How to make the best Adjarian khachapuri dough. Khachapuri in Adjara - Georgian cuisine recipes

The appetizing Georgian dish Adjarian-style khachapuri will be an excellent breakfast option or a hearty snack. It is prepared from different types of dough. The fillings of the treat also vary according to the taste of the cook.

Ingredients: 7 eggs, 160 ml matsoni and the same amount of filtered water, 6 tbsp. high-grade flour, half a pack of unsalted butter, 11 g instant yeast, 3 teaspoons of granulated sugar, 1 teaspoon of table salt, 130 g each of feta cheese and suluguni, a small bunch of fresh dill.

  1. The first step is to prepare the dough for khachapuri. To do this, all bulk components are dissolved in warm water. Only the flour is left untouched. Matsoni is immediately added to the mixture. Mix the ingredients with a wooden spatula and then leave for 12-15 minutes.
  2. Next, warm oil is poured into the dough and the flour is sifted in small parts. As a result, it will turn out soft and greasy. The mass is left for an hour near the heat source.
  3. Both types of cheese are grated for the filling. About 50 g of them are set aside. 3 eggs are boiled until the yolk is firm and also crushed with a grater. They pair with cheeses.
  4. The dough is divided into 4 parts, each of which is rolled out into a thin rectangle. The remaining cheese is distributed along the edges of the blanks. The sides are wrapped inside of them. A “boat” is formed.
  5. The cheese and egg mass is placed in the middle.
  6. After 12-14 minutes of proofing, the baked goods are prepared for 17 minutes at 210-220 degrees in the oven.

An egg is poured into each boat. They return to the oven for a couple more minutes until the whites are set. The finished delicacy is sprinkled with chopped herbs.

How to cook with cottage cheese?

Ingredients: half a kilo of ready-made yeast dough, 320 g of cottage cheese and the same amount of any lightly salted cheese, 70 g of butter, 2 chicken eggs.

  1. The dough is divided into two halves, each of which is turned into a flat cake with a rolling pin. The edges of the workpiece should be thicker than the middle.
  2. Combine cheese and cottage cheese in a separate bowl. The resulting mass is divided into two parts and spread onto the dough.
  3. Each workpiece is folded and rolled into a “boat” shape with raised edges.
  4. First, the dish is baked for 7-8 minutes in the oven at 200-210 degrees. Next, a raw egg is placed in the center of each piece.

Cook the baked goods for a couple more minutes until the whites set. Lastly, place a piece of butter on the khachapuri.

Khachapuri boat with kefir

Ingredients: 1.2 kg of high-grade flour, 90 g of high-quality butter, 1.5 tbsp. medium fat kefir, 30 g pressed yeast, 25 g granulated sugar, 7 g table salt, 8 eggs, 140 g each of suluguni and feta cheese, a bunch of parsley.

  1. First, the dough for the khachapuri boat is kneaded. The kefir option is more accessible for Russian housewives, since the Georgian fermented milk product matsoni can be difficult to find in a regular supermarket.
  2. Warm kefir is combined with crumbled yeast and other bulk ingredients, except flour. The mass is left in a warm place for 8-9 minutes. Once bubbles appear on the surface, you can start adding flour.
  3. The finished dough is left under a napkin for 40-50 minutes away from drafts.
  4. 3 eggs are hard-boiled, rubbed and combined with finely chopped herbs. Shredded cheese and salt to taste are added to them.
  5. The dough is divided into 4 parts, each of which is rolled out thinly. Its edges are folded towards each other and pinched. A boat is formed.
  6. The filling is placed in the center of the blanks.
  7. After 10-12 minutes, you can put the khachapuri in the oven for 12-14 minutes at 230 degrees.

All that remains is to break a raw egg into each boat and return them to the oven for 6-7 minutes.

Unusual puff pastry recipe

Ingredients: half a kilo of ready-made puff pastry, 280 g of suluguni, 7 eggs, 3 teaspoons of fatty butter, table salt.

  1. The dough is defrosted and slightly rolled out. Each of the two rectangles is divided into 2 parts. Their long edges are rolled into tubes, and their short edges are connected.
  2. For the filling, coarsely grate the cheese.
  3. Brush the edges of the dough pieces with one beaten raw egg. The remaining part of the egg after greasing is mixed with cheese. The filling is placed into the resulting “boats”.
  4. The pieces are baked for 10-12 minutes at 180 degrees.
  5. Next, an egg is poured into each “boat”.

