Numbers in English from 1 to 1000 with pronunciation. English numbers in coloring pages, videos and cards

As in Russian, numerals in English are divided into quantitative(one, two) and ordinal(first second). Unlike Russian numerals, English ones are not declined.

Declension of numerals in the Russian language is a sore subject not only for, but also for us, native speakers. Not everyone can immediately read out loud something like “container with 843 samples” or “supplied with 427 kg of material” without errors. Fortunately, in English everything is much simpler.

Cardinal numbers in English

Cardinal numbers answer the question “how many?” and denote quantity, number of objects, persons, etc.

One person - One person.

Nine players – Nine players.

Eleven questions – Eleven questions.

Ordinal numbers in English

Ordinal numbers answer the questions “which?” which?” is usually placed in front of them the, because Ordinal numbers most often serve as definitions for a specific noun.

The first person - The first person.

The ninth plays - The ninth player.

The eleventh question - The eleventh question.

Table of English numerals with translation

There are simple patterns in the formation of numerals, so all numerals fit compactly in one table. Please note, not listed here zero– read about it below.

All numerals are given with a “translation” - it is given in the form of numbers and numbers.

Numbers, numbers Cardinal number Ordinal number
1 one first
2 two second
3 three third
4 four fourth
5 five fifth
6 six sixth
7 seven seventh
8 eight eighth
9 nine ninth
10 ten tenth
11 eleven eleventh
12 twelve twelfth
13 thirteen thirteenth
14 fourteen fourteenth
15 fifteen fifteenth
16 sixteen sixteenth
17 seventeen seventeenth
18 eighteen eighteenth
19 nineteen nineteenth
20 twenty twentieth
21 twenty-one twenty-first
22 twenty-two twenty-second
23 twenty-three twenty-third
24 twenty-four twenty-fourth
25 twenty-five twenty-fifth
26 twenty-six twenty-sixth
27 twenty-seven twenty-seventh
28 twenty-eight twenty-eighth
29 twenty-nine twenty-ninth
30 thirty thirty thirtieth
40 forty fortieth
50 fifty fiftieth
60 sixty sixtieth
70 seventy seventieth
80 eighty eightieth
90 ninety ninetieth
100 one hundred hundredth
500 five hundred five hundredth
1000 one thousand thousandth
100 000 one hundred thousand hundred thousandth
1 000 000 one million millionth

The table lists all numerals from 1 to 29, then only the names of tens (thirty, forty) are indicated, because the numerals between them (32, 33... 39, etc.) are formed according to exactly the same pattern as 21-29 - after the name ten, the required unit is added through a hyphen: forty-one, forty-two, and so on.

Voiced cards with numbers for memorization

With these cards you can not only learn English numerals, but also listen to how they are pronounced.

Cardinal numbers: pronunciation and flashcards

Ordinal numbers: pronunciation and flashcards


Features of the use of the words hundred, thousand, million

Words hundred, thousand, million used in singular:

Tho hundred.

Twenty thousand.

Four million.

They are used in the plural when talking about hundreds (thousands, millions) of something:

Hundreds ships of – Hundreds of ships.

Millions of stars – Millions of stars.

Numerals with “and”

In cardinal numbers, where there are hundreds and thousands, words denoting tens and units are added using the conjunction and:

101 – one hundred and one.

425 – four hundred and twenty-five.

2036 – two thousand and thirty-six.

How to read a phone number in English

Phone numbers, accounts, cards, etc. are read not in hundreds or tens, as in Russian, but in individual numbers:

555-757-23-11 – five, five, five, seven, five, seven, two, three, one, one.

Double and triple digits are sometimes called double and triple:

555-757-23-11 – triple five, seven, five, seven, two, three, double one.

How to read years in English

Years are designated not by ordinal numbers, but by cardinal numerals; when reading, they are divided into two two-digit numbers and read as two-digit numbers:

I was born in 1985 – I was born in nineteen eighty-five.

It happened in 1997 - It happened in nineteen ninety-seven.

Years after 2000 are read either in halves or with the word thousand:

2004 – twenty o-four \ two thousand four.

2015 – twenty fifteen \ two thousand fifteen.

Numeral as a noun

As in Russian, numerals in English can be used as:

Those two broke the rules – These two broke the rules.

