New Swabia: secret base of the Third Reich in Antarctica & nbsp. Base of the Third Reich in Antarctica

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    Nazi base in Antarctica. Truth and myth

    There are many myths associated with the Third Reich, reflecting not only the mystical views of the leaders of Nazism. Under some of them there is a very real ground, but for a person who is used to relying on facts, they look even more fantastic than statements about the magical power of the Spear of St. Mauritius, capable of influencing the fate of mankind. A striking example of this kind of myth can be considered the stories about the existence of a Nazi military base in Antarctica, known in military history as Base 211.

    At the beginning of the 20th century, the so-called "hollow earth theory" was in use. According to this theory, there is an empty space inside our planet where organic life can exist. You can recall the scientific and artistic novel of the famous Russian geologist, geographer and writer V. Obruchev "Plutonium", where he described a journey into the Earth. His heroes saw an underground luminary, prehistoric animals and primitive people. But the scientist was far from the idea of ​​popularizing views that are not supported by scientific evidence.

    He used the theory of the "hollow earth" to give the younger generation knowledge about the prehistoric past of the earth. On the contrary, the followers of this theory firmly believed that the existence of people is possible in hypothetical underground cavities, and dreamed of establishing a race of "underground Aryans" there. They were convinced that it was possible to penetrate into these caves through a system of caves in the Himalayas, Tibet, the Pamirs, the Andes, the Carpathians and other mountain formations. But, according to them, the easiest way to do this was in Antarctica.

    The theory excited the minds of some scientists, and even more, ordinary people. It was not for nothing that the writer Howard Loughcraft, quite well-known at that time, in his famous novel "Ridges of Madness", which is still popular among a certain circle of readers, portrayed underground Antarctica as the habitat of the ancient prehuman race of the Elders, who arrived on our planet from another Galaxy.

    But along with this race, the author placed terrible shoggoths in the depths of the planet, who accumulated all the evil of the Universe and tried to gain supreme power over the world. Loughcraft's novel is difficult to call prophetic. But attempts to establish an evil inclination in Antarctica have obviously been made. And this is due precisely to the Third Reich. The reader is to judge to what extent the information is plausible.

    The myth of the Nazi military Base 211 in Antarctica looks like this:

    Under the influence of esoteric teachings about prehistoric civilizations and the theory of the "hollow earth", the Nazis became interested in the fifth continent. There is information that in 1937-1939 they actually sent two expeditions to Antarctica. One of them was headed by Captain Alfred Ritscher.

    The Luftwaffe aircraft that were part of it photographed vast Antarctic territories, and in the area of ​​Queen Maud Land they dropped several thousand pennants with a swastika. 1939, April 12 - Ritscher reported to Goering that his team covered an area of ​​about 9,000 m2 with pennants and photographed 350,000 m2 of Antarctic territory. So the Nazis sought to declare the right of the Third Reich to this part of Antarctica, rich in uranium deposits. The part of the peninsula where the pennants fell was named New Swabia and was declared part of the future millennial Reich.

    After the end of World War II, the Allies allegedly had some documents in their hands, indicating that Nazi submarines managed to find a system of interconnected caves with warm air in Antarctica. The Nazis allegedly called them "paradise".

    It is possible that after reconnaissance, the Nazis began to build their fortifications in New Swabia. This can be evidenced by the statement made in 1943 by Admiral Karl Doenitz: "The German submarine fleet is proud that at the other end of the world it has created an impregnable fortress for the Fuhrer Shangri-La."

    Supposedly, cargo for construction was transported by submarines from the "Fuehrer's Convoy" unit, which included 35 submarines. There is information about the participation in the operation of two aircraft carrier cruisers, in particular, "Schwabenland". There is information that from the beginning of 1942, on the personal instructions of Adolf Hitler, Ahnenerbe specialists, scientists and selected members of the Hitler Youth were transferred to New Swabia as carriers of the Aryan gene pool.

    Evidence is also given that at the very end of the war in the port of Kiel, torpedo armament was removed from several submarines, because they were strictly forbidden to engage in battle during this voyage, and were loaded with containers with unknown cargo. In addition, the submarines took on board mysterious passengers, whose faces were hidden by surgical dressings, perhaps due to plastic surgery. There were reports in the press that at least 100 submarines were involved in the transfer of people to Antarctica.

    As you can see, the passengers of the submarines were not only privileged Nazis, but also prisoners of concentration camps, who were supposed to build underground bastions in the harsh conditions of Antarctica. It is clear that others were brought in to replace those who could not stand it. Probably none of them could survive, since there were no witnesses of the grandiose construction left.

    Proponents of the hypothesis that the Fuhrer and Eva Braun survived, as a version of their miraculous rescue, call the use of one of these submarines in order to shelter Hitler, Eve and other mysteriously disappeared leaders of the Third Reich in Antarctica. 1948, January 16 - The Chilean magazine Zig-Zag published an article in which the following was reported. Allegedly, on April 30, 1945, Luftwaffe captain Peter Baumgart took the Fuehrer aboard his plane and took him to the uninhabited coast of Norway. There Hitler boarded a submarine, which headed for Antarctica.

    Three months after the end of the war, off the coast of Argentina, two German submarines 11-977 and 11-530 were captured by the Americans under the command of Heinz Schaumfler (Schaeffer) and Otto Vermount (according to other sources, Wilhelm Bernhart). As it was found out, they were part of the "Fuehrer's Convoy" unit and in April 1945 they took on board a highly classified cargo and 5 passengers, whose faces were covered with masks. Mysterious passengers left the submarines in the area of ​​the Schirmacher oasis in Antarctica. Later, G. Schaumfler was repeatedly accused of the fact that it was he who transported the Fuhrer to South America.

    The captain vehemently denied this during interrogations by American and British officials. 1952 - he repeated all this in a book that was dryly and succinctly called "11-977". And when his friend and colleague, the captain of the submarine 11-530, wanted to publish his manuscript about this expedition, telling the whole truth in it, Schaumfler wrote to him in a letter that all three submarines that took part in that operation were now peaceful sleep at the bottom of the Atlantic and "maybe it's better not to wake them up?"

    Then he reminded his friend about the military oath and advised not to be frank: “We all took an oath to keep a secret, we did nothing wrong and only followed the order, fighting for our beloved Germany. For her survival. Therefore, think again, or maybe it's even better to present everything as an invention? What can you achieve by telling the truth about our mission? And who can suffer because of your revelations? Think about it!" But "old friend" Willie did not heed his advice. The version of events presented by him confused historians even more, who found many oddities and inconsistencies in it.

    The fascists' Antarctic underground shelter most often appears under the code name Base 211. Over time, in the imagination of the supporters of the existence of Base 211, it grew to the size of a huge underground city "New Berlin" with a population of two million, which supposedly still exists today. Its inhabitants are said to be engaged in space flights and genetic engineering. The last branch of science, however, emerged in the early 1970s, because the Nazis did not have access to its secrets.

    The same can be said for space travel, which began to develop in the late 1950s. And yet, there is an unconfirmed opinion that at the end of World War II, the Nazis built interplanetary flying vehicles capable of flying to the moon and other planets of the solar system. In addition, German engineers allegedly created supersonic discs powered by rocket and nuclear engines (it is known that the development and implementation of such engines dates back to the post-war period).

    The success of the Germans in the field of creating a new generation of aircraft was allegedly confirmed by the large-scale American polar expedition "High Jump" (1946-1947), headed by the famous polar explorer, Admiral Richard Evelyn Byrd. It consisted of 14 ships, 25 aircraft and carrier-based aircraft helicopters. The number of participants was over 4,000. All this armada after a while came to the shores of Queen Maud Land.

    The main goal of the expedition was the elimination of Base 211 and German submarines. At first, the events unfolded successfully. The researchers took about 49,000 shots of the coast. However, then something incomprehensible began to happen. At the end of February 1947, the expedition was forced to hastily leave Antarctica. According to the official version, she completed all the tasks. But fans of the sensation assure: in reality, on February 26, 1947, the American landing party sent ashore to eliminate Base 211 was destroyed, and the ships attacked with aircraft. The destroyer Murdoch was sunk, 9 aircraft were destroyed. Byrd was forced to enter into negotiations with the Nazis and accept their terms.

    The question arises whether it is possible to trust Byrd's interview, taking into account his mental state. By the way, mental problems were discovered in him during the second American expedition of 1933–1935. Byrd, then still a rear admiral, spent the winter of 1934 alone at the Bowling Advance Base meteorological station. Staying in a polar night at a temperature of minus 50-60 degrees and faulty heating severely undermined the health of the polar explorer. During the evacuation, he was diagnosed with carbon monoxide poisoning and mental abnormalities.

    Soon after the completion of the expedition, Byrd ended up in a psychiatric hospital, where he spent 5 long years. By the logic of amateurs historical secrets, real or imagined, the cause of his illness was the shock of what he saw. Immediately upon his return, the admiral managed to give an interview to the journalist of the International News Service, Leah van Atta. In it, he said that he was deeply concerned that the flying machines he saw in Antarctica could attack the United States. And he named the discoveries that are of great importance for the security of the United States as the reason for the curtailment of the expedition. The press eagerly seized on the sensation. Since that time, the situation has acquired new details, sometimes rather strange.

    1948 - The Western European magazine Brizant reported that the Americans were attacked from the air during the fourth Antarctic expedition. One warship and four combat aircraft were destroyed. The servicemen who took part in the expedition, who wished to remain anonymous, gave evidence that they were attacked by "flying discs emerging from under the water." In addition, they witnessed strange atmospheric phenomena, and many received mental disorders.

    An excerpt from Byrd's report at a secret meeting of a special commission was also cited, where he allegedly stated: “America needs to take protective actions against enemy fighters flying from the polar regions. In the event of a new war, the United States may be attacked by an enemy capable of flying from one pole to another at incredible speeds! " But there was no official confirmation or denial of this publication.

    1959 - a certain Amadeo Giannini published a message that Richard Byrd, during one of his research flights, encountered an inexplicable phenomenon: “Near the pole, the Rear Admiral drew attention to a mysterious spot, casting yellow, red, and purple. When he flew up to him, he noticed something resembling a mountain range. Byrd flew over it and thought that he was seeing a mirage: forests, rivers, meadows where animals grazed, as well as strange apparatus that resembled "flying saucers", and something similar to a city with buildings carved from crystal.

    The external thermometer began to heat up sharply until it froze at the stunning mark: +23 ° C! And this is the South Pole! There was no radio communication with the ground ... "But by that time Byrd had already died and could neither confirm nor deny the information made public by Giannini. In addition, it was clearly not about the expedition of 1946-1947. At that time, Byrd was already an admiral, not a rear admiral. The question arises as to why he, faced with an unexplained phenomenon during previous expeditions, did not make this fact known to his leadership or the public.

    The admiral's widow added fuel to the fire. Referring to her husband's logbook (if all the materials of the expedition were classified, it is unclear how he could fall into the wrong hands), she said that Byrd had come into contact with a highly developed civilization, which mastered new types of energy and with their help received food, lighting and fuel for transport. According to her, the inhabitants of Antarctica tried to establish contact with people, but their aircraft were destroyed.

    Ernest Zündel put forward the hypothesis about discs built by the Nazis in 1938-1939. It should be noted that to confirm his conclusions, he used the fantastic novel by SS Obersturmführer Wilhelm Landig "Idols against Thule", published in 1971. engine. Because Tsyudel does not refer to more reliable sources to confirm his thesis, his statements should hardly be taken into account.

