Financial horoscope for October 14. Horoscope - Taurus

The horoscope does not advise Aries to be too confident in something that he has never used in his work. New methods may be difficult for you, so you cannot do it without the help of experienced colleagues. In the love sphere, Aries will have to sort things out not only with the chosen one, but also with his parents. Be prepared for an unexpected and drastic turn of events.

On October 14, 2017, Taurus will be torn between work and home, which will lead to a lot of problems. You will not have time to complete anything efficiently, which will give rise to a conflict with your superiors. This day is favorable for improving health through physical exercise and hardening. There will be a large event in the evening.

The horoscope recommends Gemini to resort to past experience if they want to achieve success in their career. Don’t think that you are brilliant and everyone else around you is stupid. It is possible to meet an interesting person who will put strong moral pressure on you in the future. Gemini will have to look for a part-time job so as not to end up broke.

You need to pay more attention and care to your loved ones. Now you can somehow offend or infringe on their interests. Be attentive not only to people, but also to finances. Don’t fall into bondage by taking a long-term and economically unjustified loan, and don’t lend yourself.

This day may be quite controversial for you. On the one hand, you will be quite active and full of desire to achieve results, but on the other hand, incoming offers may not be as rosy as they will be presented to you.

Take the bull by the horns, as they say, and achieve what you want to get. If you sit idle, the day will be wasted. Try not to offend your loved ones, as everything said in the heat of the moment can come back to you like a boomerang.

Today it is advisable for you not to make purchases and try to avoid disputes. It is undesirable to overeat today, it will not only add extra weight to you, but will also have a bad effect on your health.

At this stage you need to constantly keep your nose to the wind. Try not to overestimate your strengths and capabilities, otherwise you will become attractive to people who like to profit at the expense of others. Moreover, you will be the last to know that you were simply used.

On this day you will have a large supply of strength and energy, so if you have any important things to do, it is better to start implementing them. Everything should work out for you. Also, now is a favorable period for new acquaintances and for everything related to love.

Now is a good time for pleasure, so if possible, you can go on a trip, expand your horizons by visiting theaters, exhibitions or concerts. Or you can just have a nice time in the company of friends. Shopping will also bring joy.

You can count on good luck, which will accompany you both in professional and love affairs. New promising acquaintances are possible. Now you will have to control yourself all the time and not give free rein to negative emotions.

The day is favorable for expanding your circle of business acquaintances. The opportunity may present itself to try yourself in a new role, and you will successfully cope with the task. But don't be tempted to criticize or lecture anyone. If you want to achieve your goal, then it is better to simply voice your desire.

A lot of what you planned for this day is not destined to come true. Circumstances will put obstacles in front of you, and you will not have enough endurance and patience to overcome them. Things may not turn out very well on the personal front. Avoid showdowns with your loved one. Now is not the best time for this.

You will feel good both physically and emotionally. At least there should be no irritating factors. Try to spend more time outdoors, as this will help you stay in a good mood.

You will succeed in literally everything you undertake. You will be very pleased with this, and your good mood will be passed on to others. If you plan to go shopping, then either do not take large sums of money with you, or take a person who can keep you from wasting your money. Don't take out long-term loans now - this is not the right time for this.

Mid-autumn is a very important period for the personal life of Taurus. Planetary influences are such that they push you to take a closer look at love or marriage, to try to figure out how things can be improved, what expectations you have from your loved one or he has from you.

On October 10, 2017, Jupiter, the planet of luck, enters the house of Taurus’s partner, where it will remain until November next year. The generosity of Jupiter will make the next thirteen months favorable for love and marital relationships; the time for fulfillment of desires awaits you. Cheerfulness, optimism and a sense of humor will help you make your dreams come true.

In the first half of the month, the love atmosphere promises to be sensual and passionate. Fiery Mars is in the house of love of Taurus, and the planet of love, Venus, remains here until October 14. If you are already in a relationship, your lover will become the center of your universe. For lonely Taurus, the stars promise a romantic meeting that can develop into a long-term relationship.

An interesting time awaits you in the second half of the month, although it is unlikely to be calm. Mercury enters the house of Taurus's partner on October 17, 2017, and the Sun joins it on October 23 - such planetary influence makes personal life more varied and, at the same time, restless. Events may occur that require you to react quickly and make decisions without delay.

The position of Venus in the house of work hints at the possibility of an office romance, or you may become infatuated with someone from your professional circle. The relationship is unlikely to be full of romance, but it will allow you to gain valuable experience that will be useful for work.

Career and financial horoscope for Taurus for October 2017

An active period awaits you in terms of career development: you will make important decisions, make plans, take actions that will affect your status, reputation and even financial condition.

It is quite possible that you will be assigned more responsibilities and work than usual. You should not avoid this; your merits will definitely be appreciated. The period is also suitable for changing jobs, if you have such plans, and for thinking about important steps for the future.

In October 2017, relationships with other people will improve: work colleagues, business partners. Communication with management is positive for you; you can count on understanding and support. At the same time, one must be wary of hypocrisy or deception on the part of a certain person.

The financial situation is becoming more certain. Cooperation and participation in joint projects are beneficial. You may have additional sources of income.


Planetary influences activate Taurus' house of health, so you feel more interested in medical matters. You may plan to visit doctors, undergo a medical examination, or begin treatment. If you decide to make changes to your diet or lifestyle, do it gradually. Take care of yourself, avoid risks and excesses and do not overdo it. It's good if you find time to practice various relaxation techniques.

