Physical perfection to which component it belongs. Define the concepts: "physical development", "physical education", "physical perfection", "sport


on the discipline "Theory and methodology of physical culture and sports"

1. List the most importantspecific indicatorsphysicallyperfect man of our time

1) - good health, which provides a person with the opportunity to painlessly and quickly adapt to various, including unfavorable, living conditions, work, and everyday life;

2) -high general physical performance, allowing to achieve significant special performance;

3) proportionally developed physique, correct posture, the absence of certain anomalies and imbalances;

4) - comprehensively and harmoniously developed physical qualities, excluding one-sided human development;

5) - mastery of the rational technique of basic vital movements, as well as the ability to quickly master new motor actions

6) -physical education, i.e. possession of special knowledge and skills to effectively use your body and physical abilities in life, work, sports.

2. List the laws that determine and which underthe process of physical development of a person is being repaired

1) law of heredity

2) age grading law

3) the law of the unity of the organism and the environment

4) biological law of exercise

5) sthe law of the unity of forms and functions of the body in its activity

3. List the types (components) of physical education:

1) Exercises

2) Outdoor games

3) Sports games

4) Games in place

5) Exercises with objects

4. Listtraditionalphysical education methods:

1) Word method

2) Visual method

3) Exercise method

4) Problematic methods

5) Project method

5. Fill in the table "Health value, educationthe significant role, influence on the personality of physical exercises "

Wellness value physical exercise

Educational role

physical exercise

Influence of physical

personality exercises

Performing physical exercises causes adaptive morphological and functional restructuring of the body, which is reflected in the improvement of health indicators and, in many cases, has a therapeutic effect. The health-improving value of physical exercise is especially important in hypokinesia, physical inactivity, and cardiovascular diseases. Under the influence of physical exercise, you can significantly change your body shape. By choosing the appropriate method of performing physical exercises, in some cases, the mass of muscle groups is increased, in other cases, it is reduced. With the help of physical exercises, it is possible to purposefully influence the education of a person's physical qualities, which, of course, can improve it. physical development and physical fitness, and this, in turn, will affect health indicators. For example, with the improvement of endurance, not only the ability to perform any moderate work for a long time is brought up, but the cardiovascular and respiratory systems are also improved at the same time.

Through physical exercise, the laws of motion in the environment and own body and its parts. Performing physical exercises, students learn to control their movements, master new motor skills and abilities. This, in turn, allows you to master more complex motor actions and learn the laws of movement in sports. The more baggage of motor skills and abilities a person has, the easier it is to adapt to environmental conditions and the easier it is to master new forms of movement.

In the process of doing physical exercises, a whole range of special knowledge is mastered, the previously acquired knowledge is replenished and deepened.

Exercise often requires an extraordinary manifestation of a number of personality traits. Overcoming various difficulties and controlling their emotions in the process of exercising, a person develops traits and character traits that are valuable for life (courage, perseverance, hard work, determination, etc.).

Physical exercises are usually carried out in a team. When doing physical exercises, in many cases, the actions of one practitioner depend or largely determine the actions of another. There is, as it were, the coordination of their actions with the motives and actions of the collective, the subordination of the individual to the general strategy of actions. This manifests itself in many mobile and sports games... The ability to be restrained, to subordinate yourself to the will of the team, to find the one and only correct solution and, regardless of your personal ambitions, to help a friend. These and many other moral qualities are formed during physical exercise.

6. Fill in the table "Stages of learning motor actionyam "

Learning stages


Stage goal


The main pedagogical tasks of the stage

familiarization, initial

learning movement

teach the basics of motor action techniques,

achieve its fulfillment at least in

approximate form

to create a general idea of ​​motor action;

teach parts (elements) of the technique of this action;

to form the general rhythm of the motor act;

prevent or immediately eliminate incorrect movements and gross distortions of the technique of action.

in-depth detailed learning, the formation of motor

The learning goal is achieved through detailed mastering of the technique based on

learned motor

action formed

at the first stage of training

deeply understand the patterns of action movements;

to clarify the technique of action (according to its spatial, temporal and dynamic characteristics) in accordance with the individual characteristics of the student;

improve the rhythm of the movement;

create the prerequisites for the variable performance of this action.

formation of motor

skill, achievement

motor skills.

achieve perfect motor skills

action in various

conditions of its use, it is necessary to apply the methods

both to consolidate the learned exercise and

for its possible variation.

