How to eat sprouted wheat. Sprouted wheat for weight loss - in the fight for slimness and health! Wheat germ for weight loss

Grains are the seeds of some plants, mainly cereal grasses. Like all seeds, grain is a miracle of nature, a useful product containing the potential of a brand new plant, patiently waiting its turn in the sun.

All 3 edible parts of the grain: endosperm, germ and bran are critical to the creation of a new plant.

The embryo is the embryo of a plant that, when it grows, will feed on the starchy endosperm.

Sprouted wheat: vitamin content

Today, much attention is paid to healthy eating. To provide the body with useful microelements, vitamins and other vital substances, especially in winter period, many nutritionists recommend including and consuming wheat sprouts in your diet. The benefit of this product is its nutritional properties, which do not depend on the time of year.

The bran layers provide some additional nutrients and, along with the inedible husk found on many grains, help protect grain until it begins its growth cycle.

Until then, the seeds rely on certain built-in growth inhibitors to prevent it from germinating until the temperature and humidity are just right. Then, once germination has begun, enzyme activity destroys these growth inhibitors and turns long-term endosperm storage starch into longer useful molecules that are easily absorbed by the growing plant embryo.

Despite the fact that wheat germ makes up only 2% of the weight of wheat, it is a storehouse of vitamins, minerals, proteins, omega 3/6/9, fiber and many nutrients and biologically active components, necessary for the human body.

Sprouted wheat contains about 18 amino acids out of 20 existing ones. At the same time, about 50% of the mass of the embryo consists of protein components, 25% is sugar (mainly sucrose) and up to 15% fats (polyunsaturated fatty acids and fiber).

Manufacturers often remove wheat germ during processing because it contains oils that reduce the shelf life of the product. Along with it, many nutrients and vitamins are removed, leaving the refined grain devoid of its beneficial properties.

Sprouted wheat is valuable not only for its composition, but also for its high biological activity of useful and nutrient substances.

When grain germinates, the activity of the substances contained in its composition increases many times, and the percentage of vitamins and minerals in the cells increases sharply.

In this process, protein is converted into amino acid, fat is converted into fatty acid, and carbohydrates are transformed into easily digestible sugar.

To begin with, wheatgrass is enriched with surprisingly high levels of protein (30%) and fiber (14%). Wheat germ - excellent source energy and nutrients that are beneficial to our health.

Known for its excellent nutritional properties, the composition of wheat germ is particularly rich in:

  • vitamin E - a powerful antioxidant, used to protect the skin and body cells;
  • B vitamins (B1 (thiamine), B2 (riboflavin), B3 (niacin), B6 ​​(pyridoxine) and B9 (folic acid);
  • as a source of omega-3, they play an important role in converting eaten food into energy;
  • trace elements such as phosphorus, zinc, selenium, magnesium, iron and potassium;
  • fibers, which help in proper digestion;
  • proteins of plant origin;
  • phytosterols: found in plants, they help stabilize bad cholesterol (LDL) in the blood;
  • a source of complex carbohydrates, essential fatty acids and fiber and consists of 28% protein - a higher concentration than most meats.

The benefits of sprouted wheat for the body and its harm

Sprouted wheat, when used daily in the diet, can bring significant benefit: increase immunity, normalize acid-base balance, eliminate vitamin deficiencies and cleanse the body of toxins.

In general, eating sprouts can significantly improve the body’s condition:

  1. influence the enhancement of the immune system;
  2. speed up the recovery process;
  3. resist infectious diseases;
  4. normalize metabolism, cardiovascular and nervous systems;
  5. regulate the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  6. accelerate the healing of wounds and ulcers on the skin.

However, these miracle sprouts are far from useful not everyone, since there are certain contraindications. Thus, it is not recommended to eat sprouts for children under 12 years of age, as well as for patients who have undergone surgery, regardless of age, who have chronic diseases (gastrointestinal tract, stomach ulcers), or who are allergic to.

How to eat sprouted wheat?

