Hetero - what does it mean? What does hetero orientation mean? Hetero what does it mean.

- [te], [from Greek. heteros - other]. The first part of compound words. Contributes sign. sl.: different, different (opposite: homo...). Heterogeneous, heteroplasticity, heterosexuality.
Explanatory Dictionary of Kuznetsov

Hetero-- see Geter-.
Big Medical Dictionary

Hetero...- (from the Greek heteros - another) - part of compound words, meaning: "other", "other", corresponds to Russian "different ..." (eg, heterogeneous).
Big encyclopedic dictionary

Hetero- (from the Greek heteros - different, different), part of compound words, meaning heterogeneity, alienity (the opposite of homo ... or homeo.), For example. heterogamy, heterocarpy
Biological encyclopedic dictionary

Hetero...- part of compound words denoting "other", "other" (eg heterogeneity).
Sexological Dictionary

hetero/homosexuality- preference for sexual partners of the opposite / own sex; manifests itself in appropriate behavior.
Sexological Dictionary

hetero/homosocial- orientation to communication with persons of the opposite / own sex; determined by the community.
Sexological Dictionary

Hetero/homophily- emotional attraction to persons of the opposite / own sex, which does not have a pronounced erotic coloring.
Sexological Dictionary

hetero/homoeroticism- erotic attraction to persons of the opposite / own sex, not necessarily accompanied by sexual intimacy.
Sexological Dictionary

Hetero...- part of compound words denoting "other", "other" (for example, heterogeneity). (Source: Sexological Dictionary)
Sexological Encyclopedia

hetero/homosexuality- preference for a sexual partner of the opposite or own sex. This concept describes the sexual behavior of an individual, the degree of hetero / homosexuality ........
Sexological Encyclopedia

hetero/homosocial- orientation to communication with persons of the opposite or own sex; it is measured by those with whom a person prefers to work together, spend free time ........
Sexological Encyclopedia

Hetero/homophily- emotional attraction mainly to persons of the opposite or own sex, which does not have a pronounced erotic character - with whom the person prefers ........
Sexological Encyclopedia

hetero/homoeroticism- sexual and erotic attraction mainly to persons of the opposite or own sex. This is the psychological aspect of "behavioral" hetero/homosexuality.........
Sexological Encyclopedia

Hetero- ...- part of compound words, denoting another, different (for example, heterogeneity).
Psychological Encyclopedia

Hetero|homosensuality- - preference for sexual partners of the opposite / own sex; manifests itself in appropriate behavior.
Psychological Encyclopedia

Hetero|homosocial- - orientation to communication with persons of the opposite / own sex; determined by the community.
Psychological Encyclopedia

Hetero|homophilia- - emotional attraction to persons of the opposite / own sex, which does not have a pronounced erotic coloring.
Psychological Encyclopedia

Hetero|homoeroticism- erotic attraction to persons of the opposite / same sex, not necessarily accompanied by sexual intimacy.
Psychological Encyclopedia

HETERO...- HETERO ... (from the Greek heteros - another), part of compound words, meaning: different, different; corresponds to the Russian "different...".
Ecological dictionary

"Homo-" and "hetero-" are words that we often hear in everyday life, meanwhile, we do not even think about their meaning. Let's remember the origins of these terms. "Hetero-" - what does it mean? In our time, this is how people with a traditional sexual orientation are called.

"Hetero-" - a kind of sexual preference?

What does "hetero" mean? Many people know that this word has been known since the time of the existence of Ancient Greece. Literally, it means: “other”, “other”, “different from”, “not like that”. "Homo-" means "similar", "the same". In medicine, the terms "homozygotes" and "heterozygotes" are known, which means the same or, on the contrary, different diploid organisms whose gene alleles have the same or, conversely, a different set of genes. In this regard, there is the concept of the purity of the species. The human body is naturally heterozygous. Its genes have alleles in which each pair of chromosomes is opposite in the information they contain. This is directly related to the evolutionary process of development of the whole species. Thanks to historical development and improvement, man has reached a high level and carries a huge stock of genetic information. Today, this word is given a completely different meaning. Now the word "hetero" is an abbreviation for the term "heterosexuality", which means attraction to persons of the opposite sex. Heterosexuals - people who have the ability to continue their race in the process of attracting and courting the opposite sex.

