Rasputina's daughters disappointed with their appearance. “She’s with her mother!”: Masha Rasputina hid the fact that her missing daughter was with her Masha Rasputina’s eldest daughter Lidiya

Recently, Masha Rasputina again found herself at the center of a scandal. The singer’s ex-husband Vladimir Ermakov pitched a tent around the artist’s mansion and declared: he will not budge until Masha returns his eldest daughter Lida.

The thaw in relations between Masha Rasputina and her eldest daughter Lida became known in early February. Lydia, who has been confined to psychiatric hospitals for the last twelve years, finally repented to her star mother. Rasputina was inspired by her daughter’s words and decided to forgive her - she returned Lida to the family and offered to live with her in a luxurious mansion on Rublyovka.

Since then, Lida has not had contact with her father, Vladimir Ermakov. The other day, Vladimir decided: he must meet his daughter at all costs. Ermakov arrived at his ex-wife’s house and said that Lydia was writing him messages asking him to save her from her star mother. The man decided to take his daughter. However, he failed to meet with either Masha or Lida.

– This is all a clearly planned action! – the singer’s current husband, Viktor Zakharov, told ProZvezd. “He was sent by TV crews, whom Maria refused an interview with. They came up with everything in advance and filmed it to prepare the roast plot. In fact, they first went to the hospital where Lida was being treated. He didn’t even know that she had already been living with us for two months. Later they went here, to our village, but, of course, the guards did not let them in.

According to Viktor Zakharov, now the relationship in their family is ideal. The daughter and mother have forgotten old grievances and are catching up. They spend a lot of time together and share painful things. Maria dreams of Lida becoming a real person and finding her place in life. Rasputina believes that God will help her find herself.

“Masha is absolutely sure that she was able to make peace with Lida only with God’s help,” her fans believe. “While Lydia was being treated in the hospital and slandering her mother, she prayed for her day and night. And God heard her: her daughter asked for forgiveness, which Masha had been waiting for so long.

Lida recently wrote a statement to the police, trying to restore her registration in her father’s four-room apartment on the outskirts of Moscow.

“When Lida was in the hospital, he discharged her,” continues Viktor Evstafievich. “We’ll try to restore it.” In fact, Maria bought the apartment in which he lives. She worked like a black man to provide for her family. After the divorce, she left the apartment to him with the condition that Lida would be registered there. And he wrote her out.

In the meantime, the girl is actively preparing to go to work. It is planned that Rasputina’s daughter will work in the team of her star mother and help her prepare for performances. After all, the singer, after almost ten years of silence, decided to return to the stage.

– Yes, Masha really decided to sing again! – Zakharov shares his plans. “In recent years she has performed rarely, but now everything will change. The concerts will begin in September. It is planned that Maria will have three to four performances per month. She recently realized that she missed the public and live performances. The wife will return to the stage with a new repertoire; she has already recorded four new songs. I'm sure they will become real hits. Lida will help her!

Lida is actively preparing to go to work. It is planned that Rasputina’s daughter will work in the team of her star mother and help her prepare for performances. After all, the singer, after almost ten years of silence, decided to return to the stage.

from our star commentator Otar Kushanashvili:

“This epic is endless, just as the absurdity and worthlessness of Russian football are endless and boundless. I feel sorry for this young - however, relatively - person, but, alas, I was so familiar with the Ermakov-Rasputin couple in fabulous times that I can say this about a relatively young person: the devil guessed that she would be born into a family of monsters, The sheepskin will not produce oranges. Rasputina, who after certain manipulations became like a seahorse fish, is too easy a target, but Ermakov seemed strange to me, but no more. It is now obvious that he is crazy, and this whole family is very successful in undermining faith in the human race.

// Photo: Komsomolskaya Pravda / PhotoXPress.ru

According to journalists, Masha Rasputina's eldest daughter Lydia mysteriously disappeared. It is alleged that the woman is in no hurry to claim her rights to a four-room apartment in Moscow, which was passed to her from her father Vladimir Ermakov. The ex-husband of the famous singer passed away in October last year, leaving his children - son Alexei from his first marriage and Lydia - real estate in the capital.

According to correspondents, Ermakova’s brother cannot contact her. Alexei is worried that Lydia has not yet submitted documents to inherit the inheritance. Olga Munchausen, a colleague and friend of Vladimir Ermakov, told the media about this.

