Summary of a lesson on teaching literacy on the topic “Sounds and, letters “K, k”. Summary of a lesson on teaching literacy “letter k, k” Setting a learning task

Topic: Consonant letter K.


1) teach to recognize the sounds [k] and [k"] and the corresponding letter; teach expressive reading techniques;

2) develop speech, memory, observation skills;

3) cultivate accuracy, hard work, discipline.

Formed UUD:

1) subject: recognize the sounds [k] and [k"] and the corresponding letter; characterize the sounds studied; compare sounds and letters; solve riddles.

2) meta-subject: take into account the rule in planning and monitoring the solution method, adequately perceive the teacher’s assessment; constructing reasoning in the form of a connection of simple judgments; formulate your own opinion and position.

3) personal: Express your point of view and respect the opinion of your interlocutor.

Lesson progress

1. Motivation for learning activities

The long-awaited call was given -

The lesson begins.

What is our motto?.. (More action - less words!)

2. Updating knowledge.

Do we start our lesson work with articulatory gymnastics? For what purpose? (Articulation gymnastics...)


3. Introduction to the topic.

- Listen carefully to me: Cuckoo bought a hood.

Does the cuckoo have a hood?

It's funny like a cuckoo!

What did I just read to you?..(Tongue twister)

Why do we learn tongue twisters?.. ((To pronounce sounds clearly...)

What sound stands out in this tongue twister?..[To]

Let's determine what lesson we will have?..

A lesson in discovering new knowledge.“Sounds [k], [k"] and letters K, k”

What goals will we set for ourselves in the lesson?..(Let's get acquainted with a new sound, learn to read) .

Let's draw up a work plan.

We work with sound.

Let's get acquainted with the new letter.

4. Sound characteristics.

- First, we pronounce the sound and listen to it, give a description, that is, tell what it is like. What is this?(Picture - cat)

Where is the new sound?(At the beginning)

Pronounce the sound [k] and observe what happens to your mouth: [k].. The mouth opens slightly, the middle part of the tongue rises to the palate, and the passage through which the sound moves narrows. The result is what sound?.. (Consonant)

- How is it pronounced?..(Firmly)

- Can the sound [k] be soft? And to answer this question, analyze one more word...(Picture – whale

- What did you notice?..(The hard sound is blown into a wide pipe, and the soft sound into a narrow pipe)

Give an example of your words with the sound [k,k’] at the beginning, middle, end of the word...

Game "Catch the Sound".

I will name words if you hear a hard consonant in the word [k], boys stand up if you hear a soft sound[ To’] girls.

Chicken, cat, whale, goat, kangaroo, canary, elephant…(Trap word, there are no new sounds in it)

How can we call all these words in one word?..(Animals)

Name words for animals that have sounds[k,k’]?..

Voiced - deaf.

What else can we tell you about consonants??..(Find out whether it is voiced or unvoiced)

Remember the tricks: you need to put your hands on your neck or cover your ears with your hands. Say a sound and listen to it. Do this... What have you noticed?.. Your throat is calm and does not vibrate. This?..(Thud sound)

So, let's do itconclusion: consonant[k] always deaf,can be hard or soft.

Constructing a word scheme.

cat and whale

5. Introducing the letter K.

How is this sound indicated in writing?Letter k.

Sounds [k] And [ To’] on the letter they are designated the same way, by the same letterK (ka).

What does the letter look like?TO ?

On a straight stick

There is a checkmark on the right.

It still sits there today -

LetterTO looks at us.

Why two letters k?.One big and one small.

When do you write a capital letter?..

Give your example, what words would you write with a capital letter?..

In Bashkortostan there is a wonderful corner of nature, which is called a pearl. This place is located in our Tuymazinsky district, and is called Lake Kandrykul.

6. Work in pairs. Speech development.

Count how many lettersTo found in proverbs. Whose couple finishes the work raises their hands with a house. (to letters)

TO ATo ov master, taTo ova and work.

TO oren teaching griefTo and the fruit is sweetTo .

TO The end is the crown of the matter.

1. How do you understand the meaning of the first proverb?..(Any task must be done carefully and accurately, because a person is judged by the result of his work. Why do you think we try so hard to make the letters in copybooks look beautiful?.. Is it possible to say something about a person by seeing how he writes?.. Is what we are now discussing connected with the proverb that we read? ..)

2. Can these proverbs “Evaluate the result of work?”

(The end, the fruit is the result of work, and you need to study a lot for the result to be sweet)

7. Reading. Working with ABC p. 53

We got acquainted with a new sound, found out what letter the new sound is denoted in writing. Next stage of work?..(Reading syllables with a learned letter)

Let's do breathing exercises before reading. Why do we do breathing exercises?(Breathing exercises... develop the respiratory system, speech apparatus, correct rhythmic breathing)

Reading children work using cards.

a) Reading syllables on p. 49

- Consider the syllables. What is the first letter in all syllables?(First letter To)

LetterTo can indicate either a hard consonant or a soft consonant. How to correctly determine in which cases the sound will be hard and in which soft?..(To do this, you need to look carefully at the vowel letter in the merging syllable.)

