Liberation of Vilnius. State budgetary institution of social services "Zheleznovodsk integrated center for social services of the population" Vasilevsky on the liberation of Vilnius

During July 1, between the Onega and Ladoga lakes, our troops continued to conduct offensive battles, captured the regional center of the Karelo-Finnish SSR Pryazha, and also occupied more than 30 other settlements with battles, including Manga, Panilo, Bolshie Gory, Kavgozero, Kovaino, Mansila, Border Kondush.

In the Polotsk direction, our troops fought forward and occupied more than 150 settlements, including the large settlements of Kazimirovo, Evnina, Trosnitsa (6 kilometers east of Polotsk), Semenets, Nakomsa, Polyudovichi, Germanovichi, Luzhki, Pshevuz.

The troops of the 3rd Belorussian Front, developing a successful offensive, crossed the Berezina River on a front of 110 kilometers and on July 1 stormed the large communications hub of the city of Borisov, and also occupied more than 150 other settlements with battles, among them the regional centers of the Minsk region, the city of Begoml , the city of Pleshchenitsy and the large settlements of Beresnevka, Budilovka, Brusovichi, Lipki, Zembin, Chervonaya Rudnya, Strupen, Vereski, Novoselki, Chernyavka.

West of the city of Mogilev, the troops of the 2nd Belorussian Front, continuing the offensive, fought and occupied more than 50 settlements, among them the large settlements of Nikolaevka, Shepelevichi, Leskovichi, Zhurovka, Vasilevshchizna, Pogost, Leshnitsa. Our troops reached the crossings across the Berezina River near the city of Berezino.

North-west and west of the city of Bobruisk, the troops of the 1st Belorussian Front, developing a successful offensive, captured the regional centers of the Minsk region, the city of Kopyl, the cities of Krasnaya Sloboda, Gresk, and also occupied more than 150 other settlements with battles, including the large settlements of Negonichi, Nova Niva, Wielkopolye, New and Stary Lyady, Ochizha, Grodzianka, Szyszycy, Maszycy, Chizhovka and the Grodzianka railway station.

On June 30, the troops of the 1st Belorussian Front captured 12,000 German soldiers and officers. Among the prisoners were the commander of the 6th Infantry Division, Lieutenant General Heine, and the commandant of the city of Bobruisk, Major General Gaman. Thus, the number of captured German soldiers and officers taken by the troops of the 1st Belorussian Front increased to 35,680 by the end of June 30.

On June 30, our troops on all fronts knocked out and destroyed 51 German tanks. In air battles and anti-aircraft artillery fire, 46 enemy aircraft were shot down.

During July 2, between Lakes Onega and Lake Ladoga, troops of the Karelian Front, continuing the offensive, captured the regional center of the Karelo-Finnish SSR Spasskaya Guba, and also occupied the settlements of Kindasovo, Sosnovaya Shaba 1st and 2nd, Kinelakhta, Rayaselga, Rayaselkya.

West and southwest of the city of Polotsk, our troops fought forward and captured the regional centers of the Vileika region, the cities of Sharkovshchizna, Plissa, and also occupied more than 250 other settlements, including Pogost Stary, Yundzilovo, Komarovshchizna, Uzheche, Zabele, Mikhaly, Leplany, Nescerovshchizna, Tumilovichi, Zamostochye and railway stations Zyabki, Podsvilye, Sharkovshchizna.

In the Minsk direction, the troops of the 3rd Belorussian Front, developing a rapid offensive, captured the regional center of the Byelorussian SSR, the city and large railway station of Vileika, the regional center of the Minsk region, the city of Smolevichi, the city of Krasnoe, and also occupied more than 350 other settlements, including large ones. the settlements of Zadorya, Okolovo, Khotaevichi, Mikhalovo, Yurova, Zhodino, Sloboda (20 kilometers northeast of Minsk) and the railway stations of Zhodino, Smolevichi, Krasnoe. Thus, our troops cut the Minsk-Vilno railway.

In the Baranovichi direction, the troops of the 1st Belorussian Front, continuing a successful offensive, captured the regional centers of the Baranovichi region, the city and large railway station of Stolbtsy, the city of Gorodeya, the city of Nesvizh, the regional centers of the Minsk region, the city of Cherven, the city of Starobino, and also occupied more than 300 others with fighting settlements, including large settlements Lapichi, Talka, Okolitsa Sutin, Bobovnya, Zhaulki, Lenino, Belevichi, Lyutovichi, Smolich and railway stations Lapichi, Uborok, Talka, Gorodeya, Serednyaki. Our troops cut the Minsk-Baranovichi railway.

On other sectors of the front - no significant changes.

On July 1, our troops on all fronts knocked out and destroyed 103 German tanks. In air battles and anti-aircraft artillery fire, 35 enemy aircraft were shot down.

During July 3, northwest and west of the city of Petrozavodsk, troops of the Karelian Front fought forward and occupied more than 50 settlements, including Semchegora, Ussuna, Krasnaya Rechka, Kenyaki, Syamozero, Salmenitsa, Kukoila, Pulcheylo, Sarselga, Varenselkya, Varpa -Selkya and railway stations Chalka, Padozero, Villagora, Kutizhma, Syanga (on the Petrozavodsk - Sortavala railway).

South-west of the city of Polotsk, troops of the 1st Baltic Front, continuing to develop the offensive, captured the regional centers of the Vileika region, the city of Glubokoye, the city of Dokshitsy, and also occupied more than 400 other settlements with battles, including the large settlements of Pogost Novy, Iody, Mosarzh, Khoroshki, Krulevshchizna, Porplishche, Parafyanov and railway stations Krulevshchizna, Porplishche, Parafyanov. Our troops broke into the city of Polotsk, where street battles began.

The troops of the 3rd Belorussian Front, with the assistance of the troops of the 1st Belorussian Front, as a result of a swiftly carried out operation with a deep outflanking maneuver from the flanks, stormed the capital of Soviet Belarus, the city of Minsk, on July 3, and also occupied more than 450 other settlements, including the regional center of the Minsk region. the city of Logoisk, the regional center of the Vileika region, the city of Kurenets, large settlements Budslav, Dolginovo, Bakunki, Kraisk, Danube, Kremenets, Sosenka, Starinki, Ilia, Beloruch, Ostroshitsky Gorodok and the railway stations Budslav, Krivichi, Kurenets. Our troops came close to the city and the Molodechno railway junction, where fighting began on the outskirts of the city.

From June 28 to July 1 of this year, troops of the 3rd Belorussian Front captured 13,256 German soldiers and officers. Among the prisoners was the commander of the 95th Infantry Division, Major General Michaelis. Thus, the number of captured German soldiers and officers taken by the troops of the 3rd Belorussian Front increased to 33,256 by the end of July 1.

In the Baranovichi direction, the troops of the 1st Belorussian Front continued to conduct offensive battles, captured the regional center of the Minsk region, the city of Maryina Gorka, and also occupied more than 250 other settlements, including the large settlements of Smilovichi, Pudetskaya Sloboda, Skobrovka, Pukhovichi, Omelno, Shatsk , Valeryany, Semenovichi, Kudinovichi, Bolshaya Raevka, Timkovichi, Leshnya, Semezhevo, Starina, Maloe Rozhino and the railway stations Bluzha, Pukhovichi, Moroch, Timkovichi.

On July 1 and 2, according to incomplete data, the troops of the 1st Belorussian Front captured 3,658 German soldiers and officers. Among the prisoners was the commander of the 36th Infantry Division, Major General Conradi. Thus, the number of captured German soldiers and officers taken by the troops of the 1st Belorussian Front increased to 39,338 by the end of July 2.

On July 2, our troops on all fronts knocked out and destroyed 85 German tanks. In air battles and anti-aircraft artillery fire, 15 enemy aircraft were shot down.

During July 4, northwest and west of the city of Petrozavodsk, troops of the Karelian Front, continuing the offensive, fought and occupied more than 40 settlements, including Essoila, Lambiselga, Kochura, Koivuselga, Karmelisto, Kovero, Miynala and the Essoila railway station.

The troops of the 1st Baltic Front, developing the offensive, on July 4 stormed the city and the important railway junction of Polotsk, and also occupied more than 300 other settlements with battles, including the regional centers of the Vileika region - the city of Dunilovichi, Miory, Midel, a junction railway station Voropaevo, large settlements Trudy, Dubovo, Novgorody, Trabovshchizna, Belki, Novodrutsk, Okhobnya and railway stations Demobovo, Polovo, Konstantinov Dvor, Novodrutsk.

The troops of the 3rd Belorussian Front, continuing the offensive, fought and occupied more than 350 settlements, and among them the regional centers of the Vileika region - the city of Radoshkovichi and Krivichi, the regional center of the Minsk region, the city of Zaslavl, large settlements of Gorodyshche, Naroch, Ruchitsa, Morosni, Vyazyn , Belke Selo, Rogovo, Ratomka, Volkovichi, Shchitomilichi and railway stations Kolodishchi, Zdanovichevo, Ratomka, Kryzhovka, Belarus, Radoshkovichi.

In the Baranovichi direction, the troops of the 1st Belorussian Front continued to conduct offensive battles, during which they captured the regional centers of the Minsk region, the city of Rudensk, the city of Uzda, the regional center of the Baranovichi region, the city of Kletsk, and also occupied more than 200 other settlements, including large settlements Perezhir, Uzlyany, Yachenka, Mogilno, Bratkovo, Novoselki and the railway stations Drichin, Rudensk, Sedcha, Mikhanovichi.

While clearing the forests from the enemy north-west of the city of Bobruisk, a group of German officers numbering 60 people was captured, and among them the commander of the 35th Army Corps, Lieutenant General Lyuttsov.

On other sectors of the front - no change.

On July 3, our troops on all fronts knocked out and destroyed 45 German tanks. In air battles and anti-aircraft artillery fire, 29 enemy aircraft were shot down.

During July 5, the troops of the Karelian Front fought offensive battles, during which they captured the regional center of the Karelo-Finnish SSR - Salmi and occupied several other settlements.

On July 5, troops of the 3rd Belorussian Front, as a result of a swift attack, captured the city and a large railway junction of Molodechno, and also occupied more than 150 settlements with battles, including the regional center of the Vileika region - the city and railway station of Smorgon, large settlements Cheremshitsa, Mokshitsa , Sloboda, Mishuty, Mitskevichi, Olenets, Belezo, Venzelevo, Rakoz, Volma.

South-west and south of the city of Minsk, our troops fought forward and occupied more than 100 settlements, including the large settlements of Demidovichi, Ledniki, Samokhvalovichi, Pyatevshchina, Skvortsy, Dobrynyovo, Korma, Danilovichi and the railway stations of Kolyadichi, Volkovichi, Fanipol. East of the city of Minsk, our troops destroyed the remnants of the encircled formations of the 12th and 27th Army and 39th Tank Corps of the Germans.

In the Baranovichi direction, our troops, overcoming enemy resistance, continued to conduct offensive battles, during which they occupied more than 50 settlements, including Logvische, Kamenka, Kukhtitsy, Kzache, Yadvezh, Shezele, Zubelevich, Sinyavka, Lopatychi.

In the area of ​​the middle reaches of the Pripyat River west of the city of Mozyr, our troops captured the regional center of the Polesie region, the city of Turov, the junction railway station Starushki, and also occupied more than 30 other settlements, including the large settlements of Germanova Sloboda, Novoselki, Bobrik, Mikhedozich, Koptsevichi , Brinev, Doroshevichi, Laskovichi, Rudnya, Borki and railway stations Filippovichi, Zapolye, Mulyarovka, Koptsevichi.

On other sectors of the front - no significant changes.

On July 4, our troops on all fronts knocked out and destroyed 28 German tanks. In air battles and anti-aircraft artillery fire, 19 enemy aircraft were shot down.

During July 6, west of the city of Petrozavodsk, troops of the Karelian Front, overcoming enemy resistance and engineering obstacles on forest roads and inter-lake defiles, continued to conduct offensive battles and occupied several settlements, among them Onga-Muksa, Kamen-Navolok, Vokhtozero, Lakhta, Isakala, Palojärvi, Kirkkojoki, Bryaussu.

North and northwest of the city of Polotsk, our troops fought offensive battles, during which they occupied more than 150 settlements, including Bolshaya Shchepernya, Zaenki, Glisnovka, Vladychino, Zvanoe, Borovukha, Kevly, Sloboshchuk, Kocherezhino, Zaborie, Yakubinki, Kontsevaya and railway stations Tolmachevskaya, Sukhoi Bor, Bulavsky, Borovukha, Adamovo.

North-west and west of the city of Minsk, our troops, developing an offensive, captured the regional center of the Vileyka region Svir, the regional centers of the Baranovichi region - the city of Voloshin, the city of Ivenets, and also occupied more than 300 other settlements with battles, and among them the large settlements of Bolshiye Stolpenety, Healers, Mikhalishki, Nestanishki, Gervyaty, Andreevtsy, Zhodishki, Voleikovichi, Soly, Bilevichy, Mikhnevichi, Benitsa, Markovo, Lebedzev, Losk, Gorodzki, Dory, Borovikovshchizna and the railway stations Zalesie, Prudy, Polomany, Gorodzki.

South-west of the city of Minsk, our troops fought forward and captured the regional center of the Minsk region, the city of Dzerzhinsk, and also occupied more than 100 other settlements, among them the large settlements of Putchino, Balovniki, Borovaya, Ruditsa, Vishnevka, Polonevichi, Churily, Melkovichi and railway stations Koidanovo, Negoreloye.

East of the city of Minsk, our troops continued to conduct successful battles to eliminate the encircled enemy group. During the battles, our troops destroyed more than 5,000 German soldiers and officers. The 195th regiment of the 78th assault division of the Germans, led by regimental commander Colonel Oldenber, surrendered in full force.

In the Baranovichi direction, our troops, overcoming enemy resistance and counterattacks, continued to conduct offensive battles, during which they captured the regional center of the Baranovichi region, the city of Lyakhovichi, and also occupied several other settlements, including Ishkoldz, Petkevichi, Snuv, Podleseiki, Mysloboe, Rusinovichi and Reytanov railway station.

In the area of ​​the middle reaches of the Pripyat River, west of the city of Mozyr, our troops captured the regional center of the Polesie region, the city and railway station of Zhitkovichi.

On July 6, the troops of the 1st Belorussian Front captured an important stronghold of the German defense and a large railway junction - the city of Kovel.

On other sectors of the front - no significant changes.

On July 5, our troops on all fronts knocked out and destroyed 27 German tanks. In air battles and anti-aircraft artillery fire, 22 enemy aircraft were shot down.

During July 7, to the west of the city of Petrozavodsk, our troops fought and occupied several settlements, including Sara-Gora, Rekku-Selga, Kolat-Selga, and Vaga-Yarvi.

To the north and northwest of the city of Polotsk, our troops fought forward and occupied more than 30 settlements, including Porechye 2nd, Prybytki, Selyavshchina, Yankovichi, Brody, Konyukhovo, Zamoshye. In the forests south of the city of Polotsk, our units captured a group of German soldiers and officers, and among them the commander of the 246th Infantry Division, Major General Scholler-Bülow.

North-west and west of the city of Minsk, our troops, continuing to develop the offensive, captured the regional centers of the Vileyka region, the cities of Oshmyany and Ostrovets, and also occupied more than 250 other settlements, including the large settlements of Kemelishki, Bystritsa, Symoneli, Vozdvizhensk, Vornyany, Dubniki, Losha, Gudogay, Tsekhany, Stripuny, Bogdanov, Vishnev, Tokazhishki and railway stations Soly, Oshmyany, Gudogay.

South-west of the city of Minsk, our troops, continuing the offensive, captured the regional center of the Baranovichi region, the city of Mir, and also fought to occupy more than 80 other settlements, including the large settlements of Naliboki, Derevna, Berezhno, Zayamno, Peretoki, Simokovo and the railway station Kolosovo.

East of the city of Minsk, our troops continued the operation to eliminate the encircled enemy units. During the day of the battle, up to 4,000 German soldiers and officers were destroyed and more than 3,000 people were captured. Among the prisoners was the commander of the German 78th Assault Division, Lieutenant General Traut.

In the Baranovichi direction, our troops, overcoming enemy resistance, continued to conduct offensive battles, during which they occupied more than 50 settlements, among them - Savichy, Likhoseltse, Podleseiki, Lithuania (7 kilometers southeast of the city of Baranovichi), Rusyns, Luki, Krivoshin and railway stations Pogoreltsy, Gonchary, Krivoshin.

In the area of ​​the middle reaches of the Pripyat River, west of the city of Mozyr, our troops captured the regional center of the Pinsk region, the city of Stolin, and also fought to occupy the settlements of Nadubovo, Cheretyanka, Lyudenevichi, Zagorbashye, Delovka, Bronislav, Zaprosye, Vilcha.

On other sectors of the front - no significant changes.

On July 6, our troops on all fronts knocked out and destroyed 34 German tanks. In air battles and anti-aircraft artillery fire, 25 enemy aircraft were shot down.

During July 8, to the west of the city of Petrozavodsk, our troops fought forward and occupied more than 30 settlements, including Mundu-Selga, Kurmoyla, Bulya, Veshkelitsy, Kyurenselga, Sona, Yudinov, Retsu, Kyasnyaselkya.

In the Vilnius direction, our troops, developing an offensive, captured the regional center of the Baranovichi region, the city of Ivye, and also fought to occupy more than 500 other settlements, among them the large settlements of Podbrodze, Nemenchin, Bezdany, Novaya Vilna, Medniki, Taborishki, Grauzhishki, Golshany , Lipnishki, Morino and railway stations Podbrodze, Pailge, Santoka, Bezdany, New Vilna, Shumskas, Kena, Kivishkes, Voigany, Juratishki, Ivye. Thus, our troops cut the Vilnius-Dvinsk railway. Our troops burst into the city of Vilnius, where street battles began.

North of the city of Baranovichi, our troops, continuing the offensive, captured the regional centers of the Baranovichi region Lyubcha and Gorodishche, and also occupied more than 150 other settlements with battles, including the large settlements of Delyatichi, Vereokovo, Ostashin, Poberezhye, Shchorsy, Eremichi, Korelichi, Turets , Nekrashezichi, Tsirin, Polonechka.

