What was the name of the blond boy from Harry Potter. Harry Potter (character)

The meaning of names and titles in Harry Potter

1. Names of heroes

Potter (Potter) - translated from English. - "potter", "potter"

Weasley (Weasley) - consonant with English. words "weasel" - "weasel" and "wizard" - "wizard"

Granger (Granger) - from English. "grange" - "estate"

Riddle Tom Marvolo - "riddle" (eng.) - 1) "riddle, secret", the name "Marvolo" is consonant with the English word "marvel" - "miracle"

Slytherin Salazar (Slytherin Salazar) - Salazar Antonio de Oliveira - Portuguese dictator known for extremely rigid political beliefs

Fudge Cornelius - "fudge" (English) - 1) "nonsense, nonsense" 2) "fake, invent." The name "Cornelius" appears to be associated with the Cornelii, an ancient Roman family from which many generals and statesmen came.

Dumbledore Albus (Dumbledore Albus) - the surname is consonant with the word "bumble-bee" - "bumblebee". Also, "dumb" means "dumb". "Albus" is Latin for "white".

McGonagall Minerva (McGonagall Minerva) - Minerva - Roman goddess of wisdom, crafts and arts

Snape Severus (Snape Severus) - the surname is consonant with two words: “snake” - “snake” and “snap” - “click”. Name from English "severe" - "severe, hard"

Sprout (Sprout) - from English. "sprout" - "shoot, stem"

Hooch Xiomara - "hooch" (eng.) - "alcohol, booze"

Pomfrey Poppy - "poppy" (English) - "poppy"

Filch Argus (Filch Argus) - Argus is a giant from the Greek. mythology, whom the goddess Hera hired to guard Zeus's beloved Io. He had many eyes, so he could observe everything that was happening around him. In a figurative sense, argus is a vigilant guard. "Filch" - "to pull together"

Longbottom Nevill (Longbottom Neville) - the surname "Longbottom" can be translated as "fat-bottomed" ("bottom" - in English "bottom, back, rear place", "long" - "long, long")

Malfoy (Malfoy) - from French. "mal foi" - "treachery". From Latin "maleficus" - "villain"

Draco (Draco) - from Latin “dragon” or “snake”

Lucius (Lucius) - consonant with the word "Lucifer", the name of the devil

Narcissa (Narcissus) - in Greek. mythology Narcissus is a beautiful young man who fell in love with himself. Drowned while looking at his reflection in the water

Crabbe Vincent (Crabbe Vincent) - "crab" (English) - 1) "crab" 2) "grumble"; "crabby" - "grumpy"

Goyle Gregory - "goyle" is derived from the word "gargoyle", which means "gargoyle". Gargoyle is a legendary dragon that resembles a snake.

Black Sirius - "black" - in English "black". Sirius is a star in the constellation Canis Major, the brightest in the sky. From Greek "seirios" - "burning"

Lupin Remus (Lupin Remus) - "lupus" - in Latin "wolf", "lupine" (English) - "wolfish. Remus - on behalf of "Rem" (one of the brothers - the founders of Rome, suckled by a she-wolf)

Mad Eye Moody (Mad Eye/Mad-Eye Moody) - “mad eye” literally translates as “mad eye.” "Moody" (eng.) - "sullen"

oliver Wood (Oliver Wood) - "wood" from English - wooden. One might assume that Wood really doesn't care about anything except Quidditch. For example, his phrase: “What difference does it make? Let him get smashed into pieces! The main thing is that the Snitch will grab him!”

Diggory Sedric (Diggory Cedric) - Digory Kirke - the hero of Lewis's book "The Chronicles of Narnia"

Flint Marcus (Flint Marcus) - Flint John is the hero of Stevenson's novel "Treasure Island", a pirate. Also, "flint" means "stone, flint"

Lockhart Gilderoy (Lockhart Gilderoy) - "lock" - in English "curl". The name "Gilderoy" is associated with two words: "gild" - "gild, decorate" and "royal" - "royal"

Lovegood Luna - the surname “Lovegood” consists of two words: “love” - “love” and “good” - “good, kind”. The name "Luna" is consonant with the words "loony" - "crazy" and "lunacy" - "madness"

Umbridge (Umbridge) - consonant with the word "umbrage" - "resentment"

Sceeter Rita (Skeeter Rita) - "sceeter" (American) - "mosquito"

Pettigrew Peter (Pettigrew Peter) - "petty" - "small, unimportant", "pettish" - "touchy, irritable"

Bagman Ludovic (Bagman Ludovic) - "bagman" (eng.) - "peddler"

Crouch (Crouch) - from English. "crouch" - "to bend, stoop"

Patil Parvaty (Patil Parvati) - Parvati - Hindu goddess

Brown Lavender (Brown Lavender/Lavender) - Lavender is a flower. "Brown" (eng.) - "brown"

Dursley Dudley (Darsley/Desley Dudley) - "dud" (English) - 1) "fake" 2) "empty space"; "dude" (eng.) - "dude"

Dursley Petunia (Dursley/Desley Petunia) - Petunia - flower

Dobby (Dobby) - from English. "dobbin" - "work horse"

Moaning Myrtle (Moaning Myrtle) - "myrtle" (eng.) - "myrtle" - evergreen plant

Fawkes (Fox) - Guy Fawkes - English rebel, leader of the "gunpowder plot". The rebels were supposed to blow up the English Parliament building, which would serve as a signal for the beginning of an uprising of English Catholics who were persecuted. But the plot was discovered. Now the day of the rebellion (November 5) is celebrated as Guy Fawkes Day - on this day bonfires are lit everywhere.

