Folic acid during pregnancy dosage. Folic acid for pregnant women

Folic acid (element B9) is the most important vitamin for life, which is often lacking in the body of pregnant women and young children. Folic acid during pregnancy is especially important and useful. Vitamin B9 actively influences the metabolic processes of the body, participates in the formation of red blood cells, in the work of the nervous, immune systems, gastrointestinal tract. Vitamin deficiency contributes to malfunctions in the body, the development of pathological diseases, and in severe cases, death.

This vitamin is of particular importance precisely in the early stages - at the very beginning of fetal development. It not only takes a direct part in the formation of a normal nervous system, this vitamin is needed for the proper regeneration of as many as trillions of cells in the mother's body, which need to be systematically updated. Why is the drug prescribed to pregnant women? Why do men need to drink it and at what time?


Folic acid is represented by a water-soluble special substance B9. In addition to the main vitamin, the substance contains polyglutamic components, which have a common name - folacin.

Useful folic acid for pregnant women in the early stages:

  • she takes an active part in cell division;
  • provides a favorable state for a normal full-fledged DNA structure;
  • provides the structure of RNA of new cells;
  • ensures the normal birth, development of the fetus;
  • prevents the occurrence of cancer.

Folic acid is closely linked to pregnancy. For the full-fledged birth, development of the fetus, a sufficient intake of a vitamin substance (at least 200 mcg per day) into the body of the expectant mother is required. The dosage of the vitamin should satisfy the daily requirement of the mother's organism, the developing (nascent) fetus. The exact dosage and amount of the drug in one tablet can be found in the instructions for use. The instruction must be read by the expectant mother in order to know exactly about all the consequences.

Why do pregnant women need to take folic acid, how long does it take? When are folic acid tablets prescribed and how many micrograms per day should a woman enter the body as much as possible?

Significance for mother and fetus

Folic acid for pregnant women plays an important role. The expectant mother needs a vitamin for good health, proper development of the placenta, in order to prevent the risk of developing pathological diseases. It is the insufficient amount of folic acid that leads to premature birth.

The fetus especially needs element B9. This substance is actively involved in the birth of the fetus, in the laying of its main organs, is involved in the formation of the mental and physical health of the baby. An insufficient amount of folic acid provokes the development of pathologies in the fetus even in the womb.

It is important to drink folic acid during pregnancy and a few months before planning it for both spouses. Instructions for use or the doctor will calculate the daily dose, it should not exceed 800 mcg for women and men, the optimal amount per day is 200 mcg.

Vitamin B9 deficiency

An insufficient amount of folic acid that occurs at different stages of pregnancy can result in sad consequences:

  • defects in the formation of a special neural tube of a child;
  • lack of cerebral hemispheres (anencephaly);
  • hernia in the brain;
  • hydrocephalus;
  • violation of the proper development of the placenta;
  • development of inferiority of uterine vessels;
  • the birth of a child prematurely (premature baby).

Deficiency of element B9 during pregnancy contributes to the development of mental disorders of varying complexity in newborns. Therefore, it is important to drink this vitamin all the time throughout pregnancy, as well as at the planning stage. When taking a vitamin preparation, the dosage established by the doctor should be observed, but it is not worth neglecting the recommendations indicated by the instructions for using the drug.

But the foods that we eat every day contain folic acid, what should be more in the diet of a pregnant woman? What foods can be consumed in large quantities?

Vitamin Sources

Sources of B9 are products made from wholemeal flour. There are products that contain this element in their composition. They are recommended to be consumed daily, especially during the stages of pregnancy:

  • spinach;
  • parsley, beans;
  • green peas, lettuce;
  • citrus;
  • juices;
  • avocado;
  • asparagus;
  • liver meat.

Fish products, cheese, meat products - these foods contain folic acid, but in small amounts.

With a normal balanced intestinal microflora, the human body is able to synthesize small amounts of this substance on its own. Products that enter the body and assimilate bring their benefits, which is why expectant mothers are advised to review their diet and add important missing foods to it.

