Recipe for salted cabbage with vinegar. Homemade ways to pickle instant cabbage

There are many different ways of salting cabbage: cold, hot, sauerkraut, pickled, sour, spicy, with carrots, beets. All of them deserve attention, and no one will argue that salted cabbage is the most delicious traditional snack on the Russian table, and it is also healthy. An interesting recipe and a photo of a delicious quick salted cabbage, which is ready in a few hours, was sent to us by Marina Fateeva from the city of Saratov. This is a delicious pickling of cabbage in a quick (hot) way with the addition of vinegar and garlic, in brine. What can I say, this is a ready-made appetizer - coleslaw with garlic in jars!

Cabbage Mataliyski

This is a quick salted cabbage recipe, easy and quick to prepare, the cabbage comes out a little spicy and crispy.


For the recipe for pickled cabbage with vinegar and garlic, we need:

  • 2 kg (white head),
  • 1 head of garlic
  • 1-2 carrots.

For brine:

  • 1 liter of water
  • 3/4 cup sugar
  • 2 tablespoons of salt
  • 1/2 cup sunflower oil
  • 2 tablespoons of vinegar essence.

How to cook Instant Pot Salted Cabbage

We chop the cabbage (I usually use a combine for this purpose), three on a coarse grater, cut the garlic (not very finely), mix it all up and put it tightly in a 3-liter jar.

Let's start preparing the brine:

pour sugar, salt into the water and bring to a boil, at the end add vinegar essence, remove from heat, pour in sunflower oil, mix everything - the brine for quick cabbage is ready.

Pour the brine into a jar of cabbage, leave at room temperature, after 5 hours the cabbage is ready, you can try.

Then salted cabbage in jars must be stored in the refrigerator and eaten 2 weeks in advance. It cooks quickly but doesn't keep for long. At my place, such pickled cabbage with carrots and garlic is usually eaten in a week.

Cooking delicious pickled cabbage is very simple and very fast. In the presence of the simplest ingredients, the cabbage turns out to be incredibly tasty in a minimally short pickling time. Having prepared cabbage according to this recipe once, you will cook it all the time, because, firstly, it is really very fast, and secondly, instant pickled cabbage with vinegar is much tastier than what is sold in our stores for quite a lot of money, and in Thirdly, you will be sure that it is absolutely harmless to your health - everything is only natural.

To prepare a quick pickled cabbage with vinegar in hot brine, take the products from the list. Vegetables should be washed, peeled and dried.

Chop carrots on a regular grater.

Change the attachment and shred the cabbage as thinly as possible.

For the marinade, pour water into a saucepan, add salt and sugar. Put on the stove. When it boils, make the quietest fire, add laurel and peppercorns. Once the salt and sugar have dissolved, turn off the stove and add the oil and vinegar.

Pour the hot marinade into the cabbage.

Mix well. And leave to marinate for at least an hour, better - for 1.5 hours.

After 1.5 hours, the cabbage will release juice, and if you chop it thinly enough, it will already be very tasty and ready. If you like a richer taste, leave to marinate for a few more hours, you can even overnight.

1. Instant Spicy Cabbage - 15min!

Very fast cabbage - 15 minutes and you're done!
We take from the calculation three kilograms of cabbage. Shred the cabbage. Grate three large carrots on a coarse grater. Squeeze out 3-4 cloves of garlic from the garlic. Mix everything.
Making the marinade:
We put one and a half liters of water on fire. Add 200 g of sugar, 3 tablespoons of salt (without top),
250 gr. sunflower oil. When it boils pour 200 gr. vinegar 9%. It should boil for 2-3 minutes.
The marinade is ready.
Pour the cabbage with hot marinade (The cabbage softens a little from this. But only a little. Therefore, do not be afraid to pour it hot, right from the stove. The cabbage will stand in this marinade for 2 hours. I had to wait until she ferments, starts to sour.

And this method is fast. Cabbage is delicious and full of vitamins. CRISPY!!! We mix. Let's stand for 2 hours. Mix again and pack in jars.
Very tasty and healthy!

2. Cauliflower in marinade

I have been making this cabbage for a long time. This bright, undeniably original and very tasty preparation will delight those who love cauliflower, just like me.
Cabbage has an interesting taste - sweetish and at the same time with a slight sourness.

