Concrete wall panels for external walls. Reinforced concrete wall panels

In the construction industry, reinforced concrete products are the most used products. Some samples are prepared directly on site, but mostly such structures are produced industrially. The use of ready-made panels significantly reduces the time required to carry out work and guarantees the exact fulfillment of all requirements specified in the design documentation.

Technical conditions and manufacturing are regulated by GOST depending on the purpose and features of the technology: for external walls - No. 12504 from 1980, internal - 11024 from 1984, products with insulation, three-layer - 31310 from 2005. There are a number of other documents - SNiP, technical specifications of enterprises and so on.

Classification of wall panels

The division into certain groups is arbitrary, but it gives a more complete understanding of the specifics of the use of specific samples. They all differ in several “parameters”.

1. According to the implemented engineering solution.

  • Composite (prefabricated).
  • Monolithic.

In turn, they can be:

  • three-layer – are reinforced concrete ribbed panels with a layer of insulation;
  • two-layer (thermal insulator + concrete with reinforcement). The insulation is fixed on the inner edge. The most common are mineral wool slabs, a layer of foam concrete or foam glass, which are covered with a cement screed on top;
  • reinforced concrete single-layer panels with concrete of only one grade. Typically categorized as “light” or “extra light.” Moreover, various materials can be used as a filler in solutions - expanded clay, agloporite, slag and some others. Their peculiarity is that one edge is treated with special cement, which facilitates the production of the “finish” finish. During the installation process, the panel is placed so that this side “looks” into the building.

2. In terms of resistance to load.

  • Non-load-bearing.
  • Self-supporting.
  • Bearers.
  • Floor-bearing.

3. According to the specifics of the application.

  • Residential, administrative or public buildings.
  • Engineering structures.
  • Wall panels for industrial buildings.
  • Attic spaces.
  • Basement (technical) floors.
  • For installation inside or around the perimeter (external).

4. By structure.

  • Hollow or solid.
  • From one or more types of concrete.

All of the above differences are major. But there are others that are related to the specifics of use or some additional characteristics of reinforced concrete wall products. The samples differ in the grades of concrete (from light to heavy), binder (gypsum, cement), type of reinforcement, as well as a number of other parameters (type of metal, its preparation, location of embedded parts, etc.).

The assortment is so extensive that there is no point in listing all varieties. Moreover, manufacturers produce designs, as a rule, for a specific order and are guided by the specifications provided by the buyer. For example, with already installed blocks (windows, doors) or with openings prepared for a certain size.

Product Features

1. Good load-bearing capacity and increased strength.

2. Quick installation. All reinforced concrete wall panels are distinguished by their strict geometry and exact coincidence of the locations of fastening elements (“mortgages”).

3. The use of multilayer products allows you to save time and materials on heat and sound insulation of buildings.

4. Resistance to thermal effects, aggressive environments, temperature fluctuations.

5. Preliminary preparation of the base for the “finishing” finish is not required, since they are distinguished by the evenness of the edges.

6. Possibility of use in the construction of structures for any purpose.


They depend on several parameters: the cut of the wall (single-row, strip, combined), the type of panel (including window sill, wall) and are tied to the multiplicity module “M”. The limits of linear dimensions are in “mm”.

For external walls:

  • length – from 300 to 8,400;
  • height – from 600 to 8,400;
  • thickness (for combined cutting) – from 200 to 400.

For internal:

  • length – from 1,200 to 7,500;
  • height – from 2,800 to 4,200;
  • thickness – from 60 to 300.


1. Concrete concrete wall panels.

The first position is a number. Features of manufacturing technology:

  • from 1 to 3 – solid;
  • from 4 to 6 – composite.

The second is a letter. Type of reinforced concrete wall panel: N – external.

Third position. Application specifics:

  • C – for walls;
  • Ts – technical (basement) floors;
  • H – (attic spaces).

The last group is also letters. They give an idea of ​​some of the design features of a reinforced concrete wall product (location and configuration of openings, end zones, reinforcement outlets, etc.).

2. Internal reinforced concrete panels.

Here the designation is slightly different. Let's just note the differences.

Second letter:

  • C – for load-bearing products.
  • G – for non-weight-bearing people.
  • B – walls.
  • P – basement (technical) floors.

Fourth: only available in the designation of composite reinforced concrete panels - C.

approximate cost

It is difficult to give exact numbers. And the point is not only in the large assortment, but also in the features of the manufacturing technology. The brand of concrete, type of reinforcement (mesh or frame) and a number of other indicators are taken into account. Therefore, instead of price lists, on manufacturers’ websites there is a calculator, with which you can calculate the approximate cost of the panel only after entering the initial data. And if there is a list of products, then to clarify the price of a sample, it is suggested that you call the specified number.

