How to spray tomatoes against late blight with folk remedies. Phytophthora on tomatoes: how to fight with folk remedies and prevention

Good day, dear friend! Our family loves tomatoes very much, so we grow them always and everywhere. Mom leaves a large plot of land in the garden and plants different varieties to enjoy a variety of flavors. My wife loves cherry tomatoes and even plants them in pots that stand on the windowsills.

This summer my mother had a great harvest. She looked after them all season, fertilized them, but as always, trouble crept up unnoticed. Some bushes were affected by late blight. It’s good that at one time she already had to deal with this problem and she knew what needed to be done.

Therefore, without wasting any time, mommy processed all the plants and after all we enjoyed a healthy harvest. In this article you will learn: late blight on tomatoes, how to fight with folk remedies, the main causes of the disease, what to use for prevention.

Phytophthora on tomatoes: how to fight with folk remedies - proven methods

Late blight on tomatoes at the very beginning of the disease can be destroyed using less radical methods such as treating the garden with fungicidal preparations. Folk remedies for treating tomatoes against late blight may not be so effective, but they are harmless to the human body. How to save tomatoes from late blight using folk remedies?

Phytophthora on tomatoes: how to fight with folk remedies

Perhaps the most effective way to defeat this disease is garlic, so we’ll start the story about how to fight late blight on tomatoes using folk remedies with it. There are several cooking recipes, and each deserves attention.

Their action is aimed at the same result, but perhaps one recipe will be more pleasant, or easier to prepare, than another.

  • I listen to 5 garlic mixtures for spraying tomatoes
  1. 0.5 kg chopped garlic + 3 liters of water.
  2. It is necessary to infuse the solution for 5 days, placing it in a dark place. Immediately before spraying, you need to take 0.05 liters and dilute it in 10 liters of water. Then add the same amount of laundry soap and process.
  3. When the disease is just beginning to develop, an infusion prepared by mixing 0.1 kg of chopped garlic and 2000 ml of water will help.
  4. It infuses for only half an hour, after which you can use the solution for spraying.

  5. For the next recipe you need to add 150 g of chopped garlic to 10 liters of water, stir, strain and spray on the bushes.
  6. A combination of garlic, pepper and mustard will also help.
  7. You need to chop 0.2 kg of vegetable, add to it a tablespoon of the two above components in powder form, add water and leave for a day. Strain and add 10 liters of water. Processing is carried out every one and a half weeks.

  8. You can also mix one and a half cups of chopped garlic and 2 g of potassium permanganate, dilute with ten liters of water and spray every 14 days.
  • Potassium permanganate is another folk remedy for combating late blight on tomatoes.

What folk remedies can be used to combat late blight on tomatoes without potassium permanganate? It is also quite popular among experienced gardeners. It is recommended to treat tomato seeds with a 1% solution of this substance before planting.

When young shoots are planted in open or protected ground, it is recommended to water the beds with a weak solution of potassium permanganate approximately once every 7 days.

Many experts also advise putting green tomatoes collected due to bad weather in a hot solution of potassium permanganate for half an hour, then wiping them and putting them out for ripening.

  • Straw infusion

Pour a kilogram of rotten hay or straw into 10 liters of water, add a handful of urea and let it brew for 3-4 days. Strain the infusion and treat the tomatoes with it.

  • Yeast

Dissolve 80 g of yeast in a bucket of water and pour this solution over the tomatoes at the first symptoms of late blight.

  • Copper wire

Spraying tomatoes against late blight can be replaced by “copper piercing.” How to protect tomatoes from late blight using copper wire? The wire needs to be calcined over a fire or sanded, cut into pieces 3-4 cm long, insert such a piece into the stem of an adult tomato bush at a height of 10 cm from the soil and bend the ends of the wire down.

Never wrap the wire around the stem!

Some gardeners prefer to wrap pieces of copper wire around the roots of the seedlings before planting them in the garden. The fact is that microdoses of copper, enhancing oxidative processes, stabilizing the production of chlorophyll and stimulating oxygen metabolism, strengthen the plant’s immunity and make it resistant not only to late blight, but also to other infections.

  • Iodine for late blight on tomatoes

Having antimicrobial properties, iodine can serve as a good remedy for treating late blight on tomatoes. There are many recipes using iodine - choose any of the following:

  1. To 9 liters of water add 1 liter of milk, preferably low-fat and 20 drops of iodine;
  2. To 8 liters of water, add two liters of whey, half a glass of sugar and 15 drops of iodine tincture;
  3. 10 liters of water are mixed with one liter of whey, 40 drops of iodine alcohol tincture and 1 tablespoon of hydrogen peroxide are added.
All leaves and stems of tomatoes are carefully treated with the resulting solutions, especially on the underside.

You can also use solutions of fermented kefir and whey (1 liter per 10 liters of water) both in pure form and with the addition of a small amount of sugar for preventive spraying against late blight.

Water the tomato bushes regularly every week with such solutions, starting from the moment the buds form. Attention! A microelement such as boron also works well in the fight against late blight on tomatoes.

To use it, you need to dilute 10 g of boric acid in 10 liters of hot water, cool to room temperature and spray the tomatoes. For the best effect, it is advisable to add 30 drops of iodine to the solution before treatment.

