A plot to buy an apartment - more square meters! Rituals for buying an apartment.

This is a story about how my husband and I got an apartment, thereby fulfilling one of our deepest desires. From the orders of the Universe and a dozen wishes for the year of my readers, I know that many wizards want to get apartments or build new houses, make repairs, many who have already heard that we we were mocked apartment - they asked me to tell you in detail how. This story is in front of you; the attentive reader will even notice such magical coincidences as the color of the walls in our apartment with the color... well, in general, read:

So, 2007, we got married: a wonderful couple, smart, handsome guys, went on a honeymoon (by the way, there was some magic involved, but more on that another time). Of course, it's time to give birth to wonderful, beautiful and smart children! 🙂 And we lived separately then, thanks to our parents, but the apartment was small, old, the kitchen was a bit cramped even for one person, and we wanted more space, cleanliness and beauty for a large family. Any non-wizard I would say: yes, well, it’s good that at least this exists, rejoice, how can you suddenly get a new home without any cronyism, without acquaintances and without millions, without theft, without a cool business?! Where, really? But we are wizards, we are Simoron!

We just tuned in to this wave: we’re great, we’re doing well, we love each other, we want it, which means we’ll be lucky! In the meantime, we continued to live in our small apartment and work hard and with interest. Do you know what is the mistake of some people who want to be wizards, try to visualize, do some rituals, but nothing works? The mistake is that they don't love what they already have. One of my friends complained to me:

“I’ve already drawn a wish map, and I’ve jumped off the toilet, and I’ve smoked my panties, but I don’t have a clue, no money, no new housing.” It's all bullshit and doesn't work. Every day I go to bed and pray to God that saved me from this poverty...

In response to my offer to love her house, clean it, take care of the pipes, do a general cleaning and drive out the cockroaches, for the fact that she has her own roof over her head, she just waved her hand: what should she be grateful for, for this wreck? If I get a three-story palace, then I’ll thank you. And she kept asking rid her of what she has.

Do wizards think like that? No no and one more time no! Every wizard knows the law of attraction: if you feel rich and successful, then wealth and success will be increasingly attracted to you. I thought like this: do we want a new apartment? This means we need to show the Universe how much we need it, what good owners we are, how good we will be there, and how grateful we will be.

I tried to keep our small apartment always clean and beautiful, grew flowers, created comfort there, saying: “thank you, our cozy one, for warming us, protecting us, receiving guests with us, etc.” We always have guests over and we love to gather large groups, so our new apartment had to accommodate a lot of people!

Here's how it happened (playing mafia in a bewitched apartment):

To get new housing - Feel the happiness of what you already have! Let it be your corner in your parents’ apartment, or a room in a dorm, or just a bed in a friend’s house... Wherever you are now, be grateful for it and say thank you to this place for sheltering you.

So, we have created an emotional background: we are rich, that’s why we are happy, and we will be even more happy when we attract what we want. One fine day I received Lissy Moussa’s newsletter (by the way, I had received it before, but I didn’t really look at it, and then I just decided to read it). In the newsletter, one girl shared her success: the ritual for getting a new home worked for her and her husband. She told how she stole a brick from the construction site of a new house, painted it at home, and put it on a shelf, and after a couple of months they managed to buy that new house at some good price! The description of the ritual said that you can take a brick from any construction site if you don’t know where exactly you want a new house.

As soon as my husband came home from work, I told him about it, and we decided to go for a walk and steal a brick somewhere. 🙂 But then the first miracle happened. A couple of days later we found out that the holding, which includes the scientific institute where my husband works, is building new houses for workers, and that it seems that one apartment will be allocated to this institute. I must tell you, the institute employs about 700 people! And my husband is a young specialist with 5 or 6 years of experience, of course, promising, but not yet particularly cool, and not a relative of anyone. Some of our relatives and friends, when they learned about this opportunity, advised us to go to an agreement with someone, to give a bribe to whoever needed it so that they would give us an apartment. But this is not our way. 🙂 Well, first of all, where does the money come from? And secondly, who should I go to? And in general, all this is very unpleasant and not magical.