Vowelsa, o, s, y in these syllables they indicate vowel sounds, which indicate the hardness of the consonant sound that precedes them. Syllableska, ko, ku must be pronounced firmly

- VowelAnd indicates the softness of the preceding consonant, so the syllableki must be pronounced softly...

b) Reading words.

Look at the words(horses, cinema). What does a solid vertical line mean?.. (A solid vertical line shows syllable boundaries)

Let's read...

b) Working with text.

Look at the text, what punctuation marks do you see?

Read the text expressively, observing the necessary intonation.

What is shown in the picture? Make up a story...

Let's listen to what the guys who read on the cards learned...

    BRAID: braided in the form of a rope long strands of hair.
    For example: Braid,
    braid Tight braid.

    SCYTHE: an agricultural tool - a curved knife with a long handle for cutting grass and cereals.
    For example: Swing a scythe. Sharpen the scythe. I found a scythe on a stone.

    SPIT: a low and narrow strip of land running from the shore
    For example: Sand spit.

V) Development of coherent speech. Compiling a story based on a plot picture.

Look at the drawing.

Remember the fairy tale. What is it called, who is its author?..(C. Perrault “Puss in Boots.”)

Name as many words as possible that denote objects in the picture in which the sound [k] occurs?..(Cat, mowers, horses, carriage, stone, scythe, castle, coachman, crown, wheel, whip, knee)

8. Consolidation. Working with the “ribbon of letters”

Find the letter

Where is the letter located on the “letter tape”TO ? Why?.. (In the blue field, this is a consonant sound. There are uppercase and lowercase letters.)

9. Reflective-evaluative.

I succeeded the most?..

I can praise a classmate for...

I am satisfied with my work in class because...

I am not happy with my work in class because...


10. House. ass

Look at the spread of the textbook and think about the discoveries in today's lesson that you will tell at home.

Municipal educational institution "Sidorovskaya secondary school"

Summary of a literacy lesson in 1st grade

primary teacher

Municipal educational institution "Sidorovskaya secondary school"

Sounds [k], [k] and the letter K, k / Summary of a literacy lesson in 1st grade. – Sidorovo, 2011. – 25 p.

This manual is addressed to primary school teachers. It provides a summary of a literacy lesson. The methodology for working with schoolchildren in this lesson is aimed not only at children’s assimilation of program material, but also at the intensive development of the most important intellectual qualities (attention, memory, logical thinking, oral speech, etc.). The manual contains all the necessary didactic material for a successful lesson. This lesson delivery technique can be used in classes with different levels of training of students working according to existing programs and textbooks.


“The independence of the students’ heads is the only solid foundation of any fruitful teaching.”

The famous physicist Albert Einstein was once asked: “How are discoveries made?” Einstein replied: “But everyone knows that this is not possible. He makes the discovery." Of course it was a joke. But Einstein probably put deep meaning into it. After all, in order to “not know” you need to know! You need to “doubt”, not take on faith everything that was taught. And then a person appears who is not stopped by the inertia of habitual ideas. So he makes a discovery.

Currently, the importance of education is very great. Humanity has left behind the industrial age and entered the information age. But is the modern education system capable of giving a child knowledge that meets the requirements of the economic world? Fulfilling this task is very difficult, since the volume of information in any industry doubles every year, and in some areas, such as medicine, economics, and biology, triples. It is very difficult and almost impossible for both a highly qualified teacher and a modern textbook to keep up with the flow of the latest information.

Nowadays, it is not enough to know a subject well, get a diploma, find a reliable job and occasionally take coursework. The rules have changed: in the information age, it is very important that a school graduate is ready to relearn, change and adapt to new living conditions in a timely manner.

Accordingly, priorities in education have changed; in the new conditions, the student’s personality, his ability to self-determination and self-realization come to the fore.

The situation in Russian education poses the task of changing the paradigm of education - from formative to developmental. The transition to a new paradigm of education cannot be realized without a clear and intelligible answer to the question: “How to teach?”

A lesson in the 21st century is a creative process between teacher and student. My task, as a teacher, is to build an educational space in which the student is given cognitive independence and the higher the degree of cognitive activity, the more intensively the student’s abilities develop. After all, Socrates also said that you can learn to play the flute only by playing yourself. In the same way, the cognitive, active abilities of students are formed only when children do not passively acquire new knowledge, but are included in independent educational and cognitive activities.