Hedwig (Hedwig) - Hedwig is a saint from Germany. Founded a monastic order whose purpose was the education of orphans

Crookshanks (Crookshanks/Crookedpaw - Hermione's cat) - "crook" - "bend, curve", "shanks" - "legs"

Hermes (Hermes - Percy's owl) - Hermes - the ancient Greek messenger god

Scabbers - from the word "scab" - "sore, scab"

Buckbeak (Bakbeak - hippogriff) - "buck" - "male", "beak" - "beak"

Nagini (Nagini) - “Naga” is Sanskrit for “snake”, and “nagi” is “snake”. In Buddhism and Hinduism, Nagas are a genus of snake demigods endowed with enormous power

Fang (Fang/Fang) - "fang" (eng.) - "fang"

Fluffy (Fluffy) - "fluffy" (eng.) - "fluffy"

2. Titles

Hogwarts (Hogwarts) - "hog" - "boar" and "warts" - "warts". Together something like "warthog, boar"

Griffyndor (Gryffindor) - from French. "golden griffin" The griffin is a magical creature, half lion, half eagle.

Slytherin (Slytherin) - from English. "sly" - "sly, cunning"

Hufflepuff (Hufflepuff) - "huff" - to be angry, offended "puff" - exhale, exhale; "huff and puff" is a phraseological unit that means "to be angry and sulk"

Ravenclaw (Ravenclaw) - "raven" - "raven", "claw" - "claw. Literally, "raven's claw"

Hogsmeade (Hogsmeade) - "hog" - in English "boar", "smear" - "spot, imprint", and "meade" means 1) "honey" 2) "meadow"

Durmstrang (Durmstrang) - derived from the German expression "Sturm und Drang" - "storm and stress". This was the name of one of the main movements in German literature, which, by the way, was very beloved by the German Nazis.

Beauxbatons (Bobaton) - translated from French the expression "beaux batons" means "beautiful sticks"

Nimbus (Nimbus - broom) - "nimbus" (English) - "halo, halo"; "nimble" - "fast, nimble"

Auror (Auror/Auror) - from English. "aurora" - "dawn"

3. Abbreviations

O.W.L.s (S.O.V.) - transcription of the words "Ordinary Wizarding Levels" (ordinary magic levels). The word "owl" means "owl". The translation turned out to be “standard wizard marks” or “super excellent magic.”

Harry Potter

Harry James Potter is the main character of a series of novels. In the wizarding world, he is known as the only person to survive a deadly spell that was cast on him in infancy by one of the greatest dark wizards, Lord Voldemort, who had previously killed his parents. The spell struck the Dark Lord himself, as a result of which he disappeared, and Harry Potter became popular among wizards. A scar remained on his forehead, which became his distinctive sign and subsequently denoted the closeness and mood of Voldemort.

Harry himself did not realize his popularity until he was eleven years old, living with Muggles (ordinary people) who were his relatives, but carefully hid the truth and treated the boy poorly all this time. At the age of eleven, letters begin to arrive at his address inviting him to Hogwarts School of Wizardry, which Muggles try to hide. But they don’t succeed, Harry finds out that he is a wizard and goes to study at Hogwarts. Every summer holiday Harry returns to the Muggles.

During his studies, he several times encounters Voldemort in one form or another, who tries to kill him, but Harry escapes death each time. In the fourth book, Voldemort is completely revived, and from that moment on, Harry is in greater danger. At first the Dark Lord cannot get close to Harry Potter: at Hogwarts he is under the protection of the school's headmaster Albus Dumbledore, and during the summer holidays he is protected by the family ties of his deceased mother.

The protection ends when Harry reaches adulthood and after Dumbledore's death. Potter's goal is to kill Voldemort, for which Harry must first destroy all parts of Voldemort's divided soul - the Horcruxes. Together with his friends, he successfully copes with this task and defeats Voldemort in the final battle.

Ronald Weasley

Ronald Weasley is one of the main characters in the series of novels. The sixth child in the Weasley family. Ron's mother's habit of setting older children as examples for the younger ones has developed in him a kind of “second-class” complex, which he acutely experiences.

A close friend of Harry Potter, whom he met during his first trip on the Hogwarts Express train.

Present in all books of the series, in the latter, along with Hermione Granger, she becomes the head of the Gryffindor house.

Hermione Granger

Hermione Granger is one of the main

s heroines of a series of novels. Although Muggle-born, she is known as an excellent student at Hogwarts and a talented sorceress. Present in all books of the series, in the latter, along with Ron Weasley, he becomes the head of the Gryffindor house. In the afterword (“Nineteen Years Later”), she is married to Ron and has two children, Rose and Hugo.

Ginny Weasley

Ginny Weasley is the seventh child and only girl in the Weasley family. Friend of the trio of main characters. One year younger than Harry. In the books, she is described as a girl with bright brown eyes and long, straight, fiery red (like all Weasleys) hair. A talented sorceress, in particular, she is good at the “Bat Evil Eye” spell.