Wash cabbage inflorescences (about 1 kg), divide into parts, put in a 1.5 l jar, put 1 peeled, washed and chopped carrot, 1 sweet pepper, hot pepper to taste, celery stalks or root between layers.
You can add other vegetables as well.
3 art. water, 3/4 tbsp. vinegar 9%, 3/4 tbsp. sugar, 2 tsp. salt,

a couple of bay leaves, a few peas of allspice.
Bring the marinade to a boil and pour over the vegetables. Cool down. Keep 2 days in the refrigerator, and then enjoy the taste. I really love this cabbage.

3. "Pleasure" (especially for non-lovers of zucchini)!

This recipe is amazing for many reasons:

1. preparing is sooo simple, a minimum of your efforts
2. it turns out sooo tasty, delivering maximum pleasure
3. most important!!! this salad is eaten even by THOSE who DO NOT eat zucchini in any form
4. no one has yet guessed from the first time what the salad is made of - EVERYONE says "OOo very tasty pickled ... CABBAGE!!!"

3 kg already peeled (!) from the peel and seeds of zucchini, 0.5 kg of onions, 0.5 kg of carrots.

Carrots and zucchini - grate on a Korean grater. it is necessary (!). otherwise your secret will be revealed.

Onion cut into thin half rings.
Add to vegetables: 1 tbsp. sugar, 2 tbsp. grows. oil (less possible), 1 tbsp. 9% vinegar, 3 tbsp. salt
Gently and lovingly mix all this in a large container with your hands, immediately spread it into jars (0.7 liters is most convenient) and erase for 15 minutes.

Everything!!! I've been writing longer than I've been doing. Very fast. The vitamins are preserved. Zucchini, (aka "cabbage") are crunchy. The main thing - very tasty. Under good vodka and with shish kebab (or just with potatoes) - oooooo!

4. Pickled cabbage rolls with spicy carrots!

Recipe by Natalia Molchanova.
Our cabbage rolls will be ready a day after they are infused in the refrigerator, but the longer they marinate, the tastier and richer they will be.
For marinade:
- 0.5 l of water, 1/4 tbsp. sunflower raffin. butter (maybe a little less)
- 2 tablespoons of salt (or to your taste), 1/2 cup of granulated sugar (or to your taste)
- 2/3 tbsp. vinegar (or to your taste), allspice - 3-4 peas
Mix, heat until boiling. Turn off the heat and pour in the vinegar.

Dip a small head of cabbage (about 1-1.5) into boiling water, and gradually disassemble into leaves, in the same way as for preparing ordinary cabbage rolls. The leaves should be slightly soft.
Put on a plate and cut off the thickening with a knife.
Grate carrots on a Korean grater, season with marinade, mix and let it brew for at least half an hour. Sprinkle with sesame seeds.
Marinade: sesame oil, vinegar, salt, sugar, garlic, a mixture of peppers (mustard seed, coriander, allspice, black pepper, red pepper).
Put the carrot filling on the cabbage leaf and roll it up in the form of a cabbage roll. If the leaves are very large, you can divide them into several parts.
Put the cabbage rolls in a deep container, add 2-3 bay leaves and pour over the chilled marinade.
Put under pressure and leave to marinate for a day at room temperature.
Then put in the refrigerator.

5. Pickled cabbage

The cabbage is crispy and delicious!
- 2 kg of cabbage, 3 carrots, 3 beets
For marinade:
- 0.5 liters of water
- 3 heaping tablespoons of sugar
- 3 heaping tablespoons of salt
- 1/2 cup sunflower oil
- a pinch of ground hot pepper
- 2 bay leaves
- 3/4 cup vinegar
- 1 head minced garlic
1. Shred the cabbage.
2. Grate carrots and beets.
3. Cook the marinade: boil everything for 10 minutes.
4. Mix with cabbage, arrange in jars and sterilize for 10 minutes.