to consolidate the skill and improve the technique of movement in order to increase the achievements (result). For this, the requirements for the result are gradually increasing without disturbing the technique of motor action;

to selectively improve those physical qualities (or functional systems), on which a high result in motor action depends;

to improve the technique of motional action in non-standard conditions, i.e. increase its variability. This may be the requirement to perform a movement in an extreme state, against the background of severe fatigue, emotional tension; tasks become more complicated (additional movements are connected) or, conversely, the conditions for its implementation are simplified;

facilitate the technique of movement. To get acquainted with the applied methods of its implementation, when variants of this movement from everyday, industrial or military practice are used (swimming in military uniforms, etc.).

Physical perfection

the highest degree of harmonious physical development (see Physical development) and all-round physical fitness of a person, optimally corresponding to the requirements of labor and other spheres of life. F.'s achievement with. on the scale of the entire society is possible under socialism, in which the state takes care of the all-round physical development, protection and improvement of the health of the entire population, creating the most favorable natural and social environment for the moral and physical improvement of a person. In a socialist society, physical education is an organic part of the nationwide system of communist education, aimed at the formation of "... a new person who harmoniously combines spiritual wealth, moral purity and physical perfection"(Program of the KPSS, 1976, pp. 120-121).

Great Soviet Encyclopedia. - M .: Soviet encyclopedia. 1969-1978 .

See what "Physical perfection" is in other dictionaries:

    PHYSICAL PERFECTION- (from the Greek physis nature) the optimal level of development of physical qualities and abilities of a person, conditioned by a historically specific society, aimed at achieving socially significant goals; one of the most important characteristics of the harmonic ... ... Aesthetics: Vocabulary

    physical perfection- fizinis tobulumas statusas T sritis Kūno kultūra ir sportas apibrėžtis Aukščiausias asmens kūno kultūros lygis, idealas. atitikmenys: angl. physical excellence; physical perfection vok. physische Perfection, f; physische Vollkommenheit, f rus.…… Sporto terminų žodynas

    PHYSICAL PERFECTION- a historically conditioned level of physical development, health and motor fitness of a person, providing him with the best adaptability to life and labor activityPsychomotor: dictionary-reference

    Physical perfection- In the broad sense of the word, there is the target essence of physical culture, which is the result of the purposeful formation of a harmoniously developed human body ... Adaptive physical education. Concise encyclopedic dictionary

    perfection-, a, cf. * "Physical perfection." The name of the TRP / V degree badge. ◘ Badge IV degree [TRP] “Physical perfection”. Youth, 1972, no. 4, 100 ... Explanatory dictionary of the language of the Soviets

    The process of change, as well as the totality of the morphological and functional properties of the organism. F. r. human is due to biological factors (heredity, the relationship of functional and structural, gradual quantitative and ... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

    Physical education- purposeful development of physical abilities, motor skills and abilities of a person, contributing to his physical perfection as an integral quality comprehensively developed personality(see. Comprehensive personality development). Physical ... ... Scientific Communism: Vocabulary

    A concept that expresses the idea of ​​a certain highest standard with which the goals and results of a person's efforts are correlated. In natural language, S. can be understood as the practical suitability of a thing for certain purposes, achievement ... ... Philosophical Encyclopedia

    This term has other meanings, see Ready for Labor and Defense. The TRP request is redirected here; see also other meanings. "Ready for Labor and Defense" (TRP) program of physical education in general education, ... ... Wikipedia

    The TRP request is redirected here. Cm. also other meanings. TRP "Ready for Labor and Defense" is a program of physical culture training in educational, professional and sports organizations in the USSR, which is fundamental in a unified and supported ... Wikipedia


  • The Path to Strength and Health, Georg Gackenschmidt. Contents: Memories of Hackenschmidt Introduction Chapter I. Exercises for young and old Chapter II. We Must Be Strong Chapter III. Celebrity Athletes' Views on Training Chapter IV. ...
  • The beauty myth. Stereotypes Against Women, Wolfe Naomi. "The Myth of Beauty" is a cult work of the American writer and journalist Naomi Wolfe. In it, the author talks about where the stereotypical ideas about female beauty come from and ...

Physical education- an integral part of culture, an area of ​​social activity, representing a set of spiritual and material values, created and used by society for the purpose of physical development of a person, strengthening his health and improving his physical activity.