Finally, the following recipe is considered to be a remedy that effectively combated already visible manifestations of late blight on tomatoes:

  1. Eight liters of water are heated to a temperature of +100°C and combined with two liters of sifted wood ash.
  2. When the temperature of the solution drops to +20°C, 10 g of boric acid and 10 ml of iodine are added to it.
  3. The mixture is infused for half a day.
  4. Then dilute with water in a ratio of 1:10 and thoroughly spray all parts of the tomato plants.
  5. Before treatment, it is necessary to remove all affected parts of the plants.
  • Ash solution against late blight on tomatoes
This treatment is carried out in three stages: as soon as the seedlings take root and begin to grow, before the tomatoes bloom and immediately before the first ovaries appear.

Add half a bucket of wood ash to 10 liters of water and leave for three days, stirring from time to time. When the composition has settled, the liquid must be drained, its volume brought to 30 liters and 30-35 g of liquid soap added to the composition.

  • Serum against late blight on tomatoes

Treating tomatoes against late blight with curdled milk serum also gives good results. Dilute the serum in a one to one ratio with water and from the first days of July spray the tomatoes at least every day.

Common folk methods of struggle:

  1. Copper wire against late blight on tomatoes is used only as a preventive measure.
  2. It is believed that sufficient copper content in the plant prevents the proliferation of harmful spores. To do this, take a piece of wire and cut it into pieces 3-5 cm long. All parts are thoroughly cleaned with sandpaper.

    After that, the lower part of the stem of each tomato is pierced with wire, its ends are bent down, but not twisted around the stem. It is believed that this way the plant is saturated with copper, thereby eliminating the development of the disease.

  3. Yeast is a common processing agent. You will need to mix 100 g of yeast (live) with 10 liters of water. The prepared mixture is sprayed onto the tomatoes.
  4. You can prepare a solution of garlic and manganese.
  5. The leaves, stems and garlic itself are crushed and poured; 1 cup of boiling water is required per 100 g of pulp. After a day, the mixture is filtered and diluted in 10 liters of water, adding a little manganese.

    Each plant is treated with the resulting composition, the procedure is carried out 4 times per season.
  6. The following composition includes whey or kefir and water in equal parts. You can treat the bushes with the mixture every day, but you should start only in July.

If it was not possible to prevent the development of the disease, characteristic brown spots become noticeable on the leaves, then the following folk recipes can help:

  1. Iodine for late blight on tomatoes is a proven remedy for many. You need to take 10 ml of a five percent iodine solution and dissolve it in 10 liters of water. The composition needs to be sprayed on all tomatoes. The procedure must be repeated after 3 days.
  2. You need to mix 200 ml of a 10% calcium solution with 2 liters of water, then carefully spray the affected areas of the plant.
  3. Prepare a solution of 1 kg of salt and 10 liters of water. Before treatment, you will need to remove all diseased parts of the plant, and then spray the tomato bushes.
  4. The solution forms a thin film on the surface of leaves, stems and fruits, which prevents further development of the disease.

  5. The pharmaceutical product Trichopolum can also help in the fight against late blight. You need to dissolve 1 tablet in 1 liter of water and spray the bushes. The procedure is repeated every 14 days.
  6. Summer residents also use furatsilin; it can also help against late blight on tomatoes. 10 tablets of the drug are dissolved in 10 liters of water. The solution is used for spraying 3 times per season. The first - before the start of flowering, the second - when the ovaries appear, the third - at the moment of ripening of the first fruits.
  • Tomatoes are also treated with fungicidal preparations.
You can buy Fitosporin, Fundazim, Quadris, Fundazol, Ridomil, Previkur. Spraying with such products should be carried out in accordance with the attached instructions.
  • Copper sulfate

It is enough to add about 2 tablespoons of copper sulfate and a couple of drops of iodine to one bucket of water. Tomato bushes are processed once. In general, iodine can be added to almost all mixtures for treating plants, since in small doses it can have a disinfecting effect without harming organic matter.

You should not add a large dose of iodine, as an increased concentration can burn tissue.

When the listed products do not help fight fungal growths on tomatoes, you will need more concentrated chemicals, which can be purchased in specialized stores. It is better to first consult with sellers regarding what dosage is required for a particular variety, as well as based on the current signs of late blight.

If you treat tomato seedlings in a timely manner with the indicated folk remedies, then treatment for late blight should be successful. It is important to remember that rain can completely wash away substances, so a repeat procedure will be required.

When prevention methods in the current season did not have an effect, then it is advisable to use a different method in the next one.

When using the same remedy to combat a disease year after year, its effectiveness is significantly reduced. In this regard, it is recommended to periodically change medications and agents.

After you have successfully treated the seedlings for late blight, you need to treat the area. The earth is watered with “Trichodermin” and “Fitosporin”, which should supervise the remains of fungal spores in the soil. This precaution will prevent possible illness next season.

If your area is affected by a massive disease of vegetable crops, then all the bushes will definitely need to be burned and the ground sprayed with a fungicide.

This method of control is very effective if everything is done correctly, without leaving untreated corners of the garden. Carefully inspect the fruit when harvesting a ripe harvest. If the tomatoes show typical signs of late blight, it is better to throw them away so that the entire crop does not spoil during storage.

Before rolling tomatoes, be sure to rinse them thoroughly and inspect them carefully again.

  • Other drugs

There are several other drugs that are actively used by people to combat late blight on tomatoes.

