The rite of repentance for the sin of regicide. Rite of repentance

People - the end of the world is near"

St. pr. John of Kronstadt



“A thunderstorm will pass over the Russian land,

The Lord will forgive the sins of the Russian people.

And the Holy Cross with Divine beauty

It will shine brightly over the temple of God again.”

St. Seraphim Vyritsky, 1949

“The sin of regicide, which occurred with the indifference of Russian citizens, is unrepentant by our people. Being a crime of both Divine and human law, this sin lies the heaviest burden on the soul of the people, on their moral self-awareness...” From the message of the Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus' Alexy II and the Holy Synod on the 75th anniversary of the murder of the Royal Family.

“The salvation of Russia is through repentance”

S.A. Nilus, a famous Russian spiritual writer of the early 20th century, told his loved ones after the revolution the well-known prophecies of St. Seraphim of Sarov: “In time, the Lord will give another certain period - about 15 years for Russia to repent. If after this Russia still does not repent, then the wrath of God will pour out on it in even greater proportions...” (hereinafter “Russia before the Second Coming”, M. 2003, p. 334).

The mystery of lawlessness, which S.A. wrote about in one of his books. Nilus is happening today clearly and openly, happening before our eyes. A striking example of this is the elections in Ukraine at the end of 2004, which covered up the violent seizure of power by pro-Western, and therefore anti-Orthodox, forces. Russia already had to experience this in 1991. Now, as then, the people remain betrayed and deceived: someone sings along with the new government, hoping that life will become better under it, someone, on the contrary, is fighting against the government also in the hope of a better life, someone is passively silent and observes what is happening from the side, saying, “my house is on the edge.” And only a few, taken as a percentage, try to lead the people to the true path. This path is nationwide repentance for the sins committed by the Russian people over the past 300 - 400 years of Russian history. For the last time such a rite of repentance was performed in 1607 by the Holy Patriarchs Job and Hermogenes in the Assumption Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin. When it seemed that there was no end to the Russian turmoil, the Lord sent peace and prosperity to repentant Russia, bringing it through the crucible of sorrows and trials of the Orthodox Tsar, and accepted the prodigal Russian son into His Fatherly embrace.

And now, according to St. Ignatius Brianchaninova, “God’s mercy lasts and delays the decisive outcome... Those who are being saved must understand this and use the time given for salvation, “as the time is shortened.”

“The mercy of the Lord can be revealed if everything goes according to the scheme of events: sin - captivity - repentance - liberation. Judging by what is happening now, another option can await us: sin - captivity - insufficient repentance - God's punishment - the death of the majority and the salvation of the “small flock”.

Our sins have made us captives of Satan, for unrepentant sin deprives us of the grace of God and makes us accessible prey to the devil. A person without grace is powerless, and therefore defenseless before the devil, for “we are and are moved by the Holy Spirit” (St. Apostle Paul). The unrepentant sins we have accumulated are the energy of evil, thanks to which the Antichrist will rule over people. That is why the devil does not allow us to repent: we are his debtors, human sins are his nutrient medium, our sins are his strength and “right.” When we sin, we are disqualified as transgressors of God’s commandments and are in captivity of Satan, which is why he tempts us to sin and does not allow us to repent. Under plausible pretexts, we are provided with various ersatz - popular movements, congresses, symposiums, conferences. All this is good, but it gives little, since the most important thing is missing - the repentance of the people - and this does not save us from sin.

This is what he wrote in the early 20s. XX century St. Patriarch Tikhon: “The sin that weighs on us is the hidden root of our illness... Sin has corrupted our land, weakened the spiritual and physical power of the Russian people... Sin has darkened our national mind... Sin has kindled the flames of passions, enmity and malice... Unrepentant sin has called Satan out of the abyss … May the entire Russian land be washed away, like life-giving dew, with tears of repentance and may it flourish again with the fruits of the spirit...”

According to the laws of spiritual life, some sins entail other sins, which grow like a snowball. If this process is not stopped in time, the snowball will turn into an avalanche, absorbing everything in its path. The sins of the Russian people, committed over the past centuries, lie as a heavy burden on us, our descendants. And our filial duty today is to remove this burden of sinful shackles.

His Holiness Patriarch Alexy II, in his public speeches made in 1993, 1998 and other years, also repeatedly spoke of the need for nationwide repentance for the sins and crimes committed by the Russian people. In his address on the occasion of the 75th anniversary of the assassination of Sovereign Emperor Nicholas II and his family, the Patriarch emphasized that it is especially necessary to bring repentance for the sin of atheism and regicide. This appeal was signed by all members of the Holy Synod of the Russian Orthodox Church.

So, dear brothers and sisters, let us pray to the Lord and bring Him sincere repentance for our sins and for our departed ancestors who did not have time to repent during the days of their lives.

Blessed be our God always, now and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Trisagion and Our Father.

Lord have mercy, 12 times.

Glory, even now.

Come, let us worship our King God.

Come, let us worship and fall down before Christ, our King God.

Come, let us bow and fall down to Christ Himself, the King and our God.

Psalm 50.

Troparion, tone 6:

Have mercy on us, Lord, have mercy on us, perplexed by every answer, we offer this prayer to You as the Master of sins, have mercy on us.

Glory: Lord, have mercy on us, for we trust in You, do not be angry with us, do not remember our iniquities, but look upon us even now, as you are gracious, and deliver us from our enemies: for You are our God, and we are Your people, all the works of Thy hand, and we call upon Thy name.

And now: Open the doors of Mercy to us, Blessed Mother of God, who trust in You, may we not perish, but may we be delivered from troubles by You, for You are the salvation of the Christian race.

Lord have mercy, 40 times.

The priest says: Let us pray to the Lord.

And this prayer:

God our Savior, who through Your prophet Nathan repented to David about his sins, granted forgiveness, and received the prayer of Manasseh in repentance, Himself and Your servant (name), who repent of the sins they committed, accept with Your usual love for mankind, despising all their deeds Forsake untruths and overcome iniquities. You have declared, Lord: I do not want the death of a sinner by will, but as if he were to be converted, and I should live, and for the seventy to forsake sins. For as Thy majesty is without application, and Thy mercy is immeasurable, even if you have seen iniquity, who will stand. For You are the God of the repentant, and to You we send glory, to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and unto ages of ages, Amen.