Preparing such a lesson is a labor-intensive process. I must structure my activities so as not to violate my positive practical experience, incorporating existing knowledge about what is good for children, what helps the child become successful and happy in the future. And also the lesson should include knowledge available in pedagogy and psychology about the general patterns of effective development of children.

Sequence of steps of a developmental lesson (lesson plan):

1. Self-determination for activity (organizational moment).

2. Updating knowledge and recording difficulties in activities.

3. Statement of the educational task.

4. Construction of a project for getting out of the difficulty.

5. Primary consolidation in external speech.

6. Independent work.

7. Inclusion in the knowledge system and repetition.

8. Reflection on activity (lesson summary).

A teacher who is committed to developing cognitive processes in students must comply with the following conditions:

1. Clearly understand what he should develop within each specific school course, when studying a particular topic.

2. Know the age and individual characteristics of those being educated; master diagnostic skills.

3. Know how, by what means you can develop this or that quality. The student should be included in the search for such means (with prompting and under the supervision of the teacher).

4. Include development exercises in the purpose of any lesson work.

5. Monitor not only knowledge, abilities, skills, but also the level of development of cognitive processes.

This manual presents a 1st grade literacy lesson developed within the framework of a traditional primary school curriculum (1 – 4). But students, completing specially selected tasks, master the educational material more deeply and at the same time develop memory, attention, and thinking. They themselves formulate the topic and purpose of the lesson, determine the types and content of educational activities at its individual stages, and take an active part in mastering the educational material.

Is it possible to ensure that a child becomes smarter, more capable, more gifted? Of course, if you train in developing mental abilities as regularly as you train in developing strength, endurance and other similar qualities. If a child constantly trains his mind, solves difficult problems, acts actively, independently finds the right solutions in non-standard situations, there will definitely be results.

Experience in this area has shown that students:

Learning ability increases, attention, perception, memory improve; children can “see”, “hear”, reason;

The ability to transfer acquired thinking skills to unfamiliar material develops;

The initial foundations of mental culture are formed: students independently acquire knowledge and feel the need for educational activities; Children are self-organized, calm, and self-confident.

As you know, there are no incapable children; you just need to help the child develop his abilities, make the learning process fun and interesting.

And finally, let me give you some advice. You should not treat students’ incorrect answers to certain questions as a reason to doubt the “goodness” or “inferiority” of certain student abilities.

No way!

They are talented! All! The famous French writer Jean Jacques Rousseau also spoke about this.

So, consider the wrong answer as a reason to analyze the way to solve a problem, the reasons for the incorrect answer and search for another, correct way to solve the problem.

Good luck!

Summary of a literacy lesson in 1st grade

on the topic “Sounds [k], [k] and the letter K, k.”

Lesson type : learning new material.

Equipment : ribbon of letters, images of animals, cards for reading, cards with the names Kesha and Vasya, textbook Highlander alphabet. 1st grade - M.: Enlightenment.

Purpose of the lesson.

Perception and primary awareness of new material.

Lesson objectives:

Educational : introduce new letters and sounds, teach to read with learned letters, observe the role of shape changes for the accuracy of expressing thoughts and connecting words in a sentence, teaches to characterize sounds, recognize letters.

Educational: develop speech, attention, thinking, memory, phonemic hearing.

Educational: cultivate an interest in reading, instill a love for animals.


1. Organizational moment

a) mobilizing stage

The teacher attaches 4 toys (bunny, frog, cow, hedgehog) to the board (see Appendix 1).

T: Name the attached toys in chorus in the order in which they are located, and try to remember them.

Now close your eyes. The teacher rearranges the two toys, asks them to open their eyes and answer questions.

Tell me, in what order were the toys originally and in what order are they after the rearrangement?

Which toys have changed their places?

b) working with a ribbon of letters

2. Formulating the topic and purpose of the lesson.

There are pictures on the board: wild boar, kangaroo, cat, whale (see Appendix 2).

U. Name the objects shown in the pictures.

U. Distribute the spoken words into two groups and formulate the topic of the lesson.

D. The first group includes the words CAT, BOAR, because they begin with the sound K. The second group includes the words KANGAROO, WHALE, because they begin with the sound [K]. So the topic of today’s lesson is “The sounds [K], [K] and the letter that represents them.

U. Starting from the topic, formulate the purpose of our lesson. Use the phrases written on the board for this.

Get to know…..

D. The purpose of our lesson is to become familiar with the sounds [k], [k] and the letter that denotes them, to learn to distinguish the sounds [k], [k] and the letter that denotes them from other sounds and letters; learn to read with a new letter.

3. Introducing new sounds

U. One of the animals wants to come to our class today and take part in our work. This is a pet whose name has one syllable and three sounds. Think about who it is.