Adjarian khachapuri made from puff pastry is baked in the oven for another 3-4 minutes. During this time, only the white should have time to set, and the yolk will remain damp. Serve hot pastries with a piece of butter.

On yeast dough

Ingredients: 230 g of suluguni and feta cheese, half a pack of unsalted butter, 6 eggs, 7 g of instant yeast, 380 g of high-grade flour, 1 teaspoon of fine salt, 130 ml of full-fat milk and drinking water, 2 teaspoons of sugar sand, 2 tbsp. spoons of refined oil.

  1. Yeast and sand dissolve in a warm mixture of milk and water.
  2. After 10-12 minutes, one raw egg, oil are poured into the liquid, salt is added. Gradually add sifted flour.
  3. The resulting dough will rest for about an hour away from drafts. After kneading, the mass is left for another half an hour.
  4. For the filling, cheeses are coarsely grated and mixed with melted butter. You can add salt to the mixture.
  5. The dough is divided into 5 equal parts. Each is rolled out into thin ovals, from which “boats” are formed.
  6. The filling is placed in the center of the blanks. They are baked in the oven for 17-20 minutes.

About 3-4 minutes before readiness, a raw egg is poured into the center of the khachapuri, and the baked goods are returned to the oven.

How to eat khachapuri in Adjarian style?

It is important to learn not only how to cook, but also how to eat khachapuri in Adjarian style. No cutlery is used during the process. This type of baking is used exclusively by hand.

A piece of butter is placed in the middle of the hot dish, which immediately melts. Next, small pieces are gradually broken off from the sides of the khachapuri, which are dipped in egg and butter.

Gamarjoba, genatsvale! Today we will treat ourselves to khachapuri.

Real Georgian khachapuri

- this, of course, is khachapuri, made by the hands of a Georgian grandfather according to her great-grandmother’s recipe. Yes, to our ears the Georgians call everything wrong: “mama” is dad, and “deda” is mom. Moreover, the Georgian grandfather is a “babu”. And the grandmother is absolutely “baby”.

Never tell Georgians that you learned to cook their legendary khachapuri using a recipe from the Internet. Say that your Georgian friend taught you, and her - her grandfather, and her grandfather - baby. Never say to Georgians at the table “thank you, I’m full.” They will tell you “chame” (eat), and you will tell them “didi madloba” (thank you very much). And again “chame”. And so on until your strength runs out.

In Georgia, every girl can cook khachapuri. In the villages, at the bride's party, trying the khachapuri of the future daughter-in-law is the first thing. Otherwise, how can she know how she will feed her family? And khachapuri is something you definitely need every day.

A Georgian festive feast is also not complete without khachapuri. Khachapuri is the basis of the basics. And how magical they turn out in a wood-burning oven, cooked on a vine, with real Imeretian chkinti-kveli cheese and a view of the Kura River (Mktvari) and the Borjomi Gorge - wow!

But the lack of a view and an oven is not a reason not to eat khachapuri. A flatbread made from airy dough with gooey cheese inside is a sight in itself. Khacho (cottage cheese), puri (dough) - that’s, in fact, almost the entire simple recipe. Nowadays it is customary to use cheese instead of cottage cheese. Better Imeretian. But if you don’t have it, feel free to take Adyghe, Suluguni or feta cheese - mix and you will be happy. There is no canonical recipe for khachapuri, but there is a patent for khachapuri. National Georgian treasure. That's what khachapuri is.

There are not many main variations of the dish. Khachapuri in Imeretian style is a flatbread with cheese inside. In Megrelian - cheese inside plus cheese outside. Capital khachapuri - Tbilisi penovani, palm-sized, made of puff pastry, which, for the sweet soul, go as a tourist's breakfast with black coffee prepared on sand. And finally


. This is what we will be preparing today. Delicious boats with cheese, raw egg and a pat of butter on top. We break off a piece of the “side” and dip it into the egg, lifting up the melted hot cheese and the butter that has melted from the heat of the boat - this is poetry, this is not a dish, no. And be sure to wash it down with ayran, matsoni, or kefir, whatever.