    But to a greater extent, the shocking information is associated with the Nazis. Oddly enough, in this situation they act as peacekeepers. There is a version that Baird in 1947 met with a tall blue-eyed blond (typical Aryan), a representative of the German Antarctic base. In broken English, he conveyed to the US government demands to end nuclear tests that threaten the well-being of the Germans in Antarctica. Later, Byrd allegedly met with the leadership of the German Antarctic colony and signed an agreement on peaceful coexistence and the exchange of American raw materials for advanced German technologies.

    An indirect confirmation of this is allegedly a fragment of the recently declassified transcript of Byrd's testimony, where he testified:

    “We need protection from the high-speed and highly maneuverable fighters of the Germans, which are actively operating in the polar latitudes. Such aircraft do not need multiple refueling to hit targets anywhere in the world. These machines, which caused damage to our expedition, completely, from metal smelting to the last screw, are produced under the ice, in factory buildings, equipped in cavities of natural origin. Getting ahead of the reasonable question about energy sources, I will say that there is a nuclear power plant operating there. The Germans carried out the transfer of specialists, food, everything necessary to establish production and everyday life from 1935 to 1945. We were not allowed there. "

    Because since that time, nothing similar to discs has appeared in service with the Americans, as well as information about the use of previously unknown production technologies, including in Antarctic conditions, this information should be considered fictitious.

    The information about Byrd's fate is also perplexing. According to one version, shortly after the 1946-1947 expedition, he died of a massive heart attack and was buried in Arlington Cemetery. In reality, he was allegedly being prepared for the next expedition to Queen Maud Land, where he had to meet with Colonel Maximillian Hartmann, the keeper of the Spear of Destiny, thanks to which Hartmann had the powers of protector of the Nazi colony in Antarctica.

    The result of the meeting was the "Intent for Cooperation" signed by Hartmann. The Protector Colonel allegedly guaranteed the transfer technical documentation on an aircraft that is capable of becoming invisible to people and locators when certain speeds are reached.

    Contrary to elementary logic, Byrd allegedly brought to America not only a protocol of intent, but also a sample of the latest aircraft. Outwardly, it resembled a flatfish, in the first minutes of flight it emitted a dazzling light, and then it became invisible and was able to hit any target of the enemy.

    It is difficult to say how, if this version is true, the "resurrection" of Byrd was arranged. It is even more difficult to explain the assertion that the admiral died as a result of an accident on one of the first nuclear submarines en route to Antarctica and sank along the road. After all, it is reliably known that he died on March 12, 1957 in Boston and was buried with military honors. And shortly before his death, he flew over the South Pole for the third and last time.

    Thus, it can be stated that the existence of a Nazi base in Antarctica is unproven. Although, perhaps, attempts were made to create it in wartime. The Nazis were generally adept at creating such shelters. In particular, it is known that they set up a jump airfield in the Arctic and, based on it, shot down planes that were ferried to the Soviet Union from America through the Far East. Its remains were discovered beyond the Arctic Circle only in the 70s of the XX century.

    So, there is no reason to assert that the High Jump expedition was of a purely military nature. It is known that it had the goal of testing personnel and equipment in the event of a war in Antarctic waters. But it included not only the military, but also scientists and various specialists, including cartographers. They studied in detail the coastline of the mainland, mapped the outlines of West and East Antarctica (Queen Maud Land belongs to East Antarctica). Aerial photography, geographical, geological, meteorological and seismological studies were carried out.

    In our time, the polar stations Mizuho (Japan), Sanae (South Africa), Novolazarevskaya (Russia), Molodezhnaya (Russia) and others operate on Queen Maud Land. It is unlikely that the mysterious base or traces of its presence would not have been discovered by them, and the Nazis, having the most powerful weapon in the world, would have suffered such a neighborhood close by.

    Skeptics believe that base 211 did not exist. The Germans were unlikely to be able to swim to the place of her location. Even if Hitler's submarine had moved to the base in Antarctica in April 1945, then at the speed of that time it would have reached the continent only by summer.

    New Swabia is the territory of Antarctica in Queen Maud Land. Before the start of the Great World War, the German ship "Swabia" set off to this place. The main purpose of the expedition "New Swabia" was the exploration of the ice continent and the consolidation of these territories for Germany. Some researchers say that in 1941 the Germans could actually land in Antarctica on Norwegian territory, which is Queen Maud Land, and establish the Oasis station there. This area is now known as the Bunger Oasis. Of course, at that time it was quite difficult to deliver to such a remote base the colossal amount of fuel needed to generate electricity. But if the Germans could create Kohler converters, then the need for fuel was minimal. In Antarctica, German researchers could spend about a month. When the war broke out, this project was briefly forgotten, but the history of New Swabia did not end there.

    Some historians are convinced that the Germans were able to establish a secret military base in Antarctica 211. According to some assumptions, it may be located under the ice. All the necessary equipment and its personnel were delivered to the site by German submarines. Among other things, the occult relics of the Third Reich, as well as Hitler himself, could be transported to New Swabia. It is believed that in Antarctica, Hitler and his associates intended to establish the Fourth Reich in order to try to conquer the world again. According to rumors, a whole colony has developed here since the end of the 30s of the last century. And the underground city "New Berlin" with a population of over 2,000,000 could have been built! In addition to factories and laboratories, animal husbandry and Agriculture... According to experts, the main occupation of the inhabitants of the underground city could be Genetic Engineering and the launching of the race of pure Aryans, as well as flights into space.

    By the way, in 1961, uranium deposits were discovered in Antarctica on Queen Maud Land, where New Swabia was supposed to be located. According to some reports, the percentage of uranium in Antarctic ore is at least 30%. But the Nazis badly needed uranium in an effort to create nuclear weapons. It is possible that German scientists were able to create alternative energy sources and construct incredible electrodynamic machines. The most fantastic versions say that the UFOs observed over the South Pole are nothing more than German flying saucers that change the structure of time around them and do not obey the laws of gravity.

    Skeptics believe that base 211 did not exist. The Germans were unlikely to be able to swim to the place of her location. Even if Hitler's submarine had moved to the base in Antarctica in April 1945, then at the speed of that time it would have reached the continent only by summer. But we know that our summer is winter at the South Pole. At this time, in Antarctica, the thickness of the ice cover becomes maximum. With the submarines of those times, it would hardly have been possible to get to Antarctica in conditions of incredible cold. The project of the expedition "New Swabia" ended in 1939 upon the return of its participants to Germany. Numerous diaries of the campaign to New Swabia have long been published even in Russian. There is no mention of the secret missions of scientists there. No facts regarding the creation of base 211 have been mentioned either. Nazi Germany was a bureaucratic country. The Germans liked to write down everything that happened on paper. But no official documents were found on the conduct of scientific research on the territory of New Swabia during the Second World War.

    Today, there are unexplored areas in Antarctica. But the existence of any civilization under the ice cap is impossible. Ice thickness in the center of Antarctica is more than 3 km. And the average air temperature on the surface reaches - 55 degrees Celsius. It is difficult for anything to survive there. Moreover, the version about the move of Hitler and his associates to Antarctica is possibly an invention. There is official and verified evidence that the Fuhrer's body was burned and identified. Why would a group of Nazis go to Antarctica without their leader? They had the opportunity to hide in South America.

    Who was the first to spread the rumors about the 211 base in New Swabia? Since the 1950s, stories about New Swabia have been associated with the name of Wilhelm Landig. He wrote a three-book novel called Thule, based on real facts, which he painted with all the colors of the rainbow and embellished with fantastic images. According to his version, after the fall of Nazi Germany, a squadron of the latest German submarines, equipped with self-loading electric motors, imperceptibly passed a huge distance under water to Antarctica, accompanied by flying saucers and a group of SS men. Their crew landed at Base 211 in New Swabia. On the way, they destroyed the American squadron.

    It is still said that in 1945 Nazi Germany was not completely destroyed. Part of Hitler's adherents managed to escape to the end of the world, to Antarctica, where a secret base 211 called "New Swabia" was created in the system of underground karst tunnels and caves on the sixth continent. It was possible to get to the new German state only by submarine. On the land side, reconnaissance aircraft and surface ships saw and still see only a thick ice shell and black coastal rocks ...

    The fact that a secret Nazi object may exist in the southernmost point of the Earth was told by the son of the Nizhny Novgorod scientist Arkady Nikolaev, the first in the world to reach the Pole of Inaccessibility of Antarctica in 1958.

    Do you think my father was sent to the Pole to put a bust of Lenin there? - Andrey Nikolaev voiced his version. - It’s hard to believe. Thirteen years after the war, when the country was still half in ruins, for some reason, colossal funds were suddenly invested in my father's expedition. He took his team to the center of Antarctica in all-terrain vehicles at a speed of 5 km / h, risking falling into ice cracks several kilometers deep. They dragged a sled with diesel fuel weighing thirty tons behind them. Two people died from lung burns, because they jumped out of the cabins of all-terrain vehicles without special masks on monkey fur. Two planes were washed into the ocean off the coast. What are the sacrifices for? I do not exclude that the expedition to the Pole was a cover, but in fact the USSR, like our other allies in World War II, was looking for traces of a Nazi base there.

    As it turned out, this version has good reasons ...

    An oasis in the ice.

    The first to speak about the secret Nazi base was the German Hans-Ulrich von Kranz. He managed to find a former SS officer, scientist Olaf Weizsacker: this man, it turns out, saw the base with his own eyes! In 1938, Weizsacker got there as a research scientist, and in 1945 - already as a refugee, escaping along with other members of the SS order.
    Von Krantz found Weizsacker in Argentina. The result of this meeting, as well as many years of independent research, was the sensational book by Krantz entitled "The Swastika in the Ice".
    ... The Germans began to explore Antarctica in 1938, when German reconnaissance aircraft flew over the continent. Taking pictures of the area from the air, German scientists, among whom was Olaf Weizsäcker, found oases with warm lakes, free from snow and covered with vegetation, among the eternal snows. There they found the ruins of two ancient cities, the inscriptions on the walls of which resembled runes. These stunning discoveries, which were immediately classified by the secret services of the Third Reich, turned the world view of Antarctica as a dead country of eternal ice and terrible cold.
    But the most interesting thing was not outside, but inside.
    According to Weizsacker, the water in the Amudsen Sea turned out to be several degrees warmer than in other surrounding waters - moreover, warm springs gushed from the coast. To investigate this phenomenon, on the personal orders of Hitler, five state-of-the-art submarines were sent. Arriving in Antarctica, one of them dived under a rock and ended up in a system of caves connected to each other by deep freshwater lakes - so warm that one could even swim in them. Above the underground lakes, another layer of caves was discovered, but completely dry and suitable for living. Many of them bore traces of ancient human activity - reliefs on the walls, obelisks and steps carved into the rocks. It was a vast, habitable underworld.
    I must say that Adolf Hitler believed in the ancient theory of the hollow earth, which is that inside the globe, like a nesting doll in a nesting doll, there are several lands and civilizations, which, perhaps, significantly surpass us in development. This idea completely contradicted the orthodox science that the earth is composed of a continuous layer of crust, mantle and core.
    Hitler took the report on the underground kingdom of Antarctica as confirmation of his theory and decided to build a system of secret cities there, later called New Swabia.
    I'm going to Antarctica, and ore to Germany.