When vitamin B9 is available in the right amount, it is necessary to maintain its balance at the proper level. But in order to prevent an overabundance of the vitamin, its exact dosage is necessary. How to take folic acid correctly? What is the norm of tablets per day for a man and a woman?

Daily dose

In an adult, the daily dose should be 200 mcg for the full functioning of the whole organism. During pregnancy, the vitamin daily requirement increases by almost 2 times, 400 mcg. The dosage of folic acid during pregnancy is prescribed only by the doctor for each individual patient, but the maximum dose should not exceed 800 mcg.

The norm of folic acid for a man is 200 mcg per day, it is not worth exceeding the indicated amount, the consequences may not be very good. It is also worth taking into account the products containing it in their composition.

The volume of folic acid, exceeding the prophylactic value, is established with a vitamin deficiency, existing problems in the body.

Folic acid for pregnant women is an indispensable vitamin complex, if you do not listen to the doctor's recommendations and do not take it, this can lead to serious consequences. There are certain factors that increase the need and importance of its intake:

  • high risk of a special neural tube defect;
  • in women with epilepsy;
  • in women with diabetes;
  • with problems in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • with vomiting attacks at various stages of pregnancy;
  • the presence of hereditary malformations.

You can take the drug only in accordance with the doctor's prescription, an overdose can lead to serious consequences. How long can folic acid be taken?

Duration of admission

Doctors say that you should start drinking folic acid even during pregnancy planning, as it is very important in the first month after conception.

But not every woman plans a pregnancy and finds out about her interesting situation sometimes only a few weeks after conception, therefore, as soon as it becomes known about pregnancy, you should immediately start taking it. How many weeks to take? The first 13 weeks of pregnancy folic acid is very important for the child, after the doctor will prescribe multivitamins, which will also contain folacin, but only its norm will be different.


The dosage of folic acid for pregnant women (minimum 200 mcg) should be observed in accordance with the doctor's prescription, the instructions for use clearly describe everything. An excess of the drug is quickly excreted by the doctor from the body, its use in large volumes can provoke allergic reactions.

An overdose of folic acid occurs when the dose of its use is exceeded by 100 times (2000 mcg).

Norwegian scientists conducted an experiment, according to the results of which it was found that women whose plasma contained large amounts of vitamin B9 were more likely to give birth to children with a tendency to asthmatic diseases. But in what doses such a vitamin overabundance occurred, scientists have not established.

What to consider when taking

Folic acid for pregnant women is a very important element, it helps to prevent many dangerous diseases and undesirable consequences. What should a pregnant woman not do and what should she know about the vitamin complex while carrying a child?

A pregnant woman should know certain facts about vitamin B9.

  1. During pregnancy, vitamin folic acid is excreted in an accelerated mode.
  2. Tea promotes the accelerated removal of vitamin substances.
  3. Folic acid in pregnant women can provoke allergic reactions.
  4. Vitamin B9 in insufficient quantities is transmitted to the baby from the mother, so it is mandatory to take it, starting long before the desired pregnancy.
  5. Vitamin is very important to use during pregnancy, so you need to take it in combination with additional drugs (antacids, estrogens, anticonvulsants).
  6. To keep the vitamin for a long time in the right amount during all stages of pregnancy, it is recommended to eat vegetables raw or steamed.

Most often, folic acid deficiency is due to three reasons:

  • Insufficient intake from food. It should be borne in mind that up to 90% of the folic acid contained in raw food is destroyed during heat treatment, but nevertheless, it is not difficult to ensure a sufficient amount of folic acid from food. In addition to the leaves of garden greens, it is also found in liver, meat, cheese, caviar, egg yolk, legumes, tomatoes, sunflower seeds,
  • Increased need. The need for this substance increases when rapid growth and tissue renewal prevails: during a period of rapid growth in young children and adolescents, with severe oncological diseases, anemia, skin diseases, etc. The need for folic acid in pregnant women increases with the growth of the fetus. During breastfeeding, the need for this vitamin is also increased, as well as the need for other vitamins.
  • Violation of the absorption of folic acid in the intestine. Diseases of the stomach and small intestine can lead to deficiency due to insufficient absorption, while with a normal composition of the intestinal microflora, the body can synthesize folic acid on its own.

