How to tell if your baby has enough breast milk. What are the signs to understand that the baby does not have enough breast milk Check if the baby has enough milk

Every young mother asks herself the question whether her crumb is eating enough. After all, the health and normal development of the child depends on this. While it is easy enough to understand how much a baby has eaten when feeding with formula, then when breastfeeding it is very difficult to determine whether a newborn has remained hungry. However, there are a few simple rules to help you know if your baby has enough breastmilk. It is about them that will be discussed in this article.

Baby behavior

How do you know if your baby has enough breast milk? There are several criteria that will make it possible to determine whether a child is eating enough:

  • frequency of applications. In the first weeks of life, the child should eat eight to twelve times a day. Some deviation from this norm is considered normal: the baby may require breast more often if he needs contact with his mother. Immediately after eating, the child should fall asleep soundly. If this does not happen, you can suspect that the feeling of hunger prevents the baby from falling asleep;
  • diaper change frequency. To understand if the baby is getting enough milk, you need to conduct a small experiment during the day. Don't wear a diaper and count your urination frequency. Normally, a child should write 15 to 17 times a day. If there are less than 12 diapers, the newborn is most likely not getting enough breast milk. Of course, this method will not be indicative if the baby is in a diaper all day. In the evening, you can simply weigh the diaper, but the frequency of urination is much more important than the volume of urine;
  • baby's behavior at the breast. First, make sure that the baby is at the breast for as long as he needs. You do not need to tear the baby off even if it seems to you that he fell asleep. Ideally, the baby should release the breast on its own. Second, it is important to hear that the baby is swallowing, not just sucking on the breast. At the same time, at first, the child swallows quite often, since he receives liquid milk, thereby getting drunk. After some time, it becomes more difficult for the child to swallow: he has to make an effort to get to a thicker and more high-calorie meal.

The easiest thing a mother can do when she suspects that her baby is short of breast milk is to observe how the baby is behaving.

Weight gain

You can monitor its weight before and after feeding, so you can find out the amount of milk eaten at one time. Gain equal to 20% of the child's total weight is considered normal. If this increase is less, it can be assumed that the baby does not have enough breast milk and does not receive enough calories for normal development.

Monthly weight gain is equally important. For a week, the baby adds about 125 grams. However, do not think that this indicator is absolutely accurate and applicable to any child. Each baby develops in its own way: some gain weight faster, while others take much longer to do this. Therefore, simultaneously with the monthly weight gain, it is necessary to monitor the condition of the child. He should sleep well, be active, be cheerful and cheerful.

A very important factor in whether a newborn is getting enough milk is how he gains weight while breastfeeding.

There are additional criteria to check if a child is suffering from a lack of food. Normally, the following indicators indicate a sufficient amount of milk:

  • the periods of sleep, wakefulness and play, in the event that the child is well nourished, always exceed the periods of crying;
  • the child has smooth pink skin. When there is a lack of milk, the baby's skin becomes pale and even slightly wrinkled;
  • the skin near the fontanel does not sag;
  • the baby has clear eyes, and when he cries, tears appear.

False Signs of Lack of Milk

Women who have recently become mothers are often very anxious: they constantly think that their newborn baby does not have enough breast milk. Moreover, the likelihood of a decrease in lactation is of particular concern. It is important to understand some physiological processes in order not to worry in vain, because it is very important for the baby that the mother is calm and confident in herself.

Many young mothers take the following signs for a decrease in lactation volume:

  • no hot flashes of milk. Typically, after the sixth week of breastfeeding, the breasts no longer overflow before breastfeeding. In addition, at the same time, the baby may begin to release the breast faster. This suggests that too little milk is being produced. However, this is not the case: the organisms of the mother and the baby adapt to each other. Milk is produced exactly as much as the baby eats in one feeding. Well, the baby has learned to suck correctly and has time to gorge itself in a shorter period of time;
  • the baby began to defecate less often. From about two months of age, he begins to empty his bowels less often. If earlier he “went to the toilet” after each feeding or every other time, now it happens after every third feeding or even once a day. There is no need to worry: it is much more important to monitor the condition of the child, this will help to find out if the newborn has enough food. If he is not worried and feels well, and the feces have a mustard hue, then the baby is getting enough food and his intestines are working as it should. Many pediatricians argue that if the child is cheerful, calm and shows sufficient activity, the absence of hard stools for two to three days should not be alarming;
  • the baby begins to demand breast more often than before. At the same time, many babies lengthen their feeding sessions. This happens because children grow in leaps and bounds: in a few days they can significantly gain weight and height.