Money amounts in English

If the number is greater from 1000 to 10,000, count in hundreds rather than thousands:

$1000 – ten hundred dollars.

$1200 – twelve nundred dollars.

$4357 – forty three hundred and forty seven.

$10,005 – ten thousand and five dollars.

8. Word three according to the rules it is read as [θriː], but very often you can hear it being pronounced as (like the word tree - tree).

Zero in English

Zero in English is called in different words: zero, o (read as a letter), nill, nought. In general, they are equivalent, but there are slight differences.

  • Zero– the most reliable and neutral of these words, zero is a mathematical zero, a temperature zero (zero degrees). To avoid confusion, it is better to say “zero”.
  • O– often used instead of “zero” in colloquial speech when you need to name a number (for example, in a phone number).
  • Nill– literally “nothing”, usually used when talking about the score in a game: Argentina – five, Jamaica – nill.
  • Nought– also “nothing”, practically not used in the USA, in British English it is already considered obsolete.
  • There are also very highly specialized, slang zeros, for example “love”– zero when scoring in tennis. There is an interesting version (this is more of a story than a scientific hypothesis) that the French called a score of zero points “egg” (similar to zero), in French “l’œuf”. The British adopted, somewhat distorting, this term and it turned into “love”.

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Knowing how to count in English is as important as speaking it. In any tourist country, all salespeople, taxi drivers, and hotel staff have a count of up to 20. Are you any worse? In general, you understand what's what. To learn how to count to a million in English, you need to learn only 31 words. But everything is in order. In this article we will learn how to count to 20.

In Russian, to learn numbers, you need to know over 100 words. The same rules apply in English counting, but it is worth mentioning a couple of important points that will greatly facilitate the process of learning numbers and numbers:

  • In English, unlike Russian, numbers are not declined according to gender. If we have “two thousand”, but “two million”, then here it is the same as “two thousand”, as “two million”
  • They do not decline according to cases, that is, the endings do not change. Instead of “a thousand - thousand-thousand-thousand...”, for everything the simple word “thousand”
  • Also, instead of "1 million - 2 million - 5 million" it all comes down to using one word "million" and no additional endings
  • There are no personal names for hundreds. Instead of “two hundred” there will be “two hundred”, instead of “six hundred” the Englishman will say “six hundred”, etc.
  • Well, fifthly, there are much fewer exceptions in the English account

Well, now let’s move from theory directly to practice: Numbers from one to ten are the basis of the basics!

Counting to 20 in English with transcription

Numerous numbers are based on basic numbers - from 1 to 9, you can also include 0 and 10 here. You just have to memorize these numbers:




English transcription

OneOne [one]
TwoTwo [that]
FourFour [fo]
FiveFive [five]
SixSix [syks]
SevenSeven [sevn]
EightEight [eight]
NineNine [nine]
TenTen [ten]

Further, the next numbers 11 and 12 are those few exceptions from the top 20. You will have to remember them too. Then everything is much simpler. From the 13th to the 19th the numbers are formed in the same way “digit (3 to 9) + teen”. For example, six + teen = sixteen. Similar to thirteen, fifteen in Russian. This is -eleven and is -teen. The number is written together and read with the emphasis on the last syllable.




English transcription

Transcription in Russian letters

TenTen [ten]
ElevenEleven [ilevn]
TwelveTwelve [tuelv]

There are minor changes here too. In pronunciation they are not noticeable, but in writing it is worth paying attention to the radical changes:

  • 13: The spelling of "three" is modified to "thir"
  • 15: in the second syllable “five” the v changes to f and the letter “e” disappears
  • 18: when adding the suffix “teen” to “eight”, the letter t that appears is not duplicated, but replaced with a single letter

In fact, the ending “teen” is a full-fledged word meaning the age from 13 to 19 years.

It should be taken into account that Russian pronunciation (transcription) is only an approximate sound; the specific sound of English numbers cannot be 100% conveyed.

How to teach a child to count in English?