To have a general idea of ​​the price of reinforced concrete panels, you can focus on the following average (and very approximate) figures (rub/m2):

  • single-layer – from 3,100;
  • two-layer – from 3,650;
  • three-layer – from 4,850.

Buying used reinforced concrete wall panels will be cheaper, since the price depends on the degree of wear. But given the specific nature of product production, experts do not recommend using them in critical areas. Even a professional who has discovered signs of a hidden defect will need special equipment to conduct a full diagnosis and make recommendations for further use of the panel.

Concrete and various products made from it are an integral part of the modern construction industry. There are a huge number of brands and types of reinforced concrete, as well as various types of construction products made from it. Reinforced concrete wall panels are produced for both industrial and civil construction, which will be discussed in this article.

Reinforced concrete panels are elements of wall structures and they are produced in a factory from concrete reinforced with metal reinforcing frames or special meshes, and are characterized by high fire resistance and strength. They are produced from concrete of different grades, and can be both external and external. External reinforced concrete and internal wall panels can be produced with the use of heat-insulating materials - an insulated version, or without, which is most typical for the internal elements of reinforced concrete wall structures.

Standard size

Reinforced concrete panels for wall construction come in a variety of sizes. Designs, technical requirements and standard sizes are defined in GOST 11024–84 for internal and 12504–80 for external, as well as SNiPs, technical specifications, industry and local standards.

The dimensions of the slabs, the size and number of openings, as well as the required thickness of the layers, indicated in the plan and taking into account the floor plan and structural diagrams of the building, are all determined in accordance with the customer’s design documents and are the main parameters when selecting and purchasing them. Knowing this, offers to buy used reinforced concrete wall panels do not evoke much response from buyers.

They are produced both for installation on steel and reinforced concrete frames, and can be used for the construction of both unheated and heated structures. They are produced for residential construction and can have dimensions of 6x1.2 and 12x1.8 meters. Wall panels for industrial buildings are produced in lengths of 6, 9 and 12 m. From lightweight concrete, for walls with separate window openings, special wall slabs are produced with a length of 3 and 1.5 meters, and for doorways, slabs of sizes 1.48 and 2 are made .98 m.

Door and glazed window units can be built into external structures. The climatic conditions of the region where the structure is being built, as well as the thermal characteristics of the materials used, determine the thickness of the reinforced concrete panels for the walls, which can vary from 20 to 50 cm.

Main types

All reinforced concrete panels for walls are, conditionally, classified according to the parameters that determine their types:

1. Functional purpose of structures and buildings:

  • for the construction of multi-storey buildings;
  • construction of technical underground and basement floors;
  • construction of attic spaces.

2. Design solutions used:

  • composite;
  • with a solid structure.

3. Number of main layers:

  • single-layer;
  • two-layer;
  • three-layer.

Panels for the construction of walls have a different structure, which is why they receive and transmit the loads placed on them in different ways, which gives reason to divide them into:

  • mounted;
  • load-bearing;
  • self-supporting.

Features of multilayer panels

Reinforced concrete single-layer panels are made from lightweight cellular concrete such as gas and foam concrete, with fillers such as agloporite, perlite, slag, expanded clay. The thickness of the outer protective outer layer ranges from 2 to 4 cm. Their inner surface, in most cases, is covered with decorative finishing cement, which is then used for finishing.

Double-layer panels are made in the form of two ribbed slabs of large-porous expanded clay concrete, on the inside of which insulation materials such as foam keralite, mineral wool slabs, foam glass or foam concrete are fixed. The thermal insulation layer is placed inside the building and covered with a protective layer of cement.

Three-layer panels are reinforced concrete ribbed wall panels with insulation sandwiched between them. The layers made of reinforced concrete are connected to each other by welded reinforcement frames. The thickness of the inner layer of insulation is carried out according to thermal engineering calculations.

How much are?

Despite the high demand, this building material is not very expensive. Today, manufacturers sell reinforced concrete wall panels starting from 3,500 rubles/m2 for the simplest single-layer ones and from 5,000 rubles/m2 for three-layer ones.


Any reinforced concrete product, including panels produced by the manufacturer and meeting the requirements of GOST, is marked with indelible paint containing all the information about the main characteristics of the product. It consists of three groups of alphanumeric characters and a hyphen separating them.

In the first group, the type of product is determined, in our case PS is a wall panel. The second group indicates the type of concrete, reinforcement class, load-bearing capacity, for example, I - cellular concrete. The third group reveals the special properties of concrete products that correspond to the special conditions of their use, for example, the index “H” indicates the bottom, and “B” indicates the top.