Ginny appears in the first book at King's Cross Station, seeing off her older brothers to Hogwarts. In the second book, while buying textbooks, Lucius Malfoy throws Tom Riddle's diary to Ginny - Voldemort's Horcrux, which was a memory. Ginny corresponds with Riddle, and as a result, Tom enslaves her mind: Tom Riddle, with her hands, releases a basilisk from the Chamber of Secrets, which attacks Muggle-borns. Ginny tries to get rid of the diary, but was unable to destroy it. Trying to regain his body, Tom Riddle takes the girl to the Chamber of Secrets and deprives her of her powers. However, Harry Potter destroys the part of Voldemort's soul enclosed in the diary, and Ginny comes to her senses.

From the fourth book, Ginny becomes popular among the opposite sex and begins dating Michael Corner. In the fifth book, Ginny is the Seeker of the Gryffindor Quidditch team and plays well. Excellent mastery of spells under Harry's guidance in Dumbledore's Army. When Umbridge exposes Dumbledore's Troop for the last time and leaves for the Forbidden Forest, Ginny, who is with other members of the OA under the protection of the Inspection Squad, which is numerically superior to Dumbledore's Troop, is freed and achieves a turning point in the battle. Participates in the foray into the Ministry of Magic to rescue Sirius Black, as well as in the subsequent Battle of the Department of Mysteries with the Death Eaters. He first dates Michael Corner, but then starts a relationship with Dean Thomas.

In the sixth book, Ginny continues to play for the Gryffindor Quidditch team, but as a chaser. In the same book he begins dating Harry Potter. At the end of the book, Harry explains to her that they need to break up, otherwise Voldemort will find out about their closeness and could use her once again as bait. She gets upset but agrees. In the seventh book, communication between them continues. Ginny actively participates in the Battle of Hogwarts.

Neville Longbottom

Neville Longbottom is a Hogwarts student, a friend of the main characters, and a classmate of Harry Potter. From the first book, Neville is presented as very absent-minded, forgetful, awkward and timid. Towards the end of the series, he participates in most of the dangerous missions of the main characters. At the end of the seventh book, he makes a significant contribution to the victory over Voldemort, destroying one of the Dark Lord's horcruxes, the snake Nagini, with the help of the sword of Gryffindor.

Neville's parents were Aurors, and, according to the boy's grandmother, "very respected people in the wizarding community." Like Harry Potter's parents, they were attacked by Voldemort's supporters due to their conformity with Sibyl Trelawney's prophecy: Neville and Harry Potter were born almost on the same day. The young man is a copy of his mother. After a tragedy with his parents, Neville is raised by his paternal grandmother, Augustus. She is described in Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (p. 478) as "a powerful-looking old woman in a long green dress with a moth-eaten fox and a pointed hat adorned with nothing less than a stuffed vulture." Mrs. Longbottom was very kind in her conversation with Harry, Ron, Hermione and Ginny, but she still had a menacing air about her.

Neville has a pet - Trevor the toad, which was given to him by Uncle Algie before entering Hogwarts. Neville constantly loses Trevor, he causes him a lot of trouble.

Draco Malfoy

Draco Malfoy is the son of Lucius and Narcissa Malfoy. The same age as Harry Potter, he was at enmity with him and his friends until the last part of the series of novels. Death Eater.

Draco has blond, almost colorless hair, pale, thin skin, cold gray eyes, and a sharp chin. He is tall, thin, but broad in the shoulders.

Like his parents, he supports Voldemort. In the sixth book, the Dark Lord entrusts Draco with the task of killing Dumbledore. Malfoy unsuccessfully tries to do this in various ways - including using the cursed necklace. When he has the opportunity to kill the defenseless Dumbledore, he also cannot do it - Dumbledore is killed by Snape. Malfoy has been the owner of the Elder Wand for some time, although he himself is unaware of it.

Luna Lovegood

Luna Lovegood is a student, one year younger than Harry.

Luna Lovegood's appearance is described as follows:

“... Her blond hair, rather dirty and tangled, reached her waist. She had very pale eyebrows and bulging eyes, which always gave her a surprised look.<…>She stuck her magic wand not just anywhere, but behind her left ear, and a necklace made of butterbeer corks hung around her neck.”

However, this is a literal translation and not entirely accurate. The original said that the hair was an "ash blonde" shade, not dirty. Harry Potter's first impression of her was: "Luna seemed a little off."

Hogwarts students consider Luna a little crazy and avoid her. It seems that, with the exception of Harry Potter and his company, she has no friends. At the same time, Luna is far from stupid, kind and sympathetic, gentle and somewhat naive. In Harry, she evokes sympathy and trust, although she is the complete opposite of Hermione - logical and firmly standing on her feet.

Cedric Diggory

Cedric Diggory is the captain and Seeker of the Hufflepuff Quidditch team.

Cedric was described as a "strong but quiet type" and "terribly attractive", honest and brave.

In the third book, he became a member of the Hufflepuff Quidditch team (seeker), being a rival of Harry Potter, and in a match with Gryffindor he caught the Snitch, while Harry lost consciousness from the effects of the Dementors who came to the match.