“The other day Alexey Ermakov called me and said that he had opened an inheritance case with a notary, but could not find his sister. She is registered in a dilapidated building in Sergiev Posad, but she is not there. What can I say if even her own father could not find her for the last six months before his death? She turned off her phone and didn’t appear anywhere,” the parody artist is quoted in the press.

// Photo: frame from the “Live Broadcast” program

Masha Rasputina herself does not want to talk to journalists about her daughter. It is known that the artist has a difficult relationship with Lydia. For a long period of time, the star could not establish communication with the heiress. Only about two years ago Rasputina was reunited with Lydia. The meeting of close people was shown on the air of the “New Russian Sensations” program. Masha’s family welcomed Lydia into their home and also gave her a gala dinner at a restaurant on Rublevo-Uspenskoye Highway.

“God grant that my daughter no longer falls into anger against her mother, and that she finds peace and love in our family and realizes everything,” the singer said at a meeting with Lydia.

Last October, Rasputina became the heroine of the program “The Fate of a Man.” Lydia Ermakova was not present in the studio of Boris Korchevnikov’s program. The artist’s daughter recorded a video message to her, in which she expressed gratitude for her support.

“I am Lydia Ermakova, I want to thank my mother and her family for never abandoning me, for forgiving me when I repented to the whole country, and accepting me into their family. Mom, Viktor Evstafievich, their children. I am very grateful to them, I love them very much. They bring me food and things, my mother never forgot me. “Thank you very much to them,” the heiress of the star shared.

It is known that Lydia has health problems, so she is being seen by doctors. It is quite possible that Rasputina’s daughter is now in a medical facility. At least, acquaintances of her father Vladimir Ermakov do not exclude such a possibility. “She never came to her father’s grave,” added Olga Munchausen in an interview "Express newspaper".


The eldest daughter of singer Masha Rasputina has been under the supervision of doctors for more than ten years. After her parents' divorce, Lida suffers from a mental disorder. The star's mother abandoned the girl and checked her out of the apartment. The father, who once made a star out of Rasputina, is also in no hurry to help his child. Having become a real homeless person, Lida begs her parents to take her home from the hospital and not send her to a boarding school.

Neither her mother nor her father want to remember the tragic fate of Lida Ermakova. The life of a 28-year-old girl was not indifferent to strangers. A woman who was lying in the same ward with her daughter Rasputina contacted the editors of Express Gazeta. Our interlocutor was so indignant that she had difficulty finding words:

How is this possible?! They think Lida is crazy, but she's not! She stayed in the hospital for so long, but no one came to see her.

We called the department where the girl is. The nurse on duty was clearly surprised: someone must have taken an interest in Lydia’s fate.

Why doesn't anyone come to her? - we heard the indignant voice of the nurse. - Lida was waiting for someone for the New Year holidays! I didn't wait. As a result, she had a seizure. I had to inject meds again.

We decided to find out everything first hand. Getting a conversation with Masha Rasputina turned out to be impossible: her current husband, Viktor Zakharov, answered all phone calls. Hearing that we were talking about the singer’s first daughter, the star husband immediately hung up. But Lida’s own father, Rasputina’s former producer Vladimir Ermakov, did not refuse the meeting. True, at first I tried to avoid the painful topic and just wanted to talk about creativity and my new lover.

Ex-husband's new muse

On the threshold of a four-room apartment in the north-west of Moscow, we were met by a petite young woman. Svetlana Istratova came to the capital to work from the Ukrainian city of Krivoy Rog.

We don’t have any work there at all,” Svetlana began. - And I have a teenage son. And it’s time to arrange your personal life. Before arriving in Moscow, I studied at the Oryol Institute of Culture in the folk department. I always wanted to become a singer, but I didn’t have enough person to give me a voice. In the capital, I didn’t succeed with my musical career. I worked in all sorts of ways: I sold books, washed floors, carried trays in a restaurant as a waitress... Arriving at Ostankino, Sveta began to look for a person who would help her become a star.

They told me that there is such an Ermakov, who at one time made Masha Rasputina out of a Siberian village girl.

Plucking up courage, Istratova called Vladimir and arranged a meeting.

Soon vocal lessons grew into something more. Sveta moved to Ermakov’s apartment, which was left to him after his divorce from Masha.

I’ve been working with her for four years now,” says Vladimir. - I teach vocal “splitting”, as Masha knew how to do.

Sveta firmly believes that she will soon become as recognizable as Rasputin. True, for now she only earns money by singing in a restaurant.

