Legislative framework of the Russian Federation. Legislative framework of the Russian Federation Form C1 statistics who takes it

Every accountant at least once in his professional activity has been faced with the need to fill out statistical reports, having found himself in the so-called “sample” of the statistics body. Many organizations are charged with a permanent obligation to provide various forms of statistical observation. In the article, 1C methodologists talk about the possibilities of automatically filling out statistical forms implemented in the 1C: Accounting 8 program (rev. 3.0).

A universal mechanism for setting up filling out statistics forms

Currently, there are about 200 types of statistical reporting forms, and each form contains on average 30 or more diverse indicators. Until now, automatic completion of statistical reporting has not been provided in 1C:Enterprise programs, although for most indicators the information is present in the accounting system. The difficulty lies in the significant difference between the presentation of accounting system data and the data required to fill out statistical forms.

Users of 1C:Accounting 8 (rev. 3.0) now have the ability to automatically fill out some of the most common forms of statistical reporting.

As of the date the issue was signed for printing, auto-filling of indicators was implemented in the following forms:

  • Form No. P-1 “Information on the production and shipment of goods and services,” approved. by order of Rosstat dated October 14, 2009 No. 226;
  • Appendix No. 3 to Form No. P-1 “Information on the volume of paid services to the population by type,” approved. by order of Rosstat dated July 27, 2012 No. 422 (submitted along with Form No. P-1);
  • Form No. P-3 “Information on the financial condition of the organization” (new form, approved by Rosstat order No. 291 dated July 23, 2013, introduced starting with the report for January 2014).

Why did the 1C:Accounting 8 solution turn out to be the most suitable for implementing this task? It’s just that a significant amount of economic statistical information is based on accounting data, but this data is summarized differently.

The indicators needed to fill out statistical forms are called “objects of observation.” In order for the user to “link” the information present in the accounting system to objects of observation, the program has developed a universal mechanism for setting up the completion of statistical reports.

A group of reports is intended for compiling statistical reporting in 1C: Accounting 8 Statistics. You can read about the concept of reporting groups in the reference book “Tools for automated reporting in 1C programs” in the “Reporting” section in the ITS IS.

Let's look at the example of filling out Form No. P-1 “Information on the production and shipment of goods and services”, how you can, using accounting data, set up and fill out statistical reporting indicators.

Filling out Form No. P-1

Form No. P-1 is compiled monthly by commercial and non-profit organizations engaged in production and services (except for small businesses, banks, insurance and other financial and credit organizations), the average number of employees of which for the previous year exceeds 15 people, including part-time and contract workers of a civil nature.

The form consists of five sections in which you need to indicate the following indicators:

  • general economic indicators reflecting the production and shipment of goods of own and non-own production, industrial and agricultural products, products of an innovative nature and related to nanotechnology, as well as the cost and balances of raw materials, materials and products (Section 1);
  • special detailing of revenue from the sale of goods, works, services of own production in the context of OKVED elements (Section 2);
  • wholesale and retail sale of goods, catering turnover and paid services to the population (Section 3);
  • transportation of goods and cargo turnover of road transport (Section 4);
  • production and shipment by type of product and service in the context of OKPD and OKEI elements (Section 5).

As you can see, there are many indicators, they are very diverse and disjointed. Let's see how they get into Form No. P-1 using the new auto-fill service.

Example 1

Filling out line 27 “Public catering turnover” of Section 3 “Wholesale and retail sale of goods, public catering turnover, paid services to the population (including VAT, excise taxes and similar mandatory payments).”

If we were to fill out this line manually, we would have to separate out the catering turnover for the corresponding period from all revenue. We account for catering revenue in a separate Nomenclature group, which is called Dining room. Then, having generated the balance sheet for account 90.01 “Revenue” and set selection by subaccount in the settings panel Nomenclature group with meaning Dining room, we get the numbers that we need to insert into line 27.

Let's try to automatically fill this line.

In Form No. P-1, click the button Filling and select the submenu Fill- a miracle does not happen, line 27 is empty, since you first had to configure the filling of this line. To do this, select the line with the cursor Public catering turnover, right-click and select Customize padding.

Enter into the directory Objects of observation new element - Catering. Adding a selection element by Nomenclature group revenue with value Dining room(see fig. Setting up the observation object “Public catering”). Now, after automatically filling out Form No. P-1, revenue from public catering services will fall into line 27.

Example 2

Filling out line 12 “Shipped goods of own production using nanotechnology” of Section 1 “General economic indicators (excluding VAT, excise taxes and similar mandatory payments).”

To fill out this line you will need a complex breakdown of revenue:

  • firstly, it is necessary to determine which names of nomenclature items will meet the criteria of products, works, services related to nanotechnology;
  • secondly, it is necessary to separate products of own production from purchased goods.

As for products of own production, such selection can be organized using the correspondence of accounting accounts:

Debit 43 Credit 20

But there may be several names of nomenclature items related to nanotechnology, so it is advisable to place such nomenclature items in a separate group of the Nomenclature directory or keep them in a separate list.

Let's say that we currently produce only one type of product that can be classified as nanotechnology - LED lamps. It is quite possible that the list of such products will be constantly updated, and this must be remembered.

Using the mechanism for setting up filling out statistics forms, in Form No. P-1, click the button Filling and select the submenu Tune, find the line , open it.

To the reference book Objects of observation introduce a new element - Nanotechnology products and services.

We set a complex selection for our own products using nanotechnology (see Fig. Setting up the observation object “Nanotechnology products and services”):

  • the nomenclature item must correspond to the group from the list of values ​​LED lamp;
  • Item accounting accounts must correspond to the group from the list of values ​​- 43;20.02.

Press the button Filling, submenu Fill, and line 12 of Form No. P-1 will reflect revenue from the sale of LED lamps only.

Example 3

Filling out the group of lines 21 “Name” according to the elements of OKVED Section 2 “Shipped goods of own production, performed work and services using own resources for actual types of activities (excluding VAT, excise taxes and similar mandatory payments).”

Let's say an organization is engaged in logging and forestry, as well as breeding tree seedlings. In Form No. P-1, click the button Filling and select the submenu Tune, find the line Products and services according to individual OKVED, open it.

Using a button Add we set the selection for each code from the opening OKVED classifier.

Select “Logging” - OKVED 02.01.1 and set Settings.

The simplest option is when revenue from logging is accounted for in a separate item group. In this case, it is enough to indicate the name of the nomenclature group in the selection Logging.

However, a situation may well arise where revenue from harvesting different parts of trees is accounted for in different nomenclature groups. For example, in such as:

  • Preparation of branches;
  • Preparation of logs;
  • Preparation of stumps.

In this case, you can use contextual search and set the following condition: the revenue item group must contain the value in its name Blank(rice.).

Setting up an observation object using OKVED code

Using the same principle, you can set up revenue for forestry and nursery activities. Then, in Section 2 of Form No. P-1, sales proceeds will be distributed according to the specified OKVED codes (Fig. Automatic completion of Section 2 according to OKVED codes).

It should be kept in mind that once the setup is completed, it will be suitable for auto-filling in other forms of statistical reporting. For example, the completed setup of the observation object Catering, which we made for Form No. P-1, will allow you to automatically fill out line 27 “Public catering turnover” of Form No. P-1, as well as line 08 “Public catering turnover” of Form No. 1-accounting “Accounting for the volume of retail sales of alcoholic beverages” , approved by order of Rosstat dated December 5, 2012 No. 628.