In the fourth book, he was chosen by the Goblet of Fire as the champion of Hogwarts to participate in the Triwizard Tournament. He won the heart of Zhou Chang and became her date at the Yule Ball, which made Harry Potter jealous. At the same time, Cedric's nobility of character reconciled Harry with him. Professor Moody took advantage of this same quality (into whom the death eater Bartemius Crouch Jr. turned with the help of Polyjuice Potion) - knowing that Cedric considered himself indebted to Harry for the tip in the first round of the Tournament, Moody helped Cedric in revealing the secret of the golden egg, without doubting that he will share the secret with Harry. Together with Harry, Cedric actually won the Tournament, but tragically died during the last stage of the competition - he was killed by Peter Pettigrew with the Avada Kedavra spell on the orders of Voldemort.

Minerva McGonagall

Minerva McGonagall - former Deputy Headmistress and then Headmaster of Hogwarts. She was head of Gryffindor house and transfiguration teacher. He is a registered animagus, meaning he can take the form of an animal, namely a tabby cat with markings in the shape of his glasses around his eyes.

In the first book, at McGonagall's initiative, Harry Potter becomes the Seeker of his house's Quidditch team. McGonagall plays a significant role in the fifth part. When Umbridge and her minions received the long-awaited reason to arrest Dumbledore, McGonagall expressed her willingness to fight on the side of the headmaster, but Dumbledore persuaded her not to do so. He managed to evade arrest and leave the school, after which Umbridge took over as headmaster. During Umbridge's time in power, McGonagall sabotaged the educational process. For example, at a consultation on choosing a future profession, McGonagall, despite Umbridge's objections, stated that she would help Harry become an Auror, teach him at night and make sure that he achieves the necessary results, even if it is the last thing she does.

McGonagall stood up for Hagrid when the Ministry came for him, and was stunned by four spells hitting her simultaneously, after which she was sent to St. Mungo's Hospital.

In the sixth book, Minerva McGonagall fought the Death Eaters and wounded Alecto Carrow. In the seventh novel, when Voldemort seizes power over Hogwarts, she stays behind to protect the students from the Death Eaters who have taken over the teaching positions. When Harry Potter returns to school, Professor McGonagall neutralizes Amycus Carrow and, along with the other deans, engages in battle with the Death Eaters. The director (Severus Snape) has to flee Hogwarts on the orders of Lord Voldemort, and Minerva organizes the defense of the castle from Voldemort. In the decisive battle, he fights directly with the Dark Lord himself, along with Horace Slughorn and Kingsley Brustwer.

Rubeus Hagrid is the Care of Magical Creatures teacher, Keykeeper, and Gamekeeper at Hogwarts. Half man, half giant.

He studied at Hogwarts in the Gryffindor house at the same time as Tom Riddle, but was expelled after Riddle falsely denounced him for allegedly opening the Chamber of Secrets. The Ministry of Magic expelled Hagrid from the school, but Albus Dumbledore managed to persuade the school's headmaster, Armando Dippet, to keep Hagrid at Hogwarts as a gamekeeper. Hagrid was banned from witchcraft and his wand was broken. However, he has inserted the halves of his wand into a pink umbrella, allowing him to cast simple spells from time to time.

Hagrid is a positive character. Harry's first friend in his entire life, truly cares about him. After working for a long time as a gamekeeper, he was appointed to teach Care of Magical Creatures. However, most of the students do not like the way he teaches his lessons: Hagrid does not follow the ministerial program, but prefers to demonstrate the most interesting, in his opinion, animals, which are actually the most dangerous to others. Burns and injuries often occurred in his lessons. There is also the fact that Hagrid cannot always clearly formulate his thoughts, and often stammers and gets confused when telling stories.

During the Battle of Hogwarts, Hagrid was captured by the Acromantulas, descendants of Aragog. Witnessed the last Killing Curse that Voldemort used on Harry Potter, then brought Harry's body to the castle on the orders of the Dark Lord, as he wanted to show the defenders of the school evidence of his victory.