D. This is a CAT because it is a domestic animal whose name has one syllable and three sounds.

U. name the first sound in this word.

D. This is the sound [K].

U. Say the first sound in this word in chorus. (Children pronounce the sound [K] several times)

U. Tell me, what sound is this?

D. This sound is a consonant, because when it is pronounced, the flow of air does not pass through the throat freely, encountering an obstacle. This sound is dull because when we pronounce it we hear noise. This sound is hard because we pronounce it hard. It is followed by the sound [O].

U. Our cat has one problem. He likes two nicknames, but he doesn’t know which one to choose. Which nickname will suit him today in class: KESHA or VASYA?

D. Today the nickname KESHA will suit him, because this word contains our new sound.

U. What sound is that?

D. This is the sound [K].

U. Say this sound in chorus and describe it.

D. The sound [k] is consonant, because when pronounced, the flow does not pass through the throat freely, encountering an obstacle. This sound is dull because when we pronounce it we hear noise. This sound is soft because we pronounce it softly.

U. Draw a conclusion from the first part of our lesson.

D. Today we became acquainted with the sound [K]. He is consonant, deaf, firm. We got acquainted with the sound [K]. He is consonant, deaf, soft.

4. Physical education minute

U. During physical education, we will find out the places where our KESHA likes to go. Tell me, by what criteria can we identify them?

D. we can identify them by the presence of the sounds k and k in the names of these places.

U. If you hear a word with the sound [k] or [k], then raise your hands up and pull yourself up, like Kesha. If the word does not contain the sounds [k] and [k], then lean forward, lowering your arms down.

Roof, lake, bench, pool, chair, stream, stove, snowdrift, rug, airplane.

5.Introduction to the letter K

U. Kitty really wants to see the letter with which his name begins. Find it at the cash register and show it to the cat. (Children show the letter K.)

Stand up and form the letter K.

In which square do we place the letter K on the letter tape?

D. We'll put the letter K in the blue box because it's a consonant.

U. Kotik says that he remembers the letter K well, but has not yet learned to read. Where should we start learning to read?

D. It’s better to start by reading the syllables.

6.Reading syllables and words with a new letter

Syllables on the board:






(see Appendix 3).

U. Kitty really liked this exercise, but he was a little hungry. Think about what you can treat him with today?

The words are written on the board:





D. He can be treated to those products whose names contain our new letter.

U. Read the names of products that contain the letter K. (Children read.)

U. Change the words that do not have the letter K in such a way that the products they name are useful in today's lesson.

D. Not soup, but soup.

Not a fish, but a fish.

The homeland of cats is Africa. They love warmth. Cats are useful animals. They have a good effect on people's health (see Appendix 4).

U. Who is this text about?

D. This text is about cats.

U. How many words does it contain with the letter K?

D. It contains three words with the letter K.

U. Who will read the text out loud to our cat? (Students read aloud if they wish.)

How do you understand the last two sentences? (Children think.)

How should you treat cats?

U. The card in front of you is a riddle. By connecting the letters in alphabetical order you will see the hero of today's lesson (children can do this task based on the alphabet). Pay attention to whether among these letters there is a letter that we studied today, circle it with a pencil (see Appendix 5).

What color will you circle? Why?

U. Now let’s listen to Anya. She will tell us about what kind of cat the ancient Indians worshiped. (The student prepared the message in advance)

We're talking about a jaguar. Centuries ago, this cat was worshiped as a god in Peru, Central America and Mexico. Ancient Inca artists created stone idols - gods in the form of half-humans - half-jaguars. The jaguar is the largest, most powerful and feared member of the cat family. The name "jaguar" comes from ancient Indian languages ​​and meant "a killer who kills his victim in one leap." It reaches a length of more than 2 meters and weighs from 110 to 180 kilograms. The jaguar swims superbly, climbs trees beautifully, and pursues prey with equal success both in the water and on a tree.

7. Working with the textbook on p. 53

1) Reading the dialogue. (Consolidation of knowledge about dialogue)

Let's put emphasis on the words. (Children complete the task.)

Please note: MOWING (man) – MOWING (hare).

What kind of braid are we talking about in the dialogue?

2) Puzzles – p. 54: Braids are wasps, branches are juice.

8. Lesson summary

U. What sounds and letters did we meet today?

D. Today we became acquainted with the sounds [K], [K] and the letter K.

U. Describe the sounds [K] and [K].

U. Tell me what kind of pet, other than Kesha’s cat, could come to our lesson today. Justify your answer.

D. A dog could come to our lesson. This word has the sound [k]. This is a pet.

U. What would you call it?

D. For example, Tuzik. This word has the sound [k]

U. Remember the beginning of the lesson, in the names of which animals do the studied sounds appear?

D. The sound [K] is found in the names of animals: frog, cow.

U. What new material was easy to remember and what was difficult?

Learning to read and write is a very important initial period in primary schoolchildren’s mastery of the Russian language. The success of further educational work in this direction largely depends on the depth of acquired knowledge and the strength of skills and abilities formed at this stage.

