How to use the lunar calendar. Under the control of the moon, or how to create a lunar sowing calendar yourself The influence of elemental energy on plants

Gardener's lunar calendar was compiled in ancient times, through long-term observations of the influence of the Moon on all living things, including garden plants.

First of all, different phases of the moon have different effects on the growth and development of plants. It has long been noted that new and full moon days are not suitable for planting and transplantation work. On a full moon, most of the juices are in the upper part of the plant, in the stem and fruits, and on a new moon, on the contrary, in its underground part - tubers and roots. Seeds that fall into the ground during the waxing Moon are programmed to grow upward and develop more actively above the ground, and those that were planted during the waning Moon have the opposite tendency to develop downward underground. Therefore, gardeners and gardeners need to sow and plant plants whose fruits are above the ground during the waxing Moon. And all root vegetables - during the waning moon.

Taking this into account, the lunar calendar of the gardener has been compiled, which will help you grow a wonderful harvest. Lunar sowing calendar for gardener gardener 2019 will allow you to always be aware of what the moon phase is now, and what the moon phase will be without the need for visual observation.

In addition, when working in the garden, it is important to take into account which zodiac sign the Moon is in, since all signs are divided into fertile, signs of average fertility and barren signs.

Fertile Zodiac signs: Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces.

Signs of average fertility: Taurus, Libra, Sagittarius, Capricorn.

Infertile Zodiac Signs: Aries, Gemini, Virgo, Leo, Aquarius.

Observations show that the harvest will be higher if the phase of the Moon and its location in the fertile zodiac sign are taken into account when sowing.

We bring to your attention Lunar sowing calendar for gardener 2019 indicating the phases of the Moon, the position of the Moon in the signs of the Zodiac, as well as recommendations for gardeners, which you can download and print.

The gardener's 2019 lunar calendar (table) will help you take into account the phases and position of the Moon in the signs of the Zodiac when working in the garden. Taking into account the influence of the Moon on plants, you will be able to properly plan your agricultural work.

Our Earth is only a part of the universe, which obeys this most complex organism and its systemic cosmobiological rhythms. Stars and planets influence each other, and the stronger the smaller the distance between cosmic bodies. The eternal satellite of our home planet, the Moon, due to its location, has an explicit and implicit, but quite strong influence on all earthly things. Every 12.5 hours, under its influence, the gravitational field shifts, causing a tidal effect - an increase and decrease in water levels in large bodies of water (seas and oceans).

The movement of juices and other processes in plants are also subject to the influence of the Moon. It occurs through light and electromagnetic impulses, as well as other planetary interactions perceived by plants. Therefore, the actions of the gardener in accordance with these processes or contrary to them can either significantly increase the yield of planted crops or negate their own efforts.

The sowing lunar calendar for 2018 was compiled taking into account all the nuances and provides the opportunity to optimally carry out agricultural work on the site without the need to make your own calculations and look at the Moon in the sky.

Below is the complete 2018 planting calendar. To enlarge the table, click on the image.

Moon illumination phases

In addition to the influence of passing signs of the Zodiac, the phase of illumination in which our satellite is currently located is also of great importance for plants. The full lunar month differs from the earth's; its average duration is 29.53 days. The duration of these days can also be different, especially in this regard the 1st and 30th differ. the difference between them can be as little as one minute or almost a whole day - the 30th day in some lunar months may be absent altogether.

Depending on the illumination, the following lunar phases differ.

New moon

The satellite itself is not visible in the sky; the disk is not illuminated. On this dark night there comes a time of complete peace. The concentration of plant juices is observed in the roots, so damage to the root system during this period can be destructive.

What can't you do?

It is necessary one day before the new moon and one day after it to exclude all work with the soil around already planted crops (loosening, hilling, digging, replanting, etc.). This is a very important rule of the lunar calendar of any year.

What can you do?

Pruning the crown, pinching, pinching, removing diseased and dried branches, fighting pests and diseases. If necessary, you can weed, but with great care and only among well-rooted seedlings. The period is good for planting seeds, especially with the favorable influence of the zodiac constellation.

Waxing (waxing) Moon

A sickle appears on the right side, and by the end of the first quarter the entire right side of the disk is illuminated. In the second quarter it gradually fills completely. At this stage, juices rush upward and growth increases. It is recommended to plant crops that bear fruit in the ground part. From 3 to 8 days is the best time for planting all types of cabbage, cucumbers, herbs, melons and cereals. In the next 5 days, there comes a time favorable for planting tomatoes, legumes, garlic, fruit and ornamental trees and shrubs, peppers, and pumpkins. Root feeding gives good results. During this period, it is best to fight snails and slugs, look for water in the area, drill wells, dig wells, lay and compact compost, and mow the lawn.