Masha also had a long path to fame,” Istratova does not despair. - She was a winder at a factory, and became a singer. I’ll put on her dress, which we still have, and sing as well as she does.

Taking out from the wardrobe the old concert dress in which Rasputina first sang the song “Play, Musician,” Sveta transformed before her eyes...

Got pregnant for registration

The country did not know that Masha Rasputina had a child for many years. Lida was born when her star mother’s career was just beginning to gain momentum.

For the first time I saw Alla (the singer’s real name is Alla Ageeva - N.M., A.K.) at the Krasnaya Zarya plant, where she worked as a winder. I confess that what captivated me about this Siberian girl from the remote village of Urop was her gorgeous bust,” Vladimir recalls, blushing. - Soon she became pregnant. Masha understood that I was a Muscovite, and she was a newcomer... Having given birth to my child, she would have immediately received a residence permit. In general, we decided to live together. I came up with a suitable pseudonym for her: Rasputina, because it is very erotic, and it connects her with the legendary Grigory Rasputin, and the name Masha is close to the people. Although she herself wanted to be called something like Margot. In general, I made a star out of Masha.

When it became popular, I didn’t have a moment’s peace: I was constantly thinking about the repertoire, costumes, hairstyle... We gave 40 concerts a month! Naturally, there was no time to take care of the child. While we were on tour, my daughter sat with the nannies or grandmother. In addition, at that time, stars with children were not in fashion. So Masha and I hid the fact that we had a daughter.

When Vladimir and Masha decided to divorce, their Lida was 16. The girl was very worried about her parents, and soon she had a nervous breakdown. This is how Rasputina’s daughter first found herself in a hospital bed at a psychiatric clinic.

Lida has always been very impressionable,” Vladimir sighs. “Besides, she could hardly stand criticism.” Because of this, I had to change several schools. Nevertheless, she was a very talented child: she studied at Gnesinka and dreamed of becoming an artist. First, Masha and I divorced, then Lida’s vocal teacher, to whom my daughter was very attached, died. Unfortunately, she couldn't cope with the stress. I had to send her to the hospital.

Now Rasputina’s eldest daughter is 28 years old. She is still under the supervision of doctors: the girl spends ten months a year in the hospital.

When Lida is discharged, she comes to me because she doesn’t have her own place to live,” sighs the girl’s father. - After the divorce, I left everything that Masha and I earned from concert activities to my wife and daughter. But, having married for the second time, Masha sold the mansion in Krekshino and moved to her new husband. Lida was given a small one-room apartment on Mosfilmovskaya, which was later taken from her.

According to Vladimir, Lida signed the documents for the sale of the apartment while under the influence of psychotropic drugs. Now the singer's daughter is registered in an old barracks in Sergiev Posad. The dilapidated barn with boarded up windows has been empty for years, although according to documents several dozen visitors from Central Asia are registered in it. The star also settled her daughter there.

It’s naturally impossible to live there, and her mother won’t let her in,” Vladimir continues. - One day Lida was discharged from the hospital, and she went to Masha. But they didn’t even let my daughter into the cottage yard. A housekeeper came out to meet Lida, handed our girl three thousand rubles and closed the gate in her face.

“I don’t want to go to boarding school!”

His common-law wife Sveta knows firsthand about the fate of Vladimir’s daughter. After we reported that the girl did not even have basic necessities, Svetlana got ready to go.

“I’m also a mother,” Ermakova’s roommate sighs. - The children are not to blame for the fact that their parents divorced. Lida just needs the support of her loved ones. But her own mother does not come to see her.

Vladimir refused to visit the hospital, citing poor health. Svetlana had to visit the girl herself. Lida was very happy about her arrival, but still looked for her father with her eyes.

Svetlana Istratova: Were you waiting?

Lida Ermakova: Yes, I was told that you would come. And the father? Why didn't you come?

S.I.: Feels bad. He is undergoing tests and will undergo surgery.

L.E.: Hernia, right?

S.I.: Yes. He said that he misses you very much and loves you.

L.E.: Thank you!

S.I.: Here is everything you need: pajamas, toilet paper, socks...

L.E.: So beautiful. Thank you so much!

S.I.: You look very good!

L.E.: What are you doing?! I'm barely alive here. I smoke a lot - I immediately inject the strongest psychotropic drugs. They make me really want to smoke. Oh, dad bought all this?

S.I.: Yes, that's all. How are you

L.E.: You see, what a fool I am... I should have stayed at work, but I ended up here again. Mother failed.