  1. Dissolve 10 Trichopolum tablets in a 10-liter bucket of water and add 15 ml of brilliant green. The resulting solution can be used to treat tomato bushes both during flowering and when the first symptoms of late blight appear.
  2. In 10 liters of water, mix one teaspoon of copper sulfate, boric acid, and magnesia. Add potassium permanganate on the tip of a knife and a little laundry soap (can be replaced with 3 tablespoons of liquid soap).

Source: ";;;;"

Chemicals for treatment and protection

Copper sulfate has proven itself well in the fight against late blight. A 3% solution is used to treat the soil several days before planting seedlings. When planting plants, prepare a 1% solution and pour 1 liter into each well. Trichopolum or metronidazole tablets have an antifungal effect.

20 tablets are diluted in a small amount of water and poured into a bucket of water. Plantings are processed every two weeks. Chemical fungicides are strong in the fight against late blight, but after treatment with them, the fruits cannot be eaten for 25 days:

  1. "Abiga - Peak"
  2. "Profit - Gold"
  3. Dilute at the rate of 1 gram per 1 liter of water. Apply 4 times, every 14 days. Hazard class – 3. Protects the plant for 7 – 12 days.
  4. “Hom” - 40 grams are stirred in a bucket of water. Belongs to hazard class 3.

For prevention, or in the initial stage of the disease, it is recommended to use biological agents: “Alirin-B”, “Gamair”, “Fitosporin”. They belong to hazard class 4, are highly effective, and do not cause addiction to fungal pathogens.

In addition to protective measures, these biological products bring benefits: they remove the toxicity of the soil after treating it with chemicals, restore microflora, strengthen the immunity of plants and stimulate further growth and development of bushes.

Common chemicals include:

  • Antibiotic Trichopolum
  • 10 tablets of this product are dissolved in 10 liters of water and sprayed on the bushes. The treatment is carried out for the first time when the tomatoes are at the stage of ovary formation, and then the procedure is repeated 2 times a month.

    This is an antimicrobial substance. That’s why gardeners love to prepare a milk-iodine solution, which can easily help you get rid of late blight. To prepare it, take 10 liters of water, a liter of milk and 20 drops of iodine.

  • Zelenka
  • Dissolve 40 drops of this product in water and spray the tomatoes with it.

  • Potassium permanganate solution
  • This product is an excellent antiseptic for seeds. They are placed in a gauze bag and immersed in this solution for 40 minutes. After this, rinse with water and dry thoroughly.

Source: ""

Causes of late blight on tomatoes

Late blight is a very common and destructive fungal disease that destroys not only tomatoes, but also other nightshade crops (eggplant, potatoes). Most often, the disease manifests itself in cool and damp weather, with heavy rainfall. But where does this sore come from?

Late blight is a fungal disease and it is spread by spores, so the conidia of this fungus can survive in the soil, seeds, on the walls of a greenhouse or greenhouse, as well as garden tools.

And as soon as there are favorable conditions for its active reproduction (low air temperature and humidity), the disease will begin to develop and progress. In addition to weather conditions, there may be other causes of tomato disease:

Speaking about how late blight is transmitted, in this case it is worth noting that there are a lot of ways of spreading it - this can be infection through seeds, soil, tubers of neighboring plants, by transferring the infection from area to area with equipment, and much more.

With all this, the bacteria remain in the soil cover for quite a long time, and especially if it lacks copper salts.

Speaking about how transmission occurs, in nature there is a whole scheme of its transmission and its main stages:

  • So, on the affected plant itself, new spores are formed that infect the root, seeds, i.e., the entire healthy plant and its fruits, green or already ripe.
  • Next comes their germination, when new spores develop from them in greater numbers.
  • The next stage of infection is their direct entry into the kidney.
  • Already through the soil and contaminated soil, it directly infects new, healthy plants growing nearby.

The main thing is to find out how fungal spores got into your area, tomato bush, and based on this, take measures to eliminate pathogenic microflora.

Vegetable testing

Such signs at the first stage of disease development do not always indicate infection with late blight. For example, blackening of fruits can be caused by rot, high levels of humidity or dry soil, and it is also a consequence of excessive amounts of fertilizer applied.

The infected plant must be carefully examined. With dry blossom end rot, the damage spreads to the entire fruit and it turns black. But the tomato pulp should be firm and absolutely free of juice. This phenomenon occurs when there is an excessive amount of fertilizer, after which soil salinization occurs.

If there are black tomatoes on the plant, and the roots have come out to the surface of the dry soil, this is not late blight. The plant simply does not have enough moisture, so it gets it from the air.

Blackness may also be present on tomato fruits that are deficient in boron and magnesium. Therefore, the way out of this situation is to periodically fertilize the plants with fertilizer.

Effective fight plan

It is necessary to combat late blight on tomatoes from the first days of seed life. These procedures are carried out constantly and at certain intervals. After all, it is almost impossible to cure a diseased plant, and the infection process occurs very quickly. In the early stages, the fight against late blight on tomatoes comes down to conventional prevention.

Then you can use different means to spray the plant or greenhouse. A novice gardener will grab his head from so many precautions, but how to deal with late blight using other methods?

Only carefully planned actions in combination with biologically active drugs or folk remedies will help get rid of the dangerous fungus.

