Meaning of moles and birthmarks. Influence on fate

Flawless smooth skin is a rarity, almost unattainable for modern man ideal. Under these conditions, the presence of small scars, moles, spots is usually not considered a pathology, although they can often cause serious psychological discomfort.

However, some types of spots on the skin can be manifestations of diseases, signs of infection, allergic reaction and other problems in the body. Typically, such changes in the skin are the initial stage.

Therefore, if you find an unusual spot in yourself, their combination, or if the old spot has visually changed, you should think about visiting a doctor to determine the cause of what happened and, if necessary, get treatment.

The main types of skin spots

In the very general view spots are areas that differ from the surrounding skin in color (lighter or darker). To the touch, they are usually smooth, but in some cases there may be a slight protrusion above the surface or roughness.

Such skin changes can be divided into three main groups, depending on the causes of appearance and visual characteristics:

  • vascular - usually pink, red or purple, due to the state of the blood vessels;
  • pigmented - brown or white - arise from a lack or excess of melanin;
  • artificial origin - are the result of the introduction of a dye into the skin (tattoo, permanent makeup).

In addition to this classification, there are several more separately considered variants of spots that are symptoms of specific diseases (for example, lichen).

Vascular spots

  • Hyperemic(saturated with blood), which can be inflammatory and non-inflammatory in nature.

In the first case, such defects are a consequence inflammatory processes during which blood vessels dilate. They can have a different size - less than 2 cm in diameter (roseola) and more than 2 cm (erythema). The cause of the appearance of non-inflammatory hyperemic defects is vasodilation, which occurs as a result of various emotional reactions (therefore they are sometimes called spots of anger or shame). Most often located on the face, neck and chest.

  • Hemorrhagic. They arise due to hemorrhage in the tissues of the dermis due to mechanical external influences or, which is much more serious, as a symptom of a number of diseases that affect the vessels in one way or another.

If we are talking about the consequences of an injury or bruise (in fact, simple bruises), then over time they change color from red to yellowish-green, and usually disappear on their own in 1-2 weeks. In other cases, much more serious treatment will be required.

Photo 1.2 - purple vascular spots on the leg and red on the face:
Photo 3.4 - a bruise on the arm and a hemorrhagic rash on the leg:

Photo 5.6 - red telangiectatic spots on the face:

  • Telangiectatic spots occur due to persistent or short-term expansion of blood vessels (“telangiectasia” - what is commonly called).

They can be congenital or acquired, there are a lot of reasons here - from an incorrect diet, bad habits and external temperature effects to serious diseases of the cardiovascular system and gastrointestinal tract (see also the article "").

Dark spots

These characteristic dark or, conversely, bright white areas appear on the skin due to a change in the amount of melanin pigment. These spots are:

  • - occur with a significant increase in pigmentation in a separate area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin. They can be congenital (birthmarks, lentigo) and acquired (freckles,).
  • Hypopigmented - appear due to a decrease in the amount of melanin. I am also congenital and acquired. The latter are usually associated with diseases such as psoriasis, eczema, lichen, leukoderma/vitiligo, and the like.
Photo 7.8 - lentingo on the face and a congenital pigment spot on the body:

Photo 9.10 - chloasma and freckles on the face:

Photo 11.12 - hypopigmented spots from vitiligo and psoriasis:

Lichen spots

Lichen is one of the most common skin diseases that has a bacterial or viral nature of origin. It is accompanied by characteristic changes in the skin surface, sometimes with the appearance of itching and painful sensations. As a rule, it manifests itself against the background of a general decrease in immunity. Various types of lichen lead to the appearance different type skin spots:

  • pink lichen Zhibera - pink or red, clearly defined areas of the dermis that flake off and sometimes cause itching, the causative agent is herpes viruses 6 and 7 species;
  • lichen planus - purple spots that can appear not only on the skin, but also on the mucous membranes;
  • shingles - red, inflamed spots covered with vesicles;
  • multi-colored (pityriasis) versicolor - pale, sometimes slightly flaky areas of the skin;
  • ringworm - severely flaky, itchy spots, accompanied by hair loss in the affected area.
Photo 13.14 - spots on the body from pink lichen and on the arm from lichen planus:

Photo 15.16 - shingles and multi-colored lichen on the body:

Red spots on the skin

Probably every person has faced this problem at least once in their life. Red spots can be caused by a variety of reasons, from harmless to deadly:

  • allergic reactions (food, medicines, household chemicals, sunlight);
  • skin diseases (various types of dermatitis, etc.);
  • avitaminosis;
  • decreased immunity;
  • infectious diseases (chickenpox, measles, scarlet fever);
  • sexually transmitted diseases;
  • stress.