All those praying bend their knees, and the bishop or priest, on behalf of all the people, reads the following prayers of repentance publicly (if there is no priest, then, as a last resort, the laity can also perform the rite of repentance, except for reading the final permissive priestly prayers).

Lord Most High, Long-suffering and Merciful, have mercy on us sinners who do not know how to repent, and teach Your servants to cry out to You in great contrition of hearts, bringing repentance for the entire Russian people and our relatives who died in the great and grave sins of apostasy, perjury and regicide, hitherto unrepentant by us and weighing on us and our people.

Appeal from the whole people to the Patriarch

We, archpastors, shepherds, monks, nuns, military leaders, warriors, atamans, Cossacks and all the children of the Russian Orthodox Church, fall like sons to you, our lord and father, who humbly and lovingly called us twice (the Patriarch called us to repentance in 1993 75th anniversary of the assassination of the Emperor and in 1998 for the 80th anniversary) for the sake of our salvation to repentance of the sins of apostasy and connivance in regicide, unrepentant by our people and not permitted by God.

Now, in anguish of heart and with great need, we cry out: many of our ancestors have apostatized, committed lawlessness, and walked wrongly before the Lord. The gifts that the Lord bestowed upon Holy Rus' by the Orthodox kingdom were carelessly accepted and thanks were not given to him, our Lord and generous God, and they renounced His power,
which He established through His Anointed. They loved earthly things more than heavenly things and temporary things more than eternal things, and they lost both. They loved to do their own will more than the will of God and thus became enslaved to the enemy of God.

Having betrayed the Lord, our fathers rejected the holy faith; their father, the natural King, the Anointed of God, did not forbid his murder. And now shame and reproach have closed our lips. But we confess that for the iniquities of our fathers and our unrighteousness, through truth and judgment the Lord brought upon us even to the third and fourth kind of terrible executions, awaiting our admonition and repentance: atheistic captivity, destruction of churches, desecration of shrines, slander of holy shepherds, humiliation and killing them. , destruction of cities, dispersion of people, poverty, hunger, fear, hellish torment, betrayal of each other, fratricide.

We did not come to our senses, we became even more hardened, and our hearts became dead from unrepentance in petrified insensibility.
Lost, overwhelmed by passions, consumed by enmity and envy, we voluntarily indulge in many temptations.
Now we renounce our fallen sinful will before the Lord Almighty for the sake of the blood of the holy Royal Martyrs and all the holy new martyrs of Russia and through their prayers with contrition of heart we ask: may the Lord, the Giver of Life, open the doors of repentance for us, may He remember our departed fathers, for He is good and philanthropic, and may he forgive sins and consume untruths, weaken, forgive and forgive all their voluntary and involuntary sins against the Orthodox faith and the Tsar, the anointed of God. For this reason, we repent with tenderness and sighing, and with a contrite spirit we confess our sins.

National Confession

We repent that:
1. He retreated from the holy Orthodox faith and its teachings about the Anointed One of God.
2. Did not accept the love of the truth (2 Thess. 2:10) and did not seek the righteousness of God (Matt. 6:33)
3. Out of human fear, he repeatedly trampled upon the Christian conscience.
4. I did not realize the hereditary sin of betrayal of the royal family through the crime of the conciliar oath (1613, confirmed in 1913), i.e. oathbreaking.
5. Did not condemn the perjury rebellion against the Anointed of God in February 1917.
6. I did not lament the involvement of our ancestors in the terrible sin of regicide through approval or silent connivance, and did not pray for forgiveness.
7. I did not lament the sins of our ancestors, who persecuted and killed clergy and faithful, desecrated shrines, and destroyed temples and abodes of God.
8. did not realize the disaster that had happened to the Fatherland and native people.
9. He condemned the Anointed of God, accepted slander against them, against their pious families and their faithful servants, and spread it among other people and our children.
10. He justified the atheistic government, participated in its actions and did not resist its false teaching.
11. I was not enlightened by the many examples of betrayals and blindly followed them.
12. He was a member of anti-Christian organizations and was hostile to the Holy Russian autocracy.
13. bowed down to the spirit of the West and the mysticism of the East, trampled upon the Holy Russian heritage.
14. Recognized illegitimate contenders for the All-Russian throne.
15. I have lost my God-given mind about the saving providence of Holy Rus' as the Orthodox kingdom of the universe.
16. He thought wrongly about the path to the revival of Russia, not heeding the prophecies of the saints.
17. He justified himself by ignorance of the truths of the Holy Church, trampled upon God-given reason and was not aware of his dishonorable life.

Confession of the archpastors and shepherds of the Church of Christ:

1. Did not keep the apostolic commandment: “Fear God, honor the King” (1 Peter 2:17).
2. Deviated into various distortions of the saving Tradition of the Holy Fathers
3. He philosophized highly about God’s anointed, inconsistent with the teaching of the Holy Church, which teaches that:
The king of the earth, in his rank, is the image of the King of Heaven, who is Love (1 John 4:8), and the Orthodox kingdom on earth is organized in the image of the Kingdom of Heaven.
-As there is one God in heaven, so there is one King on earth. God, in the image of His Almighty, made the Tsar autocratic, in the image of His eternal kingdom, lasting from century to century, a hereditary Tsar (St. Philaret of Moscow). -Orthodox Sovereigns are enthroned by God’s special favor for them, and when they are anointed, the gifts of the Holy Spirit are poured out on them for the passage of this great title (from the rite of converting the lost in the week of Orthodoxy, 11 anathema).
-The Orthodox Anointed One is a sacred person and external bishop and the supreme defender of the Holy Church, the guardian and guardian of the dogmas, the orthodoxy of her deanery (St. Constantine the Great, St. Leo, Pope of Rome, 104 rule of the Council of Carthage, Code of Basic State Laws of the Russian Empire).
-In the sacrament of crowning the Kingdom, the fate of the Tsar and the people are inextricably linked by God’s grace through mutual love for the sake of fulfilling the will of God (St. Anatoly of Optina and others).
-The Orthodox Anointed Ones have been granted power by God, and therefore they are solely responsible before Him for the salvation of their Kingdom and are not subject to human judgment.
-The union of the Anointed One and the Patriarch is a symphony of two divinely established authorities who realize on earth the gracious ministries of the Savior as King and High Priest together (St. Philaret of Moscow).
-I did not accept this teaching and tradition of the Holy Church, trampled upon it and did not pass it on to the flock.
4. He did not condemn the lawful overthrow of the divinely established government, the cancellation of the church commemoration of the Anointed of God, the decision of the Synod to commemorate the perjured provisional government at services (March 1917) and through this - betrayal of the oath of allegiance to the divinely established government and the cessation of prayer for the Orthodox state.
5.. I did not bring to the ears of the flock the texts of two messages of His Holiness the Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus' (1993 and 1998), calling for repentance for the sins of apostasy and connivance in regicide.
6. rejected the need for conciliar repentance for the inherited sins of apostasy and perjury, which gave rise to regicide, leaving the flock under the burden of sin, knowing that impenitence is greater than sin itself.
7. Didn’t offer prayers for quick recognition and confession of the sins of treason and betrayal.
8. He did not honor or denied the sacrificial martyrdom of the sovereign for the sake of the future repentance of the people for the sin of treason, and thereby hid the truth of God from the flock and violated the prayerful connection of the people before God for Russia.
9. Obstructed or did not contribute to the glorification of the holy Martyr King and his most pious August family.
10. He did not venerate the holy images of the holy Royal Martyrs, glorified by the Church, and did not place them in the temple.
11. He justified by ignorance the flocks who repented of sins against the God-given royal authority during confession, and did not care about the proper enlightenment of the flock.
12. Did not stand in faith for the honor and glory of the Orthodox statehood.
13. Did not heed the Council resolution (1666-1667), which stated that traitors to the Tsar would be deprived of their Christian title.
14. Shared the false conviction that the grace-filled organization of the life of the state according to the commandments of Christ is possible without the Sovereign.
15. I did not understand and did not explain to the flock the true meaning of the sacred symbolism of the double-headed eagle.
16.Trampled on the Orthodox worldview about the unity of the people, that is, the state, by supporting any party.
17. Interpreted the words of the Apostle Paul (Rom. 13:1) about the power of God in a manner inconsistent with the Tradition of the Holy Fathers.
18. He did not recognize the origin of Royal power from God, contrary to the testimony of Holy Scripture, and did not realize its necessity and beneficialness.
19. Condemned the Russian Orthodox Church, existing in dispersion.

Confessions of archpastors and shepherds of the foreign Russian Orthodox Church.

We repent that:
1. Did not condemn the perjury oath taken by those who overthrew the Tsar.
2. He commemorated non-Orthodox authorities at the proskomedia and in the Eucharistic canon of the Divine Liturgy.
3. He did not call the flock to prayer for the forgiveness of our departed fathers, guilty of sins against the Anointed of God.
4. He arrogated to himself the right to judge the grace of church sacraments.
5. He did not call on the flock to realize the sins of our fathers: perjury and the prohibition of regicide.
6. He lukewarmly fulfilled the covenants regarding prayerful assistance in the resurrection of Russia.
7. Did not preach about the pious life and Christian exploits of the holy Royal Family.
8. Did not prayerfully celebrate the Royal days, especially after the glorification of the Royal Martyrs.
9. Allowed people belonging to anti-church organizations to participate in parish activities.
10. He did not instill in his flock compassion for the suffering Russian people.
11. Condemned the Russian Orthodox Church in a suffering fatherland.

Confessions of military leaders and warriors.

We repent that:
1. He was indifferent to the perjury against the legitimate All-Russian Sovereign and his Heir and to the subsequent chain of betrayals.
2. I did not understand the Orthodox teaching about the symphony of powers, rejected the true meaning of the sacred symphony of the double-headed eagle, and did not defend its honor.
3. Not only did he not defend the honor of the All-Russian Sovereigns, but, wittingly or unwittingly, he blasphemed them in word, deed or thought.
4. Did not realize the consequences of betraying the sacred military oath to the family.
5. I did not realize that the spirit of the feat of the Russian Christ-loving army is based on the Holy Russian heritage.
6. Accepted awards from illegitimate contenders for the sacred All-Russian royal throne.
7. He praised the names of the oathbreakers who betrayed the Emperor to death.

Confession of the Cossacks and atamans.

We repent that:
1. I did not condemn or lament the sins of our fathers, who allowed the February coup and did not protect the Supreme Ataman, Heir Tsarevich Alexei, and the Supreme Commander-in-Chief, Emperor Nikolai Alexandrovich, thereby violating the military oath and kissing the cross of allegiance to them.
2. Betrayed the divinely established power of Russia due to state carelessness and spiritual instability.
3. He had no reverence for the saving Tsar’s Fatherland and no love for the father of the Russian people, forgetting the meaning of sacrificial earthly service for loyalty to God even to the point of death for the salvation of our souls.
4. He did not honor the sacrificial martyrdom of the Passion-Bearer Sovereign for the sake of the future repentance of the Russian people for the sin of treason.
5. He abandoned the original Cossack way of life, consigned to oblivion his father’s statutes and orders of serving God, the Tsar and the Fatherland.

Petition at the end of general confession:

I pray and ask for forgiveness and permission, for you, our lord, have been given the power to bind and loose from the Lord of all, Christ our God.

And now we expect forgiveness from your shrine - not only we who live in this city, but we also ask for all Orthodox Christians living in all the cities of our country, and not only for these, but also for our fathers and brothers who have departed from this world,

We pray for them and ask permission from your own shrine, all together, equally, from small to large living in the Orthodox faith, all forgiveness and permission from sins against the faith and the Tsar from your own shrine we ask, may the Lord change his anger to mercy, may he help us to come to the mind of truth, will grant peace to our suffering country, correction to our souls and unanimity to our Orthodox state, so that we may live in all piety and purity for the salvation of our souls.