Once you start teaching your children English, it also needs to be taught numeracy. Be sure to do this through play to instill in him a love and desire to learn the language. Here are some ways to teach your child to count in English:

  • Buy or download number cards from the Internet. It is better if on each of them it is written in letters and with pronunciation. Lay out the pictures on the floor. Say the number in English, and let the child bring you the card you need or point to it
  • The previous game, only the adult already names the number in his native language, and the child takes a card with a number and calls it in a foreign language
  • Take the ball. Stand opposite, and throwing the ball into the child’s hands, say the number in a foreign language, and the child, returning the toy to you, says it in his native language.
  • Game "Who has more". Turn the cards over with the numbers down, and draw out one picture at a time with your baby. Say the number in English. Whoever has more gets both cards. And so on until the end. The one with the highest amount wins
  • Ask your child to draw numbers, give them human features - eyes, hands, and their name will be the name of the number
  • Use engaging rhymes that children can easily remember.
  • Another option is the game “Crocodile”, but instead of words, the child must turn into a number
  • You can also ask your child to draw a number that you will voice in the air.

We start learning numbers in English in one of the first lessons, and many children can count from one to ten even before school. How to pronounce them correctly and use them in speech? Let's find out. Welcome to the land of numbers!

First, let's understand the terms. A number is a sign (from 0 to 9), and a number is some abstract concept to denote a quantity (for example, 73). Even if this is not entirely related to a foreign language, but, in any case, it will be useful to remember.

NB! Figure - figure, number - number, although sometimes the opposite option is found.

Numbers in English: correctly pronounce, read, write

0 to 9

This section presents English numbers from 0 to 9 with transcription. Experts recommend studying this, and not the Russified, method of reading, since the pronunciation of sounds in the two languages ​​is still noticeably different.

0 Zero (oh) ["ziərəu] ([əu]) Zero
1 One One
2 Two Two
3 Three [θriː] Three
4 Four Four
5 Five Five
6 Six Six
7 Seven [‘sev(ə)n] Seven
8 Eight Eight
9 Nine Nine

Examples of sentences (with numbers):

I've got five apples. - I have five apples.

Two plus seven equals nine. – Two plus seven equals nine.

This table will help you learn how numbers are written and read in English, and to hone your pronunciation skills, we recommend repeating the names after the speaker, listening to audio recordings or watching educational videos.

NB! When reporting a telephone number, it is the digital sequence that is used, and it is recommended to say “oh” instead of “zero” (987-654-3210 – nine eight seven-six five four-three two one oh).

From 10 to 19

Designations 10, 11 and 12 have their own “names”; and from 13 onwards the names of the “inhabitants” of the number series are formed according to the rule, albeit with minor exceptions.

Formula: Figure + suffix –teen (name of the figure + suffix “-teen”)

10 Ten Ten
11 Eleven [ɪ’lev(ə)n] Eleven
12 Twelve Twelve
13 Thirteen [θɜː’tiːn] Thirteen
14 Fourteen [ˌfɔː’tiːn] Fourteen
15 Fifteen [ˌfɪf’tiːn] Fifteen
16 Sixteen [ˌsɪk’stiːn] Sixteen
17 Seventeen [ˌsev(ə)n’tiːn] Seventeen
18 Eighteen [ˌeɪ’tiːn] Eighteen
19 Nineteen [ˌnaɪn’tiːn] Nineteen

As you may have noticed, at 13 and 15 there is an alternation of letters, and at 18 one t is removed. It is also worth paying attention to the pronunciation of English numbers and numbers up to 20: in words denoting the series from 14 to 19, there is a double stress. What does it mean? This is a small, barely perceptible emphasis on the first syllable and the “classic” emphasis of the suffix in the voice.

Name English numbers and numbers up to 20

From 20 to 90

The names of tens in English are formed according to the formula:

Figure + suffix –ty (number name + suffix “-ty”)

20 Twenty ["twenti] Twenty
30 Thirty ["θз:ti] Thirty
40 Forty ["fɔ:ti] Fourty
50 Fifty ["fifti] Fifty
60 Sixty ["siksti] Sixty
70 Seventy ["sev(ə)nti] Seventy
80 Eighty ["eiti] Eighty
90 Ninety ["nainti] Ninety

And this rule is not without exceptions: at 20, 30, 40, 50 and 80, changes occur in the root of the word.