If changes in the skin are accompanied by fever, sore throat, swelling, peeling, burning, itching and other obviously painful symptoms, you should contact a dermatologist as soon as possible for diagnosis and, almost certainly, treatment.

light spots

Treatment of various types of stains

The primary examination of changes in the skin is done by a dermatologist. Based appearance spot, its color, size, shape and accompanying manifestations, he prescribes the necessary treatment. In some cases, you may need an additional examination, scrapings of damaged skin, consultation with an oncologist or venereologist.

The choice of a specific method of treatment depends on the nature of the defect:

  • sometimes it is enough to cure the initial disease, the symptom of which is changes in the skin area;
  • in the presence of an allergic reaction, the effect of the allergen on the patient's body should be excluded and appropriate therapy should be prescribed;
  • treatment of lichen is a complex process, which usually includes oral and external preparations, special hygiene products and measures to strengthen the overall immunity of the body;
  • pigmented areas can be lightened with the help of special preparations for external use and a number of cosmetic procedures (peelings, mesotherapy, cryotherapy, laser therapy). For more details, see also the articles "", "".

Birthmarks appear at birth or in the first years of life due to an excess of skin pigment or the location of capillaries. However, they are so conspicuous and unusual that they have always made people guess their real meaning.

Where do the stains come from
Scientists know what creates spots - pigments, vascular features, but they are completely unaware of what causes such features. That is, any physician will say that your birthmark is caused by melanocytes, features smooth muscles, vascular anomalies, etc. However, no one will tell why the anomaly occurred and how to avoid it. Maybe that's why people often resort to esoteric interpretations.

Pigmented birthmarks
The macula is the color of coffee with milk - the most subtle spot, only slightly different in color from the skin. Usually oval, small. One or two spots are considered normal, but a larger number may indicate neurofibromatosis - an unpleasant disease when small tumors grow all over the skin - seals. The "Mongolian spot" is most common among East Asians, hence the name, as well as American Indians. These are large blue or gray-blue spots caused by an increased number of melanocytes, the inner pigment cells of the skin. Go away a few years after birth.

Vascular birthmarks
"Pinch of a stork", it is also "kiss of an angel", it is also "salmon spot" - the most common birthmark, it is observed in almost half of newborns. The cause of such spots is a non-pathological feature of the vessels - telangiectasia, when the small vessels of the skin are dilated. Most often they occur on the neck (therefore, the stork's pinch is supposedly the place for which the bird delivers the child), but those who have it on the forehead are unlucky. "Strawberry mark" - infantile hemangioma. This is a benign tumor of endothelial cells - the inner surface of blood vessels. Usually such spots disappear up to 10 years. “Port wine spot”, it is also “Gorbachev's spot”, it is also “flaming nevus” (nevus is a common medical name for birthmarks). It is these spots that appear due to a vascular anomaly in infancy or in the womb. They are located anywhere, more often on the face, and have any shape and size, but persist for life. Such nevi are a sign of pathologies, for example, encephalotrigeminal angiomatosis. So they require more careful attention.

Treat or not?
Since no one knows the causes of the appearance of spots from the point of view of modern medicine, therefore, there is no treatment, except symptomatic. In addition, a significant part of the spots disappears with age, and therefore doctors strongly advise against doing something with them in childhood. For example, often parents do cosmetic surgery for children for hemangiomas, and such interventions end in failure - complications. Those spots, most often vascular, that remain in a conspicuous place, can be removed using steroid lasers and other cosmetic products.