New service for auto-filling statistical forms

You can configure statistics forms either directly when filling out a specific statistics form, or by using the service built into 1C:Accounting 8 (rev. 3.0) Accountant calendar.

To do this, you need to open the list of taxes and reports using the settings button calendar, select the required section forms Statistical reporting, press the button Write down and close to save settings calendar.

After that in Accountant calendar A separate task will appear: Configure filling out statistics forms(see fig. The task of setting up filling out statistics forms in the “Accountant’s Calendar”).

It will be possible to do Setting up filling out statistics forms both for a separately selected form, and for all available forms at once (Fig.).

Setting up filling out statistics forms

The described mechanism for setting up filling out statistical observation forms provides the user of 1C: Accounting 8 (rev. 3.0) with a universal tool that will allow organizing statistical accounting at an enterprise, taking into account its specifics. However, you need to understand that a responsible and thoughtful approach should be applied to the settings of observation objects, then in the future you will not have to return to them, and statistical reporting will be filled out easily.

With the release of the December releases of “1C: Accounting 8” (rev. 3.0), auto-completion will be supported in the following statistical forms:

  • Forms No. P-2 “Information on investments in non-financial assets and funds for shared construction” (approved by orders of Rosstat dated September 12, 2012 No. 492, dated July 18, 2013 No. 288);
  • Forms No. P-2 (short) “Information on investments in fixed capital” (approved by orders of Rosstat dated 03.08.2011 No. 343, dated 18.07.2013 No. 288);
  • Form No. P-5(m) “Basic information about the activities of the organization” (approved by orders of Rosstat

Form C-1 Information on the commissioning of buildings and structures is submitted to the territorial body of Rosstat by all legal entities (except for small enterprises, including microenterprises). The statistical report must be submitted monthly.

Information is provided by respondents (developer organizations) of all types of economic activity, regardless of the form of ownership and organizational and legal form of business entities carrying out construction and commissioning of facilities.

A legal entity fills out this form and submits it to the territorial body of Rosstat at its location.

If a legal entity has separate divisions, this form is filled out both for each separate division and for a legal entity without these separate divisions.

The completed forms are submitted by the legal entity to the territorial bodies of Rosstat at the location of the corresponding separate division (for a separate division) and at the location of the legal entity (without separate divisions). In the event that a legal entity (its separate division) does not carry out activities at its location, the form is submitted at the place where they actually carry out activities.

The head of a legal entity appoints officials authorized to provide statistical information on behalf of the legal entity (including in separate divisions).

The address part indicates the full name of the reporting organization in accordance with the constituent documents registered in the prescribed manner, and then in brackets - the short name. The form containing information on a separate division of a legal entity indicates the name of the separate division and the legal entity to which it belongs.

The line "Postal address" indicates the name of the subject of the Russian Federation, legal address with postal code; if the actual address does not coincide with the legal address, then the actual postal address is also indicated. For separate divisions that do not have a legal address, a postal address with a postal code is indicated.

A legal entity enters the code of the All-Russian Classifier of Enterprises and Organizations (OKPO) in the code part of the form on the basis of the Notification of assignment of the OKPO code sent (issued) to organizations by the territorial bodies of Rosstat.
For territorially separate divisions of a legal entity, an identification number is indicated, which is established by the territorial body of Rosstat at the location of the territorially separate division.

Respondents (developer organizations) carrying out the construction and commissioning of buildings and structures on the territory of two or more constituent entities of the Russian Federation, also highlight data on the territory of each of these constituent entities of the Russian Federation on separate forms of Form N C-1.

For linear construction (oil pipelines, communication lines, railways and roads, etc.), located in several territories (republics, territories, regions, etc.), the commissioning of facilities for each of them is determined based on the commissioning volumes related to to individual sections and objects of this construction site located in the relevant territory.

cancelled/lost force Editorial from 04.03.2002

Document typeresolution, instruction, list
Receiving authorityState Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation
Document Number20
Acceptance date01.01.1970
Revision date04.03.2002
Date of registration with the Ministry of Justice01.01.1970
Statuscancelled/lost force
  • At the time of inclusion in the database, the document was not published



I. General provisions

1. Federal state statistical observation form N C-1 is submitted by legal entities, their separate divisions (except for small businesses) to the addresses and deadlines indicated on the form.

The information is presented by organizations - developers of all types of economic activity, regardless of the form of ownership and organizational and legal form of economic entities, implementing investment projects for new construction, expansion, reconstruction and technical re-equipment of facilities.

Developer organizations provide information:

In section 1 - for all completed buildings and structures - for the month in which construction was completed, as well as for the year.

In section 2 - for residential units in commissioned residential and non-residential buildings - for the month in which construction was completed, as well as for the year;

In section 3 - on ongoing investment projects for new construction, expansion, reconstruction and technical re-equipment of facilities; for buildings and structures under construction; for buildings and structures whose construction is temporarily suspended or mothballed (financing for which was not carried out in the reporting year or funds were allocated only for conservation) - as of the end of the reporting year (as part of the annual report).

If a legal entity has branches located on the territory of other constituent entities of the Russian Federation (republics, territories, regions, etc.), then the form submitted to the state statistics bodies for the legal entity as a whole is accompanied by a form containing information on this legal entity with the exception branches located on the territory of other constituent entities of the Russian Federation. Branches located on the territory of other constituent entities of the Russian Federation submit forms of state statistical observation to the statistical authorities at their location.

Developer organizations implementing investment projects and commissioning buildings and structures on the territory of two or more constituent entities of the Russian Federation, highlight, among other things, data on the territory of each of these constituent entities of the Russian Federation on separate forms of Form N C-1.

If necessary, at the direction of the state statistics body of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, along with the form of state statistical observation as a whole for a legal entity (subject of the Russian Federation), information on the territories of cities and districts of a given constituent entity of the Russian Federation (or corresponding administrative territorial entities) is provided.

For linear construction (oil pipelines, communication lines, railways and roads, etc.), located in several territories (republics, territories, regions, etc.), the commissioning of facilities for each of them is determined based on the volume of commissioning, relating to individual sections and objects of this construction site located in the corresponding territory.

Housing construction cooperatives, as well as executive authorities of cities, towns and districts, agricultural, water management and other organizations performing the functions of construction customers for housing construction cooperatives (carrying out construction at the expense of contributions from members of the cooperative and bank loans), submit on a separate form Form N C-1 information on the commissioning of residential buildings (facilities). At the same time, in the title part of the form, in the column “Organizational and legal form according to OKOPF,” along with the OKOPF code, “Housing and construction cooperative” is indicated.

When an investment project is implemented by several legal entities in the form of shared participation, Form N C-1 for such construction is presented by one legal entity - the title holder (head developer) for the project as a whole.

2. In the address part of the form, the full name of the reporting organization is indicated in accordance with the constituent documents registered in the prescribed manner, and then in brackets - the short name.

The line "Postal address" indicates the name of the territory, legal address with postal code.

The code part is filled in by the reporting organization in accordance with all-Russian classifiers on the basis of an information letter from state statistics bodies on the inclusion of an enterprise (organization) in the Unified State Register of Enterprises and Organizations.