    And so huge transport submarines crawled across the entire Atlantic Ocean, transporting to New Swabia stocks of food, clothing, medicine, weapons and ammunition, mining equipment, rails, sleepers, trolleys, cutters for laying tunnels. The boats went back to Germany loaded with minerals.
    “In 1940, the richest deposits of rare earth metals were discovered on the territory of Ellsworth Land. From that moment on, New Swabia ceased to be an extremely costly project for Germany and began to bring tangible benefits, writes von Kranz. -The situation with rare earth metals in Germany still surprises many historians. The Reich did not have its own deposits, the reserves accumulated by 1939 should have been enough for a maximum of two years. By all accounts, German tank production should have come to a complete halt in the summer of 1941. However, this did not happen. Where did the Germans get the most important raw materials from? The answer is obvious: from the Ice Continent! "
    According to von Krantz, by 1941 the population of the underground city had reached ten thousand people. He was already fully self-sufficient in food - a hundred kilometers from the coast, a huge oasis with a fertile soil layer with an area of ​​five thousand kilometers was discovered, which was called the "Garden of Eden". By the end of 1943, a submarine repair shipyard was completed in the karst caves. "The scale of the enterprise was such that it was possible to organize the mass production of submarines there without any difficulty." Several metallurgical and machine-building enterprises were already operating in New Swabia.
    And in 1945, the base became the last refuge for the Nazis.

    Whole factories have disappeared.

    After the surrender of Germany, it turned out that many submarines had disappeared in an unknown direction. The victorious side did not find them anywhere - neither on the ocean floor, nor in ports. Most likely, they sailed far south ...
    “In total, about 150 submarines were prepared for the great exodus,” writes von Krantz. -A third of them were transport vehicles, with a fairly large capacity. In total, more than 10 thousand people could be accommodated on board the submarine fleet. In addition, relics and valuable technologies were sent overseas. "
    According to him, the submarines of the dying empire took away with them its "brains" - biologists, specialists in rocketry, nuclear physics and aircraft construction. The winners did not receive the cutting-edge achievements in the field of high technologies. Meanwhile, on the eve of the defeat in Germany, atomic bombs, jet aircraft, ballistic missiles FAU-1, FAU-2 and FAU-3 were developed. The latter was able to reach a height that is considered outer space.
    It is now reliably known that "by the end of the war in Germany there were nine research enterprises, which developed projects of flying discs," that is, flying saucers or aircraft with a circular wing. Where did these developments go?
    Working in the archives, von Krantz discovered the names of several factories that produced high-tech products, which after the war have sunk into obscurity. “All of them were evacuated on the personal orders of Martin Bormann in January-April 1945 to the north of Germany,” he writes. -Obviously, further their path lay across the entire Atlantic Ocean to the country eternal ice».
    It turns out that valuable trophies did not go to the victorious allies.

    Inaccessible Antarctica ..

    Humanity has tried three times to find base 211. And all three times these attempts have tragically ended in the death and disappearance of people. Von Krantz describes them in detail in the book "The Swastika in the Ice".
    In 1947, an impressive American squadron of 14 ships went to the shores of Antarctica in search of a Nazi base. In addition to the flagship aircraft carrier, it included thirteen destroyers, more than twenty aircraft and helicopters, and five thousand personnel. The operation was called High Jump, which was actually not high at all.
    Flying over the coast, one of his American pilots noticed a quarry for mining. A detachment of five hundred people went to this place on heavy all-terrain vehicles with air support from several aircraft. Suddenly, fighters with crosses on their wings appeared in the sky, and the landing was destroyed in a few minutes: burning airplanes and all-terrain vehicles - that's all that was left of it. Then one of the US ships was blown up - a column of water rose in its place. And then ... flying saucers went into action!
    “They darted silently between the ships, like some kind of satanic blue-black swallows with blood-red beaks, and incessantly spat out deadly fire,” recalled expedition member John Cyerson many years later. - The whole nightmare lasted for about twenty minutes. When the flying saucers dived under the water again, we began to count the losses. They were terrifying. "
    The torn apart squadron returned to America ...
    The next victims were members of the expedition Jacques-Yves Cousteau. On the ship "Calypso" in 1973, its crew went to Queen Maud Land on an unofficial task of the French special services - to find traces of base 211. Cousteau's scuba divers discovered an underwater entrance to underground caves and made their way there. But all five people disappeared in one of the tunnels. The expedition had to be curtailed urgently.
    The Russians were the third to pay for their curiosity. We have already mentioned the 1958 expedition - she found nothing. Nova went in search in the late 70s, when aerial photographs appeared that showed large, snow-free and populated oases in Antarctica. A group of researchers was sent to one of them. We set up a camp in the oasis, and then tried to get into the mine leading into the earth. At that moment, a powerful explosion was heard, and three people were killed.
    A few days later, all the other members of the expedition disappeared without a trace ...
    Since then, the world powers have ceased to bother the mysterious inhabitants of the Ice Continent. A natural question arises - is there a base of the Third Reich now?
    “There is no definite answer even today, but there are more indirect ones than enough,” says our historian Vadim Telitsyn in his book “Hitler in Antarctica”. -Radar stations of the US Air Force, Argentina and Chile very often fix "flying discs", "cylinders" and other "geometric shapes" plying from one end of Antarctica to another. "
    So, it is possible that the Third Reich is still flourishing in the undergrounds of Antarctica ...

    Subglacial lakes, rivers - life?

    It would seem, well, what mysteries and secrets can be found on the continent, where over 99 percent of the territory is covered with a layer of ice up to four kilometers thick, the average temperature even in summer months ranges from -30 to -50 degrees, there is practically no vegetation, and the animal world is represented only by living on the coast with penguins and seals? In addition, for almost a hundred years, Antarctica has been under the supervision of pundits, more than a dozen scientific stations operate here, and the inhabitants of Chile and Argentina live with whole families in villages. However, Antarctica hides many secrets. However, it can be quite difficult to reveal them, sometimes it takes decades.
    Antarctica is home to a number of giant subglacial lakes. For example, Lake Vostok is located at a distance of 480 kilometers from the South Pole. In terms of area, it is not inferior to such a lake as Onega. The thickness of the ice over the lake is from 3.5 to 4.5 kilometers, its greatest depth is 1200 meters, and in the area of ​​the Russian Antarctic station "Vostok" located just above it - 680 meters. Scientists around the world consider the study of this unique lake one of the most interesting and intractable scientific problems of the early 21st century.
    During satellite scans of the sixth continent, the researchers discovered strange changes in the size of the giant subglacial lakes. Thus, the water level in one of them rose by three meters, while in the other two it decreased markedly. It would be quite simple to explain this phenomenon if the distance between the reservoirs hidden in the ice mass did not exceed 290 kilometers. Trying to solve this mystery of nature, scientists came to the conclusion that under Antarctica there may be a whole system of subglacial rivers that connect huge lakes hidden from human eyes. Moreover, these rivers must be large enough to "transfer" from two reservoirs to the third almost two cubic kilometers of water over a distance of 290 kilometers in just 16 months.
    Scientists have long been "hunting" for microorganisms that theoretically can live in the subglacial lakes of Antarctica. These reservoirs are also called "time capsules", because the possible life in them should have been preserved in isolation since the surface of the sixth continent began to be covered with ice. Ice from Lake Vostok can turn many scientific ideas of mankind.
    The study of ice, as well as the forthcoming study of the waters of Lake Vostok, will play a huge role in constructing a scenario of natural climate changes in the coming millennia and in the study of life on the planet.
    Two types of bacteria unknown to science have already been found in the ice columns raised from a distance of several hundred meters from the surface of the reservoir. Some biologists believe that living creatures from the times of giant ferns and dinosaurs are still found in Lake Vostok, since the water temperature there can reach +18 degrees.
    Interestingly, the data obtained from American orbiting satellites showed that above the water surface of the lake there is a cavity 800 meters high covered with an ice dome, and the instruments recorded high magnetic activity there.
    Recently, at the Vostok station, biologists of the St. Petersburg Institute of Nuclear Physics analyzed a core sample taken from the deep layers of ice covering the lake. A bacterium was found in it that can live at a temperature of +55 degrees. It turns out that the lake once had such a temperature. And maybe there is today. Does this mean that the hypothesis that the water under the ice is somehow heated by, say, geysers does not look so fantastic?

    Mysterious East.

    According to the head of the Vostok station Valery Lukin, for last years a super-deep well was drilled in the ice mass, and about 130 meters remained to the water surface of the lake. But they are afraid to drill further: if the drill "plunges" into the water, then there is a high probability that ordinary earth mud will be brought into this giant "flask", sealed millions of years ago. Where this will lead, no one knows. Maybe some terrestrial bacteria will destroy all life in the lake - fish, molluscs ... But a sterile borax does not exist yet. And it is also unknown what will "break out" from the lake to the surface and what will cause the consequences. After all, there is no guarantee that creatures or microbes that people on Earth have never encountered will not appear from Lake Vostok!
    NASA has tested a special robot for ultra-deep ice drilling at the South Pole. It was created to study glaciers on Europa, the moon of Jupiter. Europe is also covered with a multi-kilometer layer of ice, under which there is water, and the temperature on the planet's surface is below -70 degrees. Almost Lake Vostok, only in space. The ice caps of Mars are similar to the East. And, perhaps, under the layers of ice both on Europa and on Mars there is also life?
    The author of the article "Cryorobot Explores Antarctica", published in the American magazine "Space", claims that this robot has already dived several times in the thickness of the glacier at the South Pole and reached a depth of 1226 meters.
    In general, there are very different rumors about Lake Vostok, even among polar explorers. Rumor has it that there is a ship of aliens in it, that waterfowl lizards that have long disappeared from the surface of the Earth and some other ancient monsters are found in the lake.
    Scientists, however, call all this reasoning philistine speculation. But they themselves cannot yet answer many questions.
    “Lake Vostok is so interesting,” says Al Sutherland, head of the American expedition to the McMurdo station in Antarctica, “that any discovery connected with it will pose far more questions than it will answer. Lukin and Sutherland meet often and always start a conversation with a discussion of the problems of Lake Vostok, but they talk to others about them very sparingly. Different countries are increasingly classifying works related to penetrating the secrets of this unique formation, "lurking" under the ice of Antarctica.
    Until 2000, on the American side, an international team of scientists was engaged in researching the lake, but then the US Department of Homeland Security took over the reins. NASA spokesman for media relations Deborah Schingteller said the change was dictated by national security concerns. Immediately after these words, a seat in front of the microphone was taken by one of the leaders of NASA, who clarified that "research has been interrupted to ensure environmental safety environment"Since then, none of the journalists have been able to contact Deborah Schingteller and find out what kind of security she had in mind ...
    So what, under the ice shell of Antarctica, can so attract the government circles of the United States, as well as Russia, that they send scientific expeditions to the Lake Vostok region one after another, equipped with expensive and even classified equipment?
    According to information published in foreign sources, in February 2000, two groups of scientists, carrying out a joint research program funded by the US and UK governments, intended to lower special probes equipped with various sensors into the waters of the lake. But suddenly they were instructed to stop all work on the program. No explanation followed.
    In connection with the above, some researchers of the mysterious phenomena of nature and the secrets of history are discussing the possibility of the existence in Antarctica - on its surface or under the ice cover - of a secret base of UFOs or German Nazis (!), And some believe that one does not exclude the other.
    As for the last two assumptions, even with the most skeptical attitude towards UFOs, the idea of ​​the existence of a fascist base in Antarctica seems even more fantastic, if not downright absurd. But, perhaps, one should not rush to such conclusions ...

