How many votes should a candidate for deputy receive? How to become State Duma deputies

  • What types of deputies are there?
    • Election campaign
    • Elections
  • Conclusion

Many people do not know how to become a politician and are jealous because of the bonuses that such an enviable job provides. But few want to move along the difficult path to the top of government, but this is within the power of each of us. “Money rules everything,” many will say, and this is undoubtedly true, but only partly. You can engage in socially useful activities, rise up the career ladder from low positions and achieve your goal.

What is the role of a deputy in Russia?

To answer this question, you need to know who a deputy is and what powers he has. A deputy is the chosen one of the people. He represents the interests of his constituents and protects their constitutional rights. Deputies take an active part in legislative activity, discussing new bills and modifying old ones. In fact, a person taking on the responsibilities of a deputy must have a large number of both external and internal factors to advance along this path. This is, first of all, experience and knowledge of the environment that he must represent. Intelligence, extraordinary oratorical abilities, learning ability and resistance to stress are important qualities of the people's choice.

If you have all the listed qualities, then you can try on this enviable position. This is not only a socially useful activity, but also a job that pays a high salary. We will talk about this further.

What types of deputies are there?

How to become a municipal deputy is a frequent request on the Internet. Deputies have different areas of responsibility and work formats. There is a division into federal and regional deputies. For example, you can first become a representative of a village council, and then go higher: to the city council, regional parliament and State Duma.

But this is not the only way. You can immediately become a deputy of the city duma or not leave your comfort zone and deal with issues in your own district council. It all depends on your aspirations and ambitions.

Preferences of deputies in Russia

The path to the coveted position is not easy, but the final goal brings a lot of benefits. For motivation, we list the main advantages.

Here are 7 reasons that may influence your decision to become a deputy:

  1. High level of remuneration. High in this case is 400 thousand rubles. This is the standard salary of a State Duma deputy in 2018. Great incentive, don't you agree?
  2. Providing workers with transport and housing. Convenient and practical. If you get a seat in the State Duma, then in the capital you will be provided with your own paid living space. A car with a driver is also a nice bonus for an honorary position.
  3. Possibility of hiring a paid assistant. Or several, it all depends on the level and capabilities of the deputy.
  4. Extended vacation. Instead of the standard 4 weeks per year, the deputy is given about 42 days for rest. Probably added because it’s harmful :)
  5. Compensation for travel abroad and treatment. Holidays at resorts and sanatoriums are paid for from the state budget. The all-inclusive package includes: flights and business lounges at airports, VIP seats and escort, diplomat status and benefits when clearing customs.
  6. High pension. The amounts vary between 40-50 thousand rubles. per month, depending on length of service and other nuances. For comparison: the average pension in Russia is 14.1 thousand rubles.
  7. Free travel on public transport. This point was not added by chance. Even such small allowances are specified in the preferences of deputies.

This is not a complete list of bonuses that the elected representatives of the people have. To be fair, it is worth paying attention to the negative consequences of choosing such a profession.

Negative sides of parliament

Despite all the positive aspects, being a deputy has a downside to the coin. Take a good look at the downsides in this area, and ask yourself honestly if you're ready for them. These are the main negative aspects:

  1. Public censure. Only the lazy in our country have no complaints against those in power. Having become the elected representatives of the people, be prepared for a barrage of negative messages, comments and calls. Stress resistance and security support will help here.
  2. Requirements for individual assistance. It is not unreasonably believed that deputies have a significant material base, therefore, first of all, people turn to them for help for both personal and public purposes. You will receive requests to buy sports uniforms for a youth football team, demands to obtain financial benefits for the disabled, and so on. You should not be negative in such situations. People come to you because they have a hand in your appointment. It is clear that you will not be able to help everyone, but working with voters is an important part of your work day.
  3. Close supervision of personal life. Once elected, you need to be prepared for the constant attention of the press and society. You have acquired a high status and this imposes certain restrictions. In this case, the reputation must be crystal clear. Otherwise, you will face a political scandal with unforeseen consequences.By the way, in the spring of this year the entire news feed was full of headlines about the scandal with Leonid Slutsky. He was accused of harassing female journalists who worked with him. The case received wide attention, and, despite the fact that a special commission acquitted him, the dark stain on his reputation cannot be washed away.
  4. Danger to life. There are many mentally unbalanced people who are ready to move from words to active actions. Many deputies suffered from this. These are persecutions, assassinations and real attacks. You should be attentive to your safety and transfer any threats to law enforcement agencies.
  5. The work is associated with high levels of stress and nervous shock. This point is clear and does not require separate explanation. Being a deputy means being in good shape and being well-conditioned from external stimuli and provocations. It is important to be able , but this does not mean that you should not manifest them at all.

As a rule, this does not stop candidates. Having gone through a difficult path to the deputy seat, a person understands how to compensate for the risks and protect himself and his family.

How to become a city council member?

There are several options for achieving the coveted status. It's money and recognition. By and large, nothing more. There are 2 options for joining the ranks of deputies:

  1. According to the party list.
  2. Passage through single-member constituencies

How to proceed in the first case? Enlist the support of party leaders, make a contribution to the party budget and allocate funds for campaigning.

In the second case it will undoubtedly be more difficult. If you can be automatically included in the list, and the task is only to be higher in the general list, then with single-member districts the situation is more complicated. Voters should know you. You must be recognizable and useful to the district in which you plan to run.

Requirements for a candidate. Who can become a deputy?

The requirements are essentially minimal. Any sane person, without mental disabilities and without a criminal record, who has reached the age of 21, can propose his candidacy as a people's representative. This is from the point of view of official documents.

If we talk about the realities of life, then formal signs, of course, are not enough. An ordinary citizen, without participation in socially beneficial structures and events, who is not familiar with the legislation, will find it difficult to follow the path to its successful completion. We must understand that we need a material and reputational base on which to build a successful election campaign.

Who most often becomes a deputy?

Let's first count how many deputies there are in the State Duma. The State Duma consists of 450 parliamentarians. The majority is occupied by the United Russia party - 340 people. The remaining seats are divided between representatives of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, the Liberal Democratic Party and A Just Russia. There are several non-factional deputies who are not members of any party organization.