Naturally, during such periods, the child needs much more food. There is no need to worry that the baby will not have enough milk, because nature has decreed that at such moments more milk begins to be produced in the breast.

With a decrease in lactation, some mothers immediately begin to feed the baby with mixtures

How can you tell if your baby is short of milk?

Signs that really indicate that a newborn baby is not getting enough breast milk are as follows:

  • two weeks after birth, the child was unable to regain his original weight, and a month later the total gain is less than 500 grams;
  • after feeding is over, the child does not let go of the breast, is capricious and tries to grab the nipple with his mouth again;
  • the child looks worried, while after he sucks on the breast, the baby does not calm down, especially worries in the late afternoon;
  • the frequency of urination per day is less than 12 times;
  • the child's stool has become thick and dense, has an unpleasant odor.

If you notice such manifestations, then most likely the baby really, for some reason, cannot drink as much milk as he needs, and feels hunger. What to do in this case? First of all, do not panic: in such situations, many women feel guilty and suffer from the fact that they are bad mothers, engage in self-flagellation instead of trying to solve the problem.

Remember: you can always find out why the baby cannot get enough milk, and do everything possible to correct the situation as soon as possible.

The biggest mistake is to immediately supplement the formula or transfer the baby to bottle feeding. Do not do this!

What to do if there is not enough milk?

For a baby, mother's milk is the best food. The main thing to do when there are signs of a milk shortage is to pull yourself together and contact a pediatrician or breastfeeding specialists who can be found in any city. They can help you find out what caused the decrease in lactation or the decrease in the nutritional value of breast milk. Alternatively, you can try to fix the problem yourself. First of all, it is recommended to behave as follows:

  • try to breastfeed your baby as often as possible. Thanks to this, milk will be produced more actively. Do not give your baby pacifiers: the more often he is applied to the breast, the more milk is produced;
  • do not give your baby a bottle. Drinking from a bottle is much easier than sucking milk from your breast. Having got used to the bottle, the child will be "lazy" near the breast, preferring to receive food in an easier way;
  • in the early stages of breastfeeding, express the remaining milk after each latching on the baby to the breast. This will help to activate the process of breast milk production, and will also be an excellent prevention of mastopathy;
  • a woman's body produces too little milk when she does not eat well and drinks little liquid. Since a nursing mother provides food not only for herself, but also for the child, then normally she should consume up to 2500 calories per day and drink at least two liters of water per day. During lactation, no diet for weight loss is permissible; this should be done after the termination of breastfeeding. In addition, spicy, salty and smoked foods can reduce the amount of milk produced, so a nursing mother needs to eat right;
  • maybe when the baby is unable to latch onto the breast properly. This problem occurs quite often. The baby should completely cover the nipple and areola with his mouth (this is a round pigmented area around the nipple on the breast), without resting his nose on the chest, which can interfere with his breathing. To help your newborn baby, learn about feeding guidelines or ask a nurse, breastfeeding specialist, or an experienced friend for help. Sometimes changing the position during feeding helps to solve the problem;
  • buy special teas and vitamins that stimulate lactation. Do not forget to consult with your doctor first: when breastfeeding, even the most innocent drugs can harm a newborn baby;
  • feed one breast until the end. Often the baby, having drunk the front liquid milk, begins to be capricious and calms down only after he receives a second breast. This is due to the fact that it takes much more effort to suck out the thick, fatty hind milk. If a child sucks only liquid milk, he will not receive the required amount of calories and gorge himself, which negatively affects the health of the baby and the rate of weight gain;
  • try to increase the frequency of night feedings. Many try to feed the baby for the last time in the late afternoon in order to sleep peacefully at night. However, experts say that it is night feedings that play a decisive role in increasing the volume of milk produced. Between three and eight in the morning, feeding stimulates the production of a hormone called prolactin, which is responsible for increasing lactation;
  • Finally, try not to worry or worry unnecessarily. Stress affects milk production in a negative way. You can solve the problem with breastfeeding at any time: it is possible to establish lactation even after a few weeks of a break.