3. Data are provided in the units of measurement specified in the form and in Appendix 2 of this Instruction.

II. Filling out the indicators of form N C-1 Section 1 "Commissioning of buildings and structures by customers"

4. When filling out this section, you should be guided by paragraphs 3.1 - 3.4; 8.2 - 8.6 Instructions for filling out the forms of federal state statistical observation on capital construction, approved by Resolution of the State Statistics Committee of Russia dated October 3, 1996 N 123.

5. Form N C-1 “Information on the commissioning of buildings, structures and implementation of investment projects” is not an accounting report, it is built on reflecting the physical state of construction products (buildings, structures and objects) and does not depend on the fact of registration of rights to the created real estate.

Section 1 reflects physically completed buildings, structures, capacities and facilities accepted for operation in the prescribed manner.

The section displays information:

on the number of completed and put into operation residential and non-residential buildings by type, their construction volume, total area;

on the total area of ​​apartments and residential premises in commissioned residential and non-residential buildings and their actual cost by type of residential building in accordance with Appendix 1 of this Instruction;

on the capacity of commissioned facilities in non-residential buildings and structures in physical terms and their actual cost in accordance with the list of capacities and facilities given in Appendix 2 of this Instruction.

According to Appendices 1 and 2, from the total total for the commissioning of residential buildings and individual public utility facilities, healthcare, education and culture, data on rural areas is highlighted, i.e. built in settlements that are not legally classified as urban-type settlements (villages, hamlets, auls, kishlaks, hamlets and other populated areas).

6. The basis for inclusion in the statistical report in Form N C-1 of data on commissioned objects in section 1 “Commissioning of buildings and structures by customers” is the act of acceptance of completed construction objects into operation, drawn up in the prescribed manner. For residential buildings, the basis for inclusion in reporting can be the accounting registration forms according to the “Temporary Procedure for Accounting for Completed Housing Construction,” approved by the State Construction Committee of Russia on November 1, 1996. Subject to the specified conditions, the reflection of data on the commissioning of objects in Form N C-1 is carried out regardless of the availability registration in the state register.

Objects put into operation are shown in the sizes actually accepted for operation in the prescribed manner and indicated in the acceptance certificates. Data on residential buildings registered in accordance with the “Temporary Procedure for Recording Completed Housing Construction,” approved by the State Construction Committee of Russia on November 1, 1996, are reflected on the basis of accounting registration forms, design and estimate documentation and documents on the actual volume of work completed.

Objects where certain types of restoration, repair and construction work were carried out (removal of damage and repair of individual building structures, engineering equipment, roofs, roofing, glazing, painting work, repair of facades, etc.), in form N C-1 as those put into effect are not shown.

7. In column 3, lines 01 - 06, 14 - 18 indicate the local code of the type of capacity corresponding to the code of the attribute of indicators of commissioned residential buildings, capacities and facilities in non-residential buildings and structures according to the catalog of statistical indicators (KSP) in accordance with Appendices 1 and 2.

8. Column 4 shows the two-digit code of the nature of construction in accordance with the Classifier of Construction Products: new construction - 01; expansion of existing enterprises - 02; reconstruction of existing enterprises - 03; technical re-equipment of existing enterprises - 04.

The code for the nature of construction is entered according to the list of capacities and facilities, which are reflected on lines 14 - 18 (Appendix 2 of this Instruction), as well as on line 01 - residential buildings. For other lines, the code for the nature of construction is not indicated.

9. Column 6 shows the commissioning of the total area of ​​apartments and residential premises in residential and non-residential buildings, capacities and facilities in non-residential buildings, including those located in extensions, superstructures, built-in premises and buildings for other purposes, structures.

If the facility was partially commissioned before the reporting period, and in the reporting month (year) its construction was completed in full, then the report shows only the capacity that was commissioned in the reporting period.

10. Column 7 reflects information about the number of buildings commissioned. A building is a construction system consisting of load-bearing and enclosing or combined (load-bearing and enclosing) structures forming an above-ground closed volume intended for residence or stay of people, depending on the functional purpose and for performing various types of production processes.

The commissioning of buildings is reflected only after the capacities and facilities located in them have been accepted into operation.

Column 7 does not take into account buildings in which major repairs were carried out, reconstruction work, technical re-equipment, as well as structures (silos, haylage towers, roads, bridges, piers, hangars, tanks and other structures).

When reconstructing existing enterprises, column 7 reflects only the number of new buildings of the same purpose, built to replace those liquidated on the territory of the existing enterprise, the further operation of which, due to technical and economic conditions, is considered inappropriate, as well as new buildings for ancillary and service purposes; during the technical re-equipment of existing enterprises - the number of new buildings for auxiliary and service purposes, the construction of which was carried out with the ongoing technical re-equipment measures.

In the case of sectional commissioning of housing and civil facilities, the number of buildings is indicated upon completion and commissioning of the facility as a whole.

External extensions to existing facilities are counted as separate buildings only if such extensions are of a different functional nature than the facility (building) as a whole.

Separate boiler house buildings, as well as outbuildings (warehouses, garages) are independent objects.

Premises built into buildings and intended for shops, canteens, hairdressers, studios, etc., the purpose of which is other than the main purpose of the building, are included in the main building.

If buildings are adjacent to each other and share a common wall, but each is a separate structural unit, they are considered separate buildings and counted accordingly.

11. Column 8 shows the total construction volume of the buildings reflected in column 7. The construction volume is defined as the sum of the construction volume above the mark plus minus 0.00 (above-ground part) and below this mark (underground part). The construction volume of the above-ground and underground parts of the building is determined within the bounding surfaces, ventilated underground areas under buildings designed for construction on permafrost soils. For residential buildings, the construction volume is reflected in accordance with the acceptance certificate.

12. Column 9 shows the total area of ​​the buildings reflected in column 7, which is defined as the sum of the areas of all floors of the building (including technical, attic, basement and basement), measured within the internal surfaces of the external walls, as well as the areas of balconies and loggias. The areas of premises should be determined by their dimensions, measured between the finished surfaces of walls and partitions at floor level. The area of ​​residential buildings is determined in accordance with clause 5 of Appendix 2 to SNIP 2.08.01-89 “Residential Buildings”.

13. Column 10 shows the actual cost for the developer of the total area of ​​commissioned apartments and residential premises in residential and non-residential buildings, the capacity of commissioned objects and structures reflected in column 6. In this case, the actual cost is taken taking into account revaluations of unfinished construction carried out in all the time of construction of these objects.

For capacities and facilities for various purposes located within the same building, the actual cost of the premises is reflected in proportion to the occupied area, and the cost of equipment and tools - according to the corresponding purpose.

14. Line 01 reflects data on the commissioning of residential buildings (houses).

A residential building (house) is considered to be a building designed for a long service life, at least half of the area of ​​which is intended for permanent residence of people, located on a land plot within certain boundaries with all auxiliary structures and landscaping elements located on it; a building suitable for permanent residence in which residential premises make up more than half of the building's floor area.

Residential buildings (houses) include residential buildings and permanent dormitories, shelters, houses of flexible stock, boarding houses for the elderly and disabled, veterans, special houses for single elderly people, orphanages, boarding schools at schools and boarding schools.