6. Salad "Simply GENIUS!"

Girls .... so delicious .... the tomatoes are fresh, the cabbage is crunchy ....
Would need:
1 kg. - cabbage, 1 kg. - tomato, 1 kg. - cucumbers, 1 kg. - sweet pepper, 1 kg. carrots
If there is no vegetable, then take 2 kg. another vegetable.
Cut everything like a salad, carrots on a grater. Mix all vegetables.
And add there:
rast. oil -200gr. , vinegar 9% 200 gr., salt - 8 teaspoons, sugar - 16 teaspoons
Mix everything. Put on fire. Bring to a boil and boil for exactly 2 minutes.
Bank immediately. Roll up. Wrap up.

7. Pickled cabbage with beets

Pickled cabbage is a great appetizer and a good addition to many second courses, and cooking such cabbage is easy and simple. Delight your loved ones with such a delicious cabbage!
Cabbage - 2 kg, Carrots - 2 pcs, Beets - 1 pc
For marinade:
Water - 1 l, Sugar - 150 g, Salt - 2.5 tablespoons, Sunflower oil - 150 g
Bay leaf - 2 pcs, Allspice - 2 peas, Vinegar (9%) - 150 g, Garlic - 1 head

Cabbage weighing 2 kg cut into squares (about 3 x 3 cm) or rectangles. Next, cut into strips or on a coarse grater 2 carrots, 1 large beetroot. Mix it all, put in a saucepan. It turns out a lot.
For the marinade, mix water, sugar, salt, oil, bay leaf and pepper. Boil all this, remove from heat and add vinegar and crushed garlic. Pour the cabbage in a saucepan with hot marinade, cover with a plate without weight on top (press down a little with your hand first so that a little marinade appears visually from above, then it will fit under the plate).
Leave for a day at room temperature. You can use it in a day. Spicy lovers can add pepper and chili for spiciness.

8. Bomb cabbage

-2 kg - cabbage, 0.4 kg - carrots, -4 cloves - garlic, you can add an apple, beets.
150 ml - vegetable oil, 150 ml - 9% vinegar, 100 gr. - sugar
2 tbsp - salt, 3 pcs. bay leaf, 5-6 peas - black pepper, 0.5 l - water
1. Chop everything, grate the carrots, cut the garlic into slices. Place tightly in a jar.
2. Pour all the ingredients for the marinade into the pan and boil everything for 5 minutes. Pour cabbage with boiling marinade.
3. Ready in the morning! You can eat!

9. Pickled cabbage (large leaves)

Cut the cabbage into large squares so that you get "piles" of cabbage leaves. Grind one carrot on a grater. Cut one hot pepper in half (this is for lovers of spicy) Gently place the “piles” in a jar, sprinkling with carrots. Put a hot pepper in the middle of the jar (for those who like it hotter). Do not ram the cabbage. Fold loosely.

For the preparation of brine from the calculation
for one 3-liter jar:
Boil 1 liter of water. Add 1 cup sugar, 2 tablespoons salt
After cooling, add to the brine: 1/3 of a glass of 9% vinegar
Pour the brine into the jar. Put the jar in the refrigerator. After three days, white cabbage is ready,

sweet, tasty, crispy. (Tatiana Zubchenko)

10. Sauerkraut

I want to bring to your attention my favorite recipe, according to which I ferment cabbage.
This recipe is good because at any time you can very quickly (literally 2-3 days) ferment a small amount of cabbage and then store it in the refrigerator.
Show full..And this is important in the conditions of city apartments, where there is catastrophically little space for storing conservation, and there are no conditions for this. It should be especially noted that with this method of fermentation, a large amount of very tasty and healthy cabbage juice is obtained.

So preparation:
- Fill a 5l jar tightly enough with chopped cabbage + carrots (I rub it on a coarse grater)
- pour in a COLD brine prepared in advance (in 2 liters of BOILED water dissolve 3 tablespoons of salt with a slide);
- for two days in the heat, the cabbage ferments, so that there is no bitterness, we must periodically pierce it, releasing the accumulated gas (this, I think, is known to everyone);
- on the third day, drain all the brine and dissolve 2 tablespoons of sugar in it;
- pour the already sweetened brine and put the jar in the refrigerator, by the evening the cabbage is ready.

A small nuance ... cabbage quickly ferments in the heat, but if it's cold in the apartment, the process will take a little longer.
If the brine was not drunk faster than the cabbage ended (and this is exactly what we do), then wonderful sour cabbage soup can be prepared on it.