East of the city of Minsk, our troops continued the operation to eliminate the encircled enemy units. According to preliminary data, during the battles from July 4 to July 7 in this area, our troops inflicted the following losses on the enemy in manpower and equipment.

Destroyed: 56 tanks, 219 guns of various calibers, 208 mortars, 915 machine guns, 1674 vehicles. The enemy left over 28,000 corpses of his soldiers and officers on the battlefield.

During the same time, our troops captured the following trophies: tanks - 34, guns of various calibers - 278, mortars - 184, machine guns - 860, vehicles - 1635, tractors and tractors - 60, carts with cargo - 930, horses - 1567.

151 02 German soldiers and officers were captured. On July 7, the commander of the 41st German Tank Corps, Lieutenant General Hofmeister, the commander of the 60th Motorized Division, Major General Steinkeller, and the commander of the 707th Infantry Division, Major General Geer, surrendered to our troops. The battles to destroy individual scattered enemy groups continue.

On July 8, troops of the 1st Belorussian Front captured the regional center of Belarus, the city of Baranovichi - an important railway junction and a powerful fortified area of ​​​​German defense. Front troops also fought to occupy more than 50 other settlements, including the regional center of the Pinsk region - the city and railway station of Gantsevichi, large settlements Velikoye Selo, Zhabintsy, Podstariny, Belolesye, Petrevichi, Malaya and Bolshaya Volokhva, Guta, Lipsk, Novoselki and railway stations Kroshin, Domashevichi, Budy.

To the east of the city of Pinsk, our troops fought offensive battles, during which they captured the settlements of Orly Male, Berezne, Byalogusha, Glinka, Gorodno, Osova, Vidzibur and the railway stations of Goryn and Vidzibur.

On other sectors of the front - no significant changes.

On July 7, our troops on all fronts knocked out and destroyed 27 German tanks. In air battles and anti-aircraft artillery fire, 34 enemy aircraft were shot down.

During July 9, to the west of the city of Petrozavodsk, our troops fought forward and occupied more than 20 settlements, including Lakhta, Kanchi-Selga, Savilatchi, Urma, Usikulya.

The troops of the 1st Baltic Front fought successful offensive battles, during which they captured the regional centers of the Vileika region, the city of Braslav, the city of Vidze, the city of Postavy, the district center of the Lithuanian SSR, the city of Sventsyany, the Lyntupy railway junction, the city of Druya, and also occupied more than 700 others with battles. settlements.

Troops of the 3rd Belorussian Front captured the city and the large railway junction of Lida, and also occupied more than 300 settlements with battles, including the large settlements of Zastenki, Voydaty, Ternyany, Porudomino, Yashuny, Turgeli, Bolshiye Solechniki, Geranony, Dokudovo and railway stations Ponary, Porubanok, Gavya. Our troops continued to fight street battles in the city of Vilnius.

East of the city of Minsk, troops of the 2nd Belorussian Front continued to destroy the encircled enemy groups. On July 8, our troops captured 6,530 German soldiers and officers. The commander of the 57th German Infantry Division, Major General Trowitz, surrendered to our units.

In the Volkovysk direction, the troops of the 2nd Belorussian Front, developing the offensive, captured the regional centers of the Baranovichi region, the city of Novogrudok and the city of Dyatlovo, and also occupied more than 150 other settlements with battles, including the large settlements of Vselyub, Vasilevichi, Berezovka, Okhonovo, Novelnya , Palace and railway stations Novogrudok, Zaroy, Koritsa, Novoyelnya, Palace.

West and southwest of the city of Baranovichi, our troops, continuing the offensive, fought and occupied more than 70 settlements, including the large settlements of Lyushnevo, Sviryany, Malaya Polonka, Vysheva, Derevnoye, Naguevichi, Tartak, Lesna, Novopolna, Dobromysl, Vulka and railway stations Mordychi, Mitskevichi, Molchad, Polonka, Lesna.

To the east of the city of Pinsk, our troops fought offensive battles, during which they occupied more than 30 settlements, among them the large settlements of Mikashevich, Sinkeviche, Lakhva, Drebsk, Kozhangrudek, Stachuv, Plotnitsa, Tyrwoviche, Ovsemirov and the railway stations of Mikashevich, Sinkeviche, Lakhva.

On other sectors of the front - no significant changes.

On July 8, our troops on all fronts knocked out and destroyed 21 German tanks. In air battles and anti-aircraft artillery fire, 43 enemy aircraft were shot down.

During July 10, the troops of the Karelian Front stormed the city of Pitkäranta, and also occupied several other settlements, among them Chalkoselga, Kangozero, Maselga, Lovajärvi, Uksu, Lupikko.

To the south and southwest of the city of Dvinok, our troops continued to conduct offensive battles, during which they captured the district centers of the Lithuanian SSR, the city of New Sventsyany and the city of Utena, and also occupied more than 100 other settlements with battles, including the large settlements of Drysvyaty, Prutse, Novi Daugelishki, Kozachizna, Daugaliai, Tauragunai, Lyngmyany, Ignalino, Koltynany, Poddubinka and the railway stations Ignalino, Novi Sventcyany, Pazheimene, Pabrade. Our troops cut the Dvinsk-Kaunas highway.

North, west and south of the city of Vilnius, our troops, continuing the offensive, occupied more than 200 settlements with battles, and among them the large settlements of Grushteli, Pikilishki, Poshilki, Resha, Swedes, Shilany, Landvorovo, Zverinets, Rudniki, Benyakoni, Germanishki, nodal Landvorovo railway station and Stasilai, Benyakoni railway stations. Our troops surrounded the city of Vilnius and fought to destroy the enemy in the city center.

East of the city of Minsk, troops of the 2nd Belorussian Front continued to destroy the encircled enemy groups. On July 9, our troops captured 3,500 German soldiers and officers. The commander of the 12th Army Corps and the acting commander of the 4th German Army, Lieutenant General Müller, and the commander of the 260th Infantry Division, Major General Klammt, surrendered to our troops with their headquarters.

South of the city of Lida, our troops fought forward and occupied more than 80 settlements, including the large settlements of Ogorodniki, Selets, Nogorodovichi, Zachepichi, Pogiry, Yatvez, Girichi, Venzovets, Yavor, Shostaki and the railway stations of Minoity, Neman, Yatsuki.

Troops of the 1st Belorussian Front crossed the Shara River over a 60-kilometer area and captured a large communications hub - the city of Slonim, and also fought to occupy more than 50 other settlements, including the regional center of the Baranovichi region Byten, large settlements Babinichi, Porechye, Albertin, Shilovychi, Mironim, Gnoino, Chemely, Mogilitsa and railway stations Albertin, Domanovo. Our units captured the head of the engineering service of the German 9th Army, Major General Schmidt.

At the same time, in the Pinsk direction, troops of the 1st Belorussian Front captured the city and the large railway junction of Luninets, and also fought to occupy more than 40 other settlements, including the regional center of the Pinsk region, the city of David-Gorodok, large settlements Bostyn, Dyatloviche, Dvozhets, Vichyn, Yazvinki, Rokitno, Bereztse, Malodelchitsy, Barichevichi, Kolby, Lopatin and the railway stations Luscha, Dyatloviche and Pripyat.

On other sectors of the front - no significant changes.

On July 9, our troops on all fronts knocked out and destroyed 29 German tanks. In air battles and anti-aircraft artillery fire, 64 enemy aircraft were shot down.

During July 11, north and northeast of Pitkäranta, our troops fought offensive battles, during which they occupied several settlements, including Valikylä, Suvilahti, Lemetti, Nietjärvi, Niemelä and the Suojärvi railway station.

North-west of the city of Polotsk, our troops fought forward and occupied more than 30 settlements, including the large settlements of Borkovichi, Dekhtyarevo, Filippovo, Zodva, Markovichi, Bolshaya and Malye Gorki, Barsuki and the Borkovichi railway station.

South and southwest of the city of Dvinsk, our troops continued to conduct offensive battles, during which they occupied more than 150 settlements, and among them the large settlements of Kukutany, Chepukany, Kuktishkes, Labanoras, Biyuny, Ornyany and the railway stations Chepukany, Black Brut.

Troops of the 3rd Belorussian Front continued to destroy scattered enemy groups in the center of Vilnius.

North-west and south-west of the city of Vilnius, our troops, continuing the offensive, captured the regional center of the Baranovichi region Voronovo, and also occupied more than 100 other settlements with battles, including the large settlements of Meishagola, Rudzishki, Olkeniki, Eishishki, Golmentsishki, Zhirmuny and railway stations Shklyary, Rudzishki, Voronovo, Bastuny, Gudy.

South of the city of Lida, our troops fought forward and occupied more than 50 settlements, including the large settlements of Belitsa, Korytnitsa, Demyanovtsy, Shershni, Shestily, Yavorskaya Ruda, Malaya Volya, Kozlovshchina, Gorodki.

East of the city of Minsk, our troops completed the liquidation of the encircled enemy groups. On July 10, over 2,000 German soldiers and officers were captured in this area. The commander of the 27th German Army Corps, Infantry General Felkers, surrendered to our troops with his headquarters.

West and southwest of the city of Baranovichina, the troops, continuing the offensive, occupied more than 60 settlements with battles, among them the large settlements of Yarnevo, Ozernitsa, Myslovo, Yukhnovichi, Kostenev, Glovsevichi, Bulla, Khoroscha, Senkevichi, Lubishchitse, Yaglevichi.

In the Pinsk direction, our troops fought forward and occupied several settlements, including the large settlements of Lovcha, Selishche, Lemeshevichi, Morozovichi and the Lovcha railway station.

On other sectors of the front - no significant changes.

On July 10, our troops on all fronts knocked out and destroyed 46 German tanks. In air battles and anti-aircraft artillery fire, 77 enemy aircraft were destroyed.

During July 12, northwest and west of the city of Kondopoga, our troops occupied more than 30 settlements; among them are Porosozero, Krasny Plowman, Valzama, Pyalvozero, Kostamuksa, Ekhkilä, Leppäniemi, Kuikkaniemi, Kaipa and the railway stations Kaipa, Hallaselkä. In the northeastern part of Lake Ladoga, our troops cleared the islands of Lunkulan-Sari and Mantsin-Sari of the enemy.

The troops of the 2nd Baltic Front, going on the offensive from the area northwest and west of Novosokolniki, broke through the German defenses and in two days of offensive battles advanced up to 35 kilometers, expanding the breakthrough to 150 kilometers along the front. During the offensive, front troops captured the city and the large railway junction of Idritsa and occupied over 1,000 settlements, including the regional center of the Kalinin region Kudevery, the regional center of the Vitebsk region Rossono, large settlements Verkhneye Kunino, Dukhnovo, Pichurino, Dupli, Kiselevo, Artyukhovo, Garusovo, Myakishevo, Rassokhino, Klyastitsy, Yesseniki, Malyuzino, Lobachi, Verbilovo, Zalivitsa, Pozdnyaki, Yukhovichi and railway stations Nashchekino, Nishcha, Silkovo, Rossono, Ozertsy.

North-west of the city of Polotsk, our troops, having crossed the Drissa River, fought forward and occupied more than 60 settlements, including the large settlements of Golovshtitsa, Dernozichi, Zyabki, Antonovka, Zheltovshchina, Polzino, Volyntsy, Sosnovtsy and the Ovolna railway station.

South-west of the city of Dvinsk, our troops advanced and fought to occupy more than 60 settlements, including the large settlements of Rymshany, Dukshty, Naryunai, Indurke, Vorantsy, Gedroitse and the railway stations of Rymshany, Dukshty.

North-west and south-west of the city of Vilnius, our troops, continuing the offensive, captured the district center of the Lithuanian SSR, the city of Trakai, the regional centers of the Baranovichi region, the city of Vasilishki, Radun, and also fought to occupy more than 200 other settlements, including the large settlements of Evje , Panashishki, Leipuny, Zilina, Vojtovo, Pomerech, Povilantsy, Nacha, Pelyasa, Nowy Dvur, Bakshty, Ostryna.

In the city of Vilnius, our troops destroyed an encircled enemy group in the city center.

South-west of the city of Lida, our troops fought forward and occupied more than 70 settlements, including the large settlements of Khodyuki, Velikoye Selo, Olgovtsy, Motevichi, Novosely, Lantsevichi, Zoloteevo, Derechin, Grabovo and the Kurgan railway station.

To the west and southwest of the city of Baranovichi, our troops, continuing the offensive, captured the regional center of the Baranovichi region, the city of Zelva, and also fought to occupy more than 50 other settlements, including the large settlements of Selevichi, Ostrovo, Kovalye, Kvasevichi, Kossovo, Zapolye, Nekhachevo and railway stations Ozernitsa, Ivantsevichi, Kossovo.

In the Pinsk direction, our troops fought forward and occupied several settlements; among them are Dubnovichi, Soshno, Parokhonsk, Vylazy Sushitskaya, Gornovo, Velatychi and the Parokhonsk railway station.

On other sectors of the front - no significant changes.

On July 11, our troops on all fronts knocked out and destroyed 37 German tanks. In air battles and anti-aircraft artillery fire, 29 enemy aircraft were shot down.

During July 13, to the west of the city of Kondopoga, our troops captured the regional center of the Karelo-Finnish SSR, the city of Suoyarvi, and also occupied more than 20 other settlements, including Ahvenselkä, Riuttavara, Naistenjärvi, Lahtiselkä, Karatsalmi and the Papero railway station.

West of the city of Novorzhev, our troops captured the regional center of the Kalinin region, Pushkin Mountains, and also fought to occupy more than 30 other settlements, including the large settlements of Voronin, Lugovo, Notakhnovo, Garino, Chukhny and the Trigorskaya railway station.

To the north and south of the city of Idritsa, our troops, continuing the offensive, fought and occupied more than 100 settlements, including Minkovo, Pelageino, Laptevo, Pukhly, Ruby, Ivonino, Matskovo, Stary Prud, Zaluchye and the railway stations Vashchagino, Zavaruyka.

North-west of the city of Polotsk, our troops captured the regional center of the Vitebsk region, the city of Drissa, and also fought to occupy more than 20 other settlements, including Solomino, Zadezhye, Kozlovshchina, Borovka and the Drissa railway station.

South-west of the city of Dvinsk, our troops fought forward and occupied more than 100 settlements, including the large settlements of Salakas, Sudeikiai, Stobulunki, Lelkzhy, Skodutsiski, Malyaty, Shupene, Romaskance.

On July 13, troops of the 3rd Belorussian Front, as a result of five-day battles, destroyed the German garrison surrounded in the city of Vilnius and liberated the capital of the Lithuanian Soviet Republic from fascist invaders. At the same time, the enemy lost only more than 8,000 soldiers and officers killed. Our troops in the city of Vilnius captured more than 5,000 German soldiers and officers. 156 guns of various calibers, 68 tanks and self-propelled guns, 1,500 vehicles were captured.

To the west and southwest of the city of Vilnius, our troops, developing an offensive, occupied more than 250 settlements with battles; among them are the large settlements of Voydzyany, Keitovichi, Mustomyany, Sumelishki, Vysoky Dvor, Daugai, Orany, Rudnya, Nova Ruda, Marcinkantse and the railway stations Baltserishki, Vievis, Kavgany, Zhosli, Olkeniki, Botsulyantsy, Orany, Marcinkantse.

South-west of the city of Lida, our troops, continuing the offensive, captured the regional center of the Baranovichi region, the city of Shchuchin, and occupied more than 60 other settlements, including Ostryna, Kamenka, Rozhanka, Mikelevshchina, Sukhinichi, Zanemensk, Zelvany, Mosty, Peski, Samarovichi and railway stations Skrzybovtsi, Zholudok, Rozhanka, Mosty.

West and southwest of the city of Slonim, our troops fought forward and captured the regional center of the Brest region, the city of Ruzhany, and also occupied more than 70 other settlements, including the large settlements of Yanovshchizna, Mendzyzhech, Bezvodna, Kulyany, Boyary, Lyskuv, Smolyanitsa , Sporuv.

On other sectors of the front - no significant changes.

On July 12, our troops on all fronts knocked out and destroyed 26 German tanks. In air battles and anti-aircraft artillery fire, 15 enemy aircraft were shot down.

During July 14, north of the city of Idritsa, our troops fought offensive battles, during which they occupied more than 40 settlements, including Burtsevo, Zuevo, Poryadino, Lipuny, Gnidino, Guzhevo and the Opochka railway station. Our troops broke into the city of Opochka, where street fighting broke out.

North-west of the city of Polotsk, our troops fought forward and occupied more than 20 settlements, including Mazalevshchina, Zaitsevo, Pushchavye, Kokhanovichi, Strizhino.

To the north-west and west of the city of Sventsyany, our troops fought offensive battles, during which they occupied more than 70 settlements, including Uzpalyai, Vizhuny, Dobeiki, Klivany, Butisishki, Zybaly, Shirvinty and the railway stations of Stobulunki, Trumbatishkis, Rubikiai.

North-west and south-west of the city of Vilnius, our troops, continuing the offensive, fought and occupied more than 60 settlements, including the large settlements of Musniki, Kernovo, Zhosli, Olava, Prelai, Rondomantsi, Poreche and the railway stations of Sanovo, Druskeniki, Rybnitsa .

South-west of the city of Lida, our troops, developing an offensive, captured the regional center of the Bialystok region, the city of Skidel, and also occupied more than 50 other settlements with battles; among them are the large settlements of Ezery, Vertselishki, Gushtice, Kovshovo, Lunna, Dubno, Ross and the railway stations of Ezery, Zhidomlya, Skidel, Cherlena, Ross.

On July 14, troops of the 2nd Belorussian Front captured the city and the large railway junction of Volkovysk. The commander of the 45th German Infantry Division, Major General Engel, surrendered to our units.

West and southwest of the city of Slonim, our troops continued to conduct offensive battles, during which they occupied more than 70 settlements, including the large settlements of Drogichany, Rudzevich, Podorosk, Lavrynovychi, Trukhonovichi, Novoselki, Strykhin and the Bronna Gora railway station.

