Become sociable. How to be sociable

If you began to be asked more and more often the question of why you are silent all the time, something urgently needs to be changed in life. But how to become a sociable and interesting person if you are modest and shy by nature? Finding a topic for conversation is a real test for you, and speaking first with a stranger is beyond your strength. What to do? How to become easy to communicate? Start changing right now.

Why do communication difficulties arise?

There are several reasons why people become withdrawn and silent:

  1. Wrong upbringing. Someone came up with the term natural shyness, and they began to cover up all the existing problems. However, people are social beings. The exchange of information is the most important "weapon" in the struggle for survival. Human psychology is such that he is interested in everything new and unusual. People's interest in the news is caused by a subconscious desire to learn a lesson for themselves in case the same happens to them. Therefore, by nature, all people are sociable to a greater or lesser extent. However, upbringing and negative experience of socialization makes its own adjustments. If the parents led a closed or antisocial lifestyle, the child simply does not have a model of interaction with other people, that is, he has not learned to be friendly and communicate normally. In childhood, these problems may not be as pronounced, as other children will be drawn into the conversation. But with age, when the initiative will have to come from the person himself, communication problems can manifest themselves.
  2. Negative experience. Often, the elders close their mouths to an enterprising child or teenager so as not to interfere. Peers may tease with offensive nicknames. Sometimes an adult begins to be bullied by others, expressing doubts about his competence or intellectual development. And how to become an open and sociable person in this situation? Usually such a person becomes isolated and even communication with well-disposed people is given to him more and more difficult. He is shy to speak out.
  3. Low level of intelligence. The less a person knows, the fewer subjects he has for discussion and communication, the narrower the circle of people who are ready to conduct a dialogue with him. Sociable people are aware of all events and news.
  4. Character traits. This point may seem to contradict the above. Not at all. There are people whose need for communication is lower than the rest. Both an introvert and a phlegmatic require less communication than the same extrovert. The main difference between an introvert and a shy one is that the former is not shy at all, and he has no communication problems. If desired, he easily finds a common language with unfamiliar people, does not feel oppressed in a strange company and is not burdened by the lack of a topic for conversation, left alone with someone. This is what distinguishes him from a closed person. It is the latter who should change his character and become more open to people.
  5. Dissatisfaction and embarrassment. These traits make it difficult to establish any social relations. Hinder friendship, career, love. How to become more cheerful and sociable to an insecure person? Only by increasing your self-esteem and self-respect. Find the best in yourself and develop these traits. Tell yourself: “That’s it, I’m becoming confident, fun and interesting.” And good luck!

How to develop communication skills?

It should be remembered that sociability or sociability is not so much a property of character as a skill. And here the same laws of development apply, as with any other skill. If you have spent your whole life sitting at the computer, it is possible that you will fall out of the race in running competitions. However, the situation will change if you practice running daily for a long time. If you do not train your memory, soon you will not be able to remember a piece of the most banal text. The same applies to communication.

A sociable person is in constant contact with others. But having once become a hermit, you will not be able to suddenly return to society and be a ringleader. However, daily communication will help to significantly improve communication skills. How to become talkative? Where to begin? From the simplest:

  1. Greet your neighbors, ask them how things are, how the health of their children, parents, what's new in their lives. In no case do not let yourself be drawn into intrigues, do not support or spread gossip. This can push people away from you, and you will find yourself further from the goal than when you were a hermit.
  2. The next step on how to develop sociability in yourself is simple. Talk to strangers: in line, at the bus stop, with sellers. Do not be shy! In the market, you can ask if the trade is going well. At the bus stop, how long ago was the minibus you needed. Complain that public transport has become worse, or be glad that the situation on the roads has improved. It's good to remember a story from life, for example, how a person sued a transport company because of the lack of air conditioning. In line to see a doctor, you can talk about the pros and cons of paid and free clinics, tell something interesting about foreign medicine (having previously studied the issue). However, you should not speak negatively about your doctor and talk about your sores. Such people are not liked.
  3. Many trainings on the topic “How to become a sociable person” suggest talking to passers-by on the street. Come up with a non-existent poll. For example, how people relate to the sterilization of homeless animals. Or should foreign citizens be allowed to adopt children. Choose any current topic from the news and monitor public opinion. If you don't have a poll topic on your mind, scour the internet and pick a topic from polls conducted by professional journalists. Be sure to ask the person why he holds such an opinion. Try to present your arguments. This is the easiest recipe on how to become more sociable and make friends easily.

