How and where can I pay property taxes using a paper receipt and online? Methods of paying property tax Where to pay the tax for an apartment.

Property tax is paid by citizens of the Russian Federation annually. The tax amount is calculated by the tax office. There are several ways to pay property taxes, read more in this material.

A completed tax payment receipt is sent out annually via Russian Post. You should receive a registered letter. If the receipt was lost, you must fill it out yourself:
  • Details of the tax office can be found on the Federal Tax Service website. Do not forget that the tax is transferred at the place of registration of the property. Be careful when specifying OKATO
  • Be sure to check the KBK at the tax office (at the information stand) or on the Federal Tax Service website. You should not search for KBK on the Internet; the data may be outdated or erroneous.
  • If you do not remember your TIN, use the service of the Federal Tax Service portal.
You can find out the amount of tax and the presence of debt on the portal To do this, click on the “Get service” button. Information is provided within 5 days. You can pay your tax through a bank by filling out a receipt by hand or on a computer. On our website you can download a form and a sample to fill out (please note that the data is provided as an example and may differ from the details of your tax office):

Another option is to fill out a receipt on the Federal Tax Service website:
  • Log in to your personal account and go to the “Overpayment/Debt” section.
  • Click on the “Pay Debt” button at the bottom of the screen, select “Property Tax” and click on the “Generate Payment Documents” tab.
  • You can print the completed receipt or pay property tax online using the services of intermediary banks.
Payment of property tax using WebMoney:
  • Click on the "Payment" tab.
  • Go to the “Fines, taxes, government services” section.
  • Click on the “Pay taxes” button.
  • Fill in the details following the electronic prompts.
  • Enter the amount and confirm the payment.
Owners of Sberbank plastic cards can pay tax at terminals and ATMs:
  • Insert your card and enter your PIN.
  • Select the “Payment of traffic police fines and taxes” section.
  • Specify the type of payment and select the tax office.
  • There is a code at the top of the receipt; enter it in the special field. If you have a scanner, present the barcode.
  • Check the entered information and click "Accept".
  • Don't forget the receipt.

You need to figure out how to pay the property tax for individuals, otherwise, if the deadlines for depositing funds are violated, enforcement measures may be applied to the payer.

Click on the section related to the payment of taxes “Federal Tax Service”.

Select the “Pay” item.

Specify the method by which the payment document will be searched.

Fill out the form that opens.

Click "Find".

Click the “Proceed to Payment” section.

Enter the required information in the form. The system will give you hints.

Confirm the transaction.

An individual can also make a tax payment using the State Services portal. Please note that if you are registered on this site, the property tax will not be received in printed form, as the corresponding notification will be received in the system in question. In this case, the most difficult thing is to complete the registration, which requires mandatory identification confirmation. On average, this action takes about two weeks to complete. In this regard, physical individuals should consider this issue in advance. You can pay on the State Services website like this:

All tax debts will be displayed in your personal account. The information that you have paid your property tax will be updated within two days. Therefore, do not rush to check for debt.

It is also possible to enter the “Public Services” section, from where you can go to the section of the service in charge of taxation issues and click on debt search. After you enter your tax number, the screen will display all your outstanding debts. Next, the operation is performed in the sequence presented above. In this case, no transaction fee is charged.

Other payment methods

You should also know where you can pay your apartment tax; in particular, this may be required if you do not have access to the Internet. As stated above, you can make your tax payment in person. Currently, this payment method is quite developed. You can complete a transaction by personally visiting the cash desk of a bank branch, and it does not matter which bank it is.

You can use terminals located both in bank branches and in the service that deals with tax issues. In addition, do not forget that post offices also provide the opportunity to make payments. In order to choose which method is more convenient for you, you should consider each in more detail.

Let's start with the fact that you will need to prepare a package of documents with which you will go to pay the tax. You need to have a document with you to verify your identity, know the amount to be deposited, have the details of the tax authority, and also indicate what type of tax it is. It is best if you have a receipt through which payment is made. This is due to the fact that this paper contains all the data you need, and nothing further needs to be clarified.

Please note that you will need to know your tax number to pay using some of these methods. In this case, it is not necessary to have the corresponding document on hand; it will be enough to just give the number. Payment documents are sent by the competent authorities no later than one month before the date on which the payment is due. Based on the established deadlines, this is the beginning of November.