The table shows the currently accepted markings:

Reinforced concrete panels for the construction of walls are in constant demand, which is due to both the high speed of construction of structures and the not very high labor intensity of construction, and the possibility of almost year-round construction. In addition, the performance characteristics of these products, such as high load-bearing capacity, durability and good heat capacity, also contribute to the popularity of this material among builders.

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Concrete/reinforced concrete wall panels are used as a building material in house construction. Depending on the type, they are used for the construction of external or internal walls of buildings for various purposes: from residential buildings to industrial ones.
The structural design of wall panels determines their division into load-bearing, self-supporting and hinged. According to their intended purpose, the panels are: for above-ground garages, for basements or for attics. According to the design solution, they can be composite or integral. Based on the number of layers, one-, two- and three-layer ones are distinguished. The type of panel is reflected in its alphanumeric designation.
Technical requirements, as well as designs and standard sizes for external wall panels are regulated by GOST 11024-84, the same for internal ones - GOST 12504-80, industry and local standards, technical conditions, SNiPs are also used.
According to GOST 11024-84 “External concrete and reinforced concrete wall panels for residential and public buildings,” panels made of light and heavy concrete, as well as autoclaved cellular concrete, are used for the manufacture of external walls.
The division into types is related to the purpose of the wall panels, design and number of layers. Based on the number of main layers, they are divided into single-layer and layered: two- and three-layer, which in turn can be with or without air layers (solid); if the air gap is located behind the outer layer, the panels are called screen laminated panels.
Single-layer panels are made of homogeneous material with low thermal conductivity (lightweight or cellular concrete). Their strength class is calculated based on their required loads, and the thickness is selected taking into account climatic conditions. For reinforcement, a welded frame and mesh are used. Single-layer panels are a simple design solution and manufacturing technology.
Double-layer panels consist of layers: load-bearing and insulating. The load-bearing layer is made of dense, heavy or light concrete; this layer is located on the inside of the building. The insulating layer can be made of lightweight, cellular heat-insulating concrete, as well as thermally insulating rigid slabs.
Three-layer panels (sandwich panels) consist of two external reinforced concrete slabs and an internal thermal insulation layer, which serves as insulation. In this case, the outer layers are connected by welded reinforcement cages. To make the inner layer, semi-rigid materials are used: mineral wool boards, corks, asbestos-cement boards, fiberglass, as well as hard ones, such as foam glass and foam keralite.
To finish external wall panels, materials are used that are characterized by the required decorative, protective and performance properties. This can be cladding with ceramic, glass tiles, natural stone or decorative concrete; finishing with layers of concrete of various types or ceramic glaze; sprinkle with decorative crushed stone; painting with weather-resistant dyes, etc. If single-layer panels are made of lightweight concrete, they must be provided with an internal finishing layer (a layer of cement or lime-cement mortar) and a protective and decorative external one. Laminated panels with an outer concrete layer must have an outer protective and decorative layer; and with an internal main concrete layer - an internal finishing layer.
According to GOST 12504-80 “Internal concrete and reinforced concrete wall panels for residential and public buildings,” panels made of light and heavy concrete (slag concrete, expanded clay concrete), autoclaved cellular concrete and dense silicate are used for the manufacture of internal walls.
According to the perception of vertical loads, internal panels can be load-bearing and non-load-bearing (partitions). According to their design, load-bearing internal panels can be solid or hollow, as well as frequently ribbed or with ribs along the contour.
Due to the nature of their application, wall panels must satisfy such requirements as high strength, low thermal conductivity, fire resistance, low specific gravity, as well as efficiency, which is expressed in manufacturability. Important conditions are ease of installation and quality of joint designs.
The stability of wall panels is ensured by fastening them both to each other and to the floor structures. The panels’ own stability is insufficient, which is due to the peculiarities of their design: small thickness with significant length and height.

Dimensions (L x W x H in mm): 4530x2600x160
Weight (in kg): 4520

Dimensions (L x W x H in mm): 453x260x160
Weight (in kg): 3470

Dimensions (L x W x H in mm): 430x260x160
Weight (in kg): 3490

Dimensions (L x W x H in mm): 298x260x160
Weight (in kg): 1660
Dimensions (L x W x H in mm): 280x260x160
Weight (in kg): 1820
Dimensions (L x W x H in mm): 148x260x160
Weight (in kg): 900