Folic acid contained in medicinal preparations is absorbed much better than its natural counterpart.

Mechanism of action of folic acid

As you know, in order for any living cell to enter into the process of division, its genetic material, enclosed in a DNA helix, must double. It is in the process of DNA doubling that folic acid takes an active part. In addition, it is involved in the synthesis of RNA (ribonucleic acid), amino acids, and contributes to better absorption of iron.

Accordingly, the deficiency of this factor is especially dangerous for actively proliferating cells. Folic acid is necessary for the growth and development of all organs and tissues, the normal development of the embryo, and hematopoiesis processes. In the early stages of pregnancy, this is especially important, because already in the 2nd week from conception in the embryo, you can determine the part from which the brain begins to develop. It is during this period, despite the fact that the woman is still unaware of her pregnancy, even a short-term deficiency of folic acid is fraught with the development of defects in the development of the nervous system in the fetus.

In addition to participating in the creation of fetal cells, this vitamin is used to replace the cells of the body of a pregnant woman, as human cells are constantly updated. Folic acid is involved in the formation of all blood cells. In addition, it provides a good mood, participating in the exchange of biologically active substances serotonin and adrenaline, which largely affect the state of the nervous system, stimulates appetite at the sight of food, participating in the production of hydrochloric acid in the stomach,

During pregnancy, folic acid deficiency leads to the formation of neural tube defects: the absence of the brain, hydrocephalus (hydrocephalus), the formation of cerebral hernias, spina bifida, in addition, the formation of malformations of the cardiovascular system and splitting of the lip and palate (cleft lip and cleft palate). With a lack of this vitamin, the formation of the placenta is disrupted, the likelihood of miscarriage, partial placental abruption, stillbirth, and fetal growth retardation increases. Studies have shown that about 75% of these defects can be prevented if a woman starts taking folic acid supplements before pregnancy.

It is important to continue the use of folic acid during breastfeeding, when the need for it even exceeds the need for a pregnant woman. Folic acid deficiency has a significant impact on the formation of postpartum depression, apathy, weakness, and causes a decrease in the amount of milk. In addition, a deficiency of this vitamin in a nursing mother leads to its low content in breast milk and, as a result, to its deficiency in a child. In children with folic acid deficiency, in addition to anemia, there is a lag in weight, a delay in psychomotor development, a decrease in immunity, and disruption of the intestines.

Dosage of folic acid during pregnancy

The minimum daily requirement for folic acid in the normal state is 50 mcg, but with increasing needs, for example during pregnancy, it can increase several times. In Russia, it is believed that the need for folic acid in pregnant women without signs of deficiency of this vitamin is 400 mcg per day. In nursing mothers, this need is 600 mcg per day. Considering that folic acid deficiency is especially dangerous in the first weeks of pregnancy, this vitamin is recommended to be taken in the process of preparing for pregnancy (at least three months), as well as during the entire period of bearing a baby. The standard folic acid tablet contains 1 mg, the folic acid content of multivitamins ranges from 300 micrograms to 1 mg. Thus, taking one tablet of folic acid per day or a multivitamin containing, among others, this vitamin covers the daily requirement for it by 100-200%. Taking such doses of folic acid is safe.

In women with a therapeutic purpose, the dose can be increased to 5 mg per day. The course of treatment is 20-30 days. High doses of folic acid in the period of preparation for pregnancy and in the first third of it are also prescribed to women who have already had cases of the birth of children with folate-dependent malformations.

