat should be rich red and the fat white. If the fat is yellowish, the meat is old.

500 g lamb,
2 multi-cups long grain rice,
4 onions,
3-4 carrots,
50 ml vegetable oil,
a piece of tail fat (preferably, but not required),
1 head of garlic,
1 tomato (optional)
2-3 tbsp. dark raisins,
1 tsp barberry,
1 tsp cumin,
salt, spices for pilaf - to taste.

Prepare the products: fat tail fat, if you decide to use it, cut into small cubes, meat into cubes, onion into rings or half rings, carrots into cubes or large strips along the root vegetable (straw length 3-5 cm). Set the multicooker to “Frying” mode (or similar), heat vegetable oil in a bowl and add pieces of tail fat. Fry them until light brown and remove with a slotted spoon. Place the onion in the bowl, fry until golden brown, then add the meat, stir and cook until the pieces turn white. Pour all the spices into the bowl, stir and fry everything for 10-15 minutes. Add carrots and peeled tomato, cut into pieces, simmer for another 5-7 minutes until the oil is transparent. Add raisins to the meat and vegetables, stir, add well-washed rice, insert a head of garlic into the center and carefully pour in boiling water so that it covers the food in the bowl to a height of 1 cm. Close the lid, set the “Pilaf”, “Buckwheat” mode. “Grains”, “Porridge on water”, etc. After the signal about the end of the mode, do not open the lid, let it stand in the heating mode for 20-30 minutes. Before serving, remove the garlic, peel the cloves, tip the pilaf onto a wide dish and serve immediately. Lamb fat hardens quickly, so wash down your lamb pilaf with hot unsweetened green tea or black tea with lemon (also without sugar, of course).

Bon appetit and new culinary discoveries!

Larisa Shuftaykina

Pilaf is a traditional dish of many Asian peoples. There are many ways to prepare it, based on ancient recipes. However, the popularity of this dish is so great that it began to be included in the program of such devices as a multicooker. It is also believed that this is due to the cooking technology, which involves gradual laying. Therefore, the recipe for pilaf in a multicooker is very popular among users of these devices.


You will need:

Meat (beef or lamb) - 0.5 kg;

Rice - 0.5 kg;

Carrots - 0.5 kg;

Onion - 0.5 kg;

Head of garlic;

Black pepper;

Small tomato;

Dried barberry.

Food preparation

It should be noted that in a multicooker it involves sequential placement of products. That is why preliminary preparation is necessary first. The meat is cut into small pieces with edges of 2-3 cm. The rice is thoroughly washed and filled with warm water for half an hour. The carrots are cut into small cubes, the onions into half rings. In this case, you should not use a grater or other types of cutting, since the recipe for pilaf in a multicooker is calculated down to the smallest detail and does not involve other cooking options.

Selecting the starting program

First of all, you need to set the frying mode on the device. A baking program or similar may also be suitable. At the same time, in this mode you should not close the lid, since you want to get fried products, not boiled ones. Some devices have a special function for preparing a given dish, so, for example, a pilaf recipe requires constant use of this type of program without subsequent switching.


After the mode is selected, add a little oil to the container, in which the onions are fried. Literally after 10 minutes the meat is placed there, and after 15 minutes carrots are added. At this point, you can add salt and pepper to the dish. It should take about twenty minutes to prepare everything together.

Secondary program

After the meat, onions and carrots are almost cooked, you need to switch the mode to stewing. However, you need to know that, for example, a pilaf recipe that uses the “Pilaf” program assumes that what is specified at the beginning of the cycle is completed.

Rice laying

First, place the peeled tomato in the container. After this, add all the spices and add rice. It must be filled with water so that it covers the cereal by two centimeters. Next, the recipe for pilaf in a slow cooker involves placing garlic directly in the center, which is slightly recessed. After this, close the lid and cook the dish for half an hour. You can check whether the pilaf is ready by tapping the surface with a chef's spoon. If there are no squelching sounds, then the dish is completely ready. The multicooker can be turned off.

It is worth noting that you can stir the pilaf only once at the very end of cooking. At the same time, it is necessary to remove the garlic from it, which is served as a special appetizer for honored guests.

Uzbek pilaf is one of the most popular dishes of oriental cuisine, which has spread throughout the world and won people's love in different countries. Traditionally, it is stewed in a cauldron with thick walls, but recently experienced housewives prefer to cook using a modern gadget. Pilaf in a slow cooker can be prepared with chicken, meat, lean, crumbly, basmati rice and other varieties. Below you will find a recipe for multicooker pilaf for every taste.