Patriarch's prayer before permission

Blessed be the God of our fathers, the Lord Jesus Christ, our Savior. You said with Your most pure lips that there will be joy in heaven for the only sinner who repents. How much more about the multitude of Your people, who repent with humble trepidation and in contrition of spirit, coming forward and praying to You each for their sins, and about the sins of our fathers and brothers who have passed on to another world. I pray to You and ask: do not turn Your face away from Your people, for we are grieving, hear us soon, listen to the voice of our prayer, forgive us our sins and deliver us from cruel misfortunes. They have diminished more than all nations and are humiliated throughout the whole earth for our sins, cursed, insane, defiled and embittered by the abominations of corruption. We suffered the devastation and desecration of our land, dishonor, a deep fall and cooling of love, also bitter sorrows for cleansing and great disasters for admonition. Our mind, mortified by passions, fell into the darkness of ignorance, and through violent pride deviated from the path of God. Because of our negligence about the truth of God, heresies, schisms and unbelief have seized us. In the new Time of Troubles, our fathers committed slander, slander and misfortune to the lawful and natural King, turned the kiss of the cross into the kiss of Judas and betrayed the meekest Anointed of God. But we, like our fathers and brothers who departed from us, retreated from You, Lord, our God and Savior, denied You, the King of Heaven, as well as the king of the earth, and found no consolation. Now, like the people of Kiev once before Prince Igor, who was martyred by them, like the people of Vladimir before the murdered holy Grand Duke Andrei Bogolyubsky, like the All-Russian Council before the murdered holy Tsarevich Demetrius, so we repent before the holy Royal Martyrs. Forgive us, Lord, the sin of our fathers and ours. For you did not leave us completely in our trials, even to the third and fourth generation, you did not deprive us of your mercy, but for a free favorable sacrifice and through the prayers of the martyr Tsar Nicholas, you granted us this day of repentance, the day salvation for the renewal of Your covenant. For this reason, hear the painful cry, our much-merciful God, and lead us out of corruption. Visit with Your grace, heal the exhaustion of the spirit of Your people, weaken heavy temptations, tame the spirit of seduction and convert us all, save and preserve and grant to our hearts the knowledge of the truth. Grant us, who have acquired humility through a fall, to grow in the feat of fidelity and bear its fruits to You, our Lord, and the Orthodox Empire. By your omnipotent hand, mercifully deliver Your holy Church from all evil circumstances, liberate the suffering Russian land from all enemies, visible and invisible, and resurrect holy Orthodox Rus'. May this day be a sign of the conciliar unity of our people in the power of truth and renewal of the spirit. Grant us, Lord, to remain in faithful allegiance to the Orthodox Fatherland, for we do not rely on ourselves in every promise and oath, but only in Your all-powerful help, for You said: without Me you cannot do anything. For this sake, strengthen us with the power of Your holy Spirit to withstand the battle to the end and be worthy of heavenly crowns together with the holy Royal Martyrs and holy new martyrs of Russia, so that we all, in unanimous agreement and unfeigned love, glorify Your most holy name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit forever centuries. Amen.

Permissive prayer

With a sorrowful heart and a lamentable voice, I pray to the most merciful King of kings and Lord of lords, our gracious Lord Christ God, to have mercy on all of us according to His wonderful love for mankind, and to pour out the oil of His goodness on us, and to show His Divine blessings upon us in these last troubled times. fair miracles, and will give us His countless bounties, and may He extend His gift-giving right hand to us and raise us from the depths of the flood, and may He cover us with the bright cloud of His fiery Divinity. Also, I humbly beg you, archpastors, shepherds, monks, nuns, military leaders and warriors and all Orthodox Christians: work diligently in fasting and prayer, in maintaining mental and physical purity and other spiritual virtues, may the merciful God grant us through the prayers of His Most Pure Mother Ever-Virgin Mary, the holy Royal Martyrs, the holy new martyrs and confessors and all the saints who have shone in the Russian land, to all - peace, joy, love and the speedy reconciliation of His people in the Orthodox faith and the holy churches, may He establish strength and great zeal in our hearts, yes will lead the Russian state from the current undue division into the former good unity and peaceful union.

I, the Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus', by the grace given to me from the Most Holy and Life-Giving Spirit and relying on the merciful bounties of God, you and all those living in the cities of this country and in the diaspora, all together Orthodox Christians, as well as all those who have passed on to another world our forefathers and brothers, from the least to the greatest, in all past and present sins counted here, I forgive and allow in this century and in the century to come and I pray to our Lord and creator Christ God, may he grant to all of us, Orthodox Christians of the capital city of Moscow and all cities where they need blessing and forgiveness, remission of sins, peaceful living, love and joy; May our Lord Christ, the God of all blessings, fill us with all blessings and in the next century and at the Last Judgment make us worthy to remain with the saints and inherit the heavenly Jerusalem. May the mercy of God and the Most Holy Theotokos through the prayers of the holy Royal Martyrs, the holy new martyrs and confessors and all the saints who have shone in the Russian land, and all the saints and the blessing of our many-sinful hand be and be with all of you, Orthodox Christians, now and ever and unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Brief confession of sins against royal power

From generation to generation, since the Council vow of allegiance in 1613, betrayal of the Tsars from the Romanov family “grew and multiplied.” By the time of the reign of Sovereign Nicholas II, the cup of God's patience with various sins of unfaithfulness of the people was filled to the brim. On March 2, 1917, the Lord took from among (Christians) the One who Restrains (2 Thess. 2:7), i.e. The Orthodox Autocrat, together with the grace of Conciliarity, given to the people through its Head. Having lost this grace of the Holy Spirit, the people passed from Conciliar life to Conciliar death, dying as a Conciliar personality.

In fulfillment of the will of God, “in Christ’s likeness,” the holy Tsar Nicholas II, with His voluntary death, atoned for the Conciliar sin of the people in order to open up for them the possibility of Conciliar repentance.

The beginning of the Conciliar repentance of the people will be the Conciliar glorification of the holy Tsar Nicholas for His redemptive feat, the fruit of Conciliar repentance - the return to the throne of the God-chosen Autocrat together with the grace of the Holy Spirit, resurrecting the people to the Conciliar virtues.

It is soul-saving for every Christian to spiritually prepare for the coming Council repentance of the people. This preparation should be the correct confession of the Royal service and the correct veneration of the holy Tsar Nicholas II, as the redeemer of the sin of infidelity of His people.