Physical education- a pedagogical process aimed at the formation of a healthy, physically, spiritually perfect, morally stable younger generation, health improvement, increased efficiency, creative longevity and prolongation of human life (KD Chermit, 2005).

Physical education- this is a type of upbringing, the specific content of which is teaching movements, upbringing of physical qualities, mastering special physical culture knowledge and the formation of a conscious need for physical culture classes (L.P. Matveev, 1991).

Physical education is an essential aspect of physical education. In the process of physical education, a wide range of physical culture and sports knowledge of sociological, hygienic, biomedical and methodological content is acquired. Knowledge makes the process of doing physical exercise more meaningful and therefore more effective. Physical education is a process of solving certain educational and educational tasks, which has all the features of the pedagogical process. Distinctive feature physical education is that it provides the systemic formation of motor skills and abilities and the directed development of the physical qualities of a person, the totality of which decisively determines his physical capacity.

Physical development- the process of formation, formation and subsequent change during the life of an individual of the morphological and functional properties of his organism and the physical qualities and abilities based on them.

Physical development indicators: 1) morphological (body length and weight, posture, the amount of fat deposition, etc.); 2) physiological systems (parameters of the activity of the cardiovascular, respiratory and other systems); 3) the development of conditioned motor qualities (speed, endurance, flexibility, strength).

Physical perfection- this is a historically conditioned ideal of physical development, physical fitness, optimally corresponding to the requirements of life.

Physical perfection means: 1) proportional development of the physique; 2) harmonious development of physical qualities; 3) high level physical performance; 4) a high level of adaptation to adverse environmental conditions; 5) possession of a rational technique of vital movements and the ability to master new motor actions; 6) education in the field of physical culture.

  • 2.2. Sports training: its principles, tools and methods
  • 2.3. Principles of sports training
  • 2.4. Basic means and methods of sports training
  • 2.5. Planning and building sports training
  • 2.6. Forms of organizing sports training
  • 2.7. Training sessions (training lessons)
  • 2.8. Physical qualities
  • 2.9. Competitions and their types
  • 2.10. The main provisions when conducting self-study
  • 2.11. Self-study planning
  • 2.12. Forms and organization of self-study
  • 3. Physical culture and health of students
  • 3.1. Definition of health
  • 3.2. Health is the leading factor in the safety of the nation
  • 3.3. Diseases
  • 3.4. Population health indicators
  • 3.5. The main factors of a healthy lifestyle
  • 3.6. Physical education and healthy lifestyle of students
  • 3.7. The effect of physical exercise on the body of those involved
  • 3.7.1. Effects of exercise on the cardiovascular system
  • 3.7.2. Exercise and the respiratory system
  • 3.7.3. The impact of exercise on the musculoskeletal system
  • 3.7.4. Physical culture and neuroendocrine system
  • 3.7.5. Effects of exercise on other body systems
  • 3.8. Features of classes for girls
  • 3.9. Rational nutrition with increased mental and physical stress
  • 3.10. Basics of hygiene of mass physical culture
  • 3.11. Self-massage
  • 3.12. Features of the methodology of training with special medical groups
  • Distribution of students to medical groups
  • 3.13. Physical culture means used in classes with special medical groups
  • 3.13.1. Exercises without objects
  • 3.13.2. Exercises with objects
  • 3.13.3. Exercises on shells
  • 3.13.4. Exercises of a special orientation
  • 3.13.5. Applied exercises
  • 3.13.6. Sports and outdoor games
  • 3.13.7. Swimming
  • 3.13.8. skiing
  • 3.14. Injuries to the musculoskeletal system
  • 3.14.1. Osteochondrosis and scoliosis
  • 3.14.2. A set of exercises for osteochondrosis and scoliosis
  • 3.14.3. Flat feet
  • 3.14.4. A set of special exercises for flat feet
  • 3.15. Diseases of the cardiovascular system
  • 3.15.1. Hypertonic disease
  • 3.15.2. A set of exercises for hypertension
  • 3.15.3. Obliterating arterial disease
  • 3.15.4. A set of physical exercises for obliterating arterial diseases
  • 3.16. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract
  • 3.16.1. A set of physical exercises for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract
  • 3.17. Respiratory diseases
  • 3.17.1. A set of physical exercises for respiratory diseases
  • 3.18. Myopia
  • 3.18.1. A set of exercises for myopia
  • 3.19. Medical supervision during exercise
  • 3.19.1. Goals, objectives and forms of organization of medical control
  • 3.19.2. Physical development assessment
  • 3.20. Control and self-control in the process of conducting independent physical education and sports
  • 3.20.1. Subjective indicators of control and self-control
  • 3.20.2. Objective indicators of control and self-control
  • 3.20.3. Physical development indicators
  • 3.20.4. Indicators of the development of physical qualities
  • 3.20.5. Injury prevention in physical education classes
  • Part ii
  • 1. Athletics
  • 1.1. Brief historical background
  • 1.2. Characteristics of athletics exercises
  • 1.3. Organization and conduct of training sessions in athletics
  • 1.4. Athletics Student Physical Improvement Program
  • 2. Skiing
  • 2.1. Brief historical background
  • 2.2. Types of skiing
  • 2.3. Selection and preparation of ski equipment, clothing and shoes of the skier-racer
  • 2.4. Skiing technique
  • 2.5. Organization and methodology of conducting educational and training sessions, methodology of teaching methods of skiing
  • 2.6. Preparation of ski runs
  • 3. Gymnastics
  • 3.1. A brief historical overview
  • 3.2. Creation of national gymnastics systems
  • 3.3.1. Characteristics of gymnastics, its types and varieties
  • 3.3.2. Sports gymnastics
  • 3.3.3. Applied gymnastics
  • 3.4. Gymnastics as a section of a subject
  • 3.5. Understanding Gymnastic Terminology
  • 3.6. Insurance and assistance in gymnastics
  • 4. Orienteering
  • 4.1. Brief historical background
  • 4.2. General characteristics of competitive activity in orienteering
  • 4.3. Content and methods of physical training of orienteering athletes
  • Bibliography
  • Appendices Appendix 1 Domestic athletes - winners of the Olympic Games
  • Appendix 2
  • Appendix 3
  • Content
  • V.V. Cheshikhin, V.N. Kulakov, S. I. Filimonova
  • 1.6. Physical perfection