Regulus Black Regulus Arcturus Black is the brother of Sirius Black, a former Death Eater who betrayed Voldemort. With the help of the house elf Kreacher, Regulus stole Voldemort's horcrux medallion, which lay in a cave on the seashore, which contained a large underground lake, and replaced it with a regular medallion. After being replaced, the young man was pulled under the water by the infernals. Before this, he ordered Kreacher to take the horcrux and not tell family members about this incident, and when he returned, he was sure to destroy the medallion, which he failed to do. Stan Shunpike Young wizard. In the third book he is shown as the conductor of the magic bus "Night Knight". Despite the fact that Stan is still young and inexperienced, he always tries to behave like a wizard who has been beaten by life and has seen everything in the world. After Voldemort's return, Stan imprudently began hinting to visitors to the Leaky Cauldron that he knew the plans of the Death Eaters, for which he was arrested and sent to Azkaban. Despite Shunpike’s obvious harmlessness, it is not profitable for the Ministry to let him go - since the arrest of even such a “Death Eater” is better than nothing. Even the intervention of Albus Dumbledore does not help free Stan. At the beginning of the seventh book, Stan Shunpike is free: Voldemort arranged a mass escape of the Death Eaters from Azkaban, and took Stan with him. The Imperius curse was placed on him and he was recruited to participate in the actions of the Devourers. Igor Karkarov Supporter of Voldemort during the first wizarding war, Death Eater. After the fall of the Dark Lord, he was imprisoned in Azkaban, subsequently repented and betrayed many of his former comrades, for which he was released. After this, he becomes the director of Durmstrang. In the fourth book, he arrived at Hogwarts with a delegation of students from his school to participate in the Triwizard Tournament. When Voldemort was revived, he fled and tried to hide. He managed this for quite a long time: a whole year. However, Karkaroff was eventually found by the Death Eaters in a small house in the north and killed. Fenrir Greyback Werewolf, Death Eater. Known for his cruelty and bloodthirstiness. He purposefully infects people with lycanthropy, considering it his life’s work. Prefers to attack children because they are more vulnerable and because they are easier to influence later. Having lost control of himself (or wanting to commit murder), he can bite the victim to death. Despite the fact that Fenrir is a Death Eater, he does not have the Black Mark. During the heyday of the Dark Forces and Lord Voldemort, many families were frightened by Fenrir, because he could really turn an ordinary family into a family of werewolves. When Remus Lupine was a child, he was bitten by Fenrir, as a result of which Lupine became a werewolf. Fenrir Greyback took part in the attack on Hogwarts (on the day of Dumbledore's assassination) and inflicted severe wounds on Bill Weasley. Bill did not become a werewolf because Fenrir, who bit him, was in human and not wolf form. Participates in the Battle of Hogwarts. The role of Fenrir was played in the film “Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince” by actor Dave Lejeno. There is an opinion that Rowling named this character after the dire wolf Fenrir, a hero of Scandinavian mythology. Corban Yaxley Death Eater. One of the Dark Lord's closest servants. Present at the murder of Dumbledore. Cast the Imperius spell on Pius the Tolstoy. Yaxley headed the magical law enforcement department of the Ministry of Magic. Together with Umbridge, he conducted hearings on Muggle-borns. Infiltrated Sirius Black's house by grabbing onto Hermione Granger as she, Harry and Ron Weasley were escaping from the Ministry. Participated in the attack on Hogwarts, together with Dolokhov he waited for Harry Potter in the forest. In the Great Hall he was defeated by George Weasley and Lee Jordan. The role of Yaxley in the film Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1 was played by actor Peter Mullan. Pius Thick Ministry employee. He was subjected to the Imperius curse, after which he assisted the Death Eaters and became their man as Minister of Magic. Participated in the Battle of Hogwarts and was defeated by Percy Weasley. Antonin Dolokhov Death Eater. One of the Dark Lord's most fierce followers. He participated in the murder of brothers Fabian and Gideon Prewett, for which he was imprisoned in Azkaban. Freed during the mass escape from Azkaban in 1996. Fought in the Department of Mysteries that same year. In this battle, he seriously wounded Hermione, but he himself was twice paralyzed. He was part of the attack on Hogwarts in 1997. Participated in the Battle of Hogwarts in 1998, where he killed Remus Lupin. There he was paralyzed by Filius Flitwick and then sent to Azkaban. Regulus Black Regulus Arcturus Black is the brother of Sirius Black, a former Death Eater who betrayed Voldemort. With the help of the house elf Kreacher, Regulus stole Voldemort's horcrux medallion, which lay in a cave on the seashore, which contained a large underground lake, and replaced it with a regular medallion. After replacing Regulus, the infernals were pulled under the water. Before this, he ordered Kreacher to take the horcrux and not tell family members about this incident, and when he returned, he was sure to destroy the medallion, which he failed to do. Stan Shunpike Young Wizard. In the third book he is shown as the conductor of the magic bus "Night Knight". Despite the fact that Stan is still young and inexperienced, he always tries to behave like a wizard who has been beaten by life and has seen everything in the world. After Voldemort's return, Stan imprudently began hinting to visitors to the Leaky Cauldron that he knew the plans of the Death Eaters, for which he was arrested and sent to Azkaban. Despite Shunpike’s obvious harmlessness, it is not profitable for the Ministry to let him go - since the arrest of even such a “Death Eater” is better than nothing. Even the intervention of Albus Dumbledore does not help free Stan. At the beginning of the seventh book, Stan Shunpike is free: Voldemort arranged a mass escape of the Death Eaters from Azkaban, and took Stan with him. The Imperius curse was placed on him and he was recruited to participate in the actions of the Devourers. Igor Karkarov Supporter of Voldemort during the first magical war, Death Eater. After the fall of the Dark Lord, he was imprisoned in Azkaban, subsequently repented and betrayed many of his former comrades, for which he was released. After this, he becomes the director of Durmstrang. In the fourth book, he arrived at Hogwarts with a delegation of students from his school to participate in the Triwizard Tournament. When Voldemort was revived, he fled and tried to hide. He managed this for quite a long time: a whole year. However, Karkaroff was eventually found by the Death Eaters in a small house in the north and killed. Fenrir Greyback Werewolf, Death Eater. Known for his cruelty and bloodthirstiness. He purposefully infects people with lycanthropy, considering it his life’s work. Prefers to attack children because they are more vulnerable and because they are easier to influence later. Having lost control of himself (or wanting to commit murder), he can bite the victim to death. Despite the fact that Fenrir is a Death Eater, he does not have the Black Mark. During the heyday of the Dark Forces and Lord Voldemort, many families were frightened by Fenrir, because he could really turn an ordinary family into a family of werewolves. When Remus Lupine was a child, he was bitten by Fenrir, as a result of which Lupine became a werewolf. Fenrir Greyback took part in the attack on Hogwarts (on the day of Dumbledore's assassination) and inflicted severe wounds on Bill Weasley. Bill did not become a werewolf because Fenrir, who bit him, was in human and not wolf form. Participates in the Battle of Hogwarts. The role of Fenrir was played in the film “Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince” by actor David Legeno. There is an opinion that

This summer, the beloved Potter characters returned to the screens. Meanwhile the company "International Games Network" compiled a rating of the brightest characters of "Harry Potter".
When compiling the rating, we took into account: the attitude of Potter fans towards the character, the role of the character in the development of the plot and its significance.