Weight (in kg): 7800

Weight (in kg): 4800

Weight (in kg): 9350

Weight (in kg): 4300

Weight (in kg): 10300

Dimensions (L x W x H in mm): 5980x1185x300
Weight (in kg): 3200

Dimensions (L x W x H in mm): 5980x1180x400
Weight (in kg): 4300

Dimensions (L x W x H in mm): 5980x1785x300
Weight (in kg): 4800

Dimensions (L x W x H in mm): 5980x1780x400
Weight (in kg): 6000

Dimensions (L x W x H in mm): 4530x2600x200
Weight (in kg): 4040

Dimensions (L x W x H in mm): 2760x2600x200
Weight (in kg): 1890

Dimensions (L x W x H in mm): 1480x2600x200
Weight (in kg): 1070

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Very often in an apartment we want to hang a TV, a shelf, or maybe just a picture on the wall, but we are afraid to drill holes in the wall of a panel house. What if the drill goes right through? And in order not to be afraid, you need to know the thickness and types of walls in panel houses, which I will talk about in this article.

As a rule, panel manufacturers do not deviate from standard sizes, so the thickness of such walls is, in principle, predictable, unlike the thickness of a brick wall of an individual house.

Walls, as we know, are usually divided into three types:

  • external
  • internal load-bearing
  • internal partitions

External walls of a panel house

These walls are the thickest and come in two types:

  • single-layer external walls consisting of lightweight concrete
  • multilayer walls consisting of reinforced concrete and, as a rule, polystyrene foam slabs

Single-layer panels

Most often, single-layer panels are made of expanded clay concrete with a thickness of 300-350 mm, depending on the climate zone. Expanded clay concrete is suitable for these purposes, both in strength and thermal conductivity.

There are single-layer slabs consisting of cellular concrete. The thickness of such panels also ranges from 300 to 350mm.

Multilayer panels

Most often, such panels consist of two layers of reinforced concrete (external and internal) and polystyrene foam (foam) slabs between them.
The standard thickness of such a wall is 380mm.

The internal reinforced concrete layer is 80-100 mm (previously the layer was thinner). The outer reinforced concrete layer is at least 60 mm.

Expanded polystyrene is usually used as insulation, since mineral wool is too “soft” a material, and if it is used for the production of panels, it is very rarely.

Thickness of the internal walls of a panel house

Internal walls are also of two types: firstly, these are load-bearing walls, on which the entire structure of the house rests, and secondly, these are internal partitions, which serve exclusively to divide the area of ​​​​the house or apartment into rooms.

Thickness of load-bearing walls of a panel house

Load-bearing panels of reinforced concrete structures are usually from 140 to 200 mm thick. To be more precise, the most common panels have thicknesses of 140mm, 180mm and 200mm.

It is very rare to find a load-bearing wall 120mm thick.

Thickness of internal partitions

In most panel houses, internal partitions consist of gypsum concrete panels, the thickness of which does not exceed 80mm.

Sometimes the thickness of the internal partitions of a panel house varies from 80mm to 100mm.

How to distinguish a load-bearing wall of a panel house from a partition

When remodeling an apartment, you need to know exactly where the load-bearing walls are located, which cannot be touched, and where there are simply internal partitions that can be demolished, moved, etc.

Remember! When moving or demolishing walls in an apartment, you must first order a redevelopment project from a licensed organization. If this is not done and the layout is changed without approval, then in the future problems may arise with the design and re-decoration of your apartment.

And so, let's continue.

The easiest way, without drawings and projects, to determine where the load-bearing wall is and where it is not, is to measure the thickness of the wall with a tape measure or ruler.

I have already talked about the thickness of load-bearing walls, it starts from 120mm. Therefore, we take a ruler and measure the wall, if it is greater than or equal to 120mm, then this wall is load-bearing, if less, then it is a partition.

Using this method, you can quite accurately determine the type of wall, since in most cases the panels of a panel house have standard sizes, but it must be remembered that the thickness of the wall is measured without finishing layers, i.e. without plaster, wallpaper, additional internal insulation, and so on.

Reinforced concrete panels have found widespread use in the construction of industrial facilities, public buildings and residential buildings. At one time, more than half a century ago, their appearance in our country became a revolutionary breakthrough in mass housing construction, which made it possible to increase the pace of building construction tenfold.

Since then, construction technologies have come a long way. High demands are placed on modern precast concrete wall panels. They must be high-strength, durable, environmentally friendly, and thermally efficient.

What is reinforced concrete

Reinforced concrete is a monolith made of concrete and metal reinforcement. Reinforced concrete structures have been used in construction for a long time, but were widely used in the 20th century. The combination and interaction of such different materials has proven to be very effective: concrete firmly adheres to metal reinforcement, reliably protecting it from corrosion. Steel and concrete successfully complement each other in terms of resistance to various types of load.

Concrete is more durable in compression; steel, on the contrary, has high tensile strength. A big disadvantage of reinforced concrete products is their high density, but this problem is being solved in modern conditions through the use of cellular concrete and light concrete mixtures with the addition of artificial or natural porous aggregates.