The troops of the 1st Belorussian Front, having crossed the Yaselda and Pripyat rivers, on July 14, with the support of the Dnieper river military flotilla, stormed the regional center of Soviet Belarus, the city of Pinsk, and also occupied the settlements of Masevichi, Podblotse, Ivaniki, Kupyatychi, and Galevo with battles.

On other sectors of the front - no significant changes.

On July 13, our troops on all fronts knocked out and destroyed 38 German tanks. In air battles and anti-aircraft artillery fire, 21 enemy aircraft were shot down.

During July 15, northwest and southwest of the city of Idritsa, our troops fought offensive battles, during which they captured the city of Opochka, and also occupied more than 40 other settlements; among them are Isaki, Zhevloki, Zuevo, Tomsino, Dubrovka, Malkovo, Belogurova, Chernovo.

North-west and west of the city of Sventsyany, our troops fought forward and occupied more than 80 settlements, including the large settlements of Butsyany, Onikshty, Ovanty, Videnishki, Shesholi, Gelvany, Darkshany and the railway stations of Bichany, Onikshty.

To the west and southwest of the city of Vilnius, our troops, developing an offensive, captured the district center of the Lithuanian SSR, the city and the railway station of Alytus, and also fought to occupy more than 70 other settlements, including the large settlements of Koshedary, Butrimantsi, Puni, Nemanoice , Druskeniki, Shandubra, Privalka, Gozha and the Koshedary railway junction. Our troops reached the Neman River north and south of the city of Alytus on a front of 120 kilometers and, having crossed the river in a number of sections, captured bridgeheads on its western bank.

North of the city of Volkovysk, our troops, having crossed the Ross River, fought and occupied several settlements on the western bank of the river, including Zaguzhany, Ogryzki, Zolpa, Stankovtsy, Krasnoye Selo.

West and southwest of the city of Slonim, our troops, overcoming enemy resistance and counterattacks, continued to conduct offensive battles, during which they occupied more than 60 settlements, including large settlements Izabeliy, Lopenitsa Malaya, Porozovo, Novy Dvor, Lezhaika, Velikoye Selo , Kolyadichi, Soshitsa.

North-west and west of the city of Pinsk, our troops, continuing the offensive, captured the regional center of the Pinsk region, the city of Logishin, and also occupied more than 20 other settlements with battles; among them are the large settlements of Porechye, Velesnitsa, Parshevichi, Bogushevo, Yevlashi and the railway stations of Porechye and Molodkovichi.

On other sectors of the front - no significant changes.

On July 14, our troops on all fronts knocked out and destroyed 101 German tanks. In air battles and anti-aircraft artillery fire, 46 enemy aircraft were shot down.

During July 16, west and southwest of the city of Opochka, our troops fought forward and occupied more than 80 settlements, including the settlements of Potashevo, Barsanovo, Tobolino, Makushino, Berezavets, Mozuli, Miroyedy, Kamenka, Zharkovo, Kuznetsovka, Kostrovo , Krasovo and Kuznetsovka railway station.

To the west of the city of Vilnius, our troops, continuing the offensive, fought and occupied more than 60 settlements, including the large settlements of Poshule, Bortkuny, Kroni, Kovali, Uzhugost, Stokliski, Dorsunishki, Ezno, Birshtany and the Pagyeris railway station.

To the west and south of the city of Alytus, our troops continued to conduct successful battles to expand bridgeheads on the western bank of the Neman River, occupying more than 40 settlements.

On July 16, after three days of fighting, troops of the 3rd and 2nd Belorussian Fronts stormed a large railway junction and an important fortified German defense area - the city and fortress of Grodno.

North-west and west of the city of Volkovysk, our troops fought offensive battles, during which they occupied more than 30 settlements, including Komotovo, Dubrovlyany, Zhilich, Struga, Novosady, Dulovtsy, Shevki, Shandra, Gniezno, Mstibovo.

West and southwest of the city of Slonim, our troops, continuing the offensive, captured the regional center of the Brest region Bereza-Kartuzskaya, and also occupied more than 80 other settlements with battles; among them are the large settlements of Golobudy, Yushkevichi, Borki, Galeny, Rovbitsk, Murava, Kupichi, Starovolya, Bortnovichi, Selets, Kabaki, Segnevichi, Moshkovichi and the Bereza-Kartuzskaya railway station.

North-west and west of the city of Pinsk, our troops, developing an offensive, captured the regional centers of the Pinsk region, the city of Yanov and Telekhany, and also fought to occupy more than 50 other settlements, including the large settlements of Tyshkovichi, Motol, Opol, Kality, Tryliski, Leskovichi, Rudsk, Franopol and railway stations Yukhnovichi, Yanov.

On other sectors of the front - no significant changes. On July 15, our troops on all fronts knocked out and destroyed 144 German tanks. In air battles and anti-aircraft artillery fire, 66 enemy aircraft were shot down.

West and southwest of the city of Opochka, our troops, continuing the offensive, captured the regional center of the Kalinin region, the city of Sebezh, and also fought to occupy more than 60 other settlements, including the large settlements of Bereznitsa, Brinevka, Vyarmovo, Petruchenki, Stolbova, Borisenki, Migeli, Loguny, Dvorishche, Gavriliny and Sebezh railway station.

North of the city of Drissa, our troops fought forward and captured the regional center of the Vitebsk region, the city of Osveya, and also occupied more than 30 other settlements, including Svyatitsa, Padery, Dedino, Gorbuli.

North and south of the city of Alytus, our troops continued to fight to expand bridgeheads on the western bank of the Neman River, occupying more than 20 settlements.

North-west and west of the city of Volkovysk, our troops, developing an offensive, captured the regional center of the Bialystok region, the city of Svisloch, and also occupied more than 100 other settlements with battles; including large settlements Lasha, Prokopovichi, Massalany, Eyminovtsy, Velikaya Berestovitsa, Kukolki and railway stations Andreevichi, Rudovka, Svisloch.

In the Brest direction, our troops, continuing the offensive, captured the regional centers of the Brest region, the city of Pruzhany and Shereshov, the regional center of the Pinsk region, the city of Drogichin, and also fought to occupy more than 200 other settlements, including the large settlements of Belovezha, Vidomlya, Shcherbovo, Shcherchevo , Linovo, Malech, Vorotno, Ilosk, Dzyatkovichi, Losnitsa, Semenovshchizna, Popina, Kublik and the railway stations Pruzhany, Pavlovichi, Oranchitsy, Snitovo, Drogichin.

On other sectors of the front - no significant changes.

On July 16, our troops on all fronts knocked out and destroyed 100 German tanks. In air battles and anti-aircraft artillery fire, 94 enemy aircraft were shot down.

During July 18, to the west and southwest of the city of Opochka, our troops continued to conduct offensive battles, during which they captured the regional center of the Kalinin region, Krasnogorodskoye, and also occupied more than 100 other settlements; among them are the settlements of Nochevo, Pikova, Zeltini, Zilupe, Romashenki, Pasiene, Skripchina, Shtiaune and the railway stations Posin, Zilupe.

North-west and west of the city of Drissa, our troops, developing an offensive, occupied more than 150 settlements with battles; among them are the large settlements of Korolevo, Luksheva, Rositsa, Bigosovo, Pustynya, Dvorchany and the Bigosovo railway station.

North and south of the city of Alytus, our troops continued to fight to expand bridgeheads on the western bank of the Neman River and occupied several settlements.

North-west and west of the city of Volkovysk, our troops fought and occupied more than 40 settlements, including Rogachi, Odla, Kovali, Golynka, Minchuki, Bursovshchizna and the Berestovitsa railway station.

In the Brest direction, our troops, developing the offensive, captured the regional centers of the Brest region, the city and railway junction of Gainovka and the city of Antopol, and also fought to occupy more than 150 other settlements, including the large settlements of Narevka Malaya, Voinovka, Korostychi, Omelinka, Zhabinka , Complete, Zaprudi, Berezna, Borodychi, Osipovichi, the junction railway station Zhabinka and the railway station Antopol.

The troops of the 1st Ukrainian Front, going on the offensive, with the support of massive artillery and aviation strikes, broke through the strong, deeply echeloned German defenses in the Lviv direction and in three days of offensive battles advanced to a depth of 50 kilometers, expanding the breakthrough to 200 kilometers along the front.

During the offensive, front troops captured the regional centers of the Volyn region, the cities of Poritsk, Gorokhov and Lovkachi, the regional centers of the Lviv region, the cities of Radzekhov, Brody, Zolochev, Busk, Kamenka, the city and large railway junction of Krasnoe, and also occupied more than 600 other settlements with fighting. including large settlements Khobultov, Skomorokhi, Tartakov, Selets Belsky, Stoyanov, Kholoyuv, Polonichka. Volokhi, Skvarzava, Bortkov, Knyazhe, Perepelniki, Yaroslavitsy, Kudynovtsy, Ezerna and the railway stations Bojnitsa, Khorostov, Khobultov, Gorokhov, Brany, Stoyanov, Radzekhov, Pavlov, Kholoiv, Meruvka, Budki Neznanovskie, Kamenka, Brody, Zablotsy, Ezerna.

On other sectors of the front - no significant changes.

On July 17, our troops on all fronts knocked out and destroyed 76 German tanks. In air battles and anti-aircraft artillery fire, 42 enemy aircraft were shot down.

The troops of the 3rd Baltic Front, having crossed the Velikaya River, broke through the heavily fortified, deeply developed German defenses south of the city of Ostrov and in two days of offensive battles advanced up to 40 kilometers, expanding the breakthrough to 70 kilometers along the front. During the offensive, front troops occupied more than 700 settlements, including the large settlements of Zabolotye, Chertovidovo, Timokhovo, Ermolkino, Shanino, Velye, Zelekovo, Pustoe Voskresene, Skadino, Losi, Perlitsa, Rogozki.

During July 19, west and southwest of the city of Opochka, our troops continued to conduct offensive battles, during which they occupied more than 100 settlements; among them are the large settlements of Zherebina, Gankova, Rogatkino, Degleva, Fedorenki, Nirza, Vetsloboda, Eglevo and the railway stations Nirza, Ozolkalns.

North-west and west of the city of Drissa, our troops fought to occupy more than 80 settlements, including the large settlements of Veterovtsi, Zenzi, Asune, Indra, Skradali, Daldusha, Slobodka and the Indra railway station.

North and south of the city of Alytus, our troops, repelling counterattacks by enemy infantry and tanks, continued to fight to expand bridgeheads on the western bank of the Neman River.

To the west of the city of Volkovysk, our troops, having crossed the Svisloch River, fought and occupied several settlements, including the large settlements of Petrashevichi, Krushinany, Khomentovtsy, Bobrovniki, Zhubry, Dublyany and the Krynki railway station. The commander of the 31st German Infantry Division, Lieutenant General Ochsner, surrendered to our units.

In the Brest direction, our troops fought forward and captured the regional center of the Brest region, the city and railway station of Kleshcheli, and also occupied more than 50 other settlements, including the large settlements of Bereza, Imenin, Gorodets, Mefedovichi, Kamen Shlyakhetsky, Kamen Krulevsky, Kortelis and Gorodets railway station.

In the Lviv direction, our troops, continuing the offensive, captured the regional centers of the Lviv region, the city of Sokal, the city of Mosty Velikie, and also occupied more than 100 other settlements with battles, including the large settlements of Boratyn, Krystynopol, Ostrov, Prusinov, Kulichkov, Derevnya, Dzibulki, Zhultany, Remenov (14 kilometers northeast of the city of Lviv), Dzedzilov, Kozlov, Olshanitsa, Yablonovka, Toporov, Zablotsy, Podgortsy and railway stations Sokal, Krystynopol, Parkhach, Stryganka, Sapezhanka, Chestyne, Rudanydy, Zablotsy. In the area north and south of the city of Sokal, our troops crossed the Western Bug River.

Our troops in the area west of the city of Brody completed the encirclement of an enemy group consisting of 4-5 divisions.

On other sectors of the front - no significant changes.

On July 18, our troops on all fronts knocked out and destroyed 65 German tanks. In air battles and anti-aircraft artillery fire, 34 enemy aircraft were shot down.

During July 20, south of the city of Ostrov, our troops fought forward and occupied more than 30 settlements, including Demeshkino, Pashkovo, Sergino, Pezlovo, Rogovo, Shmaili.

North of the city of Druya, our troops continued to conduct offensive battles, during which they occupied several settlements, including Svarintsi, Veizenishti, Pervelishki, Geibi, Staynishki and the Skaista railway station.

To the north and west of the city of Utena, our troops fought to occupy more than 80 settlements, including the large settlements of Kamayai, Jurkupiai, Vili, Shateshknyai, Bayarai, Rymsany, Vodanci, Shvedasai, Michany, Shlovyany and the railway stations of Panemunelis, Klyapuriskis, Skapiskis. Our troops cut the Dvinsk-Panevezys railway.

To the west of the city of Volkovysk, our troops fought and occupied several settlements, including Skroblyaki, Strashevo, Gorodok, Meleshki, Podozerany, Ozyably.

In the Brest direction, our troops, developing the offensive, captured the city and the large railway station Kobrin, the junction railway station Cheremkha, and also occupied more than 50 other settlements with battles, including the large settlements of Mokhnata, Orlya, Koshki, Dashi, Cheremkha, Verkhovichi, Legata, Borisovo and railway stations Narevka, Gnilets, Grigorovtsi.

The troops of the 1st Belorussian Front, going on the offensive from the Kovel area, broke through the heavily fortified German defenses and in three days of offensive battles advanced up to 50 kilometers, expanding the breakthrough to 150 kilometers along the front. During the offensive, front troops captured the regional centers of the Volyn region, the city of Lyuboml, the city of Ratno, the city of Turiisk, the city of Matseev, Zabolotye, Golovno, and also occupied more than 400 other settlements with battles, including the large settlements of Mokrany, Maloryta, Tur, Guta Ratnenska, Dubechno, Crimea, Lyubokhin, Butmer, Zgorany, Zabuzhye, Opalin, Rymachi, Berezhtsy, Bindyuga, Korytni, Nikitychi and the railway stations Maloryta, Khotsislav, Zabolotye, Crimea, Vyzhva, Myzovo, Moshchenaya, Turiisk, Turopin, Ovadno, Cherkasy, Maciejov, Podgorodnya, Lyuboml, Yagodin. Our troops reached the Western Bug River.

The troops of the 1st Ukrainian Front, developing a successful offensive, on July 20 stormed the cities and large railway junctions of Vladimir-Volynsky and Rava-Russkaya, and also occupied more than 300 other settlements with battles, including the regional centers of the Lviv region, the city of Glinyady, the city of Permshlyany , large settlements Khrypalychi, Sukhodoly, Litovizh, Ugrynuv, Varenzh, Gulche, Przemyslow, Belz, Domashev, Karov, Zabozhii, Turynka, Kulikov, Doroshev (8 kilometers north of Lviv), Zapytov, Slovita, Gologurye, Remizovtsy, Plugov, Kabarovtsy, Glinna, Olesin, Gelenkov, Viktorovka and railway stations Bubnov, Yanevichi, Ivanichi, Ulvuvek, Celenzh, Ostrow, Belz, Korchuv, Zapytov, Kutkozh, Zborov, Plugov Tustoglavy, Yarchevtsy.

West of the city of Brody, our troops fought to destroy the encircled enemy group and, compressing the encirclement, occupied the settlements of Adamy, Sokolovka, Konty, Yushkovitsy, Olesko. Our troops repulsed all the enemy’s attempts to break out of the encirclement and inflicted heavy losses on him in manpower and equipment.

On other sectors of the front - no significant changes.

On July 19, our troops on all fronts knocked out and destroyed 91 German tanks. In air battles and anti-aircraft artillery fire, 43 enemy aircraft were shot down.

On the Karelian front, north and west of the city of Suoyarvi, our troops fought offensive battles, during which they occupied more than 40 settlements; among them are Kudom-Guba, Gindenvara, Ilanvara, Terkkelya, Suokonto, Jagliajarvi, Kivijarvi, Semeikka, Iouhikanselka.

The troops of the 3rd Baltic Front, as a result of a skillful outflanking maneuver, combined with a frontal attack, on July 21 stormed a large communications center and a powerful stronghold of the German defense - the city of Ostrov, and also occupied more than 150 settlements, including large settlements points of Volkovo, Orekhovo Gora, Zhigulikha, Astratova, Kryukovo, Kolomnitsa, Tishino, Borovskaya, Eliny, Semekhino, Gavri and railway stations Cherskaya, Dulovskaya, Bryanchaninovo.

In the Brest direction, our troops fought forward and captured the regional center of the Brest region Divin, the regional center of the Volyn region Shatsk, and also fought to occupy more than 100 other settlements, including the large settlements of Meleichitsy, Aleksandrovka, Semikhochi, Stavy, Velkoryta, Dubechno, Orlyanka, Rogozna, Medna, Pishcha and railway stations Nurets, Pozhezhyn.

West of the city of Lyumobl, our troops crossed the Western Bug River on a front of 60 kilometers and, having broken enemy resistance on the western bank of the river, advanced up to 15 kilometers, occupying more than 50 settlements and among them the large settlements of Zberezhe, Stulno, Kosyn, Matsoshyn , Bytyn, Bukovo Velke, Ugrusk, Sedlishche, Rudka, Zhalin, Svezhe, Dorogusk, Gusnne, Ukhanka, Dubenka and railway stations Ugrusk, Dorogusk. Our troops cut the railway and the Brest-Kholm highway.

West and southwest of the city of Vladimir-Volynsky, our troops, continuing the offensive, captured the regional center of the Volyn region, the city of Ustilug, and also fought to occupy more than 100 other settlements, including the large settlements of Vydranka, Chernikov, Ludzin, Mlyniska, Golube, Witkow, Wasyliv, Telyatyn, Posadow, Podledow, Szlatyn, Khodywancie and railway stations Ustilug, Izuv.

In the Lviv direction, our troops continued to conduct successful offensive battles, during which they occupied more than 100 settlements; among them are the large settlements of Ugnev, Zhuravtsi, Lyubycha Krulevska, Verkhrata, Potylich, Pomlynuv, Vionzova, Zashkov, Lyakhodov, Svirzh, Zhukov, Grabkivtsi, Zborov, Tseniuv and the railway stations Ugnev, Zelena, Lyubych, Grebenne, Werkhota, Kamionka.