You need to practice your communication skills daily. And after some time you will understand how to be relaxed, friendly and sociable in any company.

Universal topics of conversation

How to become easier in communication and be an interesting interlocutor? For this you need to work hard. First, decide on topics that are close to you.

For example, animals. Almost everyone loves them. Even if you run into someone who hates animals, you will have something to argue about. Start collecting interesting animal facts, anecdotes and stories. This will help you come across as funny and stop being shy. Study the opinions of animal rights activists and their opponents. Watch discussion shows. They will help you understand how to become a good conversationalist.

It is important for you not to become a walking encyclopedia, periodically issuing disparate information. To be interesting, you need to involve others in the conversation. A sociable person always seeks to draw others into the discussion. Therefore, the approach even to such a simple topic should be versatile. It can be viewed through the prism of psychology. For example, discuss a man who, feeling angry at his wife, kicks her cat on the sly. Raise social issues, such as dog-hunting or grannies who have dozens of half-starved cats, etc. You can present this topic with a humorous “sauce”. Only a variety of angles of view will help you keep the attention of your interlocutors and become more talkative.

Here is another example of how to develop sociability using a common topic. Health is a universal topic. You can talk with young people about healthy nutrition, vitamins and antivitamins, with representatives of the older generation - about herbal medicine. Study the issue comprehensively. It is not enough to know that chamomile is brewed for coughs. Every medal has two sides. Herbs have benefits, but there are contraindications. It is not uncommon for an ambulance to fail to save people after their harmless herbal teas. Study such cases. Take an interest in newfangled diets, their reverse side, uncontrolled intake of hormones and anabolics. Tell about it. However, beware of becoming an argumentative person.

Expand your social circle

If you don't have a hobby, you need to start one. For example, you can become a cactus grower, grow outdoor flowers, go in for sports, cook, edible decorations, design, photography, or make furniture and toys for animals. This will help you become useful. You can share information with friends and give practical advice. Everyone loves useful information, even those who will never use it. In addition, in the process of mastering a new activity, you will make new friends.

Communicate on thematic forums. These can be forums for fans of fantasy series, computer games, romance novels, or robotics enthusiasts. Study people's opinions on various issues, learn to argue your point of view. Forums are a good communication skills trainer. There you will have no other way but to become a sociable girl or guy. The downside of virtual communication is that it can tear you away from the real one. To prevent this from happening, discuss what you find in the virtual space and in person with friends.

Still not sure how to become sociable and confident? Join an organization. It can be a volunteer organization, a thrill-seeking club, a house committee. Sign up for a driving course, a foreign language or training. Any community is made up of people connected by a common cause. Common goals and interests always unite, and where there are common interests, communication is given easily and naturally.

Mistakes in communication

To understand how to become more sociable, but at the same time not overdo it and not alienate the interlocutors, consider the following mistakes. Think about which interlocutors you dislike the most? Most likely, the so-called professional mothers, cat lovers and sectarians will fall into this category. Why? Yes, because their horizons are either limited or temporarily narrowed to one topic.

Are you a young mom and do not know how to become more sociable? Do not focus on children's topics. There are many more topics of conversation that interest you, which you simply forgot about:

  1. There are people who directly gush with humor. Anecdotes and stories are pouring out of them to the place and not to the place. At first, these people are interesting, but very quickly become annoying. Developing a sense of humor is essential. But the main rule of its use is relevance. An anecdote on the topic is your plus, endless anecdotes indiscriminately are a minus. Ask how to be cheerful? Parry your interlocutor's jokes. Cheerful and harmless verbal duels amuse the company.
  2. No one likes to communicate with eternal whiners. A positively minded person evokes sympathy and respect. He is always a welcome companion. However, there are people who even out of this positive quality can make an annoying factor. A smile is a sign of location. However, the eternal smile is bewildering. If a person has an important life question, and he expects empathy from you, and instead you cheerfully answer: "Don't drift, everything will be fine." This will cause disappointment. It is not enough to tell a person that everything will be fine, it is necessary to convince him of this, to express words of support and empathy. And only then give a positive.
  3. It happens that a woman who used to be shy of people, not knowing how to learn to be relaxed and talkative, begins to fawn and lisp with everyone. She is sure that this is the only way to please. However, this is annoying. Even the most sociable person, who lavishes cloyingly sweet speeches flavored with a sea of ​​​​compliments to everyone and everyone, will be poorly received by society.
  4. When dealing with people, don't try to bring them down to your level. For example, it is not permissible to call affectionate nicknames of unfamiliar people or those who are higher than you in the hierarchical ladder. Respect people and they will respect you.