S.I.: Did she even visit you?

L.E.: Let's not talk about this. I don't want to talk about her. Tell your father thank you for spending money on me. They gave me injections here and a lump appeared on my butt. It’s good that they didn’t cut it out, but they could have.

L.E.: Well, that’s what my father will say... Let him take it to him! I won’t ask you to register me, just let him live. I don't want to go to boarding school! You tell him that I'm grieving for him. I really want to come to you. I want to live not behind bars or in a boarding school.

S.I.: Yes, Lida, we need to live at home.

L.E.: God will never forgive if I am sent to a boarding school.

To find out about Lida’s well-being, Svetlana turned to her doctor. Imagine the woman’s surprise when the doctor told her that Rasputina’s daughter was completely healthy and could be discharged at any time! But now she has nowhere to go.

Lida keeps saying that she was abandoned. Neither mother nor father needs her. If only one of them would come to her,” Alla Andreevna began to scold Sveta. - In principle, she could have been discharged a long time ago. We do not accept such patients. But now it's winter, where will she go? I feel sorry for her... Last time we discharged her, but she came back again. She said it was from her mother. Masha's driver brought her. Now you have come to her, she will somehow perk up.

After her date with Lida, Svetlana could not come to her senses for a long time. There were tears in her eyes.

I didn’t know what to answer to Lida when she begged me to take her home. I cannot understand this attitude towards my own child.

As it turned out, there are no obstacles to Lida finding shelter again. Her father has a large four-room apartment; he rents out three rooms. Rasputina has a luxurious mansion with 19 rooms and separate houses for servants. And Lida, forgotten by her parents, receives only three thousand rubles for disability and wanders around mental hospitals. But at the same time, the girl does not blame her parents for her bitter fate and hopes to find a family again.

Conversation between Svetlana Istratova and doctor Lida Ermakova ()

Svetlana Istratova:- Can? I came to see Lida. My heart aches for her.

Doctor:“She says all the time: “They abandoned me. Neither my mother nor my father needs me. If only someone would come to me...”

Svetlana Istratova:“We’ve wanted to come for a long time, but my father is also having troubles now... He’s leaving now.” I couldn't come. But everyone bought it.

Doctor:- Lida, in principle, can be discharged a long time ago. But I decided to keep it for the winter. In principle, we do not keep such patients at home. I just feel sorry for her. That time we discharged her, but she came back again. From mom. The driver brought it. Before the holidays I had an attack...

Svetlana Istratova:- Before the New Year?

Doctor:- Yes. Fear attacks her. He begins to say that no one needs him. Depressed state. Nobody wants to take her.

Svetlana Istratova:“She’s so happy now.” I can’t even imagine how she’s been lying there for years... She’s asking to go home. Doesn't want to go to boarding school.

Doctor:- Now you have come to her, she will somehow perk up.

Lida Ermakova gave an interview for the first time, telling the truth about her mother

The scandal between Masha Rasputina and her ex-husband Vladimir Ermakov continues to gain momentum. When our newspaper discovered the singer’s 28-year-old daughter in a psychiatric clinic near Moscow, the pop star hastened to pick up Lida and send her to the city of Efremov (details and video). At the winery owned by Masha’s current husband, Viktor ZAKHAROV, the girl scrubbed toilets. Throughout her “exile,” her mother demanded that her daughter slander her own father. Lydia couldn’t stand it, ran away back to Moscow and came to a clinic for the mentally ill: she had no other place to live. We visited an unfortunate girl who, only for our publication, decided to tell the truth about her relationship with her mother.

The story of the eldest daughter Masha Rasputina not just scary: it defies any logical analysis. As we already wrote, the singer threw out Lydia Ermakova from his life, first by driving her out of the mansion on Rublyovka, and then by selling the apartment registered to the girl. Finding herself on the street, the artist’s daughter wandered around monasteries and ended up in a psychiatric hospital - for the last few years, specialized clinics have become her home. Her mother not only did not visit her, but also did not send her money for basic hygiene products. We, like thousands of our readers, were perplexed: what did Lida do, since the person closest to her turned away from her?