NB! Pronunciation of numbers and numbers in English requires special clarity. To a greater extent, this applies to the numerals from 13 to 19 and the tens themselves, or rather their suffixes –teen and –ty. –Teen should be emphasized as much as possible by the voice, while –ty is strictly unstressed!

The “names” of numbers from 21 to 99, with the exception of the round tens, are classified as composite numbers. To form them you just need to “add” words, for example:

27 – twenty seven – twenty-seven or twenty seven

85 – eighty-five – eighty-five or eighty five

Hundred, thousand, million, billion

You ask: “How are large numbers or numbers read and written in English?” It’s very simple, you only need 4 new words:

The names of numerals over a hundred are formed by adding simpler “representatives” of the series:

  • from a hundred to a thousand: one hundred twenty-five – 125 – one hundred (and) twenty-five, five hundred sixty-seven – 567 – five hundred (and) sixty-seven;
  • from a thousand to a million: two thousand eight hundred – 2,800 – two thousand eight hundred or twenty eight hundred, nine thousand two hundred forty-five – 9,245 – nine thousand two hundred and forty-five;
  • more than a million: seven and a half million – 7,500,000 – seven million five hundred thousand.

Write numbers and numbers in English up to 100 that can be made from this “list”; “collect” 10 multi-digit numbers, name them

NB! Numbers denoting the year are usually pronounced in two-digit halves: 1489 – fourteen eighty nine, 2010 – twenty ten.

How to write numbers and numbers in English

  1. In a large number, where there are 4 digits or more, every three digits are separated by a comma: 3,490; 456.679; 123,456,789 and so on.
  2. If you see a separator in the form of a dot, it means we are talking about decimal fractions: 1.5 – one and a half – one point five.
  3. The words hundred, thousand, million and billion are used strictly in the singular: 511 – five hundred and eleven, 3,948 – three thousand nine hundred and forty-eight.

Exercises to train a skill

We offer you several simple exercises to hone your skills in using English numerals and numbers in speech.

  1. Write the following English numbers and numbers in words: 3, 15, 37, 49, 58, 94, 156, 225, 500, 9,876, 7,000,000.
  2. Say the phone numbers in your contact list in English.
  3. Perform an oral translation of numbers (from 0 to 9) into English, and also count by tens.
  4. Task for the company: name all the numbers in order for speed (see picture):

Task No. 4

After reading this article, you were able to study English numbers with pronunciation, learn the rules for writing complex numbers, and even train your attention. These words will be useful to you in any situation: when exchanging phone numbers, when buying tickets at the station or goods in a store, etc. We wish you success in further learning a foreign language!

A song about numbers from 0 to 100 + large numbers:

If you are now at the stage where you need to learn numbers in English, we will be happy to help you. We will try to show how to write basic numbers correctly in English, how to read unusual and large numbers, and help you remember them. Remember that you will need numbers in English throughout your life. Therefore, it would be right to learn to read and write now, so that later there will be no problems with them.

First 12 numbers of English

The writing of English numbers looks exactly the same. Here is a special table where there are examples with translation and transcription of how each such number is written and pronounced:

In addition, there is also the number 0, which is written in English as “zero”.

Numbers up to 20

The numbers from 11 to 20 in English are in the same order as in Russian. In general, it is worth noting that both we and English-speaking people use the same number system - Arabic, so we will all count the same way.

However, our numbers are pronounced completely differently. In the range from 10 to 20 there are not quite ordinary composite numbers. At first everything goes as usual: ten, eleven, twelve, but then words with the suffix –teen appear. Here's what their spelling and pronunciation looks like:

As you can see, all numbers from thirteen to nineteen have –teen added to them, and the word twenty is generally unusual. If you know what ten is, it will be simple for you: twenty, thirty, forty, fifty, etc. will no longer have –teen, but –ty at the end: thirty (thirty), sixty (sixty), etc. d.

Pay attention to the word forty! It is read quite normally, but is written without the letter u: forty. It’s the same with the word fifty; one will be written as fifty, that is, with two letters f.

By counting in this way, you can form English numbers from 1 to 100. But how do you get 100?