He sinned by falling under the 1st anathema on the week of the Triumph of Orthodoxy in that he rejected the special Providence of God for His Anointed Ones, and attributed the ascension to the Throne and the actions of the Anointed Ones of God to human will or? circumstances, but not the All-Wise and Almighty God. He denied that the Lord exercises Divine power and leadership over the Church of Christ and the People of God through the means of His Anointed One. He believed that God’s Chosen One-King was an “oppressor”, an “exploiter”, an “enemy?” Church of Christ and the People of God.

I sinned by falling under the 2nd anathema on the week of the Triumph of Orthodoxy by blaspheming the Righteousness, Mercy, Wisdom and Omniscience of God, Who chooses, appoints and acts through His Anointed Ones.
He sinned by falling under the 4th anathema on the week of the Triumph of Orthodoxy in that he rejected the need for the Salvation of Russia from Conciliar death to come from the Throne of Emperor Nikolai Alexandrovich and His free Christ-like redemptive suffering on the Yekaterinburg Golgotha.

I sinned by falling under the 5th anathema on the week of the Triumph of Orthodoxy by rejecting the Christ-like atoning sacrifice of the Holy Tsar Nicholas - our only means of justification before God in the Conciliar sin.

I sinned by falling under the 7th anathema on the week of the Triumph of Orthodoxy in that I did not believe that the Holy Spirit dwells in the heart of the Anointed One of God, makes him wise, instructs Him in all Truth and through Him proclaims to the Church of Christ and the People of God the True Path to Eternal Salvation.
I sinned by falling under the 8th anathema on the week of the Triumph of Orthodoxy in that I rejected the future Judgment and the righteous Eternal Retribution for the veneration of the Anointed of God and condemnation for non-veneration, slander and blasphemy against Them.

I sinned by falling under the 9th anathema on the week of the Triumph of Orthodoxy, in that:
a) rejected (or blasphemed) the Sacred Sacrament of Marriage, performed during the coronation between the Anointed of God and the Church of Christ, when he denied that the Anointed of God is the Head of the Earth. Warrior. Churches. The husband is the head of the wife (Eph. 5:23) During this Sacrament, the earthly Christ (God's Anointed) acts as the groom, and the earthly. Warrior. The church is the bride.

b) rejected (or blasphemed) the Sacrament of Ordination performed on the Anointed of God during the coronation, when he denied that the Anointed of God was appointed by the Lord to be the Bishop of Bishops and the Bishop of external affairs of the Earthly Church Militant.

c) rejected (or blasphemed) the Sacrament of Confirmation performed on God’s Chosen One, when he denied that God pours out special Grace on His Anointed One for the passage of the Great Royal Service and gives Him a different heart (1 Sam. 10:9), which is always in the Hand of the Lord . and which the Lord directs wherever He pleases. (Proverbs 21:1)

I sinned by falling under the 10th anathema on the week of the Triumph of Orthodoxy, in that:

a) rejected the resolutions of the Pious Councils of the Orthodox Church and, first of all, the resolution of the Pious Zemstvo-Local Council of 1613, at which all of Russia made a Council Vow to God to faithfully serve His Anointed Ones - the Autocratic Tsars from the House of Romanov - until the Second Coming of Christ. Recognized the legitimacy of the power of impostors, i.e. not belonging to the Reigning Family of the Romanovs, approved forever by the Council of 1613. He took part in the elections, voted for impostors, instead of prayerfully asking God to return to the Holy Place - to the Royal Throne - His Chosen One-Tsar, Who would have already appointed and established all local authorities.

b) rejected the teaching of the Orthodox Church about the Royal Power of the Anointed of God, i.e. that God has appointed His Anointed One to be King (Head) over Zion, (i.e., the Earthly Church Militant) (Ps. 2:6) in order to shepherd His People, Jacob (God's Chosen People), His Inheritance, Israel ( Orthodox Church) (Ps. 77:71), and proclaim [for the Church of Christ and God’s Chosen People] the commandments of the Lord. (Ps. 2:7).

c) rejected the Divinely inspired writings of the Holy Saints of God, through whom the Lord spoke about the Divine establishment of the Orthodox Royal Autocracy, its necessity and beneficialness for the peace and prosperity of the Church of Christ, the Russian Chosen People and the Russian State. He neglected the instructions of the Holy Pleasers of God of the Orthodox Church, who teach that “by faithfully serving the King of the earth, we faithfully serve the King of Heaven” (St. Philaret Drozdov), “that God will not lay his heart on the Sovereign - that is what we must obey,” “The King who does not go He does not sin against His Graced conscience” (St. John of Kronstadt), “there is no greater sin on earth than opposition to the will of the Anointed One of God” (Venerable Anatoly of Optina).

d) rejection of the Council Resolution of the Great Moscow Zemstvo-Local Council of 1666 - 1667, according to which all Tsar traitors are deprived of the Christian title, since the title “Christian” means not only a follower of Christ the Lord, but also a loyal subject of Christ the Lord - the Anointed of God.

e) rejection of the teaching of the Orthodox Church about the responsibility of the Anointed of God only by the “One Heavenly King”, and their lack of accountability even before the Ecumenical Councils. He allowed himself to evaluate the decisions and actions of the Kings. He believed the slander against the Anointed of God, he himself spread it and did not prevent its spread

He sinned by falling under the 11th anathema on the week of the Triumph of Orthodoxy, in that he thought that the Anointed of God are not elevated to the Throne according to God’s special favor for Them, and during the Anointing of the Gifts of the Holy Spirit for the passage of the Great Royal Service is not poured into Them, and so he dared against the Chosen Ones of God for rebellion (for example, not honoring, condemning, slandering, blaspheming) and treason (for example, by not praying in the right places for God’s lawful Chosen One and the deceased Anointed of God, going to elections, voting for impostors).
I sinned by falling under the 12th anathema on the week of the Triumph of Orthodoxy by scolding and blaspheming the Anointed of God, Who, by Their Person and Royal Sanctity, are icons of our Lord Jesus Christ. Because he rejected the Orthodox Doctrine of Royal Autocracy, according to which the kingdom of earth should be organized in the image of the Kingdom of Heaven, therefore, if in Heaven there is God Almighty (and not democracy), then on earth it must be. Autocratic Tsar. By calling the Anointed of God idols, and not living icons of Christ the Lord.
I sinned by perverting the centuries-old Sacred Liturgical Texts by the fact that at the Holy Place of the Head of the Earthly Militant Church I did not pray for God’s lawful Chosen One, but prayed according to the mutilated texts. Or he himself disfigured the pre-revolutionary Sacred Liturgical Services, erasing from them the prayer for the Anointed King and thereby installing in the Holy Place the Anointed of God - the Holder of the world's evil - the abomination of desolation.