    Uranus in Queen Maud Land.

    In 1961, a significant event took place in the official history of Antarctica - uranium deposits were officially discovered in its bowels. And not just deposits, but entire deposits, comparable in importance to reserves around the world, and the richest ores are located in Queen Maud Land, which the Nazis wanted to colonize. Many years have passed since then, and the development of minerals in Antarctica is prohibited by the provisions of the famous 1959 Treaty. According to some reports, the percentage of uranium in Antarctic ore is at least 30 percent - a full third more than in the richest deposits in the world in Congo, from which the United States for many years scooped "explosives" for its atomic and nuclear arsenals. In 1938, the problem with enriched uranium was not yet as acute as in the post-war years, but exploration of uranium deposits was still carried out. There were practically no such sources in Europe and America.
    The Germans, in spite of Hitler's frank disdain for a new type of weapon, became clear earlier than many that European uranium sources were not very suitable for the mass production of an atomic bomb, since the uranium content in the available ore is too negligible, the problem could not be solved even by the emergency construction of enrichment plants. On the eve of a great European war, it would be unreasonable to rely on African deposits, and that's when it was decided to probe the "no-man's continent" - Antarctica.
    Having rummaged through a collection of rock samples brought from Antarctica by the German polar explorer Wilhelm Filchner in 1912, the head of the Nazi "atomic project" Dr. Werner Heisenberg quite reasonably suggested that the depths of Queen Maud Land might contain the richest reserves of high-quality uranium. Intoxicated by his victories in Europe, Hitler easily allowed Himmler, Goering and Raeder to persuade himself to agree to send an equipped expedition to distant Antarctica in search of mythical "roots." At a holiday on the completion of the construction of the building of the new Reich Chancellery, Hitler smugly said: “Well, okay! Stans. "I Heard Hitler." 1989)
    The decision to annex Queen Maud Land - the Norwegian possessions in eastern Antarctica - was taken by the German command back in May 1940, shortly after the surrender of Norway. For this purpose, a special military unit was formed under the command of General Alfred Richter. There is information that the Germans had been hatching plans to land on Queen Maud Land since 1938 and even thought of their name in advance for this territory: New Swabia. Allegedly, even then, Richter flew over it in a small plane and dropped several dozen pennants with a swastika down, demonstrating complete disregard for international agreements on the division of Antarctica. And in 1941, the Germans actually landed in Antarctica, in what they believed to be Norwegian possessions, and established their Oasis station there in the area now known as the Oasis of Bangra, after the American pilot who discovered him in 1946. "Oases" are areas of land free of ice.
    The Germans settled down here thoroughly. In 1943, Grand Admiral Karl Doenitz dropped a very remarkable phrase: "The German submarine fleet is proud that on the other side of the world it has created an impregnable fortress for the Fuehrer." Most likely, this means that from 1938 to 1943, the Nazis erected a secret base in Antarctica. For the transportation of goods, mainly submarines from the secret compound "Fuehrer's Convoy" were used.

    High Jump Expedition

    An indirect confirmation of the above assumption may be the events associated with the "Antarctic activities" of Richard Byrd, the American admiral, polar explorer, pilot, leader of four Antarctic expeditions. The fourth of them, which took place in 1946-1947, was the most grandiose and mysterious.
    Codenamed High Jump, this expedition was more like a military invasion operation in scale. It was attended by 13 ships of the US Navy, including an aircraft carrier, icebreakers, a tanker and a submarine. Air vehicles included 15 heavy aircraft, long-range reconnaissance aircraft, helicopters and flying boats. The personnel of this "scientific" expedition is curious. It included 25 scientists and ... 4100 marines, soldiers and officers! The expedition was approved by the US Congress and funded by the government of the country, and it was led by the naval department.
    Official American propaganda never tired of repeating that the expedition pursued exclusively scientific goals. But then why, as Chilean and Argentine journalists argued, did the Americans "have serious problems with landing on the Antarctic coast"? And why did the "scientists" under the command of Admiral Byrd undertake a 200-kilometer march across the entire eastern part of the continent? What (or who) were they looking for there? Maybe at the Oasis base station in New Swabia, just like on the Baltic coast of Poland, the Germans created and tested their super-secret weapon of retaliation V-7 - supersonic disc-planes propelled by rocket and possibly nuclear engines. and it was them, or at least signs of such activity, that the American admiral was trying to find? And, perhaps, it was no coincidence that the operation he headed was called "High Jump" - after all, V-7 discs took off and landed vertically ...
    In this regard, Byrd's statement on his return from this strange scientific expedition seems very significant. And he said literally the following: "The United States must prepare for defense against the enemy, which has flying objects capable of threatening us from the poles of our planet."
    Returning to the personality of Richard Byrd, this American Papanin, it should be added that in 1928 he was the first to fly by plane over Antarctica, and in November 1929 he reached the South Pole by plane. In total, he flew over Antarctica for a total of about 180,000 kilometers. The 67-year-old Byrd made his last flight over it in 1955, two years before his death. It was his last flight that gave rise to a lot of mysterious rumors and assumptions.
    There are still persistent rumors about the stunning discovery he allegedly made during this flight. A book written by Amadeo Giannini and published in 1959, two years after the admiral's death, claims that in Antarctica Byrd discovered an entrance to ... the underworld! He visited this world, saw there rich vegetation, lakes with warm water and, what is most amazing, animals very similar to dinosaurs roaming along their shores. All this the admiral allegedly filmed and described in detail in his secret diaries, which will surely be found and published someday. (What can I say? Science fiction writers Jules Verne and Obruchev are resting).

    Ice Tower and an unknown virus.

    Another mystery of Antarctica: in the issue of the American magazine "Weekly World News" on April 24, 2001, a report was published that Norwegian scientists, based at the South Pole station "Amundsen - Scott", discovered in the depths of the Antarctic continent, at a distance of about 160 kilometers from Mount McClintock, a tower of mysterious origin and unknown purpose. The tower, 28 meters high, was built from hundreds of ice blocks and resembles, in their words, "the watchtower of a medieval castle."
    Until very recently, this structure was hidden inside giant snowdrifts; it appeared to the gaze of amazing researchers only after the recent hurricane winds cleared it of snow drifts.
    - We have no idea who could have built this tower and how long it has been here. It may be a hundred or a thousand years old, ”says Kjell Nergaard, one of the members of the expedition into the interior of the continent that made this amazing discovery.
    Why is it vital to study the sixth continent? But at least why: in 1999, one significant event took place, to which, however, almost no one, with the exception of experts, paid proper attention. And the following happened: according to Internet publications, a US research expedition discovered a virus in Antarctica to which neither humans nor animals have immunity. But, in the end, Antarctica is far away, and there seems to be nothing to worry about, especially since the dangerous virus is in the permafrost. However, according to scientists, if we consider that the Earth is threatened by global warming, then an unknown infection can threaten humanity with a terrible catastrophe. Tom Starmereu, an expert from New York University, shares the gloomy predictions of his colleagues. “We do not know what humanity will face at the South Pole in the near future due to global warming,” he said. the ambient temperature will rise ... ". Where did this infection come from? Perhaps this is a prehistoric life form. Or maybe the result of a test of Nazi bacteriological weapons?
    Russian scientists continue to take an active part in uncovering the secrets of Antarctica. The state again had the means to finance the study of the distant continent. In December last year, the ship of the polar marine exploration expedition "Akademik Alexander Karpinsky" left St. Petersburg for a new voyage. It conducts a geophysical study of the sedimentary structure of the bottom of the eastern Mawson Sea. It is assumed that the members of the expedition will also study the mysteries of Lake Vostok.
    Direct relationship to the mysterious continent you have our Murmansk Shipping Company, whose sailors have repeatedly delivered supplies for our polar explorers to Antarctica on ice-class ships for more than forty years.

    Had claims until it ceased to exist as a state, still excite the minds of researchers of the unknown. Someone considers New Swabia to be simply a certain territorial Antarctic sector, interesting for scientific study. According to conspiracy theorists, Neu-Schwabenland is the secret base of the Third Reich.

    In any case, even today the territory of the former New Swabia continues to be explored by the Germans - the German Antarctic station Normayer III operates there.

    Territory of Queen Maud Territorial claims to the Arctic New Swabia lasted 6 years - from 1939 to 1945 - a period when Nazi Germany still did not lose hope of world domination. The name of the German Antarctic sector comes from Schwaben (Swabia) - this is the former Duchy of the German Empire, whose lands in early XIX centuries passed away to France.

    It should be noted that the German government was never given a formal rejection of the lands of New Swabia. However, today this territory is called Queen Maud Land and the rights to it are claimed by Norway.

    From the first expeditions to the Hitlerite project "Neu-Schwabenland"

    Following the example of other countries, Germany began exploring Antarctica at the end of the 19th century. The purpose of these expeditions was scientific research. Before the Nazis came to power, Germany carried out two independent Antarctic expeditions - from 1901 to 1903 and from 1911 to 1912. The Germans were the first to test atmospheric probes filled with hot air there, and they also discovered, described and named a new surveyed area, which they called the Land of Kaiser Wilhelm II. In the second expedition, German scientists were going to go through all of Antarctica in order to find out what it is - a solid continent or an island group. The large-scale project did not succeed, but the researchers discovered two more geographical objects, which the Germans called the Luitpold Coast and the Filchner Ice Shelf.

    In 1933, the German National Socialist headed by A. Hitler

    the Static Labor Party (NSDAP) became the ruling party in Germany. "Gatherer of Territories" Adolf Hitler immediately announced territorial claims to "no man's" Antarctica, which the Fuehrer considered as a potential new territory of the Third Reich.

    The Germans began preparations for a new, third, expedition to Antarctica with the aim of exploring a certain part of the continent and the subsequent consolidation of this territory for Nazi Germany. Antarctic land was supposed to become the very New Swabia, Neu-Schwabenland

    What was Alfred Reacher's expedition doing there?

    Preparations for the New Swabia expedition continued until 1938. The German ship "Swabia" was re-equipped for Antarctic research, a seaplane, a crane and other equipment were fixed on it. The team of specially trained polar explorers was led by Captain Alfred Reacher, an experienced explorer who had visited the North Pole several times before. The expedition is said to have cost the budget of Nazi Germany about 3 million Reichsmarks.

    In December 1938, the "Swabia" sailed from the port of Hamburg in the direction of Antarctica, the journey to the mainland took a little more than a month. The research (and they were large-scale) took less time than the actual road from Hamburg to Antarctica - in mid-February of the same year, the expedition set off on the return journey.

    During this expedition, photographs of the Antarctic territory of over 300 thousand square kilometers were carried out from two planes (and in general, the German researchers flew about 600 thousand km2), the Schirmacher oasis was discovered, on which there was no ice. The Germans scattered a large number of pennants with the Nazi swastika around the perimeter of the investigated territory, thereby marking the boundaries of their future possessions.

    Upon returning home, Reacher urged Hitler to organize another expedition as soon as possible, with a lot of equipment. But the outbreak of the Second World War prevented the implementation of these plans.