The recipe for becoming a master of communication is simple. Broaden your horizons, bring new information, become useful, develop a sense of humor, be interested in the life of the interlocutor, let people speak, do not try to pull the blanket over yourself. Avoid familiarity, obsession and tediousness. And you will always be welcome in any company.


The first step is self-confidence

You cannot find out about a well-read, educated and interesting person if a person is silent. Half of the people closed from society are afraid to enter into a dialogue. They are afraid of saying stupidity or inappropriate statements. Therefore, even having their own opinion, they remain silent or mumble. Remember the main character of "Office Romance" comrade Novoseltsev. He was afraid to speak with a strict boss, and when he opened his mouth, he spoke nonsense about mushrooms and sang awkward songs. At the same time, he was frank with loved ones, had fun and talked.

The first step on the path to sociability is this. How to do it? Start with appearance. Psychologists say that taking an image in a mirror is a step towards success. If you don't like the reflection, then start working on the appearance. Change your hairstyle, change your hair color, join a gym. Do what you have been dreaming of for the past year. For example, lead a healthy lifestyle. Try to eat vegetables, fruits, low-fat foods and exercise. Lasted a week? Continue in the same spirit and fix the result. There will be self-respect and confidence. You will understand that a difficult task is up to you. Shyness will go away, plus you will gain experience. If necessary, share with others.

How to become interesting and sociable?

Reading is the second step to openness and communication. The school curriculum includes classical works. If you didn't read these books as a child and teenager, fill in the gaps. Next, develop reading skills. Be interested in popular authors, new movies, world events. An educated person is aware of current events. Interesting is the person with whom conversations are conducted on topical issues.

Watch the pace of speech. Do not rush to rattle the events you have seen or read. It turns out a confused story that no one understands, and as a result does not listen. Choose a moderate pace, tell an interesting story, pause, create intrigue. Do not interrupt the interlocutors, do not speak loudly or too quietly.

To join the discussion, pick up a dozen anecdotes, funny stories, funny incidents. Humor is appreciated, appropriate in different situations. More than 70% of girls consider the ability to joke as a mandatory quality of a young man. Tell funny jokes when appropriate. During a smoke break, lunch, and not in the director's office when called to the carpet.

How to become more relaxed and sociable?

In order not to get lost during a conversation and not feel awkward, you should conduct a conversation more often. Better with strangers. As a rule, they are frank with loved ones and are not afraid to look stupid. How to become more relaxed and sociable?

Find friends by interests. Start with the internet. Go through forums, join communities. Express your opinion on topics that you understand, there are personal developments. Please note that no one laughs at your statements. And if there is an argument, that's fine. Do not be afraid to defend your opinion, especially if it is formed from personal experience.
Make an appointment. Communication on the forums will bear fruit. You will learn to express an opinion, defend the rightness, like-minded people, friends and fellow countrymen will appear. Arrange an offline meeting. Live chat will be easy. After all, the correspondence acquaintance has already happened.
Talk to strangers. This does not mean that you need to pester people in transport, on the street. It is enough to be the first to say hello to the neighbors, the janitor. Ask the person at the bus stop how to get to a specific place, find out what time it is. First, greet the stranger, and then ask questions. Thank you for your help at the end.

The more practice, the more amazing the results. If you are not afraid of bold experiments, then try the method described by Vladimir Shakhidzhanyan in the course "Learning to speak in public." Go out for a walk in a crowded street, then go up to every bearded man and ask why he wears a beard. Another option is to walk into any office, store, or stop a person on the street and try to sell a book, pen, or product. Sales agents work the same way.

Doing these exercises, do not forget that you will never meet these people. Even if you seem funny or intrusive, it will not affect your reputation in any way. Plus prepare for various conversations. They don't always go in a friendly tone. A week of practical training will give an amazing result. Shyness will go away, you will become more relaxed and sociable.

How to become an interesting conversationalist?