Matsoni would be good in dough. But matsoni is scarce outside blessed Georgia. Therefore, we take the curdled milk and hang it in gauze for half an hour to get a little glass. There are recipes with milk, or even water. But we are still in favor of yogurt.

So, let's take it for the test:

- 3 glasses of flour;
- half a liter of yogurt;
- 30 g butter;
- 2 level teaspoons of dry yeast;
- 1 heaped teaspoon of salt;
- 1 level teaspoon of sugar.

For filling:

- 3 eggs;
- 300 g suluguni;
- 15 g butter.

Mix flour, yeast, salt and sugar. Pour in the yogurt and knead the dough. Add soft butter at the very end and knead a little more. Place in a warm place for half an hour. Knead again and leave for about 15 minutes. Roll out the dough into a layer, spread half of the grated cheese over the entire area. We twist the dough so that the sides of the boat are formed. Place the remaining cheese in the middle. Lubricate the resulting structure with yolk. 180 degrees, 10 minutes. Take it out of the oven, put the yolk in the middle and put a piece of butter there.

We eat fresh, hot, piping hot. We eat with our hands, enjoying every bite. We treat the guests and tell them “chame, chame!”

– a flour dish of Georgian national cuisine. It is a flatbread with cheese or other ingredients. It gets its name thanks to two words khacho - which means cottage cheese and puri - which is translated from Georgian as bread. For the first time, such a dish began to be baked back in the Middle Ages. In Georgia, they are sure that in order to get it incredibly tasty, you need to have a warm heart and skillful hands.

There are no subtleties or nuances in the preparation of this dish. There are only two main ingredients - cheese and flour. Adjarian pastries are prepared in a wood-fired oven, and they look like an open boat. If you still don’t have a recipe in your collection, be sure to write it down. The main thing is to approach cooking with love.

Today we will discuss with you 5 simple and tasty ways to prepare Adjarian-style khachapuri. I also recommend taking a look at the wonderful recipes.


For the test:

  • Eggs – 1 pc.
  • Flour – 2 cups
  • Salt – 1 teaspoon
  • Granulated sugar – 1 teaspoon
  • Kefir or matsoni – 100 ml.
  • Soda – 1 teaspoon.

For filling:

  • Semi salted cheese – 200 gr.
  • Egg – 3 pcs.
  • Milk – 5 tbsp. spoons

Cooking method:

1. First, let's prepare the dough. Break 1 egg into a bowl, add 1 teaspoon of salt, 1 teaspoon of granulated sugar. Beat well with a broom.

3. Start kneading the dough with your hands, it will take you no more than 5 minutes. The dough should be tender.

4. Place the dough in a bowl and cover it with a towel, this is necessary so that the dough does not dry out. Set aside for 30 minutes to let it rest.

5. At this time, prepare the filling and grate the cheese on a fine grater.

6. Take the egg, separate the yolk from the white, beat well, then pour in 5 tbsp. spoons of milk (you can use cream).

7. Add the resulting mass to the cheese and knead until smooth.

8. Turn on the oven, heat it to 230 degrees along with the baking sheet.

9. Half an hour has passed, sprinkle the table with flour, divide the dough into two parts, roll out the circle.

10. We twist the dough towards the middle on both sides, fasten the ends and get a characteristic boat.

11. Sprinkle flour onto any flat pan and place our boat on it.

13. Place the khachapuri on a hot baking sheet and note the time for 15 minutes.

14. As soon as the dough is covered with a golden crust, open it.

15. Make a small hole inside using an egg and pour it there.

16. Then put it in the oven for another 1-2 minutes so that the whites set. We take it out of the oven. Serve to the table, enjoy your meal.

Adjarian khachapuri recipe (Georgian boat)


  • Vegetable oil – 1 tbsp. spoon
  • Butter – 50 gr.
  • Dry yeast – 2 teaspoons
  • Suluguni cheese – 300 gr.
  • Salt - to taste
  • Egg – 1 pc.
  • Water – 1 glass
  • Flour – 2 cups.