South-west of the city of Brody, our troops fought to destroy the encircled enemy group and, compressing the encirclement, captured the settlements of Zakomazhe, Podlesie, Zhulitsy, Belzec, Petrychi. During the battles, the enemy suffered heavy losses in manpower and equipment. Over 2,000 German soldiers and officers were captured, and more than 100 guns were captured.

South-west of the city of Ternopil, our troops, having broken enemy resistance, captured the regional centers of the Ternopil region - the city and railway station of Buchach, Kozova, Zolotniki, and also occupied more than 60 settlements with battles, including the large settlements of Lenchuvka, Mondzieluvka, Kurdwanuvka, Ezezhany , Zubzhets, Sokolov, Yazlovets, Duliby and Kozova railway station.

On other sectors of the front - no significant changes.

On July 20, our troops on all fronts knocked out and destroyed 95 German tanks. In air battles and anti-aircraft artillery fire, 78 enemy aircraft were shot down.

During July 22, on the Karelian front, northwest of the city of Suoyarvi, our troops fought and occupied several settlements; among them are Izyanvara, Pahkalampi, Longonvara, Varpavara, Liusvara. In the Longonvar area, our troops reached our state border with Finland.

The troops of the 3rd Baltic Front, continuing the offensive, captured the district center of the Latvian SSR, the city and railway junction of Jaunlatgale, and also fought to occupy more than 150 other settlements, including the settlements of Abija, Velikoye Selo, Chernyakovitsy, Kresty, Bolshoye Lopatino, Yavanova , Eliseevo, Yudino, Ortihovo, Amfitserova, Nosova, Augshpils, Podlipye and railway stations Cherekha, Stremutka, Ritupe, Abrene, Nosova, Vaveres. Our troops broke into the city of Pskov, where street battles began.

In the Dvina direction, our troops fought successful offensive battles, during which they captured the city of Kraslava, and also occupied more than 200 other settlements with battles, including the large settlements of Rundbni, Bukmuiza, Dagda, Artemovka, Shchedrati, Lemeshevka and the Kraslava railway station.

The troops of the 1st Baltic Front, as a result of a rapid attack by infantry and tank formations, captured the city and a large communications hub Panevezys (Ponevezh) on July 22, and also occupied more than 300 settlements with battles, including the large settlements of Skapiskis, Kupiskis, Subachus, Subocz, Surdepis, Troskuny, Kurkli, Mezhishki, Velzhi and railway stations Kupiskis, Subachus, Petraki, Bigailiai, Taruskos, Raguvele, Surdegis, Vashuokenai, Troskunai, Pagoinis.

South of the city of Grodno, our troops fought forward and captured the regional center of the Bialystok region, the city of Krynki, and also fought to occupy more than 80 other settlements, including the large settlements of Baranovo, Indura, Kuznitsa, Odelsk, Mikhailovo, Narev and railway stations. stations Kuznitsa, Valily. The commander of the 110th German Infantry Division, Lieutenant General Kurovsky, surrendered to our troops.

In the Brest direction, our troops, developing the offensive, captured the regional centers of the Brest region, the city of Semyatichi, the city of Kamenets, and also fought to occupy more than 100 other settlements, including the large settlements of Botski, Zhurobichi, Moschona-Kazennaya, Volna, Demyanichi, Novosady , Stradech (16 kilometers south of the city of Brest), Leplevka, Tomashovka and railway stations Koden, Dubica, Domachevo, Priborovo, Vlodava.

On July 22, troops of the 1st Belorussian Front stormed the city and the large railway junction of Chelm (Kholm), and also occupied more than 200 settlements with battles, including the large settlements of Orkhuvek, Sukhava, Vytychno, Vereshchin, Wolka Tarnovska, Bussovno, Olkhovets, Savin, Czerneyow, Stanislawow, Bialopole, Strzelce and railway stations Sobibur, Ruda-Opalin, Brzezno.

South-west of the city of Vladimir-Volynsky, our troops, continuing the offensive, captured the city of Tomaszow, and also fought to occupy more than 50 other settlements, including Wypadanka, Cichoborzh, Malkow, Podgorce, Maidan Gurny, Belzec and the Belzec railway station.

To the west and south of the city of Rava-Ruska, our troops, developing a successful offensive, captured the regional centers of the Lviv region, the city of Lyubachev, the city of Nemirov, the city of Magerov, Gorinets, and also occupied more than 150 other settlements, including large settlements of Cieshanow. , Dachnów, Oleszyc, Łukawiec, Szczeżec and the railway stations Dziewęcierzh, Gorinets, Tower, Tower-Dolnya, Lubachev, Oleszyc.

South-west of the city of Brody, our troops completed the destruction of the encircled enemy group. On July 21, over 3,000 German soldiers and officers were captured in this area. Thus, the total number of captured German soldiers and officers in this area exceeds 5,000 people.

South-west of the city of Ternopil, our troops, developing a successful offensive, captured the regional centers of the Ternopil region - the city of Berezhany, the city of Podgaitsy, the city of Monastyriska, Koropets, Zolotoy Potok, and also occupied more than 80 other settlements, including the large settlements of Pavlov, Lipica-Gorna, Shumlany, Tovstobaby, Niskolyzy and railway stations Krzywa, Mechiszczow, Pidvysokie, Podhajtsy, Monastyriska, Komarovka.

On other sectors of the front - no significant changes.

On July 21, our troops on all fronts knocked out and destroyed 80 German tanks. In air battles and anti-aircraft artillery fire, 69 enemy aircraft were shot down.


From the first days of the Patriotic War, the Navy of the Soviet Union has been waging a successful fight against the Nazi invaders. Soviet sailors inflicted a number of heavy defeats on the enemy and withstood the harsh trials of war with honor.

During the Patriotic War, the USSR Navy waged a continuous battle against enemy communications. Our surface ships and submarines, operating in the most difficult and difficult conditions, sink enemy warships and transports carrying troops and military cargo. Torpedo-carrying and bomber aircraft of the fleet attack enemy ports and bases, destroy enemy ships in anchorages and at sea.

The Navy, closely cooperating with the Red Army, launched powerful attacks on the flanks and rear of the enemy’s coastal groupings, and also protected the coastal flanks of our troops from enemy landings and attacks from the sea. The joint actions of the Navy and the Red Army in the defense of Odessa, Sevastopol, Novorossiysk pinned down large enemy forces for a long time and thereby delayed the German offensive in the main directions. During the days of the heroic defense of Odessa, Sevastopol, Stalingrad and Leningrad, Soviet sailors covered themselves with unfading glory.

The landing operations successfully carried out by the Navy of the Soviet Union, such as the landings in Feodosia, Kerch and Novorossiysk, provided great support to the advancing units of the Red Army.

Hitler's command had high hopes for the blockade of the sea routes of the Soviet Union. By declaring an all-out submarine war, the Germans wanted to disrupt our external communications and isolate the USSR. It is now quite obvious that these plans of the Nazis were a complete failure. Interacting with allied ships, the Navy successfully protected in the North in its zone caravans of allied ships with weapons and military materials en route to the ports of the Soviet Union.

Our heavy ships, submarine fleet, torpedo boats and aircraft inflicted enormous damage on the Nazi invaders with powerful artillery fire, torpedo and bomb attacks.

During the 37 months of the Patriotic War, the USSR Navy sank the Germans and their satellites: auxiliary cruisers - 1, coastal defense battleships - 2, destroyers - 37, submarines - 50, minelayers - 3, minesweepers - 129, patrol ships - 137 , monitors - 2, gunboats - 12, torpedo boats - 79, patrol boats - 288, transports - 850, auxiliary ships - 89, self-propelled barges - 392, small vessels - 766.

In addition, many enemy combat and auxiliary ships received serious damage and were out of action for a long time.

As a result of the actions of naval and coastal artillery, naval aviation and detachments of Navy sailors, a large number of enemy artillery and mortar batteries, many tanks, armored vehicles, vehicles, warehouses with ammunition, weapons and military equipment were destroyed on land.

Our ships, anti-aircraft artillery and naval aviation destroyed 6,829 enemy aircraft.

These are the results of the actions of the USSR Navy over the past months of the war.

At the very beginning of the war, Hitler’s liars announced to the whole world the destruction of the Soviet fleet. The course of military operations at sea, the powerful strikes of our naval forces against the enemy, proved the absurdity and falsity of German statements. At present, our Navy continues to destroy enemy ships and transports, block its communications and provide significant assistance to the Red Army in the liberation of Soviet territory and the final defeat of the Nazi invaders.


On July 23, the troops of the 3rd Baltic Front stormed a powerful stronghold of the German defense - the city and large railway junction of Pskov, and also occupied more than 100 settlements with battles, including the large settlements of Piskovichi, Khotitsa, Zvenkovichi, Krestki, Paniki, Usadishche, Dobychi, Safoshnikovo, Trubitsino, Klyuchi, Aksenava, Mednikava, Lodini and Punduri railway station.

North-west and west of the city of Sebezh, our troops fought offensive battles, during which they captured the district center of the Latvian SSR, the city and railway station of Ludza, and also occupied more than 80 other settlements with battles; these include the city and railway station of Karsava, large settlements Degushava, Golisheva, Barakava, Terehi, Muizheniki, Poda, Kaunata and the Istalsna railway station.

In the Dvina direction, our troops, developing the offensive, occupied more than 150 settlements with battles, including the large settlements of Leli, Andrupene, Silishki, Somerset, Agluna, Shkeitava, Gorshany, Krivosheeva, Malinova, Vatspils and the railway stations of Izvalta, Nauene, Zalumi. Our troops cut the railway and the Rezekne (Rezhitsa) - Dvinsk highway.

To the northeast and south of the city of Panevezys, our troops, continuing the offensive, fought and occupied more than 200 settlements, including the large settlements of Solomets, Gelazi, Korsakishki, Upita, Rogovo, Genetyne, Grikale, Remeisany, Plebanets, Shily, Lany , Tovyany, Vidzishki.

In the Bialystok direction, our troops fought forward and occupied more than 70 settlements, including the large settlements of Bilwiny, Bobrovniki, Talkovshchizna, Podsokolda, Zaluki, Kolodno, Dobrynivka, Folwarki Wielkie, Malynka, Trostyanitsa, Kleniki and the railway station Zednya (18 kilometers southeast of the city of Bialystok).

In the Brest direction, our troops continued to conduct offensive battles, during which they captured the city of Wlodawa, and also occupied more than 60 other settlements; including the large settlements of Gorodishche, Zamosty, Completed, Klimovichi, Cherne (6 kilometers northeast of the city of Brest), Telmy Vlasne, Okchin, Lishna, Slavyche, Kuzavka, Ganna, Dolgobrody, Zhukovo, Kaplonosy.

North-west and west of the city of Chelm (Hill), our troops, developing a successful offensive, occupied more than 300 settlements with battles, including the large settlements of Parczew, Sosnowice, Old and New Orzechow, Brzostówka, Zezulin, Pugachów, Dorogucha, Stein and railway lines stations Zavaduvka, Rejowiec. Our troops broke into the city of Lublin, where street battles began.

To the west and southwest of the city of Vladimir-Volynsky, our troops fought successful offensive battles, during which they captured the city and the Hrubieszow railway station, and also occupied more than 80 other settlements, including the large settlements of Yaroslavets, Teratyn, Terebin, Sagryn, Turkowice, Laszczow, Grodyslawice, Zachodnia, Bondyz, Jozefow and railway stations Teratyn, Godzow, Turkowice, Laszczow, Grodyslawice, Siedliska, Susiec, Mazily.

To the west of the city of Rava-Russkaya, our troops, developing a successful offensive, captured the city of Tarnogrud, and also occupied more than 250 other settlements with battles, including the large settlements of Lazory, Borovina, Shishkov, Dombrovitsa, Rudka, Dobra, Vyazovnitsa, Konty, Wysocko and railway stations Nowa Greblya, Kozhenica, Surochow. Our troops reached the San River in a number of areas.

South-west of the city of Brody, our troops completed the liquidation of the encircled enemy group. According to preliminary data, during the operation to eliminate the encircled enemy troops, over 15,000 German soldiers and officers were captured. Among the prisoners was the commander of the 361st German Infantry Division, Major General Lindemann. Our troops captured the following trophies: 68 tanks, more than 500 guns of various calibers, 625 mortars, 50 armored personnel carriers, over 3,500 vehicles. The enemy left over 30,000 corpses of his soldiers and officers on the battlefield. Among the dead, the corpse of the commander of the 340th German Infantry Division, Major General Beutler, was found.

To the west and southwest of the city of Ternopil, our troops, developing a successful offensive, fought and occupied more than 150 settlements, including the large settlements of Dunayuv, Pletenitsa, Yanchin, Dusanov, Stratyn, Putyatyntsi, Yunashk0v, Medukha, Petrylov and the railway stations of Zholchuv, Podshumlyantsy. Our troops reached the Rotten Lipa River along its entire length.

On other sectors of the front - no significant changes.

On July 22, our troops on all fronts knocked out and destroyed 94 German tanks. In air battles and anti-aircraft artillery fire, 66 enemy aircraft were shot down.

During July 24, west and southwest of the city of Pskov, our troops continued to conduct offensive battles, during which they occupied more than 60 settlements, including the large settlements of Korly, Poddubye, Vyzhlivo, Eliseevo, Zaitsevo, Gribuli, Stukalava, Viduchi and the railway Wetsumi station.

North-west and west of the city of Sebezh, our troops fought forward and occupied more than 100 settlements, including Baranava, Vatsunieki, Bineva, Stolerova, Lipushki, Shkrabi and the Zutridene railway station.

In the Dvina direction, our troops fought offensive battles, during which they occupied more than 80 settlements; among them are the large settlements of Naplava, Plyussy, Strynishki, Dubinovo, Tartaka, Borovka, Mikolayuntse.

Northeast and south of the city of Panevezys, our troops, continuing the offensive, captured the district center of the Lithuanian SSR, the city and railway station of Ukmerge, and also fought to occupy more than 150 other settlements, including the large settlements of Volbolniki, Darshishki, Pruseli, New Mesto, Voevodzishki, Pogiry, Sesiki.

In the Bialystok direction, our troops captured the regional center of the Bialystok region, the city of Sokolka, and also fought to occupy more than 40 other settlements, including the large settlements of Khoruzhovtsy, Karolin, Volkush, Kamenka Staraya, Studzianki, Kamenka (10 kilometers southeast of Bialystok) .

In the Brest direction, our troops, repelling counterattacks by enemy infantry and tanks, continued to conduct offensive battles, during which they occupied more than 80 settlements, among them the large settlements of Radevichi, Voiska, Demyanchitsy, Chernavchitsy, Postom Loty, Piszczac, Poloski, Chotylow, Koszoly , Huszcza and Chotyłów railway station.

The troops of the 1st Belorussian Front, developing a successful offensive, captured the city and large railway junction of Lublin, the city and railway junction of Lukov, and also occupied more than 500 settlements with battles, including the large settlements of Wisznice, Horodyszcze, Radcze, Milanow, Radzyn , Brzeżnica Bychawska, Ostruz Lubelski, Tarło, Rudka Kozłowiecka, Czechówka, Belzyce, Osmolice, Jablonka, Piaski, Pawłów, Sielec, Leszczany and railway stations Milanów, Parczew, Grudek, Brzeżnica Bychawska, Tarło, Bystrica, Dominów. Our troops cut the Brest-Warsaw railway.

To the west and southwest of the city of Grubeszow, our troops, continuing a successful offensive, captured the city of Bilgoraj, and also occupied more than 150 other settlements with battles, including the large settlements of Wojslawice, Grabowiec, Zawalew, Perespa, Zubowice, Vozhuchin, Verechane and railway stations Wuchan, Wojslawice, Konyuchy.

To the west of the city of Rava-Russkaya, our troops reached the San River at a front of 80 kilometers, occupying more than 60 settlements, including the regional centers of the Lviv region Sinyava, Lyashki Dolgie, large settlements Ksheshuv, Bystre, Kurylowka, Zhukhov, Nenovitsy . Our troops crossed the San River in a number of areas.

In the Lviv direction, our troops fought successful offensive battles, during which they captured the regional centers of the Lviv region, the city of Zholkiv, the city of Yavorov, the regional centers of the Drohobych region, the cities and railway stations of Sudovaya Vyshnya, Mosciska, and also occupied more than 150 other settlements with battles; these include the large settlements of Zadwuzhe, Polonitsa, Bilka Krulevskaya, Germanow, Gurovitsy, Sholomyya, Cherepin and the railway stations of Polonitsa, Zadwuzhe, Hermanow, Nikolayuv, Staroe Selo. Our troops cut the railway and the Lviv-Przemysl highway.

According to updated data, during the operation to eliminate the encircled enemy troops southwest of the city of Brody, 17,175 German soldiers and officers were captured. Among the prisoners was the commander of the 454th German security division, Major General Nedwig.

South-west of the city of Zolochev, our troops captured the regional center of the Stanislav region, the city of Rohatyn, crossed the Dniester River and captured the city and the railway station of Galich.

On other sectors of the front - no significant changes.

On July 23, our troops on all fronts knocked out and destroyed 172 German tanks. In air battles and anti-aircraft artillery fire, 36 enemy aircraft were shot down.

Enemy losses and trophies of troops of the 1st Baltic, 1st, 2nd and 3rd Belorussian Fronts during offensive operations from June 23 to July 23 of this year

Troops of the 1st Baltic Front during offensive operations from June 23 to July 23 this year. g. inflicted the following losses on the enemy in manpower and equipment.

Destroyed: aircraft - 162, tanks and self-propelled guns - 396, guns of various calibers - 525, mortars - 227, machine guns - 1444, vehicles - 3946. The enemy lost only killed - 56,410 soldiers and officers.

During the same time, the troops of the 1st Baltic Front captured the following trophies: tanks - 31, guns of various calibers - 685, mortars - 194, machine guns - 1456, rifles and machine guns - 12,740, vehicles - 3921, steam locomotives - 15, railway cars and platforms - 610, horses - 969, warehouses with ammunition, weapons, equipment and food - 238.

Captured - 8249 enemy soldiers and officers.