The number of residential buildings (houses) does not include buildings intended for seasonal or temporary residence, regardless of the length of residence of citizens in them:

houses of linemen on oil and gas pipelines, communication lines and power lines and houses at electrical substations, in which remote controls and control points are installed to control the operation of substations;

foresters' houses on forest cordons, guard houses on river routes, pilot houses on inland waters;

houses for road workers on highways, houses and dormitories for official purposes, which are part of the complexes of the highway repair and maintenance service;

livestock breeders' houses on farms for temporary accommodation of workers, yurts, mobile houses and trailers, prefabricated panel houses intended for temporary residence of workers of field crews in remote areas, milkmaids and other livestock care workers on distant pastures;

houses for line workers on the main and distribution canals of irrigation and drainage systems and structures;

cottages, summer garden houses and hunting lodges;

residential buildings for special purposes (barracks for military personnel, dormitories for special forces), cells;

temporary residential buildings and dormitories for construction workers (barracks and lightweight types, prefabricated inventory houses and dormitories);

sports and tourist centers, motels, campsites, sanatoriums, holiday homes, boarding houses, guest houses, hotels;

residential buildings converted from non-residential ones.

15. Line 01 in column 6 shows the total area of ​​residential buildings (houses) put into operation, which is defined as the sum of the areas:

residential and utility rooms of apartments in apartment-type residential buildings;

residential premises (rooms) and utility rooms in other buildings intended for human habitation (hotel-type houses, dormitories, homes for the elderly and disabled, dormitory buildings of orphanages and boarding schools, etc.);

areas of loggias, balconies, verandas, terraces and cold storage rooms, calculated with appropriate reduction factors.

Utility rooms include kitchens, hallways, halls, interior corridors, bathrooms or showers, toilets, pantries or utility built-in cabinets. In boarding homes for the elderly and disabled, veterans, special homes for single elderly people, orphanages, auxiliary premises include dining rooms, buffets, clubs, reading rooms, gyms, reception centers for consumer services and medical care.

When carrying out the reconstruction of residential buildings, which led to a change in the purpose of the premises (for example, the introduction of apartments in the dining room located, according to the project, on the 1st floor), the total area of ​​​​the apartments introduced after the reconstruction is reflected according to the construction code 03, subject to the following conditions:

the project for the specified residential building provided for a built-in room for another purpose;

when the building was put into operation, the area of ​​the built-in non-residential premises was not included in the total area of ​​the apartments and the enterprise located in it was accepted by the acceptance certificate (in this example - as a catering establishment);

availability of a permit for the reconstruction of a built-in non-residential premises, an act of writing off a non-residential premises (dining room), an act of acceptance of an apartment after reconstruction, drawn up in the prescribed manner.

The total area of ​​apartments and residential premises does not include:

area of ​​stairwells, elevator halls, vestibules, common corridors, lobbies, galleries, unheated attics and mezzanines, underground for ventilation of a building designed for construction on permafrost soils, attic, technical underground (technical attic), non-apartment communications, elevator and other shafts, porticos, porches, external open stairs;

area in residential buildings and dormitories intended for housing maintenance organizations, shops, post offices, child care facilities, consumer service enterprises, etc.;

area of ​​commandants' premises, service rooms for service personnel, trade stalls in dormitories, special homes for single elderly people, veterans, disabled people, orphanages, boarding schools;

area of ​​premises of canteens, buffets, clubs, reading rooms, libraries, gyms, reception centers for consumer services in dormitories;

the area of ​​residential premises converted from non-residential premises as a result of work not related to reconstruction;

when carrying out work that does not lead to a change in the purpose of the premises in the building (for example, when placing apartments in dormitories), as well as when expanding the area of ​​existing apartments due to the areas of the common corridor, stroller room, and lobby, data on entering the total area of ​​residential buildings is not reflected;

the area of ​​residential premises in non-residential buildings (this data is reflected on line 19).

16. Line 19 in column 6 reflects the commissioning of the total area of ​​residential premises in newly constructed non-residential buildings. For example: residential apartments in educational institutions, hospitals, offices; sleeping quarters in institutions for orphans and children left without parental care, as well as sleeping quarters and day-care rooms in boarding schools (if these premises are located in an educational building), which are allocated from the design and estimate documentation (floor plan).

17. Free lines 02 - 06 show data on individual types of residential buildings in accordance with Appendix 1.

17.1. From the data of line 01 on the free line under code 0507, data on dormitories is separated, which also includes special homes for single elderly people, disabled people, veterans, orphanages, boarding schools at schools and boarding schools, shelters.

17.2. From the data on line 01 (reflected according to the construction character code 01) on the free line according to code 0509, data on separate apartment-type residential buildings built through new construction are allocated. These include apartment-type residential buildings without extensions, superstructures, built-in premises and cottages. Data reflected by code 0507 (for dormitories, boarding schools, orphanages, etc.), and hotel-type houses are not included.

17.3. From the data of line 01 on the free line under code 0511, data on detached residential buildings of cottage type, built by customer organizations - legal entities and their separate divisions, is extracted. Cottage-type residential buildings include single-apartment individual residential buildings with a small plot of land. Cottages are predominantly two-story with an internal staircase, on the ground floor of which there is usually a common room, kitchen, and utility rooms; on the second floor there are bedrooms. Data on the commissioning of individual residential buildings built by the population (customers - individuals) at their own expense and with the help of loans are not taken into account.

17.4. From the data on line 01 on the free line under code 0515, information on residential buildings built with mortgage lending is separated. The specified code reflects data on the total area and actual cost of apartments built by developers - legal entities within the framework of regional mortgage lending programs for housing construction.

17.5. For types of residential buildings reflected in codes 0509 and 0510, columns 8 and 9 are not filled in; for codes 0512, 0513, 0515, 0519, columns 7, 8 and 9 are not filled in.

18. Line 07 reflects data on the commissioning of non-residential buildings, i.e. buildings whose purpose is to create conditions for work, social and cultural services for the population and storage of material assets. The data from line 07 is distributed across lines 08 - 13 depending on the type of building constructed. The assignment of constructed non-residential buildings to one type or another is carried out based on the purposes of their use, in accordance with the classifier of fixed assets.

Line 08 reflects the commissioning of industrial buildings, i.e. buildings used for production, installation work, and storage at industrial enterprises. These include according to the classifier of fixed assets of the building group 114521000 - 114524000, 114526090.

On line 09 - “agricultural” - buildings of group 114525000.

On line 10 - “commercial” - administrative buildings and all buildings intended for wholesale and retail trade, services, i.e. groups 114527010, 114527020, 114527031, 114527033, 114529010.

On line 11 - “educational”, intended for training, academic and technical educational institutions, as well as museums, libraries, i.e. groups 11452806 - 11452807, 114528040.

On line 12 - “health care” intended for medicinal purposes, i.e. groups 114528010 - 114528020.

On line 13 - others not classified as one of the above groups (religious, sports, transport and communications, etc.).

The sum of the data in lines 08 - 13 is equal to the data in line 07.

19. Free lines 14 - 18 show data on the capacity of commissioned facilities in non-residential buildings and the capacity of commissioned structures in accordance with the list given in Appendix 2.

Column 1 indicates the name of the capacity, column 3 - the code for the type of capacity, column 4 - the code for the nature of construction, column 6 - the size of the introduced capacity, and column 10 - the actual cost for the developer.