He sinned in that, like the papist heretics, he adopted in prayer to the Bishop (Patriarch) the title “Great Lord and Our Father,” which the Lord assigns only to His Anointed One. The Patriarch has his own special title - His Holiness.

He sinned by rejecting the Orthodox-Monarchical worldview, which professes the indivisibility and unity of the People of God, but, on the contrary, by adherence to party-sectarian ideology, leading to dismemberment, confrontation, and self-destruction of the national body.

He sinned by rejecting, trampling and blaspheming the State Flags of the Russian Empire (black-yellow-white and white-blue-red) and the State Emblem, which is a symbol of the Earthly Church Militant. The two heads and two wings of the great eagle (Rev. 12:14) are the Priesthood and the Laity, the Spiritual (Priestly) Authority and the Civil (State) Authority. The third large crown is the Anointed One of God, Who, as the Head of the Earthly Church Militant, provides a symphony (harmonious, coordinated work) of two?wings? Church of Christ, directing the Church towards the fulfillment of God's Plan. The rider on a white horse (Rev. 6:2; 9:11) on the chest of an eagle is the coming Russian Tsar-victor of the Antichrist.

He sinned in that, succumbing to satanic propaganda, he allowed moral corruption into his soul: he was hostile to the National Anthem “God Save the Tsar”; approved the overthrow and murder of the Kings; denied the relationship between the fate of the Tsar and the fate of the People; used contemptuous nicknames in relation to the Kings and Their faithful servants; I myself read and gave others to read lies against the Kings.

I sinned by participating in the so-called. ?cathedral? ?repentance? in the sin of “regicide?”, by which he slandered himself and the entire Russian People in the sin of regicide. That, by following the wrong path, he avoided genuine Repentance for the Conciliar sin - the sin of perjury of the Conciliar Vow of 1613. According to the Teachings of the Orthodox Church, the sin of betrayal, betrayal of the 12 Apostles (primarily Apostles Jude and Peter) and the sin of the Bishops and Elders who betrayed the Lord to death (John 18:35) are completely different sins. Just as the Apostles did not kill Christ, so the Russian People did not kill the Tsar! Betrayed - yes! For the trampling of the Oath of Allegiance to the Anointed One of God, we must repent. And for the sins of other people, we can only pray to God, so that the Lord will forgive them their sins.

Lord, forgive and have mercy on me, a sinner!

I've heard this question for a long time, but I never understood it, to be honest. Do I need to list the “historical sins” of the Russian people in confession? Or only the sins of my immediate ancestors? Or his own complicity in the acts of the godless government - that he joined the Komsomol and passed exams in history and mathematics at the university? And all these collective “rites of repentance for the sin of regicide” seemed to me something artificial and unviable.

And now I think I’m starting to understand what’s going on here.

But first, what is repentance? For some, this is beating the chest of “the worst of them all,” for others, an endless listing of unsightly details, for others, giving up bad habits.

And everyone has probably heard what this word literally means in biblical languages: Greek metanoia– “rethinking”, Hebrew teshuva- “return”.

That's right, rethinking, re-evaluating what happened, and returning to the point where you went the wrong way. That is, a conscious change in one’s behavior. This is the very essence, and the rest, including confession, are rather external forms and manifestations. In general, this is the ABC for a Christian.

Why am I talking about this again? Two seemingly completely different events brought me to new thoughts. The first is a survey of Muscovites about. There is no need to argue about whether our streets, neighborhoods and stations should be named after murderers. They shouldn't, but they do.

Another thing is surprising: why not simply rename this station, as was done a little over a year ago with “Podbelsky Street” (another revolutionary), now “Rokossovsky Boulevard”? I'm not even talking about how in the late 80s the names of many stations with communist names were changed. And if “you have to start somewhere,” then why not start with the inspirer and organizer of the Red Terror, V.I. Lenin?

And I think I have the answer to this question. It turns out whether to leave the name of the killer on the map of Moscow is “a debatable issue.” And discussion is permissible only on a secondary name. Well, you can also wonder whether Prince Kropotkin was worthy of having a station named after him adjacent to the Cathedral of Christ the Savior, or how we should feel about 1905 with its barricades (as many as two stations on the purple line).

But in this way we diligently avoid the question of the entire Soviet legacy. Yes, we admit, there were disgusting figures like Voikov, or, say, Beria, but they were convicted, we got rid of them. As for the rest, everything is very ambiguous; we recognize both great achievements and certain excesses...

Try saying this in confession, talking about your own sin: not everything is so simple, there have been significant achievements. But here everything is quite simple: millions of people were killed, many of them were glorified by us as new martyrs. Their murder went unnoticed - there are no streets in Moscow that bear their names, no monuments in their honor. And as soon as you call this murder a murder, a chorus of voices will follow: not everything is so simple, the losses are exaggerated.

What does Voikov have to do with it? Yes, despite the fact that all this fuss around renaming the station is intended to show that there is no agreement in society about the crimes of the Bolsheviks, which means it is better not to touch anything. And that these crimes themselves were, in fact, an “excess of the perpetrator”: well, Voikov, Yurovsky and a couple of other people killed the royal family, so they are scoundrels, and we have nothing to do with it. But we are the heirs of great victories, the red flag over the Reichstag, Gagarin in space - this is all ours forever. But the Cheka and the Gulag are not.

It doesn't happen that way. You can refuse an inheritance, you can accept it - but then you accept all the costs, all the encumbrances, all the debts of the deceased. In this case, it is the debt of memory, the burden of a terrible past and the need to comprehend it. Until this happens, we as a society have no immunity from the repetition of this abomination.

Rethinking past events and changing behavior, remember?