Sprouts should Always wash before using. This is necessary to remove any residual fungi and pesticides. Excess stem should be trimmed and the leaves should be discarded. Old, smelly and boring looking sprouts should not be consumed. Avoid frying as this will cause the sprouts to lose their nutritional value when exposed to heat.

you can buy packed sprout grains, eat them as a side dish or bake with sprouted grain flour. Sprouted grains can be used in risotto, pudding, sandwiches and alone.

Baking is very simple with sprouted flour. It creates a really nice texture and has a sweeter, less harsh flavor than regular wheat flour.

Salad- one of the best snacks. When cooked with sprouts, the nutritional value of the salad increases many times over. Sprouts can be eaten with tomatoes, broccoli, onions, radishes and cucumbers.

You can also add sprouts to your soup and vegetable smoothies. Two handfuls of sprouts count as one serving of vegetables.

The sprouts can be quickly boiled in a small amount of water and eaten. This will minimize nutrient loss but will also aid digestion. Knowing the benefits of sprouts, it makes sense to include sprouts in your diet.

Wheat germ for hair

Healthy hair- just a reflection of a healthy body. If you want them to shine, you have to take care of it.

Sprouted wheat contains sufficient amounts gland, which is required to transport oxygen to the scalp and hair roots. Hair from a lack of iron can weaken and fall out.

Selenium in sprouts helps kill fungi that are sources of dandruff. It protects against dandruff and removes debris to promote new hair growth. It also helps relieve itchy scalp due to its antifungal properties.

Regular consumption of sprouts gives hair shine, elasticity and shine. It contains omega-3 fatty acids, which are vital for nourishing hair follicles. It combats dry and brittle hair, flaky hair and prevents hair loss. Sprouts also prevent the appearance of weak and lifeless hair.

Imbalance in hormonal sphere is one of the biggest causes of hair loss in women. Sprouts help achieve hormonal balance and restore hair vitality.

Shortage biotin may cause brittle damaged hair. Therefore, consume enough sprouts to increase your biotin levels.

What are the benefits of sprouted wheat for weight loss?

Wheat germ is a great addition to your diet if your goal is to lose weight. Sprouts inhibit food assimilation fats and carbohydrates due to its high fiber content, which prevents absorption. At the same time, the fiber will absorb fluids from the intestinal contents, increasing volume and giving a feeling of fullness, thereby promoting weight loss.

Sprouts can increase the production of liver enzymes to convert fat into glycogen and give a feeling of fullness and suppress appetite.

They are rich essential fatty acids, especially linoleic acid (omega 3) and linolenic acid (omega 6); these fatty acids mobilize fat from tissues.

To lose weight and get the ideal weight body, for best results it is recommended to consume wheat germ daily for 3 months.

Sprouts help burn excess fat at a rate of 2-5 kg ​​per month and cleanse the body of accumulated toxins.

For many people, the problem of excess weight is very pressing, but at the same time they are categorically against all diets because of their harmful effects on the body. However, there are ways to organize the fight against extra pounds without any harm to health.

For example, nutritionists actively suggest sprouted wheat for weight loss - an incredibly healthy, low-calorie product that plays a significant role in proper nutrition systems. And you don’t need to think that it will be disgusting to eat: young and tender greens are included in recipes for a variety of dietary dishes that will significantly reduce the calorie content of the menu and satisfy taste requirements.

Mechanism of weight loss

In folk medicine, sprouted wheat is used to treat various painful conditions, as it is saturated with numerous vitamins and microelements. In cosmetology, it is used as an ingredient for anti-aging masks. Dietetics could not ignore such a storehouse of useful bioactive substances and suggested considering this unique product as an effective means for losing weight. And this is how it is achieved:

  • metabolic processes are accelerated;
  • toxins, waste, excess fluid are removed from the body;
  • rapid saturation occurs due to plant fiber - within any diet, this is a very valuable property, as it saves you from unhealthy snacks;
  • tasty and varied dishes allow you not to break down and bring any hunger strike to the end;
  • The body is saved from exhaustion, as it receives all the necessary nutrients from the sprouts.

So it is not surprising that many diets with a more or less balanced diet suggest introducing sprouted wheat dishes into the menu. They are not only nutritious and healthy, but also allow you to start processes in the body that begin weight loss.