19.1. When filling out free lines 14 - 18, you should pay attention to the correct filling of column 10 for capacities with a double unit of measurement: an “X” is placed in column 10 for the first unit of measurement, and a value for the second. For example:

19.2. Code 6511 reflects data on the commissioning of departmental and private paved roads. Departmental and private roads include roads of enterprises, associations, institutions and organizations, collective farms, state farms, peasant (farm) farms, entrepreneurs and their associations and other organizations, used by them for their technological, departmental or private needs.

From code 6511 to code 7781, data on departmental and private paved roads in agriculture is separated. This code shows the commissioning of paved roads connecting central estates with their departments and teams, livestock complexes and farms, departments and teams among themselves and with public roads, as well as uniting these roads into a common system; roads connecting departments and brigades with field camps, main areas of fields and agricultural land, points of procurement, storage and processing of products, workshops, etc., as well as connecting the above objects with each other and with public roads.

Intra-site roads (roads located within livestock complexes, farms, poultry farms, greenhouse complexes and other facilities) are not shown using this code.

Codes 6520, 6540, 6513 - 6516 reflect data on the commissioning of public roads, which include non-urban roads that are state property of the Russian Federation.

Code 6520 reflects public roads that are federal property - federal roads. These include main roads connecting the capital of the Russian Federation, Moscow, with the capitals of independent states, the capitals of republics within the Russian Federation, and the administrative centers of territories and regions; providing international road transport links; other roads connecting the capitals of the republics within the Russian Federation, the administrative centers of territories, regions, as well as these cities with the nearest administrative centers of autonomous entities.

In the absence of a highway from the federal road network to the specified administrative centers, federal roads include highways from these centers to airports, sea and river ports, and railway stations.

Code 6540 reflects public roads that are the property of constituent entities of the Russian Federation - local roads. These include republican, regional, regional and roads of autonomous entities within Russia.

From the data on codes 6520 and 6540, data on the commissioning of public roads is highlighted depending on the type of coating: cement concrete (code 6513), asphalt concrete (code 6514), crushed stone and gravel (code 6515), crushed stone, gravel and other materials , treated with binders (code 6516).

19.3. Trading enterprises under code 8132 are accounted for by the trading area of ​​retail chain stores, which includes the area of ​​the trading floor and premises intended to serve the population, i.e. areas for the placement of services for additional customer service (premises of the order department, cafeteria, showroom, service bureau, storage room, packaging, fabric cutting, minor repairs of shoes, bags, household appliances, registration of sales of goods on credit and other services for additional customer service ). The sales floor area refers to the area where goods are sold. At the same time, the area occupied by counters, shelving and other equipment installed in the sales area is also included in the sales area.

Not included in the retail space of stores: premises for receiving and storing goods and premises for preparing goods for sale (reception, unloading, storerooms, packaging, etc.), utility rooms (rooms for storing containers, packaging materials, equipment, linen, reception point dishes, washing rooms, garbage chambers, etc.), administrative and service premises (office premises, director's office, staff rooms, health center, dressing rooms, showers, main cash register, etc.), technical premises (ventilation chambers, engine room of elevators and refrigeration rooms installations, telephone switchboard, boiler room, etc.).

Objects of small retail trade (tents, stalls, kiosks, benches), as well as temporary (seasonal) trade establishments, markets and pavilions are not taken into account under this code.

19.4. A public catering enterprise is an enterprise intended for the production of culinary products, flour, confectionery and bakery products, their sale and (or) organization of consumption. Public catering establishments under code 8142 include: restaurants, bars, canteens, snack bars, cafes, etc. This also includes public catering establishments (canteens, buffets, etc.) intended to serve employees of enterprises, organizations and institutions, and students of educational institutions.

Cafeterias and buffets organized in shops, canteens in medical and health institutions (hospitals, rest homes, sanatoriums), as well as temporary (seasonal) enterprises are not taken into account under this code.

19.5. Code 8121 reflects data on storage facilities for potatoes, vegetables and fruits, code 8161 - refrigerators, the construction of which is carried out for commercial enterprises. Data on storage facilities and refrigerators, the construction of which is carried out for agriculture, are not taken into account under these codes.

19.6. Codes 9020 and 9022 reflect the commissioning of facilities for environmental protection and rational use of natural resources - wastewater treatment plants and installations for capturing and neutralizing harmful substances from waste gases (regardless of industry affiliation). If the enterprise belongs to the public sector of the economy, then this data is repeated “including codes 9021 and 9023.”

19.7. Upon commissioning of premises for keeping livestock and poultry, codes 7110 - 7140 show data on premises that are part of livestock and poultry complexes and farms and those that are being built separately.

It should be borne in mind that the number of livestock places in the introduced premises for keeping livestock, as well as the introduced capacity of livestock complexes, is shown based on the project, and not the actual presence of livestock housed in the premises.

The commissioning of premises for keeping livestock (poultry) in livestock (poultry) complexes is taken into account only after the entire complex (or its turn in accordance with the project) has been put into operation. This procedure must also be observed if livestock (poultry) are already housed in the constructed premises.

Premises for keeping cattle include: livestock farms, stockyards, cow sheds, cow sheds, calf barns, closed summer camps, cattle fattening areas and other premises.

Premises for keeping pigs include: universal pigsties, queen houses, fattening houses, boar houses, for weaned piglets, pigsties - lairs, closed summer camps and others. It should be borne in mind that in pigsties - queen cells, each place (pen) for a sow is counted as one cattle place.

The premises for keeping sheep include closed sheepfolds for ewes, for winter lambing and other premises. Bases - sheds (including those equipped with greenhouses), sheepfolds - roofs and other non-permanent structures do not belong to these premises.

Premises for keeping poultry include: poultry houses for all purposes (for laying hens, breeding, for raising young animals, including battery shops, acclimatizers and others). Poultry farms, mobile premises for temporary housing of adult birds and young animals, as well as incubators are not included in this indicator.

19.8. For egg and meat poultry factories, codes 7161 - 7164 reflect the commissioning of capacities of only the main production workshops through new construction, expansion and reconstruction of existing poultry factories. The capacity of introduced auxiliary workshops at poultry farms (chicken houses, workshops for raising young animals, etc.) is not taken into account under these codes. When reconstructing existing egg poultry farms, only data on poultry houses of industrial chicken flocks are taken into account, which produce marketable eggs and increase the capacity of the existing poultry farm. Data on other facilities under construction (poultry houses - reproductive houses for breeding stock, acclimatizers for raising young animals, and others) are not reflected in poultry farms for egg production.

19.9. When reflecting data on the commissioning of feed mills under code 7181, data on plants that are part of livestock complexes, as well as workshops for the production of dry feed mixtures, are taken into account.

19.10. For grain storage facilities, code 7211 takes into account grain warehouses, including warehouses for storing food and feed grains, seed storage facilities, floor, storage and other types of buildings, stationary corn storage facilities and other capital-type premises for grain storage. The commissioning of sheds and premises adapted for temporary grain storage is not taken into account.