How to cook pilaf in a slow cooker

Cooking pilaf in a slow cooker is not as troublesome as in a cauldron, but you still need to try to create a tasty dish. A multicooker is an excellent gadget that increasingly replaces pots in the kitchen and has various programs. Pilaf is best cooked in the frying mode. The Heating mode, Baking mode or Stewing mode is used. The choice of program depends on the model of the electrical appliance, for example, the Redmond company has a special one called Pilaf.

All the secrets do not change the traditional method of cooking too much - it is important to choose the right rice, cut the meat and carrots in the right proportions and calculate the time so that the cereal does not turn into a viscous porridge. The multicooker itself will help with this - at the end of the program, it will notify you that it is ready with a sound signal. Seasonings play an important role:

  • barberry;
  • cumin;
  • whole garlic;
  • turmeric;
  • for lean pilaf – dried fruits.

What kind of rice do you need?

Experienced housewives know that correctly selected rice grains already guarantee crumbly pilaf. Opinions differ - you can’t say for sure what kind of rice is needed for pilaf in a slow cooker. There are many varieties in the store that give pilaf different taste, aroma and consistency. Beginning housewives often use steamed rice, as it will definitely not boil or stick together. The “Basmati” variety will double in length when cooked, and the “Zdorovye” variety will give the pilaf a nutty flavor. Uzbek chefs do not recognize any other type than the round Krasnodar one, and prepare it in such a way that the pilaf turns out to be real.

For inexperienced lovers of this dish, there is one secret - when choosing rice, pay attention to the grains. The grains of rice should not be too brittle, then after heat treatment they will remain in their original form. To do this, look carefully at the amount of dust and debris at the bottom of the pack. Good rice will be very clean, and it doesn't matter which variety you choose.

Cooking time

Pilaf is prepared in two stages - first, zirvak (meat, onions, carrots) is fried in the “frying” or “baking” mode. Then rice is added and the “Stewing” program is turned on. As for zirvak, the frying time depends on the type of meat - lamb needs to be cooked longer than chicken fillet. After adding rice and water, you need to set the special “Pilaf” mode, which involves simmering for 45 minutes. If there is no such program, you can use your choice:

  • "Porridge";
  • "Buckwheat";
  • "Stewing."

At what temperature to cook

Most multicooker models are not designed to select a temperature setting. However, sometimes you need to set the temperature yourself during cooking. In the “Frying” option, 130-160 degrees are set, depending on the type of meat. It is better to stew beef at a lower temperature, but for a longer time; chicken meat can be quickly fried at 160 degrees. In the “Stewing” or “Pilaf” mode, it is better to use 105-115 degrees.

Recipes for pilaf in a slow cooker

With meat

  • Number of servings: 6 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 300 kcal (100 g).
  • Purpose: lunch, dinner.
  • Cuisine: oriental.

Every housewife wants to know a simple recipe for pilaf in a slow cooker with pork. Often inexperienced cooks refuse to prepare Uzbek pilaf for fear of spoiling the rice and turning it into rice porridge. Pilaf with meat in a slow cooker prepared according to this recipe turns out crumbly and very tasty, which is perfect for lunch or dinner. The simplicity of the cooking process will appeal to any cook.


  • pork – 600 g;
  • onion – 400 g;
  • carrots – 400 g;
  • seasoning for pilaf – 2 tablespoons;
  • long grain rice - 3.5 multi-cups;
  • water – 5 multi-glasses;
  • garlic - a few cloves;
  • salt – 1 tablespoon;
  • vegetable oil.

Cooking method:

  1. We prepare all the products and install the bowl, pour in vegetable oil
  2. We cut the onion as you like, it is better to cut the carrots into strips. Cut the meat into cubes, first cutting off excess fat so that the dish does not turn out greasy.
  3. Fry the onions and carrots, after 7 minutes add the meat. Fry the pork with vegetables for about 13 minutes, add seasoning and salt.
  4. We wash the rice, add it to the bowl, stick in a few cloves of garlic and carefully pour in hot water. Set the “Rice” or “Pilaf” mode for 40 minutes.
  5. Stir the contents of the multicooker after the signal - a hearty dinner is ready!

With chicken

  • Cooking time: 1 hour 20 minutes.
  • Number of servings: 6 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 200 kcal (per 100 g).
  • Purpose: dinner
  • Cuisine: Azerbaijani.
  • Difficulty of preparation: easy.