Structures made of reinforced concrete are fire resistant and durable. They do not require any protective measures against adverse atmospheric influences. The reinforcement inside the concrete does not corrode, and the concrete itself becomes even stronger over time. Reinforced concrete is characterized by high load-bearing capacity and resistance to static and dynamic loads. Reinforced concrete products are suitable for creating structures and structures of a wide variety of shapes and help achieve expressiveness of architectural solutions.

The main volume of reinforced concrete is occupied by common building materials - sand, crushed stone, gravel. The use of ready-made reinforced concrete products allows for high rates of construction of residential buildings and industrial facilities.

What types of reinforced concrete products are there?

Reinforced concrete products are divided into:

By reinforcement:

  • pre-stressed;
  • reinforced in the usual way.

By density and class of concrete:

  • especially heavy, density from 2500 kg/m3;
  • heavy, density - 1800-2500kg/m3;
  • light, density up to 1800 kg/m3;
  • especially light, density - 700 kg/m3.

According to the composition of the binder component:

  • cement-concrete;
  • silicate concrete;
  • gypsum concrete.

By structure:

  • solid;
  • hollow;
  • one type of concrete;
  • different types of concrete.

By purpose

  • for public and residential buildings;
  • for industrial facilities;
  • for engineering structures.

How are concrete products produced?

The production of reinforced concrete products and parts for construction work is carried out industrially at specialized enterprises.

Precast concrete factories, as a rule, produce products intended for the construction of residential buildings and industrial facilities. These are floor slabs, partitions, wall panels, foundation blocks, trusses, flights of stairs, columns. Individual factories produce sleepers, mine supports and other reinforced concrete products for special purposes. Each product has its own technology and reinforcement system. For example, in the production of floor slabs and lintels, prestressed reinforced concrete is used.

What are the methods for manufacturing reinforced concrete products?

Bench method

Designed for the manufacture of large-sized products.

Precast concrete products are prepared in fixed forms. Special mechanisms, concrete pavers and vibrators, one after another approach the stand to carry out technological operations.

Cassette method

It is a modification of the bench method. Precast concrete products are molded in stationary cassettes containing several metal mold compartments. A reinforcement cage is placed in the molds and filled with concrete. Heat treatment is carried out by contact through the walls of the molds. After heating, the walls of the molds are removed, and the reinforced concrete products are removed using an overhead crane. The cassette method is used for the production of flat reinforced concrete products: floor panels and walls.

Flow-aggregate method

Forms with reinforced concrete products move along the technological chain from one unit to another. Heat and wet processing occurs continuously.

Vibration rolling method

The entire technological cycle is carried out on one continuous production unit - a vibratory rolling mill. The vibro-rolling mill is a conveyor forming belt made of rubber-coated steel. The belt moves along technological posts, where the following is carried out: laying the reinforcement frame and concrete mixture, vibration compaction of concrete, contact heat treatment. This is how floor slabs, external wall reinforced concrete panels from lightweight concrete mix, and partition panels are made.

Technical requirements for reinforced concrete products

A number of technical requirements are imposed on reinforced concrete structures in general and wall panels in particular:

  1. Precise dimensions and geometric shapes. Optimal design of components and connections. Exact location of embedded elements.
  2. Correspondence of the weight and dimensions of prefabricated reinforced concrete structures to the operational capabilities of lifting and transport vehicles.
  3. Dimensions of reinforced concrete structures are within the tolerances and deviations established by GOST 130-15.4-84.
  4. The dimensions of the embedded elements correspond to the design values ​​with an error of no more than ±5 mm.
  5. The permissible displacement of the axes of embedded elements for columns, beams and trusses is no more than 5 mm, for other reinforced concrete products - no more than 10 mm.
  6. The location of embedded parts flush with the surface of reinforced concrete products or higher is no more than 3 mm.
  7. High-quality processing of products and no need for additional finishing.

How to transport and store reinforced concrete products

Transportation of concrete products is usually carried out by trucks. Large-sized concrete products are transported on special vehicles. Wall panels are delivered on panel trucks. Concrete products are unloaded using a crane. Storage of reinforced concrete products is carried out in accordance with the requirements of GOST and TU. Reinforced concrete products are stacked with mounting loops facing up. Their position must correspond to the installation conditions during construction work. During transportation and storage, damage to the reinforced concrete products is possible.

Therefore, it is important to follow the rules for storing concrete products, even if construction is planned in the coming days. The storage area must have a flat surface. Contact of reinforced concrete products with the ground should be avoided. If there is no canopy, use covering material. Wooden blocks are placed between the floor slabs to reduce stress.