    Optimization of physical development follows the path of achieving ever higher indicators of physical perfection. The concept “ physical perfection”Summarizes ideas about the optimal measure of harmonious physical development and all-round physical fitness of a person. Moreover, it is understood that this measure optimally meets the requirements of labor and other spheres of his life, expresses a sufficiently high degree of development of individual physical giftedness and meets the laws of long-term preservation of good health. The specific historical nature of physical perfection lies in the fact that its actual features (signs, indicators, etc.) are determined by the real needs and living conditions of society at each given historical stage and therefore change with the development of society. It follows, in particular, that there is not and cannot be some invariable ideal of physical perfection, just as there is not and cannot be invariable reference indicators of it.

    1.7. Sport

    In modern systems of physical education, sport occupies an increasingly prominent place. This is due to a number of reasons, but first of all, the special effectiveness of sport as a means and method of physical education, its popularity, the broadest development of international sports ties in recent decades, the steadily growing general cultural and prestigious importance of sports in the modern world.

    Sport as one of the forms of physical culture also has a positive effect on people's health (N.I. Ponomarev 1996; A. Hardman 1996; and others).

    However, studies have shown that at the present stage in Russia, a partial reorientation of physical culture has taken place. In this connection, the following negative changes were revealed: a decrease in physical culture and health-improving work at enterprises made it difficult to access physical education, especially for children and adolescents, weakened its health-improving function, which, in the context of a general deterioration in health care, can threaten the survival of the entire people (N.A. . Ponomarev, 1996).

    The problem of the impact of sports on health is of great social, applied and theoretical significance. Modern research has shown that the wrong technique, the use of prohibited procedures and drugs have a negative impact on health. However, the causes of diseases in athletes are not associated with the very essence of sport, but with certain “risk factors”, the number of which is rapidly increasing in modern conditions. These factors are grouped by the authors as follows: shortcomings in the selection system, sports orientation, admission to training and competitions, violation of the training regime and methodology, non-compliance with hygiene requirements and healthy way life, shortcomings of medical and pedagogical control, lack of proper individualization of training, insufficient consideration of specific factors of individual sports (V.A.Geselevich, N.D. Graevskaya, V.G. Lioshenko, L.N. Markov, 1996). The listed "risk factors" in many respects indicate the shortcomings in the training of physical culture personnel.