Therefore, we decided to find out more precisely where the construction site was, and... well, yes, to steal a brick for a start!) It turned out that houses were being built in the very center of the city, not far from the places where we both lived almost all our lives with our parents (friend without knowing anything). And so, one evening we went there. It turned out that they were building 2 houses, one of which was already built and occupied, and the second was in progress, there were multi-colored children's slides in the yard, the lawns were smooth and bright, the entire territory was fenced. In general, such a small piece of the developed world in our dusty city. But here's the problem - there are no bricks anywhere! Those. The entire construction site is behind a thick fence, and there is no way to get there. We sat on a bench in the gazebo and imagined how our children would ride on these slides, how we would walk here in the evenings. And they were about to leave, when suddenly they noticed a hole in the corner of the fence, and behind the hole in the depths lay a brick! One. Apparently, it was some kind of non-standard size, was it rejected or what? And a little crooked. But it was as if he was looking straight at us from this hole! In general, my husband, with some incredible efforts, crawled up to the hole, reached for the brick, poked it with some kind of stick, and in the end we, giggling stupidly and ashamedly, almost ran out of the territory. There was a watchman there, and we were afraid that he would catch us with this brick.

Hooray! We have the brick! Over the weekend we washed it, dried it and painted it with gouache. To be honest, we are not artists at all, we just decorated it, drew hearts on one side and put signatures, on the other (orange) my husband drew a diagram of a three-room apartment, and on the side I tried to depict a nice landscape, hinting that I wanted a beautiful view from the window .)

Here is our brick, it still stands on the shelf in our dressing room:

By the way, recently on MUZ-TV there was an interview with Dima Bilan, he told how he took a brick from a construction site while walking along the avenue with his girlfriend, and now lives on this avenue in new houses, and showed this brick, it stood on his shelf in office. 🙂

Do something very emotional and creative! It could be stealing a brick, or it could be another ritual, the main thing is a surge of adrenaline, emotions, you should laugh and rejoice, and put creativity into this ritual.

Here's what the view from the window turned out like in reality:

Now I want to talk about another mistake of “non-wizards”. Do you know the joke:

Drought. Jewish farmers come to the tzaddik and ask him to perform a miracle so that it will rain.
“No,” the tzaddik answers, “there will be no miracle, for you have no faith in the Lord.”
- But why, rabbi?
“If you really believed in Jehovah, you would come with umbrellas.”

So, if you want a miracle, then believe in it, and “walk with umbrellas”. Time passed, we learned that the institute had a waiting list for housing, my husband signed up for this queue, we waited. Nothing was known yet. But we didn’t worry, we just waited and hoped, sometimes we walked in that area, watching how the entrances of the new house were being built and occupied one after another. We were already expecting our daughter. In the fall of 2008, when I was 4-6 months old, my parents began to worry, to think about where we would put the crib, and how to do anything. But we simply said: we will live in a new apartment, so there is no need to do anything here. —Where will you go here for baby food? - Nowhere, we will live in a new apartment, and we will go there for baby food. And so on.

I believe in the power of visualization, or rather that If scroll through films in your head with sounds, sensations and pictures of how you live in the desired world, then these films will materialize, and so everything will be. Therefore, every day, while walking, swimming in the pool, I imagined how we lived in our spacious apartment, how we held parties there and trained in “What? Where? When?”, how we walk in the yard, how we walk around this area with my daughter, etc. I imagined a large kitchen, my workplace with a computer, how I sit and work, how I cook, how we have dinner and breakfast all together. In general, friends, everything that I imagined then came true, many things were even unexpectedly better and more convenient for me.

Instead of a variety of empty thoughts and experiences, and especially negative ones, instead of doubts and complaints, occupy your head with an idea of ​​the life that awaits you in the future. You don’t need to say to yourself: I want it to be so and so, just imagine how this is happening: what you are doing, with whom and how you are talking, what the smell is, what sounds... Don’t be lazy every day, remember that what awaits you tomorrow is exactly what you spend your mental energy on today.

I recently came across in the mail the letter she wrote to our apartment.

Hello, our dear future apartment!

My husband and I live in a small two-room apartment, and we love our home very much. We try to take care of it, make it beautiful and cozy. The fact is that we have been married for almost a year, and we really want to increase the size of our family. To do this, we want to have more living space, and we strive to make our life even more successful and happier!

I am writing you this letter so that you get to know us better and want to become ours! And so that you can decide what size and what look is best for you!

So, there are two of us for now, but we want kids, and perhaps more than two! We have a lot of equipment so that for me, as a housewife, everything is simple and easy, everything is always at hand, cleaning, cooking and other household duties are completed quickly and easily, happily, and there is time for relaxation and warm romantic evenings with my beloved family. Therefore, we hope that you will be roomy and spacious, and we will try not to overwhelm you with unnecessary things, arrange everything neatly and beautifully, so that you feel pleasant and at ease with us and our things.

We love fresh air, nature, and everything natural. We have a lot of house plants that I take care of, they bloom, grow, and delight our eyes, I think they will please you too. We also have a small aquarium in which fish live. We love animals, cats and dogs, but I am allergic to their fur, so we can’t have them yet.