Just before the full moon, fruit grafting gives the best results.

It is not advisable to store fruits or preserve vegetables at this time, if it is possible to postpone it.

Full moon

The circle is completely illuminated. By this time, nutrients are maximally concentrated in the fruits, the flowers have a rich color and a concentrated aroma. It is possible to carry out hilling, loosening, cultivating and other work with the soil, the risk of damage to the root system is minimal. But pruning, pinching, cuttings and other work with the green mass and crown of garden shrubs and trees is not recommended.

The full moon is the time of the most intense action against pests, since they become the most active, and plants are most susceptible to their attacks and often die. On the waxing Moon, it is recommended to begin destroying pests in the aboveground part, and on the waning Moon, in the root system.

Waning Moon

Sap flow during the waning (aging) Moon (the disk darkens on the right side) is directed towards the roots, at this stage nutrients are concentrated in the roots and root crops. In the first days of the aging Moon, planting cuttings, seedlings of bushes and trees, perennial flower crops, and strawberries is favorable. The next 5 days are good for radical pruning and stamping of grapes. Next comes the turn of planting potatoes, as well as other root crops, rhizomes and legumes to be stored. The period is also favorable for winter planting.

If a waning satellite is passing through Pisces or Virgo, it is not recommended to engage in salting or canning.

It is best to carry out anti-aging pruning in the 1st quarter, formative pruning in the 2nd and 3rd quarters of the Moon

Table of the passage of the Moon in the Zodiac 2018

February March April May June July August
Aries 19-20 18-19 14-15 12-13 8-9 5-7 2-3; 29-30
Taurus 21-22 20-21 16-18 14-15 10-11 8-9 4-5; 31
Twins 23-24 22-23 19-20 16-17 12-13 10-11 6-7
Cancer 25-26 24-26 21-22 18-19 14-15 12-13 8-9
Lion 27-28 27-28 23-24 20-21 16-17 14-15 10-11
Virgo 1-3 1-2; 29-30 25-26 22-23 18-20 16-17 12-13
Scales 4-5 3-5; 31 1; 27-28 24-26 21-22 18-19 14-15
Scorpion 6-8 6-7 2-3; 29-30 1; 27-28 23-24 20-22 16-18
Sagittarius 9-10 8-10 4-6 2-3; 29-31 25-27 23-24 19-20
Capricorn 11-13 11-12 7-8 4-6 1-2; 28-29 25-27 21-23
Aquarius 14-15 13-15 9-11 7-8 3-5; 30 1-2; 28-29 24-25
Fish 16-18 16-17 12-13 9-11 6-7 3-4; 30-31 1; 26-28

Moon in the Zodiac

In addition to the significant influence of the lunar phases on crop production, its passage through the zodiac circle is also of great importance. Thousands of years of astrological observations make it possible to divide the zodiacal constellations into favorable and negatively affecting fertility, depending on which of them the Earth and its constant satellite are currently passing through. Therefore, in drawing up the sowing calendar for 2018, a comprehensive comparison of these factors was made.

  • The most fertile water signs are Cancer and Pisces.
  • Aquatic Scorpio and airy Taurus, Capricorn and Libra are considered slightly less favorable.
  • The earthly Virgo and the fiery Sagittarius are usually classified as unproductive signs of the Zodiac.
  • Fiery (hot) Leo and Aries, along with airy (drying) Gemini and Aquarius, are sterile and unfavorable in gardening and horticulture.

The gardener’s golden rule, focused on the lunar phases: it is preferable to plant everything that produces above-ground fruits (“tops”) when the moon is waxing, and root crops and all other “roots” - when the moon is waning.


Airy, fiery, hot, and therefore barren, the sign from which the cycle begins.


A sign favorable for crop production. Seed material planted during this period shows excellent germination, forms a strong root system, and in the future the plants are characterized by increased resistance to temperature fluctuations.

What is possible What not to do
Soak, germinate and plant vegetable and fruit seeds for long-term storageTransplant
WaterLoosen in the root zone
Mow the grassPlant what is intended for seeds (low germination rate and poor storage)
Pinch, graft
Harvest roots
Cut flowers
Digging up bulbous
Add compost
Apply fertilizers
Canning, salting, drying, preparing juices and wines


Dry, desiccating and sterile sign. The planted plant has a weak stem, but a more developed root system. Planted and harvested fruits do not lie well and do not have a pronounced taste and aroma.

What is possible What not to do
Plant climbing, ground cover, hanging plants and anything that has tendrils (strawberries, peas, green beans, etc.)Perform a transplant
Plant cabbage, radishes, peppers, melons, greens, shrubsPlant something that should have strong stems
Pest control
Remove root shoots
Carry out sanitary pruning and pinching
Thin out, hill up
Digging potatoes
Harvest herbs
Harvest grain


Fertile, watery, one of the most favorable.