11.19. For storage facilities for potatoes, vegetables and fruits, code 7220 reflects only permanent premises used for food and seed purposes. The commissioning of vegetable and potato storage facilities built as part of livestock complexes intended for storing vegetables and potatoes for livestock feed, as well as trade storage facilities, refrigerators for long-term storage of vegetables and fruits are not reflected. Code 7220 also does not reflect data on the commissioning of root storage facilities (for feed), which are shown separately under code 7222.

19.12. Silo and hay structures under code 7250 include: towers, half-towers, lined pits, trenches and other silo structures (including silos and haylage structures built as part of livestock complexes), haylage structures of tower and trench types. Moreover, only structures that allow for long-term hermetic storage of stored haylage are reflected. Unlined pits and trenches for storing silage are not taken into account.

19.13. Warehouses for storing mineral fertilizers, pesticides, microbiological agents (including non-mechanized warehouses), built according to standard designs, under code 7270 do not include sheds for storing mineral fertilizers, as well as tanks for ammonia water.

19.14. Repair shops under code 7312 include repair and mechanical repair shops, factories for the overhaul of agricultural machines, implements and tractors in stationary conditions. Mobile repair shops and maintenance points are not taken into account as repair shops.

19.15. The commissioning of irrigated lands under code 7510 includes new ones, irrigated as a result of the construction of irrigation systems and structures (canals, reservoirs), lands of hayfields and pastures, lands intended for sowing agricultural crops, perennial plantings, on which there is a permanent and temporary irrigation network , associated with an irrigation source whose water resources provide watering to these lands. In the input of irrigated lands, lands with estuary irrigation are also taken into account. Land for the creation of ponds and fish farms is not included in the input of irrigated lands.

If during the construction of an irrigation system in accordance with the project, drainage work is first required (embankment when filling land with flood waters, preliminary drainage of land to ensure construction work, etc.), then in form N C-1 the input of only irrigated water must be shown lands after completion of the entire complex of irrigation works and acceptance for operation in the prescribed manner.

In cases where a completely new utility irrigation network was built on previously irrigated areas, the area of ​​these areas should be taken into account as newly built, and the previously accounted area should be written off as completely covered by new construction.

The commissioning of irrigated lands includes areas irrigated from treated wastewater from livestock farms and industrial enterprises, as well as irrigated with groundwater.

The area of ​​irrigated land includes land that can be constantly irrigated using mobile irrigation equipment with one or more fixed water intakes.

The following areas are not taken into account in the composition of introduced irrigated lands:

if the areas irrigated using mobile irrigation equipment are not permanent and the places of water intake are not fixed;

if, on the territory of a previously constructed reclamation facility, the existing irrigation network was subject to reconstruction;

if moisture-recharging, leaching, and vegetation irrigations are carried out on rainfed lands without carrying out major work.

19.16. Irrigated hayfields and pastures under code 7513 include areas where the entire range of work has been carried out to radically improve and prepare for grassing for pastures (clearing pastures of forest, bushes, stumps and stones, leveling areas after uprooting, cutting and cutting up hummocks, etc. work), and sowing of perennial grasses was also carried out.

19.17. For the comprehensive reconstruction of irrigated lands, code 7525 shows the commissioning of areas where reconstruction of the irrigation network or reconstruction of the irrigation network was carried out simultaneously with work on the construction and reconstruction of the collector-drainage network, increasing the water supply of the irrigation system, capital planning of irrigated lands and other types of work in required volumes.

19.18. For watering pastures, code 7541 provides data on the commissioning of newly watered pastures as a result of the construction of new watering structures (wells, reservoirs, water pipelines, etc.). The area of ​​previously watered pastures, where existing watering structures have been reconstructed, is shown separately using code 7545.

19.19. Code 7550 takes into account the commissioning of drained land through new construction and reconstruction (reconstruction and restoration) of the existing on-farm drainage network, including closed drainage and open drainage network.

Reconstruction and restoration of drainage systems is carried out on lands with an existing drainage network, where it is necessary to carry out a number of additional measures to regulate the water intake, convert the open network to closed drainage, restore destroyed sections of the drainage network or closed drainage, carry out cultural and technical work on these lands and other activities provided for in reconstruction projects.

If, during the reconstruction of any drainage system, new (virgin) lands are brought into circulation, then they are considered to be newly drained.

19.20. For cultural work on agricultural land that does not require drainage, code 7560 shows the area of ​​only those areas where the entire range of work provided for in the design and estimate documentation has been completed.

Cultural work on agricultural land that does not require drainage includes: clearing land from forests, bushes, stumps and stones, leveling areas after uprooting, cutting and cutting up hummocks, milling, raising virgin soil and fallow lands that have not been plowed for 5 years or more , with cutting of the formation and rolling of these lands.

19.21. For public utility facilities, data on the commissioning of public utility facilities related to serving the population in cities, urban-type settlements, and rural settlements is reflected.

They do not include data on the installed water supply, sewerage, gas and heat supply networks intended entirely or predominantly (more than 50%) to serve the production needs of organizations.

For water supply facilities, data on the commissioning of water intake structures, pumping stations, reservoirs, water pipelines, city networks, treatment facilities and other water supply facilities is shown.

Data on house inputs of intra-block networks and on input of water supply structures are not reflected.

The commissioning of a water supply system is shown in two units of measurement:

according to code 0531 - water supply capacity in thousand m3 per day (based on the throughput of water supply structures that limit water supply);

according to code 0532 - the length of water pipelines and street networks in kilometers (the total length of water pipelines and networks is determined in single terms by the length of all pipes laid in one thread; if pipes are laid in several rows, then the length is determined by the total length of all rows).

For sewerage facilities, code 0538 reflects data on the commissioning of treatment facilities and pumping stations; by code 0539 - street networks and sewers and other sewerage facilities.

The input of sewerage facilities does not include data on house outlets and intra-block sewerage networks.

For gasification, code 0545 shows data on the commissioning of gas pipelines from gas distribution stations to cities and towns, street gas networks in kilometers, built using all sources of financing, including funds from the population.

Street gas networks (distribution networks) are gas pipelines laid along streets, squares, embankments, etc. city, urban settlement, rural settlement from gas distribution stations (GDS) on the main gas pipeline at the entrance to the city, urban settlement, rural settlement (or from a gas plant).

The length of the street gas network does not include the length of the inputs, intra-yard and intra-block networks, which include gas pipelines laid from the street gas distribution network at the branch point to the disconnect devices installed in the staircases (in the basement).

The length of the gas network is taken into account in single calculations, i.e. in one line. If pipes are laid in two or more lines along the street, then to determine the length of the gas network it is necessary to sum up the lengths of all lines.

From the total total for the commissioning of gas networks under code 0548, data on gas networks built at the expense of the population is highlighted. These data are provided by organizations that act as a single customer for their construction. In the absence of such - regional (territorial) gasification departments.

For heat supply, codes 0549 and 0550 reflect data on the commissioning of city main and distribution heating networks, heating points, district boiler houses and other heating facilities.

The following data are not included for heat supply:

for the construction of thermal power plants and main heating networks from them, taken into account in the Electric Power Industry industry;

for the construction of thermal inputs, intra-block heating networks, intra-block boiler houses.

In column 6, data on the commissioning of water supply, sewerage, gasification and heat supply facilities are reflected with two decimal places after the decimal point.

For codes 0531, 0532, 0535, 0536, 0538, 0539, 0549, 0550, column 10 is not filled in.