    Nazi Antarctic military base 211 "New Berlin" is nothing more than a myth. During their three weeks in Antarctica, Reacher's expedition could not build even a semblance of a military base there. And she did not set such a goal - it was physically impossible. Meanwhile, the equipment of the Antarctic secret military base 211 "New Berlin" is attributed by conspiracy theorists and esotericists to Alfred Reacher. Allegedly, the occult values ​​of the Third Reich were subsequently delivered to Antarctica on submarines and hidden there, and the Germans contacted aliens at a secret base.

    All these tales are based on information about the activity of Nazi submarines off the coast of Antarctica during World War II. German submariners really often cruised in these places, especially since 1943, a period of turning point in the Great Patriotic War, when the Nazis realized that their defeat in this war was apparently inevitable.

    The Germans transported valuables and people on submarines to Argentina, where, with the help of Nazi Germany, a coup was carried out in 1943 and the pro-Nazi Juan Peron came to power. It is no coincidence that many Nazi criminals subsequently took refuge in this South American country. After unloading in some Argentine port, German submarines deliberately went to the shores of Antarctica and actively indicated their presence there in order to mislead American and British intelligence. And then they returned to their bases.

    It is no coincidence that, apart from the sites of Nazi submarines, modern Antarctic explorers on this continent did not find anything. An entire base with underground utilities is not a needle in a haystack.

    Anomalies on the Neumeier III

    Today, on the territory of the former New Swabia, the German Antarctic station "Neumeier III" is operating, the employees of which are engaged in the usual scientific research for these places.

    tel work.

    Several years ago, scientists began to notice strange phenomena near the station - incomprehensible flying objects. So far, no one can explain what it is. But no greetings from a non-existent Nazi base.

    Glacial reich

    An invasion of scientists is expected on the southern continent this year. The 54th Russian Antarctic Expedition, which has already begun its work, includes leading employees of academic institutions - microbiology, paleontology, geochemistry and analytical chemistry. Eleven NASA specialists will work side by side with Russian scientists. In this regard, representatives of the Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute say that there are lakes in the area of ​​the so-called Schirmacher oasis, which are considered as an excellent testing ground for future technologies. And in particular, technologies for searching for extraterrestrial living organisms on the planets of the Universe using special robots. This year, the drilling of Lake Vostok is to resume, where, as scientists assume, the simplest living creatures can live. Is such an increased interest in the ice continent accidental, when experts different countries as if by agreement, as if they were expecting some miracle from the sixth continent? It is possible that their hopes will come true. Only discoveries can follow a completely different plan - it is possible that it will be possible to shed light on one of the most intriguing mysteries of the recent past - the Nazi plans to populate Antarctica. The fact that such plans existed is evidenced by the unusual documents at the disposal of Itogi.

    Tibetan footprint

    Antarctica was discovered back in 1820. However, its first systematic and in-depth study began only a century later. Moreover, the most interested researchers of the ice continent were representatives of Nazi Germany. In 1938-1939, the Germans equipped two powerful expeditions to the continent. Luftwaffe planes photographed vast territories in detail and dropped several thousand metal pennants with a swastika onto the mainland. Captain Ritscher, who was in charge of the operation, personally reported to Field Marshal Goering, who at that time was the head of the Ministry of Aviation and the first man in the Air Force: “Every 25 kilometers, our aircraft dropped pennants. We covered an area of ​​approximately 8.6 million square meters. Of which 350 thousand square meters were photographed ". The surveyed area was named New Swabia and declared part of the future millennial Reich. Actually, the name was not chosen by chance. Swabia is a medieval duchy that later became part of the unified German state.

    The Nazis' activity in this area, of course, did not hide from Soviet intelligence, as evidenced by a unique document labeled "Top Secret", which was at the disposal of "Itogi". On January 10, 1939, he lay down on the table of Vsevolod Merkulov, First Deputy People's Commissar of the NKVD, Head of the Main Directorate of State Security. In it, an unknown intelligence officer reported the following about his trip to the Reich: "... At present, according to Gunther, a party of German researchers is working in Tibet. The result of the work of one of the groups ... made it possible to equip a German scientific expedition to Antarctica in December 1938. . The purpose of this expedition is the discovery by the Germans of the so-called city of the gods, hidden under the ice of Antarctica in the area of ​​the Queen Maud Land ... "

    It is worth dwelling in more detail on the contacts of German scientists and Tibetans in this story. It began in the 1920s and continued until the very fall of the Reich. So, according to the Soviet military intelligence officers, who were the first to enter Berlin, on the approaches to the office of the Fuhrer's residence, more than a thousand corpses were found with features characteristic of immigrants from the Himalayas. In the bunker itself lay the bodies of thirty more representatives of the Mongoloid race. Who are they and why were they so far from their home? The answer to this question is given by the materials of interrogations of an employee of the OGPU Yakov Blumkin. In 1926 he was the representative of the OGPU in Ulan Bator. At the same time, he performed residency assignments in adjacent territories - in Tibet, Inner Mongolia, and some regions of China. It was Blumkin who first informed the OGPU about the German expedition to Tibet. According to him, in 1926, colonies of Tibetans appeared in Berlin and Munich, and a certain Tibetan society was created. The famous German esoteric scientist Karl Haushofer, who was fascinated by the ideas of psychotechnics and sacred spiritual practices, often paid visits there. It was on the initiative of this man that large-scale expeditions to the Himalayas were organized. All this became known in 1928, when Blumkin was declared an enemy of the people and arrested. During the investigation, he actively talked about how the Germans were looking for the legendary Shambhala in the Himalayas, but not finding it, they moved the center of their research to Antarctica. However, more than ten years passed before the Germans established their presence on the ice continent.

    Secret sailing directions

    There is direct documentary evidence that from 1940 to 1943 the Nazis erected some secret objects in Antarctica in the area of ​​Queen Maud Land. Soviet intelligence was reliably aware of the following. Some German scientists shared the "hollow earth" theory, according to which there are giant voids under the planet's surface, which are real oases with warm air. According to German experts, similar voids existed in Antarctica. In the archival documents of SMERSH studied by "Itogi" there is information that in 1938 German submariners who explored the ice continent allegedly found something under a layer of ice. If you believe the secret documents, then we are talking about "territories underground, but with the same mountains and continents, oceans of fresh water, an internal sun around which the Earth rotates." Passage to these territories is possible as a result of special maneuvers when diving in submarines. Pilots have been preserved. The Germans, assuming that the cards could fall into the wrong hands, made several options, including false ones. The maps were printed in 1,500 copies at the Dachau concentration camp in the "Sonderlaboratory" in January 1944, which testifies to the extreme secrecy of the information. It is not surprising that all the people involved in their manufacture were destroyed.

    They weren't just cards anyway. On each of them, numbers and signs that require decoding by specialists in the field of astronomy and navigation indicate different keys. It is suspected that they are used depending on the seasons and the location of the moon. At the very end of the war, the People's Commissar of the USSR Navy, Admiral Nikolai * Kuznetsov, were sent by intelligence ten copies of German submarine maps to "organize the planned work and develop proposals."

    Historians, working with archival documents of the SS, found specific records. "My submariners have discovered a real paradise on earth," said the commander of the German submarine fleet, Admiral Doenitz. And one more mysterious phrase that sounded from his lips: "The German submarine fleet is proud that at the other end of the world it has created an impregnable fortress for the Fuhrer." Hitler himself allegedly talked about this. At a holiday on the completion of the construction of the building of the new Reich Chancellery, he said: "Well, okay! If in this divided-redivided Europe a couple of states can be joined to the Reich in a few days, then no problems are foreseen with Antarctica, and even more so ..."

    From secret documents it follows that in 1940 in Antarctica, on the personal instructions of the Fuhrer, the construction of two underground bases began. Their purpose was extremely functional - they were reliable shelters and at the same time testing grounds for creating super-advanced technologies. Nobody put any sacred meaning into these objects.

    38 submarines from the Fuehrer's Convoy unit were used to transport cargo to distant lands. Mentions of these boats are also found in the documents of Soviet intelligence: "... I report that on June 11, 1945, counterintelligence officers of the SMERSH 79 rifle corps in the headquarters of the German Navy at the address: Berlin-Tiergarten, Tirpitzsufer 38-42," maps were found in the office. passage of the sea depths "with a signature" only for captains of submarines A-class Sonder-convoy of the Fuhrer "in the amount of 38 pieces with serial numbers" 44 "No. from 0188 to 0199 ... from No. 0446 to 0456".

    According to some military historians, at the very end of the war in the port of German Kiel, torpedo armament was removed from these submarines and loaded with containers with various cargoes. In addition, the submarines took on board several hundreds of passengers, who were destined to become residents of New Swabia.

    Volunteers required

    A document from the SMERSH counterintelligence archives: "... Extracts from a secret notebook with the texts of the outlined orders of the Supreme Commander of the German Armed Forces and Reichsfuehrer SS Adolf Hitler on the selection of candidates among the Wehrmacht, Luftwaffe, naval forces and SS troops for sending to Antarctica. with synopsis of orders belongs to the Wehrmacht Colonel Wilhelm Wolf, whom the SMERSH counterintelligence agencies are currently looking for. The notebook was found among the archival documents of the Wehrmacht High Command in the city of Pirna near Dresden ... "

    Since 1942, the transfer of future residents began to New Swabia, primarily scientists and specialists of the Ahnenerbe, an integrated scientific center of the SS, as well as "purebred Aryans" from among the members of the Nazi party. And there is archival evidence of that. The development of the Antarctic territories was the most important strategic task set by the Fuhrer. From the order of the Reichsfuehrer CC No. 330 of 05/27/1940: "For parts of the SS, Wehrmacht, Luftwaffe and Navy. Top secret. Only for the executing personnel. With the execution of the order of the Fuhrer of 01/10/1940" On the selection of volunteers to populate the underground regions of Antarctica "there are problems due to the fact that volunteers at the last moment refuse to leave the Reich, as well as their family and friends forever.In this regard, the selection of volunteers should be made only from among those who have no parents and are not related to relatives. Interviews stop. To work among those whose relatives have died or died, to send such candidates without explanation to component parts for sending to New Swabia. The briefing with the candidates will be conducted by special instructors trained for this before the dive. parts must obey unquestionably * as if. local branches of the Gestapo in 15 copies. "

    After the defeat of the Nazi troops, the head of the SMERSH Main Directorate of Counterintelligence Viktor Abakumov was ordered to "orient the counterintelligence operatives in the Soviet occupation zones in Europe in order to search (obtain) any operational and technical information regarding the activities of the German submarine fleet and the" special convoy of the Fuhrer "for transporting people and values ​​to South American countries and Antarctica. " At the same time, it was proposed to take measures to arrest and transport especially important witnesses and eyewitnesses, other participants in similar operations, capable of providing clear and detailed information in this area. Cold Pole Energy

    What were the leading German scientists going to do in Antarctica, apart from working on creating a new generation of crystal clear Aryans? There are at least two versions on this score. Let's conditionally divide them into simple and complex. The simple one looks really straightforward: Hitler and his analysts did not rule out the fall of the Third Reich, which means that they had to find a place in advance where the hands of world justice would not reach. In addition, on a separate territory, a new truly Aryan race should have crystallized, which would have laid the foundation for the Fourth Reich.