To pay tax at the bank's cash desk, you will need to visit any banking organization. You need to take with you the previously mentioned papers and the amount of money that you need to pay as tax. The operator should hand over the payment document and funds, as well as the passport. Once the transaction is completed, you will be given a receipt confirming payment. In this case, payment is usually made in cash. Please note that if you decide to use this method, be prepared for the fact that it will take a lot of your time, as you will need to wait for your turn at the bank.

You can also pay at terminals and ATMs installed in the bank branch. In this case, you will pay with non-cash money, however, it is also possible to deposit cash at the terminals. To complete the operation you will need:

    insert the card into the device;

    enter the access code;

    go to the “Payments” menu;

At the end of the current year, the deadline for individuals to pay property tax for the previous year ends (for example, in 2016 the tax for 2015 is paid). The last day is December 1. Before this date, according to tax legislation, a citizen has an obligation to pay; after December 1, in the absence of payment, a debt. The presence of a debt is the basis for the accrual of fines and penalties to the payer. Today, the Internet provides citizens with a number of opportunities to pay taxes on an apartment or other real estate without leaving home and in a matter of minutes. How to do this using the State Services service is further in the review.

Through which online service can you pay property tax?

When paying taxes, everything is important: date, tax amount, purpose of payment, payment details. In addition, it is important to keep the original receipt, which confirms when and how the tax was paid. Most taxpayers understand the importance of all of these nuances, and, naturally, this makes them worry about how reliable it is to pay property taxes online.

If the tax is paid incorrectly, the following adverse consequences may occur for the payer:

  • the amount of tax will be lost in the general flow of payments, and the person will have to prove the timely fulfillment of his obligation in court;
  • occurrence of tax debt;
  • inability to prove your payment if the Federal Tax Service declares that the tax has not been paid.

The listed consequences will neutralize the payment and create a lot of problems, both material and moral.

Important! When using the services of the State Services website, the payer is protected from inaccuracies, errors or the use of incorrect information when transferring taxes. The online property tax payment system will not allow you to make a payment with incorrect details.

Only government portals (State Services and the Federal Tax Service website) guarantee the correct payment of apartment tax online; when making transfers through other electronic systems, the payer must independently generate the correct payment. To obtain reliable information about paying property tax yourself, it is recommended to seek advice from the regional Federal Tax Service, where the payer will be provided with current payment details and information on available payment methods.

Step-by-step instructions for paying your tax liability online

In order to pay real estate tax via the Internet, the user must go through the registration procedure and confirm his personal data using one of the methods offered by the State Services ru website. If you often use Internet services to receive government services, then you are recommended to apply. Despite the fact that the site provides more opportunities to users with digital signatures, this does not affect the tax payment procedure in any way.

When going to the “Tax Debt” tab, the payer is given the opportunity to select a service. One of the services is payment of tax obligations.

Separately, you can see which is registered with the payer for each type of tax, including property tax.

Under the generated receipt, the payer is offered payment methods. One of the ways is payment using the State Services payment system. Also on the list of services through which individuals can pay property taxes online are Sberbank, the Qiwi system and a number of large regional banks that support Internet banking services.

When making a payment, the service does not charge a commission. But this does not exclude the possibility that intrabank systems may withdraw funds from the payer for transferring the payment.

Important! The payer must generate a receipt and pay the apartment tax online only from his personal account. If your loved ones have access to your account on State Services, then they can do this for you. But in any case, the payment must be made only from the office of the person who is obliged to pay the property tax.

How to pay taxes through the Federal Tax Service

Users who find it more convenient to work through the tax service website can use an account registered with State Services to pay the amount of tax for an apartment via the Internet on the Federal Tax Service website. To do this, you need to go to the tax service website and open the “Pay taxes” tab.

This tab lists the services available to system users.

When clicking on the link “Payment of taxes by individuals”, the user is provided with a receipt template and real estate tax data, which are necessary to correctly fill out the payment document. Transferring money to pay apartment taxes via the Internet on the Federal Tax Service website can also be carried out through various payment systems (Government Services, Sberbank, etc.). The taxpayer is given the right to choose the agent most convenient for him.

