Sample timekeeping report. How to issue an order to take a photograph of a working day? How to keep track of working hours among office employees

Effective resource management requires their analysis. To draw a conclusion about the rational use of the allotted time for the performance of work duties by an employee, standardization specialists conduct timekeeping of working hours. With the help of such a study, 2 problems are solved: the actual costs of performing labor operations are determined and the structure of time costs in a work shift is established. Based on the information received, time standards are developed.

Work time

Working time consists of the costs of fulfilling work obligations and rest breaks. The time spent on fulfilling labor obligations consists of the time required to complete production tasks and the time to carry out operations that are unusual for the employee, that is, those that can be avoided.

To complete a production task, a worker goes through several stages: preparatory and final, operational and maintenance of the work area. The first stage is preparing the workplace. Having looked at the accountant's working hours, we can say that this is turning on the computer, loading the program. The operational stage includes direct work: making entries, talking with debtors, drawing up reports, calculating wages. Maintaining an accountant's workplace means sorting documentation into folders and putting office supplies in their proper places.

Employee breaks can be regulated or unregulated. Those provided for by working conditions are rest, time for organizational and technical reasons. Disciplinary violations are not provided for by working conditions and refer to downtime due to the fault of the worker.

It turns out that the timing of working hours is an example of a detailed description of the worker’s actions.

Methods for studying working time

The duration and sequence of labor operations can be determined using continuous and momentary observations. Continuous time measurement provides detailed data on actual costs, but is more labor intensive and cannot cover a large group of workers.

The moment method is based on recording costs at a randomly selected time. It is simple, does not require special training of a person to carry it out, covers a larger number of observed workers, but the data is very average.

Timing of working time refers to continuous observations, but photography refers to momentary observations.


The study of the time of repetitive manual or machine-manual operations occurs through timing. If a study is carried out of the time costs of all elements of the operation, this is a continuous timing of working time. An example of the use of such a labor standardization tool can be found in any factory.

In the case of studying individual elements of the production process, selective timing is used. For example, when studying the labor costs of a health care worker, this could include taking into account the time spent on administering an injection.

It is advisable to keep track of working hours half an hour after the start of the shift and an hour before its end. Then the time spent will reflect accurate information because it was measured during periods of increased and decreased productivity.

Preparing and conducting timekeeping

  1. Familiarization with the operation under study.
  2. Determination of fixing points, that is, differentiation of the operation into elements.
  3. Study of the organization of the workplace under study.
  4. Creating conditions for the continuous completion of the process.
  5. Entering information into the form to describe the operation.

The observation begins with a trial period of the study in order to approximately know the duration of the components of the operation. The number of observations can be determined from standard tables by comparing known data: type of production, duration of operation. To time a nurse’s working hours and find out the number of measurements, you can use table No. 1.

Processing the results

During observation, the human factor plays a role in obtaining data and defective measurements cannot be excluded, which should be noted during timing. When processing the results, they must be removed.

After removing defective measurements from the record sheet, the duration of each component of the operation is calculated and time series are formed. If you look at the timing of working hours (a sample is given below), you can see that the time sequence is the time for each element of the operation and observation. For example, when an injection is performed by a nurse, the chronological sequence is presented in numbers in Table No. 2.

Table No. 2

Item name

Fixing points

Observation/duration, sec

Removing the syringe from the package, connecting the body to the needle

Needle installation click

Opening the ampoule, filling the syringe with the solution and removing air from the syringe

Release of solution from the needle

Wetting cotton wool with alcohol, wiping the injection site, inserting a needle into muscle tissue

Smell of alcohol

Injecting the solution, removing the syringe, treating the area with cotton wool and alcohol

Disposal of a used syringe

A time table for rationing the time for one injection by a nurse in practice should contain 20 measurements, since the time spent on the entire operation is 2 minutes. As an example, for clarity, the number of observations was reduced to five.

Stability factor

The next step in processing the results is to determine the stability coefficient for assessing the time series, which is equal to the ratio of the maximum to minimum value for the duration of work. There is a table of standard stability values.