Cooking method:

1. Let's prepare the dough. Pour the yeast into a bowl, add salt, sugar and water, stir with a broom.

2. Pour in vegetable oil, add 2 cups of sifted flour and knead the dough. It should be soft. Cover with a paper towel and leave.

3. Then grate the cheese on a coarse grater.

4. Add water, flour and egg white, mix everything thoroughly.

5. Take out the dough, divide it into two equal parts, roll it into a large circle.

6. Preheat the oven and baking sheet in advance.

7. Then roll it from both edges into a tube, forming a boat.

8. Sprinkle parchment with flour and place the resulting boat on it. Fill it with filling and place in the oven for 8-10 minutes at 260 degrees.

9. Take the khachapuri out of the oven, make a small depression, add the yolk and put it back in the oven for 2-3 minutes.

The baked goods are ready. Bon appetit.

How to cook real khachapuri for one serving


  • Suluguni cheese – 150 gr.
  • Chicken egg – 3 pcs.
  • Milk – 40 ml.
  • Butter – 10 gr.
  • Dry yeast – 8 gr.
  • Flour – 150 -200 gr.
  • Salt - to taste
  • Granulated sugar – 40 gr.
  • Ground black pepper to taste.

Cooking method:

1. Pour warm milk into a bowl, add yeast, salt, sugar and mix thoroughly.

2. Then add the sifted flour, beat in the egg, add softened butter, and begin to knead until smooth. The dough should be very soft. We remove it to brew.

3. Grate the cheese on a coarse grater.

4. Add an egg, ½ teaspoon of salt and a little pepper to it, mix.

5. Take out the dough and roll it into a large flat cake.

6. Spread the cheese and egg filling on it evenly, then roll two opposite edges towards the center, pinch the edges together to form a boat.

7. Preheat the oven and baking sheet at 200 degrees, cover it with parchment and place in the oven for 10 minutes until golden brown.

8. Take the baking sheet out of the oven, carefully break 1 chicken egg into the center of the boat, place it back in the oven and wait 2 - 3 minutes for the white to set.

9. Then add butter to taste. Serve the baked goods warm. Bon appetit.

Delicious khachapuri recipe made from puff pastry without yeast


  • Puff pastry - 500 gr.
  • Suluguni - 250-300 gr.
  • Butter - 3 teaspoons
  • Eggs - 7 pcs. (per serving 1 pc.)
  • Salt - according
  • Butter - to taste
  • Yield: 7 servings.

Cooking method:

1. First, take the puff pastry out of the refrigerator and defrost it. If it is thick, then roll it out a little.

2. After we have rolled out the dough, it should be in the form of a rectangle, we roll the long edges into tubes, and connect the shorter ones together.

3. Now we prepare the filling. Grate the cheese on a coarse grater.

4. Beat 1 egg, grease the edges of the workpieces. Mix the remaining eggs with grated cheese and spread the resulting mixture onto the dough.

5. Turn on the oven, heat it to a temperature of 180 degrees, then put parchment on a baking sheet and bake our preparations on it. Approximate baking time is 10 minutes.

6. Then take the baking sheet out of the oven, make indentations lengthwise in the middle, break an egg into it, then add salt to taste.

7. Immediately place our baked goods in the oven for 5 - 7 minutes. We need the white to grasp, but not the yolk.

Tip: Before serving the khachapuri, you can add a piece of butter to it; it will give the baked goods a delicate taste.

Bon appetit.

Video recipe for making khachapuri boat for 4 servings

In this recipe you will learn how to prepare this dish correctly and most importantly, deliciously.

Enjoy your meal!

Khachapuri recipes

How to cook real Georgian delicious khachapuri in Adjarian style. Cook quickly, at home, using a step-by-step recipe with photo and video instructions!

45 min

270 kcal

5/5 (2)

Tender khachapuri All members of my family love it, because this dish is universal - you can have it deliciously for breakfast, take it with you to school or work, and make it a light snack in the evening while watching TV.
Real Georgian recipe The most delicious Adjarian-style khachapuri, also called “boat,” has been with us for a long time - approximately since my grandmother copied it from a popular Soviet culinary magazine, which contained cooking details with a photo of the finished dish.
If follow it strictly, the result is very appetizing products that you can’t refuse so easily: the combination of soft, delicate dough and filling with delicate cheese makes the dish one of the most attractive for everyday consumption.
Today I decided to introduce this recipe to the respected public, since it is better to share such knowledge rather than keep it within one circle. So let's get started.