Birthmarks in folklore
In folklore traditions, explanations for spots most often depend on historical traditions. social relations. For example, Europeans in the gloomy Middle Ages ranked children with spots, of course, as magical and diabolical forces. For example, if there is a spot on the face, then there will be a good wife, on the leg - there will be a tramp, on the stomach - a troublesome drunkard, and so on. Didier Montalvo, a six-year-old Colombian, has a tumor spot that has grown 10 cm from his back, and they began to call him a turtle boy. An English surgeon saved the child from this horror.

household astrology
In popular astrology, birthmarks are given clear explanations so that ordinary consumers of astrological services can understand everything. Clients, for example, are immediately told that the hairiness of a birthmark is of paramount importance: the more hair, the more sinister the spot is. If the spot is round, it's good. There are even tables on which different parts of the body with spots are marked, and what it all means. Given that a good sign for such “researchers” is usually money and a good marriage, one can imagine the reliability of such interpretations.

All have birthmarks at birth. Can birthmarks be left mental impressions from a past life?

Dr. Jim Tucker of the University of Virginia has been studying reincarnation cases for many years, proving that reincarnation exists. However, he is still surprised by such clear indications that birthmarks correspond so closely

“I can’t understand how a wound on one person’s body can appear as a birthmark on a completely new body, even if one accepts the idea of ​​a possible connection with a past life,” he writes in his book “Return to Life: The Unusual Cases of Children Who remember their past lives.

His teacher and predecessor in past life studies, Dr. Ian Stevenson, proved many cases of reincarnation.

He carefully studied more 2000 cases of reincarnation of children. Some of them recalled their past lives in such detail that it was possible to identify a specific person from a past incarnation.

Birthmarks from a past life

By checking autopsy records or talking to the families of the deceased, Stevenson found that children often had birthmarks that matched, with great accuracy, damage sustained in their alleged past lives.

One such example that Jim Tucker and Ian Stevenson studied together is a boy named Patrick from the American Midwest.

Patrick had three birthmarks that corresponded to various injuries on the body of his deceased brother Kevin. Kevin died of cancer as a child before Patrick was born.

During the treatment, Kevin had injuries on his body, and his left eye went blind. Patrick also had clouding in his left eye. Basically, he was just like Kevin, blind in his left eye.

Kevin had a tumor above his right ear - and Patrick was born with a small nodule above his right ear. Kevin had an IV wound on the right side of his neck. Patrick also had a birthmark on the right side of his neck.

Kevin was limping just like Patrick. It seemed that Patrick knew how to do things that in this life no one taught him to do.

For example, he remembered the old apartment where the deceased Kevin lived, but he had never been in his current life. He also mentioned a relative, "Billy the Pirate," who was killed many years ago.

Patrick's mom didn't know anything about Billy's existence at all. But everything that Patrick said about Billy was confirmed by other relatives. Presumably, Billy was talking to Patrick when they met in the space between lives.

How can a birthmark travel from one life to another?

As Dr. Tucker said, even if you accept that reincarnation exists, it is still difficult to understand how and why a mole can appear on a new body.

In his book Reincarnation and Biology, Dr. Stevenson refers to the example of a young man who recalls a dramatic experience from his past. In this past event, his hands were tightly bound behind him. His memories were so vivid that he actually had rope marks on his hands.

According to Dr. Stevenson, if a person can cause the appearance of marks on the body by the power of his thought, then memories from a past life may well cause the appearance of marks on the body in modern life.

It turns out that the occurrence of most birthmarks is associated with traumatic experiences in a past life.

Birthmarks may disappear along with the disappearance of memories. For example, very young children often remember their past lives, but the memories fade as they get older.

Neuropsychologist Joe Dispenza, best known for his documentary What Do We Know!? Down the Rabbit Hole" is also convinced that our thoughts can have physical impact on our body.

For example, for the experiment, the subjects were asked to train one finger on a special spring simulator every day for an hour for four weeks.

They noted that in four weeks of regular training, the finger became 30% stronger. Another group of subjects were asked to do the same, but only mentally, in their imagination.