Numbers 100, 1000, 1000,000

The word "hundred" will be written as hundred. When we want to use more than a hundred items in English, we usually add the word and (“and”). Very convenient, right? We can also count hundreds ourselves, because we say “two hundred”, “three hundred”, “four hundred”, etc. Similarly, we can display similar numbers in English:

100 – one hundred, 105 – one hundred and five
200 – two hundred, 217 – two hundred and seventeen
300 – three hundred, 352 – three hundred and fifty-two

You can easily learn this in one go. But you don’t want to stop there, do you? How about learning to count to 1000 or even 1000,000?

The word "thousand" is written as thousand and has exactly the same principle of formation as hundred. The difference is that after a thousand you don't need to add the word "and". Here's how to write such long constructions in English:

2 584 – two thousand five hundred and eighty-four
7 851 – seven thousand right hundred and fifty-one

But that’s not all: we can easily learn how the word “million” is translated into English. It sounds and is written almost the same: million. Here is one very long example, and all the others will be formed according to exactly the same rule:

5 624 118 – five million six hundred and twenty-four thousand one hundred and eighteen

How to learn English numbers faster?

When we learn numbers, we need to remember how to pronounce them. This is best done in games, songs or tongue twisters. You can play with your friends by writing different numbers on cards, and make the same number of cards with these numbers, but already written in words. Whoever is the first to collect the most pairs of correct cards in a certain time wins.

Here's a children's song that uses different numbers:

As you can see, there is nothing difficult about English numbers. It's easier to learn them now, and then you can count calmly. You will need these numbers in the future, so the sooner you remember them, the better.

Learn how to write English numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 20, 30, 50, 100, 1000, 1000000 in words and learn how to count in English.

The VoxBook audio course has many examples of using numbers and numerals. So in the novel “Treasure Island” by Robert Louis Stevenson from the famous song:

Fifteen men on the dead man's chest [fifteen men on a dead man's chest]
Yo-ho-ho, and a bottle of rum [yo-ho-ho, and a bottle of rum]!
Drink and the devil had done for the rest [drink and the devil will bring you to the end]
Yo-ho-ho, and a bottle of rum!

Below are the numbers in English with transcription and translation. Next, we discuss in detail the methods of forming cardinal numerals (Cardinal Numerals) and English counting.

Table: Numbers in English with transcription from 1 to 1000,000,000.
Number Name in Russian Title in English Transcription
1 one one
2 two two [ˈtuː]
3 three three [θriː]
4 four four
5 five five
6 six six
7 seven seven [ˈsevn]
8 eight eight
9 nine nine
10 ten ten
11 eleven eleven [ɪˈlevn̩]
12 twelve twelve
20 twenty twenty [ˈtwenti]
30 thirty thirty thirty [ˈθɜːti]
40 fourty forty [ˈfɔːti]
50 fifty fifty [ˈfɪfti]
60 sixty sixty [ˈsɪksti]
70 seventy seventy [ˈsevnti]
80 eighty eighty [ˈeɪti]
90 ninety ninety [ˈnaɪnti]
100 one hundred a (one) hundred [ə wʌn ˈhʌndrəd]
1000 thousand a (one) thousand [ə wʌn ˈθaʊzn̩d]
1000000 million million / a (one) million [ə (wʌn) ˈmɪlɪən]
1000000000 billion milliard / a (one) milliard (BrE)
billion / a (one) billion (AmE)
[ə (wʌn) ˈmɪlɪɑːd]
[ə (wʌn) ˈbɪlɪəŋ]
BrE-British English, AmE-American English

Numbers in English 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12.

The numbers in English from 1 to 12 are i.e. indicate the number of objects and consist of one word (see table). The spelling of English numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 must be memorized. Based on their first ten, all other English numbers are formed.

Numbers in English from 13 to 19.

