Calorie content of dumplings (boiled, fried, beef, pork, chicken, homemade). How many calories are in dumplings boiled with meat (beef, chicken)

Currently, dumplings are a popular dish because they are easy to prepare and have a pleasant taste. But its benefits are ambiguous. Since meat in combination with dough is considered heavy food, which is difficult for the stomach to digest. The calorie content of boiled dumplings depends on the type of filling.


Are dumplings harmful to human health? The dish itself is safe, you should consider the ingredients. Nowadays you can find different types of products in stores. Some products contain low-quality minced meat.

The purchased product contains soy, fats, fillers, and dyes that negatively affect human health. The soy in the filling is considered a genetically modified product. The name “spices” hides flavor enhancers, flavors and coloring agents.

Store product

Ready-made semi-finished products are in demand for the following reasons:

  • no need to spend a lot of time cooking;
  • the preparation is quite simple;
  • This is a satisfying food, thanks to which a person does not feel hungry for a long time.

The calorie content of boiled ones will be 106 kcal per 100 g. The indicator is low due to the fact that this meat is dietary, that is, with a minimal amount of fat. When choosing a product, you need to look at the composition and energy value.

The calorie content of boiled beef dumplings is 250 kcal. Beef has more fat, so this food is even more satisfying. The calorie content of boiled pork dumplings is 275 kcal. This meat is considered quite fatty. The calorie content of boiled beef and pork dumplings is 330 kcal per 100 grams.

Homemade food

It is difficult to calculate the energy value of homemade dishes, since the amount of added components - eggs, flour, butter - must be taken into account. The fat content of the filling plays an important role. The calorie content of boiled chicken dumplings is 150-200 kcal. The exact indicator is determined by the type of meat. For example, with chicken fillet, a dish will have minimal energy value. It will be higher if the minced meat contains thighs and skins.

In preparing homemade dishes, beef tenderloin is used with a small amount of fat to keep the food juicy. Then the nutritional value will be 300 kcal. The calorie content of boiled pork will be about 350 kcal. It is important to consider that the food contains dough, onions, eggs, and spices.

Fried dumplings

Fried food is also in demand now. The energy value will depend on the type of oil used and its quantity. Products with meat filling and dough absorb a lot of oil, as this is required for careful processing.

With chicken they have a calorie content of about 550 kcal if vegetable sunflower oil was used. If butter was used, the figure will be from 670 kcal. Products made from minced beef will have a calorie content of 690 kcal, and from minced pork - from 750 kcal.

Fatty meats

Heavy food consists of lamb and pork meat. Lard and fat are usually used to prepare this dish. The energy value does not change with heat treatment. The calorie content of boiled pork dumplings is 330 kcal, they are fatty, which makes them difficult for the stomach to digest.

Heavy food includes dishes filled with lamb meat. They have a higher nutritional value of the product - 500 kcal. Those who are watching their figure should take into account that frying increases the energy value of food.

Low calorie food

The lightest dumplings will be if the filling is based on rabbit, beef or chicken. This food is ideal for people with stomach upsets. How many calories do boiled eggs have? Calorie content per 100 grams is 106 kcal.

Rabbit products will have 170 calories. Turkey or fish can be used for cooking. Then the energy value will be acceptable - no more than 250 kcal.


When eating dumplings, people rarely do not think about whether they are beneficial or harmful. Products will be useful if they consist of high-quality, proven components. High-quality flour contains many valuable minerals and vitamins.

This food is nutritious. The advantage of dumplings is their quick preparation. If a person does not have time to cook, then this food will be the best solution.


The negative effect of the product is related to its composition. Many people do not know about the difference between homemade and store-bought dumplings, in the creation of which almost no natural ingredients are used. This food contains synthetic additives, flavors, flavor enhancers, and preservatives. Such a composition cannot be useful for humans.

Heat treatment

The following heat treatments are used:

  • roasting;
  • baking;
  • cooking;
  • steaming.

To reduce calorie content, it is advisable to boil the dumplings, steam them, or bake them. Such food will be tasty and not so harmful, since little fat will be used. To preserve the beneficial properties of food, you need to steam it. Such food will be the healthiest.