Another important point: a baby may be anxious not only because he is hungry.

Excitement, whims and crying can be caused by feeling unwell, colic, and bloating. If you are not sure if the baby is crying because of hunger, then the pediatrician will help to find out the true cause of the restless behavior.

Now you know what signs indicate that a month-old baby does not have enough breast milk. Remember: any problem can be solved, and every mother, if she wants, can provide her baby with enough food!

No one can doubt the benefits of breastfeeding anymore. The World Health Organization encourages exclusive breastfeeding until 6 months of age and continued breastfeeding for 2 years or more. Nevertheless, many women still continue to doubt their own ability to breastfeed their baby. This is due to the old Soviet stereotypes about the feeding regime, about the timing of the introduction of complementary foods and about the amount of breast milk a baby needs in one feeding at each month of life.

Meanwhile, one should not forget that each child develops individually and his needs for food may not coincide with the recommended regime norms prescribed in “smart books”.

This article is about how to understand your baby and be calm that the baby is eating breast milk.

How to determine the amount of milk required for a baby

When the baby is artificial, then he is offered a certain amount of the mixture at regular intervals. The recommended amount of formula is calculated according to the age and weight of the child. On average, up to 6 months, a newborn needs such a volume of nutrition, which is equal to 1/6 of its body weight. This rule applies to both formula and breastfeeding. But one child simply will not eat so much, and the other will not drink even half of his portion. So it is with breastfeeding.

It turns out that there are norms, but not all children fulfill them. It is almost impossible to accurately determine the amount of breast milk that a newborn will need per feeding. It is only known that different children drink from 700 to 1200 ml per day. Moreover, the daily volume of milk both at the 2nd and at the 5th month may not differ much, but the child's weight will still increase. This is because the composition of human milk changes every day to meet the individual needs of the growing baby.

Weighing your baby before and after feeding is an objective way to control effective breastfeeding

How to determine the amount of milk drunk by a baby

If a nursing mother is haunted by the question of how much milk her baby is getting, she can carry out a control weighing. To do this, immediately before feeding, the baby is weighed on a special electronic baby scale. It is then fed and re-weighed. The difference in weight will reflect the amount of food eaten.

Important! The newborn must be dressed in the same clothes before and after feeding, otherwise the result will be unreliable.

In one feeding, the baby can suck out 50 ml of milk, in the other - 150 ml. This is quite normal, but only if the baby is fed on demand at intervals of 2 to 3 hours and is not supplemented with any other liquid.

Summing up the numbers of all feedings per day, we get the daily amount of milk drunk by the child, which is 700 - 1200 ml.

How to know if your baby is getting enough milk

In order to determine whether the baby has enough breast milk, it is necessary to completely abandon disposable diapers for one day. This is done so that the mother can control the amount of urination of the baby. Children who are exclusively breastfed and not supplemented with any other liquid, from 2 weeks to 6 months of age, should urinate at least 12 times a day. This is the most important indicator that the baby has enough milk.

But there are also other criteria by which you can find out that the baby is receiving breast milk in sufficient quantities:

  1. The periods of sleep, wakefulness and play far exceed the periods of crying.
  2. The baby's skin is pink and firm.
  3. The skin near the fontanel does not drain.
  4. The baby's eyes are shiny, tears come out during crying.
  5. Weight gain of at least 125 - 150 g per week.
  6. At least 12 urinations per day.

If all these indicators are positive, then the baby is certainly gorging on mother's milk.

The main criterion for sufficient feeding of the baby is a normal monthly weight gain.