Thus, the total German losses in the main types of military equipment and manpower during the month of offensive battles of the 1st Baltic Front are: captured and killed - 64,659 people, aircraft - 162, tanks and self-propelled guns - 427, guns of various calibers - 1210, mortars - 421, machine guns - 2900, vehicles - 7867.

Troops of the 3rd Belorussian Front during the offensive operations carried out from June 23 to July 23 this year. g., inflicted the following losses on the enemy in manpower and equipment.

Destroyed: 153 aircraft, 546 tanks and self-propelled guns, 1,405 guns of various calibers, 408 mortars, 3,344 machine guns, 8,213 vehicles. The enemy left more than 105,000 corpses of his soldiers and officers on the battlefield.

During the same time, the troops of the 3rd Belorussian Front captured the following trophies: tanks and self-propelled guns - 288, guns of various calibers - 1386, mortars - 822, machine guns - 3566, rifles and machine guns - 34,382, radio stations - 202, vehicles - 9492, motorcycles - 437, tractors and tractors - 136, carts with military cargo - 2637, steam locomotives - 36, carriages - 2958, horses - 6015, warehouses with ammunition, weapons, equipment and food - 504.

56,277 enemy soldiers and officers were captured.

Thus, the total German losses in the main types of military equipment and manpower for the month of offensive battles of the 3rd Belorussian Front are: captured and killed - 161,277 people, aircraft - 153, tanks and self-propelled guns - 834, guns of various calibers - 2791, mortars - 1230, machine guns - 6910, vehicles - 17,705.

Troops of the 2nd Belorussian Front during the offensive operations carried out from June 23 to July 23 this year. g., inflicted the following losses on the enemy in manpower and equipment.

Destroyed: 51 aircraft, 649 tanks and self-propelled guns, 728 guns of various calibers, 726 mortars, 2255 machine guns, 6023 vehicles. The enemy left over 100,000 corpses of his soldiers and officers on the battlefield.

During the same time, the troops of the 2nd Belorussian Front captured the following trophies: tanks and self-propelled guns - 67, guns of various calibers - 678, mortars - 673, machine guns - 1417, rifles and machine guns - 19,788, motor vehicles - 7237, tractors and tractors - 361, carts with military cargo - 4202, steam locomotives - 11, wagons - 521, horses - 5567, warehouses with ammunition, weapons, equipment and food - 65. Captured - 31,718 enemy soldiers and officers.

Thus, the total German losses in the main types of military equipment and manpower for the month of offensive battles of the 2nd Belorussian Front are: captured and killed - 131,718 soldiers and officers, aircraft - 51, tanks and self-propelled guns - 716, guns of various calibers - 1406, mortars - 1399, machine guns - 3672, vehicles - 13,260.

Troops of the 1st Belorussian Front during the offensive operations carried out from June 24 to July 23 this year. g., inflicted the following losses on the enemy in manpower and equipment.

Destroyed: 265 aircraft, 408 tanks and self-propelled guns, 1,463 guns of various calibers, 1,544 mortars, 3,844 machine guns, 9,120 vehicles. The enemy left over 120,000 corpses of his soldiers and officers on the battlefield.

During the same time, the troops of the 1st Belorussian Front captured the following trophies: tanks and self-propelled guns - 350, guns of various calibers - 1832, mortars - 1101, machine guns - 5745, rifles and machine guns - 22,108, radio stations - 393, vehicles - 9200, tractors and tractors - 275, carts with military cargo - 5160, steam locomotives - 23, railway cars - 2300, horses - 18,889, warehouses with ammunition, weapons, equipment and food - 568.

62,236 enemy soldiers and officers were captured.

Thus, the total German losses in the main types of military equipment and manpower for thirty days of offensive battles of the 1st Belorussian Front are: captured and killed - 182,236, aircraft - 265, tanks and self-propelled guns - 758, guns of various calibers - 3295, mortars - 2645, machine guns - 9589, vehicles - 18,320.

As a result of offensive operations carried out from June 23 to July 23 this year. in the close interaction of four fronts - the 1st Baltic, 1st, 2nd and 3rd Belorussian and ended with the defeat of the central group of enemy forces on the Soviet-German front, the liberation of the capital of Soviet Belarus, the city of Minsk, the capital of Soviet Lithuania, the city of Vilnius and the most important cities - Vitebsk, Mogilev, Vileika, Baranovich, Pinsk, Polotsk, Orsha, Bobruisk, Borisov, Zhlobin, Kovel, Osipovichi, Molodechno, Grodno, Lida, Slonim, Volkovysk, Panevezys, German losses in the main types of military equipment and manpower are: more than 381,000 soldiers and officers killed, 631 aircraft, 2,735 tanks and self-propelled guns, 8,702 guns of various calibers, 5,695 mortars, 23,071 machine guns, 57,152 vehicles.

Captured - 158,480 German soldiers and officers, including twenty-two German generals: Infantry General Gollwitzer (commander of the 53rd Army Corps), Lieutenant General Lützow (commander of the 35th Army Corps), Infantry General Felkers ( commander of the 27th Army Corps), Lieutenant General Müller (commander of the 12th Army Corps), Lieutenant General Hofmeister (commander of the 41st Panzer Corps), Lieutenant General Hitter (commander of the 206th Infantry Division), Major General Müller-Bülow (commander of the 246th Infantry Division), Major General Michaelis (commander of the 95th Infantry Division), Lieutenant General Traut (commander of the 78th Assault Division), Major General Trowitz (commander of the 57th Infantry Division) , Major General Geer (commander of the 707th Infantry Division), Lieutenant General Bamler (commander of the 12th Infantry Division), Major General Conradi (commander of the 36th Infantry Division), Major General Klammt (commander of the 260th Infantry division), Lieutenant General Heine (commander of the 6th Infantry Division), Lieutenant General Ochsner (commander of the 31st Infantry Division), Major General Engel (commander of the 45th Infantry Division), Lieutenant General Kurovsky (commander of the 110th 1st Infantry Division), Major General Steinkeller (commander of the 60th Motorized Division), Major General Erdmansdorff (commandant of the city of Mogilev), Major General Hamann (commandant of the city of Bobruisk), Major General Schmidt (chief of the engineering service of the 9th German army).


During July 25, southwest of the city of Pskov, our troops fought to occupy more than 40 settlements, including Lakamtsevo, Belokhvostovo, Samokhva-Lova, Kachanava, Aksenava, Tepenitsa, Meirova, Vilaka, Svilpova and the Zhiguri railway station.

In the Dvina direction, our troops, repelling enemy counterattacks, continued to conduct offensive battles, during which they occupied more than 20 settlements, including Guteni, Kalki, Vasilevo, Rubenishki, Orbidani and the railway stations of Medupe and Vabole. Our troops cut the Dvinsk-Riga railway.

In the Bialystok direction, our troops fought forward and occupied more than 60 settlements, including the regional center of the Bialystok region Zabludov, large settlements Lipsk, Khilmony, Novy Dvor, Suprasl, Karakulye, Sovlyany (4 kilometers northeast of Bialystok), Protasy and railway stations Belany, Sapotskovtsy.

To the north and west of the city of Lublin, our troops, developing a successful offensive, fought and occupied more than 200 settlements, including the large settlements of Lomazy, Shustka, Krynka, Chemerniki, Tarkawica, Firlej, Lubartow, Kurów, Naleczów and the railway stations Bezvolya, Motych , Sadurki.

West and southwest of the city of Chelm (Hill), our troops fought successful offensive battles, during which they captured the city of Krasnostav, the city of Zamosc, and also occupied more than 100 other settlements with battles, including the large settlements of Trawniki, Józefów, Krupier, Zastave , Udryche, Sitno, Byalovolya, Shevya, Kosobudy, Rudka, Lipovets and railway stations Rejovets, Kane, Travniki, Bzite, Krasnostav, Zwierzyniec, Bukovnica.

In the Lviv direction, our troops, developing the offensive, captured the regional centers of the Lviv region, the city of Yanov, the city of Gorodok, Sokolniki, the regional center of the Drohobych region, the city of Rudki, and also fought to occupy more than 150 other settlements, including the large settlements of Yarychev Novy, Barshchovitsy, Romanov, Vodniki, Davidov, Sikhuv, Kozhelniki, Zubrza, Solonka, Tolszczow and the railway stations Davidov, Sykhuv, Obroshin, Gorodok. Our troops completed the encirclement of enemy troops in the area of ​​​​the city of Lvov and started fighting on the outskirts of the city. The seriously wounded commander of the 13th German Army Corps, Infantry General Gauffe, surrendered to our troops along with his headquarters.

In the Stanislav direction, our troops fought offensive battles, during which they captured the regional centers of the Stanislav region Bolshovtsy, Zhovten, Otynia, and also occupied more than 80 other settlements, including the large settlements of Komaruw, Selets, Dobrovlyany (6 kilometers northeast of the city of Stanislav ), Olshanitsa, Oleszow, Oknyany, Olesha, Tarnowica Polna, Gostow, Gavrilovka, Parishy, ​​Maidan-Horishny and railway stations Bolshovtsy, Dubovtsy. Zhovten, Oleshuv, Golosnow, Otynia, Towmaczyk.

On other sectors of the front - no significant changes.

On July 24, our troops on all fronts knocked out and destroyed 103 German tanks. In air battles and anti-aircraft artillery fire, 36 enemy aircraft were shot down.

The troops of the Leningrad Front, going on the offensive in the Narva region, broke through the heavily fortified, deeply echeloned enemy defenses and, as a result of a skillful flanking maneuver and frontal attack, on July 26, stormed the city and fortress of Narva, and also occupied 20 settlements with fighting; among them are Narva-Iõesu, Metski, Merekülä, Puhkova, Vodava, Poemurru, Krenholm, Udrija, Samokras and the railway stations Saldino-Yam, Auvere.

South-west of the city of Pskov, our troops fought to occupy 30 settlements, including Podgramye, Zarechye, Gnilino, Shevelevo, Usadishche, Portovik, Erlyki, Risava and the Kuprava railway station.

To the northwest and south of the city of Panevezys, our troops fought offensive battles, during which they occupied more than 150 settlements; among them are the large settlements Meškadaukis, Pušalotas, Katkuny, Rosalin, Smilgi, Shadov, Bejnarovo, Vodokty, Krakinovo and the railway stations Berčunai, Gusstonys, Dopisonai, Laba, Bernatoniai, Skysgiris, Medikoniai, Pušalotas, Vaitkunai.

The troops of the 1st Belorussian Front, as a result of a swift attack by tank formations and infantry, stormed a large railway junction and a powerful stronghold of German defense on the Vistula River - the city and fortress of Deblin (Ivangorod), and also occupied more than 100 other settlements, including including the city of Biała Podlaska, the city of Puławy, large settlements of Sarokomla, Kotsk, Lysobyki, Michów, Baranów, Bazanow, Ryki, Baltów, Osiny, Klementowice and the railway stations of Biała Podlaska, Ryki, Stawy, Golomo, Wolka Profecka, Puławy, Klementowice, Nałęczów Our troops captured the commandant of the city of Lublin, Lieutenant General Moser Gilmar.

North-west and west of the city of Zamosc, our troops, continuing the offensive, fought and occupied more than 80 settlements, including the large settlements of Nemenice, Piaski, Shlyahecke, Izbica, Veloncza, Zamoyske, Tuzyniec, Korytkow, Domostawa, Jastkowice, Ulanow and railway stations Izbica, Ruske Piaski, Zawada, Klemensuv.

In the Lvov area, our troops fought to destroy the encircled enemy troops.

In the Stanislav direction, our troops, developing a successful offensive, captured the regional centers of the Stanislav region, the cities of Burshtyn, Tlumach, Tysmenitsa, Nadvirna, Delyatyn, and also occupied more than 100 other settlements with battles, including the large settlements of Chagruv, Medynya, Studzianka, Volchynets , Czerneyow, Wolosow, Parischi, Zarzecze and railway stations Martynów, Bursztyn, Bednarów, Pawelche, Jamnitsa, Tysmenitsa, Khryplin, Tysmenychany, Tsutsylow, Nadvirna, Delyatyn, Lancin.

On other sectors of the front - no significant changes.

On July 25, our troops on all fronts knocked out and destroyed 88 German tanks. In air battles and anti-aircraft artillery fire, 35 enemy aircraft were shot down.

During July 27, southwest of the city of Pskov, our troops fought forward and captured the regional center of the Leningrad region Palkino, and also occupied more than 40 other settlements, including Gavrilova, Krasnodudovo, Bundino, Dokty, Truleva, Brizzhava, Baltinava.

The troops of the 2nd Baltic Front, developing the offensive, on July 27 stormed the powerful strongholds of the German defense - the cities and important railway junctions of Daugavpils (Dvinsk) and Rezekne (Rezhitsa), and also occupied more than 400 other settlements, including large ones. settlements Buhalava, Kaprani, Beregale, Baravaja, Kalupe, Liksnas and railway stations Mezhvidi, Ilzeni, Malta, Apsany, Aglona, ​​Ardava, Vaganti, Vishti, Kudraine, Nitsgale.

The troops of the 1st Baltic Front, as a result of a swift attack by tank formations and infantry on July 27, captured the city and the large railway junction of Shauliai (Shavli), and also occupied more than 150 other settlements with battles, including the large settlements of Johanishkeli, Pokroi, Klevany, Ligumai , Kipshty, Shaplagi, Kaire, Radzivilishki, Lyaudyshki, Beisagola, Potsuneli and the railway stations Shadov, Linkaitsi, Radzivilishki, Shilyany, Meke, Beisagola, Skemi.

The troops of the 2nd Belorussian Front, after two days of fighting, on July 27, stormed the city and large industrial center of Bialystok - an important railway junction and a powerful fortified area of ​​​​German defense, and also occupied more than 30 settlements with battles; among them are the large settlements of Vasilkovo, Vysoki, Staroseltsy, Sloboda, Solniki, Zhuki.

In the Brest direction, our troops fought offensive battles, during which they occupied more than 50 settlements, including the large settlements of Rasna, Kustin, Motykaly, Zablotse, Dobryn Dushe, Derechanka, Kolchin, Zachopki, Rokitno, Lipnitsa and the railway stations Lyshchice, Kamenka .

To the north and west of the city of Lublin, our troops, developing a successful offensive, captured the cities of Miedzyrzec, Zhelechuv, Garwolin, and also occupied more than 200 other settlements with battles, including the large settlements of Shaniawy, Dąbie, Osiny, Ciechomin, Sobolev, Opole and railway stations Szaniawy, Dolne, Krzywda, Okrzeja, Leopoldow. Our troops fought street battles in the city of Sedlec.

To the west of the city of Zamosc, our troops fought offensive battles, during which they captured the cities of Turobin, Janow, Krasnik, and also occupied more than 250 other settlements with battles, including the large settlements of Kosazhev, Gelchev, Tarnavka, Dragany, Tokary, Godziszuv, Wierzchowiska.

To the west of the city of Lubachev, our troops conducted successful offensive battles to expand bridgeheads on the western bank of the San River and captured the cities of Rudnik, Lezajsk, Sokolow, Przewursk, Radymno, and also occupied more than 300 other settlements, including the large settlements of Nisko Yezhov, Kamen, Wola Zarchicka, Nenadówka, Medynya, Rakshawa, Kanczuga, Pruchnik-Miasto, Roketnica, Zhurawica and railway stations Nisko, Rudnik, Lentownia, Sazhyna, Lezajsk, Grodzisko, Lszewursk, Pelkyne, Radymno.

The troops of the 1st Ukrainian Front, developing a successful offensive, on July 27 captured a large railway junction and a strategically important stronghold of the German defense - a large economic and political center and the regional city of Ukraine - Lvov, a large railway junction and an important stronghold of the German defense in the foothills of the Carpathians - the regional center of Ukraine, the city of Stanislav, and also fought to occupy more than 200 other settlements, including the regional centers of the Lviv region, the cities of Vinniki and Bobrka, the regional centers of the Stanislav region, the cities of Bukachivtsi, Lisets, Bogorodchany and Kalush, large settlements Voloshizna, Otsheliska Novaya, Leszczyn, Duliby, Zagurechko, Vishniv, Cherniuv, Pokhuvka, Horokholina, Starunya, Pasechna and railway stations Zhuravno-Nowosielce, Cherniuv, Bukachevtsy, Kalush, Pasechna.

On other sectors of the front - no significant changes.

On July 26, our troops on all fronts knocked out and destroyed 131 German tanks. In air battles and anti-aircraft artillery fire, 42 enemy aircraft were shot down.

During July 28, north of the city of Daugavpils (Dvinsk), our troops, developing an offensive, fought and occupied more than 350 settlements, including the large settlements of Tilzha, Kristinki, Dzilyari, Dritseni, Vilany, Vidsmuizha, Ribeni, Preili, Dubentsy and railway stations Sakstagala, Ladzukalns, Struzhani, Taigala, Driceni, Kugras, Burzava, Vilany, Pupoli, Salmene, Prezma, Krai, Sergunta.

South of the city of Daugavpils (Dvinsk), our troops fought offensive battles, during which they occupied more than 60 settlements, including the large settlements of Niderkuni, Griva, Yudovka, Yanovka, Tarzheki, Turmont, Kshchava and the railway stations Griva, Kurtsums, Zemgale, Turmantas.

To the north and south of the city of Siauliai, our troops fought forward and occupied more than 150 settlements, including the city of Ioniskis, large settlements of Vekshnany, Gitary, Aukshtelki, Pokopi, Sidor, Tsitovyany, Shavkoty, Grinkishki and the railway stations of Ioniskis, Taliotsi , Yanovitsishki, Janitors, Sidors.

The troops of the 1st Belorussian Front, as a result of a skillful outflanking maneuver and attack from the front, on July 28 captured the regional center of Belarus, the city and fortress of Brest (Brest-Litovsk) - an operationally important railway junction and a powerful fortified area of ​​​​German defense in the Warsaw direction, as well as battles occupied more than 60 other settlements, including the regional center of the Brest region, the city of Vysokoye, the city of Terespol, the large settlements of Klyukovichi, Bordzevka, Bulka, Zazheche, Stavy, Shumaki, Putachevo, Gershony, Mokrany, Rokitno and the railway stations Vysoko-Litovsk, Terespol . Our troops surrounded an enemy group consisting of three divisions west of the city of Brest, pressed it to the Western Bug River and fought to destroy it.