Porridge with zirvak is present in almost all oriental cuisines, but many peoples make it according to their own recipes. In Azerbaijan, dried fruits – dried apricots and raisins – are often added to pilaf, which gives the food a more piquant aroma. If you first stew dried fruits in butter and a pinch of spices, it turns out incredibly tasty! In this recipe you will learn how to cook rice with chicken and dried apricots in Azerbaijani style in a slow cooker.


  • chicken fillet – 500-700 g;
  • rice – 2 cups;
  • water – 4 glasses;
  • carrots – 1 large piece;
  • onion – 1 pc.
  • dried apricots – 1 handful;
  • raisins – 1 handful;
  • salt, pepper - to taste;
  • turmeric, seasoning for pilaf.

Cooking method:

  1. Soak the rice and rinse it thoroughly in 3-4 waters.
  2. Cut the chicken fillet into small cubes, finely chop the onion, and chop the carrots into strips or on a grater.
  3. Add oil to the multicooker bowl and fry the carrots, onions and chicken.
  4. Dried apricots and raisins can be washed and dried, or fried in a frying pan with butter and a pinch of spices to make the dish as in the photo. Then the dried fruits need to be added to the zirvak.
  5. Add rice and water. In any suitable mode, rice should be cooked for 45 minutes, then set to “Keep Warm” and leave to simmer for another 15 minutes.

With fish

  • Cooking time: 1 hour 10 minutes.
  • Number of servings: 4 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 150-170 kcal.
  • Purpose: dinner.
  • Cuisine: oriental.
  • Difficulty of preparation: medium.

The recipe for cooking pilaf in a slow cooker with fish cannot be called a traditional version of this dish, made according to all the rules. It is popular among those who prefer dietary nutrition and take care of their figure. Thanks to fish, which goes well with rice, pilaf is not so high in calories and is suitable for a light dinner. In this recipe you will learn how to cook pilaf with red fish so that it becomes your signature dish.


  • red fish fillet (trout) – 400 g;
  • rice – 1 glass;
  • carrots – 1 piece;
  • onion – 1 piece;
  • seasoning - to taste;
  • salt, vegetable oil.

Cooking method:

  1. Cut the onion into half rings and the carrots into strips, and fry everything on the “Baking” mode for about 5 minutes.
  2. Add diced fresh fish and simmer the zirvak for another 10 minutes.
  3. Pour pre-washed rice into the contents of the bowl and fill everything with water.
  4. After 45 minutes, you need to select the “Reheat” mode so that the dish simmers over low heat.
  5. The diet dinner is ready – the photo doesn’t convey the amazing aroma! It will turn out very tasty.

No meat

  • Cooking time: 60 minutes.
  • Number of servings: 4 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 100-150 kcal.
  • Purpose: for dinner.
  • Cuisine: Asian.
  • Difficulty of preparation: easy.

Rice can be prepared without meat - this option is great for vegetarians or those who fast. A meat substitute in such a lean dish is often beans, or mushrooms, green peas or a set of vegetables are introduced - zucchini, eggplant, bell peppers, tomatoes. In this recipe you will learn how to deliciously cook vegetarian pilaf with champignons.


  • champignons – 400 grams;
  • long or steamed rice - 1.5 cups;
  • onions – 2 pieces;
  • carrots – 1 piece;
  • water – 2.5 cups;
  • garlic – 1 head;
  • pepper, salt, barberry, cumin - to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. Pour oil into the multicooker bowl, heat and fry finely chopped vegetables, as in the photo - onions, carrots, mushrooms. After 15 minutes of frying, add spices to taste.
  2. Soak the rice and wash it in several waters.
  3. Place the rice in a bowl, pour water through a slotted spoon and stick in the head of garlic in the husk.
  4. After 45 minutes in the “Porridge” or “Stew” mode, the pilaf can be eaten. Dinner turns out to be very filling and low in calories.


Pilaf is a dish of Oriental, Caucasian, and Asian cuisine that has spread throughout the world.

It has taken root remarkably well in Russia and the countries of the post-Soviet space. Here the dish, of course, was transformed and was adapted to the tastes of residents of different territories.

In addition, initially there were many variants of pilaf, and over time there were even more of them.

With the advent of multicookers, cooking pilaf has become even faster and easier - magical technology helps housewives with this.

Basic principles of preparing delicious pilaf in a slow cooker

Products for pilaf in a multicooker are prepared in the same way as for regular pilaf.

This is rice that needs to be washed in several waters. Onion - chop. Cut the carrots into strips or grate them.