Signs of not having enough breast milk

When a baby does not have enough breast milk, he does not gain weight and behaves restlessly. In addition, the mother may notice that the baby comes off the breast with a cry during feeding, and then picks it up again. The situation can be repeated several times. This behavior of the child can be triggered by colic or poor milk flow, and not a lack of it, so it is necessary to find the true cause of the baby's anxiety.

Sufficiency or lack of milk will be indicated by the number of urinations performed by babies. This is perhaps the most important criterion to pay attention to. But stool frequency has nothing to do with the amount of milk.

If the child has frequent crying without tears and a sunken fontanelle, then an urgent need to consult a doctor, as this may be one of the signs of dehydration.

In conclusion, I want to reassure young mothers. Women who really cannot provide their baby with breast milk are only 2%. It is clear that a mother who loves her baby will be constantly concerned about his nutrition and health. Fearing that the baby is malnourished, doubting the amount of breast milk is a problem for all nursing mothers without exception. To overcome these problems, you need to be confident in your abilities, take care of your health and nutrition, good rest, and sleep together with your child. And our advice will help you to correctly understand and solve any problem.

Anxiety about whether her baby has enough milk happens at least once with every young mother, especially in the first months after giving birth. Unfortunately, for many mothers, doubts about the sufficiency of milk end with the transfer of the baby to artificial feeding. Often, faced with the first difficulties, a woman makes a hasty conclusion about her hopeless "non-milk" (although the amount of breast milk in this case may be quite sufficient) and with the "support" of grandmothers or girlfriends, who often have no experience of successful breastfeeding, begins to feed the baby with a formula or completely refuses to breastfeed. Most often this happens due to a lack of knowledge about the mechanism of lactation and those criteria by which a mother can independently make sure that her baby has enough milk.

What you need to know about lactation

The main role in the mechanism of lactation is played by two hormones - prolactin and oxytocin. They begin to be produced by the pituitary gland immediately after childbirth.

Prolactin is a hormone responsible for the secretion of breast milk. The amount of milk in the mother depends on it: the more prolactin the pituitary gland produces, the more milk is in the mother's breast. The active production of prolactin is facilitated by the regular and complete emptying of the mammary gland and vigorous sucking of the breast by a hungry baby. The more often and more actively the baby sucks the breast and empties it well, the more prolactin will be released and, accordingly, the more milk will be formed. This is how the supply-demand principle works, with the baby getting as much milk as he needs.

Most prolactin is produced during the night and early morning hours, so it is very important to maintain night feedings to provide your baby with milk for the next day.

The second hormone actively involved in the lactation process is oxytocin. This hormone promotes the release of milk from the breast. Under the influence of oxytocin, muscle fibers located around the lobules of the breast contract and squeeze milk into the ducts towards the nipple. Decreased oxytocin production makes it difficult for the breast to empty, even if there is milk in it. In this case, the baby has to make significant efforts to extract, therefore, during feeding, he may become restless and even angry. When trying to express milk, in this case, the mother will be able to squeeze out only a few drops from the breast, remaining fully confident that she does not have enough milk. The amount of oxytocin produced depends on the emotional state of the mother. The more positive emotions and pleasure a woman gets, the more this hormone is produced. At the same time, stress, excitement and other negative emotions reduce the production of oxytocin, as this releases a large amount of the “anxiety hormone” adrenaline, the worst “enemy” of oxytocin, which blocks its production. That is why a comfortable and calm environment around her and her baby is so important for a nursing woman.

Why did breast milk "run away"

Lactation is a very mobile process, which is influenced by many different factors (the state of health of the mother, the frequency of feedings, the severity of the sucking reflex in the child, etc.). cannot be produced "on schedule", and for certain reasons, its amount may decrease. Insufficient milk production in a mother is called hypogalactia. Depending on the causes of its causing, primary and secondary hypogalactia are distinguished.