Safety of Folic Acid

Folic acid is not toxic to humans. There are studies on the long-term use of 15 mg of folic acid per day (exceeding the daily dosage by 40 times), which did not reveal any toxic effects of this drug. However, long-term use (over 3 months) of high doses of folic acid can help reduce blood levels of vitamin B 12, which can lead to anemia. Large doses of folic acid sometimes cause gastrointestinal disorders, increased nervous excitability, and functional changes in the kidneys.

Contraindications to the use of folic acid are cases of an individual allergic reaction to the drug.

It is important to take folic acid regularly. However, given that any folic acid preparation covers the daily requirement for it, you should not worry if you missed the next dose. Just take the drug when you remember it.

Many medications can affect the absorption, utilization, and storage of folic acid in the body. Folic acid is best taken together with vitamins B 12 and C. Additional intake of bifidobacteria increases the synthesis of folic acid in the large intestine.

On the contrary, when taking alcohol, antacids (drugs that neutralize hydrochloric acid, - ALMAGEL, MAALOX etc.), sulfonamides, antiepileptic drugs, the absorption of folic acid in the intestine is significantly reduced. Reception ASPIRINA in high doses, nitrofuran drugs (prescribed for urinary tract infections), oral contraceptives, corticosteroid hormones reduces the concentration of folic acid in the blood.

Verified: no risk!

In the United States, there is a law requiring manufacturers to add fairly high doses of folic acid to flour in order to prevent a deficiency of this vitamin in the population. In addition, in the United States, the prophylactic dosage of folic acid is 2 times higher than in Russia. No negative effects on the genotype of folic acid doses used in Russia have been identified.

Folic acid is not accidentally recognized as the main vitamin of pregnancy. Its sufficient amount in the body of the expectant mother is favorable both for her and for the health of the child.

Ideally, vitamin B9 in the right amount is produced by the human body itself. But, unfortunately, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, a lack of bifidobacteria in the intestines lead to the fact that there is a lack of this vitamin.

Main sources of folic acid

According to studies, vitamin B9 is found in large quantities in green leafy vegetables, legumes, carrots, buckwheat and oats, bran, yeast, bananas. Animal sources of vitamin B9 are almost all types of meat, dairy products and eggs.

It should be noted that even with the regular use of large amounts of these products, the absorption and utilization of folic acid depends on the method of its preparation. When cooking meat and vegetables (cooking, frying), 70-90% of the vitamin is destroyed. As a result of boiling eggs, the losses are about 50%.

It is known that the bioavailability of folic acid of natural origin is lower than that of synthetic analogues.

Currently, the most common beriberi among pregnant women is folic acid deficiency. This is fraught for the expectant mother with anemia, lack of appetite, fatigue, and toxicosis. In addition, there is often a threat of miscarriage, placental abruption, stillbirth. For an unborn child, vitamin B9 deficiency is no less dangerous, it causes a number of irreversible consequences, such as neural tube defects, problems in brain development, etc.

During pregnancy, vitamin B9 plays a huge role in the formation of new blood vessels in the uterus, placenta, the underdevelopment of which can lead to the birth of premature babies with developmental disorders.

The World Health Organization defines the daily requirement for folacin in adults and children over 12 years old at 400 mcg. For pregnant women, the recommended requirement for this vitamin is, according to various sources, from 600 to 800 micrograms per day. After childbirth, lactating women are prescribed 400-600 micrograms of folic acid, taking into account the fact that part of it is excreted from the body with breast milk.

Due to the fact that a person receives folic acid not only from vitamin-containing preparations, but also from food, in the USA the content of folacin in vitamin supplements does not exceed 400 mcg. This limit is set to avoid an overdose of folic acid and the occurrence of pernicious anemia.

This type of anemia, caused by vitamin B12 deficiency, is easily treated, but can cause permanent damage to the nervous system if left unnoticed. That is why pregnant women taking large doses of folic acid need to control the level of cyanocobalamin (B12).

