The erzgamma star is a talisman that brings good luck.

There is a huge variety of talismans of different shapes, colors and purposes of use: talismans that bring good luck, talismans for maintaining health, a talisman for victory, a talisman for financial well-being.

The main difference between a talisman and an amulet is that its main purpose is to strengthen the qualities, talents and other powers inherent in a person from birth.

Talismans appeared a very long time ago and their original image in many cases may have significant differences.

Talismans were of great importance to our ancestors. They always tried to carry them with them, never leaving them, and it was believed that the talisman should be constantly near the body. That is why all talismans were hung on strings around the neck. The loss of a mascot has always been a tragedy. It was believed that now luck turned away from a person and misfortune awaited him. Among the talismans for good luck, the most commonly known talismans were those made from the fang of a wild animal, always suspended on a leather strap; if the talisman was a semi-precious or precious stone, then it was hung on a satin ribbon.

Among the ancient runic talismans there was the so-called good luck star talisman. Its image bears little resemblance to a star. In appearance, it is a pattern made on the rune in the form of a six-petaled white flower. You can even say that these are three leaves and a mirror image is made to them.

Currently, many astrologers and mascot creators believe that the star should be seven-pointed. Each end of the star symbolizes a specific planet, starting with the planet Saturn and ending with the Moon. This talisman is also a symbol of the creation of the world, which the Lord created for 7 days. It is believed that this will have a magical effect if it is performed on the waxing Moon, which will charge it with good luck and happiness.

Everyone can have their own talisman of good luck. Some use old coins, some pendants, some jewelry passed down from generation to generation, or maybe even just trinkets.

Many people have different ideas about talismans. In Africa, for example, residents believe that it must be round. And in European countries, even lucky pens, watches, items of clothing and even rulers can be a talisman

Currently, there is a lot of literature containing instructions for creating talismans, and there are a huge number of sites on the Internet that also provide recommendations on this issue.

Methods for creating talismans from spruce branches, from coins, from pebbles raised near springs, and many, many other methods are described.

Currently, a mascot in the form of a chicken god is very popular. Many people believe that whoever finds this stone will have good luck and success in all matters. And if lovers find such a pebble at the same time, then their union will be strong and long.

Many people prefer to choose talismans that correspond to their zodiac sign, or according to the year of their birth. People are so accustomed to endowing precious stones with magical powers that very often, when choosing jewelry, they first of all pay attention to the stones inserted into it. Also among jewelry, talismans are considered to be pendants with images symbolizing the signs of the zodiac under which a person was born.

Many astrologers claim that incorrectly chosen jewelry containing a precious or semi-precious stone that is not suitable for the horoscope can cause serious harm to the person wearing this jewelry. Therefore, before choosing a talisman for good luck, you need to carefully study the astrological literature and follow all the advice and recommendations that astrologers give. This will help you make the truly right choice of mascot.

A talisman is what should be most valuable, and not only financially. An ordinary cheap trinket can become a talisman, which will bring good luck only if you wholeheartedly believe in it.

The Erzgamma Star is a very ancient and very powerful energy tool that helps unlock human potential and leads him to harmony. What is the meaning of this talisman and how to wear it correctly?

The Erzgamma star consists of four equilateral triangles with 12 rays, in the center of which is a cross. Since the talisman completely repeats the design of the twelve-petal anahata chakra, isotericists interpret it as a symbol of love and harmony reigning in the Universe.

According to the Christian religion, the Erzgamma star is the oldest Christian sign that existed even before the division of this religion into Orthodoxy and Catholicism, symbolizing with its rays the 12 apostles and Jesus Christ himself in the center. By the way, the name Ertsgamma belongs to the language of the ancient Copts, an Egyptian people who preached the creed of the very first Christians: Erts is 12, and gamma is harmony.

Moreover, astrologers and numerologists also claim that it is their teachings that lie at the origins of this miraculous symbol. The former refer to the 12 zodiac constellations, united around one, main star, and the latter - to the combination of numbers 1 + 2, while implying the Sun as one and the Moon as two.

Be that as it may, the essence of the Erzgamma, a powerful symbol that can completely change a person’s fate, does not change from this.

Usually a person expects a talisman to help him achieve what he wants. The Erzgamma Star acts differently: it does not obey any desire, but gives everything necessary. It often happens that a person wants something that will only harm him in the end, but Erzgamma gives him only what he really needs, helps him determine his path in life, and find his spiritual purpose.