Representatives of industry communities, participants in youth, charitable and other public organizations, artists, athletes, businessmen and officials become members of the State Duma. This can be any person interested in the good of his country. With a high level of responsibility and accumulated experience in one of the spheres of life.

People choose those they trust. For example, the people's favorite Vladislav Tretyak received 82% of the votes. This is one of the unique cases during elections to the State Duma. He won the hearts of voters with his professional hockey play and the development of sports in his region.

Many famous media personalities become deputies because they have an excellent base for gaining a large number of votes. Their fame is the key to success.

Large businessmen are investing money in their election campaign. Young public figures spend years building their way from the bottom of the political kitchen.

In any case, this is a long-term project that needs to be started as early as possible.

If you are limited financially, do not give up. Join a community organization with similar interests. This could be a patriotic or youth structure. Start your journey, gradually moving towards your goal. Learn several ways . During this time, you will learn the basics that will be useful in politics.

Preparing to participate in the parliamentary race

If you are not afraid of the preparatory stage, and you are ready to conquer the political Olympus, make a plan for yourself for the near future. Think about your election campaign and how you will motivate voters to vote for you. If you are a self-nominated candidate, you will need to collect signatures from citizens in order to get on the voting list. Often they use such a useful tool as preliminary elections - primaries. In them you will be able to participate in debates and strengthen your position. Don't forget about propaganda tools.

Let's explore each position in more detail.

Election campaign

The election campaign should contain the main theses that will play in your favor when choosing candidates. For example, this could be an increase in living standards or the development of healthcare. Here you need to choose an area of ​​responsibility in which you can be useful. An area in which you have experience and an unusual solution to pressing problems, for example, bad roads, a small pension, etc. For example, you promise people to change the situation for the better in a certain area of ​​responsibility.

The election campaign must contain short, convincing theses; a memorable slogan is needed. For example, Ksenia Sobchak created a real information boom around herself. Its slogans were: “I am a candidate “against everyone,” “For youth, for courage,” “For truth, for freedom.” Although no one seriously considered her nomination for the presidential election, she was able to take 4th place, overtaking serious politicians with experience.

The election campaign is the face of the candidate. You need a good photo shoot, high-quality copywriting. This is the work of the whole team, the election headquarters. His department includes scheduling the candidate, creating an image, creating news stories, working with the media, participating in various events and monitoring results. If you are determined, do not forget about this important aspect.

Participation in the primaries is not mandatory, but it can be used to make yourself known. Voting takes place at a certain time and is regulated in much the same way as the main elections. During the primary elections, you will be able to participate in debates and use various campaign tools.

Tools for the election race

Be sure to calculate your budget so that you have enough money for election campaigning. This is an important component that increases the chances of winning.

  • mass media . Your voters should know you and see you at your best as much and as often as possible. Give interviews, place posters with your slogans, put brochures in mailboxes. Buy airtime and outdoor advertising. The task is to be heard.
  • Debate. This is the exciting and exciting part of the election. At a certain time, you will meet with your opponents and answer questions. The more interesting and lively your speech is, the more voters will vote for you.
  • Working with the public . Arrange meetings with people. Convince that you are the candidate they are looking for. Your campaign should contain clear and useful messages for the general population. Housing and communal services reform, increasing benefits for large families and single mothers - something that will become a real help in everyday life.

During this period, you are unlikely to find time for proper sleep and food. But the more productively you spend it, the greater your chances of getting a deputy mandate. If possible, try to get more rest. Read .


The election procedure itself is an exciting, but less important moment. On this day you reap the fruits of your efforts and look forward to the results. Elections take place on one day, and the data is processed at night. The counting of votes may take a while, but the results will be known the following evening. It is possible to place your own observers to be sure that everything went without falsification.


The status of a deputy provides many opportunities and privileges that are not available to an ordinary person. But any ordinary person can change his life and become a deputy. It will take a lot of time, this is a path where laziness has no place, but everyone has a chance.

You may not succeed the first time, but this is not a reason to deviate from the path. You'll gain invaluable experience and be better prepared next time. The one who walks will master the path!

A deputy is a successful and very respected person who holds a high position and has a good income.

Moreover, the person in power has a number of privileges, the sweetest of which is immunity.

A representative of the government cannot be arrested, he cannot be searched, interrogations are also prohibited, and he cannot be brought to criminal or administrative liability, except in a number of special cases.

How become deputy

If a person strives to become a deputy, then he thinks very seriously about his future. Being a deputy is prestigious and profitable.

But don't expect an easy life like in the movies. In addition to a huge number of privileges, the chosen one of the people also has a large number of responsibilities.

It's a job like any other.

Who can become a deputy? According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, any Russian citizen over 21 years of age and permanently residing in the territory of the Russian Federation can become a deputy. Restrictions can only apply to incapacitated citizens and people in prison. Well, I think this is clear.

What does it take to become a deputy?

If you meet all the requirements and feel the strength and desire to move along the vertical of power, then you can get started!

To become a deputy, you first need to nominate yourself in the elections. To do this, you must be a member of any electoral bloc, electoral association or any party.

But joining one of the parties will not be enough to get into the elections. The party needs to nominate you. How to do it? Do you want an honest answer? Pretty hard.

Usually parties already have their own core of leaders. This is tantamount to coming to a factory and trying to become its boss.

But don’t rush to get upset, you have another pretty good chance!

And so, if you are not accepted into any of the parties, or you cannot immediately achieve your nomination for elections, then the legislation of the Russian Federation provides for the possibility of self-nomination.

To do this, you must collect at least 2% of voter signatures.

If you are running for a post in some small town, then you don’t need to collect so many signatures, but if you are aiming for the State Duma, then you will have to work hard.

There is another way: an electoral deposit. For batches it is about 6 mil. rubles, and for self-nominated candidates 250 thousand rubles.

Moreover, if you get less than 3% in the elections, then the money will go to the budget, and if more than 3%, then the deposit will be returned to you in full.

This is a kind of protection from people who are trying to attract attention to themselves.