You shouldn’t expect instant and stunning results like “minus 10 kg in a week.” However, the loss of extra pounds will be permanent, i.e. they will not return after you stop eating this product.

Helpful information. Sprouted wheat is a natural dietary supplement with a balanced composition that ensures its maximum absorption. By eating it, you provide the body with material that is ready for absorption. The stomach does not have to break down all these vitamins, mineral compounds, proteins, and fats for a long time, since they initially enter it in an easily digestible form.


Despite all the benefits that sprouted wheat has, weight loss with its help, unfortunately, is not available to everyone. As part of diets, you will have to consume too much of it, and for some diseases and conditions this can be fraught with unpleasant consequences. Therefore, you will have to take into account the existing contraindications, the list of which includes:

  • ulcer;
  • serious gastrointestinal diseases;
  • allergic reaction to gluten;
  • kidney pathologies;
  • celiac disease;
  • gastritis;
  • postoperative period.

Any chronic diseases should alert those planning to lose weight. And if sprouted wheat is chosen as the main product, with one of these contraindications, its active use for the purpose of weight loss is simply impossible. And this will have to be taken into account in order to avoid further health complications.

About the harm. Sprouted cereal contains lectins - proteins that, interacting with sugar molecules, have the bad property of sticking together and damaging the gastric mucosa. This often leads to digestive problems. They also have a toxic effect on the endocrine system, which can lead to metabolic disorders.


You don’t need any special tools to germinate wheat. Buy good, unbroken grain - that's all you need to organize this process.

  1. Carefully inspect the grain for damage. Only whole, healthy seeds can be germinated.
  2. Sort them out and rinse them thoroughly in cold running water at least 3-4 times.
  3. Pour 50 grams of beans into a glass or ceramic container with a wide neck.
  4. Fill them with water until it completely covers them.
  5. The neck of the container should be covered with gauze folded in 2-3 layers and secured with an elastic band.
  6. Place the container in a dark, but not cold place.
  7. Wet the gauze daily to keep it moist at all times.
  8. No one can tell you exactly the germination time, because the process depends on the type and quality of the wheat. Typically, sprouts will begin to appear somewhere between 3 and 7 days after soaking.
  9. Wait until the wheat germ grows to 1-3 mm - this is the length that is considered the most optimal for including them in the diet. When they reach the required size, harvest your small but valuable harvest. The water is drained, the sprouts are thoroughly washed under running, not very cold water.

There is no need to germinate wheat for future use, because you will need a little of it to prepare dietary dishes. To prevent the product from spoiling, it is recommended to store the sprouts in a glass container in the refrigerator.

On a note. If there is too much water during germination, the grains may become moldy.

So, the first stage has been successfully completed, and you have become the owner of a valuable dietary product - sprouted wheat. However, this is not enough. Before you begin your long-awaited weight loss, you need to consider several important points in preparing and consuming sprouts.

  1. Sprouted wheat cannot be the main product for or. This will be too “extreme” weight loss, which will not bring any health benefits.
  2. Nutritionists recommend including low-calorie dishes with them in the menu or eating them in small quantities in their pure form as a healthy snack during the day.
  3. If you don’t have time to germinate grain yourself, you can buy ready-made material in specialized stores. But this way you will not be sure that the sprouts do not contain pesticides that may have been used on the plant.
  4. For weight loss, the method of preparing grain is very important, so if possible, choose recipes where the sprouts are not heat treated, but are used fresh. This allows you to preserve the maximum amount of nutrients in them.
  5. Many people like the sweet taste of sprouts, but first make sure that you do not have allergies, which are not uncommon. To check, include this product in your diet gradually and carefully monitor your health. Itching, skin rashes, disturbances in the gastrointestinal tract, sneezing and tearfulness are the first signs of individual immunity.
  6. The daily norm is 100 grams of sprouts in their pure form.

These points are very important in the germination and use of wheat, and therefore require your close attention. If you want to achieve the maximum effect in losing weight without harming your own health, strictly follow these rules.

