How to make tiramisu at home. Quick tiramisu with raspberries and mint

Tiramisu cake is tender and airy, with a characteristic creamy coffee taste. To prepare it you will need savoiardi cookies, which you can buy ready-made or bake yourself. For the cream, take mascarpone and cream, egg yolks and a little gelatin for better hardening, making it easier to cut the cake with a knife. We will assemble the tiramisu in a large springform pan with a diameter of 25 cm.

Total cooking time: 3 hours + soaking time
Cooking time: 1 hour
Yield: 12 servings


For the savoiardi cookies

  • small eggs – 5 pcs.
  • wheat flour – 60 g
  • corn starch – 60 g
  • sugar – 120 g
  • vanillin - on the tip of a knife
  • powdered sugar – 3 tbsp. l. for sprinkling

For cream and impregnation

  • mascarpone – 350 g
  • 33% cream – 300 ml
  • egg yolks – 5 pcs.
  • sugar – 120 g
  • strong coffee – 150 ml
  • cognac or coffee liqueur – 50 ml
  • gelatin – 1 tsp. with a slide
  • vanillin - on the tip of a knife

For decoration

  • 33% cream – 100 ml
  • powdered sugar – 2-3 tbsp. l.
  • cocoa powder – 3 tbsp. l.


    Cooking savoiardi biscuits for the cake base(if you don’t want to bake, then buy savoiardi in the store - you will need 2 packages of 400 g each).
    Turn on the oven to preheat to 180 degrees. For the dough, take 5 eggs, carefully separate the whites from the yolks. Mix the yolks with vanilla and 20 g of sugar (this is 1 tablespoon). Beat until the sugar crystals dissolve.

    Beat the whites separately until light foam forms. Then add the remaining 100 g of sugar in parts and continue beating with a mixer until stiff, stable peaks form.

    Using a silicone spatula, mix the whites and yolks until smooth.

    Add the sifted flour and starch in three additions, knead with a spatula, carefully so as not to settle the dough.

    We transfer the savoiardi dough into a cooking bag with a round nozzle (there will be a lot of dough, I divided it into three parts) and place cookies on parchment - approximately 7 cm long, at a distance of 2 cm from each other. Sprinkle powdered sugar on top.

    Bake “lady fingers” at 180 degrees for 10-15 minutes. Depending on the diameter of the nozzle, savoiardi can turn out to be of different thicknesses; mine were small, about 1 cm, and they baked very quickly (there were 3 baking sheets in total, the total number was more than 100 pieces). If you have a wider nozzle, the cookies will turn out taller and will take longer to bake. The savoiardi should dry well over the entire area, while remaining a light, soft cream color. Remove it from the parchment and cool on a wire rack.

    Brew strong coffee for soaking.
    Ideally, use espresso, but if you don’t have a coffee machine, then brew strong coffee in a Turk: for 2 teaspoons of finely ground coffee - 200 ml of water. Strain the finished drink to get rid of sediment. Pour a couple of spoons of coffee (50 ml) and dilute gelatin in it, leave it aside for swelling.

    Preparing the cream for the Tiramisu cake.
    Place 5 yolks in a bowl, mix with sugar, add vanillin or vanilla essence. After stirring, place in a water bath.

    Actively stirring with a whisk, keep the yolk mixture in a “water bath” for about 4-5 minutes (fire is low), bring to a temperature of 40-45 degrees. The sugar crystals should dissolve and the yolks should turn white. Under no circumstances should you overheat, otherwise your yolks will cook! The mass just needs to be heated so that the sugar is completely dissolved and the eggs are thermally treated.

    Remove from the water bath and beat the yolk mixture until it cools completely and acquires a dense texture, about 4-5 minutes. Then add the mascarpone to the bowl and pour in the gelatin diluted in coffee (preheat it so that there are no lumps of gelatin and cool to room temperature). Mix the mixture until smooth using a mixer at low speed.

    Separately, whip the cream until thick and add it in small portions, carefully mixing with a spatula.

    Let's start assembling the cake.
    Place cookies in one row on the bottom of a springform pan with a diameter of 25 cm. Pour cognac into the remaining coffee. Lubricate the cookies with coffee impregnation using a brush. Do not pour the savoiardi mixture too generously, otherwise the cookies will become soggy.

    Spread a thick layer of cream on top (it needs to be divided into three parts according to the number of cakes). Then again lay out a layer of cookies, soak in the coffee and cover with cream.

    In total you should get 3 layers of cookies and 3 layers of cream. The last layer should be cream. Place together with the mold in the refrigerator for 3-4 hours (can be left overnight).

    Decorating the cake.
    Remove the springform pan and transfer the cake to a large serving platter using a pair of wooden spatulas. Grind 2-3 savoiardi cookies with 1 tablespoon of cocoa powder in a blender bowl and sprinkle the edges of the cake with the resulting crumbs. Decorate the top with cream whipped with powdered sugar, and generously sprinkle with cocoa sifted through a sieve.

    You can decorate the cake to your liking. If you collected not three layers of cookies, but two, then you can lay out the remaining savoiardi along the side and tie it with a decorative ribbon, the cake will turn out very elegant. You can apply cocoa powder on top through a stencil with any design, and instead of whipped cream, use part of the cream (which was used to assemble the cake).

Cut the Tiramisu cake into portions and serve. It turns out large, designed for 10-12 servings, but is eaten very quickly. The dessert is light, moderately sweet, with a pleasant coffee note, and can be eaten with a spoon. The cake should be stored in the refrigerator until served. Enjoy your tea!

I suggest you cook today ( Tiramisu) is a very airy, delicate Italian dessert, with an amazing contrast of sweet buttercream and the bitter taste of strong coffee. However, it is useless to explain what it tastes like, it’s just worth trying. To the recipe classic Tiramisu necessarily include: Mascarpone cream cheese, chicken eggs, espresso coffee, sugar and Savoiardi biscuits; the dessert is usually sprinkled with cocoa powder on top.