For someone who has this symbol in their arsenal, the biofield is strengthened several times, which makes it inaccessible to evil thoughts.

In addition, the Erzgamma star has another effect. It activates the body’s self-regulation and also adapts its owner to any living conditions. This does not mean that a person will put up with everything bad, but it means that he will see a way out, and, most importantly, will be able to use it in any, even the most unfavorable situation.

The Erzgamma star can influence all areas of a person’s life - from improvement in personal life to career growth, material wealth, etc. Naturally, the question arises: such a symbol as the Erzgamma star - how to wear it correctly?

There are several ways to use this symbol. Most often, to attract good luck, increase the biofield and protect against damage and the evil eye, the Erzgamma star is worn on a chain or rope as a pendant over clothing.

Some people keep this sign in a visible place at home. During the day, without noticing it, a person every now and then comes across Erzgamma and it begins to have a calming effect on the nervous system, relieves negative thoughts, and helps with depression and insomnia.

It is believed that Erzgamma also has a medicinal effect and is capable of relieving headaches, joint pain, and other pain. To do this, apply it to the sore spot for no more than 15 minutes.

The talisman can also be used to help a loved one in trouble. Since the Erzgamma star must have one owner, it is not transferred to another, but is superimposed on the front side of a photograph of the person in need, after which the photo, along with the talisman, is wrapped in canvas and placed in a secluded place until the problem is resolved.

If the Erzgamma star talisman still needs to be transferred to another owner (for example, after the death of the owner), then this is done only on the days of a change in the elements and after preliminary fumigation with Aruna incense.

Since the Erzgamma star absorbs the negative energy of the owner’s stress and illness, it may darken over time. As soon as this happens, it is necessary to clean the talisman, but that is a completely different story.

Find health, money and love! The talisman Star of Erzgamma will help you Levshinov Andrey Alekseevich

Help through meditation on the Star of Erzgamma

Meditations on the Erzgamma star have an amazing effect. This topic was already raised in the first book; In connection with the discovery of new properties of the star, I will continue it.

For two years now I have been wearing a watch with the image of the Erzgamma star on my left hand. Many people dream of energy, vigor, the ability to concentrate... But I already have it! There are many methods of expanding physical and mental capabilities through exercise, psychotraining, approaches to eating, but few people engage in deeper work - harmonizing their inner elements, the primary elements of which we are composed. Looking at the star placed on the dial twenty times during the day through the visual channel harmonizes my internal state at the level of the primary elements and makes me even more energetic and strong. At the same time, I train intensively, I have my own nutritional principles: do not cook anything over fire, do not mix anything, give preference to more energy-intensive, “live” foods. And yet the visual component makes a significant contribution! A recent example: my weight decreased by 12 kilos, and the total weight of weights lifted during training increased. There has also been a huge amount of positive feedback (and continues to come) from my students who wear Erzgammic watches. The Star of Erzgamma, depicted on the dial and the back of the watch, fills you with joy and increases creativity. A watch brings good luck in money matters and can serve as a kind of talisman when concluding deals and making important decisions - due to the alpha state, which is more accessible to a person with the Erzgamma star.

Wearing an Erzgammic watch is the simplest type of star meditation. But since not everyone can afford such a purchase, I have developed a series of meditations aimed at solving a wide variety of problems. These meditations have already been tested and have proven themselves to be excellent. Now they are yours!

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Appendix 3. Patents for the Star of Erzgamma

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Meditation on a star Sit up straight. Relax. Imagine yourself standing with your arms outstretched and your legs spread apart. If you look at your body from the side, it will look like a five-pointed star: the two lower rays are the legs, the two middle ones are the arms, the upper one is the head. You

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“I also want a star from the sky, but that’s why it hasn’t arrived yet.” It’s not stars that fall, but meteorites - fragments of rock, just stones burning in the atmosphere. And stars annihilate and form new universes. To be precise from a physical and scientific point of view. But they meant

For those who need good luck in life, the amazing Erzgamma talisman is suitable.

If you look at it, it is a star amulet, but there is a lot of meaning hidden in its unique shape. Different traditions have different interpretations of the star, but they agree on one thing - it brings good luck, bestows success and protects from unpleasant events.

Such a talisman will be a great helper on your path. Success and luck accompany those who wear it constantly. Its shape is a big geometric riddle, in which lies the answer to many questions.