Public opinion

A heterosexual is an ordinary person who is attracted to the opposite sex. Seventy percent of people believe that hetero is not just a choice of sexual orientation, but the only acceptable by nature, the correct model of behavior. In fact, homosexuality is prescribed at the gene level in all species of animals and humans in the form of such a model is also natural and manifests itself as a result of deviation from However, heterosexuals should not be considered healthy, and homosexuals - sick. It is not a disease and cannot be cured.

The attitude of psychologists

Hetero - what is it? On the one hand, behavior in society, on the other hand, a phenomenon inherent in the vast majority of individuals on the planet. Many experts in the field of psychology believe that the norm is precisely the behavior of a heterosexual, that it is a correct phenomenon due to the presence of procreation instincts. Heterosexuality in their understanding is a certain phenomenon of the manifestation of human sexuality, which includes certain behavior and heterosexual identity. Many people are accustomed to consider themselves correct, behave as society pleases, and thus express a desire to follow the choice of the majority. The same thing happens in the process of upbringing: a child who observes heterosexual relationships in a family wants to have the same family in the future. If, in the process of learning about the world, a child does not see the love of parents, harmony in the family, normal human relations, this can lead to psychological trauma. In this case, we are talking about the conclusions that a child can draw, which can subsequently lead him to a different lifestyle and search for a partner with an identical orientation.

What is the norm?

The norms of behavior in society are dictated by the choice of the majority of individuals. "Hetero" - what is it? So people designate the norm of behavior, which is dominant on the planet. Although our society is undergoing changes, and homosexuality has become quite common, despite this, it will remain a recessive phenomenon, since individuals with this orientation are not able to interbreed with each other. Thus, heterosexual orientation will remain the norm of behavior for any species for a long time to come.

In the modern world, heterosexuality has additional semantic connotations. First of all, this term means attraction to people of the opposite sex (here and in what follows we will talk about human beings, although -orientation is also characteristic of many animals). It is erotic, sexual and even attraction.

The second point in the interpretation of heterosexuality is the preference for persons of the opposite sex precisely as sexual partners.

It is important to understand that these attraction to people of the opposite sex and their preference as sexual partners do not necessarily coincide.

There are three types of sexual orientation in total. The first of these is heterosexual, it is characteristic of most people. The second type - homosexual, is characteristic of people who are attracted to representatives of their own sex, they form pairs consisting of two women men. And the third type is bisexual. For such people, representatives of both sexes seem equally attractive.

Hetero-orientation and society

In traditional types of society, as a rule, it is customary to condemn any kind of sexual orientation, except for hetero. The more free a society is, the higher the level of tolerance for any form of sexual addiction, as long as they are realized by mutual consent.

In Russia, in 1999, the Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation No. 331 was issued, according to which heterosexuality is recognized as the norm, and any other forms of sexual preferences are deviations.

Studies of hetero-orientation by scientists

The obvious fact is that the majority of the world's population is heterosexual. Richard Kraft-Ebing, who first considered this issue from a scientific point of view (this happened in the 19th century), suggested that heterosexuality is a natural instinct for living beings, since it is this that leads to procreation.

Thanks to the research of Kinsey, an American biologist, sexual orientation began to be divided into subtypes: behavior, sexuality in general, attraction, and others.

In the past, it was believed that only heterosexual orientation was the norm, there was even an additional name for it - natural - but modern science believes that all three types of orientation are not deviations for a person, they are recognized as so-called positive norms. Scientists have focused on understanding exactly what causes a person's sexual orientation.

If suddenly someone is called heterosexual - is it offensive or not? And in general, is hetero orientation normal or some kind of sexual deviation? Let's deal with these questions.

What does "hetero orientation" mean?