A sociable person is not one who talks non-stop. It is important for the interlocutor to be listened to and given the opportunity to speak. Learn to listen to people, ask questions, empathize with the experience or enjoy the pleasant moments. An interesting interlocutor is not distracted during the speech of the surrounding people, does not interrupt the conversation without a good reason. How to become an interesting conversationalist?

Define a social circle. What kind of people surround at work, at home, study, company. Think about whether there are personalities among them with the same outlook on life, common themes. For example, the presence of a car, a passion for dancing, family or professional problems.
Prepare interesting stories on the topic, questions to the interlocutor. Starting a conversation is pretty easy. Let the person know that their opinion matters. Ask how best to solve a particular issue. The interlocutor will feel the importance and begin to give out free advice. The main thing here is not to overplay, otherwise you will listen to unnecessary stories throughout the lunch break. Politely interrupt the interlocutor, thank you for the advice and help. Say that next time you will only contact him.
Let me speak. If the person wants to speak, give them the opportunity to do so. Ask questions in a timely manner and steer the conversation in the right direction. The task is not to act as a "vest", but to show that they are ready to help, give advice, show participation. One of the business books tells an interesting story. The coach covered the distance by plane. The neighbor turned out to be a well-known person. During the flight, a casual conversation ensued. Upon arrival, the coach's interlocutor said that it was the best conversation of late. The secret was that the trainer listened and showed interest in the conversation.

Remember the important dates of those around you. Birthday of a child, last day before vacation, family celebration. Congratulate a colleague or acquaintance in words, hand over a small souvenir. Ask where the person plans to spend their vacation or holiday. Don't ask personal or uncomfortable questions. For example, how much do you earn, do you think to lose a couple of kilograms. When communicating with a person, turn on perception. It would be a pleasure for you to conduct a conversation in such a tone and answer such questions.

How to become more friendly and sociable?

The first advice is to know the measure in everything. Being smart, constantly talking, interrupting others is a sure path to loneliness. Nobody likes bores, they are boring and predictable. Kindness starts with a smile. Then say hello to the person, respecting the chain of command. During the conversation, smile more often, talk in a friendly tone. Speak clearly and don't grumble under your breath. A constant smile is also not the best solution. There is a risk that you will be mistaken for a frivolous person. At work, such a reputation is undesirable. You can forget about career growth. Every second leader is sure that a person with a constant smile is irresponsible and will fail all the work.

How to become friendly and sociable?

Be helpful. Give recommendations and advice to others if asked. Learn any topic and be an expert in that area. People listen to expert opinion. This is how authority is gained, others start a conversation themselves.
Be inquisitive. Notice interesting events, facts. Tell your interlocutor about novelties in the world of technology and science. Enough a couple of sparkling phrases on the case. People around will be interested, and next time they will listen with interest.
Be witty. The question "How are you" is commonplace and often asked. The interlocutor does not always want to know how you spent the day, what hurts you and all the thoughts that are rummaging through your head. Prepare an interesting answer, ask a similar question. Eloquence has always been the main weapon of men in winning female attention. Joke, intrigue, surprise.

Be consistent. When expressing a thought or conducting a conversation, do not jump from events. When meeting a new person, start a light conversation. Then identify his interests, discuss common topics. When friendships develop, it is appropriate to move on to questions about family and personal life. Do not force events, the interlocutor will be the first to share what worries him.

When thinking about the question of how to become more sociable, make sure that you really need it. The desire to become a good interlocutor is associated with the lack of friends, discomfort during performances, timidity in the team. Either a stranger or a neighbor said that you do not communicate much. In the latter case, you should not expose yourself to discomfort. Following someone else's opinion, you will not achieve results and will be tormented by following the described methods. Do not lose yourself, connect the charm, intelligence and become the soul of the company.

January 12, 2014, 04:19 PM

Everyone has faced a situation in life when a conversation with other people does not stick or constantly comes to a standstill. How to learn to keep a conversation and become more sociable and improve sociability?

How to develop communication skills

Simple but very effective tips are for those who want to be the soul of the company, control the course of the conversation, stop being shy or get into awkward situations.

Keep calm

Don't panic or worry about the silence in the air. This is not the time to feel guilty. "Calm, only calm!" - this is the main thing that is required in the current situation. No need to fiddle with clothes, scratch your forehead, run around with your eyes, sigh and crawl in a chair. Be calm and confident. With this behavior, you send a signal to the interlocutor that you do not mind communicating with him further. Very often you don't even have to do anything else - the conversation will improve by itself.