Primary hypogalactia is a true failure to lactate, which occurs in only 3–8% of women. It usually develops in mothers suffering from endocrine diseases (diabetes mellitus, diffuse toxic goiter, infantilism, and others). With these diseases, underdevelopment of the mammary glands is often observed in the mother's body, as well as a violation of the processes of hormonal stimulation of lactation, as a result of which her mammary glands are simply not able to produce a sufficient amount of milk. It is rather difficult to treat this form of hypogalactia; in such cases, hormonal drugs are prescribed.

Secondary hypogalactia is much more common. A decrease in milk production in this case is mainly associated with improperly organized breastfeeding (irregular attachment to the breast, long breaks between feedings, improper breastfeeding), as well as physical and mental fatigue, lack of sleep, a violation of the diet, diseases of the nursing mother. The causes of hypogalactia can also be complications of pregnancy, childbirth and the postpartum period, prematurity of the baby, taking certain medications and much more. A decrease in lactation can be triggered by the mother's unwillingness to breastfeed the baby or her lack of confidence in her own abilities and her attitude to artificial feeding. In most cases, secondary hypogalactia is a temporary condition. If the cause that caused the decrease in milk production is correctly identified and eliminated, lactation will return to normal within 3-10 days.

All of the above situations are true forms of hypogalactia, which are still not as common as false, or imaginary, hypogalactia, when a nursing mother produces enough milk, but at the same time she is convinced that she does not have enough milk. Before sounding the alarm and running to the store for a pack of formula, mom needs to figure out if she really has little milk.

Does the baby have enough milk?

You can quickly and reliably make sure that the baby has enough milk by counting the number of his urinations. Do a wet diaper test by counting the number of times your baby urinates in 24 hours without using disposable diapers and changing the diaper every time the baby pees. The test is considered objective if the child is exclusively breastfed and is not supplemented with water, baby teas and other liquids. If the baby gets 6 or more diapers dirty, and the urine is light, transparent and odorless, then the amount of milk that he receives is quite enough for his normal development, and additional feeding is not required in this situation. If urination is rare (less than 6 times a day), and the urine is concentrated, with a pungent odor, this is a sign that the baby is starving and it is necessary to take active measures to restore lactation.

Another reliable criterion for assessing the adequacy of nutrition and the normal development of a child is the dynamics of weight gain. Although the growth of the child is uneven, in the first six months of life, the baby must monthly add at least 500-600 g. If the mother is worried about the rate of weight gain of her child, it is more advisable in such cases to weigh the baby once a week, while observing strictly defined conditions (weighing it is necessary in the morning before eating a completely undressed baby without a diaper). According to the WHO, a weekly weight gain of 125 g or more is an indication that the baby is getting enough nutrition. From the age of 5-6 months, the growth rate of the child decreases, and he can add 200-300 grams per month.

How to get breast milk back?

Only after the mother, relying on reliable criteria, is convinced that her baby really needs more milk, she needs to take measures to stimulate lactation. In most cases, the escaped milk can be returned. The most important criterion for success in this case is the mother's confidence in her own abilities and the desire to breastfeed. Only the confidence in the correctness of her actions and the attitude to long-term breastfeeding will help her to show the necessary perseverance and patience and resist the “benevolent” advice of relatives and friends to feed the “hungry” baby with a mixture.

In order to increase lactation, it is necessary to solve two main tasks: firstly, to find and, if possible, eliminate the cause of the problem (for example, fatigue, lack of sleep, improper attachment of the baby to the breast, etc.) and, secondly, to establish hormonal the mechanism "demand - supply", increasing the number of feedings ("requests") of the baby, in response to which the mother's body will respond by increasing the "supply" of milk.