This does not close the question of how to protect tomatoes from infection. Here you need to think through every step. For example:

  1. Selection of seeds and their processing;
  2. Planting and fertilizing seedlings;
  3. Hardening off plants before planting;
  4. Correct hole depth and row spacing;
  5. Soil composition and treatment;
  6. Care in the first 2 weeks after disembarkation;
  7. Preparation of equipment and greenhouse;
  8. Temperature and humidity in the greenhouse;
  9. The amount and frequency of fertilizers against late blight, as well as their nature;
  10. Plants that are planted nearby;
  11. Predecessors that were planted 1-2 years earlier;
  12. Climate.

Source: ";;"

Greenhouse treatment

Before planting hardened plants in a greenhouse, it is necessary to prepare the soil and build a greenhouse. The structure must be comfortable and airtight so that frost or cold air cannot penetrate through the cracks. But at the same time, the structure must have several windows for ventilation.

Spraying tomatoes against late blight also includes preventive treatment of the greenhouse. If the structure has been in use for more than a year, before the start of the season it must be cleaned of dust, dirt and cobwebs. This must be done not only from the inside, but also from the outside.

For more scrupulous gardeners against late blight on tomatoes, it is advisable to spray the entire greenhouse structure with a solution of Fitosporin or Baikal EM.

The beds can be sprinkled with a mixture of ash and tobacco dust. To obtain such a product, you need to take 2 cups of tobacco dust into a bucket of ash. The gardener must use a gauze bandage. Such simple, and sometimes extreme, methods can protect the crop from tomato disease. Therefore, before treating tomatoes against late blight, pay attention to the greenhouse itself.

Plant care

Before plunging into the problem of plant treatment, it is necessary to constantly inspect the bushes for humidity levels. If the lower leaves around the edges are wet, this is the first sign of a possible infection. The main signal, followed by treatment of tomatoes against late blight. The gardener should not overwater the plants.

You should never plant seedlings in a greenhouse in which last year's crop suffered from late blight. Before treating tomatoes against late blight, it is necessary to completely remove the top layer (5 cm) of soil. In this case, it is better to use seeds that are already 2-3 years old, since within a few years they cease to be a source of viral or fungal diseases.

It is best to choose a place for a greenhouse where nightshade crops have not grown before: peppers, potatoes, tomatoes, eggplants. All last year's plants must be collected and burned.

In order not to think later about how to save yourself from late blight on tomatoes, you need to dig up the soil well for the winter. This will destroy fungal spores. Seedlings can be planted only after hardening: a frail plant is a weak link that can become a target for fungus.

Moreover, you cannot plant seedlings very densely. Always follow the planting patterns indicated on the seed packets. Before lowering the plant into the hole, remove the lower and old leaves down to 2-3 clusters. This will give more strength to the tomato, because it will not need to provide moisture and nutrients to the extra leaf.

Water only the root, not the leaves or stem, as this can cause tomato diseases. Plant care involves timely watering and ventilation of the greenhouse. So, adult tomatoes are watered rarely, but abundantly.

We must not forget about mulching the soil, but this procedure is carried out only with mature and strong plants. Treatment of tomatoes against late blight involves the correct technology of fertilizing with fertilizers (phosphorus, potassium, copper sulfate). This is done in cloudy, rainy weather.

Spraying plants

To defeat late blight of tomatoes, treatment must be carried out constantly, changing it from year to year. It is necessary to spray tomatoes against late blight at the stage of planting in the soil. For this purpose, store-bought solutions are used or prepared according to folk recipes.

  • The first enemy of fungal spores is garlic.
  • Use garlic heads and shoots. Take chopped heads and shoots (1.5 tbsp) into a bucket (10 liters) of water. The mixture is infused for 24 hours and filtered. Then 2 g of potassium permanganate is added there.

    For late blight on tomatoes, the plant is sprayed with garlic solution when the ovary has formed, and the next time this is done after 10 days. It is better to carry out this procedure once every 2 weeks.

  • The question of what to spray tomatoes with can be answered with ordinary salt. You need a glass of table salt per 10 liters of water.
  • This solution creates a protective film on the leaves, which blocks the path of spores to the mouth of the plant. You need to spray healthy bushes, because this is prevention, not treatment of the disease.

  • It is effective to treat tomatoes against late blight with common ash.
  • Half a bucket of ash is diluted in 10 liters of water. This solution is infused for 3 days, remembering to stir from time to time. Then the mixture is diluted with another 20 liters of water and 35 g of laundry soap is added.

    Before treating tomatoes against late blight, you need to wait until the plant has taken root. Then spraying is carried out just before flowering and after the formation of the ovary.
  • The next recipe is a little extreme. It is necessary to fill 1 kg of rotted hay with 10 liters of water, add 100 g of urea. The solution should be infused for 4 days. After this, the liquid must be filtered.

Purchased solutions

It is easier to buy ready-made drugs and dilute them according to the instructions. For example, fungicides are recognized as the most effective. They are used 2-3 weeks before planting seedlings in a greenhouse and 2 weeks after that.
Many gardeners use old proven methods to combat this problem.

When the root system dries out, prepare a solution of Furacilin, which is used to spray the seedlings. It is necessary to dilute 2 tablets in 0.5 liters of water. Furacilin effectively copes with the fungus, like Trichopolum. Metronidazole is a synthetic antibacterial agent, which, according to gardeners, actively copes with plant diseases.

Its second name is Trichopolum. The plant is sprayed with a solution every 2 weeks. To prepare, you need to dilute Trichopolum (1 tablet) in 1 liter of water.