The amazing Erzgamma star will give its owner everything he desires. If you decide to establish energetic contact with this symbol, be sure to find out its interpretation, try to establish communication through energy channels. Discoveries and a lot of positive things in life await you, because dreams begin to come true as soon as you put on a correctly activated amulet. As one practitioner of esoteric teaching said:

“Having the Star of Erzgamma in your arsenal, you get exactly what you really need. This symbol is a guiding star into the world of your subconscious.”

Erzgamma star meaning

Almost every magical tradition has references to the Erzgamma star; every school believes that its origin is the result of the work of their practitioners.

Such a talisman is called active, because it emits energy even without activation, however, it is best to carry out a full ritual that will reveal the full magical potential of the amulet and connect your energy channels. This guarantees its high-quality work and help you in the most difficult situations.

Its main meaning is to attract a powerful flow of luck into your life. This energy is attracted, like an anchor, and strives towards you while the star hangs on your neck or on your bracelet. It is best to wear it on the neck, because the star amulet should be closer to the heart. You should not wear it constantly for a week, a month, a year.

Wear it a few days before an important event, wear it during and a few days after. The general cycle is 12 days according to the number of rays of the star. Of course, you can meditate by wearing the symbol around your neck or placing it on your lap. This method also has a positive effect on your life.

You should be comfortable in the amulet - if there is no such comfort, perhaps the star is not suitable for you energetically. This often happens if you practice dark magic, do damage or evil eye. The energy of a star is completely opposite to the energy of death, you will have to choose what exactly you want to do.

Sources of star power

It is believed that this symbol could have originated from several practical schools and religious teachings, but no one knows for sure yet. The Erzgamma star originates from the geometric symbol of the Pentagram.

  • Astrologers believe that 12 rays of a star are 12 months, signs of the Zodiac. This is a symbol of the unity of the stars in the sky, a symbol of infinity, birth and end of life. Such a symbol concentrated the influence of all the stars and brought them together.
  • Numerologists believe that 12 is the meaning of the Moon and the Sun. In Numerology, these are important symbols that connect day and night, beginning and end, bestowing good luck from the influence of the most powerful celestial bodies.
  • Christianity imagines a talisman as the 12 apostles and God the Son in the center.
  • Esotericists consider the star as Anahata - the center of the universe, a powerful chakra responsible for life.

All these symbols themselves carry a lot of positive energy, which can easily transform into good luck. You will need it everywhere, don't neglect it. In order to conduct an activation ritual, be sure to choose which tradition you consider yourself to be and begin the ritual. Esotericists choose a ritual when the talisman is placed in the center of the elemental altar. Numerologists do not perform any special ritual, they simply start wearing it on a certain day and month that is most suitable for your date of birth.

Activating the amulet for work

The simplest option is to activate it through a mixed ritual.

  • Place 6 white candles.
  • Place the amulet without a cord or chain in the center.
  • Concentrate on the flames of the candles and read your favorite mantra, pray, or say the magic phrase that works best for you.
  • Continue your prayers until you feel energy begin to circulate in the air.
  • Concentrate on it, try to see the golden rays of good luck.

If you use this method, then all candles should be natural wax. It is best to activate the Erzgamma talisman and make candles yourself by melting a block of natural wax. This method is considered very useful for the esoteric magical tradition. When making candles, you can add dyes and dry herbs. The result is candles that burn quickly, but they are quite enough for the ritual.

Periodically replenish the amulet with energy, repeating the ritual. This guarantees you a tight interweaving of your and his energy channels together. Such an amulet can be with you all your life.

Proper storage of the amulet

While you are not using the Erzgamma amulet, you need to store it properly. The luck concentrated in it should not leave the amulet while it is not on you.

Be sure to store it in a wooden box with a star image. It’s not difficult to find one, but you can make it yourself. The size does not matter, the main thing is that the wood is natural, not varnished. In such a storage case, the talisman will not lose its powers. It is best to find yellow or gold fabric and wrap the talisman in it.

If there are stones in it, be sure to rinse the talisman with salt water to remove the negative program. Try it, you will like the effect of the talisman that has undergone purification. It must be cleaned at least once every six months. If you wear it 12 days a month, that's enough.

Materials for making a star

If you have a desire to make a symbol yourself or select materials, then choose metal and crystals. You can order a star from a jeweler, but it must be made of silver or platinum; white gold will also do. A stone or crystal should be placed in the center of the star.