∗ Breast stimulation. Given the decisive role of hormones in the mechanism of lactation, the most important and effective way to increase milk production is to stimulate the breast by sucking the baby and empty it completely. With a decrease in milk production, the mother must first take the following measures:

  • increase the frequency of latching the baby to the breast: the more often the baby suckles at the breast, the more often the signals for the production of prolactin will be sent to the brain and, accordingly, more milk will be produced. It is necessary to give the baby the opportunity to breastfeed for as long as he wishes, artificial limitation of sucking can lead to the fact that the baby does not get to the most nutritious "hind" milk and does not get enough fat and protein (hence poor weight gain). If there is not enough milk in one breast, the second breast should be offered to the baby, but only after he has completely emptied the first. In this case, you need to start the next feeding from the breast that the baby sucked last;
  • make sure that the baby is latching on correctly to the breast: effective stimulation of the nipple and emptying of the breast occurs only when the baby completely captures the areola. In addition, with improper latching of the breast, the child can swallow a large amount of air, which can fill most of the stomach volume, while the amount of milk sucked out will decrease;
  • maintain night feedings: the maximum amount of prolactin is produced between 3 and 7 am. To ensure the production of a sufficient amount of milk the next day, there should be at least two feedings during the night and pre-morning period;
  • to increase the time spent together with the baby: to stimulate milk production, it is very useful for a nursing mother to spend as much time as possible with her baby, to carry it in her arms, to hold it close to her, it is very useful for lactation to sleep with the baby together and direct skin-to-skin contact.

∗ Psychological comfort. Anxiety and excitement are inevitably present in the life of any mother. The main thing is that her short-term momentary worries do not develop into constant anxiety. Nervousness, the burden of responsibility, the fear of doing something wrong can cause chronic stress. In this state, a high level of the hormone adrenaline is constantly maintained in the blood of a nursing mother, which, as already noted, has a blocking effect on the production of oxytocin and thereby prevents the release of milk. In fact, enough milk can be produced in the breast, but if the mother is nervous or irritated, she cannot "give" it to the baby. To avoid such situations, a nursing mother needs to learn how to relax. This can be helped by massage, a warm shower or bath with aromatic oils (lavender, bergamot, roses), pleasant music and other ways to create a calm and comfortable environment around you and, of course, the most important antidepressant - an infinitely beloved and in need of mother's love and warmth little man.

* Adequate rest and sleep. As a rule, a woman sitting at home with a baby is charged with the entire burden of household chores, which is to say that a full 8-hour sleep for a nursing mother is “only dreaming”. However, sleep deprivation and physical overload are one of the most common reasons for a decrease in the amount of milk in the breast. In order to establish lactation, a mother needs to reconsider her daily routine and be sure to find a place in her busy schedule for daytime sleep and daily walks in the fresh air.

∗ Food and drinking regime. Of course, for a full-fledged milk production, a nursing mother needs additional energy, nutrients and fluids, while it is important that nutrition and drinking regime are complete, but not excessive. The calorie content of the diet of a nursing mother should be about 3200-3500 kcal / day. The optimal frequency of meals is 5-6 times a day, it is better to have a snack 30-40 minutes before feeding. With a decrease in milk production for a nursing mother, it is advisable to include in her menu products that contribute to milk production: carrots, leaf lettuce, parsley, dill, fennel, seeds, Adyghe cheese, feta cheese, sour cream, - as well as lactogenic drinks: carrot juice, black currant juice ( in the absence of allergies in the baby).

The drinking regimen is much more important for maintaining lactation at the proper level and stimulating milk production when it decreases. A nursing woman needs to drink at least 2 liters of liquid per day (this volume includes purified and mineral water without gases, compotes and fruit drinks from seasonal berries and fruits, tea, dairy products, soups, broths). A warm drink 20-30 minutes before feeding (it can be weak green tea or just warm boiled water) promotes better breast emptying.

∗ Shower and massage. Quite effective ways to increase lactation are hot or contrast showers and breast massage. These treatments increase blood flow to the breast and improve milk flow.

It is better to take a shower in the morning and in the evening after feedings, while directing jets of water to the chest, do a light hand massage clockwise and from the periphery to the nipple, for 5-7 minutes on each breast.

You can massage your breasts to increase milk flow. To do this, you need to lubricate your hands with olive or castor oil (these oils are believed to have a stimulating effect on lactation), place one palm under the breast, the other on the breast. Massage the mammary gland with light circular movements clockwise (2-3 minutes each), without squeezing the breast with your fingers and trying to prevent oil from getting on the areola of the nipple, so as not to upset the stool in the child. Then the same light stroking with palms is carried out from the periphery to the center. This massage can be performed several times a day.