Wall reinforced concrete panels

Large panel prefabricated buildings were developed to speed up the pace of construction. Wall panels are used for the construction of external walls of residential, public and industrial buildings.

The wide demand in construction is explained by the main characteristics of precast concrete wall panels:

  • high strength;
  • load bearing capacity;
  • good thermal insulation;
  • fire resistance;
  • resistance to temperature changes.

Prefabricated concrete wall panels are produced industrially. They are made of concrete reinforced with steel mesh or reinforcing cage.

For the insulated version of internal and external wall reinforced concrete panels, thermal insulation materials are used.

Reinforced concrete panels are used for the construction of plinths, technical undergrounds, above-ground floors and attics.

Wall panels are the most complex element of building structures. This is explained by a set of various technical and functional requirements: load resistance, high thermal protection and sound insulation, architectural design.

Wall reinforced concrete panels have various standard sizes approved by GOST. Precast concrete wall panels are fire resistant and highly durable.

Types of large-panel construction

Large-panel construction is divided into two categories: frameless and frame. This division depends on the type of wall panels: load-bearing and enclosing or only enclosing. In frameless-panel buildings, the load of the floors falls on the wall panels. In frame-panel structures, the load-bearing function is performed by the frames, and the wall panels serve for heat and sound insulation.

Wall panels are used for the construction of external and internal walls. External panels come in two types: single-layered from lightweight or cellular concrete and layered from heavy concrete with a heat insulator. Single-layer wall reinforced concrete panels have become widespread in residential construction.

On the outside, the wall panels are covered with decorative mortar, concrete, weather-resistant compound or ceramic tiles. The inner surface of the wall reinforced concrete panels is leveled and prepared for painting or wallpapering.

Door and window blocks are placed in the openings of the wall panels. The height of the wall reinforced concrete panels is equal to the height of the floor, the width is designed for 1-2 rooms - 3000-7200 mm, thickness - 200-350 mm. The dimensions of the interior wall panels correspond to the perimeter of the room. The thickness of the internal wall panels is 30-160 mm.

Classification of wall reinforced concrete panels

There are different classifications of wall reinforced concrete panels depending on the principle taken as a basis: typical features, functional purpose in the building, composition and structure.

By design

Panels are divided into solid and composite. The number of layers varies from one - single-layer panels, to several - three or two-layer panels. Laminated wall panels can be monolithic or with air gaps.

  • Single-layer wall panels are made from homogeneous materials with low thermal conductivity. The thickness of the outer side is 20-40 mm. The inside of the panel is covered with decorative finishing.
  • Double-layer panels have a solid structure and consist of a load-bearing and heat-insulating layer. As a rule, the load-bearing layer is made of dense reinforced concrete and is the inner side during installation. At the same time, it performs a vapor barrier function. The second layer, heat-protective, is located outside and covered with cement mortar.
  • Three-layer wall panels are assembled from two reinforced concrete slabs with insulation between them. The reinforced concrete layers are connected by welded reinforcement cages.

According to bearing capacity

  1. Bearers.
  2. Mounted.
  3. Self-supporting.

By intended use

Wall panels are used for the installation of multi-storey buildings, basement floors, underground spaces for communication systems, and attic spaces.

Characteristics of various types of concrete wall panels

External wall reinforced concrete panels

Height from the floor and length up to 6 m. Designed for the construction of fully prefabricated heated buildings. Composition: light class concrete with porous aggregate, cellular concrete, heavy concrete with a heat-saving layer.

Precast concrete panels for unheated buildings and internal load-bearing walls

Large-size panels as high as a floor and up to 6 m long for the construction of fully prefabricated buildings. Produced from heavy or light concrete mixtures. For external wall panels, heavy concrete is used, starting from class B15, for internal panels - from class B12.5.

Partition panels

Large-size panels as high as a floor and up to 6 m long for the construction of prefabricated buildings. For the manufacture of reinforced concrete partition panels, high-strength concrete or gypsum concrete is used, which is characterized by high frost resistance and water resistance. Panel partitions are reinforced with steel wire meshes or rods made of thermo-mechanically strong steel At-IIIc and A-III. All metal elements are treated with a special anti-corrosion compound.

Single-layer wall panels

For the manufacture of single-layer wall reinforced concrete panels, materials with a homogeneous structure and high thermal insulation are used. For example, lightweight cellular concrete. The outer walls of the panels are covered with a finishing layer 2-4 cm thick to protect against negative environmental factors. Cement plaster and various facing materials are used as finishing materials for interior walls.