To the piggy bank. From sprouted wheat you can make jelly, cookies, rejvelac (Italian kvass), infusion (you can even make soups based on it), bread and wheat milk. All these dishes are low in calories and nutritious. Be sure to include them in your diets.


The last step you need to take in the direction of long-awaited weight loss is to choose a recipe for a dish.

Breakfast: fat-burning scones for tea


  • 500 g zucchini;
  • 100 grams of sprouted grain;
  • 10 grams of chopped fresh ginger root;
  • 50 gr.


  1. Boil the sprouts in a small amount of water for 5 minutes, pass through a meat grinder.
  2. Remove the seeds and peel from the zucchini and grate it on a coarse grater.
  3. Mix all ingredients, add a little salt.
  4. Form small cakes.
  5. Bake for 10-15 minutes in the oven at 180°C.

Lunch: delicious dessert with lemon

Afternoon snack: delicate dessert with yogurt


  • 100 grams of sprouts;
  • 2 apples (preferably green varieties);
  • 100 grams of low-fat yogurt;
  • 10 ml liquid honey.


  1. Soak the sprouts in water for an hour.
  2. Peel the apples, remove the cores, cut into cubes.
  3. Mix all ingredients - dessert is ready!

Dinner: carrot salad


  • 100 grams of sprouts;
  • 300 grams of lettuce;
  • 1 large;
  • 10 ml liquid honey;
  • 10 grams of mustard;
  • 10 ml natural olive oil.


  1. Wash the carrots, peel them, and grate them on a coarse grater.
  2. Pour boiling water over the sprouts and cool.
  3. Chop the lettuce leaves into ribbons.
  4. Mix everything crushed in a deep bowl.
  5. For dressing, mix honey, mustard and butter.
  6. Pour it over the salad.

Many people have prejudices about losing weight on sprouted wheat until they try it. Even the few recipes that are published here clearly show how delicious it can be prepared.

Well, there is no doubt about the benefits of this product: it will nourish the body with all kinds of vitamins and microelements - and the most natural ones, taken from Mother Nature. That is why diets based on these tender and nutritious greens are highly effective in weight loss - it’s time to see this from your own experience.

The fashion for proper nutrition and healthy lifestyle is gaining popularity. People strive to be beautiful, slim, fit. And in winter, when the lack of vitamins affects the health and condition of the skin and hair, more and more questions arise about how to compensate for this deficiency? Where can you get nutritious foods that can replace vegetables and fruits? There is only one answer - sprouted wheat. It contains a huge amount of minerals and vitamins that can support the body during the period of vitamin deficiency. In addition, sprouted wheat has a delicate taste, which adds a special piquancy to dishes with this ingredient. Sprouted wheat is added to salads, hot dishes and even desserts are prepared from it. What benefits do wheat sprouts provide to the body? How to sprout grains and how to consume them? Let's try to figure everything out in order.

How sprouted wheat affects the human body

Sprouted wheat contains a lot of calcium, phosphorus, iron, iodine and magnesium. Wheat contains a huge amount of fiber and carbohydrates. It contains vitamins B, C, D, PP. What is noteworthy is that the grains themselves are not so rich in vitamins. All beneficial substances begin to become active precisely when young shoots appear. But how does sprouted wheat affect the human body?

  1. Large amounts of calcium are good for women. Regular consumption of wheat germ strengthens hair - makes it smooth and silky. Nails become stronger and harder, and bones become denser.
  2. Sprouted wheat affects the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. During the first time after starting to consume sprouted seeds, a person may experience bloating, increased gas formation, constipation or diarrhea. The fact is that wheat contains a lot of fiber, which, when it enters the stomach and intestines, absorbs all toxins and waste. Over time, the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract invariably improves, the body is cleansed, and the immune system is strengthened.
  3. Wheat germ is often recommended for people suffering from various psychological disorders. Wheat nutrients relieve stress, reduce the risk of depression, and make a person more stress-resistant.
  4. Sprouted wheat contains a lot of magnesium, which enriches the blood with oxygen. This helps lower blood pressure and reduces cholesterol levels in the body.
  5. Wheatgrass is very effective in treating anemia. They contain twice as much iron as meat.
  6. Iodine from wheat germ protects the body from thyroid diseases.
  7. Despite all the nutritional value of the product, it has very few calories. Sprouted wheat accelerates metabolic processes, which makes it possible to use it during weight loss.