This antifungal agent has a very bitter taste, but is suitable for both people and plants. For an increased dose, use Trichopolum (20 tablets) per 10 liters of water. All these drugs are cheap and available.

How to treat the soil after an illness

In the spring, before planting, you should definitely treat the soil to remove late blight. To do this, take 3% copper sulfate and water the ground with it. After which you should thoroughly loosen the soil. To do this, use a special device that will help mix the top cover 25 cm thick.

Tornado will be one of the best helpers for this. It has an unusual shape and is very effective and easy to use.

And the final stage is watering the soil with phytosporin. For this, 1 tbsp. The product is dissolved in 10 liters of water. This dose is calculated for 1 sq.m. Be sure to remember that substances that contain copper can get into food, so they should be used only in early spring.

Varieties resistant to infection

Varieties resistant to late blight include: Brother's Gift, De Barao, Vilina, Lyana, Roton.
As you can see, late blight is easy to deal with. You just need to choose the product you like and get to work. However, you should also adhere to the dosage, because exceeding the norm will harm the tomatoes themselves.

Many summer residents have tomato bushes in full bloom in their greenhouses. It's time to start developing an action plan in the war against the main enemy of the tomato - late blight.

In RuNet you will find many articles on this issue. As part of the article, I tried to collect all the most useful recommendations from experienced summer residents and popular advice on combating late blight of tomatoes.

Late blight - know the enemy by sight!

Phytophthora of tomatoes is a fungal disease. It appears as irregularly shaped spots with pale green edges and a white mold-like coating on the back of the leaf that appears in rainy weather.

Signs of late blight include the presence of infrequent or continuous stripes of dark brown color on stems and leaf petioles. During the dry period, the affected areas dry out, and in high humidity they rot.

In unfavorable weather, the invasion of late blight on tomatoes begins as early as June. Phytophthora multiplies exponentially at air humidity of 90% and temperature of +20 degrees. She especially loves wet weather with sudden changes in temperature, that is, when a cool night is followed by a warm, cloudy day.

Prevention of late blight on tomatoes

Proper agricultural practices and simple preventive measures help in the fight against this dangerous disease.

To prevent problems with late blight, tomato seeds are soaked for 12 hours in the following solution: 100 grams of juice, a teaspoon of honey, 4 drops of garlic juice and 4 drops of any immunomodulator. You can also disinfect seeds by holding them in a 1% solution of potassium permanganate for 20-25 minutes. To prepare it, a teaspoon without the top of potassium permanganate granules is dissolved in a liter of water.

The variety of tomatoes also plays a big role. Early varieties have a greater chance of escaping late blight, especially in central Russia. Most greenhouse tomatoes ripen 1-2 months later than ground tomatoes. But they have larger fruits.

1-2 weeks after planting, pinch the tops of the plants and allow the stepsons to grow a little. Later. With this approach, 4-5 stepsons are left on each plant from one flower cluster, which results in 4-5 large fruits per bush.

When planting tomato seedlings, holes and plants in pots are spilled with copper sulfate at the rate of a tablespoon per 10 liters of water.

Make sure there is plenty of space between the tomatoes in the row so that they don't touch each other's leaves as they grow. By thickening the plantings, you personally invite late blight to your tomato beds!

Proper agricultural technology involves abundant but infrequent watering and...

How to water tomatoes in a greenhouse so that the air in the room remains as dry as possible, watch the video.

The main preventive measure for late blight is to reduce the humidity in the greenhouse or under the film and increase the temperature - up to +28...30 degrees. To do this, some tomato experts close the greenhouse on a sunny day for 1-2 hours - you can’t do it longer, otherwise you can simply “cook” the plants themselves.

When the first bunch of fruits appear on the tomato plants, the lower leaves are removed from the tomato bushes - they are of no use, and they are the first to be affected by late blight.

In August, flowers or brushes are regularly removed from the upper branches, since they still do not have enough time to ripen. To stimulate fruit ripening, you can water and spray the plants in mid-August with the following composition at the rate of liter per bush: 10 liters of water, a liter of curdled milk and 10-15 drops of iodine.

You will greatly improve the resistance of tomato plants to late blight if you water them with the following solution: 40 drops of iodine, 30 grams or a tablespoon of potassium chloride per 10 liters of water. The recommended watering rate is 0.5 liters per bush.

Until now, the advice has concerned agricultural techniques that increase the resistance of tomatoes to late blight. Now we will move on to ways to prevent and treat this dangerous disease.

Treatment of tomato bushes with immunomodulator regulators helps reduce losses from late blight by 1.5-2 times. Such remedies have a double effect. They nourish plants with essential amino acids and vitamins and give their immunity a good boost. This makes tomato plants more stress-resistant and hardy. In this regard, Emistim S, Zircon, and Extra have proven themselves well.

For the prevention of late blight in tomato beds, I usually trust such a well-known drug as Fitosporin. Processing frequency is once every two weeks.

If you do not want to use chemicals, you need to start preventive treatment of tomatoes against late blight 7-10 days after planting the seedlings. That is, as soon as you see that the plants have taken root.

The interval between spraying should be no more than 7-10 days. Repeated applications may be required in case of heavy rainfall.

12 folk recipes for combating tomato late blight

Below you will find 12 reliable and simple folk remedies for combating tomato late blight.