Various meats can be used as a base for pilaf in a slow cooker: lamb, pork, beef, chicken, rabbit. There is a recipe for fish pilaf. They also prepare pilaf without meat, with various vegetables and even fruits.

In ordinary pilaf, meat, onions, and carrots are most often fried first. In a multicooker, you can use the Frying function for this. Or you can do all this in a frying pan or cauldron, then send it to the slow cooker. For the final preparation of pilaf, they usually use the Rice, Pilaf function, and in the absence of them, Stew. Time - about an hour.

Various seasonings are used for pilaf - black, red, allspice, hot pepper, cumin, coriander, curry, barberry and many others.

Simple and very tasty lamb pilaf in a slow cooker

Traditional meat for pilaf is lamb. In this recipe, it is accompanied by the usual spices and cooking method for pilaf. If desired, you can change the composition of spices, and also choose meat that is more suitable to your taste.


Half a kilogram of lamb - brisket, ribs, another part with soft meat and a small amount of fat

    Three tablespoons of vegetable oil

    Two glasses of rice

    Two large carrots

    Two large onions

    Set Seasoning for pilaf with red and black pepper, barberry, cumin

    A few cloves of garlic

    Water - about a liter

    Half a tablespoon of salt.

Cooking method

    Cut/chop the meat into medium-sized pieces.

    Cut the onion into half rings.

    Chop the carrots into strips.

    Fry in oil until golden brown.

    Add onion, fry as well, add carrots, stir, fry for a few more minutes.

    All this can be done in a frying pan or in a slow cooker in the Fry mode.

    When the meat and vegetables are fried, further cooking should be continued in the multicooker bowl.

    Sprinkle rice on top, add salt and spices.

    The water should be hot by this time - pour it in carefully, in the end the level should be 2-3 fingers higher than the rice.

    Stick garlic cloves into rice without peeling

    Close the multicooker, set the mode to Rice, Pilaf or just Stew for an hour.

    After the multicooker signal, let it sit for ten minutes, then serve.

Chicken pilaf in a slow cooker: not a classic, but tasty and easy

Chicken is a favorite meat for many. It is inexpensive, easy to prepare and also dietary. Chicken meat is used as a basis for pilaf, ultimately giving an excellent result. In this recipe, meat and vegetables are not fried separately, which makes the dish even lighter, suitable for children's menus, elderly people or those on a diet.


    Chicken – half breast or other parts of your choice



    Glass of rice

    Spices to taste

    spoon of butter

    Two glasses of water

    A handful of greens - dill, parsley, cilantro.

Cooking method

    Cut the chicken into pieces

    Chop onions and carrots as desired

    Rinse the rice thoroughly

    Pour oil into the multicooker bowl

    Place the meat, pepper and salt.

    Place onions and carrots on top.

    Fill with rice and carefully pour in water.

    Let it cook for an hour.

    Open the multicooker, add the herbs, and let sit for a few more minutes.

    Stir and serve.

Delicious lean pilaf in a slow cooker with vegetables

You can cook delicious pilaf in a slow cooker and without meat at all - lots of vegetables and spices, it will be just wonderful. It is better to fry the vegetables a little in vegetable oil. However, you can do without this if the dishes are prepared on days of strict fasting. Products here are measured using multicooker glasses.


    Two multi-cups round rice

    Two bulbs

    Two or three carrots

    head of garlic

    One hundred grams of zucchini

    Bell pepper - one piece

    Ripe tomato

    A handful of green beans, fresh or frozen, or half a cup of garbanzo beans

    A couple of spoons of oil

    Ground black pepper, paprika, red hot chili pepper, cumin, turmeric, barberry

    Parsley and dill

    Salt, water.

Cooking method

    If chickpeas are used, they need to be soaked for at least five hours.

    Peel and chop the onion into cubes

    Also cut the tomato into cubes

    Chop carrots, bell peppers and zucchini into strips

    Thinly slice the garlic.

    Rinse the rice.

    Fry onion and garlic in oil, then add carrots, zucchini, bell pepper, after a while - green beans or chickpeas, then tomato.

    When everything has simmered for a few minutes, add rice, salt, and dry spices.

    Fill with water and set for an hour on the Rice / Pilaf mode.

    When serving, sprinkle with chopped herbs.

Delicious pilaf in a slow cooker – “Fragrant with pork”

Not everyone likes the traditional lamb for pilaf, and it is often replaced with pork.