Each element of the operation has its own standard and actual coefficient. Looking at the timing of working hours, an example of which is given above, it is clear that Ku for the first element is equal to 10:7 = 1.4, the second - 1.3, the third - 1.1 and the fourth - 1.1. Referring to the table of standard values, we determine that all elements of the operation exceed 10 seconds in time, relate to manual labor and are of a mass type. That is, the normative Ku is 1.5. The actual values ​​do not exceed the norm, therefore the time series is stable, and the observation is considered to be carried out qualitatively. If the situation is the other way around, that is, the actual K is greater than the standard, then extreme values ​​are removed from the series. The procedure is repeated until the stated condition is satisfied. However, exclusion should not exceed 15% of all measurements. If in the above example the time series were unstable, then even the exclusion of one value would already exceed the threshold of 15% (1 element = 20%), and then it would be necessary to repeat the timing of working hours.

Average duration

The last indicator for calculation is the average duration. It is defined as the arithmetic mean over the entire time series. Visually, based on the data in the table, this is (8+7+9+10+8):5 = 8.4 seconds. The average nurse spends this much on the first stage of the injection operation.

The data obtained is needed to analyze costs for individual components of the operation. Standardizers then rationalize the time: if possible, partial replacement of hand-made elements with machine-made ones is proposed.

The timing of the nurse's working time to perform one injection showed that it is necessary to spend 2.2 minutes. The result was obtained by dividing the sum of the average duration of each element by 60 seconds. If you do not divide by 60, then the value will be in seconds.

Timing goals

  1. Obtaining data for developing or adjusting standards. In 2014, to update industry standards in Russia, a doctor’s working time was timed, the results of which revealed that on average it takes 5.5 minutes to see a patient. In Europe this figure is 8 minutes.
  2. Identification of unnecessary actions in the work of the object under study in order to draw up standards for the rational use of time.
  3. Gain knowledge of new methods of completing a task while observing frontline workers in production.
  4. Identification of reasons for non-compliance with standards.

Timing: sample

The object of observation is social workers who provide services at home. The objective of the study is to assess the working time of employees and identify reserves for the rational use of work activity.

The preparatory stage will be the creation of a commission for measurements and processing of results. For timing purposes, a time period of 3 working days is selected.

Employee #1

the name of the operation

Duration, min

Purchase and home delivery of products

Purchase and home delivery of products

Average duration

Employee #2

the name of the operation

Duration, min

Purchase and home delivery of products

Purchase and home delivery of products

Purchase and home delivery of products

Average duration

The overall average time is: (51+49):2=50 minutes.

The timing of the social worker’s working hours showed that to complete the task for the specified service, the worker needs to spend 50 minutes. You can also count the number of clients served during the month and distribute the workload of employees.

Disadvantages of Timekeeping

  1. Dependence of the reliability of the results on the choice of object of observation.
  2. The data obtained are subjective, since the time standard is assessed according to one criterion - the impracticability of the duration of the operation.
  3. Difficulties in estimating lost time. To identify them, a project of a rational labor process is needed.
  4. Inability to accurately record working hours on short-term operations.
  5. The impossibility of comparing the time spent on the same operations at different enterprises.

Effective resource management requires their analysis. To draw a conclusion about the rational use of the allotted time for the performance of work duties by an employee, standardization specialists conduct timekeeping of working hours. With the help of such a study, 2 problems are solved: the actual costs of performing labor operations are determined and the structure of time costs in a work shift is established. Based on the information received, time standards are developed.

Work time

Working time consists of the costs of fulfilling work obligations and rest breaks. The time spent on fulfilling labor obligations consists of the time required to complete production tasks and the time to carry out operations that are unusual for the employee, that is, those that can be avoided.

To complete a production task, a worker goes through several stages: preparatory and final, operational and maintenance of the work area. The first stage is preparing the workplace. Having looked at the accountant's working hours, we can say that this is turning on the computer, loading the program. The operational stage includes direct work: making entries, talking with debtors, drawing up reports, calculating wages. Maintaining an accountant's workplace means sorting documentation into folders and putting office supplies in their proper places.

Employee breaks can be regulated or unregulated. Those provided for by working conditions are rest, time for organizational and technical reasons. Disciplinary violations are not provided for by working conditions and refer to downtime due to the fault of the worker.

It turns out that the timing of working hours is an example of a detailed description of the worker’s actions.

Methods for studying working time

The duration and sequence of labor operations can be determined using continuous and momentary observations. Continuous time measurement provides detailed data on actual costs, but is more labor intensive and cannot cover a large group of workers.

The moment method is based on recording costs at a randomly selected time. It is simple, does not require special training of a person to carry it out, covers a larger number of observed workers, but the data is very average.