Most often, an increase in the number of feedings, an adjustment of the daily routine and nutrition of the mother give positive results in a few days, and lactation is getting better. If the above measures do not bring tangible results within 7-10 days, the nursing mother should discuss with the doctor medication and physiotherapy methods to increase lactation.

What is a lactation crisis?

Already in the process of well-established breastfeeding, a nursing mother may face such a physiological phenomenon as a lactation crisis, when she suddenly, for no apparent reason, has a decrease in the amount of milk. This is usually due to the inadequacy of the amount of milk to the needs of the baby. The fact is that the growth of a baby may not occur evenly, but in jumps, the most typical growth spikes at 3, 6 weeks, at 3, 4, 7 and 8 months. As the baby grows, his appetite also increases; in such a situation, the mammary gland simply does not have time to produce the required amount of milk. At the same time, the baby can receive as much milk as before, but this amount is no longer enough for him. This situation is reversible. With an increase in the number of feedings and the absence of supplementary feeding with a mixture, after a few days, the mother's breast will "adjust" and provide the baby with sufficient nutrition.

And at night it hangs on my chest forever. Maybe he doesn't have enough milk already? maybe with the introduction of complementary foods it became very little? here's how to understand? How to understand if he has enough milk? My baby is already 2 years old, I breastfed him up to 8 months, there was enough milk ...

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is there enough milk? Lactation problems. Breast-feeding. I'm wondering if it is possible to determine in the evening when a child is yelling not from hunger if he is yelling?

How to tell if your baby is getting enough breast milk. Recommends to walk in the fresh air before going to bed, if you wake up to give some water and pacifiers, do not give breast. My baby is already 2 years old, I breastfed him up to 8 months, there was enough milk In the first days when ...

How to tell if your baby is getting enough breast milk. But how much milk does a baby need and how to understand if it is enough or not? I began to worry, is it not enough of my milk alone for good nutrition?

There is less milk. My daughter is 7 months old. 4300 was born. At breastfeeding, from 5 months. began to feed, as the doctor said, first fr. mashed potatoes, then vegetables, porridge. After complementary feeding does not want to be fed. I gained a little weight, but I succeeded in height, but for the last ...

How to tell if your baby is getting enough breast milk. A child of the first months of life breastfed may have a chair almost after every feeding, or maybe at almost. But you don't need to warm them, it was purely my omission ..

On the hair? If all the time at the very bottom of the shake, then the baby has not yet settled head down, and if it started at the top (in the region of the stomach, liver, ribs, etc.), has it already settled down? Or, all the same, so do not understand?

Don't like the taste of milk. Our problems: (. Breastfeeding. Breasts take only when he is very hungry. He does not want to go to sleep. That is, he takes it, is naughty, but if you insist, he takes it. He starts to suck and after a few seconds I feel that the milk has gone, and...

Is there enough milk? Our problems: (. Breastfeeding. But I can’t establish feeding in any way. I have a specific question: how do I know if the baby has enough milk? To feed with one breast, is milk dripping from the other breast, do you give the baby when changing the breast ...

for several days now I began to notice (and feel) that milk is getting smaller BY EVENING. The child cannot calmly eat and fall asleep as before. He gets nervous, shows discontent, pulls his chest with all his might, shakes his head. I take away, I look - I can't squeeze out a drop! Those. the chest is just empty. In any case, this amount of milk is clearly not enough for a 9-month-old dinner ... In general, for the third evening I am trying to give porridge for the night (although we do not particularly like it). Or a mixture? We fall asleep in half with grief so far, but something needs to be done about it. WHAT?

Breastfeeding: advice on increasing lactation, on-demand feeding, prolonged hepatitis B, weaning. We are 2 months old, we are breastfeeding only. We are gaining weight, but not very well. I understand that all children are different and should not grow up ...

How to tell if your baby is getting enough breast milk. A child who receives a sufficient amount of breast milk gives Section: Our problems: ((how to understand that a child receives hind milk). But when you press, milk flows out. I offer the same breast again ...

