Cupcake with sour cream. A simple cake recipe with cream and dried fruits

Good cream works wonders! Be sure to try making creamy muffins with aromatic alcohol and vanilla.

The creamy muffins taste very tender, it’s almost a soufflé. The aromas of vanilla and rum sharply distinguish our dessert from the general background of store-bought baked goods. You can try these cakes either in an expensive cafe, or prepare them yourself at home. But in a cafe you will pay the same amount for 2 cakes as you would spend on the ingredients for two dozen homemade muffins.

Rum can be replaced with cognac, it is better to use natural vanilla, but if you cannot find it, then use vanillin. In our case, there was Baccardi dark rum and vanilla from Madagascar.

When baking, the muffins will increase greatly in volume, but then they will definitely settle. It's a little unsightly, but doesn't affect the texture or taste in any way. The inside of the muffins will be spongy and very tender.

What to make muffins from

  • 200 ml cream (33%)
  • 2 eggs
  • 125 g sugar
  • 100 g flour
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of dark rum
  • lemon zest
  • vanilla

How to bake creamy muffins

Beat the cream with fine sugar, add the eggs one at a time and beat too. Add salt, vanilla, zest and rum, stir. Add sifted flour and mix thoroughly.

Place the prepared mixture into paper molds, filling them half or 2/3 full. Bake at 160 degrees for 25-30 minutes.

Cool the finished muffins a little and serve with tea or coffee.

Cupcake with cream

Words from the author: “The recipe for this cupcake was taken from an Italian culinary blog. I’m just delighted, as is my whole family, with this airy, tender cupcake. It’s quick to prepare and the result is delicious!”

You will need:
- 4 eggs
- 250 g sugar
- 250 g cream 30-35%
- 125 g starch (I used wheat starch)
- 125 g flour
- 1 packet of vanillin or vanilla sugar
- 1 pack. baking powder (10 g)


Beat the eggs well with sugar and vanilla,

Continuing to beat, add room temperature cream

The mass will become thinner

Mix flour, starch and baking powder separately

Sift into mass

Beat with a mixer until smooth. The mass is smooth, without lumps

Pour the dough into the mold (mine is about 22 cm)

Bake at 160 degrees for about 50 minutes. Check readiness with a wooden stick.
(I baked for 1 hour and the top still fell a little. But it didn't affect the taste!)

Look how fluffy the cupcake turned out! Not dry, moist, softest! And it doesn’t look like a biscuit at all, it tastes exactly like a cupcake!
You can pour chocolate on top or brush it with boiled condensed milk, or you can simply sprinkle it with powdered sugar.
I didn’t smear anything or sprinkle anything. It turned out very tasty!

Enjoy your tea!

Recipe cream cake:

Break the eggs into a deep bowl and add all the sugar (also vanilla sugar, if using).

With a mixer at maximum speed, beat the eggs for 5-6 minutes. The eggs should increase in volume and the sugar should completely dissolve.

Pour in the heavy cream and stir the mixture with a whisk or mixer at minimum speed.

Sift together flour, starch, baking powder and add to the egg mixture.

Gently stir the mixture until smooth. The buttery cake batter should be very light and airy, without any flour lumps.

Pour the dough into the prepared pan with a diameter of 23-24 cm. Bake the cake with cream at 160-170 C for about 45 minutes. Check the readiness of the cake with a wooden skewer. If you pierce the center of the cake with a skewer, it should come out without any sticky dough residue.

Let the finished cake cool in the pan for 5-10 minutes and remove from the pan. Transfer the butter cake to a wire rack and leave to cool.

A simple and delicious cream cake is ready!

Cut it into small pieces and serve with a cup of tea, milk or whatever you like best.

And I remembered that I’m just as thrifty and that I have 2 boxes of cream in my refrigerator, which are about to expire, and I decided to once again please my work colleagues with something sweet for tea. But it was not to be... My cupcake underwent some changes and in the end I baked it THREE times, I got three different cupcakes, with three flavors, which each turned out to be good in their own way.