Timing of working time refers to continuous observations, but photography refers to momentary observations.


The study of the time of repetitive manual or machine-manual operations occurs through timing. If a study is carried out of the time costs of all elements of the operation, this is a continuous timing of working time. An example of the use of such a labor standardization tool can be found in any factory.

In the case of studying individual elements of the production process, selective timing is used. For example, when studying the labor costs of a health care worker, this could include taking into account the time spent on administering an injection.

It is advisable to keep track of working hours half an hour after the start of the shift and an hour before its end. Then the time spent will reflect accurate information because it was measured during periods of increased and decreased productivity.

Preparing and conducting timekeeping

  1. Familiarization with the operation under study.
  2. Determination of fixing points, that is, differentiation of the operation into elements.
  3. Study of the organization of the workplace under study.
  4. Creating conditions for the continuous completion of the process.
  5. Entering information into the form to describe the operation.

The observation begins with a trial period of the study in order to approximately know the duration of the components of the operation. The number of observations can be determined from standard tables by comparing known data: type of production, duration of operation. To time a nurse’s working hours and find out the number of measurements, you can use table No. 1.

Processing the results

During observation, the human factor plays a role in obtaining data and defective measurements cannot be excluded, which should be noted during timing. When processing the results, they must be removed.

After removing defective measurements from the record sheet, the duration of each component of the operation is calculated and time series are formed. If you look at the timing of working hours (a sample is given below), you can see that the time sequence is the time for each element of the operation and observation. For example, when an injection is performed by a nurse, the chronological sequence is presented in numbers in Table No. 2.

Table No. 2

Item name

Fixing points

Observation/duration, sec

Removing the syringe from the package, connecting the body to the needle

Needle installation click

Opening the ampoule, filling the syringe with the solution and removing air from the syringe

Release of solution from the needle

Wetting cotton wool with alcohol, wiping the injection site, inserting a needle into muscle tissue

Smell of alcohol

Injecting the solution, removing the syringe, treating the area with cotton wool and alcohol

Disposal of a used syringe

A time table for rationing the time for one injection by a nurse in practice should contain 20 measurements, since the time spent on the entire operation is 2 minutes. As an example, for clarity, the number of observations was reduced to five.

Stability factor

The next step in processing the results is to determine the stability coefficient for assessing the time series, which is equal to the ratio of the maximum to minimum value for the duration of work. There is a table of standard stability values.

Each element of the operation has its own standard and actual coefficient. Looking at the timing of working hours, an example of which is given above, it is clear that Ku for the first element is equal to 10:7 = 1.4, the second - 1.3, the third - 1.1 and the fourth - 1.1. Referring to the table of standard values, we determine that all elements of the operation exceed 10 seconds in time, relate to manual labor and are of a mass type. That is, the normative Ku is 1.5. The actual values ​​do not exceed the norm, therefore the time series is stable, and the observation is considered to be carried out qualitatively. If the situation is the other way around, that is, the actual K is greater than the standard, then extreme values ​​are removed from the series. The procedure is repeated until the stated condition is satisfied. However, exclusion should not exceed 15% of all measurements. If in the above example the time series were unstable, then even the exclusion of one value would already exceed the threshold of 15% (1 element = 20%), and then it would be necessary to repeat the timing of working hours.

Average duration

The last indicator for calculation is the average duration. It is defined as the arithmetic mean over the entire time series. Visually, based on the data in the table, this is (8+7+9+10+8):5 = 8.4 seconds. The average nurse spends this much on the first stage of the injection operation.

The data obtained is needed to analyze costs for individual components of the operation. Standardizers then rationalize the time: if possible, partial replacement of hand-made elements with machine-made ones is proposed.

The timing of the nurse's working time to perform one injection showed that it is necessary to spend 2.2 minutes. The result was obtained by dividing the sum of the average duration of each element by 60 seconds. If you do not divide by 60, then the value will be in seconds.

Timing goals

  1. Obtaining data for developing or adjusting standards. In 2014, to update industry standards in Russia, a doctor’s working time was timed, the results of which revealed that on average it takes 5.5 minutes to see a patient. In Europe this figure is 8 minutes.
  2. Identification of unnecessary actions in the work of the object under study in order to draw up standards for the rational use of time.
  3. Gain knowledge of new methods of completing a task while observing frontline workers in production.
  4. Identification of reasons for non-compliance with standards.