Now it is very popular all over the world, but its homeland is Italy. Translated from Italian, Tiramisu means “Lift me up” or “Elevate me” (tira - pull, mi - me, su - up). This strange name is interpreted in different ways, for example, that the dessert is so tender and airy that once you try it, you find yourself in the clouds. There is also a version that it means “lift me up,” but most often the name “Lift me up” is associated with the version that Tiramisu has a certain invigorating, stimulating effect and that Italian nobles ate this dessert before love dates.


  • chicken eggs 6 pcs.
  • Mascarpone cream cheese 500 g
  • sugar 150 g
  • Savoyardi cookies 250 g
  • espresso coffee 300 ml
  • cocoa powder 1-2 tbsp. spoons
  • cognac (optional) 30-50 g

The key to success in making Tiramisu is quality ingredients, so let's get those first. I think the most important question that may arise is what to replace Mascarpone cheese with? The answer is nothing! You, of course, can use curd cheeses like Philadelphia, but then you will not get Tiramisu, but some other dessert with curd cream. The difference is that the main (and usually the only) ingredient of Mascarpone is cream and its taste is creamy, not curd-like.

The next ingredient that may cause problems is Savoiardi biscuits - elongated, flat sponge cookies coated with sugar on top, which can also be sold under the name Savoyardi Sticks or Lady Fingers. If you couldn’t find Savoyardi in stores, you can cook it yourself; I’ll try to post the recipe later.

Another important point, because the dessert cannot be heat treated, do not forget to wash the chicken eggs in warm water and soap.

As you can see, cognac is not a required ingredient in our recipe. I cooked without cognac and I really like this Tiramisu, but it also turns out great with cognac, cognac harmonizes perfectly with coffee, so it’s up to you to decide.


We prepare all the ingredients. Brew strong espresso and leave it to cool.

Wash the eggs thoroughly in warm water and soap. Carefully separate the whites from the yolks. It is important that not a drop of yolk gets into the whites, otherwise the whites will not whip. We put the whites in the refrigerator for now, we will need them later.

Add sugar to the yolks.

Beat the yolks with sugar until the mixture turns white, this may take a few minutes. You may have some undissolved sugar left, but if there is not too much of it, don’t worry, it will dissolve later. If there is a lot of sugar left, beat the mixture some more.

Place the whipped yolks with sugar in a large container and add the mascarpone there.

Mix the yolks with sugar and mascarpone until smooth, using a mixer at low speed.

Beat the egg whites with a pinch of salt until stiff peaks form; this may take about 3-7 minutes, depending on the power of the mixer.

If you have any doubts whether the whites have been whipped to the desired state or not, just carefully try to turn the container with the whites over. If the whites are whipped, then even if you turn the container upside down, the whipped whites will remain in the bowl.

Place the whipped whites into the mixture with the yolks and mascarpone. Now you can’t use a mixer; you need to work carefully, otherwise the cream may lose its airiness. Using a spatula, mix the cream in a circular motion from bottom to top, i.e. lift the cream from the bottom of the dish to the top. There is no need to rush, do everything very carefully, we need to preserve the air in the whipped egg whites.

We get a very airy and delicate Tiramisu cream.

Pour the cooled coffee into a flat-bottomed container that fits a Savoyardi stick. A small plastic container works very well here. If you make Tiramisu with cognac, then add cognac to the coffee.

We immerse each Savoyardi stick in coffee and immediately take it out. I held it for about 2 seconds, even if at first it seems that the cookies are still dry, then they will be completely soaked and become soft. If you keep the cookies in the coffee longer, the result is that they end up being quite wet in the dessert.

Place the coffee-soaked sticks on the bottom of the mold. Here you can use a large mold, like mine, or you can take small molds or glasses and make desserts in them for one serving at once. I like the second option less, because then the whole refrigerator will be filled with a bunch of molds, but serving them, of course, is easier. By the way, my form measures 17x26 cm, height 5.5 cm.

Place about half of the cream on top of the Savoyardi layer and level it out.

Place a second layer of coffee-soaked cookies on top of the cream.

Spread the remaining cream on top, smooth it out and put it in the refrigerator for several hours, or better yet, overnight. The longer you keep Tiramisu in the refrigerator, the better the cream will hold its shape. After a few hours, you will still not be able to take a neat piece of dessert out of the mold; you can only eat it with a spoon, although this will not affect the taste in any way. After 8-10 hours, Tiramisu will hold its shape much better and you will be able to cut out a beautiful piece. My Tiramisu waited in the refrigerator for more than 12 hours.

Sprinkle dessert with cocoa before serving. You can replace it with grated chocolate, but I like it better with cocoa.

And finally, ours is ready. Try it, it's great! Bon appetit!

An exquisite delicacy. This is an Italian dessert, very popular in the world. "Tiramisu" literally means "lift me up" tira - pull, mi - me, su - to the top, and if you put these three Italian words into Google Translator, you get “pulls me to.” And these words are perfect for this dessert!