You will also notice that some formulations include copper sulfate. This is an effective remedy for fungal infections, but it has a bad effect on the quality of the fruit in terms of its environmental friendliness. Therefore, it is up to you to decide whether to use such recipes or not.

Unless otherwise indicated, dosages in recipes are based on 10 liters of water.

  1. Potassium permanganate solution. The amount of manganese added is determined “by eye” - focus on the color of the resulting solution. It should be pinkish, but not lilac or purple.
  2. Potassium permanganate solution + teaspoon.
  3. A liter of milk, or whey, or kefir and 10-15 drops of iodine.
  4. 10 tablets of trichopolum (sold in any pharmacy) and a bottle of brilliant green.
  5. Pass 200 grams of garlic through a meat grinder and leave for 1-2 days in a liter of water. The filtered mixture is diluted to the required 10 liters. In addition, you can also add potassium permanganate to it.
  6. 1% potassium chloride solution. Dilute a pharmaceutical 10% solution in a 200 milliliter bottle in 2 liters of water.
  7. A tablespoon of copper sulfate per 10 liters of water.
  8. Pour 1.5 kilograms of fresh nettle into 10 liters of water and leave for 5-6 days. Both tomato bushes and the soil under them are sprayed with the infusion.
  9. A tablespoon of pine concentrate powder.
  10. 250-300 grams of wood ash.
  11. A teaspoon of boric acid, a rich pink solution of potassium permanganate and 10 drops of iodine.
  12. 100 grams of yeast per 10 liters of water.

For processing, I advise you to use a fine spray bottle, which allows you to completely wet the leaves on the tomato bushes.

For better adhesion to tomato leaves, add to all solutions: half a glass of sugar, or a quarter of a piece of grated soap, or 3-5 tablespoons of liquid soap.

Don’t forget about late blight prevention in the off-season!

Many summer residents and gardeners are engaged in growing tomatoes in open ground. This is not surprising, because such a crop gives good yields and eliminates the need to buy valuable vegetables in the store. With proper care, tomatoes will bear several dozen ripe fruits annually.

However, the activity is often accompanied by all sorts of difficulties, including a dangerous disease called late blight. Perhaps such a word does not mean anything to a novice summer resident, but it is unlikely that he has not encountered black or brown spots that cover fruits at the end of summer and cause their death. The problem is indeed very dangerous and, if radical measures are not taken, the continued maintenance of the plant may be in jeopardy.

If you want to organize an effective fight against late blight, but categorically refuse to use highly effective chemicals, you should pay attention to a number of strong folk remedies for late blight on tomatoes. In any case, you should never ignore the progression of the disease, as this can deprive you of the expected harvest and cause a lot of trouble.

Currently, experienced summer residents use a wide variety of folk remedies for late blight. And strangely enough, in some cases they work much more effectively than drugs purchased in specialized stores. Perhaps such success is determined by the wide variety of recipes that alternate with each other. For this reason, the insidious fungal microorganism simply cannot get used to such weapons and quickly leaves the culture. In addition, the main advantage of natural products is their harmlessness and environmental friendliness.

Description of the problem

Late blight on tomatoes in open ground appears due to the activity of a dangerous fungus called Phytophthora infestans. From the name you can understand that the pest’s action is to destroy plant tissue. Today, various nightshade crops are affected by the fungus, but tomatoes are particularly susceptible to it.

Before starting treatment, you need to carefully study everything signs and possible manifestations of the disease. First of all, the tomato leaves will be strewn with small brown spots on the reverse side, which will begin to increase in size as they grow. As a result, the leaves will begin to dry out and fall off. In addition, the shoots become covered with a dark tint, and gray-dark areas appear on the fruits.

The first symptoms of late blight begin to manifest themselves in the second half of summer. This is due to a simple fact: during this period, the fungus begins to actively develop due to suitable climatic conditions.

If the night and day temperatures are very different from each other, heavy dew may appear on the bushes. If the entire summer season is accompanied by prolonged precipitation and a low temperature range, the fungus will begin to attack the crop much earlier. Also, special activity of the microorganism is observed when planting tomatoes on calcareous soils and in places where there is no normal air circulation.

However, if the daytime temperature remains high, the development of late blight is significantly suspended. Hot weather leads to partial and sometimes complete extinction of the colony. Naturally, every novice summer resident, faced with manifestations of late blight, begins to ask questions: “How to deal with late blight on tomatoes, what methods to use, how and when?”

It is important to understand that success in the fight against late blight does not lie in eliminating symptoms, but in early treatment of the crop and preventive measures. The stronger the tomato's immunity, the faster it will resist the fungus.

Prevention of late blight

To prevent the development of a fungal infection on tomatoes, be responsible in following all agrotechnical practices at different stages of plant development. Such actions will become a high-quality prevention of late blight.

How to fight with folk remedies

As mentioned above, in addition to chemical preparations to combat late blight, there is a wide variety of folk remedies that can show very good results. Before deciding on a suitable tool, you need to try all the popular solutions to understand which one will be the most suitable. Different varieties have different susceptibility, due to which the chosen drug must be correct. Also, its variety may be determined by weather conditions and characteristics of the region.

Don’t forget that late blight is a dangerous fungal microorganism that will only leave your garden after a thorough and lengthy struggle. In this case, a creative approach and the desire to conduct all kinds of experiments will not hurt. It is important to understand that remedies that were effective last year may lose their relevance next year.