Reducing calories

To reduce the nutritional value of a product, you need to pay attention to the type of meat. It is advisable to prepare the products yourself, because only then will you be able to make them tasty, healthy, and low in calories. To reduce energy value it is advisable to:

  • use chicken or rabbit meat;
  • cook food in a double boiler or slow cooker;
  • create dough from flour, water, eggs;
  • roll out the dough thinly;
  • do not use sour cream;
  • do not fry the product.

It is these rules that will allow you to create tasty and healthy meat products. To improve the taste, you should eat them with homemade sauce.

How not to gain weight from dumplings?

Probably everyone sometimes wants to treat themselves to something special so that the feeling of hunger disappears. But when you eat dumplings, your figure quickly deteriorates. What should you do to avoid gaining weight? In this case, the following tips will help:

  • you need to prepare products using unleavened dough stuffed with minced chicken, since such products are light and therefore easy to digest;
  • you should not fry dumplings, because after absorbing the oil they become more calorie-rich and can also be dangerous for the pancreas;
  • the dough must be made thin so that the dish is considered more dietary;
  • you should not add sour cream, as this makes the food fattier;
  • Rabbit meat is excellent, it is low-calorie and tasty;
  • During cooking, it is advisable to use a double boiler and a multicooker to remove fats with thermal steam.

If you take these simple rules into account, the product will be very useful. But you still need to adhere to the measure, and then it will not negatively affect your health and figure.


When purchasing a product, you need to pay attention to the composition. Meat should come first. The fewer additives there are, the healthier the food is. If it contains soy, it is better not to choose such a product. The dumpling dough should be white, and other shades indicate spoilage or improper storage.

The composition should indicate which spices are added. If they are not indicated, it is better to refuse such a product. Meat products should not be stuck together. If so, then they have been defrosted and frozen several times. It will be dangerous to use them.

Few people think about the quality of food, but this is important for the human condition. To avoid harm to health, you should choose quality products. Even better is making it yourself. Then the dumplings will be more healthy and less caloric.

Over the years, the culinary arts have evolved. Since ancient times, people have been looking for new recipes and implementing them in their kitchens. Over time, these skills began to improve, and this led to the fact that now a person can try a dish from almost any cuisine in the world without leaving his home.

Varieties of fillings for dumplings

One of these dishes was dumplings. The incredible taste of this dish hides quite high in calories, which is harmful to our health. We will look at different options for the dish and based on this, we will be able to find out the calorie content of homemade dumplings.

So, you need to realize that the number of calories will be mainly affected by the filling. Because of this, we can highlight the following list of fillings:

  • beef filling;
  • chicken;
  • pork;
  • turkey;
  • dumplings with other types of fillings.

You need to deal with each type separately. We will evaluate the damage caused to the body not only with dry numbers indicating the number of calories, but we will also take into account the taste of different fillings. And also, it will be taken into account cooking method, since any adult understands that the calorie content of fried dumplings exceeds that of boiled dumplings.

With beef

One of the most popular fillings today is beef. The calorie content of beef dumplings is not very high. In fact, the taste of beef is slightly inferior to pork, since beef meat adds a dryness to the dish. Most often, minced meat is simply mixed with pork, getting quite tasty and filling dish. But let's get back to calorie counting.

For dumplings, the calorie content per 100 grams with beef filling is 275. The calculation is based on the fact that no spices other than salt were added to the minced meat.

Some peoples prefer not to eat pork. In this case, the pressing question arises of how to remove the negative effect of beef meat. In fact, the only direct disadvantage of beef meat is excessive dryness. An easy way to remove this dryness is with spices and a small amount of onion, but they also contribute to a slight increase in damage to the body.

With Chiken

The second most popular filling is chicken.. There is an opinion that such dumplings are rather bland, and therefore they are often tried to diversify them with the same spices and onions. Compared to other meats, chicken is quite low in calories. 100 grams of boiled chicken dumplings contain 210 kcal.

Some people prefer to create dishes that differ in taste from the standard ones. Cooks add cheese for minced chicken, which significantly increases calorie content. The number of calories per 100 grams of cheese filling is 250, which may seem unforgivably high to people who watch their food intake.