As a result, without any physical activity, their finger strength increased by 22%.

Some diseases and physical symptoms also have their roots. in our thoughts.

Trisha Torey, a medical advocate and author of a number of health books, wrote in an article for psychological factors.

Dr. Tucker wrote: “If thought continues to exist after death and affects the developing fetus, then it can be understood that images affect the fetus. It is not in themselves that the injuries of the body in a past life form birthmarks or other marks on the new body, but rather the images of these injuries in the mind of a person are embodied in the body in the form of birthmarks.

What is the probability that two people will have the same birthmarks in the same places on the body?

According to Dr. Ian Stevenson's calculations, the chance that two people will have two birthmarks that correspond to two lesions in another person is 1 in 25,600.

Dr. Tucker reasoned: “To begin with, the average surface area of ​​the skin of an adult male is 1.6 m2. If the entire surface of the skin is presented as a plane, then, conditionally, it will be a square with sides of 127 x 127 cm.

Let us assume that the correspondence between moles will be considered satisfactory if both moles fall into the same square measuring 10 x 10 cm.

He calculated how many ten centimeter squares fit on the surface corresponding to the size of the body - 160 pieces.

The probability that one mole will coincide with the wound is 1/160. And the probability that two moles coincide with two wounds is 1/160 x 160, or 1/25600.

This way of calculating probability was criticized, so Dr. Stevenson had to turn to statisticians for help.

They became interested, but did not offer their own way of calculating the probability. One of them said that Dr. Stevenson's calculation was too simple for this complicated situation.

Translation Tatiana Beglyak

Some people are born gray-eyed, others will captivate with blue eyes, others can boast of the bewitching look of black eyes. The color of the eyes is determined by the combination of the chromosomes of the parents who gave birth to the baby, and carry certain information about the person. In the same way, moles and birthmarks appear on the body of a baby for a reason! What can they tell about a person?

Mole size

As a rule, the larger the mole, the stronger its influence. Large moles affect fate more than small ones, but the latter should not be ignored either.

A small mole symbolizes everything positive.

Big - a sign of troubles and misfortunes.

But what if a small mole has a "bad" shape, for example, looks like a line? Moleosophists believe that size always neutralizes the shape and a good future awaits a person with such a mole.

When determining the size of a mole, it is very important to take into account not only its area, but also its bulge. It is believed that the higher the mole, the “bigger” it is. The size of a flat mole, as it were, decreases.

Form of moles

The round shape speaks of positive events in a person's life.

A mole resembling a line in shape warns of misfortunes and dangers.

A crescent-shaped mole indicates a person's propensity for adventure and adventure.

A triangular mole indicates increased sexuality.

And the square one speaks of sexuality already pathological.


The brighter the mole, the better the future and character of a person, meleosophists say. They also analyze the dominant color of moles on the human body.

Pink moles characterize a positive person with intellectual abilities above average, successful and respectable. He tends to be calm. family life. People of this type are loved by others and have a great influence on them. This type is successful in everything, be it business, politics or creativity. But people with a predominance of pink moles are extremely rare. Although one mole of this color is already a good sign.

Brown moles are positive, promising success and prosperity to their owner. People of this type are hardworking and know how to spend the money they earn, travel a lot, understand a lot about food and entertainment. Brown moles dress well and furnish their homes with taste. They are fair and do not get involved in dangerous adventures, do not break the law, are easily trained, have analytical abilities and intuition, and therefore act quickly and correctly in crisis situations. In addition, these people always express their point of view clearly and decisively, without engaging in idle talk.

Reddish moles are also a good sign. People with a predominance of such moles are intellectuals, focused on research and science, and indifferent to money and the benefits of civilization. They are not very sociable, do not try to get close to others, are closed and not prone to frankness. People with reddish moles are usually friends with work colleagues, if they respect the latter. The criterion for respect is the knowledge and qualifications of colleagues, of course. One more hallmark these people is stubbornness and unwillingness to change their point of view.