However, if the established proportions are followed exactly, fighting late blight with home remedies can be very successful.

Use of iodine, boron and dairy products

You can get rid of late blight on tomatoes when grown in open ground using various folk remedies. Among them, time-tested and experience-tested iodine, boron and dairy products. It is known that iodine effectively fights fungus and localizes its further development. Today, different recipes for using this substance are used, so you just have to choose the most suitable one.

A similar product will be used to thoroughly process all leaves and stems of tomatoes.

They also work very effectively means for the prevention of late blight based on fermented kefir and whey, in a proportion of 1 liter per 10 liters of water. Dairy products can be used both in pure form and with added sugar. Using such a solution, you need to thoroughly water the bush, starting from the moment the buds appear.

A good remedy for late blight on tomatoes can be boron, in a volume of 10 grams, which is diluted with 10 liters of hot water. Let the mixture come to room temperature and start spraying the tomatoes with it. To make the result more effective, you can add a little iodine to the solution.

Over the years, our ancestors have used another very effective solution for late blight:

  • To 8 liters of boiling water you need to add two liters of sifted wood ash;
  • Then you should wait until the temperature of the solution drops to +20 degrees Celsius;
  • Next, 10 grams of boric acid and 10 ml of iodine are added to the composition;
  • The mixture is infused for half a day;
  • The next step is to dilute the composition with water in a ratio of 1:10;

The finished product is used to spray all parts of tomatoes. During the processing process, you need to get rid of all affected parts.

Other means

In the fight against late blight, other folk remedies also work well.

One of them is wood ash. This ingredient contains a large number of various microelements that can have a beneficial effect on tomato tissue. To prepare a suitable preparation for late blight, it is enough to dissolve 5 liters of ash in 10 liters of water and leave for three days, stirring occasionally. Next, you need to dilute the solution to a volume of 30 liters, add soap to it and start spraying.

An important feature: such prevention should be carried out at least three times per season.

In the early stages of development, late blight shows itself well fresh yeast mixture, diluted with 10 liters of water. Using this composition, the entire bush is sprayed.

Fungal infections are very afraid of garlic. If you prepare an infusion of 1.5 cups of crushed shoots and mix them with 10 liters of water, then such an infusion can become a highly effective means for localizing the fungus. For each bush of culture there is about half a liter of tincture.

An interesting way to combat late blight is application of copper microparticles, which can treat late blight and serve as a good preventive measure, repelling the fungus from the plant.

You can also spray the crop infusion based on tinder fungus. This remedy has a positive effect on the immune system of nightshades and is a good defense against infection. The dried mushroom is finely chopped with a knife or meat grinder and poured with a liter of boiling water. After thorough infusion, the solution is filtered through cheesecloth and used for watering.

The first processing measures can be carried out at the stage of ovary formation. Then it remains to process the crop when the first symptoms of late blight appear.

allows you to create a thin protective film on tomato leaves that can prevent the penetration of fungus through the stomata of the plant. To prepare the product, simply dilute 250 grams of salt in a 10-liter bucket of water. Using the resulting solution, all parts of the culture are processed. However, it is important to understand that treatment with saline solution is solely a preventive measure, and not a method of treatment.

It is better to process tomatoes during the period when the ovaries appear.


If you ask yourself the question: “What folk remedies are best to treat tomatoes with late blight?”, it is quite difficult to find a definite answer to it. However, if you are ready to give the crop the time, attention and care it deserves, try trying all of the above techniques, following the recipes and recommendations of experienced gardeners. Periodically alternating such folk remedies or trying to combine them in one complete solution can solve your problem quickly.

Of course, getting rid of late blight on tomatoes is quite difficult, but with a reasonable approach and the use of suitable techniques, you can defeat absolutely any disease and preserve an amazing harvest.

When caring for tomato seedlings, do not forget to look under their leaves: many problems begin in inconspicuous places. If you see areas of unusual color, blisters, changes in thickness, or other differences from regular sheets, try to determine the cause. Sometimes a plant communicates in this way that it lacks some nutrients or does not like the conditions: inappropriate temperature, improper watering.

Many pests hide in secluded corners and slowly eat plants. Attentive attitude towards your pets will allow you to notice diseases in time, including late blight - the most dangerous and common enemy of tomatoes.

How to recognize late blight

First, dark spots with a pale green border appear on the inside of tomato leaves, then these places become covered with a white coating. If dark brown stripes on the stems are added to such signs, you can rest assured that the tomatoes have been attacked by late blight. The further development of the disease will depend on the living conditions of the seedlings: with high humidity, rotting will begin, and with dry content, drying out. Having noticed the first signs, immediately isolate suspicious specimens, even if you are not yet sure of the diagnosis. The infection spreads very quickly, if you hesitate, all the seedlings will become infected.

The causative agent of the disease is a fungus that spreads spores. Favorite conditions of this organism:

  1. Humidity 90%.
  2. Temperature +20⁰.
  3. Still air.
  4. Calcareous soil.
  5. Sudden temperature changes.

Do you want to get acquainted with this disease and create a lot of trouble for yourself? Take the soil from the bed, generously sprinkled with lime, thicken the tomato seedlings so that no air flow breaks through the greens, cover it with film to maintain high humidity, water it generously and place it on the balcony when the nights are cold and the days are warm. Under such conditions, late blight is guaranteed for your seedlings.