    The complex version essentially includes the first - a simple one, but only as a small part of a huge "project of immortality". After all, having received from the Tibetans some unique knowledge, technologies and keys to enter the depths of the earth, the Germans may have realized what has worried humanity since the creation of the world to this day. It is quite possible that German scientists managed to create alternative energy sources. Researchers argue that in the scientific archives of the Third Reich there are drawings explaining the principles of "twisting" of subtle physical fields, allowing you to create some "technomagical apparatus". If you believe the evidence found by the Smershevites, then the electrodynamic machines developed by German scientists, using fast rotation, not only changed the structure of time around them, but also floated in the air. It was this principle that was allegedly used in the creation of the so-called flying discs by the Nazis. Scientists of the Reich allegedly managed to obtain the anti-gravity effect.

    From the point of view of science, there is nothing incredible in gravitational engines. Specialists working in the field of alternative energy sources know the so-called Hans Kohler converter, which converts the energy of gravity into electrical energy. There is information that these converters were used in electromagnetic gravitational motors produced in Germany in 1942-1945 at the Siemens and AEG plants. The same converters were allegedly used as energy sources not only on "flying discs", but also on some giant submarines and underground bases. Retired American Army Colonel Windel Stevens writes in his memoirs: “Our intelligence knew that the Germans were building eight very large cargo submarines, and all of them were launched, manned and then disappeared without a trace. To this day, we have no idea where they are gone. They are not on the ocean floor, and they are not in any port that we know of. "

    And another American military leader, Admiral Richard Byrd, mentioned a rather curious story dating back to 1946. Then the Americans sent an entire expedition to Antarctica, but this flotilla, according to the admiral, was defeated by unknown naval forces, or rather, "flying saucers" that emerged from under the water and literally shot the ships.

    The main argument of those who doubt the existence of a polar base is the difficulty of delivering there the colossal amount of fuel needed to generate electricity. The argument is serious, but one can object to this: if Kohler converters are created, then the need for fuel is minimal.

    The last refuge

    In recent years, there has been a real hunt for documents related to New Swabia. Several years ago, documents from the collection of the famous diplomat Miguel Serrano were stolen from the special custody of the Chilean national military-historical archive in Santiago. Disappeared at his request until 2014, a part of the documents, which contained materials allegedly built by Nazi Germany at the end of the war underground cities in Antarctica. The Chilean press claimed that the circle of the deceased ex-dictator Augusto Pinochet, who maintained friendly relations with Serrano, could be involved in the loss of the archive. The former Chilean diplomat back in the 1950s-1960s, in a number of his books, put forward the thesis that Hitler did not die, but found refuge in a huge underground city somewhere in the New Swabia region - on the Queen Maud Land.

    At the same time, SMERSH had on hand irrefutable evidence of the death of Adolf Hitler. Chief among them was and remains a dentocard of a charred corpse found in the courtyard of the Reich Chancellery. According to the testimony of the personal dentist of the Nazi leader, it is fully consistent with the Fuehrer's dentocard. However, it cannot be ruled out that the Germans, who possessed an exceptionally powerful intelligence apparatus, could easily arrange a "theatrical production" of the Fuhrer's death and forge the dentocard in advance. After all, it could be assumed that it was by the teeth that the winners would identify the corpse of their main enemy, burnt beyond recognition. Therefore, it is impossible to completely exclude the fact that Hitler could have been evacuated from surrounded Berlin. Hiding in Antarctica, the Reich leader cut off all personal contact with the outside world. In addition, there is a mass of evidence that Adolf Hitler's associates appeared in Argentina, Peru and Chile, where they hid from Nazi hunters, safely avoiding the Nuremberg trials.

    Serrano also suggested that a new generation of aircraft were created in the laboratories of Nazi Germany. In his last letters to Pinochet, published in the open press, he reported that there was strong evidence in favor of the fact that the secret base of Nazi Germany not only survived after the war, but also confidently grew. And, perhaps most importantly, a number of researchers believe that the German base in Antarctica has survived to this day. And, they say, this can explain the current heightened interest of the leading world powers in the ice continent. It is absolutely clear: the one who is the first to discover the mysterious settlement will become the owner of unique technologies.

    Merkulov folders

    How did Itogi obtain copies of the unique documents? The story of their origin is simple. During the collapse of the USSR, the subsequent putsch, confusion and chaos, a part of the archive of the Central Committee of the CPSU fell into the hands of one of the generals. Among the pile of documents were the so-called Merkulov folders. In the period from 1943 to 1946, Vsevolod Merkulov was the People's Commissar of State Security of the USSR and oversaw the investigation of the death of the leaders of Nazi Germany, and his relative was just a member of one of the investigative teams involved in establishing the circumstances of the death of Hitler and his closest circle.

    It should be noted that over time, the interest of the special services in Antarctica has not faded away, but, on the contrary, has increased. Best of that confirmation - the recent visit of the former director of the FSB Nikolai Patrushev to the ice continent. As far as is known, the Russian special services are both actively studying archival documents and closely monitoring all events related to Antarctica. One of the employees of the Russian special services told the Itogi correspondent that, despite the seemingly fantastic version of the presence of Germans in Antarctica, it has several completely obvious factual confirmations. For example, Russian scientists have recorded cases of moving some rather large elongated cylindrical objects under the Antarctic ice. It is still difficult to say what it is. In addition, according to a competent representative of the special services, even today it is simply impossible to use all the technical power for the development and constant monitoring of Antarctica. The orbits of space satellites are located in such a way that they do not allow covering the entire territory of the ice continent, and a significant part of it remains in the "dead zone". Attempts to aggressively penetrate into the bowels of the continent, according to the interlocutor of Itogi, were made. It is known about at least two military expeditions undertaken in the last twenty years. Both were interrupted on an emergency basis: all scientific equipment for some unknown reason suddenly went out of order, and the teams were seized with unaccountable horror - in front of numerous witnesses, people jumped overboard into the icy water. There is no evidence of this in expeditionary reports. All information is strictly classified. As researchers and enthusiasts of this topic suggest, countries that have at least some data about New Swabia have agreed to remain silent. Ignorance of certain things can sometimes be much better than knowledge.

    Stepan Krivosheev
    Grigory Sanin

    Added after 1 minute 37 seconds
    Yes, if anyone is interested, then you can find something interesting for yourself

    A point on the map

    Queen Maud Land- a vast area on the Atlantic coast of Antarctica, lying between 20 ° west and 44 ° 38 "east longitude. Area - about 2,500,000 square kilometers. The territory is subject to the Antarctic Treaty. This treaty prohibits the use of Antarctic territories for any purpose other than scientific Several scientific stations operate on the territory of Queen Maud Land, including the Russian station Novolazarevskaya and the German station Neumeier.

    Another life

    There is a lot of evidence that there are places in the central region of the Antarctic ice sheet where there appears to be water at the bottom of the ice sheet. Igor Zotikov, a researcher at the Institute of Geography of the Russian Academy of Sciences, told the Itogov correspondent how in 1961 he analyzed data on the ice sheet of the central part of Antarctica obtained during the first four Soviet expeditions. The results of this analysis showed that the central regions are in conditions where the heat removal from the lower surface of the glacier upwards due to its great thickness is very small. In this regard, the entire flow of heat from the bowels of the earth cannot be entirely removed from the boundaries of the "ice - solid bed" interface; part of it must be constantly spent on continuous melting at this boundary. The following conclusion was made: melt water in the form of a relatively thin film is squeezed out to places where the glacier is thinner. In separate depressions of the under-ice bed, this water can accumulate in the form of lakes of melt water. In May 1962, the Izvestia newspaper wrote: “... It can be assumed that under the ice of Antarctica, on an area almost equal to the area of ​​Europe, a sea of ​​fresh water is poured. It must be rich in oxygen, which is delivered by the upper layers of ice gradually sinking into the depths and snow. And it is very possible that this subglacial sea has its own, exceptionally peculiar life ... "

    There are still unexplored areas in Antarctica, says Sergei Bulat, senior researcher at the Department of Molecular and Radiation Biophysics at the St. Petersburg Institute of Nuclear Physics. - The subglacial structure is very diverse, it is a common continental relief, where there are mountains, lakes and so on. There are niches between the continent and the ice, but not empty, they are all filled with either water or ice. However, in my opinion, the existence of a separate civilization under the ice cap is impossible. After all, the ice thickness in Central Antarctica is over three kilometers. It is difficult for anything to survive there. Do not forget that the average temperature on the surface of the continent is minus 55 degrees. Although under the ice, of course, it is warm - about 5-6 degrees below zero, nevertheless life there is unlikely.

    It is fantastic!
    Ephraim Zuroff, "Nazi hunter", Director of the Israel Bureau of the Simon Wiesenthal Center:

    I think that the resettlement of the Nazis in Antarctica is a completely crazy idea, designed to confuse the world community and send the search for criminals down the wrong path. We know that after the war, thousands of Nazis fled to Canada, Australia, North and South America, but not to Antarctica. I have not seen a single real document and have not heard more or less plausible evidence that at least one fascist was at the South Pole. All such statements are from the realm of fantasy.

    Sergei Sorokin, military historian, leading employee of the Central Museum of the Great Patriotic War:

    The version about the flight of Hitler and his inner circle to Antarctica is science fiction. There is objective and more than once verified evidence that the body of the leader of the Third Reich was burned and identified. But even without Hitler, the remnants of the Nazis would not have gone to Antarctica - for what ?! After all, they had the opportunity to hide in South America. There are a lot of pseudoscientific versions about the Antarctic base of the Nazis, however, as far as I know, so far no objective confirmation has been found for them.

    Who is the war ...

    Most military analysts argue that by the end of World War II, Germany was ahead of its opponents in some military-technical areas. It is on weapons capable of deciding the fate of a large-scale military campaign - the FAU-1 and FAU-2 cruise missiles, jet fighter aircraft and even tactical nuclear weapons. In his memoirs, one of the German military analysts, Lieutenant General-Engineer Erich Schneider, claims that at the end of the war, according to the most conservative estimates, 346 thousand German patents were confiscated by the victors, many of which gave a powerful technological impetus to the countries of the anti-Hitler coalition.

    Schneider believes that in the laboratories and research institutes of the belligerent parties, work was carried out with the maximum effort, the purpose of which was not only to neutralize the enemy's achievements, but also to surpass them. And this, in turn, gave a new impetus to research. Thus, in terms of the growth of technical capabilities, modern warfare is like a pendulum, which increases its amplitude with each swing.

    However, according to Schneider, in the pre-war and war years in Germany there was no single center for the leadership of science. Scientists were literally "attributed" to one or another branch of the army, and then they were often transferred to another direction. The only exception was, perhaps, the submarine fleet. Admiral Doenitz, by a strong-willed decision, threw away the tangled system of scientific leadership, personally convened a conference of leading experts, frankly told them about the technical crisis of the submarine fleet and appointed one of the scientists as the chief of the research headquarters of the Navy. Eliminating all intermediate instances, the admiral subordinated the new chief to himself. It is interesting that it was the German submarine fleet that was the main force in the development of Antarctica.

    Continuing the story ...

    Gone are the glorious times when our ships were the true masters of the four oceans. It was then that I met a naval officer, captain of the first rank Vershinin, who told me about the terrible secret of Antarctica.