The most common consequence of vitamin B9 deficiency during pregnancy is neural tube defects in the fetus. And since this organ begins to form in the fetus as early as 2.5-4 weeks after conception, it is very important to start taking minimal doses of folic acid (400 mcg per day) when planning pregnancy, before it, and also during the first 12 weeks.

In agreement with the doctor, the dosage of folic acid during pregnancy can be increased by 2-3 times in the following cases, in which the risk of neural tube defects is especially high:

  • If a pregnant woman suffers from epilepsy or diabetes,
  • If previous pregnancies ended in the birth of a newborn with developmental anomalies,
  • If there are relatives with congenital malformations.

However, do not independently conduct a risk assessment and prescribe high doses of a vitamin to yourself without the advice of a doctor. This can lead to an overabundance of folic acid, which is dangerous by the likelihood of giving birth to sick newborns with a tendency to frequent respiratory diseases and asthma.

Approximate dosage regimen of vitamin B9 before, during and after pregnancy

  • When planning pregnancy before conception - 400 mcg,
  • The first 12 weeks of pregnancy - 600-800 mcg,
  • From 13 weeks to childbirth - 800 mcg,
  • From the moment of childbirth until the end of breastfeeding - 400-600 mcg.

Take this vitamin once a day with water.

The influence of consumed foods and drugs on the absorption of vitamin B9

In general, the human liver usually has a 3-6 month supply of folic acid. However, during pregnancy, the need for this vitamin increases dramatically, and its deficiency occurs.

When a dosage of folic acid is prescribed during pregnancy by the attending physician, the following factors must be taken into account that reduce the absorption of this vitamin:

  • The use of alcoholic beverages, strong tea;
  • Taking contraceptives;
  • Taking high doses of aspirin;
  • Administration of corticosteroid hormones.

Also, the absorption of folic acid is disturbed when taking nitrofurans, sulfonamides, antimetabolites, antihyperlipidemic drugs. Deficiency of this vitamin can develop with the appointment of anti-tuberculosis and anti-epileptic drugs.

Expectant mothers who, as prescribed by a doctor, take large doses of folic acid during pregnancy for a long time, should be aware that this can lead to a lack of vitamin B12 in the body and the occurrence of latent megaloblastic anemia. If a pregnant woman suffers from epilepsy, you need to know that taking folacin can affect the increase in seizures.

And remember, the main thing is to never engage in self-diagnosis and self-treatment, it is much better to consult a competent doctor.

Folic acid during pregnancy is essential. Few people know that doctors call her “pregnancy superhero”. It should be consumed by women before and after pregnancy. Every day, new cells are produced in every organ of our body, but without vitamin B9, none of this will happen.

According to statistics, one in 1,000 babies is born with neural tube defects - a congenital pathology of the spinal cord. It turns out that pathology is easily avoided if folic acid is added to the diet of a pregnant woman. Medical laboratories have studied the effect of folic acid supplementation on the body of the expectant mother. The results revealed a significant reduction in the risk of developing fetal neural tube pathology - FTD.

If you're planning on getting pregnant, chances are you already know the importance of a healthy diet, exercise, and sleep. Another of the most important ways to ensure a healthy pregnancy is to get enough folic acid before conception.

In this article, we will name 5 reasons why folic acid should be included in the diet of a woman during pregnancy. How much to consume, how to get it (sources) and when to finish the course.

What is folic acid?

Folic acid is a synthetic form of vitamin B9 found in fortified foods and other supplements. The acid is used by the body to produce new cells and nucleic acid (which is a form of genetic material).

Vitamin B is essential for the healthy growth and development of an infant. Vitamin performs the most important functions:

  • Participates in the production of red blood cells;
  • Develops the ability to hear;
  • Supports the formation of all organs.

Medical experts advise starting folic acid 400 mcg along with prenatal vitamins during the first 12 weeks of pregnancy. Further, you can continue to eat a diet rich in folic acid (and other nutrients) by eating fresh.

Why take Folic Acid during pregnancy?