It should immediately be clarified that this concept is closely related to sexuality. More precisely, with the term "heterosexuality". The very same word "heterosexuality" consists of two roots. The first - hetero - means "other", "opposite", and the second root - "sexuality" - is no longer worth translating today. But just in case, you can indicate that it is emotional (romantic), sensual (erotic) or Thus, we can conclude that hetero orientation is sexuality directed at people of the opposite sex. On the globe, most people and animals have this sexual orientation by nature, deviations among animals are extremely rare. But among people sometimes there are such relations that are condemned by society. In particular, it should be noted that heterosexuality is the only officially recognized sexual activity in Russia. So, to get a definition of a heterosexual person in our country at the present stage is not considered offensive at all. This happens because hetero sexual orientation is one of the components of the sexual norm in the country.

Sexuality in antiquity

Today it is customary to talk about either heterosexuality or same-sex homosexuality). And more and more often the topic is raised that in ancient times the latter sexual orientation prevailed. But in fact, everything was quite different. It's just that a lot of people had an intermediate sexual orientation, the so-called bisexuality. Such sexuality did not exclude either heterosexual orientation in the sexual question, or homosexuality. The most widespread and generally accepted bisexualism was in antiquity. Dear fathers of the family, having offspring and diligently caring for the continuation of their kind, did not shy away from intimate communication with persons of their own sex. By the way, this happened in other times, it also took place in countries with rather strict morality. But it was precisely in antiquity that she was not persecuted, which is why so many works of art have come down to us today, depicting precisely the bisexual inclinations of a large number of people.

Why heterosexuality is recognized as the only correct one

Many scientists have tried to solve the mystery of human sexuality. Some have tended to believe that all people are bisexual at birth. This was stated, for example, by Freud and Kinsey. And allegedly during growing up and upbringing, people forcibly joined the group of heterosexuals. However, if we discard (upbringing, culture, mind), then the human individual will become like an animal. And here lies the answer to the most important question about natural sexuality! Is it possible to imagine that between the two roosters suddenly appeared Hardly. And what will happen if another rabbit is placed in one cage with a rabbit, and someone else's rabbit is placed with a rabbit? In 97%, such an experience will have sad consequences ... But the planting of opposite-sex individuals to each other, especially during the period of the excited state of the female, will be perceived by them in the way that we expect from them. Consequently, in animals in their environment, the question of homosexuality or bisexuality practically does not arise. From this we can conclude: people have come to homosexual and bisexual relationships not in connection with the call of nature, but in spite of it. And hetero orientation is the instinct of procreation laid down by nature itself.

The concept of heterosexuality implies the participation in sexual relations of representatives of two sexes. This term came to us from the Greek language, the particle “geteros” is translated as “other”, and the particle “sexus” is “sex”.

heterosexual orientation

Heterosexuality cannot be interpreted unambiguously enough. It can be interpreted as an attraction to persons of the opposite sex. Attraction is also different. Feel attraction platonic, or sexual, or erotic. Also, heterosexuality should be understood as the choice of a sexual partner precisely from persons of the opposite sex.

In general, sexual orientation is divided into three types: heterosexual, homosexual and bisexual. The first, discussed above, type - heterosexual - is suitable for most human individuals. By the way, the animal world is also not homogeneous in its sexual preferences.
For the second type, homosexual, the choice of a partner from representatives of one's own sex is implied. Women are attracted to women, men seek relationships with men. For the third type, bisexuals, both sexes are equally attractive.

Hetero-orientation and society

Most modern society is heterosexual. It is difficult for people with other types of orientation to show their unconventional essence without receiving condemnation. But humanity is becoming more and more uninhibited. Increasingly, the adoption of other forms of sexual orientations is manifested against the background of an increase in moral freedoms.

Studies of hetero-orientation by scientists

The traditional nature of heterosexual orientation is beyond doubt. However, in the 19th century, science became interested in this concept. The first documented study of this topic was undertaken by Richard Kraft-Ebing. In his opinion, heterosexuality, necessary for procreation, is a naturally necessary instinct for all living beings.

The American scientist Kinsey introduced a certain classification, highlighting the types of sexual orientation. He singled out sexuality, attraction, sexual behavior, etc. Modern scientific thought recognizes all three types of sexual orientation as normal behavior, calling it a positive norm. Although until the recent past, only the traditional orientation was not a deviation. Now scientists are faced with another task, to find out the causes of the type of orientation.

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