After the payment has been made, a receipt with a payment mark appears in the payer’s personal account. This receipt is sufficient confirmation that the individual has fulfilled his tax obligation.


A common problem due to which the payer does not have access to pay real estate taxes via the Internet is the lack of necessary confirmation of personal data. This is a mandatory condition, and without compliance with it, the online service will not generate tax receipts. In this case, you cannot use the personal account of another payer who has already undergone such confirmation.

The second serious problem is that the site freezes on days when the deadline for paying property taxes expires. In this case, the system may ask the user several times to log into their personal account. To avoid these difficulties, you should not wait until the last day to pay, but pay your taxes in advance.

Today we have to figure out how to pay property taxes. Let's consider all possible scenarios for the development of events in relation to individuals. After all, taxes not paid on time can lead to a number of negative consequences. And therefore, it is better to immediately find out how to pay the state for existing property. This is not difficult to do with proper preparation.

Payment deadlines

First, let's try to find out by what date the bills will have to be paid. In Russia there is a certain deadline for paying property taxes.

In 2017, citizens must make the appropriate payments until December 1 inclusive. Otherwise, they will also have to pay penalties. They are credited daily.

About payment transfer tools

How to pay property tax? You can cope with the task in different ways. Usually the answer depends directly on the skills of the individual, as well as his personal preferences.

Today you can pay taxes:

  • personally;
  • through the Internet.

Most often, citizens act independently. But paying property tax receipts via the Internet is also in demand.

Online payment methods

A few words about what Internet resources will help you cope with the task. It is necessary to know about them because the Internet is full of scammers. And sometimes citizens simply transfer money not to the Federal Tax Service.

How to pay property tax? Is the payment receipt in the citizen’s hands? Then it is recommended to take a closer look at the following resources on the Internet:

  • "Government Services";
  • "Sberbank Online" (and other Internet banking services);
  • "Payment for public services."

These 3 sites are in particular demand. They are working flawlessly to date. Below we will talk about how to use them to pay taxes.

Payment methods in person

But that is not all. Every modern citizen can personally make a payment - a fairly common scenario.

How to pay property tax? For example, you can do it like this:

  • go to the cash desk of any bank;
  • use a special payment terminal (available in most Federal Tax Service);
  • use ATMs/terminals of financial institutions;
  • carry out an operation at Russian Post.

In reality, everything is simpler than it seems. Next, we will take a closer look at all of the listed methods of paying taxes. And after that, everyone can decide what exactly suits them.

Necessary for payments

Let's start with a little preparation. Without it, some problems may arise in the process of paying property taxes.

What will be useful for making the payments under study? You must have with you:

  • citizen's passport;
  • tax amount;
  • details of the recipient's Federal Tax Service;
  • tax type.

Ideally, a citizen should have a tax. Its presence makes life much easier. After all, such a document contains both the details of the recipient of the funds and the amount due for payment.

For some payment methods you will have to find out your TIN. It is not necessary to have a certificate in the prescribed form. A simple taxpayer number is enough. As a rule, it can be seen on the payment receipt. Such papers are sent out no later than a month before the deadline for transferring money to the Federal Tax Service. In our case - until November 1.

Cash register

How to pay property tax through Sberbank? You can contact the cash desk of this financial organization and get rid of the task.

To do this you will need:

  1. Take the previously listed papers with you. Don't forget about money.
  2. Contact the cash desk of any Sberbank branch for individuals.
  3. Give the tax receipt and money.
  4. Show your passport.
  5. Receive change, receipt and payment receipt.

That's all. This method usually involves paying in cash. And it requires a significant investment of time. Therefore, this method is not in great demand.

Terminals and ATMs

Where to pay property tax for individuals in Russia? For example, in Sberbank. More precisely, in its terminals and ATMs.

Such methods usually involve non-cash payments. But you can also pay with banknotes. But how?

The guidelines for paying property taxes through an ATM are as follows:

  1. Insert a plastic card into the ATM from Sberbank.
  2. Enter your PIN code.
  3. Go to the "Payments in my city" block.
  4. Click on "Taxes, duties".
  5. Go to the "Taxes" section. Sometimes this step is missing due to the nature of the ATM system.
  6. Click on the "Search for payee" button.
  7. Specify a convenient search method. For example, “By TIN”.
  8. Enter the TIN of the recipient of the money.
  9. Click on the "Find" button.
  10. Select the desired recipient, click on “Next” and check the “Property tax” option.
  11. Provide payer information.
  12. Enter the payment amount.
  13. Check details.
  14. Confirm payment.
  15. Withdraw a check from an ATM.