By the way, there are times when you don't have to talk all the time. For example, you are driving a car or you are near the driver. If you're on an airplane, you don't have to talk all the time. There are many topics for an interesting conversation, but sometimes you need to pause. Feel the fine line between sociability and intrusiveness.

Suggest new topics for conversation

If you talk on one topic for a long time or discuss second news, then sooner or later the conversation will stop. Take matters into your own hands and throw in new topics of conversation. The main thing is that they should be interesting to you and you should understand them at least a little. If you are not an art lover, then it will be extremely difficult to talk about the past exhibition of paintings. Most likely, the conversation will become a monologue of another person, if painting is close to him, or will stop again.

You can talk about a recently read book, an interesting movie, world news, parenting, cooking, pets, travel. The main thing is that you should have at least a minimal idea of ​​what you are going to discuss.

Defuse the situation

You communicate on an interesting topic and feel great. Suddenly, one of the interlocutors makes a joke that does not seem funny to someone at all, but someone finds it rude or vulgar. Instantly everyone falls silent and an oppressive silence hangs in the air. One gets the impression that people have not talked about anything before.

Communication is a very important part of our life.. It relieves a person of the feeling of loneliness, contributes to gaining the necessary life experience, since during a conversation we share our skills, impressions, give practical advice to each other. Without communication, a person can feel unnecessary, uninteresting, socially inferior. But some people subconsciously erect a kind of wall in themselves that separates them from society. This is done because of shyness, self-doubt or distrust of people. The reasons may be different, but the result is always the same. No communication - no friends. No friends - no support in difficult times. Is it possible to learn this difficult art for you? Of course you can. Today we will talk about how to become more sociable.

Start working on yourself

First, clearly understand for yourself that the problem lies not in the people around you, but in yourself. It is you who do not make contact with them, which is why they do not show any desire to enter into a conversation or give up their attempts after a few phrases. They don't get a response from you. It is advisable to figure out what exactly is preventing you from communicating freely. These can be complexes, uncertainty that you are an interesting interlocutor, fear of seeming stupid and awkward. If introspection does not bring the desired results, and you cannot find the reason for your isolation, then a psychologist will help you. At the same time, he can tell you how to become a sociable person.

It all starts with working on yourself. Having overcome yourself, you will be easier to make contact. That's what psychologists advise.

A little practice on yourself and you will be ready to take the next steps.

Five Steps to Increase Sociability

Here you have already worked on yourself a little and now you are ready to move on. Do not think that it will be easy, that you will instantly make new friends and become the soul of the company. This takes time. Someone less, someone more. These little tips will tell you how to become more fun and sociable.

Step one. Visit big companies

A person very quickly adopts the mood of other people, since he is a social being from birth. If you get to the funeral of a stranger, then you will definitely become sad at the sight of someone else's grief. If you find yourself in a fun company, you will get your portion of positive. Therefore, do not refuse invitations to parties, attend fun events with large numbers of people. This is your chance to open up and connect with people.

Step two. Learn to find common interests

Have you ever thought about the meaning of the word "communication"? It comes from the word “general”, that is, a real, fascinating and interesting dialogue for both interlocutors is tied up only if there are common interests. And you can find them with almost everyone. There is always a point of contact - you just need to learn to see it. For example, housewives may be interested not only in recipes, TV shows and children. Unexpectedly, you may discover that this woman is a fan of the football team or an avid fisherman. Or a serious entrepreneur suddenly confesses to you his passion for crocheting. The main thing is to catch a topic close to you in a conversation and support it.

Step three. Do not annoy the interlocutor

Step four. Don't talk about the ordinary

People who find it difficult to communicate usually reduce all conversations to “wonderful or terrible weather”, stories about their lives. You need to break this about yourself. Promise yourself that you will never start a conversation by talking about the weather or your personal life. The conversation should be interesting to both participants in the dialogue. Therefore, expand your horizons, behave naturally. It is very helpful to make subtle compliments, show genuine interest in the subject of conversation, and sometimes just listen carefully.