    In this regard, scientists are actively developing ways and strategies for overcoming the crisis.

    Achievement of scientists recent years- the creation of new concepts and programs of physical education, a fundamental step of which is the rejection of unitary approaches to physical education, the creation of an opportunity for teaching staff to choose their own ways in the implementation of a healthy lifestyle. The main principles of this strategy are the adequacy of the content of physical training, individual sports and their conditions to the individual state of a person, the freedom to choose forms of physical activity in accordance with the personal inclinations of each person (V.K.Balsevich, M.Ya. Vilensky, V.I. Lyakh, A.P. Matveev, 1996, etc.). The experimentally tested concept of physical education and sports allows us to assert that the creation of conditions for a person to master a complex of physical culture values ​​becomes a powerful stimulus for self-determination and self-realization in the modern world (L.I. Lubysheva, 1996).

    The core of sports, the basis of its features is a specific competitive activity, that is, an activity, the characteristic form of which is the system of competitions, which has historically developed mainly in the field of physical culture of society as a special area of ​​identification, development and unified comparison of human capabilities (forces, abilities, the ability to use them rationally). Unlike other forms of human activity, which include competition only as one of their moments or methods (in the field of production, art, etc.), competitive activity in sports is built primarily according to a specific logic, in the form of competition. At the same time, it is characterized by a special type of rivalry relations, free in principle from antagonism, a clear regulation of the interactions of competitors, as well as the unification of the composition of actions, the conditions for their implementation and methods of assessing achievements according to established rules, which have now acquired the significance of international or relatively local, but sufficient widely accepted competition norms.

    The immediate goal of competitive activity in sports is to achieve the highest possible result, expressed in conditional indicators of victory over an opponent or in other indicators that are conventionally taken as a criterion of achievements. But its essence is never reduced to the achievement of purely sports results. As an activity that affects the person himself, and as a sphere of peculiar interpersonal contacts, it also has a deeper meaning, ultimately conditioned by the totality of the basic social relations in which it is included and which determine its social orientation in the specific conditions of a society. In its life embodiment, sport is both the unswerving desire of a person to expand the “boundaries” of his capabilities, realized through special training and systematic participation in competitions associated with overcoming increasing difficulties, and a whole world of emotions generated by success and failure on this life path, and a complex complex of interpersonal relations, and the most popular spectacle, and one of the most massive social movements of our time, and much more. Thus, sport is a multifaceted social phenomenon. In the course of its historical development, it has occupied a prominent place both in the physical and spiritual culture of society, and its social significance continues to grow rapidly.

    In a broad sense, “ sport "-it is actually competitive activity, special preparation for it, specific interhuman relations and establishments in the field of this activity, its socially significant results, taken as a whole. The social value of sport lies most of all in the fact that it is a combination of the most effective means and methods of physical education, one of the main forms of training a person for labor and other socially necessary types of activity, and along with this, one of the important means of ethical and aesthetic education, satisfying the spiritual needs of society, strengthening and expanding international ties promoting mutual understanding, cooperation and friendship between peoples.

    The special effectiveness of sport as a means and method of physical education is due to the competitive nature of sports activity, its inherent orientation towards the highest possible results and the objective laws of their achievement in the process of special training (the need for in-depth specialization associated with the use of training loads, increasing up to the limit, etc.) , as well as the peculiarities of organizing and stimulating sports in society (a specific system of rewards for sports achivments- from qualification badges and titles to the highest government awards). Because of this, sport, in comparison with other means and methods of physical education, allows you to provide the highest degree of specialized development of certain abilities, skills and abilities.

    In the interests of concretizing ideas about the relationship between physical education and sports, it is important, along with the above, to take into account that sport is not limited to physical education only. As already noted, it is a multifaceted social phenomenon that has an independent general cultural, pedagogical, aesthetic, prestigious and other meanings. This applies in particular to the sport of the highest achievements (the so-called “big sport”). In addition, a number of sports are generally not an effective means of physical culture or are indirectly related to it (chess, aircraft modeling and some other sports that are not directly related to highly active physical activity).