If a child wets 6-8 gauze diapers and 5-6 diapers, then in the absence of supplementation and supplementation with a mixture, it is considered that the mother has enough milk. And in general, you should not report to the polyclinic! How to tell if your baby is getting enough breast milk.

How to tell if your baby is getting enough breast milk. So, for example, if a child weighs 4000 g, then the daily milk requirement should be Donor milk - a worthy alternative to artificial breast milk substitutes. By evening, everyone has less milk - this is the norm.

PAMAGITIA! Not enough milk .. Increased lactation. Breast-feeding. How to tell if your baby is getting enough breast milk. Recommends to walk in the fresh air before going to bed, if you wake up to give some water and pacifiers, do not give breast.

If a child does not have enough milk, then he will have nothing to write with, that's all! And if he pisses normally, then there is enough fluid ... How to determine if a baby has enough breast milk. Mir Detstva supports the Breastfeeding Week ...

Is there enough milk for the baby? Increased lactation. Breast-feeding. Mommy, tell me how to determine if the baby has enough milk. My beauty is soon 4 months old. In the evenings, she sulks and prefers to sit on her mother's arms, and she can still for a long, long time ...

Is there enough milk for the baby? Increased lactation. A child from birth to one year. Care and upbringing of a child up to a year: nutrition, illness Most likely it really puts oneself to sleep. We are already a year old, and we also do not get off our breasts all evening. And you can define it with ...

All parents want their baby to grow up healthy and gain weight well. But when breastfeeding, it is difficult to see the amount of milk that the baby is drinking. It is not always possible to understand that the baby is not eating enough. How do you know if your baby has enough breast milk? The pediatrician will tell you about this. Employees of the Dochki-Sinochki online store will recommend special blends and teas that activate the lactation process.

How can you tell if your baby is getting enough breast milk?

The newborn cries at the slightest discomfort: wet, cold, tired, overheated, hungry. Young mothers are worried about whether the baby is full, whether she is getting enough food for normal growth and development, since they are not always able to understand the causes of the baby's cry.

  • wakes up earlier than an hour after feeding;
  • sucks long and superficially;
  • often comes off the chest and cries;
  • does not fall asleep when feeding;
  • poorly gaining weight.

These signs can be indirect and signal other problems. Poor sleep, frequent crying, and an infant's nervous state can be caused by pain. The baby may suck poorly due to a short bridle, and often wake up due to fear, cold, the need to feel motherly warmth. Neonatologists claim that sucking not only satiates, but also provides psychological comfort for the little man.


Whether the newborn is gaining weight will tell the control weighing. It is carried out before and after feeding. However, on-demand babies may breastfeed in different ways throughout the day. Sucking not only satiates them, but also soothes them.

How to understand that the child is full?

Is your baby eating breast milk? This question worries every nursing mother. There are some overwhelming signs that breastfeeding is okay:

  • the breast swells before feeding, after application it becomes soft;
  • milk oozes from the second breast;
  • you can hear the baby swallowing loudly, sucking rhythmically and falling asleep at the breast;
  • manages to wet about 10 diapers or 6 diapers per day (light-colored urine);
  • stains the diapers 1-8 times a day (the stool is plentiful, without an unpleasant smell).

In order to produce enough milk, feed often, on demand, do not wean the baby earlier than he wants, drink a lot. Bebivita tea for nursing mothers with natural extracts of fennel, cumin, anise will help to establish lactation. A good lactogonic effect is provided by the Lactamil mixture. It makes breast milk optimal for breastfeeding and prevents the mother from gaining excess weight.


According to WHO standards, a baby who feeds exclusively on mother's milk should gain from 125 to 500 g per week. The baby's weight should be checked every two weeks.


To gain strength, a newborn needs breast milk. It is nature's most valuable nutrient. If the baby does not finish eating, the mother should contact the specialists, find the causes of the problem and try to establish lactation. Special mixtures and teas, which can be bought in our online store, will help to improve the lactation process.

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