Required ingredients:

  • Savoyardi cookies - 2 packs (48 pieces)
  • 5 yolks
  • powdered sugar - 100 g
  • Mascarpone cheese - 250 g
  • whipping cream 33% - 250 g
  • Baileys liqueur - 25-30 ml
  • Espresso coffee - 2 large cups
  • cocoa powder or grated chocolate
  1. The Tiramisu cake needs to be prepared the day before serving as it needs to sit in the refrigerator overnight.
  2. First you need to brew strong espresso coffee. 3 tsp ground coffee + 1 tsp sugar per 1 glass of water. Brew coffee, strain and leave to cool while we prepare the cream for dessert.
  3. Place a bowl in a “water bath”. Pour powdered sugar into it and lay out 5 yolks.
  4. Stir and, stirring constantly, heat the yolk mixture for 5 minutes. It should thicken a little. Remove and cool.
  5. Beat the cooled yolk mixture thoroughly. Add Mascarpone cheese and beat again.
  6. Add Baileys liqueur, which is perfect for this dessert. It gives a subtle pleasant aroma and enhances the creamy taste of the dessert. Mix thoroughly.
  7. Separately, beat the chilled cream until a stable foam is obtained.
  8. Combine the creamy yolk mixture with whipped cream.
  9. The cream is ready.
  10. Let's start shaping the cake. We take the form in which we will prepare the Tiramisu cake. A springform baking pan is best suited for this. I have a mold with a diameter of 23 cm. Half dip the Savoiardi cookies into the cooled coffee and place the first layer in the mold. If you can’t find Savoyardi cookies in stores, you can bake sponge cakes and cut them into strips. And if you want to bake these cookies yourself, then at the end of this recipe there is a suggestion Savoiardi cookie recipe. It's quite simple. In a mold of this size, you need 36-38 cookies per cake. For finishing on the sides - 10-12 pieces.
  11. Fill the cookies with cream.
  12. Sprinkle thickly with cocoa powder.
  13. Next layer of cookies.
  14. And again cream and cocoa. The third layer of cookies with coffee and the third layer of cream.
  15. Cover the cake with cling film and refrigerate overnight.
  16. The next morning, we “remove” the wall of the mold and begin decorating the cake.
  17. Sprinkle the top of the cake thickly with cocoa powder. If necessary, brush the sides of the cake with fresh whipped cream. But usually the cream on the sides is enough to attach the cookies. We attach the cookie halves along the edge of the cake. You can decorate the top with powdered sugar if you have a stencil, which, however, can be easily cut out of paper.
  18. Before serving, the Tiramisu cake should be stored in the refrigerator. Serve Tiramisu dessert with hot coffee.

The recipe is given for 10 people, which is exactly how many guests came to us on October 9 for our Family Creation Day. My husband and I have lived together for 35 years, and on this occasion the people closest to us came to congratulate us. And how can we not treat our loved ones with a delicious dessert!

We will need:

  • Mascarpone cheese -500 gr
  • savoiardi cookies (lady fingers) - 250 gr
  • espresso or black ground coffee - 300 - 350 ml
  • eggs (fresh) - 6 pcs.
  • sugar - 150 g (6 tablespoons)
  • cocoa powder - 3 - 4 tbsp. spoons
  • cognac - 1-2 tbsp. spoons (or liqueur, or Marsala wine, or rum)


  1. Brew espresso coffee. To do this, place finely ground coffee beans in a Turk and fill them with cold water. Brew the coffee over very low heat, without bringing it to a boil. As soon as the foam begins to rise, this is a signal that the coffee is ready and it’s time to remove it from the heat.
  2. Pour hot coffee into a cup, add a little sugar, stir and cool. Then strain it through cheesecloth so that no grains of coffee get into the dessert.
  3. You can brew strong coffee in a geyser coffee maker. This is exactly how my husband made coffee for my tiramisu.
  4. When the coffee has cooled, add cognac, or what is listed above. Since not everyone drinks alcohol here, and there will be children at the table, I poured out some of the coffee and did not add cognac to it. Tiramisu is delicious without any alcohol.
  5. They also add almond syrup, literally a couple of drops, but unfortunately, I don’t have such syrup! They say that when syrup is added, tiramisu tastes as if Amaretto had been added.
  6. Prepare two clean, completely dry containers. Wash the eggs with soap and dry with a paper towel.
  7. To prepare tiramisu, only fresh eggs should be used! Since we will be preparing the cream from raw eggs, we must wash them to protect ourselves from salmonella infection.
  8. To find out if an egg is fresh, you need to shake it. If you can hear the liquid bubbling around inside, it means the egg is no longer fresh. It is better to avoid such eggs when preparing dessert!
  9. Sometimes quail eggs are used instead of chicken eggs. They are not susceptible to contamination and are safe to cook with. The proportion is as follows: 1 chicken egg - 4.5 quail, that is, 6 chicken - 27 quail.
  10. Separate the whites from the yolks and place the whites in one of the prepared containers and the yolks in the other. In this case, you need to try to separate the whites so that not a single drop of yolk gets into them.
  11. It is convenient to separate eggs by splitting them into two halves. And by transferring the yolk from one half of the shell to the other, and slightly tilting it at the same time, all the white, under the influence of gravity, will flow down.
  12. Add sugar to the yolks and beat everything together with a mixer until a homogeneous thick mass, almost white. At the same time, there should be no grains of sugar left in it.
  13. It is because of this that powdered sugar is sometimes used for churning. To do this, grind the specified amount of sugar, that is, 150 grams, into powder, then beat the yolks with it.
  14. This is such a dense and thick mass that we have.
  15. Then add half the Mascarpone cheese first (I have one 250 g jar). As I already said, I use Galbani brand cheese. This cheese is really good and has never let me down with any of the recipes I've used it in.
  16. Gently mix the mixture from top to bottom using a spatula. Then add another half, and also mix everything.
  17. Beat the whites with a mixer. At first we start shooting down at a not very high speed. As soon as a lush foam with an abundance of bubbles appears, and this will happen quite quickly, we increase the speed. Beat the egg whites until they become quite thick but still airy.
  18. When the cup is tilted from side to side, the finished mass does not fall to either side. And stable peaks form on the surface that do not fall.
  19. Place the whites into the yolk mixture, or vice versa (there is no significant difference), and gently mix from top to bottom. It is advisable to use a wooden or silicone spatula, or, in extreme cases, a spoon. We no longer use a whisk, much less a mixer.
  20. It is important for us to maintain the airiness of the cream. And this airiness is given precisely by the whipped whites, in which we observed an abundance of bubbles. Therefore, it is important to mix carefully and simply shift the layers from top to bottom.
  21. For the same reason, under no circumstances should we mix the contents in a circle.
  22. When both masses are mixed, you can begin to assemble the tiramisu into molds or bowls. It is desirable that they be transparent. This is necessary in order to enjoy not only the taste, but also the appearance of a wonderful dessert.
  23. Quickly dip a stick of Savoiardi biscuits into the coffee with the side on which the powdered sugar was sprinkled. There is no need to keep the cookies in the coffee for a long time. It is enough to just lightly dip, and even then not all the cookies, but only half with powder. If the cookie stick is large, you can break it off as much as needed.
  24. Place the first layer of cookies. Approximately 3.5 sticks are required per serving. That is, we put 1-1.5 pieces down, and accordingly leave 1.5-2 for the second layer.
  25. Next, place a layer of airy cream on the cookies. You can lightly tap the mold on the table, or shake it slightly so that the cream sits better on the cookies.
  26. Then place the second layer of cookies. And then cream again.
  27. Cover the molds prepared in this way with cling film and place in the refrigerator. Minimum for 3 hours. But of course, the longer the tiramisu sits in the refrigerator, the better the cookies will be soaked in the cream and the tastier the dessert will be.
  28. It is best to keep the dessert in the refrigerator for at least 10-12 hours, or even better, a day.
  29. Before serving, remove the film from the molds and generously sprinkle the top layer with cocoa powder. For an even and neat coating, it is better to use a small sieve.