With turkey

One of the main advantages of turkey meat compared to other types is its incredibly low calorie content. If we talk about the taste of this product stuffed with turkey meat, then the closest option for comparison is chicken. Turkey does not taste at all like pork or beef.. As we understand, this option is not the most impressive in terms of taste, but its calorie content is only 187 kcal per 100 grams of dish.

It’s clear that this was far from the most complete list of products that are used for filling the dish. Other types of meat (lamb, venison and others), game, and fish are also suitable. Some people use vegetables. If you look at this in terms of calorie content, then such options look clearly better compared to their competitors, because the calorie content of dumplings with veal is only 165 kcal per 100 grams of dish. If you use mushrooms as an example of a vegetable filling, then their calorie content is minimal compared to all other options - only 100 kcal per 100 grams of boiled dumplings!

After doing a little research, you can create a small table that will help you decide on the type of filling for your dumplings, if Are you watching your calories?. A table of 100 grams of homemade dumplings looks like this:

  • beef - 275 kcal;
  • pork - 280 kcal;
  • combination of beef and pork - 277 kcal;
  • minced chicken - 210 kcal;
  • turkey - 187 kcal;
  • minced chicken with cheese - 250 kcal;
  • mushroom filling - 100 kcal;
  • lamb - 281 kcal;
  • veal - 165 kcal;
  • minced fish - 252 kcal.

Health is the most important thing a person has, and even maintaining it by simply counting calories can improve your quality of life. Now you can not only find out which option will be healthier for your body, but also have an idea of ​​​​the taste of each individual filling. The benefits of this approach are very significant.

Hearty and tasty dumplings are one of the most favorite dishes for many people. However, only those who do not know how many calories are in boiled dumplings or are absolutely not worried about them can get too carried away with them.

How many calories are in homemade dumplings?

Dumplings are made from yeast-free dough and filling, most often meat. The calorie content of boiled dumplings depends significantly on the recipe of the dish, especially on the type of meat for the filling.

Boiled dumplings with minced chicken breast contain the least amount of calories – 182 kcal. Dumplings with pike perch contain 209 kcal, but if you prefer a fattier type of fish, the calorie content can rise to 250 kcal. Dumplings stuffed with sauerkraut and mushrooms are quite low in calories - 241 kcal.

Boiled dumplings made from beef contain 225 kcal, from lamb - 255 kcal, from pork - 275. If you mix these three types of meat, you will get a semi-finished product containing approximately 235 kcal. A dish with mixed minced pork and beef “weighs” 240 kcal.

The given calorie content of boiled dumplings is indicated per 100 g of the finished dish. If you cannot find out the weight of your portion, recalculate the number of dumplings - 1 pc. weighs approximately 12-13 g.

How to reduce the calorie content of boiled dumplings?

To reduce the calorie content of dumplings, pay attention to the ingredients you add to enhance the taste of the finished dish. Fried onions, a piece of butter, bacon, raw eggs - all these “secret” filling components can and do make dumplings worthy of admiration from guests, but they significantly “heavien” the dish. If you want to reduce the dumplings, add fresh onions, cabbage, herbs, and mushrooms to the filling. Avoid fatty sauces and oils.

Dumplings, like other semi-finished products, were created during a period of rapid growth in production and excessive employment of the population, when there was not enough time even for such a basic thing as cooking. Despite all the advantages of fast and tasty food, it also has disadvantages.

Product Description: What are dumplings?

Dumplings, just like frozen dumplings, pancakes and dumplings, are semi-finished products. This is a collective name that characterizes dishes that are almost ready to eat.

The variety of fillings, wrapped in a piece of dough, is designed for quick preparation: a few minutes in the microwave, 7 minutes of cooking, 10 minutes in the oven and 5 minutes in the pan is enough to make the dish ready to eat. Manufacturers have managed to create many substitute fillings containing various components, powders, soy and starch instead of natural ingredients.

What is included in dumplings?

Do dumplings, which are quite high in calories, pose a threat to our health? In fact, it is not the dish itself that is harmful, but its low-quality components.