Election campaign

Having achieved the title of “candidate for deputy”, you should begin the election campaign. But sticking up leaflets with your face all over the city won’t be enough. Election campaign is a real art!

Becoming popular is not as easy as it seems, but you can take advantage of the experience of people who have already walked this path.

“Experienced” people advise that first of all, be sure to arrange meetings with voters, at which you will tell them in detail your plan of action. By the way, this plan deserves special attention.

In short, it should contain answers to the following basic questions:

  1. What do I want to change when I come to the post of deputy?
  2. Why should you choose me?
  3. What knowledge and experience will help me cope with the assigned tasks?
  4. What EXACTLY will I change when I come to power.
  5. How important are these changes for ordinary citizens?
  6. What do I want to achieve by coming to power? What will a high-ranking position do for me?

But it’s unrealistic to meet everyone. Be sure to create pages on social media. networks and communicate through them. Moreover, it only takes a couple of times to appear on TV screens and radios. By the way, the state will provide you with TV time at its own expense!

In general, it would be best to hire a group of specialists who will promote you. Professionals will teach you how to speak correctly and how to please the public.


Even if luck doesn’t smile on you the first time, you will gain invaluable experience, and next time you will be able to approach this issue more carefully.

But remember, in order to sit in the honorary chair of the people’s chosen one, you need to be worthy of this chair. If you just want more money, then perhaps you should choose a different, less public profession.

Well, if you are eager to change the surrounding society for the better, then go ahead and achieve your goal!


The long and thorny path to becoming a deputy

/ Self-development

A politician's career begins with personal growth.

Agree, in order to get the position of “servant of the people” you need to go through a long and thorny path from an ordinary citizen to a recognizable person on the streets.

Desire alone is not enough for such growth; you need to have certain character traits: leadership, confidence and perseverance.

In addition, the future deputy must have a good understanding of the psychology of the masses, be able to manage it and lead him.

In addition to character, the person must be well versed in history, political science and cultural studies.

It is the presence of such psychological and professional qualities that create favorable conditions for career growth. The position of assistant to a deputy is considered a good start to a deputy’s career.

Basically, a servant of the people has at his disposal 2-3 assistants, each of whom performs certain functions. Some work with the electorate, others help with legal issues, and others write bills.

Beginning of a career – assistant to a deputy

At first it was said that each deputy works with assistants, the number of which depends on the level of the politician. For example, the most popular deputies have from 20 to 50 assistants, but only a few of them later receive the long-awaited certificate of servant of the people.

  • How to become an assistant to a deputy? What is needed for this?

The first step on the path to the career ladder will be joining the party.

After receiving a membership card, you must prove yourself from the best side - to be an active public figure.

During this period, you manage to make the necessary contacts, and you have a chance to get into the competition to fill the position of deputy assistant.

Alas, the terms of the competition are often neglected, since deputies prefer to take “their own” – relatives or acquaintances – into the team. To successfully move up the ladder, you must have outstanding personal qualities - be an excellent psychologist and an erudite person.

After reviewing your resume (read our article on how to write a resume), the commission or government employee personally decides whether to take you to the team or not.

But how to become an assistant to a deputy if you have failed to prove yourself to an influential person? What to do in this case: reconcile or continue to fight?

Political scientists advise not to give up and continue the fight for a number of reasons:

  1. During your time in the party, you became involved in social activities;
  2. You have made new acquaintances. It is possible that another deputy will notice you and offer to join his team.
  3. You have gained experience in fighting for a tasty morsel, the power of which can be brought down on the next competitors to fill the assistant’s position.

Let's look at the privileges of helpers:

  1. Free travel on public transport;
  2. Unhindered attendance at meetings in the regional council;
  3. Aides are often invited to parliamentary sessions;
  4. Paid business trips on behalf of the deputy.

Agree that such privileges should additionally stimulate a person to career growth.

Step two - become a deputy of local authorities

After successfully overcoming the first barrier, the assistant servant of the people has a free hand. He can continue to be submissive and carry out all the orders of his boss or set himself higher goals. For example, to get your candidacy elected to local government bodies.

Time has shown that it is better to be an assistant for the first few months before becoming a local government deputy, since you need to gain experience in political struggle. Next you need to follow this strategy:

  1. Be active and aim specifically at local governments. The fact is that they don’t hire “our own people” into the state apparatus, so you need to prove yourself at the provincial level. How to do this as a helper? In addition to your main occupation, you need to continue to engage in social activities in order to shine even more among people (your future electorate). Practice has shown that some local government deputies made it to the regional council thanks to projects to improve the city.
  2. Subtle calculation of the financial side. Before becoming a deputy, you need to accurately calculate the possible financial costs of the election campaign. For example, to conduct a successful election campaign in a small town of 10,000 people, a future servant of the people will need about 100,000 rubles. This does not take into account speechwriters, image makers, etc.
  3. Depending on one’s position in society and politics, an assistant has two ways of advancement: a party candidate and a self-nominated candidate. If you are very popular among the people, then you can try your luck as a self-nominated candidate. In another case, you will be supported by the party and a small circle of electorates of supporters of the political force.

For example, you nominated your candidacy in a locality of 10,000 people, then in this case you only need 500 to get into local government. Agree that the minimum amount can be reached if you do something useful for the locality.