North-west and west of the city of Lublin, our troops, developing a successful offensive, occupied more than 300 settlements with battles, including the large settlements of Stoczek, Latowicz, Cegluw, Sennitsa, Kolbiel, Kazimierz, Kamen and the railway stations Pilyava, Ziczyn, Wonvolnica, Niedzwica.

The troops of the 1st Ukrainian Front, having crossed the San River, broke through the enemy’s defenses and, as a result of a roundabout maneuver of tanks, cavalry and infantry, captured large railway junctions and important strongholds of the German defense - the city and fortress of Przemysl and the city of Yaroslav.

Our troops, during the liquidation of encircled enemy units in the area of ​​​​the city of Lvov, captured the following trophies: tanks - 35, guns of various calibers - 250, mortars - 420, machine guns - more than 500, armored personnel carriers - 60, railway trains - 20, horses - over 1000, as well as a large number of warehouses with ammunition, weapons and military equipment. 3,500 German soldiers and officers were captured. The enemy left more than 8,000 corpses of his soldiers and officers on the battlefield.

To the west and southwest of the city of Stanislav, our troops captured the regional centers of the Stanislav region, the city of Pereginsko, the city of Solotvin, and also occupied more than 50 other settlements with battles, including the large settlements of Dobrovlyany, Novitsa, Ruvnya, Krasna, Porogi, Krichka, Manyava and Pereginsko railway station.

On other sectors of the front - no significant changes.

On July 27, our troops on all fronts knocked out and destroyed 57 German tanks. In air battles and anti-aircraft artillery fire, 53 enemy aircraft were shot down.

During July 29, northwest and west of the city of Rezekne (Rezitsa), our troops fought offensive battles, during which they occupied more than 400 settlements, including the large settlements of Zagatas, Makuzhi, Molnieki, Rudzeti, Rusini and the railway stations of Varaklani, Galbari .

West of the city of Daugavpils (Dvinsk), our troops fought to capture the district center of the Latvian SSR, the city of Ilukste, the district center of the Lithuanian SSR, the city of Zarasai, and also occupied more than 70 other settlements, including Skrudelina, Pagrendziny, Smeline, Petrunishki, Shavli, Deguchai.

Northeast and north of the city of Siauliai (Shavli), our troops fought forward and occupied more than 200 settlements, including the large settlements of Popuvesiai, Vasnai, Pashvitinis, Yeleja, Zagare.

West and southwest of the city of Ukmerge, our troops fought offensive battles, during which they captured the city of Jonava, and also occupied more than 100 other settlements with battles, including the large settlements of Shaty, Bukantse, Zheimy, Darguzhi, Uzhusali Kormyalov (9 kilometers north -east of Kaunas) and the railway stations Leibishki, Pogelozhe, Ilgobrody, Jonava, Kolnantsy, Gulbinishki, Zeymiai.

To the west and southwest of the city of Grodno, our troops fought and occupied more than 80 settlements, including the large settlements of Starshamenka, Dombrova, Reshkovce, Nova Volya, Malovista, Pokosna, Cherwonka, Janow, Teolin, Czarna Ves and the railway stations of Kamienna Nova, Czarna All.

West of the city of Brest, our troops fought successful battles to eliminate the encircled enemy group and, compressing the encirclement, captured the settlements of Kleiniki, Neple, Samoviche, Lobachuv, Kuzhavka, Koroschin, Lengi. The enemy made desperate attempts to break through the encirclement, but was repulsed, suffering heavy losses in manpower and equipment.

South of the city of Deblin, our troops completely cleared the eastern bank of the Vistula River to the mouth of the San River from the enemy, occupying more than 150 settlements.

North-west and west of the city of Przemysl, our troops continued to conduct offensive battles, during which they occupied more than 200 settlements, including the large settlements of Grembow, Wydzha, Boyanów, Wola Ranizhovska, Lipnitsa, Mazury, Wysoka, Stoberná, Gusów, Dynów and railway lines stations Roguzno, Zagorze, Javornik-Polski, Dynuv.

South-west and south of the city of Lviv, our troops, continuing the offensive, captured the regional center of the Lviv region, the city and the railway station Shirets, the regional centers of the Drohobych region, the cities and railway stations of Nikolaev and Khodorov, and also occupied more than 100 other settlements, including large settlements Khishchevitsy, Chulovychi, Dobzhany, Rozdol, Zhydachuv and railway stations Shirec, Cherkasy, Zhydachuv.

West of the city of Stanislav, our troops captured the regional center of the Stanislav region, the city and railway station of Rozhnyatov, and also fought to occupy more than 20 other settlements, including Tuzhilow, Svarychuv, Strutyn, Tsenyava, Yasenovets.

On other sectors of the front - no significant changes.

On July 28, our troops on all fronts knocked out and destroyed 92 German tanks. In air battles and anti-aircraft artillery fire, 60 enemy aircraft were shot down.

During July 30, to the west and southwest of the city of Pskov, our troops fought forward and occupied more than 100 settlements, including the large settlements of Vidovichi, Lisichki, Senno, Irboska (Izborsk), Petrova, Lyepna, Balvi and the Irboska railway stations, Beya, Viksna, Balvi.

To the west of the city of Daugavpils, our troops fought offensive battles, during which they occupied more than 80 settlements, including the settlements of Vilchany, Stelmuzhe, Vodmince, Aviliai, Dusetos, Kavoliai and the Ilukste railway station.

Northeast and north of the city of Siauliai (Shavli), our troops, developing a successful offensive, captured the county center of the Lithuanian SSR, the city and the railway station of Birzai, the county center of the Latvian SSR, the city and the railway station of Bauska, and also occupied more than 300 other settlements, including of which the large settlements are Salocai, Zeimelis, Viteiki, Lielvirtsava, Zalamuiza, Vilce and the railway stations Zeimelis, Platone, Briezhu, Gluda.

North and south of the city of Alytus, our troops, going on the offensive from bridgeheads on the western bank of the Neman River, broke through the enemy’s defenses on a front of 110 kilometers and, moving forward up to 25 kilometers, fought and occupied more than 300 settlements, including the large settlements of Shlyanova , Bobikly, Islauzh, Plutishki, Esiotraki, Iglyuvkha, Shakalishki, Balverzhishki, Rzhechevo, Krakopol, Simno, Seree, Veisee, Kazhany, Giby, Koptsovo and the railway stations Pashnia, Simno.

South of the city of Bialystok, our troops captured an important highway junction, the city and the large railway station of Belsk, and also fought to occupy more than 60 other settlements, including the large settlements of Ryboly, Sredinskaya, Plyutichi, Raisk, Avgustovo and the Strablya railway station.

West of the city of Brest, our troops, continuing the offensive, fought and occupied more than 200 settlements, including the large settlements of Janow Podlaski, Borsuki, Konstantynow, Mariampol, Worgule, Mane, Lukowisko, Wojnow, Prushin and the railway stations of Janow Podlaski, Konstantynow, Mariampol, Muzzles. Our troops completed the liquidation of the encircled enemy group west of the city of Brest. Due to resistance, most of the encircled Nazi units were destroyed by our troops. The enemy left more than 15,000 corpses of his soldiers and officers on the battlefield. The remnants of the defeated enemy units, totaling over 2,000 soldiers and officers, surrendered to our troops. According to preliminary data, our troops captured the following trophies: tanks - 32, self-propelled guns - 19, guns of various calibers - 112, mortars - 133, machine guns - 306, vehicles - 4000, tractors and tractors - 50, carts with military equipment - 2000, horses - 8000.

South-west of the city of Lviv, our troops fought forward and captured the regional centers of the Drohobych region, the city of Komarno, Krukenich, and also occupied more than 70 other settlements, including the large settlements of Myslyatichi, Rogizno, Mistkovichi, Pynyany, Karnalovichi, Kolbaevichi, Kolodruby and railway stations Komarno-Bucha, Rudki, Khlopchitsy.

West of the city of Stanislav, our troops captured the regional center of the Stanislav region, the city of Dolina, and also occupied more than 30 other settlements with battles, including the large settlements of Krechowice, Nadzejow, Rakhin, Broczkow, Vygoda, Mizun, Stary, Pshenichnik and the railway stations of Krechowice, Rakhin , Valley.

On other sectors of the front - no significant changes.

On July 29, our troops on all fronts knocked out and destroyed 101 German tanks. In air battles and anti-aircraft artillery fire, 20 enemy aircraft were shot down.

During July 31, to the west and southwest of the city of Pskov, our troops continued to conduct offensive battles, during which they occupied more than 80 settlements; among them are the large settlements of Viski, Raakva, Koselka, Alastsa, Cheremnova, Turshino, Naumova and the railway stations of Kudupe, Malupe, Sita.

North-west and west of the city of Daugavpils (Dvinsk), our troops successfully advanced forward and fought to occupy more than 300 settlements, including the large settlements of Dunava, Bebrene, Kaldabruna, Lašu, Eglaine, Shederes, Samanyai, Alexandravele, Bradesyai, Obelaiy, Rageliai, Verischinai, Uveine and railway stations Eglaine, Noreikiai, Obeliai, Gindviliai.

The troops of the 1st Baltic Front, as a result of a rapid maneuver of tank formations and infantry, on July 31 fought to capture the main communications hub connecting the Baltic states with East Prussia - the city of Jelgava (Mitava).

To the west and southwest of the city of Ukmerge, our troops fought offensive battles, during which they occupied more than 200 settlements; among them are Dolnye, Bubli, Sliki, Zhigovichi, Preyshagola, Zhenyany, Lepshishki, Plebanishki, Kalnitsa, Pokalnishki, Podlevo, Veivery and the railway stations Lukshai, Mavrutse, Palemonas. Our troops broke into the city of Kaunas, where street fighting broke out.

The troops of the 3rd Belorussian Front, developing a successful offensive, captured the district center of the Lithuanian SSR, the city of Mariampol, the junction railway station Kozlova-Ruda, and also occupied more than 900 other settlements, including the large settlements of Pilvishki, Surgutse, Shumsk, Mikhalin. , Lyudvinov, Krasna, Shostakov, Ogaryne, Neravy, Sejny and railway stations Jure, Bogata, Pilvishki, Vintsi, Mariampol, Krasna, Shostakov.

To the west and southwest of the city of Grodno, our troops fought forward and occupied more than 100 settlements, including the large settlements of Podborova, Kolets, Yazevo, Shtavin, Sukhovolya, Khodoruvka, Korytsin, Krukovshchizna, Milevske and the Sayno railway station.

Troops of the 1st Belorussian Front, after stubborn battles, stormed the cities and large communications centers of Siedlce and Minsk Mazowiecki - powerful strongholds of German defense on the approaches to Warsaw, and also fought to occupy more than 50 other settlements, including the city of Radzymin, the city of Wolomin , the city of Otwock, large settlements Sarnaki, Mordy, Golublya, Krzeslin, Opole and the railway stations Broszkow, Demie Wielke, Radzymin, Wolomin, Otwock.

South-west and south of the city of Przemysl, our troops fought offensive battles, during which they occupied more than 60 settlements; among them are the large settlements of Brzhuska, Bircza, Lomna, Wiisko, Nowe Miasto and the railway stations of Hermanowice, Nizankowice.

On other sectors of the front - no significant changes.

On July 30, our troops on all fronts knocked out and destroyed 81 German tanks. In air battles and anti-aircraft artillery fire, 32 enemy aircraft were shot down.

The Allied landing in Normandy and the successful course of Operation Bagration in Belarus created a favorable environment for the Red Army's offensive operation in Western Ukraine and the further transfer of hostilities to southeastern Poland.

The troops of the 1st Ukrainian Front reached the 440-kilometer line Kovel - Lutsk - Ternopil - Kolomyia immediately after the liberation of Right Bank Ukraine.

The Soviet troops faced a difficult task - to break the resistance of the Northern Ukraine Army Group, which consisted of about 40 divisions. This powerful group was supported by the aviation of the 4th Air Fleet.

Hitler's command, despite the launch of Operation Bagration to liberate the Byelorussian SSR, still expected an offensive by the Red Army in Western Ukraine. It was the Hitlerite group that not only was not weakened, but on the contrary, strengthened by June 1944.

However, it was not possible to achieve a numerical advantage over the Soviet troops.

On June 22, 1944, a plan for an offensive operation was submitted to the Supreme Command Headquarters. Two days later, this plan was approved, and the 1st Ukrainian Front, commanded by Marshal I.S. Konev received a combat mission that had to be completed during the first stage of the operation.

Formations and units of the front were supposed to go on the offensive in two sectors, cut through the enemy group, and then begin to destroy scattered groups. After this, Soviet troops were supposed to reach the Zmostie-Galich line, and only then begin an attack on Tomaszow and Krakow.

Thus, the main objectives of the operation were the defeat of the German Army Group “Northern Ukraine” and the complete liberation of the territory of Western Ukraine and southeastern Poland from the invaders.

The front command provided for the simultaneous delivery of two attacks at once - on Lvov and in the direction of Rava-Russkaya on the right flank.

The main blow was to be delivered in the direction of Lvov. That is why two tank armies were included in the strike force operating in this direction - the 4th and 3rd Guards and Mechanized Groups.

The strike group was supported by nine air corps operating as part of two air armies.

It was planned that the offensive would be sudden for the enemy: much attention was paid to the secrecy of the measures and operational camouflage. However, the enemy managed to establish not only a regrouping of troops, but also new concentration areas.

On the morning of July 13, 1944, the advanced battalions of the 3rd Guards and 13-1 armies in the Rava-Russian direction, and the advanced battalions of the troops operating in the Lvov direction, went on the attack: the Lvov-Sandomierz strategic offensive operation began.

The offensive did not begin exactly as the Headquarters and the front command had expected. If in the Rava-Russian direction the main line of defense was broken through on the very first day, then in the Lviv direction the enemy’s defenses were broken through by Soviet troops only towards the end of July 15: the so-called “Koltovo corridor” was formed, through which the main forces of two tank armies were brought into the operation. After this, events began to develop more rapidly: by the evening of July 18, formations of the 3rd Guards Tank Army crossed the Peltev River and, joining with a cavalry-mechanized group, completed the encirclement of eight enemy divisions at once, including the 14th SS Grenadier Division "Galicia" .

Four days later, troops of the 60th and 13th armies, which were supported by aviation from the 2nd Air Army, completed the liquidation of the encircled group.

At the same time, the 3rd Guards Tank Army, bypassing Lvov, cut off the escape routes to the west for the enemy units that had survived the battles.

Birthday number “2” symbolizes balance in mood, behavior, actions, gentleness and tactfulness of character, the search for compromises, smoothing out sharp corners, acute problems. Internal contradictions, excessive prudence, eternal advice to friends and others can prevent you from understanding your own affairs.

Number 2 is antithesis, balance, contrast. It is between light and darkness, good and evil, heat and cold, wealth and poverty, life and death.
You can accept all circumstances as they are, adapt to them, and come to terms with them. You can avoid extremes, any uncertainty and excessive generosity.
It’s great that you think and care not only about others, but also about yourself. You are good designers and advisers, but not performers.

Number 2 people are usually gentle, artistic and charming, easily adapting to circumstances. They are often characterized by passivity and detachment. They are more prone to thinking than to action. They are characterized by ingenuity and intuition, but they do not often succeed in implementing their plans. These people are often susceptible to depression. They establish very good relationships with people of number 1.

The lucky day of the week for number 2 is Monday.

Your planet is the Moon


Tact, diplomacy, peacefulness.
Two endows its owners with gentleness and passivity, emotionality and physical health. It encourages a person to live by desires and passions, and provokes emotional disorders and depression. Patronizes women, motherhood, psychologists, working with the subconscious and meditation, as well as people living on rent and actors. It helps to make savings in the material world, but is not the number of bankers.

Love and sex:

Home life is very important for these people, so their partners must have common sense. Sexual passion can fade into the background, giving way to genuine respect and love. Moreover, its absence will not make married life any less happy in the long run. These are very loyal natures and in return they require absolute loyalty. As long as they feel that they are loved and needed, everything is fine, but as soon as doubts creep in, they instantly become jealous and can resort to cruel revenge in their quest to save the family.

Birth number for a woman

Birth number 2 for a woman Such a woman is sociable and charming, revealing herself most fully during close relationships. The more trusting the relationship, the more harmonious her life is. She is vulnerable to other people's feelings and emotions. He does not accept assertiveness towards himself. Does not tolerate clarification of relationships and conflicts. Capable of blindly following the thoughts and desires of her partner. Hobbies, dreams and intimate relationships occupy an important place in her life. She can invent for herself the image of an ideal man and project it onto every partner she meets. Fiction and a sense of mystery are necessary for her in her intimate life. Turning her sexual fantasies into reality makes her a delightful woman. She gladly accepts signs of attention, but is able to quickly change her mind and break off the relationship. She is characterized by duality: depth and superficiality of feelings, constancy and frivolity. Her inconsistency and sometimes neurotic behavior complicate her relationship with her partner. Many men will accept the warmth of her soul with pleasure. She often makes a good wife and housewife. Expensive gifts and comfort are more interesting to her than intellectual conversations.

Birth number for a man

Birth number 2 for a man Such a man loves society and communication, has spontaneity and trustfulness. His heart is open to the feelings of other people, and his mind is tuned to the perception of the world around him. He is like a sponge, absorbing other people's problems. Appreciates beauty and femininity and easily succumbs to the charm of appearance. Lives by feelings and often falls in love. He adapts well to changing events. When the reality of a relationship weighs on him, he withdraws into himself. Can be charming and seductive, convincing and insightful. Capable of being caring and faithful, but can also be domineering, demanding, stubborn, and jealous. The main thing in a relationship with him is not to rush things. A woman who shares his tastes and is constantly nearby, inspires him, shares all his concerns and interests with him is suitable for him. Emotional attachment plays a major role in relationships for him. Values ​​comfort and stability most of all. This is a loving and devoted partner, but too predictable and therefore boring.

Birth number 13

These people have a pronounced desire to succeed and climb the career ladder. They are practical, know how to plan well, have a sharp mind, pride, independence, firmness, and resilience. Pay off debts quickly. But on the other hand, they are pessimistic, insecure, can be disappointed, and lose many opportunities.