I start this lesson with mobilization stage. In order to ensure a high level of student involvement in learning activities and the development of his most important intellectual qualities at the very beginning of the lesson. This exercise is aimed at developing visually effective thinking and at the same time developing attention, memory, observation, and also improves the student’s speech abilities. Exercises of this kind are designed for 2 – 3 minutes of daily use. Gradually, the teacher can increase the number of toys and permutations.

At the second, important stage of the lesson, students formulate the topic and goals of the lesson. I do not give the topic in a ready-made form, but I organize the communicative activities of students to study the situation that has arisen. Then, so that, on the basis of deep and active verbal and mental activity, they can independently, with varying degrees of accuracy, anticipate and formulate the topic intended for study. Thus, students create an internal attitude and self-set to achieve a goal, which ensures readiness to master knowledge. Predetermination by schoolchildren of the content of their activities activates attention, thinking, memory and develops them accordingly. Initially, I formulate the purpose of the lesson collectively using supporting words (get to know..., learn to distinguish..., etc.) indicating the beginning of these phrases. Gradually it is necessary to move on to independently formulating goals. This allows the first grader to master the practical skill of making inferences.

Next stage , introducing schoolchildren to new material(the concepts of “speech, word, syllable” and familiarization with new sounds) occurs partially using the search method. Its basis is speech action. In the first grade I organize collective activities in the form of introductory dialogue. In the process of verbal and mental actions, schoolchildren learn to compare, contrast, find commonalities, reason logically, and reasonably express their thoughts. From the first days of training, active work has been carried out to enrich students' vocabulary. In the process of conversation and reasoning, schoolchildren independently formulate certain concepts, highlighting the generic affiliation and essential features of the subject. This approach not only contributes to the successful replenishment of vocabulary, but also stimulates the development of logical thinking. I combine reading syllables and words with a new letter with the implementation of various intellectual operations. Thus, reading syllables grouped into groups according to some characteristic, reading words that are close in meaning, reading words with a change in lexical coloring allows not only to develop reading skills, but to make the reading process interesting.

When reading texts, I use techniques aimed at developing distribution, attention span, memory and designed to improve reading technique, increase the level of understanding of what is being read (reading words with missing letters; reading sentences with missing words, reading sentences with double repetition of a certain group of words, reading text with the simultaneous counting of some words, etc.) all this makes working with text more interesting for children and more effective than using traditional teaching methods. You will find one type of exercise in this lesson.

Physical education minute carried out with a didactic task on the topic of the lesson, in line with its storyline, with a small mental load. Thus, an organized and conducted physical education lesson does not break, but, on the contrary, connects the structural parts of the lesson. The content of physical education lessons can also be entrusted to children. This will provide the necessary release, relieve tension, without distracting from the topic of the lesson.

On stage of consolidation and independent work it is necessary to remember about the organization of a situation of success, which contributes to the inclusion of students in further cognitive activities. When reading a dialogue, it is necessary to achieve clear, orthoepic correct syllable-by-syllable reading, as this is the basis of literate writing. It is also necessary to pay attention to the weak positions of vowels. If you consider it necessary, you can give the concept of a test word.

At the last stage (reflections) I organize activities for self-assessment of students, we also find out the degree of compliance with the set goal and the results of the activity. Such inclusion of the child in educational activities creates conditions not only for the formation of his readiness for self-development, but also for the formation of a stable system of knowledge and value system (self-education).

Thus, it is possible to develop cognitive abilities not only on abstract material (separated from the school curriculum), but also on specific educational material.

Appendix 1

Appendix 2

Appendix 3

Appendix 4

The homeland of ... neck is Afri ... a. They love warmth. Cats are useful animals. They have a good effect on people's health.

Appendix 5

Appendix 6


1. Bakulina development of younger schoolchildren in literacy lessons. - M.: Vlados, 2002.

2. Vinokourov's abilities of children. – 1 class. – M.: Rosman, 2002.

3. Laylo alphabet and development of perception. M.: Bustard, 2002.

4. Laylo literacy and development of thinking. M.: Bustard, 2002.

5. Shchadrikov processes and abilities in learning. M., 1990.

6. I'm going to a lesson in elementary school: Reading: Teacher's Book. – M.: “First of September”, 2000.

1. Introduction………………………………………………………………………………………...3

2. Summary of a literacy lesson in 1st grade on the topic “Sounds [k], [k]………7

4. Appendix………………………………………………………………………………......17

5. Literature……………………………………………………………………..24

Sounds [k], [k] and the letter K, k

Summary of a literacy lesson in 1st grade

Novokuznetsk district

With. Sidorovo

st. Shkolnaya, 12

Municipal educational institution "Sidorovskaya secondary school".