Overcoming the last frontier

After securing a position in local government, the chances of becoming a deputy in parliament greatly increase. However, even such a high position does not provide a 100% guarantee of advancement to the coveted place if you do not pay attention to several factors:

  1. Agitation. You need to constantly work with the population, and the more actively this work is carried out, the greater the chances of getting into the central authorities. The ability to speak in public will help you with this. Campaigning is the most difficult task because you have to get the electorate to change their minds. This can be done in different ways: distribute newspapers, information booklets, hold meetings with your voters, etc.
  2. Make acquaintances among influential people. Almost 60% of success depends on the right contacts. One joke that ends with the words: “Well, I won’t be a deputy if I don’t become a godfather matchmaker” speaks about the great role of dating in moving up the government ladder.” Agree that support in influential circles will help you get the coveted seat even without the participation of the people. But, as practice has shown, this is more an exception to the rule than a pattern. So we will have to work with the people.
  3. Image is a significant factor that will help you stand out among people. Politically active people have always been interested in one question: “How to become a deputy without losing your image?” The formation of a positive image is influenced not only by beautiful clothes, but also by personal qualities. The future servant of the people must be a role model so that people are drawn to him and believe in him. Agree that people are unlikely to be drawn to a person who has engaged in fraud in the past, has been involved in high-profile scandals, or has earned a bad name.
  4. Create a team and take a leading position in it. It is easier to fight for a deputy seat as a group than on your own. Just think for a second: who will receive citizens when you are completely immersed in the election campaign, and who will prepare and take into account upcoming events, etc.? Remember that a good team will not allow its leader to lose; it will do everything to ensure that he wins the upcoming elections.
  5. Get financial support. It is impossible to conduct an election campaign without funds. Where can I get them and how to become a deputy? Let us give some simple recommendations in this regard: create your own election campaign fund and spread the word that you are raising funds to fight for a deputy seat, in which you will represent the interests of citizens of your region. In addition, financial support can also be obtained from entrepreneurs. But they won’t just invest in your candidacy unless you promise them benefits in return.

Thus, you can become a deputy if you put maximum effort and hard work into it. Remember, servants of the people are not parasites who just push buttons. A statesman is an educated and strong-willed person who is capable of making the right decisions in difficult times.


How to become deputies of local authorities:

People look at people’s deputies, evaluate their privileges and salaries, and involuntarily think about how they become deputies.

Suddenly it’s not difficult, why not try it? Thoughts, I must say, are good. Responsible, proactive, principled workers are needed in government.

If you, the reader, are one of them, then let’s figure out how they become deputies.

Personal qualities

You need to know that not every person is capable of such activities. If you are interested in how people become deputies for their own selfish interests, evaluate your personal qualities. The fact is that people love charismatic leaders who know how to inspire respect and lead.

Quality is complex and multifaceted. In short, igniting hearts is not as easy as it seems from the outside. Look, for example, at State Duma deputy V.V. Zhirinovsky.

Do you think his small “performances” that regularly appear in the media are character? No, they are arranged for advertising purposes.

You need to promote your political strength constantly, every minute. To do this, you need to be able to speak in public, speak competently, think quickly, know a lot and be able to. At the federal level, serious life experience is encouraged. And you can’t do without it when working in a local council.

After all, winning elections is not enough. By the way, this is the simplest thing. Then you will have to work - make decisions that literally affect people's lives.

How can you do this without education, broad erudition and knowledge of local conditions? This is a question for thought for those who are wondering how to become a member of the Council of Deputies.

Work ability

For reference, it wouldn’t hurt to look at the work schedule of the people’s choice. We see these people on screens or in beautiful halls, where they are, so to speak, on parade. It seems that their life is raspberries and sugar. Smile, read smart ideas from a piece of paper, and get money for it.

And after the removal of powers, the pension will also be something that an ordinary person will never see. And deputies travel abroad for budget money. But this is only the external side of the matter. It should be taken into account by those who are interested in how they become deputies. There is another side to the coin.

The people's choice has a very busy work schedule. It is necessary to have time to meet people, study documents, travel to enterprises, delve into the problems of citizens, issue tasks and monitor their implementation. Believe me, the work is exhausting and stressful.

Sometimes there is no time to even get sick normally, “like people.” Voters require constant attention. They write requests, look for personal contacts. People now know their rights. They will not leave until the problem is resolved positively.

And journalists run after you, suspecting that you are shirking your work. There is a lot to endure. And what’s even more difficult is that all life takes place in public. Everyone is interested in who you talked to, where you went, where you vacationed. We don’t even think about the property you own.

The deputy is obliged to publish the list - to submit a declaration.

Minimum Requirements

After all, you will have to comply with many formalities. Believe me, many people who aspire to become people’s representatives have been “burnt” by bureaucratic issues. The first thing you should know is the requirements for candidates.

They are observed religiously, like other points of legislation. A citizen of the country who has reached the age of 21 and permanently resides in the territory of the Russian Federation has the right to be a deputy.

In addition, this person must be legally competent and not have a valid criminal record. Fortunately, we have the majority of such citizens.

But you shouldn’t stop there if you are really interested in how to become a local deputy. Someone must nominate you. There are two ways here. And each of them is replete with difficulties.

Two extension methods

Let us repeat, for those who are interested in how to become a deputy of local authorities, a clear and solid knowledge of the legislation is simply necessary. There are many pitfalls at the promotion stage. The party can recommend your candidacy to the people.

Moreover, it is not necessary to be a member. It is necessary to prove yourself, demonstrate business qualities, and inspire confidence among the leaders of the political force. How to do it? We need to communicate, talk, put forward initiatives. In general, it is constantly in sight.

It is difficult to promote homebodies, even very smart ones, to deputies. And political forces don’t like to lose. They nominate only passable people, in their opinion. If the parties are not interested in you, there is another way. The candidate can nominate himself.

To do this, you need to submit a package of documents to the relevant election commission. Please note that personal data is not enough. You will be required to provide a list of people who support the candidacy. It will be carefully checked for fakes.

It requires the signatures of real citizens living in the given territory.

We've moved on, what's next?

This issue would have to be put first. Those who are really interested in how to become a local deputy prepare for the election process well in advance. After all, you will have to actively engage in campaigning. For many, this is the most difficult moment. Elections are real competition.

Please note that the public is not particularly willing to run to the ballot boxes on the right day. People need to be interested, persuaded, pushed to take this step. Otherwise, everyone will leave for their dachas, and you will be left without. In addition, your voters will be attracted to your competitors.

In general, the struggle even at the lowest level is serious. You have to hire assistants, purchase propaganda materials, publish in the media (not for free), participate in television shows, and so on. You understand - you need funds. Their volume depends on the region and the number of competitors.

Are you still wondering what it takes to become a deputy? Then let's move on.

Development of an election campaign plan

It is impossible to win without preliminary, thorough preparation. You will need loyal supporters who will work alongside you. So people are interested in how to become an assistant to a deputy.