Timing: sample

The object of observation is social workers who provide services at home. The objective of the study is to assess the working time of employees and identify reserves for the rational use of work activity.

The preparatory stage will be the creation of a commission for measurements and processing of results. For timing purposes, a time period of 3 working days is selected.

Employee #1

the name of the operation

Duration, min

Purchase and home delivery of products

Purchase and home delivery of products

Average duration

Employee #2

the name of the operation

Duration, min

Purchase and home delivery of products

Purchase and home delivery of products

Purchase and home delivery of products

Average duration

The overall average time is: (51+49):2=50 minutes.

The timing of the social worker’s working hours showed that to complete the task for the specified service, the worker needs to spend 50 minutes. You can also count the number of clients served during the month and distribute the workload of employees.

Disadvantages of Timekeeping

  1. Dependence of the reliability of the results on the choice of object of observation.
  2. The data obtained are subjective, since the time standard is assessed according to one criterion - the impracticability of the duration of the operation.
  3. Difficulties in estimating lost time. To identify them, a project of a rational labor process is needed.
  4. Inability to accurately record working hours on short-term operations.
  5. The impossibility of comparing the time spent on the same operations at different enterprises.

Read: 2,526

What can a person control? Something that it can measure, analyze and track. If it is impossible to measure, then there will never be a possibility for control. This is an axiom. From this perspective, the “timekeeping of the day” technique begins to gain particular appeal - an important element of independent time management.

Timing of the day: essence and tasks

Timing... The word does not even require translation: “chronos” - time, “meter” - to measure. That is, something to measure time.

Usually a table.

But compiled according to certain rules.

Timekeeping and its importance can be compared to home accounting. To understand where the money goes, you need to keep records of expenses and income in the system. It’s the same with time: to understand how hours are spent and why one minute of rest turns into a day of idleness, you need to take a photograph of the day from a time perspective.

The tasks of timing the day are simple:

  1. Understand what we spend our irreplaceable time resource on.
  2. Find untapped reserves of time or learn how to create them.
  3. Develop a “sense of time” in yourself.

Timing - photography of the day - does not require any special knowledge to perform. It is enough to strictly follow the three recommended steps.

3 steps to create a daily timeline

Honestly, timing the day doesn’t even require examples. Everything is so simple and clear. What do we have to do:

  1. Choose a convenient medium to record the time spent. This could be a notepad, a table in a laptop or smartphone, a diary - something that is always or most often at hand.
  2. Record and record all tasks that last more than 5 minutes.
  3. Analyze the result

Now a little more detail. And if you have any questions, you can always ask them in the comments!

How to fill out the time sheet correctly

It is best to devote this activity every half hour to an hour. Otherwise, you may forget something or distort information. It is clear that if the duration of a mandatory meeting is 2 hours, and a couple at the university is 1.5, then it is these time periods that need to be recorded. But at work or at home, you should pay more attention to accuracy!

What exactly should you write down?

The first column (for tables) is the start time of the action; the second is the end time; third – description of the completed task or event; fourth – result; fifth – well-being.

If you look at a standard example of a working day's timing, the penultimate column is usually not there. And in vain, because only a real conclusion on the work performed will help to understand whether the person was engaged in business or indulged in something random .

The last column will help you analyze performance after certain events: after training in the gym, a long journey, at the end of a meeting with the director, etc. And subsequently it will make it possible to predict behavior in similar situations. So I recommend it!

Keeping qualitative and quantitative records will allow you to realistically assess your time costs, analyze them taking into account additional factors and, as a result, increase your productivity.

Timing of the day: analysis of the current situation

It’s worth making a reservation right away: not a single example or sample of working day timing will help to understand the process of accounting and time control. Therefore, it’s worth doing everything yourself – even if it’s for a couple of days, but by yourself. Based on the results of the table, you can see the main points:

  • Standard and common chronophages. These are the real bottlenecks in our planning. But anything can be a chronophage - even a meeting of the board of directors of a company, if water is pouring there and nothing worthwhile is discussed.
  • Tasks for which there is not enough time. How to do it has already been discussed, but only timing will show how to find this time.
  • Calculate the amount of “lost” time, all sorts of useful coefficients and draw the necessary conclusions.