Lesson: Letter K and sound [K] [K ]

Goals: learn to recognize the sounds [K] and [K’], and the corresponding letter, write the letter K, practice reading words and texts with learned letters, develop speech.

UUD: learn to recognize sounds and the corresponding letter, write the letter K correctly, read words, sentences and small texts. Determine the number of syllables in a word, designate consonants and vowels on the diagram. Learn to correctly write the lowercase letter k and letter combinations. Work in pairs and independently. Evaluate the results of your work.

Lesson progress

1 Org. moment

Checking readiness for the lesson

2 Updating knowledge

What do we study in literacy lessons?

How do sounds differ from letters?

What vowel sounds have we learned?

On the board there are cards with the letters A O U Y I

Why are these sounds vowels? Prove it.

What consonant sounds have we learned?

On the board there are cards with the letters M N S L T

Describe the sound [T]

Why is the sound [T]-voiceless? Prove it.

3Self-determination for activity

Pictures and words MAK-MAKI

How are the words similar?

How are the words different?

Make a sound diagram of the word MAC.

Make a sound diagram of the word MAKI

Test yourself

Describe the sound [K] in the word MAK.

Describe the sound [K’] in the word MAKI.

Draw a conclusion. Slide 7


Before which vowel sounds will the consonant sound be soft?

Before [I]

Determine the topic of the lesson.

What will we learn in class?

4 Work on the topic of the lesson

Look at the picture. Who is shown?

What is a clown doing?


Let's read the syllables.

Please note that the clown's balls are mixed up. Think about what words can be made from these syllables.

How many syllables are in the word MAC?

How many syllables are in the word SLEDGE, CINEMA, LOTTO, FIST?

Call the word FIST, put the emphasis.

Make a sound diagram of the word FIST

Describe the sound [K]

Describe the vowel sounds.

Test yourself

5 Physical minute

Get up and stretch once

Two bend over, straighten up

Three, four hands wider

Five, six, sit down quietly.

Look what is written on the slide?


Prove it.

What do we need to do?

Write in written letters.

Consider the offer carefully. Can we write it in written letters?

We can't.

We don't know how to write the letter k.

How can we solve this problem?

Learn to write the letter k.

Open the copy book “My Alphabet” p.34

Consider a lowercase letter. How many elements does a letter consist of? (2)

Where do we start writing the letter?

Which line will we work in?

Write down the elements of the letters.

How will we connect the letter? Continuous letter.

Shown by the teacher on the blackboard. Slide 12

Prescription in the air.

Now write it down in copybook. Writing a line

Now can we write a proposal?

No. You need to learn how to write syllables.

How will we write syllables? Continuous letter.

Shown by the teacher on the board and written in the copybook. The teacher provides individual assistance.

Writing short words.

Physical minute.

Warm up for the eyes.

Circle the sentence according to the example. Record once yourself, observing all connections.

6 Reflection

- What task did we have at the beginning of the lesson?

7 Summing up

What tasks were interesting?

Worked well today...

Lesson 28. SOUNDS [k], [k"], LETTER Kk

30.04.2013 16942 0

Lesson28. sounds[k],[k"], LETTER Kk

Goals:introduce students to the consonant sounds [k], [k′], letter K k; develop speech, logical thinking, memory.

Equipment : textbook, pictures depicting one poppy and several, subject pictures depicting a cat, mug, cactus, pencil, chicken, brush; magnetic board, letters (studied).

Lesson progress

I. Mobilizing part of the lesson.

II. Repetition of what has been covered.

Game "Find the odd one out."

The studied letters are displayed on a magnetic board. Children highlight extra consonants among vowels n, s.

The studied vowels and consonants are repeated; children remember that vowels a, o, s, y indicate the hardness of the preceding consonants, and the letter And– softness of the consonant in the merger.

III. Formation of new knowledge, skills and abilities.

Setting goals and objectives for the lesson.

Phonetic exercise.

- How does a frog croak? (Kva-kva-kva.)

1. Identification of hard and soft consonant sounds [k], [k′].

On the board there are pictures depicting one poppy and several.

The syllable-sound analysis of words is considered poppy And poppies. It turns out that the sounds [k] and [k′] are consonants. In a word poppy hard sound after the letter To there are no other letters, but in the word poppies– soft, because To followed by a vowel And, denoting the softness of a consonant.

Word patterns are considered poppy, poppies.

Game "Hard - Soft".

Words: horse, porridge, cinema, pencil, brush, chicken, scythe, sprat.

The teacher reports that the sounds [k] and [k′] in writing are indicated by the letter K k(ka).

A card with a picture of a letter is hung on the board K k.

Physical education minute

2. What does the letter look like? TO?

On a straight stick

There is a checkmark on the right.

It still sits there today -

Letter TO looks at us.