Today's market offers a wide range of products sold, the minced meat of which includes low-value, and sometimes simply cheap and not high-quality meat. In addition to the meat component, soy and various fats, fillers and dyes that adversely affect the condition of the human body are added to the filling. The soy present in the filling is in most cases a genetically modified product. Various flavor enhancers, flavors and colorings are hidden under the discreet and familiar name - spices.

The benefits of dumplings

When eating dumplings, people rarely think about whether this product brings any benefit. A semi-finished product can really be beneficial if it consists of high-quality and proven ingredients. Good flour, the absence of which in the process of preparing dumplings is simply impossible to imagine, includes various minerals and elements: zinc, copper, iron, phosphorus, fiber and vitamins B and PP. It is known that dumplings, whose calorie content varies depending on the type of flour and filling, are a very nutritious product. The next factor indicating the benefits of the semi-finished product is the speed of preparation. This is truly a great advantage for those who never find time to eat and live on endless sandwiches and fried eggs. In this case, semi-finished products will be a way out of the situation, although not the best.

Calorie content of store product

It is not easy to meet a person who claims that he does not like dumplings. Everyone, young and old, loves this dish, often forgetting about the high nutritional value of the product. Dumplings, whose calorie content increases if the finished dish is consumed with cream, sour cream or butter, are best eaten without adding any fats of animal or vegetable origin.

It's safe to say that dumplings pose a threat to both men's and women's waistlines. Some keepers of the family hearth prefer to prepare their own beef dumplings, the calorie content of which is definitely higher than, for example, dumplings with minced chicken.

When it comes to a purchased product, its energy value depends on the fillers and method of preparation. In addition to meat filling, dumplings can be potato, fish or mushroom, which significantly affects the calorie content of boiled dumplings. Consequently, those who watch their figure more often have “light” dumplings in their diet, without meat and fat. Those who are not concerned about losing weight can consume this product in moderation. It's worth mentioning that beef dumplings are not as high-energy as their pork counterpart. Below is the calorie content of boiled dumplings per 100 g of factory-made products:

  • dumplings with minced beef - 275 Kcal;
  • dumplings with minced pork - about 300 Kcal;
  • dumplings with lamb filling - 250 Kcal;
  • dumplings with mixed minced meat (pork/beef) - 280 Kcal;
  • dumplings with minced chicken - 210 Kcal;
  • minced fish dumplings - 250 Kcal;
  • mushroom and cabbage dumplings - 240 Kcal.

The above figures indicate the energy value of boiled store-bought dumplings, however, some people prefer to eat this dish after frying it first. Fried dumplings, the calorie content of which increases due to the fats used for cooking, are made quite simply. After straining, boiled semi-finished products are fried in a frying pan with the addition of vegetable or butter. From all that has been said, we can draw a brief conclusion: if a person cares about his figure and the condition of the body as a whole, the semi-finished product should be boiled or steamed. It is worth mentioning that by excessively eating dumplings, which are quite high in calories, you can develop metabolic and esophageal dysfunction.

What are the calorie content of homemade dumplings?

Hand-made dumplings can often be found in the kitchen of every housewife who is concerned about the figure and health of her household.

This approach to preparing a dish is definitely smarter, because here you have the opportunity to independently choose the natural and high-quality products you like to prepare homemade dumplings. The calorie content of a homemade dish directly depends on what is included in its composition. For example, the energy value of 100 grams of homemade beef dumplings will be 293 Kcal. Every self-cooking enthusiast can adjust the calorie content of a dish by replacing, for example, minced pork with veal. The main task of dumplings prepared independently is to obtain maximum health benefits, which is difficult to achieve when consuming store-bought semi-finished products.

Harm of semi-finished products

The first and most obvious reason why dumplings can be called a harmful product is that not everyone knows what is included in their composition.

Most people clearly understand the difference between homemade and store-bought dumplings, in the preparation of which practically no natural, high-quality products are used. For example, if you calculate the cost of 1 kg of real dumplings, it will in no way be equal to the reasonable price offered in the supermarket. This is followed by the second reason: various synthetic additives, flavors, flavor enhancers and preservatives are added to all store-bought dumplings, replacing real onions, carrots and other ingredients. In addition, the methods and methods for preparing semi-finished products make you think: can food that is subjected to repeated freezing and thawing, steaming, frying, and so on be called healthy?