This information will give you a lot. They will teach you to value time, help you see the inexpediency of some things, show you where to look for resources, and, most importantly, allow you to move directly towards your goals. Since the most important thing in moving towards a dream is the time that we can allocate to take specific steps.

Of course, you can trust and, but it is better to combine esotericism and real working methods.

How often do you need to time your day?

The exercise does not require constant execution.

To begin with, you can try to take into account your time for a couple of days. Usually this is enough for initial self-discipline, but does not give the full picture.

The ideal solution is to keep track of the day for two weeks.

This will allow you to see the main chronophages, learn initial control over time and evaluate your real capabilities in achieving plans.

Then you can stop timing and return to it only to solve really important problems or to bring your schedule back to normal after a vacation or long weekend!

Labor regulation is a type of production management activity. It is aimed at determining the necessary time expenditure to achieve certain labor results. Based on the data obtained, the amount of workers' wages (salary and additional payments, incentive bonuses), as well as the cost of services provided by the organization, is calculated.

Labor regulation is an important element of an organization’s personnel management system. With its help it is possible to determine the need:

  • increasing the efficiency of using the labor potential of employees;
  • optimization of their numerical composition;
  • other possible changes, taking into account the specifics of a particular organization, as well as the market situation.

Who is a timekeeper

The work activity of any specialist, especially if it is a production process, can be divided into operations and elements. The purpose of attracting a timekeeper to an organization is to develop standards for basic and additional time, check the validity of production standards, determine and subsequently consolidate the most rational operating mode for a given unit of the organization.

This employee must have certain skills and knowledge, in particular, know how to study the labor process, what kind of timing observations are suitable in this case, the order of their implementation, and be able to process and analyze the results of his work. Be able to use devices to record working hours. Understand the basics of physiology and psychology of work, understand the organization of work.

As the name suggests, the responsibilities of this worker include time-keeping observations of the execution of individual elements of technological process operations. By measuring, processing and analyzing the labor process, the timekeeper obtains data that forms the basis for standardizing individual operations.

The result of the timekeeper's work is an analytical report based on the results of observations. On its basis, the most rational elements of operations are selected for inclusion in time standards; it is possible to trace where losses of working time occur, establish the reasons for their occurrence and give an opinion on the necessary time expenditure, as well as propose measures to eliminate losses of working time.

The modernized essence of this position is the so-called photograph of the working day, when the workers themselves keep a temporary record of the operations of their work for a certain period of time. Then all this is analyzed, and conclusions are drawn regarding the costs of this or that operation of the labor process.

How to determine labor standards

Labor standards are determined using timekeeping. We list the main procedures in organizing the timing of working hours:

  • A document form is being prepared in which the timing results will be entered. A specific form may be drawn up for a specific position or job function;
  • data collection is organized. It is carried out by an observer who monitors the employee’s work and enters information about his work activity into a prepared form;
  • The data obtained during the timing process is being systematized.

The work process is analyzed based on the standard of work performed. The optimal options for work technology and workplace organization are selected, allowing for the best work results. Work and rest schedules for workers are also being reviewed.

At the end of the procedure, the employer establishes the necessary labor standards for the normal operation of the organization.

How to create a workday photo

The employer can develop its own rules and procedures for determining labor standards. One of the options for determining labor standards is a photograph of the workplace.

It is a system for studying the cost of working time required by an employee to perform a certain amount of work. At the same time, in practice, there are different types of “photography”: individual (i.e., one employee), group (groups of employees), self-photography.

Sample group photo of a working day

In the case of drawing up a self-photo, this work is carried out by the employee himself. Throughout the working day, he must enter in a separate document information about the types of work on which his working time was spent (the time period must be indicated). Data on time spent on personal needs and lost working time (for example, problems with equipment or associated with waiting for clients) are also included. After this, the results obtained are analyzed (using graphs and calculations). The employer can develop the form of the document in which the observation results will be recorded independently.

Form for individual photograph of working hours

A photograph of working time allows the manager to determine how much time workers actually need to complete a certain task, and whether they use their working time rationally.

Such a tool will identify unproductive waste of working time and improve time management.

The procedure for taking photographs of working hours must be enshrined in the local regulatory act of the organization (for example, in instructions). It should be approved by order and the document should be familiarized to all employees under personal signature. The instructions must indicate that photographs are taken only upon the special instructions of the supervisor.

How to maximize the use of labor power of workers involved in production? It is necessary to properly time their work.