The teacher asks the children to imagine what the letter looks like TO. (Children's answers.)

3. Printing a letter K k in notebooks.

4. Recognition of sounds [k], [k′].

Children look at object pictures on the board depicting cat, mug, cactus, pencil, chicken, brush.

– Name what is shown in the pictures.

– What sound do words begin with?

– Name a word with a soft sound [k′].

Game "Guess the cartoon character."

– Guys, guess who will help us get acquainted with the new sound. This is a famous cartoon character.

He is big, very big, striped. Can talk. Gives advice on how to eat sandwiches correctly. He loves milk most of all and that’s why he got a cow. None of his relatives had a last name, but he had one. Who is this? (Cat Matroskin.)

– Guys, name the fairy tale characters whose names begin with the sound [k]. (Ryaba the Hen, Little Red Riding Hood, Carlson, Kolobok, Dereza the Goat, Puss in Boots.)

& Work according to the textbook: p. 52–53.

Children look at an illustration for the fairy tale “Puss in Boots” by Charles Perrault.

– Name as many words as possible in which the sound [k] occurs. (Cat, mowers, horses, carriage, dandelion, stone, scythe, castle, river, coachman, ear of corn, crown, wheel, whip, knee etc. )

Physical education minute

Reading sentences, p. 53.

Work is being done on the meaning and intonation of the exclamatory sentence. Children's attention is drawn to punctuation marks in sentences. Sentences are read again, with intonation corresponding to punctuation marks.

Reading proverbs, p. 52. Explanation of the meaning of proverbs.

IV. Lesson summary. Reflection.

– What sounds and what letters did you become familiar with in the lesson?

– What interesting things did you learn in the lesson?

– What caused the difficulties? Why?

Lesson literacy training

Educational program “Perspective”, lesson No. 34

Lesson topic : “Sounds [k] and [k’], letter K.

Lesson type: Explanation of new material.

Compiled by: Shishkina T.M., primary school teacher


Lesson topic : “Sounds [k] and [k’], letter K. Purpose of the lesson : Introduce students to the letter k and the sounds that this letter represents. Lesson objectives:

- Form a clear image of the letter K in students; - Learn to read syllables, words of a sentence with a new letter; - Continue work on sound analysis of words and word formation.
- Develop observation skills, the ability to evaluate one’s own work and the work of the team; - Develop students’ monologue speech.
- Foster a culture of communication and a positive attitude towards reading. Equipment :
    computer, interactive whiteboard, document - camera;
    textbook "ABC" 1st grade; tasks for ID; sound schemes; letter ribbon; drawing of a cat in black and white format.

I. Organizational moment.

The long-awaited call was given,

The lesson begins. Literacy lesson.

Why do we need this lesson?

    Students formulate the topic and purpose of the lesson.

- We will make a journey into the world of letters and sounds of the Russian language together with one interesting animal. Guess who it is? Even from the iron roof
He walks quietly, quieter than a mouse.
Will go hunting at night
And, like during the day, she sees everything.
Often sleeps, and after sleep
She washes herself. (cat)

Say the first sound in the word "cat". Describe this sound.

State the purpose of our lesson using the written phrases...

GET TO KNOW (new sounds and the letter that represents them)

Game "Hide the letters from the rain"- The letters went out for a walk. The sun was shining brightly. Suddenly a cloud came and it began to rain. The letters were hidden under umbrellas. Which letters are hidden under the red umbrellas, and which ones are hidden under the blue ones? (Children move the letters under umbrellas, explaining their choice) - Well done, guys, they didn’t let the letters get wet, they hid all the letters correctly.

    Getting to know new material.

- Introducing new sounds.

Our cat has a problem. She likes two nicknames, but doesn’t know which one to choose. Which nickname is suitable: Kira or Sima? Why?

(The nickname Kira is suitable for him, since the first sound in this word is [k’])

Say the cat's name. Select the first sound and describe it.

Introducing a new letter.

The cat Kira wants to see the letter with which her nickname and the word “cat” begin, but does not know where this letter lives.

Find the place of the letter K in the ribbon of letters.

Working with a ribbon of letters (the letter K lives on the lower floor, because the sounds that the letter K stands for are consonants and unvoiced)

Conclusion: the letter K can represent the sounds [k] and [k,]

Work in pairs.

How would you represent the letter K?

Reading syllables with the letter K.

Kira decided to run along the stairs of the house and introduce the letter K to other letters. Let's read what syllables were produced when the letters met. (reading syllables)

Kira thought. Can the letter “k” live alone, without friends; is there a short word “k”? (children's assumptions, examples:To mom, to the house)

Physical exercise.

Do you know the places where Kira likes to go? Of course, where there are new sounds in the names of places. If you hear a word with these sounds, then raise your hands up and stretch like a cat. If these sounds are not present, lean forward and arch your back.