A barren period, unfavorable for gardening work.


What is possible What not to do
Clean up the area“Touch” fruit-bearing plants, except for pruning trees
Remove weedsLoosen the soil near plants to prevent root rotting
Deal with uninvited “guests”Improving the soil
Plant something that will be stored for a long time (on the decreasing side - root crops, on the increasing side - tops)Plant vegetables
Apply fertilizersEngage in transplantation, grafting, cuttings
Harvest cerealsCanning and harvesting everything except root vegetables will become moldy
Caring for flowers and other ornamental plants
Harvest root vegetables
Spray against diseases (3 quarter)
Weed (4th quarter)
Touch everything that grows but does not produce a harvest


A period of average fertility, when actions have little effect on yield, but, depending on the phase, can affect the growth and health of crops.

What is possible What not to do
Plant flowers (they will be especially fragrant), shrubsSpray
Hill up, weedWater (minimize)
HarvestUnnecessarily replant everything that does not have seeds in fruits and is not intended for seeds
Destroy pests
Caring for stone fruit and leguminous plants and those from which you plan to get seeds
Harvest berries, fruits, herbs
Form a crown
Make cuttings
Plant zucchini, cabbage, pumpkin, legumes


Time for effective measures to increase productivity, incl. and weeds, so it is also not recommended to touch them on such days.

What is possible What not to do
WaterDigging potatoes
Apply fertilizers (foliar feeding)Weed
Plant something that does not require storage (flowers, lawns, greens for food, etc.)Work with the soil (the roots will rot)
Perform pruning (carefully, taking into account the phase)Harvest for storage (will not be stored)
VaccinatePest control
CuttingsPickle and salt
Mowing the lawnReplant and otherwise disturb the roots
Planting thorny plants or doing something with them

The period is good for planting medicinal and ornamental plants, flowers (except for tuberous ones), spinach, pumpkin, cucumbers (not for pickling or canning), any greens, especially parsley and lettuce.

The Full Moon in Scorpio is a dangerous period, since the Moon is very strong and this force can be directed not only in a peaceful direction. Therefore, on this day it is better not to take risks and do nothing, especially in a bad mood.


An unproductive sign, working under which does not benefit the harvest. This is the turning point between forces that have been rising and have begun to fall. It's bulbous time.


The period is good for everything that reproduces by roots. Gives everything growing a healthy root system and good strong stems.


A barren time for gardening, when human intervention can even reduce yields. Stone fruits and those grown for seeds remain responsive.


A very favorable period, work is beneficial. It is better not to touch weeds, since they are also responsive to manipulation.

What is possible What not to do
Apply root feedingFight against harmful insects, rodents, diseases
Water at the rootTouching the roots, digging, hilling, weeding, replanting, generally working with the soil
Plant something that is not intended for long-term storageCollect things that will last for a long time
Formative pruning - depending on the phaseSalt, ferment, pickle
CuttingsDigging potatoes (will not lie).
Mowing the lawnPlant and work with thorny plants.
The best time to plant radishes, flowers, and ornamental plants with the exception of bulbous and tuberous plants.

It is preferable to water on the growing Moon by sprinkling, and on the aging Moon - at the root.

Lunar calendar - this is a type of calendar, which is based on the period of changing phases of the Moon, that is, the synodic month. Professional astrologers, using the lunar calendar, pay attention to the Zodiac sign in which the Moon is located, the lunar day (the period from sunrise to the next rise of the Moon in the sky) and many other nuances of the location of the Earth’s satellite and other planets of the solar system in relation to it.

How can a person without astrological knowledge and skills use the lunar calendar?

We have collected all the necessary data and prepared for you a calendar with the most complete list of specific astrological recommendations! In a convenient form, the usual and ordinary calendar combines dates, the state of the Moon at that moment and favorable and unfavorable actions for each lunar day. Try it now or read the short instructions below:


In the general view of the calendar you will find phase of the moon and number of lunar days, corresponding to a specific date. But, if you want more information about any of the days, just click on it.

Included in the description of the day general characteristics of lunar days — their mood, element, energy, lucky colors and talismans; indicated Zodiac sign, in which the Moon resides, its phase and, of course, the duration of a given lunar day. Then, there are tips by category: “+” - what the Moon favors on this day; “-” - what is better to transfer to another:


If you are interested in a specific category and do not want to read tips on others, just click on the calendar of the relevant topic in the list on the left.


To schedule, for example, a haircut for the next month, or check yourself in the past, scroll through the calendar using the arrows.


Just like on the general calendar, on all calendars from the list you can click on the bottom to get recommendations for it.


That's it!
P.S. Now you can always call up help in the calendar by clicking on the question mark in the top menu.