Black moles are the worst sign. People with black moles have a hard life. Their childhood was unhappy, poor health, constant money problems. In society, such people are shunned, because they themselves are not very friendly and sociable. Often they drink, they are constantly in search of work. None of them accept criticism. Black moles blame society, family, state for their misfortunes, but not themselves. That is why it is difficult for them to extricate themselves from their misfortunes.

Hair on the mole

The more hairs on the mole, the worse it is for a person. Hairless moles, on the other hand, are a good sign.

Long hair on a mole speaks of a lack of luck in money matters, a love of gambling and unjustified risk. Moleosophists believe that people of this type cannot be relied upon, because they are irresponsible and unlucky, constantly getting into hopeless situations and making enemies everywhere. Owners in the family long hair are also unhappy because they do not know how to fulfill their duties. Although they usually love children and spouses very much.

Short hair on a mole is a good sign. They testify to success in financial affairs, to prudence, to a person’s inability to take risks. Such people quickly make a career and acquire a high social status. But they are very careful with money and never spend it on trifles, preferring profitable investments.

The location of moles on the body and on the face is also important, but in order to correctly interpret all the factors, not to miss or confuse anything, you need to read special literature. One of the most detailed books on this topic is the manual “What Your Moles Say About” by the Italian moleosophist Pietro Santini.

Here is briefly some information about how the location of moles and the fate of a person are connected.

Location of moles

A mole on the neck usually indicates that amazing things will happen in a person’s personal life.

Moles on the shoulders indicate a bold, active and excitable character.

Armpit moles are a sign that their owner is insecure and mentally unbalanced.

Moles on chest- a sign of a difficult, uncompromising nature.

Moles on the chest speak of increased sexuality.

Moles on the nipples are a sign that a person is in constant search.

Moles in the groin speak of endless difficulties and problems for their owner.

Moles on the back warn a person against sharp, rash acts.

Moles on the buttocks are a symbol of the fact that a person has come to terms with his fate.

Moles on the hips speak of fertility.

Moles on the legs - that a person had difficulties in childhood and adolescence, but he is able to overcome them in adulthood.

Moles around the eyes are a sign of talent.

Moles on the cheeks are evidence of the seriousness of a person.

Moles on the nose signal fidelity.

Moles on the lips - about ambition.


A birthmark in the form of a cross always speaks of difficult trials in a person’s life, no matter where it is located on the body. If the spot is on the head, you will have to go through the exclusion zone, overcome the misunderstanding of other people, and sometimes outright hostility on their part. The cross on the chest is a rejected love, which can be a tragedy for the whole life of the owner of such a mark. On the back - one should expect betrayal from the closest and dearest people. The owner of the cross on his stomach should fear for his life: he may be seriously injured in a car accident, become a victim of an accident at work through his own fault. On the leg, such a stain promises persecution and persecution, more than once in life you will have to flee. Such people often leave their homeland against their will. Cross on the right hand - a mistake is possible when choosing a profession. On the left - you should carefully consider the choice of a spouse. Most likely you will be changed. It is possible that such a person himself will allow himself to be treated in this way, or will provoke a situation.

A birthmark in the form of a star is extremely rare and very lucky sign. You should not look for a perfect resemblance to a five-pointed star. A birthmark can resemble both a little man and the figure of a severely deformed star. It is important that such a spot has five ends. It is believed that a person will always be kept by fate, wherever he goes, whatever he does.

Birthmark in the form geographical map occurs very often, and it can be found in many interpretations. It can be in the form of a continent, an island, it can resemble a sea, a small lake. Explanations may be the most unexpected. Such people are endowed with unbridledness in the field of feelings. Such spots speak of vindictiveness, contempt for others, resentment, inability to pull themselves together during disputes. Women are characterized by frequent tantrums, unpredictability in behavior, recklessness. It is believed that those born with a similar mark are unwanted children.

A birthmark resembling a bird is a good sign, especially if the bird has spread wings. A person with such a spot can achieve a lot in life through personal efforts. He is a high-flying bird. He is characterized by kindness, condescension towards people, their weaknesses. He himself is practically devoid of such shortcomings as laziness and lack of will. Stubbornly moving towards his goal, he will not do harm to anyone consciously. During his life, such a person travels a lot. Can become a conductor or a performing musician. The bird on the chest is a sign of great talent, which the owner always owes to his parents. The ability to music, painting in such families can be inherited. Most of all, such a spot affects the fate of a person if it is located on the left side of the chest or on the left shoulder.