We have a lot of friends, and we like to invite them to visit us, usually these are small cheerful companies with whom we spend time at the table, play different games, by the way, both my husband and I are Champions in the game What? Where? When?! 🙂 All our friends are smart and calm, positive and optimistic people, we listen to music and dance, sometimes we drink, but we always know when to stop and don’t let our get-togethers get indecent.

We like different music, and we like to listen to it at home, I think you will also like our musical choice, because... This is pleasant, funny and cheerful music!

My husband works as an oil developer, and I teach Spanish and also work as a journalist, my work is related to the Internet. We always need to be in touch with our friends and relatives, so you will definitely have a phone line and the Internet! 🙂

Yes, the most important thing is that we never quarrel, never make trouble, and certainly don’t fight! We love each other very much and approach all issues harmoniously, with optimism, creatively and creatively!

We hope you like us! And be sure that we will love you, respect and care for you so that you always remain young and kind! In addition, we have our own Brownie, he is also young and very kind, he is now protecting our home and us, and I think we will take him with us to you, if, of course, he wants to follow us.

We are waiting for news, with love,
Masha and Goga,
Spring 2008.

When you write letters, know that it is best to first thank for what you already have..com or add in the comments to this post, be sure to save a copy in your diary or on your computer.

If you blow out the candles on your birthday cake, if you see a shooting star, if you see repeating numbers on the clock, even if a black cat crosses your path - always make your main wish! So, some specific moment will become the door to that very version of the future where your desire has already been fulfilled.

December has arrived. There are 2-2.5 months left before the birth of my daughter. We went to this yard again, the construction had already finished, in front of the new house there was a huge football field in the yard. We learned there that all the apartments had already been rented out, and people had already begun to move in. Do you think we got upset and gave up? Not at all! We decided that it was great that everything was on time, and that our apartment had already been booked for us, we just hadn’t found out about it yet. Three days before the New Year, we composed a song based on a super-energetic and funny song about elections from the film-play “Election Day”:

For the New Year you received
We have the keys to the new house.
There is a custom-made environment,
Made especially for us...
... I somehow forgot the text, forgive me, it was about comfort and beauty, open spaces and furniture, in general, just class.
High ceiling
Awesome tower!

To roughly understand how it sounded in our heads, you can listen to the song itself, I just love this charge of energy in the SKA style:

In general, we sang this song all those days, and when on January 4 my husband went to work, he called me at 11 am and said: “IT’S GONE!"))) We got the coveted apartment!!! We received it on credit, on fairly favorable terms, my husband continues to work at this institute and pays it off in good faith, and soon it will be completely ours!

So, we ordered a kitchen, moved the furniture, and on February 7-8, 2009, we moved to a new apartment, and on March 3, our daughter was born.

Be patient and calm, trust your Universe and believe in yourself, don’t give in to doubts and resentment towards the whole world because something doesn’t work out. Believe, be creative, continue visualization, compose Simoron poems and songs!

Good luck to you and wish your dreams come true soon!

Own housing provides the need for security. That's why it's so important for us to have it.

Magic methods can also help in solving housing issues. These can be conspiracies, rites and rituals. Conspiracies to get an apartment, that’s what we’ll talk about.

What needs to be done before the conspiracy?

Here are the actions that serve as some kind of preparation for a plot to get an apartment:

  1. To get an apartment, the family first needs to go to church. Find the icon of St. Matrona there and ask her for help in prayer. This Saint is responsible for the improvement of the house, for prosperity in the house.
  2. In addition, each family member must take communion.
  3. During this period, it is important to drive away any negative thought.

Conspiracy to buy a home

When each family member has completed the ritual, in the evening everyone in bed needs to read the following plot:

“I am a servant of God in bed, lying to the East and looking at the West with my eyes. There, in a distant place, live three glorious apostles: one of them asks riddles, the second of them answers them, and the third of those apostles always speaks only the truth. It is you three apostles that I ask for help. Help me find a new home for me, I promise to honor, respect, and treat you deliciously for the rest of my life. Amen".

This plot to get an apartment needs to be read three times. And you need to cross yourself three times. After this, you can’t talk, you need to go straight to bed.

Conspiracy to wish

To get an apartment, you can safely use general desire spells. In this case, your desire will be to get an apartment. To perform the ritual you will need: one green candle, any keys.

Choose a day during the waning moon. This ritual can be performed by the whole family. Sit down at the table and light a green candle. Hold hands and tune into your desire. Imagine your new apartment down to the smallest detail. Visualize the entire situation. Where, what is it worth. Now feel yourself in this apartment. She is already yours, imagine that this happened. Feel this joy, delight. It is important that you feel these emotions in your body. How does this joy feel? Maybe it’s trembling, maybe it’s taking your breath away from emotions, or maybe joy manifests itself in tears? How does this happen for you?