Step five. Don't be a misanthrope and turn grudges into a joke

Seeing only negative aspects in people around you is a very bad character trait. It does not allow you to see good qualities in a person, to understand his essence. This trait must be ruthlessly eradicated. Yes, and you need to treat everything easier - if someone inadvertently offended you, then you should not overreact to it. It is better to try to translate everything into a joke. This does not mean that you should completely ignore what was said - let the interlocutor understand that you are slightly offended, but do not be angry with him. Next time, he won't be so careless with words.

The art of communication will come to you with time and only when you work on yourself enough. And these little tips will help you see your mistakes and find ways to correct them.

How to communicate with a girl. Tips for guys. How to become sociable. Positive pickup training.

Tips for becoming social:

  • Sign up for dancing. Dancing will help to reveal oneself, one's rhythm, expression of one's feelings, emotions, overcome complexes and insecurities.
  • Learn new things in the world and around you.
  • Expand your horizons
  • Communicate with different people, different cultures and worldviews
  • Read more literature. Artistic, fantasy. But less reading and watching the news.
  • They are not afraid to express their emotions, insert their words into communication, even if they may seem funny and stupid.
  • Be able to quickly switch from one topic to another. Try to focus less on your inner feelings.
  • Express yourself in creativity. It can be music, drawing, modeling, creating something interesting.

Often, people get used to communicating in business, at work, at meetings, and this becomes a habit, it becomes difficult to talk in a relaxed manner on simple topics. You need to be able to switch.

As you know, cheerful people literally attract attention from others. Everyone loves them, they want to be with them, they always turn out to be the center of attention of any company. Why does it happen that some people have this quality by nature, while others in their lives are constantly haunted by depression, despondency and disappointment? How to make the life of the latter rich and interesting? Let's try to give some advice about how to be funny.

You can often meet very people who are rather boring, irritable, show their dissatisfaction with every trifle, and treat others with disdain. In their company, any person will feel uncomfortable, trying to get rid of an unpleasant society as quickly as possible. At the same time, everyone can remember another type of girls who outwardly are not standards of beauty, but their face is always adorned with a smile, and their eyes are full of joy. Not a single man can pass by such girls indifferently. Naturally, every woman wants to belong to the second type. What do you need in order to become cheerful and attract the attention of others?

Firstly- the smile should not disappear from your lips. Even in those situations when you are sad and lonely, try to smile. At first, you will get artificial, "stretched" smiles, but very soon you will notice how the tone begins to return to normal, the problems cease to seem so terrible, and life literally fills your body.

In addition to this, we must remember that a smile is the only decoration that can make absolutely any woman more attractive.

Second An important skill is the ability to find positive notes in any situation. Don't focus on the small ones. As a rule, it is quite easy to get out of them, and you can even get some benefit. The main thing is to consider it in time.

Life situations, by their nature, are neutral, and everyone decides whether they are good or bad for themselves.

Parting with a young man can be regarded as a personal tragedy, but on the other hand, you become free in order to find yourself a worthy companion! If you get sick, you can completely sag and sit and grieve about how unlucky you are, but it will be better if you begin to perceive your illness as an unplanned opportunity to have a good rest, sleep and clean yourself up.

It is very important to be able to program yourself for success. Tell yourself more often about how good your life is, what a wonderful mood you have, what wonderful people you are surrounded by. Very soon your life will change for the better, and become truly more colorful.

Do not neglect the opportunity to communicate with interesting people. They can be both relatives, friends, colleagues and classmates, as well as Internet interlocutors. The main thing is not to get hung up on communication on the Web and not to exchange your real friends for virtual ones.

In order to answer the question of how to become cheerful, force yourself to walk as often as possible. Of course, this applies to those days when the weather is fine outside. sunlight favorably affects a person, making his mood more positive.

Some foods are very effective mood lifters. As you know, the best of them is chocolate, which supplies the body with endrophins, but other products, such as bananas, spaghetti, hard cheese, oranges, and many others, may well be suitable.

It is important to be able to create a mood for yourself, often arrange for yourself, albeit small, but holidays. Paying attention to your person, you will no longer feel lack from others, and this will allow you to treat them not as a necessity, but as gifts.

Always be on the move, because it is known that Movement is life. Take up dancing, which will be no less useful but more enjoyable. This will allow you to relax, feel more comfortable surrounded by people you don't know and, which is very important, constantly keep your body in good shape.

That's all our tips on how to be fun. Try to follow them, and you will notice how your life will begin to be filled with positive, and you will become a desirable person in any company.

I wish you all bright smiles every day, my dear readers!