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By analyzing a photograph of the working day, compiled by name, you can achieve success by increasing labor productivity.

The procedure for successful work, the purpose of which is to optimize labor costs and time, will be of interest to every reader of this article.

What it is?

In the process of performing work duties, each employee performs a number of actions. Enterprises periodically study how many minutes, on average, it takes an employee to complete each individual operation.

This process is called working time timing.

After describing minute-by-minute photographs of operational movements during manual or machine work, all data is analyzed to improve productivity and more efficient use of labor.

Thanks to such painstaking work, timekeeping helps optimize the expenditure of physical strength of the people involved in the company.

During studies of the employee’s labor process, the following are studied:

  • what working conditions apply;
  • technologies used;
  • professionalism and qualifications of the worker;
  • organization and maintenance of his workplace;
  • human psychophysiological abilities;
  • other characteristics of the employee that help him in his work.

There are 3 types of studies to describe the chronicle of working time:

  • Continuous surveillance. It consists of taking time measurements of each part of the overall process, which is repeated cyclically with sequential execution until the final stage.
  • Cyclic timing. It combines cyclically repeated quick actions into separate groups for convenience during further study;
  • Selective moments. Such studies are carried out only for a strictly defined operation.

When choosing a methodology and processing the created description, first of all, we focus on the stated goal of conducting chronological research.

Purpose of compilation

Why do you need to periodically study in detail how an employee works in production?

The answer here cannot be ambiguous, since there are quite a lot of reasons for analysis.

The purposes of conducting research on the labor process of employees can be very different:

  • clarification of the detailed structure of the operation;
  • how much time is spent on processing the object of labor;
  • to rationalize the methods used in production;
  • detecting reasons for non-compliance with established standards;
  • identification of irrational waste of time;
  • analysis of unnecessary labor costs that delay the work process;
  • obtaining data on negative factors affecting cycle prolongation;
  • to develop standards for planning and use of working time;
  • analysis and assessment of the quality of calculated and approved standards;
  • to solve other production problems.

The main goal among all these points is one: approve time standards for performing production cycles that will allow for a real quick increase in labor productivity with a minimum of negative factors.

Using photographs of workers’ work activities allows you to solve two of the most important problems:

  • Determine how much time is actually used to complete elements of operations.
  • Establish a detailed time structure of production processes throughout the work shift.

A competent analysis of the results obtained will allow any enterprise to develop optimal standards and choose the most rational labor methods.

Advantages and disadvantages

A detailed analysis of employee actions during work processes has a number of advantages:

  • personal productivity of each employee increases without unnecessary effort and costs;
  • Timekeeping allows us to identify ineffective aspects in the work of workers, which can be eliminated in the future;
  • Thanks to the analysis, it is possible to establish better time standards for performing operations.

However, with all the positive aspects, timing has its disadvantages:

  • To complete shorthand notes, you need to have sufficient perseverance and patience. However, not every employee has such qualities.
  • Creating a photograph of a working day should be carried out without negotiations with the performer of the task and other people, since this distracts the performer from observation, which in reality is very difficult for a person.
  • It is impossible to instruct an employee to complete a description of his own actions during a work shift, since there will be an error in the measurements due to the fact that he will spend some time entering data into the chronocard.

There is another drawback, which concerns monetary costs. When hiring an outside contractor to perform the duties of a stenographer, he will have to pay.

How to keep track of working hours?

There is a certain procedure that regulates the relationship between the employer, the contractor and the employee under study.

It includes the following items:

  • Before the start of research, it is necessary to notify the involved workers about the deadlines and rules for their implementation.
  • Choose a method for taking measurements and describing the chronicle during a work shift.
  • Provide the stenographer with appropriate timing mechanisms and timing sheets.

All these activities must be carried out at the preparatory stage before timing.

Who should conduct it?

To appoint an employee responsible for monitoring work processes, you need to focus on the following qualities:

  • the presence of certain qualifications so that he can break down into parts and describe in detail the entire cycle of the employee’s actions;
  • experience and mastery of research techniques during timing;
  • can highlight negative aspects or, conversely, evaluate the degree of their effectiveness.

The location of the observer must be equipped so that he can see everything and at the same time minimally influence the worker being examined.

The stenographer should not interfere with the work process. If this cannot be accomplished, then his actions should be reduced to the minimum of interference in the work of the observed when observing his actions.