To do this, it is necessary to work alongside the one whom the people will later elect. That is, they become assistants through personal contacts. But we will return to our election campaign. It should be planned carefully.

First of all, determine your electorate, those groups of people with whom you will be popular. The next step is to explore their interests. You will have to communicate with them, attract them to your side.

And to do this, you need to talk to people about what concerns them. In addition, based on their interests, events are developed that will attract the electorate. In general, you will have to work twenty-four hours a day (or more).

This is where helpers are simply needed. One person will not be able to cover all the work that needs to be done to successfully run a campaign.

How to become a deputy's assistant

We have already practically covered this issue. What is needed is sociability, efficiency, initiative, the ability to work hard, cheerfully, and not rely on oneself. The latter is a serious test for a person striving for leadership.

But young people have to go through it in almost any field. Gaining experience, knowledge, and honing skills in any other way is quite difficult. And next to a popularly known deputy, you yourself will become a recognizable personality. New opportunities and acquaintances will appear.

For a young man, this is an excellent start to a brilliant career.

How to become a Duma deputy

On the eve of the elections, many dream of such a career. Let's just say, get your money ready. Don't think about bribes! The federal level requires enormous propaganda work. And the voter is more picky.

Would you say that this is the same electorate? Yes, but he takes the Duma more seriously than local councils. This is how politics works in the Russian Federation. People are oriented towards the center, therefore they are more lenient towards their deputies than towards those sitting in Moscow.

They are criticized more, they are expected to solve problems, do serious work and almost achieve feats. And the competition on this site is much more serious. So think about whether you can cope with this task.

Although those who really strive for a political career participate, no matter what. This is done for advertising purposes. He will lose the first campaign, but the second time, you see, the voter will like it.


You know, the path to the deputy chair is thorny and tortuous. There are many runners on it, trying to reach the goal first.

Before entering the race, it is recommended to think about why you and voters need this? Why will people fight for you? What will you bring them? Once you answer honestly, without embellishing your abilities, you can begin collecting documents. Our huge, rich, great country needs you! Good luck!

Education has nothing to do with it. If you decide to try yourself as a single candidate, you still can’t do without money. Even leaflets in a municipal campaign cost money. You can, of course, just walk around all the apartments in the area with your feet - but how will they remember you without at least some materials? How will you invite people to meetings? What if they ask for your biography or program? Would you like to record it? Not an option - the voter must be respected. Collecting signatures - okay, you can do it yourself, a municipality needs a couple of dozen. If you are known, if not by “every dog,” but by every granny at the entrance, then you have a chance of success. The main thing is not to forget to agitate the responsible observers so that the protocol is not drawn up and the ballots are not thrown in. Although... With an organized “early appointment”, to which they are brought by buses, the chances of “non-system” candidates are zero. If you are not “from Ivan Ivanovich or Vyacheslav Serafimych,” that is, you are not included in the team of the local supervisor from the Party, you will be drowned in the voices of Buratin-state employees.

In elections at a higher level, there is absolutely nothing to do without money and connections. Before the crisis, a campaign for the regional Assembly cost at least 4 million, for a small city duma - one and a half. Without this, you simply won’t tell anyone about yourself - and you won’t hire help. Elections are a technology, it is a production process, first of all, and not writing articles and drawing leaflets. You will have to pay both the signature collectors, the agitators - those responsible for going around their polling stations, and the posters of the campaign. Contacts are necessary so that they can talk to you in housing offices (about not tearing down notices and posters), in schools, dorms and clinics - about holding meetings, etc. In the end, in order for the voter to see that he is not choosing Don Quixote, whom everyone around will “send”, but a systemic person who can “resolve issues.” My experience says that no one asks about the candidate’s “high politics”. People are concerned about problems at home and in their yard. Well, streets and neighborhoods. And also how a specific Ivanov will be able to solve them. The powers of a deputy are such that he himself cannot do anything. But shouldn’t we go to the voter with this? Therefore, you need to prove that you will not be ignored in the Assembly/Duma, and in the mayor’s office too. The option is to nominate from the party in power, now Edro is hiding the party brand, nominating candidates as if from the Popular Front (although formally from the party). This is a good option - the party flag does not interfere, there is no need to collect signatures, budget managers are favorable. If you are an active social activist and you have become an eyesore for everyone, there is an option that you will be called as a candidate, this is the attitude “from above”. It is difficult to come from the opposition party. All party negativity will be glued to the candidate. You shouldn’t put the voter before a choice: Sidorov is a good person, I would be for him - but for some reason he joined the LDPR (Communist Party of the Russian Federation, SR), and I can’t stand them.

The article that is found by searching on the Internet “How to become a deputy” is the most visited on our website, although the subject of our website is completely different - it’s business.

How did this happen? The fact is that the head of the Club Artyom Mitin he himself was a current deputy of one of the districts of Moscow in 2012-2017, and in general he has three consecutive local election campaigns.

In the process of communicating with colleagues, Artyom collected his personal experience of coming to power, and also analyzed the experience of several dozen deputies. And in the end output the sequence steps to becoming a local deputy. Basic material you can get in free book follow the link in the article below.

Straightaway we warn you from fantastic illusions. Often, in their desires, people immediately see themselves as a deputy of the State Duma or, at least, a regional parliament. Forget about it for now. If no one knew about you before, you have not actively expressed yourself in any way, and you are not well acquainted with the situation in the territory, the placement of political figures, as well as connections with key people on the ground, to become a deputy of the State Duma or regional parliament - the chances are slim. A huge number of people with serious resources are vying for these places. And there these people push hard to get these positions. You'll be lucky if you don't get caught up in this crush.

But there is great news. The thing is that in our country 250,000 deputies, but 99.9% of them are deputies at the LOCAL level, and the remaining 0.1% are deputies of the State Duma and regional parliaments, where the main battle of resources and connections takes place.

Based on the available percentages, we see that becoming a deputy at the local level is conditional about 1000 times lighter. Of course, if you are ambitious and determined enough in life, you don’t have to limit yourself, but in local government you will have it's easier to win higher level elections.