A tenacious mind and the ability to grasp everything on the fly help them learn quickly and do their work very effectively. But if they don’t control themselves, they are doomed to failure. They are rarely satisfied with what they have; they want more.

Their sex life is complex and difficult: beneath the external self-confidence lies an internal constraint. It is not easy to acquire friends and admirers, but they are attached to them all their lives. Extremely strong sexual appetite.

They need support. Jealous, but not quarrelsome. Their pessimism annoys others and is the only obstacle to their success in life.
There may be liver problems, back and head pain.

Pythagorean square or psychomatrix

The qualities listed in the cells of the square can be strong, average, weak or absent, it all depends on the number of numbers in the cell.

Decoding the Pythagorean Square (cells of the square)

Character, willpower - 4

Energy, charisma - 2

Cognition, creativity - 1

Health, beauty - 2

Logic, intuition - 0

Hard work, skill - 0

Luck, luck - 2

Sense of duty - 0

Memory, mind - 3

Decoding the Pythagorean Square (rows, columns and diagonals of the square)

The higher the value, the more pronounced the quality.

Self-esteem (column “1-2-3”) - 7

Making money (column “4-5-6”) - 2

Talent potential (column “7-8-9”) - 5

Determination (line “1-4-7”) - 8

Family (line “2-5-8”) - 2

Stability (line “3-6-9”) - 4

Spiritual potential (diagonal “1-5-9”) - 7

Temperament (diagonal “3-5-7”) - 3

Chinese zodiac sign Monkey

Every 2 years the Element of the year changes (fire, earth, metal, water, wood). The Chinese astrological system divides years into active, stormy (Yang) and passive, calm (Yin).

You Monkey elements Tree of the year Ian

Birth hours

24 hours correspond to the twelve signs of the Chinese zodiac. The sign of the Chinese horoscope of birth corresponds to the time of birth, so it is very important to know the exact time of birth; it has a strong impact on a person’s character. It is argued that by looking at your birth horoscope you can accurately determine the characteristics of your character.

The most striking manifestation of the qualities of the hour of birth will occur if the symbol of the hour of birth coincides with the symbol of the year. For example, a person born in the year and hour of the Horse will display the maximum qualities prescribed for this sign.

  • Rat – 23:00 – 01:00
  • Bull – 1:00 – 3:00
  • Tiger – 3:00 – 5:00
  • Rabbit – 5:00 – 7:00
  • Dragon – 7:00 – 9:00
  • Snake – 09:00 – 11:00
  • Horse – 11:00 – 13:00
  • Goat – 13:00 – 15:00
  • Monkey – 15:00 – 17:00
  • Rooster – 17:00 – 19:00
  • Dog – 19:00 – 21:00
  • Pig – 21:00 – 23:00

European zodiac sign Cancer

Dates: 2013-06-22 -2013-07-22

The four Elements and their Signs are distributed as follows: Fire(Aries, Leo and Sagittarius), Earth(Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn), Air(Gemini, Libra and Aquarius) and Water(Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces). Since the elements help to describe the main character traits of a person, by including them in our horoscope, they help to form a more complete picture of a particular person.

Features of this element are cold and humidity, metaphysical sensitivity, feeling, perception. There are 3 signs of this quality in the Zodiac - a water trine (triangle): Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces. The Water trine is considered the trine of feelings and sensations. Principle: internal constancy despite external variability. Water is emotions, inner peace, preservation, memory. She is plastic, changeable, secretive. Gives such qualities as uncertainty, daydreaming, imaginative thinking, gentleness of manifestation. It slows down metabolism in the body, controls fluids and the work of endocrine glands.
People whose horoscopes express the element of Water have a phlegmatic temperament. These people have great sensitivity, are very receptive and impressionable, thinking, living more of an internal life than an external one. People of the Water trine are usually contemplative, thinking both about their own good and the good of their loved ones, however, at times they can be indifferent, lethargic, and lazy, with the exception of people of the Scorpio sign. Their external manifestation of feelings is not as pronounced as that of representatives of the Fire or Air trigons, but they experience internal feelings with great strength and depth.
For people of the Water trine, efficiency, practicality, sobriety of thought, and objectivity are not a strong point, but they are not short of imagination, they have a rich and vivid imagination, great internal and external strength, especially among Scorpios.
People of the water trigon, thanks to the richness of their inner world and sophistication of perception, achieve the greatest success in professions related to the world of arts, they especially shine as artists and performing musicians. Water signs can also be excellent workers in areas related to service and nutrition. And Scorpios are also excellent detectives due to their exquisite intuition.
The plans and moods of people of the Water trine can change both from external circumstances and from the internal state of the soul. A minor detail, sometimes not even tracked by consciousness, can radically change their state of mind, which can lead to a complete loss of interest either in the matter or in the partner.
People of the element of Water have great spiritual sophistication, are kind, polite, courteous, very attractive and attractive. They are usually not aggressive, with the exception of Scorpio.
Of the signs of the Water trine, Scorpio is the strongest in body and spirit, the most meaningful, the most aggressive, not susceptible to unwanted influence from the outside and showing strong resistance to everything with which his soul does not agree. His patience, endurance, tenacity and perseverance are simply amazing.
The weakest of the zodiac signs of the Water trine is Pisces. The middle ground between firmness and instability is occupied by the third sign of this trine - Cancer. Although his spiritual sphere is also very receptive and impressionable, he is distinguished by noticeable perseverance, endurance and purposefulness, therefore, of all the water signs, it is Cancer who more often than others achieves success in life.
The feelings of all three signs of the Water trine are approximately equally strong and, as a rule, prevail over the mind. These people are always ready to make self-sacrifice for the good of a loved one, as they always experience deep and pure feelings towards their loved ones. If they are not appreciated, they leave their partner forever, which is the real drama of life for them. They are looking for a partner who is worthy of them. Love and marriage are of paramount importance in life for them, especially for women.
An excessive tendency towards daydreaming and fantasies, too vivid an imagination can lead to internal contradiction - a collision of their illusions with reality. If a person does not see a way out of this state, depression, addiction to alcohol, drugs, other stimulants, and even mental illness may occur.

Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn. The cardinal cross is the cross of will, the material basis of the universe, a new impulse of idea. His main quality is the desire for realization. It is always directed towards the future. It gives dynamism, activity, and the desire for a goal. A person in whose horoscope the Sun, Moon or most of the personal planets are in cardinal signs will be a man of action. Such people are energetic and live in the present; for them, the most important thing is the current moment in time and the feeling of “here and now.” Therefore, their emotions and sensations are bright and strong. Their joy is as strong and sincere as disappointment, but any emotions are short-lived, since soon these signs are immersed in a new life, in new sensations, and starting a new business. With age, their moods become more even and come to their usual businesslike mood. Obstacles do not frighten them, but only increase their pressure and desire for the goal. However, they do not have much strength to withstand the fight for their goal for too long. Therefore, if the struggle with an obstacle takes too long or the results of your efforts are not visible at all, then such an obstacle begins to seem insurmountable, which leads to disappointment, causes a loss of strength and can even lead to depression. Also detrimental to them is the lack of dynamics and the ability to take initiative. Such a person will always strive forward and upward, captivating him with his energy. He is always in sight, noticeably rises above his surroundings, achieves his life goal and reaches a high social level.

This is a sign of the primary manifestation of the element of Water. It is under the control of the second luminary - the Moon, which largely shapes the psychological and emotional internal structure of this sign. The Sun in the sign of Cancer creates the psychological structure of people of a juvenile nature. To some extent, this is youth psychology and perception of the world. Water carries the functions of a passive and reflective principle; it becomes the cause of internal transformation, transformation, mutation and transmutation.

People born under the sign of Cancer are characterized by a desire for internal perfection and introspection. Cancers have a subtle spiritual life, they are constantly changing internally, just as the Moon is constantly changing in the sky: it is born, grows, reaches its apogee, decreases, dies. Cancers are very easily vulnerable; they are the most vulnerable sign of the Zodiac. Therefore, in the form of protection from such increased vulnerability, Cancers need to organize a shell. They need it to protect themselves from the deep emotionality given to them by nature. And often, as a reaction to such emotionality, Cancers pretend to be a strong person, although internally they are very weak. Cancers are a very feminine sign, receptive, “yin”, and they take more than they give, i.e. they are dominated by lunar characteristics. Cancers love novelty in everything, change, travel; they are rather restless people, and they are very attached to loved ones.
Of all the zodiac signs, Cancer is the most homely, the most family sign. Family comes first in Cancer’s hierarchy of values; they are attached to home, to the past, and love retrospection. If your Sun is in this wonderful sign, then your consciousness is often drawn to the history of your family, culture, ethnic group, people. You most likely have very heightened psychic abilities. Mediumship abilities are also possible. Among Cancers there are many mediums and major occultists. It is known that Cancers love the company of their sign, which is not a general pattern: as a rule, people of the same sign communicate with each other quite intensely and quickly get bored with each other, but this does not apply to Cancers, they can communicate with each other for a long time and fruitfully.

You probably remember your past, childhood in detail, you like to plunge into childhood memories, you have excellent intuition that helps you preserve your individual essential core in all cases of life. You have a very subtle mental nature, as well as a wide range of talents, a subtle perception of the emotional world. Accordingly, this gives rise to your talent as artists, writers, poets, and psychologists. You reveal to us many secrets of the Soul, yours and others, the secrets of our subconscious.
You will always achieve what you want, but you will not do it actively, but passively, waiting in the wings. You can rest assured that Cancer will achieve his goal. It is useless to put pressure on you, because you do not tolerate it, you immediately go to the side, into the depths. Therefore, if someone is going to communicate with Cancer, they need to act indirectly, indirectly and not put pressure on him directly and openly. Cancers can be seduced, since water signs are susceptible to all sorts of influences and seductions.
Cancers, as a water sign, often work with liquids and it is noticed that a lot of Cancers work in dairies. Among Cancers there are bartenders, especially night ones, because it is at night that Cancers feel great. Low levels in Cancer are the worst traits of any person. Deceit and deceit, clinginess. At the lowest level, Cancers are swindlers, cynics, and very noisy.

What could be the dynamics of your development of this sign? Cancers, as a rule, are always based on traditions. For high Cancer, everything that happened in the distant past is authority. They go to the present and future through the past. Retrospectiveness is the natural background of their perception, and, as a rule, the new for them is the well-forgotten old, this is their credo. Thus, Cancers always rely on the past, on traditions, on family; they seem to be moving backwards. If we talk about the problems of Cancers, then this is to harmonize their manifestations, which often occur in a distorted and perverted form. Often their will, the impulsive energy of Cancer, is in conflict with the emotional world; subconsciously they strive to have public, social authority, without having sufficient grounds in their internal structure. Therefore, it is important for them to choose high guidelines and spiritual authorities for their development from childhood. For them, an absolutely important problem is the formation of their inner spiritual world, the construction of a spiritual core, which we always talk about, which is the basis of the personality of each of us, but this is especially important for Cancers with their variability and impressionability. The land of Cancer is India, a country intimately connected to its deep past, a land of deep spiritual traditions. Among the Hindus we find subtlety, intuitiveness, and a connection with the element of Water, symbolizing mystery.

Examples are the artists El Greco, Pizarro, Rembrant, Rubens, Corot, Degas, and writers - Hemingway, Rousseau, George Sand, Kafka, many teachers who have a great feeling for children and work with them, for example Ushinsky.
Famous Cancers: Alsou, Akhmatova, Agutin, Akhedzhakova, Armani, Arbatova, Aguzarova, George Bush, Budnitskaya, Bordovskikh, Borovoy, Gurtskaya, Darwin, Princess Diana, Cardin, Tom Cruise, Tutta Larsen, Lollobrigida, Mayakovsky, Myagkov, Pevtsov, Poplavskaya , Proust, Rockefeller, Carlos Santana, Ringo Star, Feuchtwanger, Stallone, Tyson, Chagall, Shantsev, Shirvindt, Schumacher, Khodorkovsky, Tom Hanks.

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Cancer | 13 zodiac signs | TV channel TV-3

The site provides condensed information about the zodiac signs. Detailed information can be found on the relevant websites.

The troops of the 3rd Belorussian Front, in cooperation with other formations, encircled a large German group in the Minsk region, captured the Smorgon and Molodechno railway junctions, after which they continued to pursue the enemy in the western and northwestern directions. In the direction of the advance of the front troops, the German 221st, 170th Infantry and 5th Tank Divisions, as well as separate groups of “Sausken”, “Vergen”, “Gottberg”, “Müller” and police officers retreated or tried to gain a foothold on hastily created defense lines battalions.

The German command had almost no real opportunities to build up its group. Only at the Lida railway junction on July 5 did the 7th Tank Division, arriving from Ukraine, begin to unload. Up to the river Neman, the enemy had only one pre-prepared defensive line, which ran along the western bank of the river. Oshmyanki and further along the line Zhuprany - Bogdanów - Wisniew. The 707th Security Division, as well as individual units from Poland and East Prussia, were hastily deployed to occupy it.

In accordance with the Directive of the Supreme Command Headquarters No. 220126 of July 4, 1944, the front had to continue the offensive without an operational pause, delivering the main blow in the direction of Molodechno and Vilnius. The immediate task was to capture Vilnius and Lida no later than July 10-12. In the future, access to the river was envisaged. Neman and the capture of bridgeheads on its western bank.

By the beginning of the new operation, the front included: the 5th, 11th Guards and 31st Armies, the 5th Guards Tank Army, the 3rd Guards Mechanized, the 3rd Guards Cavalry and the 2nd Guards Tank Corps. The 33rd Army was transferred to him from the 2nd Belorussian Front, but until July 9 it was used to eliminate the encircled Minsk enemy group. In total, there were more than 300 thousand soldiers and officers at the front, over 7.8 thousand guns and mortars and more than 700 tanks. The front-line and army warehouses had the necessary supplies of material and technical equipment, but advanced formations and units, due to a significant separation from supply bases, lacked ammunition and fuel.

The commander of the front troops, the army general, decided to deliver the main blow on the right wing (in the Vilnius direction) with the forces of the 5th Army of Lieutenant General, the 5th Guards Tank Army of the Marshal of Armored Forces and the 3rd Guards Mechanized Corps under the command of Lieutenant General V.T. . Obukhova. At the same time, he ordered the mobile formations to capture Vilnius on the move by the end of July 6th. In the center, in the Alytus direction, the 11th Guards Army under Lieutenant General K.N. operated. Galitsky, which had the task of crossing the Neman and seizing bridgeheads on its western bank. The 31st Army of Lieutenant General V.V., located on the left wing. Glagolev and the 3rd Guards Cavalry Corps, led by Lieutenant General N.S. Oslikovsky, were supposed to liberate the Lida railway junction by the morning of July 7.

In the direction of the main attack, formations of the 5th Army crossed the river on the move during July 5-6. Viliya north of Smorgon and overcame a section of the Ostval defensive line, moving forward 55 km. The 3rd Guards Mechanized Corps, operating in its zone, crossed the river on July 6. Oshmyanku, along three routes, began a rapid advance towards Vilnius, by 9 o'clock on July 7 he reached the city and started a battle on its eastern and southeastern outskirts.

The enemy command attached special importance to holding Vilnius, the political center and the most important center of resistance on the approaches to East Prussia. In total, the enemy's Vilnius garrison numbered up to 15 thousand people, 270 guns of various calibers, about 40 tanks and assault guns.

On the closest approaches to the city and its outskirts, trenches were dug, shelters were equipped, firing positions of artillery and mortar batteries were installed, minefields were installed, and all brick buildings, basements and other durable structures were adapted for defense. City blocks as a whole were strong points, which were occupied by infantry units with guns and tanks.

On July 8, formations of the 5th Army entered the Vilnius area, which, in cooperation with the 3rd Guards Mechanized Corps and the 5th Guards Tank Army, which approached from the southeast, also began street battles for the city from 7 o’clock, simultaneously bypassing it from the north and southwest. As a result, by the end of the day, Soviet troops cut the railways leading from Vilnius to Kaunas, Grodno, Lida, and surrounded the enemy’s Vilnius garrison from three sides.

The current situation forced the command of the German 3rd Panzer Army to take measures to prevent the isolation of its troops in the Vilnius area. For this purpose, on the night of July 9, the Werthern battle group, which consisted of up to 120 tanks and assault guns, arrived from Kaunas to the Meishagoly area (25 km northwest of Vilnius) transferred from Germany. During the day she carried out attacks with the task of breaking through to Vilnius from the north-west. The 16th Airborne Regiment of the 2nd Airborne Division advanced towards the city from the west, and the Tolsdorf combat group unloaded at the Landvorovo station.

In order to defeat the enemy reserves advancing towards Vilnius, it was necessary to urgently regroup on the right wing of the front. Army General I.D. Chernyakhovsky decided to use the 3rd Guards Mechanized Corps and the main forces of the 5th Army to defeat the Meishagol enemy group. Only two of its divisions were left to destroy the Vilnius garrison. At the same time, he ordered Marshal of the Armored Forces P.A. Rotmistrov to withdraw formations of the 5th Guards Tank Army from Vilnius and develop their offensive in the Alytus direction.

On the eve of the assault, the Soviet command invited the German troops in the city to lay down their arms.

Instead, the command of Army Group North attempted to help the encircled group from the air, but it did not alleviate the situation of the Vilnius garrison. The commander of the 5th Army again issued an ultimatum to the blocked troops. When it was rejected, aviation from the 1st Air Army took to the air and launched two massive strikes.

However, as subsequent events showed, the forces allocated to destroy the enemy in Vilnius were not enough. From 4 to 7 o'clock on July 13, his group of up to 3 thousand people broke through the encirclement in the observatory area and through the western part of the city entered the forests southeast of Rykonta. Here she linked up with units of the Tolsdorf battle group. But all further attempts by the enemy to break out of Vilnius were stopped. By 5 p.m., the liberation of the capital of the Lithuanian SSR from the invaders was completed. Directly in the battles for Vilnius, over 7 thousand German soldiers and officers, 121 guns, 11 tanks, 900 vehicles were destroyed; Over 5.2 thousand prisoners, 156 guns, 28 tanks, 1,100 vehicles, 153 warehouses with military equipment and other trophies were captured.