A birthmark resembling a cat is a sign of mystery, secrecy, mystery. Especially if it is located on the head, chest, back, abdomen. The darker the spot in color, the more likely it is that a person has magical powers. In the Middle Ages, a dark birthmark, resembling a cat in outline, was considered a devilish sign. People with this sign are very touchy, but for the time being they carefully hide it. They may wish harm to someone unconsciously, they can also jinx another. Such people can make good actors, prosecutors, lawyers.

Astrologers say that if a person has any especially pronounced signs of the Zodiac, planets or other important points of the horoscope in the natal chart of birth, then any of these factors can cause the formation of moles or birthmarks on the body. For example, a man in the astrological chart in Sagittarius has a conjunction of the Moon, symbolizing in astrology the clan, home, family hearth, emotions, and Venus, indicating personal sympathy for the opposite sex and partnerships. Sagittarius in classical astrology is responsible for worldviews, religion, spiritual and higher development, moral and ethical principles. As a result of these astrofactors, a man had a round birthmark on the front of his right thigh from birth, which marked a romantic meeting at the age of 30 with a girl who later became his wife, who seriously influenced his worldview and spiritual beliefs in better side. Similarly, you can interpret the meaning of moles and birthmarks in different parts of the body.

The meaning of moles on different sides of the body

In order to understand what kind of event moles and birthmarks promise, it is necessary to take into account their location on the sides of the body. For men, the right side is traditionally considered favorable, for women - the left. The polarity is due to the fact that the right half of the body is controlled by the Sun, and the left by the Moon. It is believed that the Sun has a beneficial effect on men, and the Moon on women. When interpreting the meaning of moles on the body, this factor must be taken into account.

That is, if in the example above, a birthmark on the right half for a man carries favorable information - love, a happy marriage, spiritual development, then a woman who has the same birthmark on the right side, on the contrary, you may not be lucky. For example, she will connect her life with a person of another culture who professes false ideals or does not adhere to moral principles and inclines her to live according to his life rules. As a result, having contacted such a false teacher, a woman can degrade spiritually and earn negative karma for herself. When a birthmark is located on the central vertical line dividing the body into two halves, it either has a balanced informational charge, or, in the case of a greater coverage of the area of ​​\u200b\u200bone of the sides, corresponds to the above right-left side rule for the corresponding sex. If there are many moles on the body, then you need to calculate which half has more of them, and find out which factors in a person’s life will prevail - favorable or negative.

The meaning of moles and birthmarks on the body: special cases

In some cases, it is difficult to specifically differentiate marks on the body and unambiguously interpret their meaning.

For example: you can find paired moles or birthmarks on different sides of the body, that is, unshakable signs that are almost identical in size, color and shape. At the same time, it must be remembered that twin signs cannot neutralize each other, as is the case with the same number of moles on both sides of the body. For a correct interpretation of paired signs, it is necessary to look for additional indications in other areas of the body that will help clarify the picture.

Example: there are paired moles on the abdomen, separated by a central line - this is an indicator of the disease. However, ailments are different - some disappear, while others can cause great damage to health and end very badly. To clarify the situation, you need to look for a clarifying sign in the sacred zone and be sure to take into account the side of its placement, since this determines a favorable or negative outcome.

The difficulty is the differentiation of prints on the left and right sides of a left-handed person, something in such a person is changed, so some of his zones may shift. In the morphoscopic analysis of signs in left-handed people, the classical definition of the happy and unhappy sides is incorrect, their poles are reversed. That is, for a left-handed man, the favorable side is no longer the right, but the left half. In a left-handed woman, the analysis is carried out according to the traditional male type.