You should not think that if you bought prepared soil, disinfected containers and tools, the infection will have nowhere to come from. Fungal spores spread through the air and settle on the soil and all objects. Often the seeds are already infected with late blight spores. You can create sterile conditions in your apartment, but fungal spores will still enter the room through open windows, on street clothes and shoes.

Prevention is better than cure

You need to start preventive measures from seeds. Before sowing, they must be treated with a solution of potassium permanganate: dissolve 1 g of powder in 0.1 liters of water and pickle the grains for 20 minutes. You can use another composition:

  • aloe juice – 0.1 kg,
  • honey – 1 teaspoon,
  • garlic juice – 4 drops,
  • immunomodulator – 4 drops.

Soak tomato seeds for 12 hours before sowing.

Don’t forget to treat tools and containers with a disinfectant. If you prepare the soil yourself, be sure to steam it in a double boiler; to be on the safe side, you can do this with purchased soil. Before planting in the greenhouse, put things in order, wash away all dirt, and remove the remains of last year’s tomatoes. Spray all surfaces with EM preparations, for example, “Baikal”. You can fumigate against late blight: take a bucket of smoldering coals, throw in a piece of natural wool fabric and close the doors and vents for a day. You can mix 1 bucket of ash with 2 cups of tobacco dust and sprinkle the ground and all structures.

Advice. If there are a lot of seedlings, and you do not have enough money to purchase high-quality soil for all the seedlings, buy one package. Prepare good compost in advance by watering it with EO preparations. Mix compost with purchased soil, disinfect and place in cups.

Properly care for tomato seedlings, do not create greenhouse conditions with high humidity and still air. It is not necessary too often, the soil should dry out. Tomatoes do not like drafts, but air should not be allowed to stagnate between the stems. Don't plant plants too close to each other, and carefully ventilate your plantings every day. Do not forget about fertilizing; seedlings should not lack any component. With good nutrition, the plants will be strong with good immunity, then late blight will not be scary for them, and the tomatoes will be able to fight the infection themselves.

When you prepare holes for planting tomato seedlings, dilute 1 tbsp. spoon of copper sulfate in 10 liters of water, and pour this mixture into the holes. When marking, take into account the size and density of an adult plant; tomatoes should not touch each other. It is better to grow less than to plant many seedlings in a small greenhouse, which will soon die from late blight. After a few days, you need to treat the tomatoes with the following composition:

  • 10 liters of water,
  • 1 tbsp. spoon of potassium chloride,
  • 40 drops of iodine.

Each bush should require 0.5 liters of prophylactic agent.

Traditional methods

Not everyone wants to use chemicals for edible crops, but it is necessary to fight late blight. For supporters of environmentally friendly vegetable growing, there are many recipes that use only natural ingredients. The compositions need to be sprayed on tomato seedlings for both prevention and treatment.

  1. Dissolve 1 bottle of propolis tincture from the pharmacy in 1 liter of water.
  2. Mix equal amounts of water and whey.
  3. Add 1 liter of skim milk and 15 drops of iodine tincture to 10 liters of water.
  4. Cut off the roots of the garlic, and chop the heads and above-ground parts. Infuse 100 g of mass in 1 glass of water for 24 hours. Strain and dissolve 1 g of potassium permanganate in the infusion. Repeat treatment every 2 weeks.
  5. Soak 1 kg of rotted straw in 10 liters of water and add a handful of urea. The composition should be infused for 3-4 days, then you need to drain the liquid, strain and spray the tomatoes 2 times a month.
  6. Prepare a solution of 10 liters of water and 1 cup of salt. Process once a month.
  7. Stir 100 g of yeast in 10 liters of water.
  8. Instead of copper sulfate, which accumulates in the ground and ends up in the fruit, it is better to bury a small copper plate under each tomato. Grown bushes can be connected to copper wire.

Advice. There is a folk sign that is suitable for adult plants. As soon as mushrooms appear in the forest, be on your guard. Late blight is also a fungal disease; be especially careful at this time: an outbreak of diseases is expected.

When growing tomato seedlings in a greenhouse, ventilate the plantings more often and water them rarely but abundantly. High temperatures protect against late blight, but the tomatoes themselves do not develop well in such conditions. Use a trick: in the hottest weather, close the doors and vents of the greenhouse for about 2 hours. During this time, the fungus will die, but the plants will survive if you do not forget to open the doors in time and let cool air inside.

Conclusion. Late blight is a dangerous disease, but it is possible to cope with it. It will not be possible to completely protect seedlings from infection: spores of the pathogenic fungus spread through the air and land on all objects: equipment, seeds, soil, seedlings. Before planting, it is advisable to disinfect everything, but you cannot rest on this, any breeze can bring an infection with it. When purchasing seed, give preference to varieties that are early maturing and resistant to fungal diseases.

The main way to combat late blight is prevention. Use traditional methods and natural ingredients, and then you can be sure that these procedures will not affect the quality of the fruit. Don’t forget about fertilizing and proper care of seedlings: strong plants are less likely to get sick. Water the seedlings in the morning so that the soil dries out during the day and does not evaporate much moisture during the cool night time.

Immediately isolate diseased plants from healthy seedlings. Use separate tools and gloves to care for infected plantings. For treatment, use the same drugs as for prevention: potassium permanganate, copper sulfate and folk remedies. If you follow all the rules, late blight will not be able to greatly damage the crop.