Double-layer reinforced concrete wall panels

Double-layer reinforced concrete wall panels most often have a solid structure. The first layer is a load-bearing layer, made of high-density concrete with preliminary reinforcement. The second layer serves for thermal insulation. The thermal insulation layer is located on the outside and covered with cement plaster. The supporting layer faces the inside and additionally performs a vapor barrier function.

Wall reinforced concrete panels with a three-layer structure

The most popular today are three-layer reinforced concrete wall panels.

The three-layer panel structure consists of an external main load-bearing element to which internal wall panels are attached. Thanks to the space between them, heat loss from the building is reduced.

There are various modifications of multilayer panels, which consist of two reinforced concrete slabs and a heat insulator (mineral and stone wool, cement fiberboard, polyurethane, foam silicate).

External and internal wall panels are connected into a single structure using welded steel reinforcement frames. Three-layer reinforced concrete wall panels have standard dimensions and differ in thickness. The thickness of the wall panels is selected taking into account thermal parameters and climatic conditions of the area. This type of panels is made from durable lightweight concrete or heavy concrete with a compressive strength of B12.5 - B15. Reinforcement of the slabs is carried out using welded mesh or volumetric frames made of high-strength steel. All reinforcement and embedded elements are coated with an anti-corrosion compound. The properties of three-layer reinforced concrete panels are strictly regulated by the requirements and standards of GOST 31310-2005, GOST 13015-2003.

Standard size

The main parameters when choosing wall panels made of reinforced concrete are the dimensions indicated in the plan, taking into account the structural diagrams of the building and the floor plan.

The dimensions of the panels, the number and size of openings, technical properties and layer thickness are determined in accordance with the customer’s design documentation.

Reinforced concrete wall panels have different standard sizes, which are regulated by GOST.

The usual dimensions of the panels are the width of a typical room and the height of a floor. External wall panels are equipped with built-in window and door blocks, internal panels are solid or with openings for doors.

The thickness of the panels is 20-30 cm, one square meter of panel is 5-7 times lighter than a standard brick wall of the same area. Factories for the production of prefabricated reinforced concrete produce wall panels for residential construction, designed for 1-2 rooms, and for industrial buildings - 6, 9 and 12 m long. Factory panels are completely ready for installation. For example, panels with window filling and glazing are produced for residential buildings. The thickness of the wall panels depends on the climatic conditions of the region and the thermal parameters of the materials used and is 20-50 cm.

Rules for transporting wall panels

Prefabricated concrete wall panels are produced in factories. They are large in size and require the use of special equipment for delivery to construction sites. They lift, load and unload reinforced concrete panels using special gripping devices or using mounting loops. Precast concrete panels are delivered on panel trucks and railway platforms. Trucks are equipped with special fastening and supporting devices and ensure the immobility and safety of the panels.

Panel carriers are designed to accommodate two panels. The panels are transported in an almost vertical position, at a slight angle, maximum 8-10 degrees. The panels are securely fastened, which prevents them from being damaged or tipping over.

Warehousing and storage of wall panels

The panels are stored in cassettes in a vertical position or with a slight inclination. Each panel is placed on wooden stands 30 mm high. When storing and transporting multilayer panels, supports are placed only under the load-bearing layer. If there are protruding elements at the bottom of the panel, install supports 20 mm greater than their height. Cassettes with panels are placed on flat areas with a solid base.

House made of reinforced concrete panels

It has already become a long-standing tradition to construct various construction projects from structures such as wall reinforced concrete panels, floor slabs, and foundation blocks. Now there is an opportunity to build a house from reinforced concrete materials according to a specially developed project.

Precast concrete wall panels are especially in demand in prefabricated building construction. These are complex structures with high strength, sound insulation, and thermal efficiency. Modern wall panels are produced ready-made, require virtually no additional decorative finishing and give the building a modern architectural style. Based on the design features of the walls, prefabricated construction is divided into two types: large-panel and large-block. In large-block houses, the load-bearing and enclosing function is performed by a wall made of blocks. In large-panel buildings, wall panels serve as the load-bearing and enclosing basis.

Advantages of large-panel construction

  1. Fast pace of construction.
  2. Long service life of buildings.
  3. Resistance of structures to static and dynamic loads.
  4. Moisture resistance.
  5. Universal use of slabs for the construction of objects for various purposes.

Disadvantages of large-panel construction

  1. Heavy weight (eliminates with lightweight aggregates).
  2. Lower sound and heat insulation compared to brick houses.
  3. The need to use special equipment for transportation and installation.
  4. Lack of ability to control the wear of building structures for early detection and elimination of defects.

Houses built from reinforced concrete wall panels have great resistance to static and dynamic loads, as well as resistance to physical, chemical and biological factors.

What are the types of installation of reinforced concrete wall panels?