Do not overspend your budget, as you will have a desire to purchase beautiful things, jewelry, and spend money on entertainment during this period.

A light and pleasant day is predicted for October 14, 2017. There may be unexpected encounters that will lift your spirits. Ideas and plans will appear that give optimism and joyful thoughts. Those who are faced with personal problems will have the opportunity to set things right. Now many people understand their feelings better.

Horoscope for October 14, 2017 Aries

Aries had a chance to have a good rest. To do this, you just need to forget about everyday worries and completely trust the flow of events. You can use this day for love, play, communication with children, practicing a good old hobby, as well as for a little friendly competition, with the goal of revenge or strengthening ties. People whose company you are interested in will noticeably improve their mood today, or have more time to interact with you. Your marriage partner will be waiting for attention and compliments.

Horoscope for October 14, 2017 Taurus

The life of Taurus today is subject to a predetermined routine, which does not interfere with enjoying life in good company. The day will be wonderful in the company of your loved one, business partner, and work colleagues. You can once again benefit from friendly or professional contacts made under unusual circumstances. It is worth showing friendliness and courtesy more often. It doesn’t hurt to double your attention to cosmetic and general health procedures: as a result, both your well-being and appearance will improve.

Horoscope for October 14, 2017 Gemini

Gemini will enjoy the day with favorable circumstances, a good mood, familiar rules of the game, a predictable result or a pleasant surprise. There may be belated recognition of your talents and achievements. Excellent prospects for a trip, party, creative or advertising event. Romantic events will be successful. It will be easy to get along with children. Many stories will have a hint of completion, farewell. Don’t miss the opportunity to strengthen connections and confirm agreements.

Horoscope for October 14, 2017 Cancer

The day will help Cancers stay within the limits of what is permitted, including in the financial and love spheres. By knowing the boundaries within which freedom is acceptable, you can better manage your resources and creativity. The day allows you to benefit from a talent or useful skill, and suggests smart decisions when choosing purchases and payment methods. Improvements in the home are possible: increased comfort, warmer relationships. The right time to participate in events; privacy, on the contrary, is undesirable.

Horoscope for October 14, 2017 Leo

Lviv is waiting for a successful harmonious day. New alarming trends and risky plans will be temporarily relegated to the background. If your inner balance has been shaken, it will be successfully restored. You can make plans for the day based on your personal habits and needs, based on proven communication scenarios, a familiar route or budget. A pleasant event may occur in your close circle. It is possible that there will be news from good friends, especially women, or their appearance in your field of vision.

Horoscope for October 14, 2017 Virgo

Virgos will have to act within the framework of the old plan, a familiar scenario. Perhaps your role will be determined in advance, and all you have to do is play it well at the right time. The lack of complete freedom is compensated by the predictability of the situation, guarantees of security and a number of pleasant life-affirming moments. You will enjoy playing and communicating with children. You can once again benefit from the events of the last year: friendships formed, financial or information reserves created.

Horoscope for October 14, 2017 Libra

The day will lift Libra’s spirits and help restore the missing harmony. The tedious period associated with solitude, restrictions, uncertainty, and dependence will become a thing of the past or will reach its final stage. Interest in one's own appearance and flirting may reappear, especially among the fair sex. It’s a good idea to celebrate an improvement in business with a good purchase or other pleasant promotion. Don’t put off visiting a familiar company, restoring friendships, or creative rehabilitation.

Horoscope for October 14, 2017 Scorpio

For Scorpios, the day will add foresight, endurance, composure, and at the same time help maintain determination. Today you can establish connections, provide yourself with information and moral “rear” for the future, get support from a partner, personal consultant, secret friend. Don't be overly critical or emotional. The right people will tend to value you for your sociability, artistry, sense of humor, ability to join a team, decency and responsibility.

Horoscope for October 14, 2017 Sagittarius

The day will help Sagittarius not to go astray, to maintain authority in the eyes of others or internal self-respect. The stars allow you to live a little more according to familiar rules and promise a number of pleasant surprises. The mood of a friend, partner or loved one, or the atmosphere in an interest group may change for the better. The basis of well-being will be loyalty to personal principles, or trust in a reliable system or authoritative opinion. It doesn’t hurt to remember traditional truisms, for example, “don’t dig a hole for others.”

Horoscope for October 14, 2017 Capricorn

Today Capricorns tend to dramatize a lot. Along with consolidating positive results, life may require saying goodbye to old habits and attachments. There may be a tendency to cling to the past, especially if it contained not only problems, but also victories and epoch-making events. Attempts to justify their mistakes cannot be ruled out. Personal experience or external circumstances will help you find a middle ground, make the right decision, and not slide into dangerous extremes.

Horoscope for October 14, 2017 Aquarius

Aquarians should spend the day in the company of a faithful partner or long-time like-minded people. On the eve of change, it is important to maintain an alliance or team based on mutual sympathy, unity of views and difficulties experienced together. It is advisable to minimize the reasons for a split based on jealousy, competition or unfulfilled ambitions: unclear points can become a loophole for grievances. For Aquarius parents, time spent with their children, especially those past a tender age, can be valuable.

Horoscope for October 14, 2017 Pisces

The stars advise Pisces not to forget the acquired skills: they may be superfluous where you have received freedom of action, but they will come in handy more than once where the previous rules and obligations are in force. This day will help you remember a useful system for working or staying in shape. The rhythm of life until the evening can be dictated by parental, family, professional or other duty. Your pets may require control and care. In recreational activities, it is better to focus on familiar patterns.