When you strengthen these emotions in the body, start reading the plot for the apartment:

“Three travelers were walking along a winding road, they were far from home, but still far from their new shelter. The three of them were starved and decided to look for a place to stay for the night. On the way we saw a hut that the grandmother owned. We stayed with her overnight. And the next morning they came out as good as new and reached their new shelter faster than usual. So that it would be like those travelers with us, so that we would get our apartment faster than planned, so that the grandmother-witch would cast a spell on us and erase all our doubts. Go ahead and Find! Amen".

Let the green light candle burn out completely. After this, the whole family can go to bed.

If you are alone or alone and also want to get an apartment, then the ritual can be performed alone.

Spell on the wish card

A good way to bring your desire closer, including getting an apartment, is to draw it or make a collage. It’s also better to do this with the whole family, because the more people there are, the higher the energy from the action. But it is important that only people who will live in the new house participate in this activity. Therefore, if you are going to live alone, then you need to make the collage yourself.

If you know how to draw well, then just draw your new apartment. Divide the Whatman paper into two parts, in one part draw the house from the outside, and on the other side the entire interior.

If you don’t know how or don’t want to draw, you can make a collage. This is even more interesting.

To create a collage you will need: Whatman paper, a stack of glossy old magazines, scissors and glue. This is a fun activity for the whole family. Sit down together on the floor and let everyone choose pictures from magazines that match their image of home. This could be the picture of the house itself, or it could be something from the interior. Cut out all these pictures and paste them on whatman paper. Admire your work of art.

Ritual for getting an apartment. Part 1.

A conspiracy to buy an apartment, house and other property.

Then stand in a circle, place the collage in the middle of the circle, hold hands, you all need to simultaneously jump inside the circle and at the same time shout this short spell:

"Forward! Find it!

These are magic words. This must be done with incredible positivity. The higher your energy is at the moment of performing the ritual, the faster you and your whole family will “jump” into a new apartment.

This ritual is from Simoron’s psychology. Simoron's techniques are entirely aimed at fulfilling desires.

This ritual can be performed whenever you want.

Magicians and some psychologists believe that we get what we want when we seem to pay for the desire with our energy. When we thought about it enough, wanted it enough. In this case, what we want becomes part of our thoughts, so it can easily come true.

A conspiracy that is repeated while walking

Here's another simple way to attract the desired apartment. Every time you walk down the street, look at the houses or through the windows of houses and imagine that this is your own apartment. Imagine its setting, visualize it as much as possible. Do not forget to catch your sensations in your body. When you catch them, pronounce the spell energetically and quickly:

“What is theirs is mine, what is mine is ours. Get! Forward! Find it!”

Often we lack faith to succeed. Making a person believe in something is very difficult, especially if you need to give faith to yourself. But this problem needs to be solved and going to church does not help everyone; today we will talk about such a tool of self-hypnosis as affirmation.

What is Affirmation

An affirmation is a phrase that, when repeated many times, forms the required image or a certain attitude in a person’s subconscious. Affirmations are aimed at stimulating positive changes in a person's life and helping him quickly achieve the desired changes.

It is no secret that a person sets most restrictions in his own head; often a person aggravates his situation by constantly thinking about the problem. For example, a beggar will not become richer if he indulges in despondency all day long because of his current financial situation. Many people understand this philosophy, but not everyone understands what exactly needs to be done to change the course of their thoughts and direct them in the right direction. This is where affirmations come to the rescue.

How to use affirmations

First, it is important to understand that in order for an affirmation to become a habit, you must repeat it for 21 days. After this period, the thought is fixed in your head and repetition occurs automatically. You can read affirmations out loud, say them to yourself, write them down on a piece of paper, make a screensaver on your phone screen, or set reminders or alarms. Choose a method that is convenient for you, the main thing is not to miss a single day. It is most effective to spend 10 minutes daily on repetition. Such exercises can break stereotypes that have been formed over the years. I recommend repeating affirmations in the morning, when negative emotions have not yet been able to affect your mood. Good time on the way to work.

Here are some rules for using affirmations:

  1. An affirmation should evoke positive emotions.
  2. An affirmation is a fact stated briefly in the present tense. Specificity is very important, avoid vague images.
  3. Use vivid, memorable images that you can imagine in your head.
  4. The best thing is if you yourself formulate an affirmation that suits you.
  5. Believe in what you say; repetition without faith and emotion will not bring results. In order to believe, try to record your victories and achievements.
  6. When formulating, do not use negation; it does not create anything and does not consolidate attitudes in your subconscious.
  7. Do not use affirmations related to the actions of other people. For example, you should not believe that you will get a winning lottery ticket.
  8. Be patient, it’s not so easy to break through stereotypes that have developed over the years and you shouldn’t expect quick results. The result will appear only after faith appears.