  • two teaspoons of coffee (instant or fine grind);
  • two tea spoons of sugar;
  • two hundred milliliters of boiling water;
  • four chicken eggs;
  • four tablespoons of powdered sugar;
  • five hundred grams of mascarpone cheese;
  • twenty-four savoiardi cookies;
  • one tablespoon of cocoa;
  • fifty milliliters plus one teaspoon of cognac or liqueur.


  1. First of all, let's prepare the impregnation. In a suitable container, mix two teaspoons of coffee and sugar, pour in boiling water. Stir gently and wait until the liquid cools. Be sure to strain if you used ground coffee.
  2. When the coffee has cooled, pour liqueur or cognac into it. Stir. That's it, the impregnation is ready.
  3. Let's move on to preparing the cream. It is very important to wash the eggs before you start working with them, as they will not be cooked later. Then separate the yolks from the whites.
  4. Add powdered sugar (four tablespoons) to the yolks and beat with a mixer. You should get a white and thickened mass.
  5. Add mascarpone and a teaspoon of liqueur to the mixture. Beat everything again. The cream is ready. Departing from the classics, you can add whipped cream (from two hundred to five hundred milliliters) to the cream.
  6. Prepare the savoiardi cookies. For the cake you will need twenty-four pieces. If you take a package that contains thirteen or fifteen pieces, then take two at once. Usually these cookies are smaller in size, so the prepared cream and soaking will be enough for them.
  7. Let's start laying out the cake. Take a dish with a recess (this will make it easier to store the cake). Dip each cookie in the mixture, but be careful not to add too much, otherwise the cake will be very loose.
  8. Place it in the mold with the soaking side down.
  9. Brush the lined cookies with half of the prepared cream.
  10. Lay out the second layer in the same way.
  11. Brush the cake with the remaining cream, smoothing it out well.
  12. Using a spatula, spread the cream onto the sides of the cookies.
  13. Immediately put the Tiramisu in the refrigerator for five hours. Before serving, sprinkle cocoa over the top of the cake using a tea strainer.
  14. That's all, Tiramisu is ready. To decorate the cake, you can run the tines of a fork across the surface of the cake, creating small streaks. Bon appetit!

For a cake that can be prepared at home, both store-bought sponge cakes and those that you can bake yourself will work.

Tiramisu, in addition to 350 g of biscuit, will require you to have such products as:

  • 330 g mascarpone;
  • 2 squirrels;
  • 200 ml water;
  • 2 bananas;
  • five tbsp. spoons of powdered sugar;
  • dessert spoon of coffee and 40 ml of caramel sauce.

How to properly prepare Tiramisu in your own kitchen:

  1. Brew coffee with water.
  2. Sweeten the drink to taste and cool.
  3. Place the egg whites in the freezer for a few minutes and beat with powdered sugar until fluffy.
  4. Stir the mascarpone with a spatula and combine with the whipped egg whites.
  5. Soak the biscuit cakes with coffee solution.
  6. Place the first cake layer on the tray, spread a thick layer of cream on it, and place thin slices of bananas. Cover with the second cake layer and also spread with cream and add bananas.
  7. Cover the top of the cake with the remaining curd cream and sprinkle with cocoa powder. The final touch is caramel sauce, apply it in chaotic lines.
  8. Tiramisu should soak in a cool place for several hours, but in the meantime, be patient and do other things.

Make a tender and delicious cake at home and serve it, decorating with chocolate chips.

In order for the cake to turn out, you must have:

  • half a glass of sugar;
  • 3 eggs;
  • 20 g cocoa;
  • 0.1 kg of flour and half a teaspoon of baking powder.
    The cream consists of:
  • eight tablespoons of powdered sugar;
  • 200 ml of heavy cream and 0.3 kg of fermented milk cheese.