Become a deputy in principle really, if you follow a certain algorithm. The local level of the deputy as a whole is an ideal platform for making strong changes in one’s life moving forward. According to our observations, almost all local deputies aged 20-45 years have made great progress in their development.

Moreover, local deputies include entrepreneurs, active “housewives”, students (in our practice they were 19-20 years old), managers, programmers, working people, businessmen and businesswomen (at the local level, entrepreneurs can be deputies). And there are also quite enough examples of older active deputies.

But of course, of course you have to work to become a deputy even at the local level. This path requires determination and the ability to see things through to completion. Not everyone succeeds in this, especially if the person is not very “charged”. And on this path, 90-95% of people go astray.

There is also a difficulty of another kind. Lack of availability of up-to-date information. There are few places in our country that teach how to become a deputy. Few people give clear step-by-step plans and instructions for a reasonable price. And if you need personal consultations from political strategists, then for an ordinary person it is obscenely expensive.

As we wrote above, what needs to be done to become a deputy of local authorities, a small book has been written “How to become a deputy of local authorities? 12 steps to Victory." In it, our leader told how he walked this path himself, being, in principle, an ordinary person, not connected with the authorities, not working as an official and without relatives in power. He shared his experience, setting out this path in the form of instructions.

In addition, Artyom continues to engage in training and promotion people who seriously want to become deputies of local authorities and are ready to take active steps to achieve this.

Therefore, if you need more extensive consultation, or perhaps comprehensive support, then write directly Artyom Mitin

Step-by-step free book “How to become a deputy of local authorities? 12 steps to victory" can be downloaded using the form below

The book contains the most interesting things about this topic. We wish you an informative reading)


Even if you didn’t manage to become a deputy the first time, or local elections are not coming soon, or you feel that you have not yet gained the strength and “muscles” to become a deputy, and you still don’t really believe in it - there is another possibility which will lead you closer to your goals.

This is to become an ASSISTANT OR ADVISOR to a local-level deputy. As a rule, deputies at the local level there are few smart people on their staff. And considering that the majority of deputies are public activists and do not receive a salary for the work of a deputy, it is difficult to hire a good specialist without more or less normal money. Deputies come out of this situation in different ways, but the fact remains that there is a very good niche of opportunities here. And the most important thing is that you can become an assistant not on a permanent basis, but on a part-time basis, and often this is exactly what deputies need. And it's more convenient for you.

Even a local-level deputy can give you many interesting development opportunities that will move you forward. There is a strong personnel shortage in the country, and you can make an interesting offer to a deputy based on his needs and your capabilities. Let us repeat that there are almost 250,000 local deputies in the country, to whom you can offer certain ideas based on the region where your activities take place. And that means you have 250,000 opportunities to move forward.

Get individual advice on:

— how to get in touch with the authorities;

- how to become “your” person;

— how to get all the promotion opportunities;

— how to speak “one language” with the authorities

- and how else to find time for this?

You can also write to our manager

A deputy is a successful and very respected person who holds a high position and has a good income. Moreover, the person in power has a number of privileges, the sweetest of which is immunity. A representative of the government cannot be arrested, he cannot be searched, interrogations are also prohibited, and he cannot be brought to criminal or administrative liability, except in a number of special cases.

If a person strives to become a deputy, then he thinks very seriously about his future. Being a deputy is prestigious and profitable. But don't expect an easy life like in the movies. In addition to a huge number of privileges, the chosen one of the people also has a large number of responsibilities. It's a job like any other.

Who can become a deputy? According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, any Russian citizen over 21 years of age and permanently residing in the territory of the Russian Federation can become a deputy. Restrictions can only apply to incapacitated citizens and people in prison. Well, I think this is clear.

What does it take to become a deputy?

If you meet all the requirements and feel the strength and desire to move along the vertical of power, then you can get started!

To become a deputy, you first need to nominate yourself in the elections. To do this, you must be a member of any electoral bloc, electoral association or any party.

But joining one of the parties will not be enough to get into the elections. The party needs to nominate you. How to do it? Do you want an honest answer? Pretty hard. Usually parties already have their own core of leaders. This is tantamount to coming to a factory and trying to become its boss. But don’t rush to get upset, you have another pretty good chance!

And so, if you are not accepted into any of the parties, or you cannot immediately achieve your nomination for elections, then the legislation of the Russian Federation provides for the possibility of self-nomination. To do this, you must collect at least 2% of voter signatures. If you are running for a post in some small town, then you don’t need to collect so many signatures, but if you are aiming for the State Duma, then you will have to work hard.

There is another way: an electoral deposit. For batches it is about 6 mil. rubles, and for self-nominated candidates 250 thousand rubles. Moreover, if you get less than 3% of the votes in the elections, then the money will go to the budget, and if more than 3%, then the deposit will be returned to you in full. This is a kind of protection from people who are trying to attract attention to themselves.

Election campaign

Having achieved the title of “candidate for deputy”, you should begin the election campaign.

But sticking up leaflets with your face all over the city won’t be enough. Election campaign is a real art!

Becoming popular is not as easy as it seems, but you can take advantage of the experience of people who have already walked this path. “Experienced” people advise that first of all, be sure to arrange meetings with voters, at which you will tell them in detail your plan of action.

By the way, this plan deserves special attention. In short, it should contain answers to the following basic questions:

  1. What do I want to change when I come to the post of deputy?
  2. Why should you choose me?
  3. What knowledge and experience will help me cope with the assigned tasks?
  4. What EXACTLY will I change when I come to power.
  5. How important are these changes for ordinary citizens?
  6. What do I want to achieve by coming to power? What will a high-ranking position do for me?

But it’s unrealistic to meet everyone. Be sure to create pages on social media. networks and communicate through them. Moreover, it only takes a couple of times to appear on TV screens and radios. By the way, the state will provide you with TV time at its own expense!

In general, it would be best to hire a group of specialists who will promote you. Professionals will teach you how to speak correctly and how to please the public.


Even if luck doesn’t smile on you the first time, you will gain invaluable experience, and next time you will be able to approach this issue more carefully. But remember, in order to sit in the honorary chair of the people’s chosen one, you need to be worthy of this chair. If you just want more money, then perhaps you should choose a different, less public profession. Well, if you are eager to change the surrounding society for the better, then go ahead and achieve your goal!