The most important thing is that it is important to turn the use of affirmations into a kind of ritual to charge yourself with positive emotions. Simple mechanical pronunciation of words will not give anything, what matters is what emotions arise in you. If there are no emotions, you need to waste time.

Affirmations for Sales

In sales, emotionality is of great importance. Unfortunately, due to the presence of routine elements in sales, emotions are often lost. In addition, not all sellers believe in their success. Below is a list of universal affirmations for sales:

  1. I love selling what I like!
  2. I really enjoy the selling process!
  3. Sales is a place where I can express myself as a creative person!
  4. I am fascinated by the process when I can sell another person what they need, even if it is a new product or service for the person!
  5. I can sell anything!
  6. I am delighted with my sales skills!
  7. I start my planned business easily and with pleasure!
  8. I work with joy!
  9. I was born to sell! I am thrilled with my sales abilities!

10.My sales help me communicate with people! Communication gives me great pleasure!

  1. I was born to sell! I am a sales master! I can teach anyone how to sell!
  2. I easily and joyfully communicate with people! People are grateful to me for helping me choose a purchase!
  3. Any objections delight me! They help me find a new way to the buyer's soul! I playfully find reasons to convince him of the need to make a purchase!
  4. I am prepared for any situation! I find the best way out of any situation!
  5. I am a gifted person! My talent is the ability to sell everything I like!
  6. My work helps me improve relationships with people!
  7. I improve people's lives by helping them get what they need! I help people! I take the hassle out of deciding what to buy for people!
  8. I love my job! I'm delighted with my work!
  9. I find more and more opportunities to improve my work! My sales skills are growing rapidly!
  10. I easily teach the people I need the art of sales! I'm preparing a worthy replacement for myself!
  11. I am an artist! Sales is an art, and I am constantly improving my skills!
  12. I easily communicate with familiar and new people! I am improving my communication skills!
  13. My sales skills are improving every day! I enjoy my job!
  14. I always have something to say to people! I playfully find reasons to convince another person to make the choice I want!
  15. I take every refusal to accept my offer as a reason to improve my skills! My sales skills are growing every day!
  16. I'm delighted with my work! My work is a source of inspiration for me!
  17. I am an enthusiast of my business!
  18. I learn new things easily and quickly!
  19. My job gives me the income I want! My income is increasing every day!
  20. My purpose is to help people shop! I am delighted to fulfill my destiny!
  21. I easily and joyfully find ways to help my partners become sales and presentation masters! I am surrounded by successful people!
  22. I easily find people who support me in my work! I work in a team of talented and passionate people! I have a wonderful team!
  23. I easily attract people to my team who will support me in my business! Together we will achieve great success! People who are talented in sales are attracted to me!
  24. I am a sales leader! I am a sales master! I am a sales organizer! I captivate people with my work, and they enthusiastically trust me!
  25. All my goals are being realized! Having achieved one goal, I immediately set the next one and achieve it! I am confident in my abilities! I have great abilities! My sales skills are growing every day!
  26. I am delighted with my sales skills! I get inspired in sales! I am a source of energy and confidence for the people around me!
  27. I help people I know and don't know gain confidence and get a stable source of income! I bring people joy and confidence in the future! I am doing a good and useful thing!
  28. I enjoy communicating with people! I easily find reasons to dispel their doubts! I'm drawn to people!
  29. My sales skills are growing every day!
  30. My ability to communicate and convince people is growing every day! IM proud of myself! I live in joy!
  31. I am a genius marketer!
  32. I am a brilliant businessman!
  33. I'm productive!
  34. I'm organized!
  35. I am a Sales Master!
  36. I am a happy and joyful, rich and successful, healthy and cheerful person!
  37. I love and I am loved - Here and Now!

Dreams Come True. Many will agree with this statement. After all, visualization of desires is the first way to achieve your goals. And the most important thing is to always think positively about your present and future. Now thousands of people write books, articles about this, and conduct trainings in different languages ​​of the world in different countries. And hundreds of thousands of people read all this, study it, apply it, leave feedback, and fulfill their desires. In my opinion, the conclusion suggests itself: no matter how it works, it works because... if wishes did not come true, people would quickly dispel this myth.

Visualization of desires is the representation of your goals in your own imagination, i.e. this is an ordinary process of daydreaming, but with a clear goal around which thoughts are in a constant cycle.
You may get the impression that everything is quite simple, and you don’t need to learn it. However, this is absolutely not true. That's why many people's wishes don't come true. On the Internet you can read a lot of techniques and rules on how to visualize correctly.