25th place. Gilderoy Lockhart.
He's simply adorable! Charisma (well, sometimes the OBLIGATION CAST) helped Lockhart become one of the greatest wizards of all time and ensure that books about his exploits that he didn't perform became bestsellers. These same “feats” helped him get a job as a Defense Against the Dark Forces teacher at Hogwarts School, despite his absolute incompetence and cowardice. Harry Potter and his friends expose the lying Lockhart when he cowardly tries to escape from the school after being asked to fight the monster of the Chamber of Secrets.

24th place. Horace Slughorn.
When Horace Slughorn first came to Hogwarts as a boy, the Wizard's Hat assigned him to Slytherin House. He was a brilliant student, especially fond of Potions. After graduating from school, Horace becomes a teacher of his favorite subject. His students included such famous wizards as Tom Marvolo Riddle, Severus Snape and Lily Evans. It was Slughorn who told Riddle about the Horcruxes, which the young wizard uses to become immortal. Slughorn is a very skilled magician, but is not particularly courageous. For a long time he has been hiding in the Muggle world to escape the persecution of the Death Eaters. Slughorn also avoids Dumbledore - he tries to hide from him when he comes to invite Slughorn to work. Also known for his passion for the “beautiful life,” he maintains contact with his former students who have gone on to successful careers.

23rd place. Peter Pettigrew.
Pettigrew is the same ever-whining coward who betrayed Lily and James Potter and handed them over to Voldemort. Basically, he was the cause of all of Harry's suffering and failures. The worst part was that he was an old friend of the Potters. Despite the fact that Pettigrew was a Gryffindor, he fell entirely under Voldemort's control. Pettigrew's behavior in the finale of "Prisoner of Azkaban" is the limit of human degradation. What a disappointment it was to learn that Ron's mangy old rat was actually the animagus Pettigrew. However, Harry saves his life. This will lead to terrible events, but this does not mean that Harry did wrong. Pettigrew is too pathetic to hate.

22nd place. Sybil Trelawney.
Sybil Trelawney teaches Divination at Hogwarts School. To say that Trelawney is strange is an understatement. Her glasses with thick lenses, colorful robes and an otherworldly quiet voice only add to her eccentricity. Many wizards, for example, Hermione Granger, doubt Trelawney's abilities, but sometimes Sybil happens to make a real prediction. It was she who made the fateful prophecy regarding Harry: “There will come one who is powerful enough to defeat the Dark Lord... and the Dark Lord will mark him as his equal, but will not know all his strength...” Mysterious strength and bizarre manners make Sybil Trelawney charming and a funny character.

21st place. Nymphadora Tonks.
Most of the characters in Harry Potter are either experienced adult wizards (many of them are professors) or underage young students. Tonks, on the other hand, is an adult, but not yet quite an adult, with a girlish ardor. Tonks is a metamorphmagus, which means she has the ability to change her appearance. She loves to dye her hair in all sorts of colors, especially preferring pink and purple, and wears jeans and T-shirts. Tonks brings humor and mischief to the Potter series. In addition, Nymphadora is a brave and courageous member of the Order of the Phoenix. She is always ready to fight Voldemort and the Death Eaters.

20th place. Alastor Moody.
"Crazy" is the most accurate epithet that can be given to Mad-Eye Moody. Moody is one of the most famous Aurors of all time. He participated in the First and Second Wizarding Wars on the side of the Order of the Phoenix. In these wars, Moody lost his eye, which was later replaced with a magic one. A wooden prosthesis replaced his lost leg. His entire face is covered in scars. Participation in battles made him a little crazy, tough and eccentric. Despite his difficult mental state, Moody accepted Dumbledore's offer to teach Defense Against the Dark Arts. Moody was soon attacked by Barty Crouch Jr. He imprisoned Moody, and using Polyjuice Potion, he reincarnated as Moody and contributed to the revival of the Dark Lord. The real Moody, after his release, loyally protects Harry from Voldemort and his servants.

19th place. Lucius Malfoy.
Draco Malfoy was so nasty that when we met his dear old daddy, we weren't surprised at all. Lucius is one of the most influential and rich people in the wizarding world. He was always a Death Eater. It was he who planted Tom Riddle's old diary in Ginny Weasley's cauldron. Lucius's statements about the Weasley family, his willingness to help Voldemort, his hatred of Harry - all this makes the reader hate him. In the films, the image of the elder Malfoy was perfectly embodied Jason Isaacs. He perfectly portrayed all the main character traits of his character: arrogance, complacency, anger that the Potter boy managed to stop the Dark Lord and his supporters.