By entering hotels (without tourist ones) using code 0555, data on hotels, houses for visitors, and overnight accommodations is displayed.

They do not include data on tourist hotels and tourist centers, motels, and campsites.

19.22. Code 0570, column 6 reflects data on the number of beds in established hospital institutions intended for medical care of hospitalized patients, these include hospitals (including hospitals, maternity hospitals, leper colonies), university clinics, inpatient clinics, dispensaries, medical research institutes, medical units and paramedic and obstetric stations and other institutions with hospital beds.

The following data stands out from the overall total for the commissioning of hospital facilities:

for children's hospitals - on the commissioning of independent children's hospitals, children's departments (wards) as part of general and specialized hospitals (code 0577);

for maternity hospitals - on the commissioning of independent maternity hospitals, maternity wards (wards) at hospitals, pregnancy pathology departments in hospitals (code 0580).

The specified children's departments (wards), maternity departments (wards), pregnancy pathology departments in hospitals are reflected regardless of whether they are located in separate buildings or are located in buildings common with departments of other specialties.

For outpatient clinics, code 0572, column 6 reflects the number of visits per shift to established institutions intended to provide medical and preventive care to the population when they visit these institutions and at home. These include clinics, outpatient departments at hospitals, outpatient clinics, dispensaries, medical units, independent health centers, paramedic and obstetric centers, women's and children's clinics.

From the overall total for the commissioning of outpatient clinics, the following data are highlighted:

for children's clinics - on the commissioning of independent children's outpatient clinics, children's clinics (offices) at general clinics and at all types of hospitals (code 0584);

on antenatal clinics - on the introduction of independent antenatal clinics, as well as antenatal clinics that are part of general clinics (outpatient departments), maternity hospitals and hospitals (code 0586).

The specified children's departments (offices), antenatal clinics are reflected regardless of whether they are located in separate buildings or are located in buildings common with departments of other specialties.

If the number of visits per shift in an outpatient clinic is not defined in the design and estimate documentation, it is determined as the quotient of the actual occupied area divided by the standard area indicator.

The commissioning of sanitary and epidemiological stations, blood transfusion stations, quarantine stations and other medical institutions not related to the provision of direct medical care to the population is not reflected in hospital and outpatient clinics.

Data on the actual cost of hospital and outpatient clinics in column 10 are reflected separately under codes 0570 and 0572 (in rural areas under codes 0576 and 0578). If hospital (hospital) and outpatient departments are located in the same building (complex) and are not separated by design and estimate documentation, data on their actual cost is determined in proportion to the occupied area.

For codes 0577, 0580, 0584, 0586, column 10 is not filled in.

19.23. By entering sanatoriums, code 0595 reflects specialized inpatient medical institutions intended for preventive and restorative treatment of the population, based mainly on the use of natural healing factors (climate, mineral waters, therapeutic mud and others). These include sanatoriums, sanatoriums - dispensaries, boarding houses with treatment, balneological hospitals, specialized children's camps that operate year-round. They are located, as a rule, within resorts and health-improving areas, i.e. territories that have natural healing resources and are suitable for organizing treatment and recreation for the population.

On the commissioning of sanatoriums, data is also included on sanatoriums - dispensaries intended to serve workers during their vacations and without interruption from their work activities. These are medical and preventive institutions that serve workers and employees of one or more organizations involved in the equipment and maintenance of this institution, and are under the jurisdiction of the trade union committee and the administration of the organization.

19.24. When holiday homes are put into operation, code 0610 reflects health institutions with a regulated regime, intended for the recreation of practically healthy people, located, as a rule, within resorts, medical and recreational areas, and in suburban areas. These include houses, boarding houses, and recreation centers.

19.25. For homes for the elderly and disabled (adults and children), code 0660 reflects the commissioning of medical and social institutions intended for the permanent residence of elderly and disabled people in need of care, household and medical services. These include boarding houses (general type) for the elderly and disabled, psychoneurological boarding schools, specialized boarding houses for the elderly and disabled, orphanages - boarding schools for children with physical disabilities, for mentally retarded children, etc.

Boarding houses for labor veterans are not included under code 0660; they are reflected separately under code 0661.

In column 6, codes 0660 and 0661 take into account the number of places entered in the specified institutions.

19.26. For swimming pools (with lane lengths of 25 and 50 m) using codes 0629 and 0630, column 6 reflects the area of ​​indoor and outdoor in-fill swimming pools with heated water (built at educational institutions, preschool institutions, enterprises, institutions, etc.) intended for year-round use. This line takes into account pools located both in separate buildings and in built-in and attached premises, including those built in conjunction with other sports facilities.

Swimming pools in medical institutions are not counted.

The area of ​​the introduced pools is determined by the area of ​​the water surface.

Column 10 for codes 0629 and 0630 is not filled in.

19.27. For flat sports facilities, code 0640 reflects the commissioning of football fields, basketball, volleyball, city courts, tennis courts and other outdoor playgrounds and fields.

19.28. For sports facilities with artificial ice, codes 0643 and 0644 reflect the commissioning of indoor skating rinks, skating tracks, figure skating areas, hockey rinks, etc.

19.29. Upon commissioning of motels, code 0647 reflects special roadside hotels intended exclusively for participants in transit traffic on the road. Unlike regular hotels, one motel room is allocated to the "crew" of one car, so each motel room must have both mandatory and additional seats. The special features of the motel include the presence of parking for cars belonging to the residents. Near it, as a rule, there are car service stations and a gas station.

19.30. For campsites, code 0648 reflects data on the entry of objects located on enclosed sites intended for tents, caravans, caravans, motor homes and tourist huts.

19.31. For higher educational institutions, code 0680 shows the entry of educational institutions of higher professional education, including correspondence and evening departments: academies (educational), universities, institutes of all specialties, colleges, conservatories, higher schools, colleges and other educational institutions implementing professional educational programs of higher education. vocational education.

For secondary specialized educational institutions, code 0685 shows the entry of institutions of secondary specialized education (including the correspondence network): technical schools (schools), colleges, technical schools - enterprises (institutions) implementing professional educational programs of secondary vocational education.

The commissioning of institutions of secondary and higher vocational education in column 6 is shown by the total area of ​​educational and laboratory buildings, which includes the working area (i.e. the sum of the areas of educational, production (main) and auxiliary premises) and the area of ​​auxiliary and technical premises in in accordance with the approved project for the construction of this educational institution: auditoriums and showrooms attached to them, laboratories, classrooms, workshops for all purposes, halls (drawing, course and diploma design, structural testing, assembly and dismantling, sports and assembly rooms) with premises attached to them , libraries, reading rooms, book depositories and other premises attached to them, archive rooms, administrative and economic management rooms, film projection rooms, dressing rooms, recreational rooms, lobbies, vestibules, utility equipment rooms, control units, intermediate technical floors for placing utility networks and equipment and etc.

19.32. Code 0690 reflects data on the commissioning of institutions of primary vocational education: vocational schools and other schools of this level, aimed at training skilled workers (workers, employees) in all main areas of socially useful activities on the basis of basic general education.

Code 0690 does not include data on the entry of institutions for training and advanced training of personnel that are not related to the above-mentioned vocational and technical educational institutions; schools and training schools for craftsmen, secretaries - assistants, trade and culinary apprenticeships, drivers, etc.