I have long begun to notice how everything is coming true in my life: at work, as well as in my personal life. I have always clearly imagined and continue to imagine my future: my husband, wedding, pregnancy, vacation. I have already written more than once that, for example, I wanted to take part in the “Diamond Bride” competition and wanted to win, I visualized everything mentally and step by step and it worked.

Actually, what am I talking about! Once again my visualization did not let me down. And I was very pleasantly surprised! :))
In October 2014, when I was in my last month of pregnancy, my husband and I accidentally started looking on the Internet for new apartments in beautiful areas of our city. And we were eager to buy a new, more spacious apartment, since our family was soon to grow larger. :)
First, we decided to put our apartment up for sale and see how many buyers we would have. A few days later, there were 2 buyers, but we refused to sell to them, because we were afraid to take risks due to the fact that my due date was approaching and moving would greatly complicate our life, and we had not thought through where to go with a small child.
We decided to postpone this issue until spring-summer. But I couldn’t shake the idea of ​​living in a spacious apartment and a clean area. We liked only one area where we would like to live.
In general, when I rocked my daughter or fed her, and this always took at least 30-40 minutes, I always dreamed of an apartment! I imagined how I was walking there with her, what kind of renovation we had, furniture and other little things. Since these thoughts were constantly spinning in my head, I often told my husband about it. We had many reasons not to buy a new home: lack of funds, little Polina needed attention and moving seemed unrealistic, the apartment we dreamed of had a rough finish, so during the renovation (4-5 months) we needed somewhere live. My husband constantly found more minuses than pluses. But I still continued to dream.

As a result, in March we very quickly sold the apartment and bought the apartment of my dreams. Looking back, I couldn’t even think that we would decide to move.

The end of April and the beginning of May I spent all my free time collecting and packing things, so there was no time for LJ at all. Now my husband and I do renovations every weekend: we buy materials, choose furniture, and look at different interiors. Such pleasant troubles.

Because of these things, I'm posting old photos taken 3 weeks ago, when it was still cool here and I was wearing a coat.

Visualization of desires will be effective only if special rules and technical requirements are observed.

Here 5 rules of visualization which I strictly follow:

1) Don’t imagine a picture, create a complete illusion of what is happening.

The picture works much worse than the film. Relax, spend 10-15 minutes alone, in a quiet place. Start imagining that your wish has come true. Watch what happens after. What do you look like, how do you smile? What is around you, where are you, what is on the left, what is on the right? What color are the objects? What are the names of these people, who are they? Just take a mental walk, enjoy the fulfillment of your desire.

2) Don't look from the outside, it's you in your world, not someone else you admire.

Your film should be in the first person, you do not see yourself from the outside, you are not an actor. You see, as usual, only the world around you. If you need to look at yourself (for example, you have lost weight), go to the mirror and enjoy. If you visualize a Hollywood movie, looking at all this as if from the outside, then this is exactly what will happen - you will see your wish fulfilled from the outside (it will come true for a friend or colleague, or it will simply be described in a magazine).

3) Connect all your senses.

Visual practice is not enough. Be sure to connect all 5 senses (and maybe more?) :). Smell, what aromas are coming? Listen: is there music playing? Hear what people say, say something yourself. Touch everything around you, if you wish to receive some thing: examine it all: what is the texture, weight, what is inside, etc. If this is something intangible, then there may still be some attributes: for example, a marriage certificate, vouchers and tickets, checks, money, etc. Touch them. Turn on the taste, drink water or some drink. In general, make your imagination work to its fullest. It's not as easy as it might seem, especially at first.

4) Use frame freeze to return to rendering.

Capture the frame. One frame of this film that you particularly like or simply remember needs to be recorded; this will be the anchor frame. You can even briefly describe it in words and carry this description with you. The frame can be in the form of a photograph or simply a smell or sound (for example, you are announced and called to be awarded the Nobel Prize). Those. the frame is not necessarily visual. Although for most people it is more convenient to capture still images.

The frame is needed to easily recall the film when required. A frame is an easy way to distract yourself from gloomy thoughts or restore a positive attitude when you are overwhelmed by negativity or sadness. For example, the frame perfectly helps fight jealousy and fear for marriage or children. Play a happy film of your family life 20 years later, capture the frame, and catch yourself in moments of jealousy or fear, immediately return to the frame, and then to the film, and switch your mental vibrations from negative to desirable.

5) Forget and let go of the desire.