These and many other beneficial properties of wheat sprouts make it an indispensable source of vitamins. That is why in the old days wheat was sprouted as a medicine for many diseases. Today we can grow such medicine at home.

This process is simple, however, it requires some important subtleties.

  1. First you need to select wheat for germination. It can be purchased at specialized nutrition stores or at a gardening store. Regular wheat from the supermarket may not work. If wheat grains have been thermally processed, they lose their germination capacity.
  2. The grains must be of high quality - without chips, damage, or wormholes. They need to be washed thoroughly and placed in a glass container. Pour lukewarm water over the wheat grains until the liquid covers them by 3 centimeters. Cover the dishes with a cotton napkin or gauze and leave for 8-10 hours. It is convenient to soak wheat overnight.
  3. In the morning, the grains should be washed carefully under running water. Take a deep plate with a wide bottom and spread a wet cloth on it. Then place the washed wheat grains on a cloth and cover with the corners of the napkin. Wheat grains should always be kept in a warm and humid place.
  4. Within 10 hours, sprouts will begin to emerge from the grains.

At first, only a few grains will germinate, but with a little patience, every grain will sprout in a few days.

To get real benefits for the body, you need to eat wheat in the amount of one tablespoon 2-3 times a day. It can be eaten simply as a snack or made into a wheat salad. Wheat sprouts should not be heated, fried or baked - at high temperatures they lose their healing properties. Wheat can also be an excellent side dish for meat or fish.

Many people wonder whether it is necessary to cut off the grains themselves and eat only the sprouts? No, you do not need to cut off the grown sprouts. Eat the whole wheat to get the most benefits from this food. If you have soaked too much wheat, it can be stored in the refrigerator for two to three days. Simply place the bowl on the refrigerator shelf and the wheat will stop growing.

It is believed that it is better to eat sprouted wheat when it has just begun to sprout. Sprouts longer than two centimeters are less useful. To get truly visible benefits for the body, you need to eat sprouts for at least two months in a row. But then you can boast of good health and strong immunity.

Who should not eat sprouted wheat?

Like any medicine and product, wheat has contraindications. Adults and children with gluten allergies should not eat sprouted wheat. In addition, wheat germ is not recommended for people with stomach ulcers. Wheat should not be consumed with milk and honey - in combination with these products, a person may experience bloating, flatulence and severe gas formation.

Remember, even if you do not have a food allergy, a new food should be introduced gradually. Start by eating half a teaspoon of wheat germ, gradually increasing the dose.

Considering that you need to eat wheat for quite a long time (about two months), boring eating can be replaced by bold experiments. Moreover, dishes with sprouted wheat are very tasty!

  1. Salads. This is the most popular way to consume wheat grass. Use any seasonal vegetables and fruits, nuts, and cheese to prepare salads. If you are on the path to proper nutrition, give up dressing your salads with mayonnaise in favor of yogurt and lemon juice. Salads with sprouted wheat are unusual and low-calorie.
  2. Bread. Sprouted wheat is added to homemade bread. This gives the flour product a special taste and unusual aroma. Sprouted wheat is slightly dried and crushed in a blender or meat grinder. Then add the chopped sprouts to the rest of the dough. In addition to wheat, you can add spices and dried fruits to bread for an unusual taste.
  3. Sumalak. In the east, from time immemorial, the traditional dish sumalak has been prepared from sprouted wheat seeds. Sprouted wheat along with cottonseed oil and flour is simmered over low heat for about a day. The cooking process is combined with the celebration of the onset of spring. The result is a delicious paste, very thick and incredibly healthy. Sumalak is considered a traditional dessert of the Turkic peoples.
  4. Muesli. Sprouted wheat is a wonderful breakfast that will fill you with energy and strength until your next meal. Mix sprouted wheat grains with nuts, chopped fruit, kefir and nuts for a delicious and nutritious breakfast.
  5. Milk. The juice of sprouted sprouts, which is similar in consistency and color to milk, has particular nutritional value. This milk is given to people after a serious illness in order to restore the patient’s strength and quickly bring him back to life.