There are deputies in every municipality. They form the local city council.

Just like the State Duma deputies, they have powers. What do ordinary residents need to know about the rights and responsibilities of a local council deputy?

There are just under five hundred deputies in the State Duma, and what countless numbers there are in representative bodies of local self-government throughout the country! The smallest cities have their own city council, which includes local deputies. It is they, and not the servants of the people sitting in the capital’s Duma, who turn out to be closer to ordinary residents.

You should start your visits with a local council deputy if you think that you can’t figure it out without the help of the authorities. Here it would be a good idea to find out not only how to contact a public servant, but also what capabilities and rights he has to provide assistance to the population.

Who is a municipal deputy

So, a deputy of a municipal entity is a person elected by the people inhabiting this entity, a person who will represent the interests of the local residents who elected him.

According to the law, local government is not an institution of state power. It is believed that here the population itself controls its own life, decides what to do to make life better, what laws to introduce, etc. It acts theoretically through its representatives elected by the population.

The powers of municipal deputies are, naturally, less than those of the same State Duma representative. However, even such a “little man” in the hierarchy of power decides a lot. For example, local deputies decide what the budget will be in their municipality. It is calculated based on the number of residents of the Moscow Region. They also report to the population about where municipal money was spent. In addition, the deputy of local representative authorities adopts, approves and changes the local Charter - the main document of the municipality. The charter is based on the principle of taking into account local traditions and cultural characteristics of the place where it is introduced.

Deputies are responsible for issues of guardianship and trusteeship. They manage municipal property, supervise issues of sports life in the district and leisure of the population. It is this combination that can attract unscrupulous people, simply put, bribe takers, to offer a bribe to the people's representative for the provision of premises for any sports section or leisure center.

Local deputies generally must monitor the development of the municipality and bear responsibility for the execution of their instructions. That is, a deputy can influence the organization of a children’s playground in the courtyard of a house. But he must also ensure that the work is actually carried out, that the site is of high quality and does not injure children, and that the work is completed on time.

Right to lawmaking

Local government members have the right to create laws. One would hardly think that laws proposed in some tiny town would be adopted in the State Duma. Local government should not strive for this. His legislative initiative is very local. Local deputies should be concerned about what laws to pass so that the life of this particular district changes for the better - taking into account its characteristics, problems, traditions, etc.

The City Duma decides to hold a local referendum. By the way, the people can initiate it if they are dissatisfied with the current government. Local deputies generally must listen to the population they represent - even in cases where citizens come up with unexpected initiatives.

They can also hold public hearings devoted, for example, to urban planning initiatives, law enforcement, and the establishment of local holidays.

That is, people's representatives should strive to coordinate issues of local importance with representatives of government authorities in the region. To do this, they have the right of deputy inquiry, with which they can apply to almost any government agency. For example, local deputies can check the activities of the head of the administration, that is, a representative of the executive branch. They can go to court to resolve municipal disputes. A local deputy has the right to express his position in the media and thereby draw attention to the problems of the population.

Solving social and economic issues

Municipal deputies are responsible for monitoring the activities of municipal officials and organizations that must act to resolve issues of local importance. These same people's representatives decide how to join forces with neighboring districts in order to jointly solve similar problems.

Local deputies resolve socio-economic issues. For example, in Peterhof, representatives of the local council are even required to collect statistics that would show the state of the social and economic spheres in the municipal circle. This data is then provided to government agencies.

How local deputies work

The holder of the State Duma mandate devotes himself entirely to serving the people - at least that is what is commonly believed. Therefore, he cannot engage in so-called “entrepreneurial and other paid activities.” The exceptions here are creative, scientific and teaching activities. What about local deputies - is it the same with them? It turns out not really.

If a servant of the people exercises his powers on a permanent basis, then all these requirements apply to him. But the fact is that only 10% of deputies of local representative bodies can work on a permanent basis, and in districts where it is required by law (and it is based on population size) to have only 10 deputies, only 1 will work on a permanent basis. Most often , of course, this is the chairman of the city duma.

A deputy of a municipal district working on a permanent basis receives class ranks: municipal councilor 1st or 2nd class. They are assigned as follows: if a municipal deputy worked for 5 or more years on a permanent basis, and already had the rank of second-class municipal councilor, he is assigned the rank of 1st class.

Privileges and guarantees for municipal deputies

These are all powers, you will notice. What about privileges? Do deputies of local representative bodies really not have them? Why then does everyone strive to get the coveted crusts? There are privileges - free travel on public transport. Also, a deputy has the right to be received first when applying to local government bodies regarding issues of his activities.

In addition to privileges, a local deputy is provided with guarantees. They are necessary so that a representative of elected bodies can calmly exercise his powers. A local deputy can personally attend discussions in all local government bodies and take part in them, and can make comments and suggestions on the issues under discussion.

Commitments to the people

But there are also obligations - for example, deputies are required to meet with the population for several hours once every two weeks. Not everyone follows this legal requirement. It is far from easy to get to many busy deputies - even by appointment.

The distinctive features of a local council deputy are a certificate and a badge (not in all municipalities). The certificate is issued for the term of election (for locals this period is set at 4 years), it contains the name of the people's choice and provides confirmation of his powers.

How to become a deputy? How much does a deputy earn?



3. The beginning of the path of formation

4. Elections


6. Useful video

We have already talked on the pages of the magazine “Business Earnings” about such professions as a janitor and an economist and how much they earn. In this article we will tell how to become a deputy and what his salary is.

Professions related to politics are not suitable for everyone. But those who want to try themselves in this area, namely to become a deputy, need to take into account and know some aspects of this difficult work. So, a logical question arises: how to become a deputy? To begin with, it is necessary to clarify that deputies are those people who can be elected by voters to a specific representative body of state or local government. This is all done by secret ballot. It is worth noting that you can become a deputy at one of three levels. It is easier to get into the City Duma than, for example, into the State Duma. The latter “takes” only “star” candidates who are well known to people.