To prepare Tiramisu means to first bake the sponge cake:

  1. Separate the yolks and beat them with ½ sugar.
  2. Leave the whites in the freezer for a few minutes and beat with the other half of the granulated sugar.
  3. Pour cocoa and flour into the yolks.
  4. Add the foam from the whites and mix carefully.
  5. Bake the sponge cake, cool and divide into two parts (see photo).
  6. Whip the cream, adding powdered sugar at the end. Grind the cottage cheese and mix with cream. Soak the cakes with cold coffee and spread each of them with cream when you stack the Tiramisu.
  7. Sprinkle the top of the cake with cocoa. Before cutting this Tiramisu into portions, place it in the refrigerator and keep it cool for 2-3 hours.

Of course, try to find a replacement for him. For your information, full-fat fermented milk cheese behaves perfectly, which must be squeezed out and excess whey drained before use.

So, the list of ingredients for Tiramisu, which can be prepared at home:

  • 5 eggs;
  • half a kilogram of cottage cheese;
  • a full glass of powdered sugar;
  • 5 tbsp. spoons of milk;
  • 200 ml cream;
  • 160 g flour;
  • dessert spoon of instant coffee;
  • 180 g granulated sugar + 3 large spoons for soaking the cakes.
  • For decoration you will need cocoa powder.

Biscuit recipe:

  1. Beat 4 eggs in a blender, without separating them into whites and yolks.
  2. Add sugar and beat until you get an airy mass of a pale yellow hue. To do this, you need to keep the blender running for 10 minutes.
  3. Gradually add flour. If you are not sure that the Tiramisu dough will rise well in the oven, add a teaspoon of baking powder.
  4. Place a sheet of parchment of appropriate size on the bottom of the baking sheet. Pour the dough and send the cake to bake in a hot oven. There is no need to brown it, just enough so that it becomes the color of ripe wheat.
  5. Remove the Tiramisu from the baking sheet along with the paper and invert onto a wire rack. Cool.
  6. Trim the edges and cut the cake in half.

Recipe for making Tiramisu cream step by step:

  1. Pour half a glass of powder into the cottage cheese and beat thoroughly with a mixer.
  2. Pour in the milk.
  3. In a separate bowl, beat the cream with the remaining powdered sugar until fluffy.
  4. Combine the curd and cream mixture, stir.
  5. For impregnation, brew coffee and dissolve granulated sugar in it. Soak the cakes in the cooled mixture and fold them one on top, spreading them with curd cream.

Oh, tiramisu! Divine flavor range, the favorite delicacy of all the sweet tooths of the world. Once you try this magical dessert, you will definitely want to taste it again. It is not surprising that many women who are lovers of confectionery art are actively seeking to learn how to independently recreate an airy, tasty dessert that gently melts in the mouth, and how to prepare tiramisu at home. We will be happy to help you master its preparation - we will provide you with a recipe with a step-by-step description of all operations.

First, let's clarify the definitions. The widely known layered dessert Tiramisu, as it was invented in Italy, is just that, a dessert. That is, its consistency is very delicate, it is not cut into slices, but is served in glass portioned bowls (cutting teramisa with a knife is generally considered bad manners in the homeland of the dessert). Italian confectioners claim that real tiramisu can only be tasted in their country.

Tiramisu cakes are prepared everywhere, as they say, based on the famous dessert. They have a denser structure and a traditional cake shape - round or rectangular. During the cooking process, some substitutions and additions of ingredients are allowed (which is what actually causes the density to appear). Served cut into slices.

The absence of heat treatment and ease of preparation are the undeniable advantages that both recipes have - Tiramisu dessert and Tiramisu cake.

But there is also the other side of the coin - products for traditional tiramisu are difficult to find in Russia (except perhaps in capital cities), and they do not belong to the class of cheap products.

Classic dessert tiramisu with mascarpone - recipe

For classic tiramisu there is a standard set of ingredients that cannot be changed if you want to get exactly the classic version of the dessert. Mandatory ingredients are Savoyardi cookies, Mascarpone cheese, eggs, cocoa powder, powdered sugar, espresso coffee, almond liqueur.

Since the recipe uses raw eggs (they give the dessert lightness and “airiness”), you must be sure of their quality. Buy only exclusively fresh eggs, wash them thoroughly. Sometimes, for fear of salmonella contamination, they are replaced with whipped cream. You can do this, but it’s no longer tiramisu, it’s variations on a theme.

List of ingredients for tiramisu dessert (per 3 servings):

How to cook tiramisu - step by step instructions

  1. The first thing to do is make coffee. If you don't have espresso (the only acceptable substitute in the classic recipe), you can brew strong coffee (two teaspoons per glass of water). The coffee should be 200 ml. Cool the drink.
  2. Carefully separate the yolks from the whites. Dishes for both should be clean and dry.
  3. Beat the whites until stiff, gradually adding 1 tablespoon of powdered sugar. Please note that the resulting mass should be dense and not spread.
  4. Add the remaining amount of powdered sugar to the yolks, beat until thick.
  5. Add mascarpone cream cheese to the thickened yolks and stir until smooth. Maximum homogeneity!
  6. After this, add the whipped whites in several additions, stirring carefully each time (movements should be directed from bottom to top). As a result, if you did everything correctly, you will get a very “airy” cream.
  7. Add 1 tablespoon of Amaretto liqueur to the cooled coffee. If the dessert is being prepared for children, you can use almond essence instead of liqueur.
  8. Dip Savoyardi cookies with the top side, which is covered with powdered sugar, into coffee and shake off excess drops. This must be done quickly, since the cookies quickly absorb moisture.
  9. Place each cookie on the bottom of a serving vessel (glass or bowl). If necessary, break into slices. Place the cookies in one layer. (It’s better to divide the cookies into all three containers at once so that the portions are equal.)
  10. Cover the cookies with a layer of cream so that they are not visible.
  11. Apply a second, then a third layer (if the glasses or bowls are small, you may end up with three layers).
  12. Sprinkle the top layer with cocoa powder and put the dessert in the refrigerator for several hours (overnight is possible).