This meat is also juicy, with fat - what you need for pilaf. This recipe uses not only meat, but also the peritoneum, or underbelly - this is the name given to the layer of lard with layers of meat from the belly of a pig. There are various ways of salting and baking this offal, and here it is used for pilaf. This is not at all dietary, but very tasty food.


    Lean pork – 300 grams

    Lard with layers – 200 grams

    Large carrot

    1-2 onions

    A few black peppercorns

    Spoon of adjika or tomato sauce

    Bay leaf – one or two

    Provençal or other aromatic herbs

    Two glasses of rice

    Four glasses of water

Cooking method

    Cut the meat and lard into cubes.

    Chop the onion into large half rings.

    Grate the carrots.

    Put lard in a frying pan, cover with a lid for five minutes to render the lard. If there is little fat, add vegetable oil.

    When the underbelly is fried until golden brown, add the meat and fry some more.

    When everything is fried, add spices and seasonings, tomato sauce. Salt and mix.

    After a couple of minutes, put it in the multicooker bowl - however, all this could be cooked in it in the Fry mode.

    Add rice, add water and turn on the Pilaf or Stew mode for an hour.

Fish pilaf in a slow cooker

Not only meat can be the basis of a dish - very tasty pilaf in a slow cooker is made with fish. It is best to take lean sea or river fish: pike perch, pollock, cod, pink salmon. It is advisable to use ready-made fillets or remove the bones from the fish yourself. In principle, in non-bony fish such as pollock, the bones can be left - they can be easily removed later, and all the useful substances will remain in the pilaf.


    Half a kilogram of fish fillet - store-bought or home-cleaned fish

    Two bulbs

    Large carrots

    Tomatoes or a spoonful of tomato paste - optional

    Bay leaf

    Seasoning for fish - ready-made or any spices to taste

    One and a half cups of rice

    About three glasses of water - depends on the juiciness of the fish

    Vegetable oil - about half a glass.

Cooking method

    Pour oil into the multicooker bowl and place the fish so that there are gaps

    Fill the gaps with onions and carrots, cut into small cubes.

    Set the mode to Fry for ten minutes

    Stir in the onions and carrots, add tomato paste, and turn on for another five minutes.

    You can saute the onions and carrots separately in a frying pan, add the tomato at the end, and then place it on the fish, fried on one side.

    Carefully turn the fish over, sprinkle with spices and salt.

    Place rice on top and add hot water.

    Cook in Pilaf mode for about forty minutes.

    After the multicooker beeps, check the rice for doneness. If it is too hard and dry, add half a glass of hot water and turn on for another ten minutes.

    Serve without stirring, but scoop from the bottom so that the fish, vegetables, and rice come together in layers.

Fruits and honey: delicious sweet pilaf in a slow cooker

Pilaf is made with the addition of fruits, and also simply based on fruits, completely without meat. It's unusual, but tasty, tender, light and sweet! Instead of apples, you can take pears, and instead of or along with raisins, any dried fruits.


    Glass of rice

    Two glasses of water

    Large carrot

    Half a cup of raisins

    Two apples

    70 grams butter

    A spoonful of odorless vegetable oil

    Half a teaspoon of cinnamon

    Half a teaspoon of turmeric

    A pair of carnations

    Two or three spoons of honey

Cooking method

    Pour boiling water over the raisins, drain after 10 minutes and dry.

    Grate carrots

    Peel and chop apples into cubes

    Pour vegetable oil into the multicooker bowl, add carrots and apples.

    Turn on the Fry mode for ten minutes.

    Add butter, spices, honey, raisins, stir until the butter and honey melt.

    Add the rice, stir again, the rice should turn orange.

    Fill with water and turn on the program Fig. for 40 minutes.

    Pilaf with fruit is good hot, warm, cold.

Secrets and subtleties of preparing delicious pilaf in a slow cooker

    Much depends on the type of rice. If you want crumbly, dryish pilaf, it’s better to take steamed rice. However, many people want more softness - then regular round rice will do.

    How to cook pilaf rather than rice porridge? It's all about the proportions of water and rice. According to ancient rules, the liquid should be two fingers above the rice. Since the pilaf was prepared by men, the fingers were men's. Estimate for yourself how much it will be. About three female fingers, six centimeters.

    The amount of oil and seasonings can vary depending on desire. In the original, Caucasian or Asian pilaf is fatty, hot, spicy, but you can reduce the amount of these components. The advantage is that with a multicooker, the rice will be evenly steamed and will not burn, which can happen on the stove.