These and other recipes involve the use of wheat sprouts in various forms. But do not heat the sprouts to preserve maximum of their beneficial properties.

Mentions of sprouted wheat can be found in ancient records. There is a legend about a fortress that was besieged. The people were very hungry and could not fight the enemy. To satisfy their hunger, they poured the remains of sprouted wheat out of their bags and prepared porridge from it (later sumalak). Having satisfied their hunger, the warriors received an incredible surge of vigor and strength, which helped them repel the enemy’s siege. Thus, sprouted wheat became a symbol of power and love of life.

Video: how to eat sprouted wheat

It is to the West that we owe the emergence of fashion for sprouted wheat. Nowadays, many stars admit that their diet necessarily includes green smoothies based on this product. It is known that even in ancient times, yogis consumed sprouts in order to gain strength before exhausting practice. Sprouted grains were also considered food for warriors, because with their help you can quickly restore vitality after any stress.

Scientists have proven that sprouts contain 21 mineral elements, 18 amino acids and 12 vitamins. This product is considered a natural stimulant; many doctors recommend it as an alternative to pharmacy vitamins.

So, how can you lose weight with them?

It is known that very often people who are losing weight break their diet due to the strictness of their diet. For example, a person is on a buckwheat or kefir diet, while moving a lot, working, and going to the gym. After a few weeks of such an exhausting life, the human body will turn on the ancient instinct of self-preservation and, as a result, quite large volumes of food are consumed, which were in no way provided for by the diet. This is how we can explain the unhealthy cravings for bread, nuts, chocolate and other foods that contain a lot of vitamin B.

This problem will eventually “overtake” all people who are on an unbalanced diet. Pharmacy synthetic vitamins (even if a person remembers to take them) are rarely absorbed well, while sprouts contain a large amount of natural B vitamins and antioxidants, including ascorbic acid and tocopherol. Wheat is rich in fiber, potassium, calcium, due to which it improves metabolic processes and reduces appetite. Although the calorie content of sprouts ranges from 300 to 350 kcal for every 100 grams, this nutritional value of the product does not cause any harm to the body, because you cannot eat a lot of sprouts; a handful is enough to satiate you.

Cooking method and recipes

The easiest way:

  • Take 100 or 200 grams of unhulled wheat grains and rinse them under cold water.
  • The wet grain should be placed on a clean plate in a thin layer (approximately a layer of one grain).
  • All grains should be sprinkled with unboiled clean water and covered with 2 layers of soaked gauze.
  • Leave the plate at standard room temperature and spray periodically so that the grains do not have time to dry out.
  • Within a few days the wheat will begin to germinate. Immediately after this, it can be washed and consumed.

How to take this medication correctly to lose weight?

  1. You can replace breakfast with a healing cocktail of two green medium apples and two tbsp. spoons of sprouted grains. To do this, you need to chop the apples in a blender and add the grains. You should drink the cocktail immediately after preparing it. Such a drink will contain about 250 kcal and most of the total daily requirement of iron and fiber. You can drink coffee and eat any other food only after four hours. The rest of the day, you must adhere to the principles of fractional and rationed meals.
  2. There is another way. The first breakfast can be replaced with three tbsp. spoons of grains, which must be scrolled through a meat grinder. You can add one or two teaspoons of natural honey to the resulting paste. There is no need to drink tea or plain hot water. Lunch or the second meal should come only after 3 hours. This time is necessary for the wheat to be digested.
  3. The third method is suitable for those who are guilty of evening overeating. For such people, the following dinner would be an excellent option: 100 ml of 0% kefir, one hundred grams of 2% cottage cheese, a tablespoon of grains. All ingredients must be ground in a blender and added ½ tsp. ground cinnamon.

Wheat sprouts are a valuable and nutritious product. However, before you start consuming them, you need to make sure that you do not have a severe allergy to gluten and that your body will accept this product normally. If you have problems with the gastrointestinal tract, then before starting to take wheat it is better to take a course of prebiotics.