We hoped to learn the answer from the program “Let Them Talk,” dedicated to Ermakova. However, Rasputina did not explain herself: she poured out a stream of abuse against her daughter and ex-husband and gave the floor to her director Andrey Kovalev, who voiced monstrous things - Lida slept with her own father! This was “confirmed” by the artist’s current husband Victor Zakharov, who said that it seemed like he came to Ermakov, and “they were lying naked in bed.” Lydia herself was not given a word in the program: for a couple of minutes in the frame, she only whispered that “Mom is good” and “I’m sorry.” After the show, Vladimir Ermakov filed a lawsuit against Rasputin for insults: the former called him a “goat,” “a scumbag,” and a “fence dog.” He wrote the second statement - about the illegal sale of his daughter's apartment - to the prosecutor's office and gave testimony.

In the near future, Lida will have to tell the investigator of the economic crimes department how she ended up registered in the barracks. Next up is a statement against Kovalev for slander about incest. By the way, Masha hastily fired her director.

During the divorce, I gave all the money I had acquired over 18 years of star life to Masha,” says Vladimir. “I wanted these savings to buy my daughter Lida an apartment. And they kicked her out onto the street.

At the clinic

In the “red corner” of the hospital room, Lida prayed desperately. Without hearing the words, I understood what this girl could ask for. Seeing Vladimir Ermakov, with whom I came to the psychiatric clinic, Lida threw herself on his neck.

Dad, I'm so glad you came! - she cried. From further conversation, we found out that Masha Rasputina never met her daughter after she was discharged from the hospital in Sergiev Posad. The singer sent a driver who took the girl to the Tula region to a winery owned by the artist’s husband Zakharov. The program “Let Them Talk” did not help either, after which many hoped that Rasputin would come to his senses. While Masha was showing off in an expensive fur coat and telling with pumped lips what a “complete idiot” her daughter was, Lydia was pouring wine into bottles and scrubbing toilets. - Lida, where have you been all this time? We thought that your mother took you and you were sleeping on silk sheets on Rublyovka. “I was in the city of Efremov at the factory,” the girl explained. - Uncle Nikolai took me there. Mom said: “We are giving you a chance to improve, you must start working.” I worked with pleasure. I washed the tremors - I was, however, reproached for choosing an easier job. Then I stood on the line: it’s harder, but more pleasant than toilets.

- Why did you leave the factory?

They didn’t show me the “Let Them Talk” program right away. Only a few days later I saw her in the recording. There was a lot of untruth in it, and I didn’t like it. Firstly, my father never slept with me, as Zakharov and director Andrei Kovalev stated. Secondly, it was not my father who sold the apartment, but my mother. But the last straw was when my mother demanded that I confirm that the housing fraud was the work of my father. I got tired of the lies, so I ran away. - Did you see your mother after being discharged from the clinic in Sergiev Posad?- No, and I didn’t cross the threshold of her house. But she never came to see me at the hospital, and now she’s gone... - Why does she treat you like this? What did you do to her?- I love my father and mother equally, no matter what evil they did to me. They are the ones who are fighting, and I am not participating in these showdowns. Why do they hate each other so much? What should they share? Money? Maybe mom behaves this way because I treated her like a pig when she was pregnant with Mashenka? After my parents’ divorce, I lived with my mother and her second husband Zakharov. They only said bad things about my father, but they themselves sent me away to him. Why should my mother still be offended by me? With journalists, except during the program Malakhova, I didn't communicate. Although she believes that several years ago I gave an interview to some newspaper, it was not me, but my dad who told everything. (Vladimir himself says that he didn’t say anything bad about Masha. “He said only good things, and taught Lida not to be offended by her mother. She’s alone, and there won’t be another,” Ermakov explained). - On the program she called you lazy. Didn't you want to work?- I don’t know why I called you. Mom doesn’t understand that I’m a sick person and I need a different approach: I can’t do any work.

- Maybe Rasputina’s youngest daughter is jealous of you? And Masha protects her from you?