    Queen Maud Land

    He began with the fact that the most ordinary sailor with a nuclear submarine (nuclear submarine) would give Cousteau 100 points of handicap in terms of the geography of travel in the world's oceans. And if this sailor was invited to a TV studio to talk about the delights of, for example, the Sargasso Sea, it would be embarrassing. Submariners, except for the commander and even a few officers, do not see anything. For many months, the life of people on a submarine is subject to an iron rhythm - the cycle of watches. And although on the surface through the periscope one can see palm trees on exotic shores and even tanned charms of savages, the same plafonds constantly shine on the sailor, at the set hour he is inexorably lifted out of bed by inexorable, like a multiplication table, commands. Vershinin began his service in the second command compartment. Maybe my memory lets me down, but I remember the name of the area where the boat was on alert: Queen Maud Land. It was Antarctica, a continent with a characteristic ice sheet. The ice surface accounts for 95% of the territory. The rest are mountain tops sticking out of the ice and rare rocky oases. The average ice thickness is 2300 meters, so that nominally most of Antarctica can be attributed to mountains.

    Why guard the icy desert? This question haunted the young navigator. The commanders were silent and only constantly called for vigilance. The reason for their alarm, it seemed, was the presence of a restless neighbor - a US Navy submarine, which literally rubbed against the side of a Soviet submarine. By plotting the coordinates on the map, Vershinin soon established that her maneuvers always boiled down to one thing: to be in a state of dagger torpedo attack on our ship. However, the Soviet crew had exactly the same goal against the Americans. For several months the boats were at gunpoint each other. They, like strict doormen, guarded the gate to the Land of Queen Maud.

    Long and repetitive work makes the brain look for food for thought. The navigator always has fresh information, its analysis and generalization was carried out by Vershinin at his post. Once I drew attention to the strange behavior of meteorological instruments. The air temperature sensor on the surface for a moment suddenly fell from -40 to -15. The navigator determined the coordinates of the source and the initial temperature. It turned out that a warm wind was blowing from the coastline of Queen Maud Land, and there the wind was heated to no less than +20 degrees!
    “Never mind,” said the commander, “it's Hitler who spoils the air.

    When was Hitler kaput?

    The mention of Hitler's name was not accidental. In the early 70s, the boat was removed from combat duty off the coast of Antarctica. At the same time, among the officers, there was talk that the submariners were "swarming" not just anywhere, but at the gates of the den of the fascist leaders. It was there, on the icy continent, that they happily lived out their days. The search for truth began.

    The textbook version of Hitler's death in an underground bunker under the Reich Chancellery suits official historians. But Stalin, until 1948, was skeptical of the NKVD's operational materials on the death of the Fuhrer, more trusting the information of military intelligence officers. From their materials it followed that on May 1, 1945, in the sector of the 52nd Guards Rifle Division, a group of German tanks broke through from Berlin, which was moving at high speed to the northwest. Several powerful civilian vehicles were seen in the ranks of the convoy, which, after the breakthrough, left the convoy and disappeared in an unknown direction. Hitler and his entourage were in these cars. Later it became known that the exit corridor was deliberately organized by someone in the ranks of our and Polish troops ... There is a version: Hitler died in Antarctica in 1971.
    The interest in the ice continent of Nazi leaders, including Hitler and Hess, is explained by their belief that a purely Aryan race can be raised in isolated colonies located in the northern and even polar regions. In addition, during the war, the Nazis needed large areas in which to be located secret bases for testing advanced weapons. At the same time, it was possible to check whether Antarctica is the legendary proto-continent, on which the Nordic race once appeared and lived.

    The German exploration of Antarctica began in 1873 with an expedition organized by the German Society for Polar Research. And at the end of 1938, Hitler sent an expedition to the Atlantic coast of Antarctica. The Germans installed a swastika on a vast territory of the western part of Queen Maud Land and called this territory New Swabia (one of the tribal duchies of the Kingdom of Germany was called Swabia in the Early Middle Ages). The most interesting discovery of the expedition was the discovery of small ice-free areas with small lakes and vegetation. The geologists of the expedition suggested that all this is a consequence of the action of underground hot springs. Some researchers claim that divers also discovered a whole system of interconnected caves with warm air.

    According to the Nazi theory of the "Hollow Earth", it is there that there are giant underground cavities - oases with warm air. German divers who explored Antarctica called the underground caves paradise. Since 1940, on a personal secret order of Hitler, the construction of two underground bases in the area of ​​Queen Maud Land began. And in 1942, the transfer of future residents began in New Swabia: scientists and specialists from the SS complex scientific center, as well as representatives of the Nazi party and the state.

    The construction was carried out by the hands of prisoners of war, who were regularly destroyed and replaced by new prisoners. The base was guarded by SS troops equipped with the latest submarines, jet fighters and rocket launchers with nuclear warheads. In 1945, the Nazis installed five FAU-5 ballistic missiles on alert here to bombard US territory. The Americans, who at that time counted on a long-term monopoly in the development of nuclear weapons, saw New Schwabenland as a threat to national security. And although it was previously decided not to touch the last refuge of the Fuhrer, which could come in handy in a future war with world communism, in 1947 the Americans sent a powerful military squadron to Antarctica, which began hostilities against the Nazi base. Despite heavy losses on both sides, the base survived. Since then, the operation of the base has become a special state secret of the United States and the USSR, which urgently surrounded this region of Antarctica with their "scientific" tracking stations.

    In the early 80s, the USSR and the USA dismantled the tracking posts for Swabia. Interest in the ice continent has temporarily faded. This was due to the fact that all the old Nazis died out, and the new ones, according to rumors, did not want to live there. According to some reports, Swabia was destroyed by the Nazis themselves, according to others, the Americans created a nuclear submarine base in its place.

    When will we find out the truth?

    It was in the early 80s that our submariners stopped sailing off the coast of Queen Maud Land, and soon our stationary Antarctic bases were mothballed. How closely this is connected with Hitler and his entourage, while one can only guess. The truth is due to open in 2014. Documents from the collection of the famous philosopher, conspiracy theorist and occultist Miguel Serrano were stolen from the special depository of the Chilean National Military Historical Archives in Santiago. The part, which was closed at the request of Serrano until 2014, disappeared, which contained materials about the underground cities in Antarctica allegedly built by Nazi Germany at the end of the war, where Adolf and Eva Hitler flew from Berlin on April 28, 1945.

    In the 1950s and 1960s, Serrano put forward in a number of books the thesis that Hitler did not die, but organized the carefully prepared "Twilight of the Gods" in the spirit of his beloved epic about the Nibelungs and Wagner's tetralogy. After arranging a mystical wedding with Eva Braun in Berlin engulfed in flames and preparing a performance with "suicide", in which a double took part, even the structure of the teeth of which completely repeated his own, Hitler and his wife left the capital of the Third Reich. They flew to Antarctica and took refuge in a huge underground city.

    Documentary confirmation of this should be made public, according to the will of Miguel Serrano, in 2014.

    In the 1950s and 1960s, Serrano put forward in a number of books the thesis that Hitler did not die, but organized the carefully prepared "Twilight of the Gods" in the spirit of his beloved epic about the Nibelungs and Wagner's tetralogy. After arranging a mystical wedding with Eva Braun in Berlin engulfed in flames and preparing a performance with "suicide", in which a double took part, even the structure of the teeth of which completely repeated his own, Hitler and his wife left the capital of the Third Reich. They flew to Antarctica and took refuge in a huge underground city.

    Interesting, but it seems to me unlikely ..... although

    It turns out that there are burials of Eva Braun and her relatives in Argentina. At the end of the war, the Nazis carried out Operation Double. Allegedly, after this operation, traces of the escape of Hitler and Eva Braun were found in the same Argentina. It is a fact that the president of this country received all the fleeing Nazis (it is clear that the highest ranks). In the archives, I don't remember, I think Chile, there were classified archives and a photograph of Hesse was discovered there, by the way, in old age. In general, the topic is interesting, it would be necessary to delve into it (when there is time).

    it would be very interesting

    Added after 8 minutes 8 seconds
    "Hitler died in ... 1964",- says the author of the controversial bestseller Abel BASTI.
    The writer is sure: the Reich Chancellor and his wife fled from Berlin on the day they announced his suicide. (interview with the author of the sensational book "Hitler in Argentina" Abel Basti. With the help of archival documents, the writer tries to prove that the head of the Third Reich fled from Berlin with a fake passport and died ... in 1964.)

    The peculiarity of this 50-year-old documentary writer from Argentina is not that he puts forward such versions. Perhaps Abel Basti was the first to support the theory of Hitler's disappearance with real documents and photos from the archives of the secret services. In 2004, the writer published the first book that brought him international success - "Nazis in Bariloche". However, it was impossible to imagine what kind of "bomb" he would detonate in the second part of his story - the bestseller "Hitler in Argentina". After conducting research, interviewing dozens of witnesses, publishing documents declassified by the FBI, Basti wants to prove that Hitler could hide in South America and live there to old age. How much he did it - let the readers of "AiF" judge. The writer has kindly agreed to give an interview to the largest Russian weekly.
    The Fuhrer's jaw was not tested for DNA

    - SENIOR Basti, in your book you claim that on April 30, 1945, Hitler managed to escape from Berlin by plane. How could he do this, if by that time the airfields were destroyed and the skies were controlled by the allies?

    - My book contains previously classified evidence from the FBI archives that on April 30 at 16:30 hours (that is, an hour after the alleged suicide) Hitler was seen next to his personal Ju-52 aircraft. At night, during the last week of April, the air transport of the Fuhrer's confidants landed on the Unter den Linden avenue, where the street lighting poles have survived. For example, Reichsminister Speer left the Fuehrerbunker on the 20th, and three days later calmly returned back on a Fieseler-Storch plane. As you can see, the air defense of the allies did not prevent him. On April 25, a secret meeting on the evacuation of Hitler was held in the "Fuehrerbunker", in which the female pilot Hanna Reitsch, the famous pilot Hans Ulrich Rudel and Hitler's personal pilot Hans Baur took part. The secret plan for the safe movement of the Fuhrer from the besieged capital of the Third Reich was codenamed "Operation Seraglio".

    - And who, in your opinion, carried out the evacuation of Hitler?

    - Two days later, five Storch aircraft arrived in Berlin (each with seats for ten passengers), on April 28 the same Ju-52, piloted by the pilot Bosser, arrived, - this was officially confirmed by Allied intelligence. A day later, by order of General Adolph Galland, the last German air force - a whole hundred Me-262 jet fighters - was unexpectedly lifted into the air over the capital of the Reich. They covered Hannah Reitsch's plane: she managed to break through the fire of Soviet anti-aircraft guns and fly out of Berlin - it was an experimental flight, and the fact that it was carried out by none of the historians is not disputed. The next day, according to the scenario already tested by Frau Reitsch, Adolf Hitler also left Berlin - he was heading for Spain, from where at the end of the summer he sailed in a submarine to Argentina. He was accompanied by Eva Braun, Müller and Bormann.

    - Okay, but what about the fragments of Hitler's jaw, which are stored in Moscow in the archives of the FSB? Research by both Soviet and independent experts unanimously confirmed that it belonged to the Fuehrer. What then happens - part of the jaw was torn off Hitler, but he still escaped?

    - The specialists had only the opportunity to compare this charred jaw with X-rays of that era, which were of terrible quality, and with the testimony of Hitler's personal dentist - and he could say anything. If you know, no DNA examination has ever been carried out: Russia systematically refuses to allow such an analysis. Meanwhile, this is the only way to find out the truth: one should compare the DNA samples that can be obtained from the remains of Adolf Hitler's sister, Paula, who died in 1960 and was buried in the Bergfriedhof cemetery. I am officially referring to the Russian authorities asking you to give me the opportunity to examine this jaw in order to obtain definitive proof that I am telling the truth.