The second thing that made me think about national repentance is. He is no longer talking about communists - about democrats who are in opposition to the government today. He notes that practically none of them rethought in the public space their experience of working for the same government in the early 2000s. That is, yesterday there were “for”, today “against”, and it all somehow came naturally, without trying to analyze past mistakes and misconceptions.

Moreover, the same applies to the experience of the nineties. They are usually painted with either black or white paint. It is only very rarely possible to hear from those who consider them damned - but where did the current stability and spirituality come from, if not from there? And from those who call them blessed - where did this blessing evaporate, who made what mistakes and what?

We as a people, as a society, are like children who suddenly start playing pirates or astronauts and just as suddenly give up the game, so that at dinner there is nothing left of either a black-flag frigate or an interplanetary cruiser. And tomorrow there will be a new game, and the day after tomorrow another one, and no one will remember what they played there the day before yesterday.

It's definitely time for us to grow up. This means, first of all, taking responsibility. Can it be collective? Don't think. But she can be in solidarity.

Collective responsibility is when one soldier is caught AWOL, and the entire company’s dismissals are cancelled. It's simple, we can do it. Solidarity is when we think and decide together what and when went wrong for us and what can be changed. Yes, at the same time we often argue, we don’t agree on assessments - this, of course, is difficult and sometimes unpleasant.

Repentance is needed not for show, not to condemn individual culprits (of course, not ourselves), but for the sake of recognizing a simple thing: everything that happened and is happening to our country is not the result of the actions of mysterious Jewish Freemasons or individual scoundrels, but a natural consequence of the actions of our own people, including ourselves. And now it is we who determine what our grandchildren will inherit and what word they will use to remember us. We, not the world behind the scenes, are not internal enemies or individual irresponsible comrades.

Such repentance is not so much an event as a long and very difficult process of awareness and change.

In order not to be unfounded, I want to give just one personal example. This year, for the first time in all these years, I participated in “” - I read at the Solovetsky Stone the names of two citizens who were executed and completely unknown to me. To them I added the name of brigade commissar Alexander Mikhailovich Kruglov-Landa, the husband of my great-aunt, who was shot in October 1938 and rehabilitated in 1956. I knew for a long time that he lived in the world and was killed - but only this year did I give myself the trouble to figure out who he really was, how and when he died.

It turned out to be very easy, the information is available on the Internet. Before his arrest, Kruglov-Landa acted as head of the Political Directorate of the Red Army, and in general his biography is an exemplary biography of a Bolshevik commissar. Probably, that’s precisely why I was in no hurry to find out about her, because that’s what I imagined... I liked the biography of my own grandfather much more - a born nobleman, a professional military man, a veteran order bearer.

And yet, Kruglov-Landa was killed on false charges, he had no descendants left, keeping his memory is my duty, which I forgot about. He established this system in our country, he certainly contributed to the Great Terror in one way or another, and he ultimately fell victim to it. Or I could have fought like my own grandfather and met the victorious spring in Berlin, Vienna, Budapest, with high ranks and military awards.

In those same thirties, photographs of nobles and officers were erased from family albums; today, the names of NKVD employees and commissars are carefully erased from family memory. But there were millions of them, they left many descendants. Where are they all? Or, as Sergei Dovlatov asked: “We endlessly scold Comrade Stalin, and, of course, for good reason. And yet I want to ask: who wrote four million denunciations?” Or, returning to those very nineties - how did it happen that after the victory over communism we voluntarily gave up the battlefield to the marauders?

Do I have the right to remember only that part of my personal or family history, the history of my people, that looks beautiful and promises honors and benefits? Do I have the right not to draw conclusions for the future? Rhetorical questions, of course. But without a real answer to them, without a genuine rethinking and return to the right path, we will continue to circle in the dark from generation to generation, repeating previous mistakes, yearning for yesterday’s mirages.

Our neighbor, an extremely unpeaceful man, in 1998, while drinking with the local head of the village council, began to ask him to sign over the ownership of the land under our house. He, without thinking twice, wrote back.
And it’s an apartment building! And besides our neighbor’s apartment, there were several other apartments there. Including ours. The land under the house, unnoticed by everyone, became the property of the neighbor, and he began to regularly pay taxes for it. Because Residents were not given documents for the land after the privatization of the apartments, and the issue of taxes on it hung in the air.
This lasted no less, but nine whole years.
Maybe this would have lasted longer, but as I mentioned earlier, our neighbor was not of a peaceful nature, and already a year after he became the actual owner of the entire plot of land under the house, he began to actively prevent us from using one of the tiny vegetable gardens near the house, bordering his apartment. As it turned out later, he had long ago had a project ready for a new extension to the apartment, and it was on this site of ours. In rural areas, often each apartment, namely the apartment, and not its owners, is assigned or assigned, depending on possibilities, one or several tiny pieces of land for growing greens for the table. If the site allows, currant bushes or apple and cherry seedlings are planted on it.
But let's return to our situation.
Just a year after the neighbor illegally took possession of all the land under the house, which we did not even suspect, he began to actively fight for his “legal rights that we have violated.”
What did he not do!
It started with the notorious commissions from the village council, housing and communal services, the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the land committee, etc., and ended with many years of litigation. This confrontation cannot be called anything other than a battle for the land under our apartment, under the barn and three tiny vegetable gardens, the total area of ​​which did not even reach 200 square meters. meters. And this Epic lasted 12 years...
During the endless trials, the absurdity of everything that was happening was obvious to all participants in the process, but from year to year, in the spring, bailiffs invariably appeared on the threshold of our apartment and, with a sad expression on their faces, announced that our vegetable gardens had again been seized, and we We have no right to use them until the current situation is finally resolved.
Of course, our time is a time of absurdity and lawlessness, in which in the place of Truth a Lie often sits like a master.
The substitution of Truth is found everywhere.
Our situation was no exception.
In our confrontation, we reached the Prosecutor General's Office, the Supreme Court and the President himself, but we did not receive help from anywhere. Everything invariably returned to those offices where it all began. We had to defend our right to use the common territory of the house and for three years desperately fought only for the right to unhindered access to the home, because... a neighbor was blocking the driveway to the house.
At times, everything that was happening resembled a madhouse, in which the simplest and most understandable things were turned on their heads.
The neighboring family tirelessly put forward new and new demands. Many advised to sell this apartment. We would have been the fifth family to move out because of these neighbors, but we continued to resist.
The absurdity of the situation, despite all the obviousness of our rightness and the lawlessness of the other side, constantly plunged me into the most careful analysis of everything that was happening, because I, nevertheless, believed in the triumph of reason and legality. And then, one day, reflecting on another court decision and the reasons that gave rise to it, I remembered that one of my long-deceased relatives, being an ardent communist during his lifetime, was appointed at one time the first chairman of a collective farm in one of the Volga regions. Stories about his “exploits” during the years of collectivization excited my childhood consciousness for a long time. He was adamant even in relation to his closest people, essentially making them hostages of his unlimited power received from the RKPb. He, like many with his powers, dispossessed them, deprived them of all property and shelter itself, took away lands, doomed them to starvation, and exiled some to places from which they did not return.
I must say that he took my great-aunt, famous throughout the Volga region for her unprecedented beauty, “for personal use” due to his special position...
It was always bitter to remember both my grandmother and her revolutionary husband, and about their life together, and about the fate of their children and grandchildren, and in general about the collapse of our entire Great Russian Empire.