As you can see, the recipe for tiramisu at home with mascarpone is not so complicated. The main thing is to choose the products. We'll talk about them further.

How to make tiramisu if you don't have Savoiardi cookies on sale

Italian Savoyardi cookies are nothing more than biscuit cookies, elongated and flat in shape. Cookies, due to their porosity, absorb liquid well and quickly become soft, therefore they are widely used for preparing various desserts and cakes. It has the second name “lady fingers”, and, in fairness, it must be said that it is not on sale every day and not in every store.

If you decide to make tiramisu according to the classic recipe at home, but cannot buy cookies, then you will have to bake these same “lady fingers”. This is done quite simply and quickly.

Ingredients for Savoyardi cookies:

  1. separate the yolks from the whites
  2. beat the egg whites with half the amount of powdered sugar until thick and stable
  3. beat the yolks with the remaining powdered sugar until creamy consistency
  4. combine the whites with the yolks, mix carefully and sift the flour through a sieve on top
  5. Stir the mixture slowly from bottom to top until smooth
  6. Fill a baking bag with the resulting biscuit dough, and squeeze out strips 7-8 cm long onto a baking sheet lined with parchment paper. Sprinkle each piece with powdered sugar and bake in the oven for 10-15 minutes at 190°C. It is advisable not to open the oven during baking.
  7. After the allotted time has passed, turn off the oven, open the door slightly and leave to cool.
  8. In order for the cookies to become brittle, you need to leave them open at room temperature for some time.

This is how you can bake your own tiramisu cookies.

There is one more ingredient that can be difficult to obtain. This is Mascarpone cheese.

Cheese for tiramisu

Mascarpone cheese is an Italian soft cheese, an integral component of the tiramisu dessert. The name sounds sophisticated and very “delicate”. In fact, there is nothing fancy about it. The consistency is creamy, the taste is reminiscent of butter. Just like Savoiardi cookies, they are easy to prepare at home.

To obtain cheese, you need to heat 1 liter of heavy natural cream (25%) in a water bath to a temperature of 90°C, then add 3 tablespoons of lemon juice. Next, mix thoroughly and keep on low heat for 15 minutes (it is advisable to use a divider to avoid burning). After this, the mass must be placed in a linen bag and hung in a cool place for self-pressing and removal of whey. Mascarpone cheese is ready!

You can start preparing the wonderful dessert tiramisu. The main thing is not to be timid. It was not the gods who fired the pots. And at home you can prepare a tiramisu that will make Italians jealous.

The most delicate Italian dessert Tiramisu can be prepared at home: with mascarpone cheese, cream and cocoa!

  • Cocoa powder 6 tsp.
  • Cognac 2 tbsp. l.
  • Espresso coffee 250 ml
  • Savoyardi cookies 250 g
  • Powdered sugar 0.5 tbsp.
  • Mascarpone cheese 400 g
  • Black chocolate 50 g
  • Chicken eggs 5 pcs.

Recipe 2: homemade tiramisu with mascarpone (with photo)

  • Mascarpone 500 grams
  • Egg 4 pieces
  • Sugar 100 grams
  • Savoyardi 30 pcs (cookies)
  • Coffee 350 ml strong coffee
  • Cocoa for sprinkling

Brew good, strong coffee. Then you need to cool it completely to room temperature.

Then cover the cookies with all the remaining cream and put them in the refrigerator overnight. In the morning we take out the tiramisu and sprinkle with cocoa. All is ready.

Recipe 3: tiramisu + with mascarpone and vanilla cookies

  • Cream cheese / mascarpone 250 g
  • Granulated sugar ½ cup
  • Heavy cream 1 Cup
  • Strong coffee 2 Glass
  • Rum 1 tablespoon
  • Vanilla cookies 12 pcs.
  • Cocoa powder ½ cup

Place cream cheese or mascarpone in a bowl, add 3 tablespoons of sugar. Mix until smooth.

Place the cream in another container, add the remaining sugar, and beat well. Transfer to container with cheese.

Brew strong coffee. Pour the hot drink into a bowl, add rum to it, stir. Break the cookies. Place in a container with coffee.

Hold for 10 seconds. and immediately put into bowls.

Grease the cookie layer well with butter cream. Place a second layer of cookies on top and also generously spread with cream. Fill the bowls to the brim, alternating layers.

Grease the last layer of cookies with cream and sprinkle with cocoa powder. The finished dessert must be refrigerated for 8 hours. Then you can serve. Bon appetit!

Recipe 4: homemade tiramisu with mascorpone

  • Yolks - 4 pcs
  • Sugar - 4 tbsp
  • Mascarpone cheese – 250 g
  • Cream 33% – 500 ml
  • Savoyardi cookies – 300 g
  • Coffee – 200 ml
  • Cocoa powder – 10 g

Take the yolks and 3 tablespoons of sugar.

Beat for 3-5 minutes until light in color (like butter).

Add Mascarpone cheese.

Beat for 3-5 minutes until the consistency of thick sour cream.

Take the cream and the remaining sugar. Beat for 3-5 minutes until the cream retains its shape and does not spread.

Combine whipped cream and yolks with Mascarpone. Beat for 1-2 minutes - the cream is ready. The whipping time depends on the power of the blender and the temperature of the products. Refrigerated food in a refrigerated container will break through faster than the same food at room temperature.

Take the mold and grease the bottom with a small amount of cream. Place a layer of Savoiardi after dipping each cookie in coffee. You need to immerse half of the cookies in the coffee for a second. The coffee must be cold.

Cover with a layer of cream.

Place the next layer of cookies and then the cream. The number of layers depends on the size of the mold - maybe 2 or 3 layers.