At the same time, he needs to be able to have a good overview of the entire production cycle.

Methodology and rules

When taking photographs of work processes, you need to adhere to some requirements and rules:

  • In order to minimize the error in measurements, it is necessary to avoid conversations with employees and especially with those who are being examined.
  • It is necessary to comply with the conditions specified in.
  • The observer must adhere to the approved regulations of the enterprise on timely informing the administration of the enterprise and other departments about the execution of verbatim studies of their chronicles of work processes.
  • You cannot start timing an employee without notifying him about it first.
  • The subject must know in advance the purpose of the study.
  • The completed form of the timing form belongs to the category of reporting documentation, therefore errors and corrections cannot be made in it. Initially, a draft is created in handwriting, and then the notes are transferred to a sheet using technical devices.
  • In the process of measuring work cycles, safety regulations must be strictly observed.

Note! When developing an action plan for the stenographer and the employee, the human factor must be taken into account, because a person cannot work like a robot. He rests if he is tired, or leaves for other personal needs.

These factors influence the error in working time timing.

For example, a milling operator, while carrying out complex processing of parts on a machine, must rest for at least 5 minutes after each working hour.

The experience and qualifications of workers have a significant impact on measurements.

To obtain an average value, several workers are selected for the study. If work is timed for turners, mechanics or other repairmen, then it must be taken into account that the higher their rank, the faster the work is completed.


It is mandatory to carry out preliminary preparation before the research.

It includes several stages:

  • An object is selected for compiling timekeeping depending on the goal: when clarifying or assessing standards, the study is carried out among different members of the team; to develop standards, they study the work activities of typical performers in the process of a certain job, suitable for their psychophysiological qualities and qualifications; When considering best practices, the most successful employees are selected who use effective techniques to accomplish production tasks.
  • The employee responsible for timing first familiarizes himself with the operation.
  • Separate the boundaries of operation elements, which are called fixing points. They are installed with some pronounced effect (sound or visual) at the moment when the beginning and end of the period of one of the elements of the operation occurs. For example, a flash during metal welding or a sound when cutting a pipe due to the touch of a grinder's cutting disk. Then the observer will enter data into these positions with a description of all the details on the chronocard sheet.
  • The required number of measurements during the study during the observation period is determined. For example, as indicated in Table 1 below.
  • A conversation is held with all employees to explain to them the purpose of the research. The timing procedure is explained. Immediately before the start of research, a check is carried out to ensure compliance with normal working conditions in the selected workplaces.

Table 1. Number of measurements for timing observations


Time monitoring is carried out using a stopwatch or chronometer.

Time measurements are taken until their number reaches the previously established quantities for a specific element of the operation specified in the preparation phase. All records of the results obtained are recorded in the observation sheet.

During the study, the observer monitors the order in which the individual elements of the operation are performed.

They should note in detail what deviations they saw when measuring time. This is necessary in order to exclude such defective measurements from further calculations.

Map (sample)

All data obtained during studies of time intervals spent on specific elements of operations are entered into a special chronocard.

Filling it begins from the front side during the preparatory stage.

The following entries are made on the title page:

  • name and other data about the operation being studied;
  • describe the characteristics of the equipment;
  • availability of tools;
  • material properties;
  • information about the division within the organization;
  • employee information.

Before timing, it is necessary to differentiate the operation into different periods or elements. The division depends on the type of production, the purpose of the study, the systematic nature of repeated actions, as well as the availability and ability to carry out measurements for each of the procedures.

Typical sample of a chronocard:

Sample order

To conduct research on working time costs, the manager issues a special order to inform selected employees about the event.

An example of such a document on the appointment of responsible persons:

We give an example of filling out a document based on research conducted on the timing of a working day with a chief accountant.

An example of filling out a time card for a chief accountant:

Results and their interpretation

The measurement results must be entered in the appropriate positions on the card form.

In this case, interpretation of timing data is possible in several ways:

  • through visual observation when studying statistics of employee actions;
  • factorial method, in which a comparative analysis of the data collected during the study is carried out;
  • establishing a relationship between the obtained parameters showing the dynamics of the employee’s movements and other data that are significant for production.

When conducting research, these 3 methods of interpreting the measurements obtained during timing are carried out by the observer or his competent colleague directly during the monitoring of the work process.

The data obtained is used to analyze production processes, make decisions on the use of labor methods or personnel changes, and recommendations for workers.