Here's why you need to increase your folic acid intake if you're pregnant or trying to get pregnant:

1. Prevents Neural Tube Defects:

Folic acid helps in fetal nerve development. Your fetus' neural tube, which later develops into your baby's brain and spinal cord, is protected with folic acid to prevent any perinatal defects during the early formation of the central nervous system.

2. Produces red blood cells:

Vitamin B9 improves the production of red blood cells in your body. This is important during pregnancy when anemia (iron deficiency) is a common problem. Folic acid ensures that the red blood cell (RBC) in your body is in good condition. Even if you are taking other supplements that could replenish iron, you should not give up vitamin B9.

3. Protects the child from complications:

Folic acid reduces the risk of cleft lips and palate. It also reduces the risk of preterm labor, miscarriage, poor growth of the baby in the uterus, and problems with low birth weight.

4. Protects the pregnant mother:

Daily intake of folic acid is known to prevent pre-eclampsia (a complication of pregnancy), heart stroke, heart disease, cancer, and Alzheimer's disease.

5. Other important features:

Vitamin B9 is of great importance for cell division, their growth. It is involved in the synthesis and restoration of DNA, in protein metabolism and the correct functioning of the brain. Vitamin B9 is extremely important in the production of healthy red blood cells.

Folic acid is required by the body to make heme, the component of hemoglobin that is responsible for transporting iron. Given the importance of vitamin B9, folic acid should be taken even before you become pregnant.

When to start taking Folic Acid?

Check with your health care provider before choosing prenatal vitamins and make sure they have the recommended amount of vitamin B9.

How much folic acid does a pregnant woman need?

  • Before conception: 400 mcg;
  • First trimester of pregnancy: 400 mcg;
  • Second and third trimesters of pregnancy: 600 mcg;
  • Breastfeeding stage: 500 mcg.

Be sure to check with your healthcare provider and the tests will make it clear how much folic acid you are consuming, taking into account other supplements you are taking. It will also reveal a lack of vitamin B9, if any.

How long to take Folic Acid during pregnancy?

You can start taking at least three months before pregnancy and throughout your pregnancy to reduce your risk of birth defects.

Folic acid deficiency during pregnancy?

Folic acid deficiency causes serious skin diseases, hair loss, and circulatory disorders. Grayish-brown skin pigmentation, fatigue and mental depression can result from a deficiency of this vitamin. Possible loss of appetite, pale skin, lack of energy, diarrhea, headache and irritability.

Reproductive disorders such as spontaneous abortions and high infant mortality rates can also be caused by folic acid deficiency. Vitamin B9 deficiency can also lead to loss of libido in men.

According to studies, two-thirds of geriatric patients were found to be deficient in folic acid. One third of psychiatric patients are also deficient in this vitamin. Lack of folic acid can also lead to dementia.

Sources of Folic Acid

Vitamin B9 is found in many foods but is water soluble and easily destroyed by cooking. Therefore, the best way is to cook them shortly or eat them raw if possible.

Here is a list of foods rich in folic acid, the content is approximately calculated per 100 grams of serving:

Cooked spinach: 131 mcg
Popular breakfast cereals: 100 mg
Peas: 101 mcg
Asparagus: 89 mcg
White rice: 90 mcg
Brussels sprouts: 78 mcg
Spaghetti: 83 mcg
Salad: 64 mcg
Avocado: 59 mcg
Raw spinach: 58 mcg

Good sources of the vitamin are cabbage, green beans, mushrooms, corn kernels, zucchini, grapefruit, citrus fruits, legumes, juices, and eggs. You can find it in green vegetables especially in and in any cereal crops. But, since the acid does not linger in the body, it needs to be included in the daily diet.

When to finish the course?

You can stop taking folic acid as soon as you reach 12 weeks of pregnancy, as by then the baby's spine will be well developed. However, you can continue to take folate at week 12 as it won't hurt anyone or your baby.