What you need to know before cooking

Kitchen appliances:

  • frying pan with non-stick coating with a diameter of 22 cm;
  • a piece of foil with a length of 30 cm;
  • several deep bowls with a capacity of 300 to 1000 ml;
  • medium sieve;
  • sharp knife;
  • cutting board;
  • measuring cup or kitchen scale;
  • paper and cotton towels;
  • tablespoons and tea spoons;
  • medium sieve;
  • wooden spatula and steel whisk;
  • blender or food processor.



  • 350 g Suluguni cheese;
  • 50 – 100 ml cream;
  • 25 g butter;
  • 2 chicken eggs.


  • 25 g butter margarine.

Cooking sequence


  1. Mix the flour with table salt and use a sieve to sift the dry mixture at least three times.
  2. Remove the butter from the cold place, allowing it to soften.
  3. We cut the cheese into small cubes, chop it in a blender or grate it - choose what suits you best.
  4. Remove the eggs from the cold place about half an hour before the start of the process.
  5. Bring the water to a boil, then cool to a slightly warm state.

At this stage, you can prepare some additional components for the dough and filling, such as spices. I prefer to add ground cardamom, cinnamon or ginger to the pancake preparation, which gives the finished products a simply unique look and aroma.


If it seems to you that the dough is too liquid after the first kneading, just give it time to sit - in about half an hour the gluten in it will “dissolve” and you will get a semi-liquid, viscous mass. If the dough is still liquid, stir in a few teaspoons of flour.


  1. Set the oven to heat up to 180 degrees.
  2. Place the cheese in a bowl and add a little cream to it.

  3. Mix with a spoon, trying to achieve the consistency of a cheese mass.
  4. Divide the risen dough into two or three equal parts.

  5. After this, roll out each part into a thin cake.

  6. Place two spoons of cheese mixture on top and spread it over the surface of the flatbread.

  7. Then we wrap the khachapuri blanks, giving them a boat shape.

  8. Transfer to a baking sheet greased with sunflower oil.
  9. Place in the oven for about fifteen minutes.

  10. While the khachapuri is baking, separate the egg yolks from the whites.

  11. Brush the baked khachapuri with whites, and place the yolks on top of each product.

  12. Bake our khachapuri for about five more minutes, then remove them from the oven.

  13. Grease with butter, transfer to a plate, and allow the khachapuri to cool slightly before serving.

  14. Khachapuri is ready to serve!

Great! Yours are amazingly tasty and tender khachapuri is ready! Try to keep your family away from the kitchen, because you still have to decorate them properly.
We design your creations sour cream, green onions or parsley chopped in a blender with fresh garlic - we choose only the method that your loved ones like the most.
Serve in moderation hot, “from the heat to the heat,” and we put the remaining products after the meal in the refrigerator to reheat them later. I really don't recommend it too store for a long time ready-made khachapuri, since they quickly become stale, but the dough can be kept in the refrigerator for quite a long time!

Watch the detailed video

Adjarian khachapuri “boat” - watch a detailed video of the recipe just proposed.

How to eat khachapuri in Adjarian style

It is very important to know how to eat correctly Adjarian khachapuri. Georgian chefs recommend not using a knife, spoon or fork - these products should only be eaten with your hands.
Get started from the edges(sides of the boat) and gradually move closer to the center to appreciate the taste of khachapuri. In addition, I can personally recommend several other options for using these amazing products.

Remember that cheese products go well primarily with salty, sour and sweet and sour sauces, but sweet ones are best left for other dishes.

  • Try using hot khachapuri as bread substitute when eating main dishes.
  • Season your khachapuri with chili ketchup or Caesar sauce. Soy sauce and sweet and sour Chinese sauces also go well with them.
  • Come up with an original idea for your products stuffing: This can be minced meat, vegetables or sour fruits.
  • Bake large, plump ones khachapuri with cheese for a picnic and wrap them in baking paper during transportation - this way the products will not lose their delicious aroma.