It makes no difference what kind of stone you choose, the main thing is that it is natural. This combination gives a very good effect in an energetic sense. You can choose zircons for your amulet, they are transparent and pure stones that conduct positive good luck energy. You can also take rubies - a red stone is perfect.

It is best to start making an amulet on the waxing Moon, but it should not be a Wednesday. The amulet has soft energy that combines perfectly with lunar energy. You need to select stones that will also match it - zircons, rubies, diamonds, jade, turquoise, aquamarine. This choice will be optimal.

This amazing star will give you a lot of luck, because that is what it is worn for. Activate the amulet correctly using the chosen magical tradition. In order for the star to work correctly, periodically replenish it with energy. Don't miss the chance to make all your dreams come true - a lucky star will help you even where, it would seem, nothing can help.

Try the power of the star of luck, it is unique, because the geometry and shape hide a special secret of power. This talisman will become your favorite, because it is not only powerful, but also very beautiful. Choose the material and design, wear it or give it to your loved ones. Such a gift will be appreciated when good luck enters their life.

There are amulets that are used for both religious and magical purposes, one of them is the star of Erzgamma, a multifaceted amulet that has great power.

This talisman is not only designed to bring good luck and happiness to a person, but also has a beneficial effect on the chakras, removing energy blocks from them.

The star is also used in healing, as one of the main means of helping in the fight against many diseases.

The meaning of the amulet

Everyone interprets the meaning of the Erzgamma symbol for themselves in their own way, based on religious preferences, since this complex geometric amulet is revered not only in Hinduism and Judaism, but also in Christianity. Interestingly, the more the owner of the amulet tries to find out about it, the stronger the help becomes. In every religion, the Erzgamma star is revered, the meaning of which varies greatly. Despite all the prejudices, the star of Erzgamma is highly revered in Christianity; reviews from the church are always only positive.

Star of Erzgamma in religions

In addition to well-known religions, this symbol can also be found among other peoples, for example, among the Celts and Semites. This once again suggests that this symbol is universal, and its roots go back to ancient times.

Varieties of the Erzgamma star

There are several types of amulet and they also differ significantly from each other in appearance, and of course, in the specifics of interaction with it:

Any version of the Erzgamma star must be made of metal, since other materials do not have the same powerful energy. It is good if the 12-pointed amulet is made of noble metal - silver or gold.

Use of the talisman

Erzgamma will help activate energy centers, cleanse the biofield and remove blocks from the chakras. You can use the star in the following ways:

Wearing on the body

Can be worn either on a cord or on a chain worn over clothing. The amulet should be located in the middle of the chest. It is believed that when worn for a long time, the amulet becomes so powerful that it protects its owner from any negative influence. The star is compatible with other religious symbols, such as the cross.


Erzgamma can also be used for medicinal purposes. It is imperative that no device that absorbs electricity is used during the session:

  • Correction of poor vision. Apply the talisman to each eye every day and look around the rays 12 times clockwise, then counterclockwise.
  • Heat treatment. Bring Erzgamma to the sore spot and after a feeling of warmth appears, move the amulet clockwise for 3 minutes.
  • Treatment based on photos. You can help a person from a distance. To do this, place the star on the photo of the person you want to help, wrap it in canvas and put it away from prying eyes. You need to keep the amulet in the photo for at least 7 days.

You can involve another person in the treatment whom you completely trust, and he must have the skills to work with a star. The star of Bethlehem pendants are also of no small importance for women, since, as mentioned above, it is the harmony of the feminine and masculine principles, a guiding star. It has a slightly different structure of 6 rays and is also called the Star of David. Helps to find spiritual harmony, helps conception.

These two amulets should not be confused with the 8-pointed (symbol of Islam) and 5-pointed (sign of the sinful cult - Satanism) stars.

After the treatment session, Ergsamma must be cleansed. To do this, place the amulet in water and place it in the freezer for 24 hours. After time, you can see a black sediment at the bottom of the container with ice - this is negative energy.


You can tattoo a multi-pointed symbol on your left forearm. It will symbolize that a person has embarked on the path of war and comprehends the hidden meaning of life by getting rid of everything unnecessary.

Criteria for choosing an amulet

Today a huge number of amulets are sold, but there are a number of criteria that will help you choose a real pendant and not a simple trinket:

The purchased Erzgamma needs charging. Before starting this procedure, you need to undergo a three-day fast with prayers and meditation. The ritual must be performed on Sunday or a church holiday.