Another special option for placing marks on the body is moles or birthmarks in the armpits. From the point of view of morphoscopy, the axillary region requires special attention. The fact is that in astrology there is a zodiac sign that does not belong to the traditional circle of 12 signs of the Zodiac. It's about O magic sign Ophiuchus, belonging to the so-called Upper Zodiac. Some astrologers call Ophiuchus 13 the sign of the Zodiac.

Unusual abilities and properties of consciousness are associated with Ophiuchus. Moles on the body in the armpits are a sign of the influence of Ophiuchus, and people influenced by this sign have a special purpose and are considered marked by fate, they must somehow stand out from the general human mass.

Types of moles and birthmarks

In morphoscopy, signs on the body are usually classified by type, each of which provides some fateful information.

The first type of moles is the so-called unshakable signs. These moles are dark (dark brown/black) in color. Dark marks symbolize immutable attitudes, they report something unchanging in a person's life, about some predetermined events. The more unshakable imprints are present on the body and the more they stand out with their shape (bulge), the more significant doom, tribal karma prevails over the life of their owner.

The second type of formations on the skin are red moles. What can red moles on the body tell? They talk about the fact that the life of their owner can change dramatically, especially in terms of worldview. That is, such a person during his life, due to certain events or an authoritative influence exerted on him, an ideological reincarnation may occur: a change in the value system, worldview or religion, etc. It turns out that moles of this type can no longer be called unshakable, since they warn, rather than predetermine events.

The third type includes light moles, mainly indicating events related to the individual's personal life. Based on these imprints, one can determine how a person will develop a situation in the areas of love, friendship, in relationships with others.

Moles on the body and karma

Already in the first days of a person's life, moles and birthmarks can be found on his body, which, as karmic signs of fate, remain for life. At first, these formations are few and barely noticeable, but over time, in proportion to the accumulation of life experience and problems, their number increases. According to morphoscopy, not all, but many important events in our life are predetermined, and birthmarks and moles on the body are some kind of labels or references to what is destined for fate and what tasks a person faces. Moles and birthmarks in the karmic aspect are considered an indicator of fatality, a person’s dependence on life debt and unresolved problems. As a certain karmic mission is fully realized, the mole corresponding to this task may disappear.

The morphoscopic difference between moles and birthmarks lies in the fact that the former are considered signs of a personal plan, and birthmarks are indicators of unshakable events in life, firmly connected with the fate of other people, with external influences.

In size, birthmarks, as a rule, are several times larger than moles, and their color is not too dark.

Along with moles, there are also red birthmarks. Such a mark correlates with Mars, which in many esoteric teachings symbolizes everything related to war, struggle, some kind of aggressive manifestations, dynamics, and brute force. The red sign warns its owner of a difficult and restless fate, full of trials, energy costs, struggle, etc. Nothing comes easy to such a person, without significant volitional and physical effort.

Permanent signs on the body, grouped together, sometimes form different figures. The most negative are a group of moles in the form of a cross, a square, as well as a birthmark in the form of a star or spider.

Triangles of moles, oval and round birthmarks on the body are the most favorable figures. Triangle - auspicious sign qualitative transformation of personality. For example: a person who has a triangular-shaped birthmark on his face can be considered a chosen one of fate, who has a great responsibility that requires him to internally mobilize his forces in order to fulfill some important karmic program.

It should be borne in mind that not all favorable formations promise only "pluses". Here again, much depends on the location on the sides of the body. For example: a triangle spot on a man’s left shoulder speaks of tribal karma: such a person will have to answer for his family, pay for all his ancestors’ debts (“scapegoat”). Any of his unseemly act can have an unpredictable result and lead to depressing consequences, a fall. On the other hand, when the triangle is unfavorably located, it is considered a kind of saving sign, the circle of a drowning person, protection in extreme situations.

No matter how the fate of a person develops, moles and birthmarks on the body, related to permanent signs, are indicators of inevitable karmic problems and events. different nature(not necessarily negative). From the foregoing, it becomes clear that the less people has moles, the greater the degree of freedom of influence on his life he is endowed with and the less significant is the fatality factor of his fate. An individual who completely lacks any birth marks is as free as possible in life in his actions, since he is not burdened by the karmic burden of responsibility.