18th place. Bellatrix Lestrange.
Some magicians simply enjoy doing evil. If you don't believe me, meet Bellatrix, although we wouldn't recommend it. Bellatrix has the same cold, calculating mind as Voldemort and Lucius. Laughing, she does the most terrible things. It was she who tortured Neville Longbottom's parents so much that they lost their minds. After escaping from Azkaban, Bellatrix killed her cousin Sirius Black, Harry's only relative from the wizarding world. Is it possible to stop Bellatrix, who loves to cause pain?

17th place. Luna Lovegood.
"She's out of her mind to say the least," Ron Weasley says of Luna. But why is she so attractive to us? Luna is a character absolutely in the spirit of Tim Burton. Luna believes in imaginary creatures. But all her oddities are understandable, given that her mother died tragically due to unsuccessful magic, and her father is the editor of the Quibbler magazine. People avoid Luna because of her strangeness, but in her fourth year, Luna still finds true friends - Harry and other members of Dumbledore's Army. Luna herself joins the OA and fights Voldemort along with everyone else.

16th place. Zhou Chang.
Do you remember your first kiss? Do you remember the first time you were betrayed? For Harry, both of these events are associated with the name "Chou". Zhou showed us that a person, no matter how kind his heart is, may not be as resilient as the main characters in the book. We all rejoice for Harry kissing a girl for the first time. But, flirting with Harry, Cho feels guilty about the deceased Cedric Diggory. Most likely, she will remember Cedric all her life. In general, after Zhou’s friend (and in the film Zhou herself) betrays Dumbledore’s Army, her relationship with Harry deteriorates greatly.

15th place. Minerva McGonagall.
Professor McGonagall is the strict and disciplinarian Head of Gryffindor House and Deputy Headmaster of the school. She can impartially kick a bad-mannered student out of class and deduct points from the offending student's department. McGonagall, after graduating from school, returned to Hogwarts to teach Transfiguration. She later assumed the duties of Deputy Director and joined the Order of the Phoenix. Professor McGonagall took part in the First Wizarding War; she was one of those who, after the death of Harry's parents, handed him over to his only relatives - the Muggle Dursleys. Throughout Harry's time in Gryffindor, Minerva took care of him.

14th place. Remus Lupin.
Harry had good reasons not to trust the Defense Against the Dark Arts teachers. Fortunately, Professor Lupine was nothing like Quirrell and Lockhart. Lupine, like Dumbledore, played an important role in Harry's life and supported him in difficult situations. Lupine was a close friend of Harry's parents, and he can tell the boy a lot about them. After all this, it's hard to believe that Lupine is a werewolf. The thoughtful and good-natured professor suffers greatly from the fact that every full moon he turns into a monster. Although after the third book Lupine's role in history decreases somewhat, he still remains a brave member of the Order of the Phoenix, a friend of Harry and a dear person to Nymphadora Tonks.

13th place. Ginny Weasley.
In "Chamber of Secrets" Ginny appears to us as a little girl in love who has become a puppet in the hands of Tom Riddle. Harry's affection for Ginny seemed to come out of nowhere. He found his love in a family that became almost his own. Ginny becomes an active member of the rebel Dumbledore's Squad. A strong, determined and attractive girl is always ready to fight the Dark Forces. Ginny became happy, having finally achieved Harry's love.

12th place. Dolores Umbridge.
Oh, how we hate this woman! Voldemort is, of course, the main villain, but at least he didn’t try to ingratiate himself with us like Umbridge. Vodemort came and went from Harry's life. Yes, he wanted to kill the boy, but his power was not unlimited - he could not penetrate Hogwarts. Umbridge spoiled Harry's life for the whole year she taught at school. Umbridge prefers to discipline students through corporal punishment. Her sweet voice and pink clothes make her even more disgusting. Although Imelda Staunton perfectly embodied the image of Umbridge on the screen, I must say that when reading the book, you feel much more hatred for her. Stephen King called Umbridge the best book villain after Hannibal.

11th place. Fred and George Weasley.
While Harry, Ron and Hermione are tormented by trying to solve almost impossible mysteries, the Weasley twins are engaged in pranks, jokes and tricks. At a time when all Hogwarts students are preparing for exams, Ron's older brothers are making magical devices and entertaining toys; it is not for nothing that they were born on the first of April. Although the twins often pick on and laugh at Ron, we all wish we had older brothers like him. When, after Umbridge's harassment, they noisily leave Hogwarts, we understand that Fred and George are not just stupid disciplinarians, they are brave freedom fighters.

10th place. Neville Longbottom.
Clumsiness, shyness and courage are Neville's main character traits. When we first meet him, he is incapable of performing basic magic. His relatives were generally very surprised when they found out that Neville was not a squib, but a sorcerer. As you can see, nothing foreshadowed that Neville would become one of the most courageous defenders of Hogwarts. Neville first showed courage in his fifth year by joining Dumbledore's Army. He and the rest of society fight the Death Eaters in the Department of Mysteries, where he meets his parents' killer, Bellatrix Lestrange.