Frequently asked Questions

1. Which tablets contain folic acid? - Folic acid supplements are available under the brands:

  • Apo-folic
  • Folio
  • Folacin

Multivitamin complexes contain not a small amount of vitamin B9, have proven themselves in the market:

  • Vitrum prenatal and Vitrum prenatal forte
  • Materna and Multitabs perinatal.
  • Pregnavit and Elevit.

2. How does folic acid help when you are trying to get pregnant? Folic acid may improve your chances of becoming pregnant as it increases fertility and also improves RBC production, in addition to providing other health benefits.

3. Are vitamin B9 and prenatal supplements the same? Folic acid is already present in prenatal vitamin supplements. If there is a need to further increase the concentration, the doctor will make an appropriate decision based on the tests.

4. What about women carrying twins? -A woman with twins needs about 1,000 micrograms of supplement per day. Fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E, and K) are easily stored, whereas vitamin B9 is water-soluble, so it must be taken daily. You need to constantly replenish resources to maintain a healthy level.

5. Does folic acid cause gastrointestinal upset during pregnancy? - It is possible that excess vitamin B9 will cause diarrhea. If this happens, increase the amount of water you drink. This will help avoid dehydration. You need to seek help from a doctor to deal with diarrhea.

6. Can folic acid cause multiple pregnancies?
No, folic acid supplementation before pregnancy will not increase the chance of multiple pregnancies.

7. Is too much folic acid bad for pregnancy? - Yes, too much can increase an infant's risk of autism, obesity, insulin resistance, and cognitive impairment.

Summing up

Folic acid is essential for getting pregnant and for fetal development during pregnancy, but care should be taken to avoid excessive intake of the vitamin.

Experts say that when planning a pregnancy, a woman should think about taking folic acid. However, only 22 percent of women aged 12 to 49 were found to be deficient. The rest calmly cope with the prevention of neural tubal defects. This is evidenced by studies conducted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

As far as possible, it is best to try to get vitamin B9 from natural food sources. Use supplements only if prescribed by a doctor. Talk to your obstetrician or dietitian to develop the ideal nutrient-dense diet plan.

Folic acid is very important for the adequate and appropriate development of the brain and spinal cord in the unborn child. Folic acid deficiency in pregnant women leads to birth defects in the fetus, such as paralysis or brain damage. By taking enough of this vitamin during pregnancy, women can eliminate the risk of birth defects in children.

What to say about the use of folic acid during pregnancy? Share with us in the comments section.

During the gestation period, a woman should be especially attentive to her diet and the use of vitamins. Indeed, for the growth of the fetus, a lot of energy, biologically active substances and trace elements are needed, which must come from outside. And folic acid during pregnancy is one of such important components for the development of the child.

Folic acid is a B vitamin. It is also called vitamin B9, vitamin Bc, folacin, pteroylglutamic acid. In the 30s of the last century, this acid was isolated by scientists from yeast. And in the 40s it was artificially synthesized. Pteroylglutamic acid was first used to treat anemia in pregnant women, and later other beneficial properties were studied.

Why do you need folacin

Folic acid deficiency in the diet of mothers can cause abnormalities in the development of the child. For example, he may be born with an underdevelopment of the brain. There are also spinal anomalies of varying severity.

Folic acid is essential for the fetus for other reasons. It prevents diseases of the heart, urinary tract, cleft lip and palate. The woman herself has vitamin Sun:

  • prevents heart disease;
  • participates in the formation of DNA;
  • prevents the development of certain types of anemia.

Where to find natural vitamin Sun

Folacin a woman can receive with such food:

  • green leaves;
  • vegetables;
  • fruit;
  • cereal crops;
  • all products of animal origin.

But in foods, pteroylglutamic acid is rapidly degraded by sunlight and at temperatures above 20°C. In addition, the products of this acid contain very little, so its synthesized preparation is much more effective.