19.33. For general educational institutions, code 0901 reflects data on the entry of institutions of primary general, basic general, secondary (complete) general education, including boarding schools of all types. The data for Sunday schools does not reflect this line.

19.34. For preschool educational institutions, code 0910 reflects data on the entry of preschool educational institutions that provide education, training, supervision, care and health improvement for children aged 2 months to 7 years (kindergartens; kindergartens with priority implementation of one or more areas of development pupils; compensatory kindergartens with priority implementation of correction of deviations in the physical and mental development of pupils; supervision and health care kindergartens with priority implementation of sanitary and hygienic, preventive and health-improving measures and procedures; combined type kindergartens; child development centers with the appropriate license) . This code should also reflect data on seasonal preschool institutions.

19.35. For club-type cultural institutions, code 0929 reflects the commissioning of cultural and educational institutions intended for organizing leisure time for the population, the activities of amateur folk art groups - clubs, houses of culture, houses of creative workers.

Section 2 "Residential units in commissioned residential and non-residential buildings"

20. Section 2 reflects information on the number of apartments in constructed residential and non-residential buildings.

An apartment should be considered a room equipped and used for permanent residence, isolated from other residential premises, not having internal communication with them and having independent access to the staircase, to a common corridor or directly outside.

When the extension (superstructure) is a separate apartment, then this apartment is also included in the number of apartments.

21. Column 3 shows data on the number of apartments only in apartment and hotel-type buildings. In hotel-type residential buildings, the number of apartments is determined by the number of isolated rooms with separate access to the corridor (one-room apartments).

Number of apartments in dormitories, homes for the disabled and elderly, etc. (the area of ​​which is reflected in line 0507) is not included in column 3.

22. Column 4 reflects the number of apartments built in non-residential buildings, the area of ​​which is reflected in line 19.

23. On lines 21 - 28, the total number of apartments is distributed by the number of rooms. In this case, the sum of lines 21 - 28 in columns 3 and 4 must be equal to line 20 in columns 3 and 4, respectively.

Section 3 "Information on the implementation of investment projects as of the end of the year"

24. The specified section 3 is filled out only in the report for the year - February 1 for all investment projects implemented by the customer for new construction, expansion, reconstruction and technical re-equipment of facilities; buildings and structures under construction; for temporarily suspended and mothballed construction as of the end of the reporting year.

Information on fully implemented projects, as well as on buildings and structures that have been fully completed and put into operation, is not reflected in this section.

25. Column 5 on line 29 shows the total number of investment projects implemented by the customer, i.e. projects for new construction, reconstruction, expansion, technical re-equipment of facilities.

An investment project is understood as any event (proposal) aimed at achieving certain goals (of an economic or non-economic nature) and requiring for its implementation the expenditure or use of capital resources (natural resources, machinery, equipment, etc.), i.e. capital-forming investments.

26. Column 6 indicates the total cost of investment projects as of the end of the year.

Column 7 reflects the completed investment volume as of the end of the year from the moment the project was implemented.

Data in columns 6 and 7 are shown in comparable prices, taking into account revaluations of unfinished construction carried out during the implementation of projects.

For these purposes, average annual price changes to the base period for construction, installation and other elements of the technological structure of investments in fixed capital, calculated by the reporting organization, territorial centers for pricing in construction and other organizations conducting such work, can be used. The base period is taken to be the year the project began.

Column 8 shows the number of buildings and structures under construction at the end of the reporting year. These include buildings and structures whose construction is ongoing, temporarily suspended, mothballed or permanently terminated.

Column 9, including from column 8, contains data on buildings and structures whose construction is temporarily suspended or mothballed (the financing of which was not provided in the reporting year or funds were allocated only for mothballing).

If data on a commissioned facility is reflected in section 1, then in section 3 data on it is reflected only if it is part of an investment project that has not been fully implemented. In this case, columns 5 - 7 in section 3 are filled in for the project as a whole, including the entered object; in columns 8 and 9, data on this object is not included.

For residential buildings that are not issued with acceptance certificates, but registered in accordance with the “Temporary Procedure for Recording Completed Housing Construction in the Russian Federation,” approved by the State Construction Committee of Russia on November 1, 1996, only columns 6 and 7 are filled in.

27. Line 30 provides data on investment projects implemented by the customer, the result of which is the construction of a residential building (house), unfinished residential buildings (houses).

28. From line 29 to lines 31 - 34, columns 8 and 9 reflect data on economic sectors in accordance with Appendix 3 of this Instruction.

29. In the “For reference” section, line 35 reflects information on the total area of ​​apartments and residential premises in residential buildings (houses) under construction at the end of the reporting year. These include residential buildings (houses) reflected in line 30, column 8, the construction of which is ongoing, temporarily suspended, mothballed or permanently terminated.

Line 36, including line 35, identifies data on temporarily suspended or mothballed residential buildings (houses), reflected in line 30, column 9.

Residential buildings (houses) that have been fully completed and accepted into operation, as well as those not issued with acceptance certificates, but registered in accordance with the “Temporary Procedure for Accounting for Completed Housing Construction in the Russian Federation”, approved 15
fixed assets and construction

Forms of statistical monitoring of construction, investments in non-financial assets and housing and communal services have been approved. Among these forms, Information on the commissioning of buildings and structures in form No. C-1 was approved. This form has been used since the January 2018 report. We will tell you who needs to submit this form and within what time frame in our material.

Who submits form No. S-1

Form No. C-1 is compiled by developer organizations that have been issued permission to put capital construction projects into operation, as well as organizations that have unfinished construction projects on their balance sheets.

The form is submitted at the location of the organization and its separate divisions. In this case, if there is no information, Form No. C-1 is not submitted.

You can find out whether you need to submit Form No. S-1 by contacting the Rosstat service.

Deadlines for submitting the form

The monthly form for 2018 is due no later than the 3rd day of the next month, and the final form for 2018 is due no later than 02/01/2019.

Download form No. S-1

You can download form No. C-1 in Excel.

Contents of the form and procedure for filling it out

Form No. C-1 consists of a title page and 5 sections:

  • Section 1 “Commissioning of buildings by customers”;
  • Section 2 “Capacity of commissioned facilities in non-residential buildings and structures”;
  • Section 3 “Residential units in commissioned residential and non-residential buildings”;
  • Section 4 “Distribution of commissioned residential buildings by wall materials and number of storeys”;
  • Section 5 “Information on buildings and structures under construction as of the end of the year.”

Sections 1, 2, 3, 4 of Form No. C-1 for the month in which permission to put the facilities into operation was issued, as well as the annual report, provides information on residential and non-residential buildings, residential premises, residential units in residential and non-residential buildings, according to the capacity of commissioned facilities in non-residential buildings and structures.

Section 5 is completed only in the report for 2018. It contains information on buildings and structures:

  • or which are under construction;
  • or their construction is temporarily suspended or mothballed (financing for which was not provided in the reporting year or funds were allocated only for mothballing).

Brief instructions for filling out form No. S-1, as well as monitoring the form’s indicators, are given in Appendix No. 8 to Rosstat Order No. 562 dated August 30, 2017. And detailed instructions are approved by Rosstat Order No. 5 dated January 12, 2018 and are posted on the Rosstat website in the appropriate