Advantages of being a deputy

Becoming a deputy opens up several opportunities for a person.

Here is the list of privileges:

1. Russian deputies become inviolable. What does it mean? This means that deputies cannot be punished using administrative or criminal codes. They also cannot be arrested, searched, or interrogated. But all this can be permitted by the legislative body of state power.

2. Russian deputies are exempt from military service for the period of their service to the people.

3. The salary is quite high and amounts to more than 100 thousand rubles.

Requirements for a candidate for deputy

So, how to become a deputy? You need to follow a few simple requirements. Firstly, a person applying for such a position must be at least 21 years of age. Secondly, the candidate must have Russian citizenship. Well, thirdly, the candidate must permanently live in Russia. Here are the main three requirements, so to speak, for the applicant. As for education, it is, in principle, unimportant. The main thing is that a person graduates from school, for example, secondary specialized education. The rest is aspiration and sincere desire.

The beginning of the path of formation

To become a candidate for city or State Duma deputy, you must first join a political party. Next, it is important to establish yourself in such a way that you have the opportunity to stand for candidacy on confident feet. The party and its leadership must support its active members.

If the party leadership does not support, then you can go another way. To become a candidate for parliament, you must try to attract voters to your side. It is important to collect a certain percentage of votes in order to obtain candidate status.

For especially impetuous people with unsuccessful attempts, there is a third option for becoming a student - this is paying a deposit amount. There is one nuance here: if a candidate fails the vote (less than 3% of the votes), then his money is transferred to the Russian budget; if the outcome is successful, the money is returned. This is how becoming a deputy of the City Duma or State Duma is not entirely easy.

When you succeed in becoming a candidate, a person must submit an application and a certain package of documents to the territorial election commission. It includes:

A citizen's identity document is a passport.

Certificate from the place of work.

Education documents.

The submitted documents will be checked, after which it will be necessary to pay a state fee. And after that it will be possible to agitate yourself, your person, and collect the votes of the people. The Electoral Commission will monitor votes very closely, and fraud will be punishable by “elimination from the race” to become an MP.


When half the work is done, there is still a lot left to do. Question: how to become a deputy? - is still relevant. It is important to win the elections themselves. Election campaigning plays a big role here. You need to come up with your speech in advance: let it not be too short and not too long. To make it easier to write, you need to answer a few simple questions for yourself.

For example: Why am I better than other candidates? What can I give to the people? In addition, it would be a good idea to advertise outdoors in the form of large campaign signs. It would also be useful to organize the distribution of leaflets with your goals and plans for this city, region or country as a whole.

Some things are free, but others will require you to invest money. For example, the latter is a website with its own program, goals, achievements, and so on.

During the election campaign, one must remember the legislation. Illegal actions can lead to disastrous consequences, and the dream of becoming a deputy can collapse overnight. But there is an opportunity to get another vacancy - an assistant to a State Duma parliamentarian. In this case: how to become an assistant to a deputy? This person is chosen from among “his close associates.” A mandatory requirement for an assistant is Russian citizenship.

In addition, you need to have a good understanding of office work.

How much is the salary of parliamentarians?

How much do parliamentarians earn? It is difficult to imagine the earnings of people in this profession with specific figures. But we can talk about average earnings. It is approximately a little more than 100 thousand rubles. Of course, depending on the position and region, city, the salary will vary. How much do assistants earn? Their earnings will be more modest. In some cases, parliamentarians need little to no help and can cope on their own. Thus, becoming a parliamentarian is possible if you try to achieve this. It doesn’t matter how much time it takes, the main thing is to achieve results.

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Who is a deputy? The Law “On Basic Guarantees of Electoral Rights and the Right to Participate in a Referendum of Citizens of the Russian Federation” defines a deputy as “a person elected by voters of the corresponding electoral district to a representative body of state power or to a representative body of local self-government on the basis of universal, equal and direct suffrage with secret voting."

According to the Constitution of the Russian Federation, “citizens of the Russian Federation have the right to elect and be elected to government bodies and local self-government bodies.”

How to get the coveted status?

First you need to become a candidate for deputy, i.e.

become “a person nominated as a candidate for a position to be filled through direct elections or for membership in a body (chamber of a body) of state power or a local government body or registered as a candidate by the relevant election commission.”

The legislation establishes a number of requirements for candidates for deputies.

Firstly, you must be a citizen of Russia.

Secondly, you must reach the appropriate age - 21 years.

Thirdly, permanently reside in Russia.

A citizen who has been declared incompetent by a court or who is in prison by a court sentence cannot be a deputy. In addition, other restrictions may be established by law.

If you meet all the above requirements, then you can safely nominate your candidacy for election. Electoral blocs, electoral associations, and political parties can nominate candidates for deputies. Nobody wants to nominate you as a candidate? It doesn’t matter, for such cases the law provides for self-nomination of candidates. However, we should not forget that in the case of self-nomination, after submitting an application to the election commission, you will have to collect a certain number of votes in your support or pay an election deposit.

Finally, you have been registered as a candidate for parliament. Then it’s time to prepare for the next step - pre-election campaigning, during which it will be necessary to convince voters that they simply cannot find a better deputy. Election campaigning should be carried out only in forms permitted by law and using legal methods. Campaigning is carried out from the day of registration as a candidate for deputy and ends at 00:00 local time the day before the elections.

After the elections, votes are counted. As a rule, the candidate who received the largest number of votes from voters who took part in the voting is considered elected, provided that more votes were cast for him than against all.

1. Federal Law of the Russian Federation “On the Basic Guarantees of Electoral Rights and the Right to Participate in a Referendum of Citizens of the Russian Federation”

2. Federal Law of the Russian Federation “On elections of deputies of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation”

3. Laws of the subjects of the federation on the elections of deputies.

Who are these people who make laws for our benefit and well-being? And how to become one of the Duma members? What stages do you need to go through for this and can an ordinary person do it?

The elections of deputies to the State Duma of the seventh convocation have just taken place. They did not bring any fundamental changes, except that United Russia can now officially make decisions on its own, without consulting the opposition, since the party in power has an absolute majority of votes (more than 50%).