My sister once told me: “We’re so tired of you, we’d better take you to a mental hospital!” I was offended and ran away at night. I took a taxi to my father, but he did not open the door. Then to my grandfather in Siberia. But they didn’t accept me there either. I'm back. In order not to be left on the street, I asked the taxi driver to take me to Tushino. She said that there was no money, but my father would give it on the spot. Dad sent me. He said: go to your mother. So, thanks to my parents, I was beaten and raped at night. - How did the turning point begin in your relationship with your mother?- I was raped at the age of 16 in a pioneer camp in Greece. Mom didn’t help me, but said: “It’s my own fault. If you are pregnant, have an abortion, I don’t need your offspring.” - Who sold your apartment and how did you end up registered in a barracks in Sergiev Posad? Rasputina assures that everything was set up by your father. - When my mother’s second husband, Viktor Zakharov, allegedly bought me a Moscow apartment on Mosfilmovskaya, I was treated in a psychiatric hospital in Kashchenko. My mother and her brother came to see me almost every day. Nikolay Ageev. They brought food. One day, my uncle put me in a jeep, where another girl was sitting, and said: “Sign the documents for the apartment before Ermakov gets ahead.” I believed him and my mother, I thought that my father really wanted to take the apartment. She signed the documents in the places where the girl showed. I hoped that I would live with my mother, as she promised. But then she said: “You’ll either go to a boarding school or to a psychiatric hospital.” Where I am to this day. As EG wrote, the past of Masha Rasputina’s brother Nikolai Ageev is connected with crime. He served time for the murder of a minor boy. It is interesting that he is Masha’s right hand. Now the man has come into faith and speaks only about the salvation of the soul, God. It looks like he really has something to pray for.

- Lida, your school friend told me that you are thinking about a monastery...

I don't want to go to a monastery. I was there twice, I realized that it was not for me. I don't see my future in this situation. I don’t want to go to my mother: she will send me to a boarding school. We need to live on our own, but where? Dad has guests: he rents out rooms to pay for utilities. (Turning to her father, Lida suddenly asked: “Why don’t you buy me a folding bed so that I can live in the same room with you?”) As it turned out, pensioner Vladimir Ermakov barely makes ends meet to pay the utilities for a four-room apartment on on the outskirts of the capital, which, according to him, is 13 thousand rubles per month. -Have you asked your mother where you should live?“Either in the monastery, nor under it,” she told me. - Father says you need seven thousand rubles a month for potent drugs?- I'm not violent, but I need pills, otherwise I don't sleep at night. We just completed a course of injections today. They will treat you here for now, and then they may transfer you to another hospital.

As the head of the clinic’s department assured us, Ermakova will live in the hospital for now. Doctors are shocked

We, doctors, are horrified by what the parents did to the girl,” said the head of the department where Lida lies, Olga Dydyshko. - I felt sorry for her after the program on Channel One. The attending physicians know all the patients' secrets. So: it’s a lie that her father slept with her! We asked Lida.

- Will you write her out?-Only on the condition that she moves in with her father. He needs to get guardianship, which requires a conclusion about her incapacity, which we will give. In general, we need to bring up documents for the period of Lida’s illness, when her apartment was sold, and request an extract. Even if the girl was not in the hospital at the time of signing the papers, she may be declared incompetent at that time.

S. Recently, Andrei Malakhov, at the 10th anniversary of the “Let Them Talk” program, talked about his highest-rated broadcasts.

In third place is the confession of Maria Rasputina, my best friend, who outstripped all representatives of culture. She's a superstar.

There was just one thing the presenter didn’t take into account: you can’t do PR for the misfortune of your own daughter, who again ended up in a mental hospital.

March 11, 2018

Lida, the eldest daughter of the famous singer, disappeared shortly after the death of her father Vladimir Ermakov. Her paternal half-brother is unsuccessfully searching for the girl so that she can receive her rightful inheritance.

Masha Rasputina and her daughter Lydia / photo: EG.ru, globallook.com

As it became known, Lida, the daughter of Masha Rasputina and Vladimir Ermakov, went missing last week. The girl’s half-brother Alexei organized an active search, but it was unsuccessful. The reasons for the scandalous situation are still unclear. The recent death of Lida's father, Vladimir Ermakov, could well be one of them. Even more unclear is the fact that Lida must soon accept the rights to part of her father’s inheritance, for which Alexey is looking for her. As journalists learned, the girl is owed half of a four-room apartment that belonged to Ermakov, which is located in one of Moscow’s residential areas. In addition, the girl will receive a certain amount from her father's bank account. According to rough estimates, the total value of Lida’s inheritance will be more than 12 million rubles, and real estate located in the capital will allow the girl to register in Moscow.

Lida’s maternal relatives and Masha Rasputina herself offer slightly different information. The singer says that she is on friendly terms with her daughter, maintains communication with her and tries to help in every possible way. The star’s current husband, Viktor Zakharov, even said: “You don’t have to worry about Lida, everything is fine with her. She hasn’t gotten lost anywhere, we are in constant contact. I advise you not to believe rumors." It’s no secret that Rasputina and her daughter are often invited to various talk shows on central channels, but Maria is not inclined to accept such offers, despite the large fees offered, the portal reports