In English the numbers are 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18 and 19.
To form them, the suffix -teen is added to the English number from 1 to 10 from the third column of the table. The result is the figure needed to count from 13 to 19:

13 thirteen - thir teen[ˌθɜːˈtiːn]
14 fourteen - four teen[ˌfɔːˈtiːn]
15 fifteen - fif teen[ˌfɪfˈtiːn]
16 sixteen teen
17 seventeen - seven teen[ˌsevnˈtiːn]
18 eighteen - eigh teen[ˌeɪˈtiːn]
19 nineteen - nine teen[ˌnaɪnˈtiːn]

Please note that in English numerals 13 and 15, the root 3 three and 5 five are modified:
3 - 13 teen
5 - 15 teen

Stress of numerals with the suffix -teen.
In English, numerals ending in the suffix -teen have two stresses, on the first and second syllables (ˌ weak secondary stress and ˈ primary stress). Look at the transcription so as not to make mistakes in pronunciation:
13 - thirteen [ˌθɜːˈtiːn]
14 - fourteen [ˌfɔːˈtiːn]
15 - fifteen [ˌfɪfˈtiːn]

If a numeral with the suffix -teen is not followed by a noun, then during pronunciation the main emphasis falls on the suffix -teen:

When a numeral with the suffix -teen is a modifier of a noun (i.e. it is followed by a noun), then the stress does not fall on the suffix, but only on its first syllable:
fifteen pencils [ˈfɪftiːn ˈpensl̩z]
sixteen boxes [ˈsɪkstiːn ˈbɒksɪz]

In the VoxBook audio course in the fairy tale “The Fish and the Ring” from the collection English Fairy Tales, in which you can hear a similar emphasis (to do this, install the audio course on your computer and listen for yourself):

English numbers 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90.

English numbers denoting whole tens 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90 are derived cardinal numerals. To form them, the suffix -ty is added to the tens digit from the third column of the table. The result is the required number of tens:

20 twenty - twen ty[ˈtwenti]
30 thirty - thir ty[ˈθɜːti]
40 forty - for ty[ˈfɔːti]
50 fifty - fif ty[ˈfɪfti]
60 sixty - six ty[ˈsɪksti]
70 seventy - seven ty[ˈsevnti]
80 eighty - eigh ty[ˈeɪti]
90 ninety - nine ty[ˈnaɪnti]

Please note that in the English numbers 20, 30, 40 and 50, the root of 2 two, 3 three, 4 four and 5 five are modified, and in the number 80 the repetition of the letter t disappears:

2 two - 20 ty [ˈtwenti]
3 three - 30 ty [ˈθɜːti]
4 four - 40 ty [ˈfɔːti]
5 five - 50 ty [ˈfɪfti]
8 eight - 80 ty [ˈeɪti]

Stress of numerals with the suffix -ty.
In English numerals ending in the suffix -ty, the stress falls only on the first syllable. Check out the transcription and pronunciation:
40 - forty [ˈfɔːti]
50 - fifty [ˈfɪfti]
60 - sixty [ˈsɪksti]

English numbers 100, 1000, 1000000.

English numbers from 100 to 1000 and 1000000 are presented at the end of the table (see above).

In English, before 100 hundred, 1000 thousand, 1000000 million, either the indefinite article a (which has the meaning one) or the word one is placed:

100 hundred - a(one) hundred [ə wʌn ˈhʌndrəd] (i.e. a hundred or one hundred)
1000 thousand - a(one) thousand

Please note that the article is not used with other cardinal numbers:
Three pencils. Three pencils.
Two girls. Two girls.

100 hundred, 1000 thousand and 1000000 million do not have the ending -s, including when they are preceded by another number other than one, for example:

100 hundred (one hundred) - one hundred or a hundred
200 two hundred - two hundred
300 three hundred - three hundred
400 four hundred - four hundred
500 five hundred - five hundred
600 six hundred - six hundred
700 seven hundred - seven hundred
800 eight hundred - eight hundred
900 nine hundred - nine hundred
1000 thousand (one thousand) - one thousand or a thousand
2000 two thousand - two thousand
3000 three thousand - three thousand
4000 four thousand - four thousand
5000 five thousand - five thousand
1000000 million (one million) - one million or a million
2000000 two million - two million
3000000 three million - three million
4000000 four million - four million
5000000 five million - five million
6000000 six million - six million

Thus, the numeral is never given the ending -s, however...

However: the word meaning number can refer not only to a numeral (which does not need to end with -s), but also to a noun, which may already have an ending -s. For example, 100 hundred, 1000 thousand and 1000000 million end with -s when they express an indefinite number of hundreds, thousands or millions. In this case, they are nouns, and the noun that follows them (if there is one) is used with the preposition of:
Three millions of tons of coal. Three million tons of coal.
Hundred ideas for learning. Hundreds of teaching ideas.
Some birds can fly thousand kilometers. Some birds fly thousands of kilometers.
Four or five millions of specie had been lately thrown into circulation. Four or five million specie have recently been thrown into circulation.