July 1944 German soldiers surrender in Vilnius

While the divisions of the 65th Rifle Corps of the 5th Army were fighting the enemy’s Vilnius garrison, the main forces of the front’s right wing were striking in order to develop an offensive to the west. On July 11, the 72nd and 45th Rifle Corps of Major General A.I. Kazartsev and S.G. Poplavsky, in cooperation with units of the 29th Tank Corps of the 5th Guards Tank Army, captured the settlements of Meishagola and Landvorovo, encircling the Tolsdorf group (units of the 12th Tank Division, 16th Police Regiment, 1088th Grenadier Infantry Regiment, 16 1st Airborne Regiment).

To release the Tolsdorf group and part of the forces of the Vilnius garrison that had broken through to it, the command of the German 3rd Panzer Army on July 13 created a group consisting of the 6th Panzer Division, a battalion of Panther tanks from the Greater Germany Panzer Division, the 500th Parachute SS Jaeger battalion and two companies of the 16th Airborne Regiment. Having struck in the direction of Evye, Rykonta, Landvorovo, it pushed back the 277th Infantry Division of Major General S.T. Gladyshev and established cooperation with her troops.

In order to eliminate the enemy's breakthrough under the base of his wedge, the 72nd Rifle Corps of the 5th Army and the 29th Tank Corps of the 5th Guards Tank Army struck. During July 13-14, they again captured Evye, drove the German group back from the Rykonty area, enveloped it on three sides and almost completely destroyed it on the night of July 15. German troops lost about 1.5 thousand people killed and captured, 46 tanks and assault guns, 13 armored personnel carriers, one armored train, other weapons and military equipment.

During the seven-day battles, from July 7 to July 13, the armies of the front’s right wing defeated the enemy’s Vilnius group, threw it back 50-60 km west of the city and eliminated the enemy’s breakthrough in the Rykonta area. The offensive of the Soviet troops in the Vilnius direction forced the German command to send here the overwhelming majority of the operational reserves arriving to strengthen the 3rd Tank Army, which made it easier for the formations and formations operating in the center and on the left wing of the 3rd Belorussian Front to complete their tasks.

The most fierce opposition from German troops at the start of the new operation was met by the 11th Guards Army, which led the offensive in the Alytus direction. During July 5-6, its formations crossed the river. Berezina (Nemanskaya) and approached the enemy’s defensive line “Ostval”. This line consisted of one, sometimes two full-profile trenches, equipped with rifle cells and machine-gun platforms. In the depths, there were field fortifications only in certain directions, but the most important settlements - Oshmyany and Golshany - were prepared for all-round defense. By July 7, the withdrawn units of the 170th Infantry and 5th Tank Divisions, the remnants of the 337th Infantry Division, as well as the 7th Tank and 707th Security Divisions that had arrived from the reserve, occupied the defense here.

Reconnaissance of the 11th Guards Army revealed the enemy's transition to defense at the Ostval line only on the morning of July 7, when the troops were already on the closest approaches to it. The army command was able to allocate only 4-5 hours to prepare for the breakthrough. Due to the fact that the army artillery and the artillery of the reserve of the Supreme High Command lagged behind due to a lack of fuel, only mortars, as well as divisional and corps artillery weapons, were initially used to engage the enemy by fire. The offensive of the 8th and 16th Guards Rifle Corps under Lieutenant General M.N. Zavadovsky and Major General Ya.S. Vorobyov (from July 8, 1944 - Major General S.S. Guryev) began at about 11 o'clock. But only by 10 p.m. did the rifle divisions, supported by units of the 3rd Guards Tank Corps, advance 4-6 km and cross the river. Oshmyanka and began to develop success in depth. At the same time, tank brigades attacked the fortified settlements of Oshmyany and Golshany on the move.

By breaking through the Ostval line, the 11th Guards Army violated the calculations of the German command, which assumed, by concentrating reserves, to hold the Vilnius-Lida line and prevent the advance of the troops of the 3rd Belorussian Front to the west. Army formations together with the 3rd Guards Tank Corps, having inflicted heavy damage on the enemy's 7th Tank and 707th Security Divisions, resumed their pursuit on the morning of July 8 and two days later closed the previously formed gap with the 5th Army.

The 3rd Guards Cavalry Corps, which developed the offensive in the Lida direction, took advantage of the fact that the main forces of the enemy were involved at the Ostval line, and by 21:00 on July 7 liberated the settlements of Subbotniki and Ivye. Thus, he went to the rear of the group of German troops, which was retreating under the attacks of the 31st Army. In the zone of this army, the greatest success was achieved by the 71st Rifle Corps under the command of Lieutenant General P.K. Koshevoy, who, with the help of partisans, overcame Nalibokskaya Pushcha.

The next day, the divisions of the 3rd Guards Cavalry Corps, attacking from the north and northeast at 16:30, broke into the city of Lida and, having defeated the advanced units of the German 50th Infantry Division that arrived here, on July 9 completely captured this important railway junction. During the same time, rifle formations of the 11th Guards and 31st armies advanced 25 - 30 km.

The German command, introducing all available reserves into the battle and using natural obstacles, tried to gain time to prepare defense on the river. Neman. It paid special attention to the Alytus direction - the shortest and most convenient for the 3rd Belorussian Front to reach the borders of East Prussia. To strengthen it, the 131st Infantry Division was transported from Kovel on July 9-10. In the following days, the command of the 26th Army Corps, the 69th Infantry Division, the 185th and 277th Assault Gun Brigades, the 88th Artillery Brigade of the High Command Reserve and other reinforcement units began to arrive at the disposal of the commander of the 3rd Tank Army. In addition, the 201st Security Division was regrouped in Predai, and the division-sized battle group Rotkirch was regrouped in Alytus. South of Alytus the defense of the river. The Neman and Grodno region was entrusted to the 4th Army, which, from July 14, came under the operational subordination of the SS tank division “Totenkopf”.

On July 10, the troops of the center and left wing of the front began to advance to the Neman. In carrying out this task, the main role was assigned to the 3rd Guards Cavalry Corps, which, in cooperation with the divisions of the 31st Army, was to capture the city of Grodno by the end of July 13. The 11th Guards Army still had the task of capturing Alytus and reaching the Neman in a wide strip. In an effort to delay its advance, the enemy command brought into the battle the 131st Infantry Division and one regiment of the 221st Security Division, which made it significantly more difficult for Soviet troops to overcome the Grodno Pushcha. By the end of July 13, only the 16th Guards Rifle Corps of the army managed to reach the river during heavy fighting. Neman in the Alytus region. By the same time, the 3rd Guards Cavalry Corps had reached the outskirts of Grodno, but was stopped by heavy enemy artillery and machine gun fire.

On July 14, the troops of the 3rd Belorussian Front began solving the tasks of the second stage of the operation, the content of which was the crossing of the river. Neman and the battles for the liberation of Kaunas. In connection with the changed situation in the Baltic States, the Supreme High Command Headquarters returned the 39th Army to its composition, which continued the offensive north of Kaunas. As a result, the front's offensive zone increased towards its right wing to the Ukmerge region. At the same time, the 3rd Guards Cavalry Corps, which had started fighting on the outskirts of Grodno, departed for the 2nd Belorussian Front, retaining its task of capturing the city.

The German command, trying to delay the advance of the Red Army to the borders of Germany, concentrated against the 3rd Belorussian Front at the turn of the river. Neman is the main force of the 3rd Panzer and 4th Armies of Army Group Center. At the same time, the 26th Army Corps and the Rotkirch group of the 3rd Panzer Army operated from Kaunas to Alytus inclusive. They united one infantry division, two infantry brigades, combat groups of the 24th, 83rd, 206th and 212th infantry divisions, six separate grenadier and security regiments, three police regiments, three security battalions, two brigades of assault guns, one tank battalion and reinforcement units . A special place in the defense of German troops on the Neman was given to Alytus, which was a strong point of resistance. Even before the war, Soviet engineering units built several reinforced concrete forts here, surrounded by wire fences, and surrounded them with deep ditches with water.

South of Alytus, the 39th Panzer Corps, the Gottberg Group and the SS Totenkopf Panzer Division, which were part of the 4th Army, went on the defensive. In total, the enemy group had 2 infantry and 3 tank divisions, 4 combat groups, 6 separate grenadier and security regiments, 5 police regiments, 3 security and reserve battalions and several reinforcement units. Later, the 6th Panzer Division arrived to defend a section of the river southeast of Kaunas, and the 196th Infantry Division from Norway and the 542nd Infantry Division from Germany also began to be transferred by rail. The enemy did not have a previously prepared defensive line on the Neman, but the river itself was a serious natural barrier.

Despite this, units of the 16th Guards Rifle Corps of the 11th Guards Army crossed it already on July 14. They captured a bridgehead in the Alytus area up to 20 km wide and 2 to 6 km deep. South of the village of Merech, in the afternoon, the Neman was crossed by the 26th and 5th Guards Rifle Divisions from the 8th Guards Rifle Corps. North of Grodno, a detachment of the 36th Rifle Corps of the 31st Army achieved the same result.

By the end of July 15, formations of the 5th and 11th Guards armies had captured a joint bridgehead on the western bank of the Neman, up to 28 km wide and 2 to 6 km deep. In addition, the 11th Guards Army held a second bridgehead up to 6 km deep. Two more bridgeheads, north of Grodno, were captured by units of the 31st Army. In an effort to prevent further expansion of the bridgeheads, the German command brought large reserves to this area. Stubborn fighting ensued.

By July 20, from the beginning of the operation, the troops of the 3rd Belorussian Front, working closely with Belarusian and Lithuanian partisans, advanced to a depth of 210 km. As a result, favorable conditions were created for the front troops to reach the borders of East Prussia.

The enemy did not have a continuous front of defense in the Vilnius direction and countered only with individual approaching formations and the remnants of broken units. The German command tried to stop the advance of Soviet troops at the pre-prepared line Daugavpils - Vilnius - Lida, where the retreating units of the 3rd Tank and 4th Field Army of Army Group Center were concentrated. On July 5, the Third Belorussian Front launched an offensive on the move without regrouping its forces. On July 7, formations of the 5th Guards Tank Army (commander P.A. Rotmistrov) and the 3rd Guards Mechanized Corps (commander V.T. Obukhov) approached the city and began to bypass it from the south and west. On July 9, the city was completely surrounded. The enemy, reinforced by airborne assault, tried unsuccessfully to break through the encirclement. On July 10, Soviet units liberated the entire northern part of Vilnius and entered the Old Town. After the assault on the last centers of resistance on July 13, 1944, Vilnius was completely liberated. In the battles for the city, about 8,000 German soldiers and officers were killed and about 5,000 captured, 156 guns, many tanks, vehicles and other military equipment, weapons and ammunition were captured. The twenty most distinguished units and formations of the front in battles were awarded the honorary name “Vilensky”.


On July 4, the fronts received new directives from the Headquarters of the Supreme High Command. In accordance with them, the troops of the right wing of the 1st Baltic Front were now advancing to Daugavpils, the center - to Panevezys, Siauliai, and the left wing - to Shvenchenys, Kaunas. The troops of the right wing of the 3rd Belorussian Front attacked Vilnius, and the left wing attacked Lida. In the future, this front was supposed to reach the Neman and seize a bridgehead across this wide river. By mid-July, he had to not only clear the western part of Belarus, but also liberate a significant part of the territory of the Lithuanian Republic...

The 3rd Belorussian Front, having strengthened its right wing, successfully pursued the retreating fascist troops. He completed his tasks by the middle of the month: the 11th Guards and 39th armies reached the Neman and crossed it in the area of ​​Alytus and to the south. The depth of the troops' advance in 10–11 days was 180–200 km. The Neman was the last major water frontier on the approaches to East Prussia, which was no more than 80 km away. This explained the particularly fierce enemy resistance at the Neman line.

The Nazis tried with all their might to retain Vilnius not only as the center of Lithuania, but also as the most important road junction on the distant approaches to East Prussia. However, they did not succeed. Soviet troops - the 3rd Guards Mechanized and 29th Tank Corps - on July 7-8, approaching the Lithuanian capital from the northeast and southeast, broke into its outskirts. Together with formations of the 5th Army, they surrounded an enemy garrison of 15 thousand people in the city. Two enemy tank groups, interacting with the airborne assault forces, attempted to release the encircled troops. The struggle for Vilnius dragged on. Only on July 13, when the enemy's forces dried up, the city was liberated.

Thus, the troops of the 1st Baltic and 3rd Belorussian fronts cleared over a quarter of the territory of Lithuania from the invaders in 10–11 days. A big, bright holiday was the liberation of Vilnius - the ancient capital of the Lithuanian people, the cradle of their culture and statehood. Lithuanian partisan detachments also took part in the battles. As soon as the Belarusian operation began, they committed dozens of sabotage on railways and highways, captured several volost centers, blew up warehouses and bridges, and destroyed enemy garrisons in populated areas. Near Vilnius, partisans saved many villages from burning by exterminating the fascist “torchbearers.” Together with the Red Army troops, 11 Lithuanian partisan detachments entered the capital of the republic.

One of the first on the morning of July 7 to burst into the outskirts of Vilnius was the scouts of the guard of Lieutenant Shundin. Following them, tank crews of Hero of the Soviet Union Major General Aslanov, units commanded by General Kazaryan, Colonel Donets, and units of Lieutenant Colonel I.P. Sitko and K.A. Aliev came to the southwestern outskirts of the city. Fierce street fighting ensued. During the day, General Aslanov's units repelled at least 20 enemy counterattacks. On July 8, the main forces of the front entered the battle, advancing in the following directions: from the north and northeast - troops of the 5th Army (commander - General, now Marshal of the Soviet Union N.I. Krylov) and the 3rd Guards Mechanized Corps of General V T. Obukhova; from the south and southeast - troops of the 5th Guards Tank Army under the command of Marshal, now Chief Marshal of the Armored Forces P.R. Rotmistrov. Having surrounded the city, our troops prepared for the assault, which began on July 8 with a short but powerful artillery and air preparation. Street fighting flared up with renewed vigor. The guard soldiers of Major Alabushev and Captain Zhukhov acted decisively and boldly in these battles. They quickly cleared the houses and streets of the city of Nazis. The company Komsomol organizer, Senior Sergeant Ikhanov, especially distinguished himself. When the company commander, Captain Zhukhov, was seriously wounded, Ikhanov took command and led the company to storm the enemy fortifications.

Soldiers and officers of all types of weapons: tank crews, artillerymen, infantrymen, sappers and others performed heroic feats in the battles for Vilnius. A tank platoon of junior lieutenant Gusarov and a company of machine gunners of senior lieutenant Zakharov, destroying enemy firing points on their way, broke through to the railway bridge, occupied it and held it until the infantry arrived. Soviet soldiers had to fight not only for every house, but also for every floor, even room. Narrow crooked streets and alleys, like the passageways of old Vilnius, were convenient for defense.

V. Karvalis. "Liberation of Soviet Lithuania"

11 detachments of Soviet Lithuanian partisans, united in the Vilnius (commander M. Miceika) and Trakai (commander T. Monciunskas) partisan brigades, also took part in the liberation of Vilnius. The partisans helped the troops in battles on the southern outskirts of the city and in the area of ​​the railway station.


The troops of the 3rd Belorussian Front today, July 13, as a result of five days of fighting, destroyed the German garrison surrounded in the city of Vilnius and liberated the capital of the Lithuanian Soviet Republic from the fascist invaders. To commemorate the victory, the formations and units that most distinguished themselves in the battles for the capture of the city of Vilnius should be given the name “Vilna” and awarded with orders. Today, July 13, at 23:30, the capital of our Motherland, Moscow, on behalf of the Motherland, salutes the valiant troops of the 3rd Belorussian Front, which captured the capital of Soviet Lithuania, the city of Vilnius, with twenty-four artillery salvoes from three hundred and twenty-four guns. For excellent military operations, I express my gratitude to the troops led by you who took part in the battles for the liberation of the city of Vilnius.

Eternal glory to the heroes who fell in battles for the freedom and independence of our Motherland!

From the order of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief, Marshal of the Soviet Union I. Stalin to Army General I. Chernyakhovsky dated July 13, 1944 N 136.


However, the front-line situation forced me to direct my main attention to the 3rd Belorussian Front, which was then carrying out the Vilnius operation. The capital of Soviet Lithuania, Vilnius, was a large fortified German hub on the approaches to East Prussia. The 3rd Tank Army of Colonel-General Reinhardt, battered at Vitebsk, and then replenished with troops transferred from other sectors of the front, withdrew here, to the Vilnius-Lida railway. On July 7, the 5th Army of the 3rd Belorussian Front bypassed Vilnius from the north, made its way through Shegala to the Viliya River, cut the railway to Kaunas at Evje (Vievis) and, repelling enemy tank counterattacks, continued its push to the mouth of the Šventoji River. The 5th Guards Tank Army pinned down the Vilnius fascist group from the front. The 11th Guards Army bypassed Vilnius from the south, broke through to Lentvaris and Trakai and united with the 5th Army at Vilija. The 15,000-strong enemy group was surrounded. Our troops immediately rushed to Kaunas and Suwalki. All attempts by the Nazis to relieve the encircled were unsuccessful. Meanwhile, the 31st Army took Lida.

On July 13, 1944, old Vilnius met Soviet troops. The advanced formations went 90 km to the west, approaching the Neman. Galitsky's army fought for Alytus, Glagolev's army fought its way through the Merkis River valley to Druskininkai, Oslikovsky's cavalry corps probed enemy positions on the outskirts of Grodno. The two 5th armies - the combined arms and the guards tank - jointly eliminated the belated attempt by the Nazis to save the Vilnius garrison from capitulation. After this, the troops of Krylov’s 5th Army rushed to Kosheidary (Kaišiadorys), and I decided to replenish Rotmistrov’s 5th Guards Tank Army with 100 T-34 tanks, hoping to use it in the actions of the troops of the 1st Baltic Front.

Until the end of July, the troops of the 3rd Belorussian Front fought to strengthen bridgeheads on the western bank of the Neman. They were supported from the air by the 1st Air Army. The 1st separate fighter air regiment "Normandy" under the command of Major Louis Delfino, formed from French patriots and named Nemansky, showed itself excellently here.