Everything is extremely simple and clear. You can search for the recipient "By payment order number". Then the bulk of the listed steps will be skipped - the system will fill in some of the fields automatically. You can give preference to searching “By barcode”. After this, you need to bring the tax payment receipt to a special reading laser. And then you will be able to immediately begin checking the recipient’s details.

How to pay property tax through a payment terminal? The previously proposed instructions will help you cope with the task. The difference is that after checking the details, the user will have to deposit the bills into the bill acceptor, as well as indicate a telephone number to transfer the change.

Internet banking

How to pay property tax? “Sberbank Online” is a service that almost every modern user is familiar with. And he will help you cope with the task.

To bring your idea to life you need:

  1. Get a login and password from Sberbank Online. For example, by registering in the system through an ATM.
  2. Log in to the Internet banking website from Sberbank.
  3. Go to "Payments and Transfers".
  4. Click on "Federal Tax Service, taxes".
  5. Select "Pay tax".
  6. Specify how to search for payment information.
  7. Fill in the fields that appear.
  8. Click on the "Search" button.
  9. Click on "Proceed to payment".
  10. Fill in the form. All fields have tooltips.
  11. Confirm payment.
  12. Save or print your tax receipt immediately.

Fast, simple and very convenient. But this arrangement is not used by everyone. The Internet is full of resources for paying taxes and other receipts.

"Payment for public services"

For example, there is a site called “Payment for Government Services”. With its help, you can very quickly answer the question of how to pay property taxes via the Internet. The service does not require registration, does not charge a commission, and allows transactions using bank cards or online wallets.

The algorithm of actions in this situation will look like this:

  1. Open the page in your browser.
  2. At the top of the window, click on “Taxes”.
  3. Check the box next to the appropriate way to find information. For example, “By TIN”.
  4. Fill in the fields that appear on the screen.
  5. Click on the "Find" button.
  6. Click on the appropriate payment.
  7. Click on the "Pay" button.
  8. Select a method of transferring funds.
  9. Indicate the account details from which the money will be debited. Usually we are talking about data from bank plastic.
  10. Confirm payment.

"Government services" to help

How to pay property tax through Gosuslugi? This question is asked by many modern citizens of the Russian Federation. After all, if a person has a profile on this portal, he will not receive paper receipts for paying taxes. And then it’s easier to deal with the payment through the “Portal

The most difficult thing here is registering for the service and confirming your identity. Such procedures take about 15 days. Therefore, you will have to worry about registration in advance.

How to pay property tax through Gosuslugi? Once a person has a verified profile, they will need:

  1. Go to the website
  2. Log in to your “Personal Account”.
  3. Open LC. It is located in the upper right corner.
  4. Click on the "Tax debt" block.
  5. Select "Property Tax".
  6. Click on the "Pay" button.
  7. Specify the method of transferring funds.
  8. Enter your account details.
  9. Click on the "Ok" button.

This is the fastest way to solve the problem. All are displayed in the “Personal Account” on “Government Services”. After completing the operation, new data will appear in the system in approximately 2 days. Therefore, you will have to wait a little while checking your debt.

You can go to the block “Public Services” - “Federal Tax Service” - “Search for Debts”. By indicating the taxpayer's TIN here, you will be able to find all currently unpaid taxes. Further, the algorithm of actions will be exactly the same as indicated above. Where to pay property tax for individuals? Now answering this question won't be a hassle!

Internet banking, when used skillfully, can make life much easier. In particular, you can pay mandatory taxes through the personal account of any bank without bothering yourself with visits to a branch of a financial institution. The algorithm of actions in most online accounts will be approximately the same. Therefore, as an example, we will look at how to pay apartment taxes through Sberbank Online.

What you need to know before paying

To pay tax on the property you own, you will need one of two documents:

  • a receipt sent by the tax office;
  • TIN certificate or its number.