That's all! All I have to do is wish you enjoy your tea and recommend a few more of my favorites favorite khachapuri recipes with no less magical fillings.
Try the simplest and very tasty option, as well as delicious ones - I myself can’t choose which type of khachapuri I like best: this or the one described above. In addition, you definitely need to give a chance to truly unique, very unusual, but incredibly tasty.
Finally, don’t miss the amazingly appetizing ones that only recently appeared in my culinary arsenal.

Happy experimenting in the kitchen! I would like to know if any of the cooks found the recipe useful, so write a couple of reviews and comments if it’s not difficult. And if you have new additions to the dough, richer or tastier filling options, be sure to share your experiences with me and other cooks. Bon appetit!

Khachapuri recipes

khachapuri in Adjarian style

4 hours

240 kcal

5 /5 (2 )

Georgian cuisine is distinguished by its vibrant recipes, which are enjoyed by housewives all over the world. One of the officially patented Georgian dishes is khachapuri, a flour product that can be broadly described as “flatbread with cheese.” However, not all so simple.

There is no exact recipe for this dish - in different areas of Georgia it is prepared in its own way. For example, Megrelian khachapuri are round and covered with cheese on top, Rachinsky khachapuri are also round in shape, but their filling is beans with boiled Rachinsky bacon. And I love to surprise guests with Adjarian khachapuri according to a real Georgian recipe - in the form of a spectacular boat filled with egg.

Kitchen appliances: oven.


  • For dough for Adjarian khachapuri you can use milk and half water.
  • Sahara It is permissible to take more - a whole spoon.
  • Instant yeast Take the volume of a teaspoon - a little incomplete.

Recipe for Adjarian khachapuri in the form of a boat - with photo

Video of preparing khachapuri in Adjarian style

The video shows a master class on preparing a recipe for Adjarian khachapuri in the shape of a boat, and you can also see how khachapuri is eaten in Adjarian style.

Khachapuri in Adjara

Culinary masterpieces -

For khachapuri in Adjarian you need -
300 grams of flour
half a teaspoon of salt
half a tea sugar
tea quick yeast (without a slide)
Mix. Leave for 4 hours in a warm place.
The filling is a liquid paste of salted and unleavened cheeses.
Bake until golden brown!
Pour the egg into the cheese and put it in the oven for another 1 minute! Pepyachnik's Instagram - @pepyachnic Pepyachnik's Instagram - @pepyachnic


How to eat khachapuri in Adjarian style

Adjarian khachapuri is eaten in a very special way. Mix the filling with a fork right in the boat. They break off a piece of the side, dip it in the middle, and eat it.

From the quantity of products indicated in the recipe, I make 2 huge khachapuri. You can divide the dough and filling into 3 or 4 parts - you will get smaller portions. Instead of a chicken egg, which is poured into the filling at the last stage, you can take half a white and a yolk, or 2-3 quail eggs.

The filling itself is made from young cheeses– Imeretian, feta, mozzarella, suluguni. You need to taste the cheese - if it is too salty, soak it, cutting it into pieces, for 2-5 hours in water. And although there is no such thing in khachapuri recipes, it’s worth trying to add a little garlic and dill to the filling.

Ideally, khachapuri is baked placing a stone in the oven. In principle, you can lay bricks so that the bottom is moderately fried and the filling remains semi-liquid.

If you want to get as close as possible to the recipe in Georgian, then you need to make dough for khachapuri in Adjarian on matsoni- this is a kind of Caucasian curdled milk. You can make matsoni yourself. To do this, add a tablespoon of kefir or sour cream to one and a half liters of milk, wrap it well and wait about 5 hours. Then put the product in the refrigerator - the matsoni will thicken.

And of course, there are a lot of standardized khachapuri recipes that do not require so much time and effort - for example, a quick recipe or in a slow cooker. Such khachapuri, of course, are not made in the shape of a boat, they are more like round ones. And the dough on them is kneaded more easily - you can make it. Or even simpler - where you can use ready-made pita bread. The recipe is also popular.

In general, khachapuri belongs to those dishes that can have as many nuances in preparation as there are housewives who cook them. Therefore, all that remains is to share your experience and try out various versions of this delicious Georgian pastry in your kitchen. Dear hostesses! We are waiting for descriptions of your secrets in preparing Adjarian khachapuri.