Many sources say: make a wish and forget about it, let it go, it will come true.
Letting go of a desire means only one thing: not worrying that it may not come true; don't be afraid, don't doubt. It is imperative to work on its implementation, constantly and in a variety of directions. First, you need to act: do you want to fly to the moon? - learn everything about spacesuits and lunar rovers, that’s the minimum; and as a maximum, start training your body.

Visualization must be repeated, and the more often, the more effective. Every day. Maybe several times a day. When I wanted an apartment, I dreamed about it every day, although it seemed to me an unrealistic dream, but no one forbids dreaming! :)))
You need to visualize in full force, with the whole range of emotions, with undying desire.

Visualization before going to bed in bed is good, but not very effective: you are tired, you switch off, and you don’t really want anything anymore. It is better to carry it out in the first half of the day, in the morning: for example, on the road, or in bed, just waking up.

Remember that visualization alone will not fulfill your desire if you are locked at home and lie on the couch for months. You need to do something, look around, learn about opportunities, agree to offers and try something new. Give yourself a chance to make your wish come true.

Many people say it works vision board, but I haven't used it yet.
Wish board is a wish card on which you place exactly those pictures that most closely reflect your visualization frame.
I also recommend watching movie "The Secret"

I’ll tell you a secret, I’m already fully and successfully visualizing my other desires. You will succeed too.

Here and now, I turn away from financial difficulties and connect with the Eternal Source of Good, which nourishes everything in the Universe with absolute prosperity.

I proclaim the truth about myself with the calm confidence that all my efforts are generously rewarded - since the World knows my true value.

Prosperity now easily and freely flows in abundance into my daily life, filling me with happiness and joy, opening up new prospects for development.

God fills millions of Worlds with abundance, and I draw it from the common good!

I let go of these words, knowing for sure that this has become true now!

And so it is!

Here and now, I connect with complete well-being and feel a surge of strength and success.

And I proclaim the truth about myself with calm confidence that the World knows my true value and all my efforts are worthily rewarded. My love for life returns to me in health and prosperity, surrounding me with the Divine light of universal love and joy.

My relationships with people at home and at work are marked by the sign of Infinite Harmony, and I enjoy the splendor of life in all its happy forms.

My Guardian Angel illuminates my path in life with his invisible presence, and I, trusting him with all my heart, boldly walk through life towards success.

I am beautiful and healthy and successful in business,

I am loved and love, I give happiness to people,

And now I know that I receive all the benefits

And I thank fate that I live so happily.

Truly so!

And so it is!

Affirmation about well-being

Here and now, from now on and forever, I connect with Complete Well-Being!

Prosperity easily and freely finds me, filling my life with health and goodness with an elastic flow!

From now on, I can easily earn a wonderful life by giving lectures, conducting seminars and consultations, as well as through my publications.

There are a lot of people who need my services, and they will appreciate me, since I have all the qualities to provide them with worthy help!

Just as rivers feed the seas, and God fills the World with Himself, my life is filled with goodness!

Truly so!

And so it is!

Affirmation for total well-being

Here and now, from now on and forever, I connect with Complete Well-Being and feel a surge of joy, strength and success!

Prosperity, love and health fill me with the radiant warmth of the spring sun with the energy of light. Like a spring sprout in the rays of the gentle sun, I bathe in the rays of everyday happiness! And complete goodness easily and freely finds me always and everywhere, giving me the pleasure of life!

From now on, my relationships with people at home and at work are marked with the sign of Infinite Harmony.

Truly so!

And so it is!

Affirmation about the work of the enterprise

I proclaim the truth with calm confidence that from now on the enterprise “...” works rhythmically under my leadership in all its areas, bringing stable profits, saturating me with material wealth and giving me calm joy!

There are tens and hundreds of customers who know about all the advantages and benefits of our business, and they strive to conclude contracts with us. Because we are the best! And we prosper together!

Employees and colleagues are all working together in unison for the common good! They follow my instructions, striving to work better and better, highly appreciating my leadership, my experience and knowledge of the matter.

Like a spring shoot under the rays of the warm sun, my career, authority and influence are strengthening, growing, and filling with strength.

Truly so!

And so it is!

Affirmation about the office

I, as a living part of the Universe, am in harmony with the World, which has everything for my complete happiness! Because I am worthy of him!

The world knows my full worth, and from now on I occupy a worthy place where I can prove myself effectively, provide people with decent help for a decent pay.

The Infinite Intelligence has perfection and absolute knowledge of where the best office is for me to work, and He leads me straight to where I will work comfortably, freely, easily pay the rent.

And I let go of these words with calm confidence that all this has become true! Right now!

Truly so!

And so it is!

Truly so! And so it is!

Affirmation about the work of the store

Here and now, I turn away from all financial and business difficulties and merge with the Eternal Source of Good, which fuels the complete success of all prosperity in the World!