Using the data from any of these documents, you can find the invoice issued to you by the tax service in your bank account. Detailed search algorithms will be described below.

According to the law, property taxes must be paid no later than December 1 of each year. When planning to pay via Sberbank Online, please note that processing your payment in the system may take up to 5 business days. Therefore, you should not delay payments until the deadline.

You can make budget payments in the Sberbank account only from funds in your card account. You won't be able to withdraw money from your savings or credit accounts. Therefore, before making a payment, you need to make sure that your card balance has the required amount and, if necessary, top it up.

Important! When paying taxes through Sberbank Internet banking, no fees are charged.

Payment of property tax by receipt

If you have a receipt from the tax service, follow the following procedure to pay it.

Tip: if you have any difficulties, click on the green link “How to fill out this field” located under the search bar. The system will show you a sample receipt, which will indicate the location of the required details.

  1. After entering the index, press the green button "Continue" at the bottom of the form. The system will search for an invoice and, if found, will open an already completed payment form for you.
  2. Press the button again "Continue" and confirm the payment according to the standard scheme - using a one-time code from an SMS notification or a receipt.

Important! At stage No. 7, in the payment form that opens, the recipient’s details may differ from those indicated in your receipt. No need to worry about this. In the next step, all data will converge.

If you plan to use online banking in the future, save the completed payment as a template. Next year you will be able to use it when paying your apartment taxes, saving time on searching for documents.

Payment by TIN number

How to pay property taxes through online banking if for some reason the receipt is not at hand? Use the function to search for a tax account by TIN number. To do this, in the bank’s personal account, just as in the previous version, go to the section "Payments and transfers" and then to the section for searching and paying taxes. In the form that opens, set the item in the list of services “Search for debt by payer’s TIN” and press "Continue".

In a couple of seconds, the system will give you all your unpaid invoices from the tax service. Select the one you need based on the amount, date of issue or type of tax. Then proceed as usual when making payments:

  • select a payment source;
  • compare the amount;
  • confirm the payment with a one-time code;
  • wait until the operation status changes to "Completed."

Advice: if you do not know your TIN certificate number, you can check it on the tax service website. To do this, you will need to enter your full name, date of birth and passport information.

Is it possible to pay someone else's taxes?

Property tax notices are usually sent to all apartment owners at once. Using Internet banking from Sberbank, you can pay all received receipts from your account. This can be done using any of the two schemes above - by receipt index or by TIN number.

For Sberbank, it does not matter whether the name of the account holder making the payment matches the name of the payer indicated on the receipt. Therefore, if at least one of the household members has a personal account in Sberbank Online, he can use it to pay taxes for the entire family.

How to get payment confirmation

When making payments through a bank branch, we receive a check from the cashier confirming the deposit of funds. In the future, this document can be presented to the tax service if any discrepancies are found, or given to the household for whom you paid the tax. When paying online, no physical documents are left on hand. But you can print a receipt confirming the payment from your personal account at any time.

Important! Property tax receipts must be kept for three years.

It is most convenient to print a receipt immediately after making a payment, especially if you are paying several receipts at once. To do this, after each operation, wait until the window with a blue stamp appears "Completed" find the gray link under the payment status line "Print a check". By clicking on it, you will see a document confirming payment in PDF format. If you have a printer at home, you can immediately send this document to print.

If you don't have a printer, we recommend saving the receipt to your computer's hard drive. To do this, while on the printout page, go to the menu of your browser and select the item "Save page". The names of the items may differ depending on the version and type of software, but this should be the meaning. Create a separate folder for storing receipts, preferably not on the desktop or on the system drive, but in a more secure place. And before saving each receipt, give it a name that is easy to find, for example: “Property tax 2017 Ivanova.” In the future, this will allow you to more easily navigate your saved documents.

You can save or print the receipt some time after payment. To do this, in your personal online banking account, find the block on the right "Personal menu" and in it there is a point “History of Sberbank Online operations.” By clicking on it, you will see a list of all transactions carried out in Internet banking over the past month. If the payment was made earlier, use the advanced search form at the top of the page - set the required time period in it. A link to an advanced search will be located on the left above the list of account movements.

Once the required payment is detected, click on it. A window will open with payment details and transaction status. Find the link “Print a receipt” on it, and then proceed as described above.