Keep Tiramisu in the refrigerator for 3-4 hours until completely cooked. Place the soft dessert in a bowl (or other form) and smooth the cream onto the surface with a spoon.

Sprinkle with cocoa powder, carefully tilting the form with the dessert in different directions to distribute the cocoa.

Recipe 5: tiramisu with savoiardi, cognac and mascarpone cheese

  • sugar – 170 g (¾ cup)
  • cognac – 3 tbsp. l.
  • dark chocolate – 80 g
  • strong coffee – 250 ml
  • mascarpone cheese – 300 g
  • eggs – 5 pcs.
  • Savoyardi cookies – 36 pcs.

Separate the yolks from the whites. Grind the yolks thoroughly with half the sugar. This can be done using a mixer. Sugar grains should not be felt.

Add mascarpone to the yolk mixture and stir.

Beat the whites until large bubbles appear. Continuing to beat, gradually add the second half of the sugar. Beat the whites into a stiff foam and carefully, in parts, fold into the cheese-yolk mixture.

Mix coffee with cognac. Dip the cookies in coffee and place in a rectangular pan so that the bottom is completely covered.

Place half of the prepared cream on top. Level the surface. Place a second layer of cookies soaked in coffee and spread the remaining cream over it. Cover the pan with cling film and refrigerate for 8–10 hours.

Before serving, grate the chocolate on a fine grater and sprinkle the tiramisu on top. You can also sprinkle with cocoa powder sifted through a strainer.

Recipe 6: tiramisu with cream and mascarpone without eggs

  • Cream (33% fat) 150-200 ml.
  • Cheese “Mascarpone” 500 g
  • Powdered sugar 100 g
  • Savoyardi cookies (lady fingers cookies) 16-18 pcs.
  • Coffee (natural, freshly brewed) 180-200 ml.
  • Amaretto liqueur (cognac, or other alcohol) 1-2 tbsp. l.

Pour chilled cream 30-33% fat into a pre-chilled bowl. Gradually add powdered sugar and beat the cream.

Whip the cream to soft peaks.

Add Mascarpone cheese to the whipped cream in small portions (1-2 tablespoons each) and carefully stir the cheese into the whipped cream. Mix in the cheese carefully from top to bottom.

Mix the cream and mascarpone cheese until smooth.

Brew coffee in advance and cool. Coffee must be freshly brewed and always natural. If desired, add Amaretto liqueur or other alcohol to the cooled coffee. Dip the Savoiardi cookies into the coffee one at a time.

Dip the cookies on both sides in coffee. The cookies should be dipped very quickly, otherwise they will become soggy very quickly.

Place a layer of biscuit sticks soaked in coffee on the bottom of the mold. If you are preparing tiramisu in a glass or bowl, then it is better to first put a layer of cream on the bottom. This time I made a double portion of tiramisu, so I used more ingredients.

Place half of the cream on a layer of Savoiardi cookies and distribute it evenly.

Place another layer of cookies dipped in coffee on top.

Spread the remaining half of the cream evenly over the entire surface of the cookies.

Here's a side view of our dessert.

Sprinkle cocoa or grated chocolate on top of the tiramisu. Place the dessert in the refrigerator for at least 4 hours.

Bon appetit!

Recipe 7: tiramisu with mascarpone cheese (with photos step by step)

  • Mascarpone - 500 grams
  • Savoyardi cookies - 250 grams
  • Eggs - 6 pieces (necessarily fresh)
  • Cognac - 30-50 Milliliters (optional)
  • Sugar - 150 grams
  • Strong espresso - 200 Milliliters
  • Cocoa - 1-2 tbsp. spoons

Take the eggs and separate the yolks from the whites. Place the whites in a deep, large bowl and cool, then beat with a mixer until stiff peaks form. Now you can put them in the refrigerator and proceed to the next step.

Add sugar to the yolks, beat everything until the latter is completely dissolved. The sugar-yolk mixture should noticeably lighten and become thicker.

Now gradually add mascarpone to the whipped mixture of yolks and sugar, continuing to beat the cream at low speed until the mixture has a homogeneous consistency.

Brew coffee (if you have finely ground natural coffee, you can simply pour boiling water over it). Cool it to room temperature and mix with cognac. Now prepare the dishes in which you will serve the tiramisu.

You can use one large mold, as well as different bowls, low wide glasses or martini glasses. This will give you neat, beautiful portions that can be served quickly without any fuss or extra preparation. Next, quickly dip the cookies into the resulting coffee-cognac impregnation and place them on the bottom of the container, forming the first layer.

Make the final layer of cream, cover the tiramisu molds with cling film and place in the refrigerator to steep for 8-10 hours. During this time, it will be evenly saturated and harden.

Sprinkle the finished dessert generously with cocoa or finely grated chocolate and decorate to your taste. Bon appetit!

Recipe 8, step by step: Italian-style creamy tiramisu

  • 500 g mascarpone cream cheese;
  • 500 ml cream with a fat content of at least 33%;
  • 10 yolks;
  • 300 g savoiardi biscuits (lady fingers);
  • 400 ml freshly brewed coffee;
  • 40 g quality cocoa powder;
  • 200 g of powdered sugar.

First of all, let's brew strong coffee. We will proceed from the proportions: for 400 ml of boiling water, 2 teaspoons of coffee and 2 tablespoons of sugar. Brew and leave until completely cool.

Using a whisk, beat the yolks with powdered sugar until smooth.

Place the whipped mixture in a water bath to heat, stirring continuously. As they heat, the yolks will become lighter in color and begin to thicken. Everything will take about 5 minutes. After boiling the mixture and cooling completely, it will become even thicker.

Transfer the cooled yolk-sugar mass into a large deep bowl, as there will be a lot of cream. Add mascarpone to the mixture.