And with calm confidence I proclaim the truth that it is here - in my store - that people will receive everything they really need. And none of them will leave without shopping!

And my staff successfully trades, trying to work better and better - giving customers joy and bringing me a stable profit!

From now on, prosperity easily and freely, like a drop of dew on a blade of grass in the steppe, finds me, and I bathe in the rays of everyday happiness!

Now I can easily repay loans, multiply my capital and develop my business successfully!

And so it is!

And all this became true right now!

Affirmation about the work of a private boarding house

I proclaim the truth about my hotel with calm confidence that from now on hundreds of people strive to spend the happy days and weeks of their wonderful lives here, and they will appreciate all the benefits of relaxation, sea and sun - right here, in my hotel. Because we have everything for their complete happiness. And many people come here and are willing to pay a decent price.

I, greeting guests with warmth and care, give them shelter in my house, under the blue mountain by the Black Sea.

And now I can easily repay loans, multiply my capital and develop my business successfully.

From now on, wealth comes easily and freely to our home, and I bask in the rays of everyday happiness!

Truly so!

And so it is!

And all this became true right now!

Affirmation about a private manicure salon

I deserve to have my own nail salon, because I am a wonderful master and everything I undertake, I do perfectly!

And my popular salon - comfortable and bright - offers a wide range of unique services! And my clients will pay generously, getting here everything they really need for the beauty and grace of their hands.

From now on, wealth flows into my hands in a direct, constant stream! And I can easily create my own “Manicure Country” with a constant influx of new clients!

And my contacts with all people are marked with the sign of Infinite Love, and I enjoy my prosperous life!

Truly so!

And so it is!

And all this became true right here and now!

Affirmation about purchasing an apartment

I proclaim the truth with firm confidence that soon I will move into my own apartment, which is ideal for me and my close-knit family. And this apartment is already waiting for me - its new owner, and with a trembling feeling of complete happiness I occupy it and live comfortably. Because I deserve it!

And Divine silver threads are already connecting me to her! And I rush to my bright happiness! This will be my home - cozy, bright and clean! And it is in it - in my house - that I will find long-awaited joy! And connecting with my new apartment, I feel a surge of joy, strength and success and thank the Lord for the miracle created!

And all this became true!

Right here and now!

And so it is!

Below are affirmations aimed at achieving the well-being of our children, since if the soul is not at peace for them, then no amount of money will bring proper joy.

Affirmation about daughter

I turn all problems and difficulties away from my daughter and connect her with the Infinite Source of happiness.

And by fully recognizing her best qualities, I know that people will appreciate her and accept my daughter as she deserves.

Like the protective Veil of the Holy Mother of God, I lower my maternal blessing on her. And from now on, my love will nourish the success and well-being of her life with its radiant presence, filling her life with health and prosperity!

From now on she enjoys happiness because she deserves it!

And I, relying on the will of the Almighty, proclaim these words with calm confidence that all this has become true right now!

And so it is!

Affirmation about son

With calm confidence, having fully recognized my son’s right to an independent life, I am letting him go, firmly knowing that this will be better for him, and he will take his rightful place in life.

Living separately and creating his life, he shows his best qualities and always achieves success.

Like the protective Protection of the Holy Mother of God, I lower my maternal blessing on him and release him from me, completely trusting him. And from now on, my love will be the key to his happy independent life. And my maternal feelings, with their radiant presence everywhere, like the rays of the warm sun, will accompany and fill his life with health and happiness!

Because he deserves it!

And I, relying on the will of the Almighty, proclaim these words with calm confidence that all this has become true.

Right now!

And so it is!

Affirmation about your daughter’s successful employment

I proclaim the truth about my daughter (name) with the firm confidence that she is hired by the best companies for a decent salary.

I fully recognize her best qualities and know that people will appreciate her. And they know that they need just such a person and specialist as my daughter. Because she is the best.

And with calm confidence, fully recognizing my daughter’s right to an independent and happy life, I let her go, firmly knowing that it will be better this way!

And so it is!

And my love and respect for my daughter will be the key to her everyday happiness!

Truly so!

And so it is! And all this became true right now!

And so it is!

Affirmation for the well-being of your son

With my maternal love, I turn away all problems and difficulties from my son (name) and connect him with the Infinite Source of happiness, prosperity, love and health.

From now on, every cell of my son and all the vibrations of his eternal soul are open to the healing influence of God, which permeates him with an elastic flow, harmonizing his soul and body, filling his mind with clarity.

The divine healing ray, passing through (name), makes him perfectly healthy, wise and strong!

From now on he is completely healthy!

And I let go of these words with calm confidence that all this has become true!

And so it is!