9th place. Rubeus Hagrid.
For an orphan who grew up without friends, the big and bearded Hagrid was not just a savior who pulled him out of the Dursleys. He was a very loyal friend to Harry. Hagrid always supported him, even when the whole school disliked Potter. It’s good when you have such a formidable, albeit peaceful, defender! Although many details of Hagrid's life were not shown in the films, his character and feelings were conveyed with accuracy. There's a really cool scene in Goblet of Fire where Hagrid is walking through the forest with Harry, Ron and Hermione, reminiscing about their past adventures!

8th place. Draco Malfoy.
Watching Harry's adventures, we cannot help but feel that, besides Potter, his complete opposite lives at Hogwarts. Narcissistic, proud, full of prejudices, Draco Malfoy grew up in completely different conditions. Although Voldemort could not enter Hogwarts, because of Draco, Harry's life at school was still not cloudless. At first, Malfoy seemed like just a worthless, always annoying school enemy of Harry, but then we learn that Voldemort has entrusted Draco with a special mysterious mission. We witness Draco's initiation into the Death Eaters. Dumbledore offers Draco a choice: either continue to serve evil or be saved...

7th place. Lord Voldemort.
From the very beginning, it was clear that Voldemort (or Tom Riddle) was "rotten" to the core. There is no forgiveness for him - in his entire life he has not done a single good deed. He became one of the most famous dark wizards of all time - people were afraid to even say his name. Readers are left guessing until the very end: how little Harry managed to defeat the strongest dark magician of all time. Voldemort doesn't know what love and friendship are, but we couldn't help but include this merciless guy in the rating!

6th place. Sirius Black.
“Have you met this wizard?”, “Beware! A particularly dangerous criminal!”, “If you meet this wizard, immediately inform the Ministry of Magic,” such posters were hung throughout the wizarding world after Sirius Black escaped from the magical prison Azkaban, to which he was imprisoned for the murder of twelve Muggles and aiding the Dark Lord. But Sirius is absolutely innocent, we learn about this after we see one of his “victims” alive. He was such a close friend of Harry's parents that they asked him to be their son's godfather. His rebellious appearance, courage, and fatherly attitude towards Harry make him so attractive to readers. Unfortunately, Sirius died too early and could not replace Harry's father.

5th place. Severus Snape.
Whether you love him, hate him, or hate him, he plays an important role in the Potter series. For Harry, Snape is a nightmare come true. The Potions Professor hated Potter at first sight. He humiliated Harry in every possible way in his lessons, giving preference to Draco and other Slytherins. However, when Harry and his friends suspected that Snape wanted to steal the Philosopher's Stone, it turned out that he was only trying to prevent the theft of the stone and save Harry's life. Snape is one of the most mysterious characters in Harry Potter. Maybe he is a villain with a kind heart or a kind magician with an unpleasant character? Or both? Who could convey Snape's character on screen better than Alan Rickman? This actor plays the roles of negative characters, including the villain from Die Hard, making them so charming. But is Snape a negative character? Of course, in the sixth film new traits of Snape's character are revealed...

4th place. Albus Dumbledore.
Undoubtedly, Professor Dumbledore occupies an honorable place among the great sages of modern literature and cinema. Like Gandalf and Master Yodo, Albus Percival Brian Wulfric Dumbledore is a wise "grandfather" always ready to help. Due to his quirks, some magicians consider Dumbledore to be something of a mad professor, but this does not stop him from being the greatest magician of all time, an expert in the fields of Occlumency, Legilimency, Transfiguration, Charms, Alchemy and much more. Dumbledore is reminiscent of Machiaveli, preferring to work alone. He plays a very important role in the Potter series.

3rd place. Ron Weasley.
Ron Weasley is Harry Potter's best friend, even companion. He is brave and intelligent, he does not want to live in the shadow of Harry's glory. Of the three main characters, Ron is the funniest, which is what makes him so lovable. Although Ron doesn't have Hermione's intelligence or Harry's talents, he is loyal and tenacious. Despite his fear of spiders, he accompanies Harry in the Forbidden Forest and always helps him in battles against the Death Eaters. From an unlucky goalkeeper, Ron gradually becomes a Quidditch hero. He fights Evil by joining the OA. It's very funny to watch the development of Ron and Hermione's relationship.

2nd place. Hermione Granger.
Hermione is Harry and Ron's best friend. How did she manage to move Ron to third place, you ask. We are ready to give you an answer. J. K. Rowling writes about her as an intelligent, honest and kind girl. In the first books, Hermione was a good girl who never broke the rules. So it's been fun to watch this character develop. But Hermione is ready to break the law if necessary to fight evil. But her logic and intelligence are powerless in the face of teenage problems (meaning her affair with Ron).

1 place. Harry Potter.
Naturally, Harry Potter himself took first place in our ranking. But how did the orphan boy become so popular? Harry is a charming boy who miraculously found himself in the world of magicians and realized that he himself could do magic. He learns that he is well known in the world of wizards, as he was able to survive Voldemort's attack. And now Harry must fight Voldemort to the death. He grows before our eyes, makes friends, fights evil, finds love. Harry's parents are replaced by adult wizards caring for him: Albus Dumbledore, Arthur and Molly Weasley, Hagrid, Sirius Black and others. Ron and Hermione became like brother and sister to Harry. Harry really needs their support, because he constantly has to fight his enemies: from Draco Malfoy and the Dementors to the Death Eaters and the Dark Lord himself.

Translation: De GRAY (c) for Potterland.ru