Despite the rapid development of monolithic construction, reinforced concrete products are still in great demand in the construction market due to their high performance characteristics. Installation of wall panels is carried out in various ways, the choice of which is determined by the principle of assembly, the type of equipment and fixtures, and the design features of the interface between wall and partition panels. Installation of wall reinforced concrete panels is carried out vertically with sealing of seams. Internal finishing work and installation of technical communications are carried out taking into account the high strength of concrete and the presence of a reinforcing device for wall panels.

Free installation

Free installation - installation of panels according to the risks on the floors. With the help of struts and corner clamps, a stable position and temporary fastening of individual panels is ensured.

Fixed installation

Fixed installation (restricted-free) - installation using group equipment. First, the base panels (transverse and longitudinal) are aligned and rigidly fastened together with a permanent connection. Then the following transverse panels are installed. The wall elements are immediately placed in a vertical position.

Lock installation

Self-fixing is a method of installation using locking clamps. The locking method is suitable for panels with fixing parts. In the lower part of the panel they are fastened with pin-type fasteners, and in the upper part - with locking fasteners.

Mounting method "on weight"

External and internal wall panels are installed, then slinged in two to four places, depending on the size of the structure, using flexible slings and various traverses.

Before installing load-bearing wall panels, the marks of the lower edge of the wall panels (installation horizon) are determined and fixed on the floor and a plastic cement mortar is spread.

The installation of external wall panels begins with the panel farthest from the crane, after which the internal walls are installed, and then the panels of the external wall closest to the crane are installed.

After installation in place, the wall panel is aligned freely against the lower base or using clamps (locking method). Next, check the vertical position of the wall panel on the outside.

Complex (group) equipment for installing panels and temporary fastening are verified and prepared. Then the internal panels are installed. After installing the base panels, the following row panels are installed. They are completely fixed after installing adjacent and adjacent longitudinal wall panels. Before installing the next internal wall panel, concrete mortar is spread in its place. After the panels are aligned, the concrete solution is compacted on both sides.

Curtain panels of multi-storey buildings are installed after the construction of load-bearing structures. The position of the prefabricated elements is preliminarily determined according to the project.

Large panels are placed and combined in the transverse direction. Wall panels are adjusted in height. First, the end part of the panel is fixed in height, then the lower edge of the panel is fixed, and then the vertical position of the panel is controlled.

External wall panels of one-story houses are installed to the entire height of the building. Self-supporting wall panels are placed below on foundation beams on a layer of mortar. In all subsequent rows, the panels are mounted one on top of the other on a layer of concrete mortar.

Marking of wall panels

The brand of wall reinforced concrete panels has an alphanumeric designation with hyphens.

  • The first fragment of symbols indicates the type of panel and dimensions: length, height (dm), thickness (cm).
  • The second fragment indicates the class (grade) and type of concrete: T - heavy concrete, L - lightweight concrete, I - autoclaved cellular concrete.
  • The third fragment of the marking contains additional information about the characteristics of reinforced concrete panels: C - seismic resistance of more than 7 points, M - frost resistance below -40°C. Permeability indicators: N - normal, P - reduced, O - especially low. This part of the marking includes designations of the design features of wall panels: shape; configuration of end zones, presence, type and location of openings; the presence and shape of fines in terms of the junction of adjacent structures, the type and location of reinforcement outlets and embedded products, the presence of reinforcement to reduce the load due to uneven deformation of the base (subsidence, swelling, frozen, peat, bulk soil).

Example: PS 240-300-14

  • PS – wall panel;
  • 240 – length;
  • 300 – height;
  • 14 - width.

Price and quality of wall panels

The strength and durability of reinforced concrete wall panels depends on the quality of the source materials, compliance with technological rules and calculations. The grade of concrete for the manufacture of panels is selected according to technical requirements. For the outer layer, 3 types of coating are used: on fresh concrete, on hardened concrete and finishing with tiles.

Reinforced concrete products must comply with GOST and SNiP documents. For fire safety purposes, the fire resistance limit and the spread of flame along the wall are taken into account. It is mandatory to have a quality guarantee for all types of products and services provided.

The dimensions and shape of wall reinforced concrete panels, the number and size of openings, the thickness and arrangement of layers are determined in accordance with the customer’s design documentation. As a rule, manufacturers of reinforced concrete products post price lists and calculators on their websites, with the help of which you can calculate the cost of wall panels, taking into account their dimensions and functional structure. You should also inquire about the cost of transporting reinforced concrete products and loading and unloading operations.

Large-panel technologies are still a promising direction in construction. The use of new materials, compositions and design solutions in the production of precast concrete wall panels allows us to optimize the construction process and ultimately make housing more affordable, comfortable and safe.