When, during the period of regular litigation for my land, I once again remembered the events of those long-gone days, I couldn’t help but think that this whole madhouse with the neighbor was most likely retribution for the lawlessness of that relative. It was also surprising that our ill-fated neighbor bore the same name as him. Intuitively, I realized that the true reason for our land ordeals lies precisely in that distant past, but I did not know how to change the situation. This continued until I met an Orthodox woman. She repeatedly attended rites of repentance for the sins of our ancestors in the village of Taininsky. This village is located in Moscow Mytishchi.
Natalya, that was my friend’s name, said the following.
These rites of repentance take place at regular intervals and bring great benefits to the souls of deceased relatives. More than once, when going to the next rank, Natalia promised herself that this would be her last trip, but invariably after the trip, first one or another deceased relative appeared to her in a dream and reproachfully asked my friend to go at least one more time , because she has not yet prayed for all the family members. And Natalya, out of her heartfelt kindness, set off on the road again.
It should be noted that the benefits of these trips were obvious for herself, because her personal difficult family situation became more and more defused with each such trip.
The rite of repentance began a long time ago, with the blessing of Patriarch Alexy II, and for a long time was carried out by the hierarchy of the Bogolyubsky Monastery.
Chin collected the descendants of the deceased from all over vast Russia and sometimes their number reached several thousand. They travel in an organized manner: in groups on buses, on trains, and in personal transport. They also travel alone. Who like. But the main thing for which they are coming is conciliar repentance for the sins of our ancestors over the past centuries, namely over the past four centuries. At this rite, they repent for generational sins, for what has almost been erased from human memory, but continues to lie like a heavy burden on us, our children and grandchildren, only multiplying every year.
Just as there is a concept of personal sin, so there is a concept of generic sin, when the lifetime unrepentance of our parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles, etc., falls like a stone on our lives, the lives of our children and their children, and prevents its good course . Many are already familiar with the phrase “Children suffer for the sins of their parents.” As soon as parents begin to repent of their sins, the health and life of their unlucky children begins to improve.
But what if a person is in no hurry to comprehend his life, much less repent for it?
But sins, despite all their similarities, are easier for one and heavier for another. And some people leave with very serious consequences. What should I do?
This is why rites of repentance are held for the deceased, during which an ancient confession is read and for more than half an hour the sins that our deceased relatives may have sinned, and most likely, most likely, were listed. After general confession, private confession begins, where you need to list what you personally know about the sins of certain deceased people.
“This is a great thing - REPENTANCE for the DEAD!” - my friend finished her story.

Natalya persuaded me to take my first bus trip to Taininskoye. We gathered with the whole family. There were no empty seats on the bus. All the pilgrims were in high spirits; everyone was in anticipation of the great sacrament that was about to take place over them in the coming hours.

To my surprise, despite the fact that I had already heard a lot about the number of people who gathered for these rites, I was struck by this huge gathering of people taking care of their childbirth.
These were ancestral ascetics, whose labors and prayers eased the difficult life situations of not only their personal ones, but also those of those relatives who perhaps even suspected their great deed.
If the benefits to the souls of the deceased were evidenced by the dreams and messages of relatives penitent for them, and were not taken seriously by anyone, then positive changes in the lives of the penitents themselves lay on the surface of the attention of the people around them, no matter what view they held.

So with us, after offering repentance for our departed, something happened that was hardly believed. It was the same federal judge, by whose decision our land suddenly ceased to be ours, after the rite of repentance, made the opposite decision and legalized our rights to the land.

Consequently, the Lord accepted repentance not only for our close deceased relatives, but also for my revolutionary relative. The neighbor gave up our land, and we again had the opportunity to return to pleasant gardening chores.

Glory to Thee, Lord, for all Thy wisdom and Thy care not only for us sinners, but also for those who have long left us!
Glory to Thee, Lord! Glory!

6. Why has no mutual understanding been reached with the diocesan authorities yet?
We consider this circumstance to be an unfortunate misunderstanding. Someone really doesn’t like that the Russian people responded to the call of His Holiness Patriarch Alexy II of Moscow and All Rus' and the Holy Synod to unite and repent to the Lord for the purpose of forgiveness of the sins of the Russian people, liberation from the yoke of Satan, and the revival of Holy Rus'.
We think that only the enemies of the Russian people - satanic forces - can deliberately hinder the implementation of the National Repentance.
In 1612, the military militia of Minin and Pozharsky gathered. Currently, a spiritual militia is gathering at the monument to the Sovereign Emperor Nicholas II. Our weapon is repentance, our enemy is our sins, and when we get rid of them, we will be strong by the grace of the Holy Spirit.
Now the movement for repentance is beginning to gain more and more strength from below, from the midst of the people. We believe that under the pretext of criticizing the National Repentance, his enemies have hidden goals: to compromise the very idea of ​​the Holy Orthodox Monarchy and to hinder the forgiveness of the Russian people, begged by the sacrificial feat of the holy royal martyrs and new martyrs of Russia from Our Lord Jesus Christ Himself, to Whom be honor and praise forever and ever. Amen.