Reading words and sentences with a new letter.

The cat really liked how you completed the task.

What, guys, could we treat Kira to? (she can be treated to those products that have a new letter in their names)

Underline the names of products that have the letter K in their name (on the ID using a pen)


Sour cream porridge



But there are still products that Kira also loves very much. Change the words so that the letter K appears in them (sour cream - sour cream, soup - supchiK, fish - rybKa)

Kira decided to invite her friends for lunch. But there were so many of them that she poured the milk into different saucers. Read the names of the animals out loud and, based on the first sound, assign each guest to their bowl.

(using a magic pen)

Working with sound circuits.

Find in the column of read words one that begins with a vowel sound, it has 5 sounds, the sound [k] is hard.

Make a sound diagram of this word. (1 person on my table under the document camera )

On-site verification of completed schemes.

Physical exercise to music.

Let's do exercises together with Kira while listening to music.

Reading text on cards about cats.( for readers - the text, for non-readers - individual words: cat, cat, cat, sleep, milk) - Kira loves to listen when they read. Read the printed text on your card yourself. Think about who it is about and find words with a new letter. The homeland of cats is Africa. They love warmth. Cats are useful animals. They have a good effect on people's health.- Who is this text about? - How many words does it contain with the letter K? (3) - Read the text out loud to Kira? (Students read aloud if they wish.) - How do you understand the last two sentences? (Children think.) - How should we treat cats?

Work according to the textbook.

- Find the word pairs on p.87. Read these words in pairs.

What did you notice? (words differ by 1 letter)

Make up your own pair of words so that they differ by only one letter.

    Summing up the lesson.

What sounds and letters did the cat Kira help us get acquainted with?

Describe these sounds.

How should we treat pets, despite their mischief?


What difficulties did we encounter?

Have we overcome these problems?

Whose couple worked together today? Thank each other for good work.

The cat also thanks you for your help.

Slide 1



Slide 2

Please describe the sound.

Slide 3

Check your knowledge of vowels and consonants.

Statement before choosing.

Test your ability to determine the place of a letter in a tape of letters.

Creative work is offered.

Statement of the problem.

Determines the conditions of the physical session.

Slide 4

Problematic question.

A task is proposed to change the word.

Slide 5

A task is proposed to determine 1 sound in a word.

The task of creating a sound diagram.

Slide 6

Multi-level options available

Tasks on cards.

Questions are asked based on the text.

It is proposed to work in pairs to read and compose their own pairs of words.

The lesson is summarized.

A reflection task is proposed.


children's education

Guessing the riddle.

Characteristics of sound.



lesson goals.


ical speech.


what kind of work



children, problem solving.

Recognition of vowel and consonant sounds.

Selecting a solution with proof.

Finding the place of the letter K in a tape of letters with evidence that it represents a consonant unvoiced sound.

Creative work on depicting letters in different ways.

Reading in chorus and individually.

Performing physical exercises according to the proposed conditions.

Finding an answer to a problematic question.

Finding the sound being studied in words.

Children's assumptions, examples

Determining the place of sound in words.


words by signs. Compiling sound analysis.

Conducting physical exercises.

Reading words or text from cards.

Finding words with a new letter.

Work on word formation

Learn monologue speech.

Evaluating your work.

Self-assessment of your activities.

- master the ability to predict one’s activities;

Subject :

Describe sound

- master the dialogical form of speech in accordance with the grammatical and syntactic norms of the native language.

Subject :
- name letters and sounds correctly;

- perform classification;

- be able to express your thoughts with sufficient completeness and accuracy
- put forward your hypotheses based on educational material

Subject :
- describe the sound

Cognitive :

Subject :
- determine by ear the hardness and softness of the sounds [k], [k’]

- determine the rules for working in pairs;

Regulatory :


- perform classification;
- justify the basis for classification

- accurately recognize the letter k among other letters;
- improve reading skills of words with the letter k.

- change words correctly in accordance with the proposed task;

Describe sound;
- selection of grounds and criteria for classifying objects;
- building a logical chain of reasoning

- listen and understand the speech of others;
- be able to express your thoughts with sufficient completeness and accuracy


- be able to create a sound diagram of a word

Regulatory :
- work according to the proposed plan;
- put forward your hypotheses based on educational material;
- distinguish a correctly completed task from an incorrect one;
- exercise self-control.


- navigate your knowledge system (define the boundaries of knowledge/ignorance);
- be able to find and highlight the necessary information

- listen and understand the speech of others;
- be able to express your thoughts with sufficient completeness and accuracy


Improve reading skills of words with the letters K, k.

Regulatory :
- work according to the proposed plan

- establish a connection between the purpose of an activity and its result.

- exercise self-control;
- evaluate activities in the lesson together with the teacher and classmates.