First I’ll tell you the recipe, and then about failures and ways out of current situations))

We will need:

250 g flour
2 tsp. baking powder
0.5 tsp. salt
3 eggs
200 g sugar (I used 120 g)
350 ml. heavy cream (for whipping)
1 tsp. vanilla sugar


Preheat the oven to 175 degrees.

Whip the cream and transfer to another bowl.

Beat 3 eggs with sugar and vanilla sugar. You need to beat the eggs until they reach a creamy consistency - so that they turn white and increase in volume.

Add cream and mix it with eggs. Add flour in two additions and mix everything gently at low speed.

Place the dough in a mold - preferably a special muffin tin with a recess in the middle, because... if the oven is in a simple round oven, the cake will fall in the middle (this is because it is so tender). But this will not affect the taste. Bake for 45 minutes at 175C - no higher.

This is where the adventure began. I had a muffin tin, but I haven't used it for a long time. When I took it out of the box, it seemed suspicious to me and I had doubts that everything would stick to it, but I didn’t back down, tried to rinse it well, lubricated it with oil, but nothing helped... And the cake stuck tightly ((The whole action took place on Sunday in the evening, when all the shops were already closed and I had to save the situation from what was in the refrigerator. But, as I said above, that I am a thrifty hamster, I had a can of boiled condensed milk in the closet, and in the refrigerator. And after consulting on Instagram with friends, it was decided to make a cream and transform the cupcake into a cake. Below is a photo from a phone, it does not have any artistic value, I just photographed the process as a memory. I made the cream “by eye”, mixed condensed milk with yogurt and tasted it. Next I cut the cake into pieces, mixed it with cream, tamped everything into a bowl and put it in the refrigerator overnight. In the morning, I lightly fried the almond petals and decorated the “cake.” No one at work suspected anything. Everyone liked it)

But because I had 2 boxes of 0.5 liters of cream, so I didn’t stop there and a week later I decided to repeat the cake, but in a different form (by the way, I mercilessly threw away that form and now I’m wondering if I need the same one) new and which manufacturer to choose?). This time I took a rectangular mold and decided to make the cupcake taste orange and chocolate.

To do this, I made orange syrup from the recipe, pierced the cake with a wooden skewer in several places and poured the syrup over it while it was still warm. The syrup was absorbed very quickly, literally before our eyes, a couple of minutes and it was all in the cupcake.

Topped with melted chocolate.

It turned out to be a delicious juicy cupcake. On Instagram they suggested that this is a Lviv cheesecake))

Well, using a test batch of leftover cream, I simply baked small cupcakes and sprinkled them lightly with powdered sugar.

These are the kinds of adventures that lead to interesting experiments that I have had. I wish everyone successful and delicious experiments in the kitchen and beyond!

And I congratulate all our dear men on the holiday!
Bon appetit!

Break the eggs into a deep bowl. Add a pinch of salt. Beat, gradually adding sugar, until white. Switch the mixer to first speed and slowly pour the flour through a sieve. Add baking powder and vanillin.

Pour the heavy cream into a separate bowl. Beat them thoroughly until a thick white foam forms. They should look like regular store-bought whipped cream. For strength, you can add powdered sugar or starch.

We wash the raisins. Ideally, it should be soaked for half an hour in warm water so that all the dirt is washed away. Dry on a strainer. Add raisins to egg-flour mixture and stir. Three lemons on a fine grater. We put the zest into the dough. Then carefully add the whipped cream to the dough and stir until smooth.

In half an hour our cake should be completely cooked. If your oven has a tendency to make baked goods burn on the bottom, I recommend that you fill the pan with water and place it on the bottom of the oven without blocking the air flow to the fire. Then the bottom will not burn, and the baked goods will turn out more tender. Let's take out our cupcake. Sprinkle it with powdered sugar. Serve with tea with lemon or milk. Bon appetit!