    On the other side, physical education cannot be limited only to sports. The same features that make sport effective do not allow it to be considered as a universal means of physical education. In connection with the increased, often extreme requirements for the functional capabilities of the organism and other specific features of sports activity, the inclusion of the latter in the pedagogical process is limited by a certain age, state of health and the level of preliminary preparedness of the trainees. The physical education system includes, in addition to sports, other funds providing opportunities for less “acute”, more regulated and selective impact (strictly regulated physical exercises related to basic gymnastics, relatively simple outdoor games, regulated tourism, hygiene factors and the use of external forces of nature (sun, air, water).

    In addition to the generalizing concept of "sport", the term "sport" is used, meaning the type of competitive activity, which is characterized by a certain subject of competition, a special set of actions and methods of wrestling (sports technique and tactics). So, for example, they talk about the existence of many species sports, about classification species sports, etc.

    Test questions:

      What is physical culture?

      What are the basic concepts of the theory of physical education?

      What basic concepts does the Theory of Physical Culture study?

      What role does physical culture play in human life?

      How does physical education affect the physical development of a person?

      Is there a standard of human physical perfection?

      The concept of "sport", its social functions.


    Physical development is a process of changing the natural morphological and functional properties of an organism during an individual's life.

    This process is characterized by the following indicators:

    1. Indicators that characterize the biological forms or morphology of a person (body size, body weight, posture, the amount of fat deposition).

    2. Indicators of functional changes in the physiological systems of the body (cardiovascular, respiratory, muscular systems, digestive and excretory organs, etc.).

    3. Indicators of the development of physical qualities (strength, speed, endurance, flexibility, coordination abilities).

    Each segment of life has its own indicators of physical development. They can reflect the processes of progressive development (up to 25 years), followed by the stabilization of forms and functions (up to 45-50 years), and then involutionary changes (the aging process). Physical development is due to many factors, both biological and social. This process is controlled. Depending on the totality of factors and conditions, physical development can be comprehensive, harmonious or disharmonious, the aging process can be postponed.

    Physical development is determined by the laws of: heredity; age grading; the unity of the organism and the environment (climatogeographic, social factors); the biological law of exercise and the law of the unity of forms and functions of the body.

    Indicators of physical development are of great importance for assessing the quality of life of a society. The level of physical development, along with such indicators as fertility, mortality, morbidity, is one of the indicators of the nation's social health.

    Physical development is manageable. Through exercise different types sports, rational nutrition, the mode of work and rest can be changed in the required direction, the above indicators of physical development. The management of physical development is based on the biological law of exercise and the law of the unity of forms and functions of the body.

    Meanwhile, physical development is also due to the laws of heredity, which must be taken into account as factors favorable or, on the contrary, hindering the physical improvement of a person.

    The process of physical development is also subject to the law of age grading. Therefore, it is possible to intervene in this process in order to control it only taking into account the characteristics and capabilities of the organism at different age periods: formation and growth, the highest development of forms and functions, aging.

    In addition, physical development is associated with the law of the unity of the organism and the environment and depends on the living conditions of a person, including the geographic environment. Therefore, when choosing the means and methods of physical education, it is necessary to take into account the influence of these laws.

    Physical development is closely related to human health. Health acts as a leading factor that determines not only the harmonious development of a young person, but also the success of mastering a profession, the fruitfulness of his future professional activity, which makes up the general well-being.

    Physical fitness is the result of physical fitness, embodied in the achieved working capacity, the level of development of physical qualities and the level of formation of vital and applied skills and abilities.

    Physical training is the process of motor skills formation and the development of physical abilities (qualities) required in a specific professional or sports activity.

    Physical perfection is a historically conditioned ideal of physical development and physical fitness of a person, optimally corresponding to the requirements of life. Society in its historical development has made various demands on the physical improvement of a person. Hence it follows that there is not and cannot be a single ideal of physical perfection.

    Physical perfection at different times has different physiological characteristics and depends on socio-economic conditions.

    In recent times, physical perfection assumed three parameters: spiritual purity; moral perfection; physical harmonious and optimal development.

    The most important specific indicators of a physically perfect person of our time are:

    1. Good health, which provides a person with the ability to quickly adapt to various conditions.

    2. High overall physical performance

    3. Proportionally developed physique, correct posture

    4. Possession of rational technique of basic vital movements

    5. Comprehensively and harmoniously developed physical qualities, excluding one-sided human development.

    6. Physical culture education, i.e. possession of special knowledge and skills to use your body and physical abilities in life, work and sports.

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