Vitamin Bc is also produced in the human body. It is produced by the intestinal microflora. However, any negative factor, for example, a busy rhythm of life or chronic diseases, drastically reduces its production. Pteroylglutamic acid does not accumulate in the body. It is consumed faster during pregnancy, with fatigue, lack of sleep and exacerbation of chronic diseases.

If the expectant mother wants to avoid fetal pathologies, it is not enough to take vitamin Bc only with food. Experts recommend that pregnant women take folacin tablets.

Folic acid deficiency during pregnancy and how to compensate for it

Why is folic acid prescribed during pregnancy? First of all, folacin is used in cases of its insufficiency in the body. Vitamin B deficiency manifests itself as:

  • prostration;
  • decreased desire to eat;
  • mood instability;
  • fragility of nails and hair.

In a woman planning a pregnancy, folacin affects the effectiveness of attempts to get pregnant and forms the basis for bearing a healthy child. Therefore, vitamin B is prescribed even at the stage of planning a child, when a woman is just about to become pregnant, and the couple is actively preparing for this.

Studies show that if you take folic acid a few months before a woman becomes pregnant and three months after fertilization, it will help to avoid fetal defects.

Usually, folic acid and vitamin E are prescribed together when planning pregnancy and after conception, since vitamin E is also a good immunomodulator and antioxidant. According to doctors, it is also successfully used in the prevention of infertility and miscarriage.

When and how much folacin is drunk

The World Health Organization, based on the results of multicenter studies, has developed recommendations on how to drink folic acid during pregnancy. According to international statistics, it is necessary to consume 400 mcg of pteroylglutamic acid per day to prevent the occurrence of neural tube defects in the fetus. And women who have already had a child with some changes in the nervous system should take even larger doses of this vitamin.

A few months before conception. And also in the first months of pregnancy, an increased dose of vitamin Bc is prescribed - at least 800 mcg (0.8 mg) per 24 hours.

From the second trimester of pregnancy. The amount of vitamin depends on the general condition of the woman and the characteristics of the course of pregnancy. The range of appointments can vary from 400 micrograms to 5 mg per 24 hours.

The individual dosage of folic acid during pregnancy is determined by the gynecologist. The doctor will be able to answer the question of how much folic acid should be drunk during pregnancy, and until what month it should be taken only taking into account the history and lifestyle of the woman in position. In addition, the appointment of a vitamin can pursue the goal of both prevention and treatment. For example, a dose of 5 mg is prescribed by a doctor for severe folacin deficiency. The course of treatment in this case lasts three to four weeks.

Already on the basis of prescriptions, it will be possible to calculate how many 1 mg tablets per day should be consumed in each case. It is advisable to drink an individual dose of a vitamin at the same time of the day. Can be used before and after meals. The tablet does not need to be chewed. Drink a small amount of water. For better absorption, the acid is drunk along with B12 and ascorbic acid.

Oversaturation of the body with vitamin Bc does not make it possible to detect vitamin B12 deficiency in time if it is present. Therefore, with long-term use of folacin, control and supervision of a doctor is necessary.

Can the sun be too much

There is practically no overdose of folic acid during pregnancy; vitamin Bc is not harmful. If the vitamin is not used up in a day, its excess is quickly excreted from the body. However, the daily limit of consumption of this acid is 5 mg. The calculation of the number of tablets is based on the fact that the dosage of the vitamin in one tablet is 1 mg. Thus, the highest daily dose is 5 tablets.

Overestimation of this limit leads to such side effects as:

  • bowel disorder;
  • changes in kidney function;
  • increased excitability.

When folic acid is harmful

According to the instructions for use, folacin is contraindicated in cases where a woman has an individual intolerance to the drug. Also contraindications are such background diseases as:

  • bronchial asthma;
  • kidney disease;
  • anemia due to a lack of B12.

Now it becomes clear why folic acid during pregnancy, along with all the recommendations, is necessarily prescribed by gynecologists. All 9 months of pregnancy, folic acid is necessary, because at this time the psychological and physiological health of the baby is laid.