Using a mixer at low speed, beat the prepared ingredients. Mascarpone should be added in several stages. To prevent the cheese from curdling, do not beat for too long! The mass should be light and airy.

Now you need to whip the cream. The container in which the whole process will take place, the whisk, and the product itself must certainly be very well cooled. We take cream with a fat content of at least 33%. Pour them into a bowl and remove them from the walls of the package by cutting the bag.

Whip the cream continuously with a mixer at medium speed. As soon as a clear pattern is formed on the surface of the dairy product, we stop the whipping process. Do not whip the cream for too long. They should not be liquid, but rather dense. Whipped cream is ready!

Now you need to mix the two prepared masses: yolk with mascarpone and cream. Add the cream gradually, in several stages.

Mix the mixture very carefully with a spatula until a homogeneous mass is obtained.

All preparatory stages have been completed. Let's start assembling the dessert itself. Take the cookies and dip them in brewed and cooled coffee. We do this very quickly, because the cookies are very delicate, and if you keep them in the liquid longer, they will simply lose their shape.

Immediately place the cookies in the bottom of a large pan.

Place half of the resulting cream on the cookie layer. Distribute it evenly over the entire surface of the cookies.

We again place cookies on the cream and dip them in coffee. Lightly sprinkle cookies with cocoa.

Now we put the second part of the cream into the mold and distribute it over the cookie layer. Cover the mold with cling film and place it in the refrigerator for several hours (ideally overnight). During this time, all the ingredients will begin to interact. The sugar will dissolve, the cookies will give off a coffee aroma and will be well soaked in the delicious cream.

Sprinkle the cooled tiramisu generously with cocoa. It is best to use a sieve to easily spread the cocoa into an even layer.

Now you know the classic Tiramisu recipe. And at home, dessert turns out no less tasty than in a restaurant. Serve the cake, cut into portions, garnished with a mint leaf. Bon appetit!

Recipe 9: the most delicate tiramisu with cream and cheese

  • Cream - 200 ml
  • Mascarpone cream – 250 g
  • Savoyardi cookies – 200 g
  • Cognac - 2 tbsp.
  • Brewed coffee - 200 ml
  • Powdered sugar - 3 tbsp.
  • Cocoa powder - 1 tbsp.

So, let's prepare all the products according to the list. It is better to prepare brewed coffee in advance so that it has cooled down by the time the dessert is prepared.

Let's prepare the cream for dessert. Place Mascarpone cream in a bowl.

Pour 30% fat cream into the cheese.

Add powdered sugar.

IMPORTANT: we don’t like very sweet cream, so I use a minimum of powdered sugar, you can add a little more powdered sugar to your taste.

Using a mixer, beat all ingredients until a thick cream is obtained.

Mix cooled brewed coffee and cognac in a bowl.

Now is the time to assemble our Tiramisu dessert.

Cover the bottom of the mold with a thin layer of cream. Dip the Savoiardi cookie sticks into the coffee-cognac solution and place the cookies in a single layer in the mold.

Distribute two or three tablespoons of cream on top.

Repeat the layers of cookies and cream several times. We should have cream left, we will decorate our dessert with it before serving.

At the very end, cover the dessert with film and put it in the refrigerator for a couple of hours.

We decorate the soaked Tiramisu dessert with cream and mascarpone with the remaining cream, sprinkle with cocoa powder and serve it to the table.

Recipe 10: Tiramisu from anniversary cookies (step by step photos)

  • Cookies “Jubilee” - 400 grams (3 packs)
  • Mascarpone cheese - 250 grams
  • Cream 30% - 200 Milliliters
  • Natural ground coffee - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • Cocoa - 2-3 tbsp. spoons
  • Powdered sugar - 100 grams
  • Cognac - 1 tbsp. spoon

We brew coffee without sugar. We will need about a glass of it. Let the coffee cool, then add cognac to it.

Whip the cream with powdered sugar into a strong, stable mass.

Then add whipped cream in small portions to the mascarpone, beat until smooth.

I didn’t soak the first layer of cookies in coffee, but you can. Place the cookies on a plate or in a mold with sides if the cream is a little runny.

We grease the cookies with cream, lay out the next row of cookies dipped in coffee and cognac (we wet them very quickly, literally dip them in and take them out), then again with cream, and so on. Sprinkle the top layer evenly with cocoa. You can pour melted chocolate over it. Place in the refrigerator to soak and harden.

Bonus: homemade Savoyardi cookies for Italian tiramisu

Savoiardi biscuits are the basis of the famous Italian dessert tiramisu. To make it airy, tender and light, during cooking you need to beat the ingredients well, namely the eggs. The cookies are prepared very quickly and eaten even faster.

  • Egg - 3 pcs.
  • Flour - 50 g
  • Sugar - 50 g
  • Powdered sugar - 30 g

To make savoiardi cookies for tiramisu at home, take the products from the list.

Separate the yolks from the whites. This must be done carefully so that not a drop of yolk gets into the whites.

Add half a portion of sugar to the yolks and set aside for now.

At high mixer speed, start beating the egg whites. Beat them into a strong foam and add the remaining sugar in a thin stream. Continue whisking until it is completely dissolved.

Beat the yolks until white. The sugar should also be completely dissolved.

Combine the whites with the yolks and mix gently, slowly.

Add the sifted flour and mix lightly again. The dough should be homogeneous, without lumps.

Place the dough in a pastry bag or regular file, cut off a corner 10-13 mm wide and place finger-sized sticks on a baking sheet.

Sprinkle generously with powdered sugar.

Bake savoiardi in an oven preheated to 200 degrees for about 10 minutes. The cookies should become golden.

Remove the cookies from the oven and leave to cool completely before removing them from the baking paper.

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All recipes are carefully selected by the culinary club of the website website