Everything said above also applies to other English numbers from 2 and above, which act as a noun:
Magnificent seven. The Magnificent Seven. (singular)
How many seven do you have? How many sevens do you have? (plural)

In the VoxBook audio course on Robert Louis Stevenson's novel Treasure Island, with this example:

Here it is about gentlemen of fortune [this is always the case with gentlemen of fortune = pirates]. They lives rough and they risk swinging [they live without comforts and risk the gallows], but they eat and drink like fighting cocks [but they eat and drink like kings: “fighting cocks” = show off], and when a cruise is done, why, it’s hundreds of pounds instead of hundreds of farthings in their pockets [and when the voyage is over = after sailing, well, they have hundreds of pounds in their pockets instead of hundreds of farthings = pennies].

(R.L. Stevenson - "TREASURE ISLAND")

Note. In addition, the ending -s can be added to million when it is preceded by two, three, etc. provided there is no other number after it. In this case, million is followed by a noun with the preposition of:
Two millions of books. - Two million books.

English account. Compound cardinal numbers in English.

When counting in English in composite numbers from 20 to 99 (i.e., consisting of two numbers - tenths and units), a hyphen (dash) is placed between the tens and the following units:
20 - twenty [ˈtwenti]
21 - twenty-one [ˈtwenti wʌn]
22 - twenty-two [ˈtwenti ˈtuː]
30 - thirty [ˈθɜːti]
31 - thirty-one [ˈθɜːti wʌn]
32 - thirty-two [ˈθɜːti ˈtuː]

In English counting with composite numbers over 100, within every three digits, the conjunction and is placed before the tens (and if there are none, then before the units):
235 - two hundred thirty-five
407 - four hundred seven
2034 - two thousand thirty-four
2004 - two thousand four
5236 - five thousand two hundred thirty-six
250129 - two hundred fifty thousand, one hundred twenty-nine
4221589 - four million two hundred twenty-one thousand five hundred eighty-nine
203000000 - two hundred three million

In American English, the conjunction and is omitted, for example: 235 - two hundred hidden-five.

Some rules for translating numerals into English:

1. Russian genitive case of nouns after cardinal numbers do not do it translate into English with a noun with the preposition of (a common mistake):

In the VoxBook audio course in the fairy tale "JACK THE GIANT-KILLER" from the collection English Fairy Tales, in which this exact incident occurs:

...he is a huge and monstrous giant [he is a huge and monstrous giant] with three heads [with three heads]; he"ll fight five hundred men in armor [he will defeat/fight five hundred people in armor], and make them fly before him [and “will”= make them run away in front of him]."

(English Fairy Tales - "JACK THE GIANT-KILLER")

2. A Russian noun in the singular after compound numerals ending in one (one, one) should be translated into English as a plural noun:
twenty one day - twenty one day
three hundred fifty-one books - three hundred and fifty-one book

3. Cardinal numbers can appear as a definition after the word being defined. This especially applies to cases of designating page numbers, paragraphs, chapters and parts of books, house numbers, rooms, clothing and shoe sizes, bus numbers and has the meaning of an ordinal number, although it is replaced by a cardinal number:
part two - second part
chapter seven - chapter seven
Read lesson three. - Read the third lesson.
Open your book on page nineteen.- Open your books to page nineteen.
He lives in apartment 12 (twelve).- He lives in apartment 12.

4. Combinations of two of my sisters, five of your books, two of his friends, etc. two of my sisters, five of your books, two of his friends are translated into English (and not: two my brothers, five your books, two his friends - a common mistake).

For example, in the VoxBook audio course in the novel Treasure Island by Robert Louis Stevenson, with exactly this example:

There were six of the Buccaneers, all told [there were six pirates there, "all counted" = in total]; not another man was left alive [no one else survived]. Five of them were on their feet, flushed and swollen [five of them were on their feet, with red and swollen /faces/],

(R.L. Stevenson - "TREASURE ISLAND")