    You know, people love conspiracy theories. For so many years there has been talk of the mysterious disappearance of "Nazi number two" - Martin Bormann, who disappeared from Berlin on May 1, 1945. A lot of people swore that they saw him in South America with their own eyes and could not be mistaken. But in 1972 in Berlin, while digging a foundation pit, a skeleton was found, and a double DNA study showed that these were Bormann's bones ...

    The funny thing is that both are right here. Martin Bormann really escaped, lived in Argentina and Paraguay: I found a lot of evidence of this, including documentary ones - especially a photo of Bormann taken in the fifties. Therefore, it is quite possible that when Bormann died a natural death, his remains were secretly transported to Berlin, after which they played a performance with their "find".
    "Submarines found off the coast of Argentina"

    Perhaps, using make-up, Hitler managed to leave the blazing Berlin (the photomontage was made by the FBI in 1945).

    An archival report (above) from an FBI agent in Argentina dated November 13, 1945, speaks in favor of this sensational story.

    - AGAIN THIS: in your book you write that Hitler and Eva Braun, along with an extensive retinue and security, arrived in Argentina on three submarines, which were then sunk in the bay for conspiracy purposes. Indeed, in the place that you indicated, at a depth of about 30 meters under water, with the help of special equipment, teams of divers discovered large objects covered with sand. But where is the evidence that these are precisely Nazi submarines?

    - I was based on the testimony of witnesses who, after the war, observed the arrival of three submarines with a swastika in the tiny bay of Caleta de los Loros, located in the Argentine province of Rio Negro. You say: Argentina was formally at war with Germany since March 27, 1945 - maybe these are traces of past sea battles? However, in the archives of the Argentine Ministry of Defense there is not a single word about the sinking of any German submarines. Then where did these sunken ships lying on the ground come from? I have made a request that the submarines should be brought to the surface and thoroughly investigated. German submarines sailed to Argentina several times after the war - for example, the U-977 submarine arrived in the country on August 17, 1945: it is assumed that its commander Heinz Schaeffer transported gold and other valuables of the Third Reich.

    You have published a document from the US FBI casting serious doubt on the official version of the death of Adolf Hitler. This paper, dated November 13, 1945, contains a report from an American agent in Argentina who works as a gardener for the wealthy German colonists, the Eichorns. The agent reports that the spouses living in the village of La Falda have been preparing the estate since June for the arrival of Hitler, which will take place in the very near future. Is this document real?

    This is a very strange question because I legally obtained this document after it was declassified from the FBI archives: dossier number 65-53615. And this is far from the only documentary evidence of Hitler's flight. There are several more secret reports from the FBI, CIA and MI5 about the living Fuhrer - but, unfortunately, the United States, Britain and Russia have not yet fully declassified all materials related to this topic. For example, there are three shorthand recordings of Joseph Stalin's conversation (one of them with US Secretary of State Byrnes) - where the USSR leader openly says that the Fuhrer managed to escape. For fifteen years I have conducted hundreds of interviews with direct witnesses of Hitler's presence in Argentina. Most of them began to speak only now - many Nazis in Argentina have died, they have nothing to be afraid of, although not all of them are still making contact. There is also a letter from Nazi General Seydlitz, dated 1956, informing that he is going to attend a meeting in Argentina between Hitler and the Croatian "Fuhrer" Pavelic.

    You often refer to the testimony of witnesses. But in this case, how to treat the words of other witnesses - who saw Hitler dead and buried his corpse?

    There is not a single person who would see with his own eyes how Hitler bit through an ampoule of poison and shot himself in the head. The story of the Fuhrer's suicide from beginning to end was invented by people from his inner circle - it was a special plan to confuse everyone. But even at first glance, there are several contradictions in the testimony of eyewitnesses to Hitler's death, if you study the archival documents. First it is said - he was poisoned. Then - no, he shot in the temple. After - sorry, first he was poisoned, and then shot himself. Potassium cyanide causes instant death and convulsions: how then did the person pull the trigger of the pistol?

    Added after 6 minutes 48 seconds
    On April 30, at 4:30 pm (that is, an hour after the alleged suicide), Hitler was seen next to his private Ju-52 aircraft.

    The Fuehrer's maid broke the silence

    The only surviving woman from Hitler's pre-war servants, 91-year-old Rosa Mitterer, broke a half-century vow of silence and spoke about how she worked at the Führer's residence in Bavaria.

    Mitterer still does not believe that her boss gave cold-blooded orders to destroy entire nations. According to Rosa, published by the Daily Mail, her owner was a very nice and kind person, and she very often thinks about the "charming facets" of his nature. But the maid called the personal secretary of the Fuhrer Heinrich Bormann a "dirty pig", the Chancellor of the Third Reich Paul Joseph Goebbels - bow-legged and sexually preoccupied, and the boss's beloved Eva Braun - not as good as they said.

    Mitterer began working for Hitler in 1932 at the age of 15. She was arranged there by her older sister Annie in place of the woman who allegedly shot herself after an affair with Hitler. As the pensioner said, her duties included feeding her loved ones german shepherd the owner. As Rosa recalls, the boss slept in a modestly furnished office on an iron bed, above which hung a portrait of his mother. The owner did not demand that she join the Nazi party. At Hitler's orders, he and his sister were taken to church every Sunday through the minefields that had surrounded the Fuehrer’s residence since 1934. In 1935, Rosa had an affair with entrepreneur Josef Amorts, after which she was fired.

    Mitterer is not the only one who speaks warmly of his master. Hitler's last secretary, Traudl Junge, also remembered him with great respect: "He was a man who treated us like a father, with love."

    The amazing mystery of the Third Reich: new finds

    The death of Martin Bormann was also shrouded in mystery. After failed truce negotiations with representatives of Great Britain and America, Bormann goes on the run. On May 2, 1945, according to eyewitnesses, during the escape, Bormann was wounded by a shell fragment, and in order not to fall into the hands of the enemy, he bit through an ampoule with potassium cyanide. The body of an unknown person was even found, which they tried to identify as Bormann's body because Bormann's personal diary was found near it. And although a graphological examination showed that the diary was written by Bormann's hand, it is difficult to believe that such a pragmatist travels without parting with the diary, like a romantic young lady. This diary lay in a conspicuous place, so that it was impossible not to notice it, as if it had been specially placed so that it was convenient to find it. Therefore, Martin Bormann, at that time, was considered missing.

    There were persistent rumors that Martin Bormann escaped and took refuge in Latin America, where he spent the rest of his days. Only many years later, at the end of 1972, during the construction of the road, the body was found by the workers. Thanks to the DNA analysis, which Martin Bormann's son agreed to give blood, it was established that the body found belonged to the SS Obergruppenfuehrer.

    So is there a possibility that Adolf Hitler survived and was able to escape world justice? Indeed, there is a version that some of the main leaders of Nazism, staging their suicides, found salvation and new house in Latin America.

    If it were possible, then the most likely place where the Fuhrer could hide, is Argentina. This is the opinion of the famous Argentinean publicist Abel Basti, who for many years has been conducting his own investigation, tracking the possible routes of the German Nazis in South America (the immigration of "ordinary" representatives of which the information is fairly well known). There was even one woman, Catalina Gomero, who was allegedly the Fuehrer's servant during his stay in Argentina. She gave testimony with such details that it was impossible to simply invent.

    Of course, if you wish, it is not difficult to find evidence of the salvation of Adolf Hitler and other Nazi criminals. Because it’s hard to argue that the evidence for their death is very compelling. But history has already been written once, and you shouldn't look for black cats in a dark room.

    Undoubtedly, the Fuehrer had a chance to escape, but not at the time of the capture of Berlin, but much earlier, especially since it was rumored that recently the Fuehrer was not like himself. The main Nazi was often denied memory, speech was slurred and incoherent, and even the Fuhrer's handwriting underwent changes. Of course, poor health was attributed to the consequences of the unsuccessful attempt on Hitler's life in 1944 and the general deterioration of the body, but who knows him there? The irrefutable fact is that the rulers of the Third Reich were preparing for a situation when it would be necessary to flee urgently. A secret evacuation route was developed through Italy, in which high officials of the Catholic Church were involved. Fortifications were built in the Bavarian Alps.

    Another mysterious incident can be considered the statement of residents of a town near Copenhagen about the discovery of a bottle in which a message from a German sailor was sealed, in which it was reported that Hitler was on board a submarine on November 10, 1945, and on the way from Finland to Spain, a boat sank after colliding with a ship that had sunk earlier. The Great Fuhrer was not saved ... Perhaps this is another attempt to become famous on a hot sensation, and perhaps this is another version that has a right to exist.

    Who could benefit from this stirring up of the past and the questionable fact of the death of the great Fuhrer? The fact is that immediately in the post-war years, political situation in the world has changed radically. Former allies: the USSR, the USA and Great Britain were no longer such. The USA began to rewrite history for themselves. And now, if you ask any American: “Who won the Second world war? ", You will be answered:" Of course, America! ".

    All these dirty rumors about Argentina's involvement in harboring the Nazis force the Kirchner government to immediately begin an investigation into the fate of the officers of the Third Reich who took refuge in the country and their connections with the then rulers of Argentina.

    It is known that the SS officers created the organization odessa (organization der ehemaligen ss-angehorigen), which began its activity during the war years and was engaged in the development of ways to retreat in case of defeat, the highest echelon of power of Nazi Germany. They worked out the evacuation routes, financial and household aspects, and also engaged in the production of false documents and the acquisition of huge plots of land. It is known that it was with the help of this organization that all the "gold of the party" of the Nazis, taken from the victims of the Holocaust, disappeared without a trace on the territory of Latin America.

    Interest in Latin America on the part of the Third Reich was manifested even in the pre-war years. On the territory of a flourishing rich continent, the Nazis dreamed of creating a new German colony "Chilean Prussia".

    With the approach of defeat, the German government begins to gradually transport VIP-persons to the countries of Latin America, where to replace the defeated Third Reich it dreams of creating a new - the Fourth Reich. Most often, the submarine fleet of Germany was used for this, the veracity of which is proved by the fact that three sunken German submarines were found off the Argentine coast, in the area of ​​Caleta de los Loros, at a depth of thirty meters. These submarines are not mentioned in any Ministry of Defense document, so they could have been used to transport Hitler and his henchmen. The most interesting thing is that there were also eyewitnesses that the allegedly escaped Fuhrer did not lead a secluded lifestyle, but even openly moved around the country.

    Of course, ODESSA was not the only organization helping to evacuate the Nazis. Some of the Nazis entered Latin America with Red Cross passports. There is another striking fact - the Catholic Church provided assistance in the evacuation of the Nazis. The bishop who headed the St. Mary's Soul Institute issued fake passports to hundreds of Nazi criminals. In the spring of 1947, an American diplomat in Rome, Vincent la Vista, even published a report proving the Vatican's direct involvement in sheltering the Nazis.

    No one will ever know the truth, and it is up to us to believe or not to believe in the myth of the Fourth Reich, which was allegedly created by the followers of the Nazis after the greatest defeat. As you know, the history is written by the winners, so we will respect the history on which we grew up and in which our parents believed. This will be a tribute to our fathers and grandfathers, many of whom laid down their lives in the name of victory over Nazism.

    P.S. And there is also a version with Antarctica ...

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