How to choose dumplings?

Reading the ingredients is a necessary rule for choosing a product. If the ingredients list soy, skip it. Next, you need to pay attention to the color of the dumplings - the dough should not be dark or yellow.

The normal color of the dough is white. Any other color indicates improper storage or the presence of additives.


With the current accelerated pace of life, people rarely think about the dangers of the food they eat every day. If you value your health and the health of your loved ones, try to cook your own food. But if there is no choice and you need to purchase semi-finished products, choose high-quality and expensive dumplings, calorie content 100 g. which will not exceed all established standards.

Dumplings- the oldest "international" dish, consisting of unleavened dough and minced meat or minced meat (usually beef, pork, lamb) wrapped in it. Sometimes meat is replaced with fish. It is noteworthy that Dumplings are eaten as a daily “duty” dish and served at the festive table.

There are many opinions about the history of the appearance of the dish; each nation attributes the honor of its creation to itself. According to the most reliable version Russian dumplings are considered “descendants” of Uyghur “boiled pies”. They were “brought” to Russia by the Mongols in the 13th century during Tatar-Mongolian yoke. They, in turn, “got the recipe for a simple but very nutritious, satisfying and tasty dish from the Uighurs, who then inhabited part of China. After the Mongols captured “half the world,” the cuisines of the peoples mixed, which, of course, has its advantages.

Properties of dumplings

  • Wheat flour-based dough is rich in fiber and elements such as copper, phosphorus, magnesium, zinc, B and PP vitamins. The use of these components leads to improved intestinal function and metabolic processes, strengthening bone and muscle tissue.
  • Meat filling provides the body with essential animal proteins - the main “builders” of the body, iron, which enriches the blood with hemoglobin. Meat saturates with energy, increases “male strength”, contains vitamins and microelements in the necessary balanced composition.
  • Dumplings can only be harmful if you overeat For example, it is better to limit the consumption of fatty pork or duck to patients with hypertension and other vascular diseases. To reduce cholesterol, dietary chicken or rabbit meat is suitable.

What do dumplings eat with?

To improve the taste of minced meat, add more onions to the meat(1:1 is the most optimal proportions, however, some oriental recipes recommend a ratio of 1:1.5 and even 1:2). Sometimes white cabbage is used for juiciness, which is finely chopped and, squeezing together with the onion, mixed into the meat mass.

Boiled dumplings are good with mayonnaise, ketchup, vinegar, butter, sour cream, mustard, and soy sauce. All kinds of pickles are suitable as a snack: sauerkraut, barrel cucumbers and tomatoes, pickled beets, etc. Also, a hearty flour meat dish goes well with fresh vegetable slices, herbs and salads.

Dumplings are eaten together with broth, if they were originally boiled in ready-made meat broth, and fried. Some gourmets prefer to steam or bake them.

Calorie content of dumplings

The table shows the calorie content of 1 dumpling on the basis that it average weight is 12 grams. The calorie content of different types of meat is averaged, since, for example, the calorie content of beef can vary from 80 kcal (veal) to 300 kcal (fatty part).

Calorie content
per 100 gr.
Calorie content
1 pieces
Calorie content
10 pieces
Calorie content beef dumplings 250 kcal 30 kcal 300 kcal
Calorie content pork dumplings 296 kcal 35.5 kcal 355 kcal
Calorie content minced pork and beef dumplings 275 kcal 33 kcal 330 kcal
Calorie content lamb dumplings 252 kcal 30.2 kcal 302 kcal
Calorie content chicken dumplings 182 kcal 21.8 kcal 218 kcal
Calorie content rabbit dumplings 176 kcal 21 kcal 210 kcal
Calorie content turkey dumplings 245 kcal 29.4 kcal 294 kcal
Calorie content fish dumplings (pike perch) 209 kcal 25 kcal 250 kcal
Calorie content beef dumplings with broth 138 kcal 16.5 kcal 165 kcal
Calorie content fried beef dumplings 303 kcal 36.4 kcal 364 kcal
Calorie content baked beef dumplings 202 kcal 24.2 kcal 242 kcal